Beautiful American names for boys. History of the origin of American names


established in late XVIII V. the American nation combines not only the descendants of immigrants from all parts of the world, but also indigenous people- Indians. For a long time, under the influence of the traditions of other countries and peoples, the culture of the American people was formed, which was reflected in the names of the Americans themselves. Many common American names take their origins from Greek, Italian, Latin, Asian, ancient Germanic origin.

Very popular among the American population are rare names, which originate not only from the reduction of place names associated with history, but also from the names of famous people, the combination of several names into one, etc.

We conditionally divide American names by origin into the following groups:

  • names associated with human character traits (cheerful, smart, brave, brave);
  • names associated with the names of animals and plants, natural phenomena; - names meaning various professions;
  • names taken from the Bible.

America is a colonial country, so in different states of the country the same names enjoy different popularity. For example, in Spanish villages, the popular male name is Federico (Federico), in the Irish regions - Patrick (Patrick), in Italian - Paulo (Paulo).

Choosing a name for a newborn also has great importance. When choosing a name for a child, Americans are guided by the following principles: the combination of the first and last name, the origin of the name and its secret meaning. To pay tribute to family traditions and the memory of ancestors, parents give the name of the child, which was borne by the father, grandfather or great-grandfather. If the family already has a person with the same name, then the prefix “senior” or “junior” is added at the beginning of the name.

The desire of Americans to give a "zest" to the name of the child is not limited to choosing just a beautiful and memorable name. The fantasy of parents knows no bounds - a child can become a "happy" owner of the name of the parent's favorite car brand, politician, whose speeches did not leave parents indifferent, another celebrity, a city they liked, etc. In this situation, the choice falls on the most unexpected objects. You can meet children named Lexus (Lexus), Madison (Madison), Infinity (Infiniti).

Surely not everyone knows that Sarah Jessica Parker, Mary-Kate Olsen or Sean William Scott are double names. What is the tradition of giving a child a middle name at birth? The tradition of the second (or middle name - middle name) developed in the 19th century. European immigration in the 1830s and 1840s led to an increase in the population of the United States, and as a result, the number of people with the same first and last names increased. As an additional means of identification, a middle name began to be used. Children were given middle names in honor of famous political, religious, public figures and the military (for example, George Washington, the first president of the United States, or John Wesley, one of the founders of Methodism).

Another version is the protection of the child from evil spirits and death. At baptism, the child was given several names in order to confuse death in case of danger that threatened the child during an outbreak of deadly diseases.

Sometimes the middle name is associated with some locality or the names of ancestors, as well as the surnames of other people.

This tradition still "lives" in modern American families.

Most Popular Modern American Names

  • Alex(Alex) - from Greek, "protector". James (James) - from English, "invader".
  • Anthony(Anthony) - from English, "invaluable", "competing".
  • Brandon(Brandon) - from German, "prince".
  • Christopher(Christopher) - from English, "follower of Christ."
  • David(David) - Hebrew, "beloved", "beloved".
  • Dillon(Dillon) - Welsh origin, "big sea". Philip (Philip) - from Greek, "lover of horses."
  • Ethan(Ethan) - from English, "durable."
  • Fred(Fred) - from English, "peaceful ruler."
  • Josh(Josh) - Hebrew, "god, salvation."
  • Justin(Justin) - from English, "fair". Matthew (Matthew) - from English, "gift of God", "God's man."
  • Kevin(Kevin) - from Irish, "beautiful", "cute."
  • Ryan(Rayan) - from Arabic, "little king." Nicholas (Nicholas) - from the French, "winner of the peoples."
  • Thomas(Thomas) - Polish, "twin".
  • Tyler(Tyler) - from English, "stylish." Caleb (Caleb) - from Hebrew, "devoted, brave."
  • William(William) - from English, "desired."

List of common American surnames

Modern American surnames have changed over the years.

Representative immigration different peoples to America, their gradual mixing with local residents, and as a result, the change and reduction (reduction) of surnames in the American way.

