Essay about Mitrofan. The meaning of the last scenes


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One of the main characters of the comedy "Undergrowth" by Fonvizin is Prostakov Mitrofan Terentyevich, the noble son of the Prostakovs.
The name Mitrofan means “similar”, similar to the mother. Maybe with this name Mrs. Prostakova wanted to show that her son is a reflection of Prostakova herself.
Mitrofanushka was sixteen years old, but his mother did not want to part with her child and wanted to keep her until the age of twenty-six, not letting him go to work.
Mrs. Prostakova herself was stupid, insolent, impolite, and therefore did not listen to anyone's opinion.
“While Mitrofan is still in the undergrowth, while he is to be married; and there, in ten years, when he enters, God forbid, into the service, endure everything.
Mitrofanushka himself has no purpose in life, he only loved to eat, mess around and chase pigeons: “I’ll run to the dovecote now, so maybe either ...” To which his mother replied: “Go, frolic, Mitrofanushka.”
Mitrofan did not want to study, his mother hired teachers for him only because it was necessary in noble families, and not so that her son would learn the mind - the mind. As he told his mother: “Listen, mother. I amuse you. I will learn; just make sure it's the last one. The hour of washing the will has come. I don’t want to study, I want to get married” And Mrs. Prostakova always echoed him: “It’s very nice for me that Mitrofanushka doesn’t like to step forward, With his mind, let him sweep far, and God forbid! Only you are tormented, and everything, I see, is emptiness. Don't study this stupid science!"
The worst qualities of character, the most backward views on science characterize such young nobles as Mitrofan. He is also unusually lazy.
Mrs. Prostakova herself did not look for a soul in Mitrofanushka. Fonvizin understood the unreasonableness of her blind, animal love for her offspring, Mitrofan, a love that, in essence, destroys her son. Mitrofan ate himself to the point of colic in his stomach, and his mother tried to persuade him to eat more. The nanny said: “He already ate five buns, mother.” To which Prostakova replied: “So you feel sorry for the sixth, you beast.” These words show concern for the son. She tried to provide him with a carefree future, decided to marry him to a rich wife. If someone offends her son, she immediately comes to the defense. Mitrofanushka was one of her consolations.
Mitrofan treated his mother with disdain: “Yes! Just look what a task is from uncle: and there from his fists and for the watch book “What, what do you want to do? Come to your senses, darling!” “Vit here and the river is close. I’ll dive, and remember your name.” “Dead! God died with you! ”: these words prove that he does not love at all and he does not feel sorry for his mother, Mitrofan does not respect her and plays with her feelings. And when Prostakova, who has lost power, rushes to her son with the words: You are the only one left with me, my heartfelt friend, Mitrofanushka! ". And in response he hears a heartless: “Yes, get rid of you, mother, how you imposed yourself.” “The whole night such rubbish climbed into my eyes.” “What kind of rubbish Mitrofanushka?”. “Yes, then you, mother, then father.”
Prostakov was afraid of his wife and in her presence he spoke of his son as follows: “At least, I love him as a parent, this is a smart child, that is a reasonable, amusing, entertainer; sometimes I am beside myself with joy, I myself truly do not believe that he is my son, ”and added, looking at his wife:“ In your eyes, mine do not see anything.
Taras Skotinin, looking at everything that was happening, repeated: “Well, Mitrofanushka, I see you are a mother’s son, not a father!” And Mitrofan turned to his uncle: “What are you, uncle, overeating with henbane? Get out, uncle, get out."
Mitrofan was always rude to his mother and snapped at her. Although Eremeevna did not receive a penny for raising a minor, she tried to teach him good things, defended him from his uncle: “I will die on the spot, but I will not give the child away. Sunsya, sir, just show yourself if you please. I'll scratch out those thorns." I tried to make a decent person out of him: “Yes, teach at least a little.” “Well, say another word, you old bastard! I'll finish them off; I will again complain to my mother, so she will deign to give you a task in yesterday's way. Of all the teachers, only the German Adam Adamych Vralman praised Mitrofanushka, and even then because of the fact that Prostakov was not angry with him and scolded. The rest of the teachers openly scolded him. For example, Tsyfirkin: “Your nobility is always idle toil, if you please.” And Mitrofan snapped: “Well! Come on board, garrison rat! Get your asses back." “All asses, your honor. We’ll be left with tasks a century behind. ” Mitrofan's dictionary is small and poor. “Shoot them with Yeremeevna too”: this is how he spoke about his teachers and nanny.
Mitrofan was ill-bred, a rude, spoiled child, whom everyone around obeyed and obeyed, he also had freedom of speech in the house. Mitrofan was sure that the people around him should help him, give advice. Mitrofan had an inflated self-esteem.
No matter how smart and hardworking a person is, there is a particle of such Mitrofanushka in him. Every person is sometimes lazy. There are also people who try to live only at the expense of their parents, without doing anything themselves. Of course, many depend on the upbringing of children by parents.

(One of the main characters of the comedy "Undergrowth" by Fonvizin is Prostakov Mitrofan Terentyevich, the noble son of the Prostakovs.

The name Mitrofan means "similar", similar to the mother. Maybe with this name Mrs. Prostakova wanted to show that her son was a reflection of Prostakova herself.

Mitrofanushka was sixteen years old, but his mother did not want to part with her child and wanted to keep her until the age of twenty-six, not letting him go to work.

Mrs. Prostakova herself was stupid, insolent, impolite, and therefore did not listen to anyone's opinion.

“While Mitrofan is still underage, while he should be married; and there, in a dozen years, when he enters, God forbid, into the service, endure everything.

Mitrofanushka himself has no purpose in life, he only loved to eat, mess around and chase pigeons: “I’ll run to the dovecote now, so maybe either ...” To which his mother replied: “Go, frolic, Mitrofanushka.”

Mitrofan did not want to study, his mother hired teachers for him only because it was necessary in noble families, and not so that her son would learn the mind - the mind. As he told his mother: “Listen, mother. I amuse you. I will learn; just make sure it's the last one. The hour of washing the will has come. I don’t want to study, I want to get married.” And Mrs. Prostakova always echoed him: “It’s very nice to me that Mitrofanushka doesn’t like to step forward, With his mind, let him sweep far, and God forbid! Only you are tormented, and everything, I see, is emptiness. Don't study this stupid science!" The worst qualities of character, the most backward views on science characterize such young nobles as Mitrofan. He is also unusually lazy.

Mrs. Prostakova herself did not look for a soul in Mitrofanushka. Fonvizin understood the unreasonableness of her blind, animal love for her offspring, Mitrofan, a love that, in essence, destroys her son. Mitrofan ate himself to the point of colic in his stomach, and his mother tried to persuade him to eat more. The nanny said: “He already ate five buns, mother.” To which Prostakova replied: “So you feel sorry for the sixth, you beast.” These words show concern for the son. She tried to provide him with a carefree future, decided to marry him to a rich wife. If someone offends her son, she immediately comes to the defense. Mitrofanushka was one of her consolations.

Mitrofan treated his mother with disdain: “Yes! Just look what a task is from uncle: and there from his fists and for the watch book. ”What, what do you want to do? Remember, darling!" “Vit is here and the river is close. I’ll dive, and remember your name.” “Dead! God is dead with you! ”: these words prove that he does not love at all and he does not feel sorry for his own mother at all, Mitrofan does not respect her and plays on her feelings. And when Prostakova, who has lost power, rushes to her son with the words: You are the only one left with me, my heartfelt friend, Mitrofanushka! ". And in response he hears a heartless: “Yes, get rid of you, mother, how you imposed yourself.” “The whole night such rubbish climbed into my eyes.” "What rubbish is Mitrofanushka?" “Yes, then you, mother, then father.”