List of the most famous surnames in America

Bearers of the surnames Jones (Jones), Smith (Smith), Williams (Williams), Wilson (Wilson) according to statistics, more than a million. The following surnames are no less popular:

  • Allen (Allen)
  • Anderson (Anderson)
  • Brown (Brown)
  • Clark (Clark)
  • Davis (Davis)
  • Garcia (Garcia)
  • Hall (Hall)
  • Harris (Harris)
  • Hernandez (Hernandez)
  • Jackson (Jackson)
  • Johnson (Johnson)
  • King (King)
  • Lee (Lee)
  • Lewis (Lewis)
  • Martin (Martin)
  • Martinez (Martinez)
  • Miller (Miller)
  • Moore
  • Robinson (Robinson)
  • Rodrigues (Rodriguez)
  • Taylor (Taylor)
  • Thomas (Thomas)
  • Thompson (Thompson)
  • Walker (Walker)
  • White (White)
  • Wilson (Wilson)
  • Young (Young)

The melodiousness, the beauty of the sound of the surname is another reason for the pride of their carriers. A person's desire for change in life could not but be reflected in the desire to change his last name or first name to a first name famous person in the entertainment industry or politics. Sources for inspiration can be found in the names of natural phenomena, representatives of flora and fauna, names of geographical objects. Looking for more beautiful name or surname improvisation is not a hindrance.

One of the most beautiful and popular American surnames are:

  • Beverly (Beverly)
  • Collins (Collins)
  • Daniels (Daniels)
  • Evans (Evans)
  • Ford (Ford)
  • Gilmore (Gilmore)
  • Harris (Harris)
  • Holmes (Holmes)
  • Labert (Labert)
  • Moore
  • Newman (Newman)
  • Riley (Riley)
  • Stephenson (Stephenson)
  • Wallace (Wallace)
  • Washington (Washington)

The respectful attitude of a person to his name as to the heritage of his ancestors is a kind of valuable relic, which its bearers pass on from generation to generation, keeping their history and family traditions in the genus name.

English female names

America is a multilingual and multinational country that attracts people from all over the world. Therefore, most male American names are formed from foreign ones. For example, English, Jewish and French, in which suffixes are replaced and euphonious endings are added.

How to choose an American name for a boy

Choosing a baby name can be a really depressing task. Whether you like it or not, friends and relatives will offer a lot of their options, which you don’t have to reckon with at all.

In fact, it is not so important which name your final choice will fall on. The main thing is that you really like it. It will also be useful to take into account a few subtleties.

  1. When choosing a name for a newborn, imagine that your baby has grown up and goes to an interview or makes a serious presentation in a business company. In that case, those adorable baby names like Binky, Bunny or Lucky will turn out to be too sugary. Yes, they sound wonderful when referring to a chubby baby, but what about an independent adult man?
  2. If the meaning of the name is important to you, it can be easily clarified on the relevant Internet sites. It is good if the meaning of the child's name is inspiring, or honoring the ancestors.
  3. Many parents are looking for a unique or uncommon name for their child. Of course, the desire of the father and mother to distinguish their baby from the rest is understandable, but in some cases this will bring inconvenience at school and adult life. If it is too sophisticated, the child may spend a very large part of his life correcting others in the pronunciation of his name.
  4. When choosing a name, you can remember your favorite characters from books and films. For example, Luke Cage is your favorite Marvel superhero. Why not name your son Luke or Lucas then? Or perhaps as a child you loved the Fox and the Dog cartoon. In this case, the name Todd, in honor of the brave fox cub, may be the perfect choice.
  5. Think about the people who inspire you. Who do you consider the real hero? Maybe this list will include Bob Dylan or Martin Luther. Make a list of people you love, cultural figures who have influenced you. When the child grows up, he will be glad to know that he is named after a good person.

History of the origin of American names

The spread of Christianity had an irresistible influence on the formation of American names. Influenced folk traditions church names changed, and as a result, Mary became Mary, Jochanan - John, John - Joanna and Jane.