Prostakov was afraid of his wife and in her presence he spoke of his son as follows: “At least I love him as a parent, this is a smart child, that is a reasonable, amusing, entertainer; sometimes I am overjoyed with him, I myself truly do not believe that he is my son, ”and added, looking at his wife:“ In your eyes, mine do not see anything.

Taras Skotinin, looking at everything that was happening, repeated: “Well, Mitrofanushka, I see you are a mother’s son, not a father!” And Mitrofan turned to his uncle: “What are you, uncle, overeating with henbane? Get out, uncle, get out."

Mitrofan was always rude to his mother and snapped at her. Although Eremeevna did not receive a penny for raising a minor, she tried to teach him good, defended him from his uncle: “I will die on the spot, but I will not give the child away. Sunsya, sir, just show yourself if you please. I will scratch out those thorns. I tried to make a decent person out of him: “Yes, teach at least a little.” “Well, say another word, you old bastard! I'll finish them off; I will again complain to my mother, so she will deign to give you a task in yesterday's way. Of all the teachers, only the German Adam Adamych Vralman praised Mitrofanushka, and even then because of the fact that Prostakov was not angry with him and scolded. The rest of the teachers openly scolded him. For example, Tsyfirkin: "Your nobility always toil around idle, if you please." And Mitrofan snapped: “Well! Come on board, garrison rat! Set your butts." “All butts, your honor. We are left behind with tasks, a century behind. Mitrofan's dictionary is small and poor. “Take them with a shot and Eremeevna”: this is how he spoke about his teachers and nanny.

Mitrofan was ill-bred, a rude, spoiled child, whom everyone around obeyed and obeyed, he also had freedom of speech in the house. Mitrofan was sure that the people around him should help him, give advice. Mitrofan had an inflated self-esteem.

No matter how smart and hardworking a person is, there is a particle of such Mitrofanushka in him. Every person is sometimes lazy. There are also people who try to live only at the expense of their parents, without doing anything themselves. Of course, many depend on the upbringing of children by parents.

To people like Mitrofan, I am neither good nor bad. I just try to avoid talking to people like that. In general, I think that such people should try to help with their difficulties and problems. We need to reason with him, make him learn. If such a person does not want to improve himself, studies and studies, but, on the contrary, remains stupid and spoiled, treats his elders disrespectfully, then for the rest of his life he will remain undersized and ignorant.

Image of the people and images in the work “Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow” by Radishchev Roman A. Radishcheva “Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow” is one of the most significant phenomena of Russian literature of the eighteenth century. It is written in the then popular genre of “travel”, which was discovered by L. Stern, the founder of sentimentalism. In his assessment of man, Radishchev generally followed the sentimentalist writers and wrote that it is precisely the ability to sympathize that distinguishes man from the beast. Sympathy, compassion are the main emotions of the narrator in the novel: “I looked around me - my soul became wounded by the sufferings of mankind.”

What is the narrator's compassion for? The position of the people. The novel gives a broad panorama of the life of the serfs. And Radishchev is outraged not so much by the poverty and hard work of the peasants, but by the fact that they, like serfs, are deprived of free will, legally deprived of rights. “The peasant in law is dead,” writes Radishchev. And he is dead only when the protection of the law is required. This is what the head of “Zaitsevo” says. For many years, the cruel landowner and his family tortured the peasants, and no one ever stood up for the unfortunate. When the peasants, driven out of patience, killed the monster, the law remembered them, and they were sentenced to death.

The fate of the peasant is terrible: "And the lot of a riveted in bonds, and the lot of a prisoner in a stinking dungeon, and the lot of an ox in a yoke." But the narrator, brought up on the ideas of enlightenment, affirms the equality of all people. But the peasants for the most part are just human better than the landowners. The landlords in Radishchev's novel are almost all - negative characters, nonhumans. The morals of the peasants are healthy and natural, they are not infected by artificial civilization. This is especially clear when comparing urban and rural girls: “Look how all the members of my beauties are round, tall, not twisted, not spoiled. It's funny to you that they have feet at five. vershokov, and maybe six. Well, my dear niece, with your three-toothed leg, stand next to them and run in a run, who will sooner reach the tall birch that stands at the end of the meadow?

Village beauties are healthy and virtuous, while urban beauties “have blush on their cheeks, blush on their hearts, blush on their conscience, on sincerity ... soot.”

Main merit Radishchev and his main difference from most accusatory literature of the eighteenth century is that he does not complain about individual negative examples, but condemns the very order of things, the existence of serfdom: Slave peace under the shadow of Golden Fruits will not increase; Where all the mind abhors striving, Greatness will not vegetate there.

The peculiarity of Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow lies in the fact that Radishchev, having taken the form of a “journey”, filled it with accusatory content. Sensitive Hero sentimental literature, although capable of compassion, seeks to escape from the evil of this world into himself, and the narrator from Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow is concerned public affairs and seeks to serve the public good.

“Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow” - the first Russian ideological novel, where not so much artistic as political tasks are set. This is its originality and significance for all our literature. The image of Mitrofan in Fonvizin's comedy "Undergrowth" The name Mitrofan is translated as like a mother, like a mother. He was sixteen years old, he should have already gone to the service at fifteen, but Mrs. Prostokova did not want to be separated from her son.

He did not have a goal in life, he did not think about the future and about his studies, and Mitrofanushka chased pigeons all day long. He was not industrious, but was very lazy. He never overworked himself. After all, from a spoiled son, Mitrofani turns into cruel man, a traitor. He betrays his mother when he finds out that she is no longer the mistress of the house. He shows his real attitude towards her. It seems to me that there can be no worse punishment, even one like Prostakova. Mrs. Prostakova says that people live and lived without sciences.

Nanny Eremeevna, who raised Mitrofanushka as best she could, endured all insults, but after all this Mitrofan wanted her to protect him from everyone.

And his mother, to whom he constantly complained about the nanny and his teachers, always cursed and did not pay her, thinking that the nanny was already indebted to her for the fact that she was fed and she lived with them. To his teachers, of which only the teacher of arithmetic tried to transfer his knowledge to Mitrofan, he treated with disdain.

Mitrofan does not notice his father at all, because he does not help him in anything.

Mitrofanushka is a very capricious and careless child, he is stupid and impolite, does not think about his future and people.

I think that people like Mitrofanushka don't know what happiness is, because they don't even think about it, so they can't be happy.


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One of the main characters of the comedy “Undergrowth” by Fonvizin is Prostakov Mitrofan Terentyevich, the noble son of the Prostakovs. The name Mitrofan means “similar”, similar to his mother. Maybe with this name, Mrs. Prostakova wanted to show that her son was a reflection of Prostakova herself. Mitrofanushka was sixteen years old, but his mother did not want to part with her child and wanted to keep her child until she was twenty-six years old, not letting her go to work. Mrs. Prostakova herself was stupid , impudent, impolite, and therefore did not listen to anyone's opinion.

“While Mitrofan is still in the undergrowth, while he is to be married; and there, in a dozen years, when he enters, God forbid, into the service, bear with everything. ”Mitrofanushka himself has no goal in life, he only liked to eat, mess around and chase pigeons: “I’ll run to the dovecote now, so maybe - either ... ” To which his mother replied: “Go, frolic, Mitrofanushka.” Mitrofan did not want to study, his mother hired teachers for him only because it was supposed to be in noble families, and not so that her son would learn the mind - the mind.

As he told his mother: “Listen, mother. I amuse you. I will learn; just make sure it's the last one. The hour of washing the will has come.

I don’t want to study, I want to get married” And Mrs. Prostakova always echoed him: “It’s very nice for me that Mitrofanushka doesn’t like to step forward, With his mind, let him sweep far, and God forbid! Only you are tormented, and everything, I see, is emptiness. Don't study this stupid science!” The worst qualities of character, the most backward views on science characterize such young nobles as Mitrofan. He is also unusually lazy.