Also a large number of American names are borrowed from the British, in whose territory, before the spread of religion, only Anglo-Saxon names were used. They were selected by value, could consist of one or more components. For example, widely famous name Edgar came from the participation of two components: "wealth + spear."

List of beautiful names for boys

To make it easier for future parents to make a choice, we offer a list of the most harmonious and beautiful American names.

  • Aaron is a Hebrew name meaning "exalted";
  • Cornelius - a traditional American name, derived from "horn" - horn;
  • Damon - this name gained particular popularity after the release of the series "The Vampire Diaries". It means "one who tames";
  • Dominic - the name not only sounds beautiful, but also has deep meaning, namely "following God";
  • Dylan - from the Welsh "wave", this name is associated with a water deity;
  • Lawrence is a name that will never go out of style. Derived from Latin name Laurentius - "a man from Laurentum".

Rare male names of American origin

Over the years, these unusual names are used less and less, but this does not make them less beautiful and harmonious:

  • Ambrose;
  • Caspian;
  • Cosmo;
  • Hawk;
  • Huxley;
  • Kirk;
  • Mercer;
  • Heathcliff;
  • Shepard.

However, when choosing a similar name, in the pursuit of originality, try not to forget to “taste” the middle name that your grandchildren will have.

Huxlikowitz will definitely grow up worthy people, but they are pretty tormented with the execution of any documents in our country.

The most popular names and their meaning

According to the latest census, the most common names for boys this year are:

  • Liam is an abbreviation of the Irish name William. The meaning of this name is "brave warrior".
  • John - comes from the Hebrew "John" and means "the grace of the Lord."
  • James - descended from Jewish name Jacob. It means "replacer" in translation.
  • Mason - the name comes from English surname Mason, which, in turn, denoted a commitment to the work of a bricklayer. The original meaning is "doer".
  • Jacob - this name also comes from the Hebrew church name Jacob. In the Bible, Jacob is the patriarch who gave birth to 12 sons, each of whom laid the foundation for the most important families of Israel.
  • Christopher - "following Christ." Many years later, this name, along with its abbreviation Chris, occupies a leading position in the list of the most popular male names.
  • William - from the Old French, compound name Wilhelm, derived from "willeo" (will) + "helm" (protection). It has been one of the most popular names in English-speaking countries for almost a thousand years, since the Norman invasion in 1066.
  • Ethan - in Hebrew means "strong", "wise", "brave".
  • Fred is from the Old English Aelfraed. The meaning of the name is "wise, majestic."
  • Patrick - comes from the Latin "patricius", which means "nobleman." The name gained particular popularity after the appearance of St. Patrick, and remains one of the most common to this day.
  • James - from the Latin Iacomus or the biblical Jacob. Some sources claim that the name arose due to an error in the transcription of manuscripts from Greek into Latin.
  • Michael means "like God" in Hebrew. In the bible, Saint Michael leads against Satan's army and becomes the patron saint of the soldiers. This name has been popular in the US since the 1940s.
  • Benjamin - from Hebrew "binyāmīn" - "son of right hand". Benjamin in the bible younger son James, the last of the twelve.

Unusual and forgotten names

Some of these forgotten names are traditional American, so if the past is important to you, check out this list:

  • Ernest;
  • Wesley;
  • Percy;
  • Amos;
  • Clarence;
  • Norberto;
  • Wilton;
  • Alec;
  • Franklin;
  • Rufus.

And finally: it is not so important in what way you choose a name for the baby, and he will be named after his great-grandfather or statesman. The only important thing is that you love both this name and its wonderful little bearer.

Specificity American culture is that many of its aspects were borrowed from other peoples who immigrated to the United States over a long period. It left its mark on all spheres of life. Modern male names- American only partly. They are distinguished by a huge variety, which is manifested both in the features of sound and in their content. There is nothing strange in this, since they are all borrowed from the French, British, Germans, Scots, Dutch, and Jews who came to America. Of course, all these names were gradually adapted to the local color.

Meaning of the most common American male names

Popular American male names can be divided into several categories based on their origin:

Male American names. List of the most beautiful names.