Mrs. Prostakova herself did not look for a soul in Mitrofanushka. Fonvizin understood the unreasonableness of her blind, animal love for her offspring, Mitrofan, a love that, in essence, destroys her son. Mitrofan ate himself to the point of colic in his stomach, and his mother tried to persuade him to eat more. The nanny said: “He already ate five buns, mother.” To which Prostakova replied: “So you feel sorry for the sixth, you beast.” These words show concern for the son. She tried to provide him with a carefree future, decided to marry him to a rich wife. If someone offends her son, she immediately comes to the defense.

Mitrofanushka was one of her consolations. Mitrofan treated his mother with disdain: “Yes! Just look what a task is from uncle: and there from his fists and for the watch book “What, what do you want to do? Come to your senses, darling!” “Vit here and the river is close. I’ll dive, and remember your name.” “Dead!

God is dead with you!”: these words prove that he does not love at all and he does not feel sorry for his own mother at all, Mitrofan does not respect her and plays on her feelings. And when Prostakova, who has lost power, rushes to her son with the words: You are the only one left with me, my heartfelt friend, Mitrofanushka! ". And in response he hears a heartless: “Yes, get rid of you, mother, how you imposed yourself.” “The whole night such rubbish climbed into my eyes.”

“What kind of rubbish Mitrofanushka?”. “Yes, then you, mother, then father.” Prostakov was afraid of his wife and in her presence he spoke of his son as follows: “At least I love him, as a parent is, then a smart child, then a reasonable, amusing, entertainer ; sometimes I’m beside myself with joy, I myself truly don’t believe that he is my son, ”and added, looking at his wife:“ Before your eyes, they don’t see anything. ”Taras Skotinin, looking at everything that happened, repeated:“ Well, Mitrofanushka , you, I see, mother's son, not father's!

” And Mitrofan turned to his uncle: “What are you, uncle, overeating with henbane? Get out, uncle, get out.” Mitrofan was always rude to his mother, snarling at her. Although Eremeevna did not receive a penny for raising a minor, she tried to teach him good things, defended him from his uncle: “I will die on the spot, but I will not give the child away. Sunsya, sir, just show yourself if you please.

I'll scratch out those thorns." I tried to make a decent person out of him: “Yes, teach at least a little.” “Well, say another word, you old bastard! I'll finish them off; I will again complain to my mother, so she will deign to give you a task in yesterday's way.

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Essay text:

One of the main characters of the comedy Fonvizin's Undergrowth is Prostakov Mitrofan Terentyevich, the noble son of the Prostakovs. The name Mitrofan means similar, like a mother.
Maybe with this name Mrs. Prostakova wanted to show that her son is a reflection of Prostakova herself. Mitrofanushka was sixteen years old, but his mother did not want to part with her child and wanted to keep her until the age of twenty-six, not letting him go to work. Mrs. Prostakova herself was stupid, insolent, impolite, and therefore did not listen to anyone's opinion. While Mitrofan is still underage, while he should be married; and there, in a dozen years, when he enters, God forbid, into the service, endure everything. Mitrofanushka himself had no purpose in life, he only loved to eat, mess around and chase pigeons: I’ll run to the dovecote now, so maybe either To which his mother answered: Go, frolic, Mitrofanushka. Mitrofan did not want to study, copying was forbidden; his mother hired teachers for him only because it was supposed to be in noble families, and not so that her son would learn the mind. As he told his mother: Listen, mother. I amuse you. I will learn; just make sure it's the last one. The hour of my will has come. I don’t want to study, I want to get married And Mrs. Prostakova always echoed him: It’s very nice for me that Mitrofanushka doesn’t like to step forward, With his mind, may he sweep far, and God forbid! Only you are tormented, and everything, I see, is emptiness. Don't study this stupid science! The worst qualities of character, the most backward views on science characterize such young nobles as Mitrofan. He is also unusually lazy. Mrs. Prostakova herself did not look for a soul in Mitrofanushka. Fonvizin understood the unreasonableness of her blind, animal love for her offspring, Mitrofan, a love that, in essence, destroys her son. Mitrofan ate himself to the point of colic in his stomach, and his mother tried to persuade him to eat more. The nanny said: He already ate five buns, mother. To which Prostakova replied: So sorry for the sixth, you beast. These words show concern for my son. She tried to provide him with a carefree future, decided to marry him to a rich wife. If someone offends her son, she immediately goes to the defense. Mitrofanushka was one of her consolations. Mitrofan treated his mother with disdain: Yes! Just look, what a task from uncle: and there from his fists and for the watch book. What, what do you want to do? Remember, sweetie! Vite here and the river is close. I'll dive, and remember your name. Dead! God bless you!: I prove with these words that he doesn’t love at all and he doesn’t feel sorry for his own mother at all, Mitrofan does not respect her and plays on her feelings. And when Prostakova, who has lost power, rushes to her son with the words: One of you remained with me, my heartfelt friend, Mitrofanushka! . And in response you hear heartless: Yes, get rid of you, mother, how you imposed yourself. All night long such rubbish climbed into the eyes. What kind of rubbish is Mitrofanushka? Yes, then you, mother, then father. Prostakov was afraid of his wife and, in her presence, he spoke of his son as follows: At least I love him as I am subject to a parent, such and such a clever fool, that is a reasonable, amusing, entertainer; sometimes I am overjoyed because of him, I truly do not believe that he is my son, and added, looking at his wife: In your eyes, mine do not see anything. Taras Skotinin, looking at everything that was happening, repeated: Well, Mitrofanushka, you, I see, mother's son, not father's! And Mitrofan turned to his uncle: why, uncle, did you overeat henbane? Get out, uncle, get out. Mitrofan was always rude to his mother and snapped at her. Although Eremeevna did not receive a penny for raising a minor, she tried to teach him good things, protected him from his uncle: I would die on the spot, but I would not betray him. Sunsya, sir, just show yourself if you please. I will scratch out those thorns. I tried to make a decent person out of him: Yes, teach at least a little. Well, say another word, you old bastard! I'll finish them off; I’ll complain to my mother again, so she’ll deign to give you a task like yesterday. Of all the teachers, only the German Adam Adamych Vralman praised Mitrofanushka, and even then because of the fact that Prostakov was not angry with him and scolded. The rest of the teachers openly scolded him. For example, Tsyfirkin: Your nobility is always toiling around idle if you please. And Mitrofan snapped: Well! Come on board, garrison rat! Set your butts. All butts, your honor. We are left with the tasks of a century behind us. Mitrofan's dictionary is small and poor. Shoot them and take them with Eremeevna: this is how he spoke of his teachers and nanny. Mitrofan was ill-bred, a rude, spoiled child, whom everyone around obeyed and obeyed, he also had freedom of speech in the house. Mitrofan was sure that the people around him should help him, give advice. Mitrofan had an inflated self-esteem. No matter how smart and hardworking a person is, there is a particle of such Mitrofanushka in him. Every person is sometimes lazy, there are also people who try to live only at the expense of their parents, without doing anything themselves. Of course, many depend on the upbringing of children by parents. To people like Mitrofan, I am neither good nor bad. I just try to avoid talking to people like that. In general, I think that such people should try to help with their difficulties and problems. We need to reason with him, make him learn. If such a person does not want to improve himself, he studies and studies, but, on the contrary, remains stupid and spoiled, treats his elders disrespectfully, then for the rest of his life he will remain undersized and ignorant.

The rights to the essay "THE IMAGE OF MITROFANUSHKA." belong to its author. When citing material, it is necessary to indicate a hyperlink to

Mitrofan is one of the main characters of the comedy, and the title is dedicated to him. He considers himself already very mature, although still a child, but not cute and naive, but capricious and cruel. Narcissistic, as everyone surrounded him with love, but such - limiting.

Of course he laughs at the teachers. It is clear that he wants to marry the beautiful Sophia already. He is not afraid of anything, but is very cowardly. That is, he is afraid of everything, he is always ready to call his nanny and mommy for help, but he behaves with everyone very arrogantly, defiantly ...