Male American names, the list of which is given above, perhaps, can be considered the most beautiful.

The most popular male names in the USA

American male names, the meaning of which, as you understand, are very diverse and depend on the history of the development of the continent, can become more or less popular from time to time. However, as in all countries.

Surprisingly, the US population turned out to be quite conservative in the choice of names. Over the past 50 years, names such as Michael and Jacob have consistently been recognized as the most popular.

In the past year, however, most of young parents of newborn boys gave their preference to the name Noah. It is possible that this happened under the influence of cinema. Also in great demand used names such as Michael, Ethan, Mason, Alex, Daniel.

IN last years few Americans name their sons and daughters after fathers, grandmothers and other respected family members. Basically, male names are chosen by American citizens under the influence of fashion.

A little about American surnames

If we talk about their origin, we can trace general trend with the formation of names. When forming surnames, the following principles apply.

The specifics of the construction of American names and surnames

It is noteworthy that among the inhabitants of the United States quite a lot of people have two names. This trend has been observed in the country since the middle of the 19th century. The second name is given, as a rule, in honor of a famous person, a respected relative or a certain historical event.

Such forms, as a rule, occur together only in written speech. You can find the following spellings:

1) Instead of the first name, only a capital letter is written.

2) The capital letter is put down instead of the middle name.

3) Instead of both names, capital letters are written, while only the surname is written in full.

This feature brings the United States a little closer to our tradition of giving a child a middle name. American names and surnames, male and female, sound more formal and representative in a three-part structure.

Formation of derived names

Americans are known to be much less conservative than the British. Female and male names, American and English, in the country of the New World take on various forms. For residents of the United States, it is typical to create derivatives from the full name, that is, the use of the so-called short names, petnames. It is noteworthy that such "nicknames" are used not only in domestic, intimate communication, but also at official receptions. At the same time, it is worth noting the great variability of such names. American names, female and male, have a huge number of abbreviations. In particular, the name Elizabeth has up to 34 abbreviations, and the name Robert has about ten.

The influence of American traditions on the change of names of other countries

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, non-American surnames made it very difficult for those who came to live in the United States to find employment. This fact more related to immigrants from Asia, Eastern and Southern Europe.

This led to a phonetic change in the names and surnames of the settlers and the borrowing of English names. American male names in English sound almost the same and hardly differ in meaning.

It is noteworthy that African slaves lost their first name at baptism and received others, borrowed, mainly from the plots of the Bible, ancient history, mythology. Gradually, the settlers began to give their children traditional American names. However, the trend is now reversed. Some Africans American descent quite consciously replace their names, adapted over many years to the conditions of life in the United States, with anthroponyms of the African type. This may indicate a desire younger generation assert your cultural heritage.

The most unusual American names

The perky nature of Americans is manifested in the fact that, in addition to traditional names, some parents give their children fictitious ones.

For example, cases are known when a child was called Lexus in order to determine his future. financial position. For the same purpose, some girls were lucky enough to get the name Infinity.

One mother named her twin sons Oranjelly and Lemonjelly. Apparently, the kids received such names in honor of the parent's favorite delicacy.

Do not forget that in America there is a tradition to give the child two names. Thanks to this, such names as, for example, PJ (Pidzhey) are common.

If the family in which the child was born is of Indian origin, then most likely the parents will choose the middle name, guided by the traditions of the tribe, and it can denote a natural phenomenon, for example, Cloud (“Cloud”) or Moonlight (“Moonlight”).

American names in Russia

American beautiful names, male and female, in Lately are spreading in Russia. In particular, quite a lot of children are registered with such names as Adam, Robert, Harry.

Now a little about women. As for American names for the beautiful half of humanity, they are even more popular in Russia than men's names. There is also a certain pattern in their choice. Many parents call their daughters the name Angelina (in honor of the popular actress), Alana, Amelie, Angela, Adrian are less common.

Undoubtedly, they are all very beautiful, but they sound a little strange in combination with Russian surnames. One cannot but agree that for Ivan's daughter, the Angelina option is still more suitable, and not Angelina. Fathers in Orthodox churches find it difficult to choose a name for baptism. However, in connection with the democratization of society, few people see this as a problem.

In our country, there is a trend towards unlimited freedom in deciding how to name your child. This led to completely unexpected consequences. There are cases when parents called their son Lucifer, and sometimes the child actually received a digital code instead of a name.

Women's and men's names, American or not, should still remain names. You should not show your imagination so much as to invent something completely new, because it is not known how this can affect the fate of the child.

The specificity of American culture lies in the fact that many of its aspects were borrowed from other peoples who immigrated to the United States over a long period. It left its mark on all spheres of life. Modern male names are only partly American. They are distinguished by a huge variety, which is manifested both in the features of sound and in their content. There is nothing strange in this, since they are all borrowed from the French, British, Germans, Scots, Dutch, and Jews who came to America. Of course, all these names were gradually adapted to the local color.

Meaning of the most common American male names

Popular American male names can be divided into several categories based on their origin:

Male American names. List of the most beautiful names.

Male American names, the list of which is given above, perhaps, can be considered the most beautiful.

The most popular male names in the USA

American male names, the meaning of which, as you understand, are very diverse and depend on the history of the development of the continent, can become more or less popular from time to time. However, as in all countries.

Surprisingly, the US population turned out to be quite conservative in the choice of names. Over the past 50 years, names such as Michael and Jacob have consistently been recognized as the most popular.

Last year, however, most of the young parents of newborn boys gave their preference to the name Noah. It is possible that this happened under the influence of cinema. Also such names as Michael, Ethan, Mason, Alex, Daniel were in great demand.

In recent years, few Americans have named their sons and daughters after fathers, grandmothers, and other respected family members. Basically, male names are chosen by American citizens under the influence of fashion.

A little about American surnames

If we talk about their origin, then we can trace the general trend with the formation of names. When forming surnames, the following principles apply.

The specifics of the construction of American names and surnames

It is noteworthy that among the inhabitants of the United States quite a lot of people have two names. This trend has been observed in the country since the middle of the 19th century. The second name is given, as a rule, in honor of a famous person, a respected relative or a certain historical event.

Such forms, as a rule, occur together only in written speech. You can find the following spellings:

1) Instead of the first name, only a capital letter is written.

2) The capital letter is put down instead of the middle name.

3) Instead of both names, capital letters are written, while only the surname is written in full.

This feature brings the United States a little closer to our tradition of giving a child a middle name. American names and surnames, male and female, sound more formal and representative in a three-part structure.

Formation of derived names

Americans are known to be much less conservative than the British. Female and male names, American and English, in the country of the New World take on various forms. For residents of the United States, it is typical to create derivatives from the full name, that is, the use of the so-called short names, petnames. It is noteworthy that such "nicknames" are used not only in domestic, intimate communication, but also at official receptions. At the same time, it is worth noting the great variability of such names. American names, female and male, have a huge number of abbreviations. In particular, the name Elizabeth has up to 34 abbreviations, and the name Robert has about ten.

The influence of American traditions on the change of names of other countries

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, non-American surnames made it very difficult for those who came to live in the United States to find employment. This fact was more relevant to immigrants from Asia, Eastern and Southern Europe.

This led to a phonetic change in the names and surnames of the settlers and the borrowing of English names. American male names in English sound almost the same and hardly differ in meaning.

It is noteworthy that African slaves lost their first name at baptism and received others, borrowed, mainly from the plots of the Bible, ancient history, and mythology. Gradually, the settlers began to give their children traditional American names. However, the trend is now reversed. Some Africans of American origin quite consciously replace their names adapted over the years to the conditions of life in the United States with anthroponyms of the African type. This may indicate the desire of the younger generation to assert their cultural heritage.

The most unusual American names

The perky nature of Americans is manifested in the fact that, in addition to traditional names, some parents give their children fictitious ones.

There are, for example, cases when a child was called Lexus in order to determine his future financial situation. For the same purpose, some girls were lucky enough to get the name Infinity.