And everything would be fine! But only mommy supports him in everything, does not limit him in any way.

We get acquainted with Mitrofan when he flaunts in a new caftan, and my mother scolds the tailor. Mitrofan has already grown up - a tall, rather dense guy. His face is not very smart, as are his actions. He laughs a little at everyone, plays, fools around. He is definitely well fed, he doesn’t even know the measure, so his stomach often hurts. Physically, he grew up, but his heart and soul were not taken care of. And the fact that his brain simply does not want to remember information (he has been learning the alphabet for three years), this is also Mitrofan's whims. It seems to him that even without science he will have everything - through the efforts of his mother. She almost added him to the rich heiress Sophia, who is also very beautiful and kind.

Mitrofan often does what he is told. Not a teacher, of course, but a mother. Said, they say, kiss the hand to a stranger, so he does. But only for profit. Mitrofanushka has no courtesy, kindness, respect for others.

In general, Mitrofan may not be so bad, but he is very spoiled. The minor believes in his exclusivity "without effort." He sees himself as a successful landowner, sees himself. In his heart there is no love even for his mother who adores him, for his faithful nanny, for anyone. Of course, he loves only himself, but not enough. Otherwise, he would have at least studied, developed!

The image and characteristics of Mitrofanushka with quotes and examples from the text

Mitrofan Prostakov - the hero of the play by D.I. Fonvizin "Undergrowth", a young man, the only son of the Prostakov nobles. In the 19th century, undergrowths were called young men from noble families who, due to their laziness and ignorance, could not complete their studies, and as a result, enter the service and marry.

Fonvizin in his play just makes fun of such young people, embodying their features in the image of one of the main characters of the play - the son of the Prostakovs Mitrofan.

The father and mother love their only son very much and do not notice his shortcomings, moreover, they worry about their son and take care, as if he Small child, they protect him from all misfortunes, they are afraid that he can overwork from work: "... while Mitrofanushka is still undergrowth, sweat him and indulge; and there, in a dozen years, when he enters, God forbid, into the service, he will suffer everything .. .".

Mitrofanushka is not averse to having a delicious dinner: "... And I, uncle, almost didn’t have dinner at all [...] Three slices of corned beef, but hearths, I don’t remember, five, I don’t remember ..." "... Yes, you see, brother, you had a hearty supper..." "...Kvass deigned to eat a whole jug...".

Mitrofan is a very rude and cruel young man: he tortures the serfs, mocks his teachers, does not hesitate to raise his hand even against his father. This is the fault of the mother, who took the household into her own hands and does not put her husband in anything. Neither peasants nor relatives like her, because she swears and beats everyone for no reason.

Mrs. Prostakova is also responsible for the upbringing and education of Mitrofanushka, but she does not interfere much in these processes. Therefore, the young man is cruel and rude, but he cannot stand up for himself, but hides behind his mother's skirt. Things with studies are also not better. Not only is Mitrofan stupid and lazy, he is not interested in anything, he is not curious, and he is very bored in the lessons. In addition, his teachers are useless - the former sexton Kuteikin, the retired sergeant Tsyfirkin and the former coachman Vralman are ignorant and poorly educated people: "... Well, what can get out of Mitrofanushka for the fatherland, for which ignorant parents also pay money to ignoramuses - teachers?.." In addition, Vralman is a French teacher, although he himself is German, he does not know French, but manages to teach him to a boy.

The image of Mitrofan reflects the type of representative younger generation that time: lazy, ignorant, rude; he does not strive to grow spiritually, mentally and culturally, he does not have any ideals and aspirations.

Option 3

Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin is a great Russian writer. In his work “Undergrowth”, he showed readers a generalized image of the younger generation from the nobility of the 19th century, using the example of the protagonist Mitrofan. The name Mitrofan in Greek means "resembling a mother." The hero is brought up in a family in which relationships are built on lies, flattery, and rudeness. The mother raised her son as an unlucky, uneducated person. Mitrofan has no goals and aspirations in life, they are too small and insignificant. He is spoiled, rudely treats not only the servants, but also his parents. Fonvizin this image did not invent. In fact, at that time in the circles of the nobility, there were often undergrowths like Mitrofan, who studied poorly, did nothing, lived their days like that.

Mitrofan had home teachers who, in principle, did not give him any knowledge. But the hero’s desire to study is completely absent. He is stupid, naive, his speech is not developed and rude. This person is not adapted to the surrounding life, he cannot do anything without a mother and without servants. His main activities during the day are eating, relaxing and chasing pigeons. What made Mitrofan exactly like that? Of course, this is the system of education that came from Prostakova, the mother of the hero. She indulged his whims too much, encouraged all his mistakes, and thus, in the end, this was the result of education. It is the blind love of a mother for her child.

Being brought up in such conditions, Mitrofan got used to having the right to vote in the family, to be rude to others. It will be very difficult for a person like Mitrofan in life if he is left alone with his problems. At the end of the work, Prostakova loses her estate and, along with it, loses her own son. This is the fruit of her upbringing. This result of the comedy shows the level of this system of upbringing and education.

On the example of the image of Mitrofan, Fonvizin showed one of the main problems in family education. This problem is still relevant today. IN modern society there are also spoiled children who grow up in such conditions. Everyone should think about how to eradicate such undergrowths that are dragging our society back. I think that people like Mitrofan do not know what real life and do not understand what its meaning is due to their ignorance. I feel sorry for these children and their parents. I hope that all parents, after reading this comedy, will understand their mistakes and be able to raise a worthy citizen of their country.

Essay 4

The play "Undergrowth" was written by Fonvizin in 1781. A year later, she was put on stage. The performance made a splash. But the work caused dissatisfaction with Catherine II and Denis Ivanovich was forbidden to publish his works, and the theater on the stage of which the premiere took place was closed.

In the eighteenth century, underage children were called noble children who had not reached the age of sixteen. It was believed that they had not yet "grown up" to an independent, adult life.

One of the main characters of the comedy, Mitrofanushka, was such an undergrowth. In our time, this name has become a household name, a synonym for a stupid and lazy sissy.

Mitrofan is almost 16 years old. And it's time for him to serve in the army. But mother, Mrs. Prostakova, blindly loves her son and is not ready to let him go from her for anything in the world. She pampers, indulges him in everything. Indulges him in idleness. Such an upbringing led to the fact that the boy grew up and turned into a rude, lazy ignorant teenager.

They hired teachers for Mitrofanushka, but they didn’t teach him anything, because he didn’t want to study: “I don’t want to study - I want to get married.” However, the mother does not insist on classes: “Go and have some fun, Mitrofanushka.” However, such teachers are unlikely to teach the child the mind. turned out to be a coachman.

The son of the Prostakovs does not love or respect anyone. He treats his father with disdain. This is very clearly shown in the scene where Sissy regrets the parent because she ".... was so tired, beating the priest." Mitrofan is rude to the servants and snaps. He calls his nanny or mother "the old bastard". He mocks teachers and serfs. Our hero and his own mother do not put in anything. No worries touch his heart. He shamelessly uses the blind love of Prostakova. And he even blackmails her: "It's close to the river here. I'll dive, and remember your name." And to the question of what was bad in a dream at night, he answers: "Yes, then you, mother, then father."

To all the listed bad qualities of Mitrofan, one can add cowardice and servility in front of a strong opponent. He humbly asks for mercy when an attempt to forcibly take Sophia down the aisle fails, and on the orders of Starodum humbly agrees to go to serve.

Thus, in Mitrafanushka, Fonvizin embodied all the shortcomings and vices inherent in the nobility of that time. This is ignorance and stupidity, greed and laziness. At the same time, the manners of a tyrant and servility. This image is not invented by the author, but taken from life. History knows many examples of undersized, illiterate, soulless, using their power, leading an idle lifestyle.

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