One mother named her twin sons Oranjelly and Lemonjelly. Apparently, the kids received such names in honor of the parent's favorite delicacy.

Do not forget that in America there is a tradition to give the child two names. Thanks to this, such names as, for example, PJ (Pidzhey) are common.

If the family in which the child was born is of Indian origin, then most likely the parents will choose the middle name, guided by the traditions of the tribe, and it can denote a natural phenomenon, for example, Cloud (“Cloud”) or Moonlight (“Moonlight”).

American names in Russia

American beautiful names, male and female, have recently become widespread in Russia. In particular, quite a lot of children are registered with such names as Adam, Robert, Harry.

Now a little about women. As for American names for the beautiful half of humanity, they are even more popular in Russia than men's names. There is also a certain pattern in their choice. Many parents call their daughters the name Angelina (in honor of the popular actress), Alana, Amelie, Angela, Adrian are less common.

Undoubtedly, they are all very beautiful, but they sound a little strange in combination with Russian surnames. One cannot but agree that for Ivan's daughter, the Angelina option is still more suitable, and not Angelina. Fathers in Orthodox churches find it difficult to choose a name for baptism. However, in connection with the democratization of society, few people see this as a problem.

In our country, there is a trend towards unlimited freedom in deciding how to name your child. This led to completely unexpected consequences. There are cases when parents called their son Lucifer, and sometimes the child actually received a digital code instead of a name.

Women's and men's names, American or not, should still remain names. You should not show your imagination so much as to invent something completely new, because it is not known how this can affect the fate of the child.

Some parents in Russia choose American male names for their sons. Wherein important role has the meaning of words, a combination with a surname. It remains to be seen what the boys are called in the USA.

History of the origin of American male names

IN American States For a long time people from different countries have been coming together. Therefore, many names of men are borrowed from the French, Russians, Jews and English.

The boys' complaints are divided depending on the source of origin:

  1. The development has had a major impact Christian religion. According to church traditions, John appeared instead of Johanan.
  2. Geographic entities play a special role. For example, Austin is derived from the capital of Texas, Austin.
  3. Some individual names are associated with plants, animals, natural phenomena. So, Lionel is translated as "little lion."
  4. Many complaints mean the character and traits of its owner.
  5. There are complaints indicating belonging to a certain occupation. For example, George is translated as "farmer", and the profession of a clerk led to the birth of the Clarks.
  6. Americans rarely name their children after ancestors. Usually they name their sons according to fashion trends.

Many people in the US have double first names.

This tradition originates from the middle of the century before last. The middle name is often associated with famous person, historical event.

List of handsome names for men

Beautiful American names for boys will help you decide how to name the baby.

Adam, Isaac, Allen, Alan, Albert, Aarron, Angell, Archie.

Barney, Baxter, Bud, Bertie, Bill, Bob, Blake, Benjamin.

Vijay, Wilson, Wilmer, Woody.

Howard, Greg, Glenn, Harry.

Darren, James, Dustin, John, Jim, George, Donald, Duke, David.

Carter, Quentin, Kasper, Calvin, Clark.

Larry, Lloyd, Lionel, Leo.

Max, Marvin, Mickey, Marlon, Mitchell.

Nicholas, Norwood.

Palmer, Pierce, Peter, Perry, Paul.

Wright, Russell, Radcliffe, Rick, Ronald, Reynold.

Steve, Scott, Spencer, Stanford, Samuel.

Todd, Tim.

Walt, Wally, Walter.

Floyd, Ford, Fester, Philip, Fred, Francis.

Harvard, Harvey, Harris.

Charles, Charlie.

Sheldon, Sherwood, Sean.

Edon, Elmer, Aiden, Earl.

Rare male names of American origin

In America, these are not often used. unusual names like Ambrose, Cosmo, Hawk, Kirk, Mercer, Shepard. Of course, parents have the right to choose one of these complaints.

However, it is worth imagining what patronymic the grandchildren will have to wear.

Huxley children, for example, may find it difficult to process paperwork. In Russia, this is not uncommon.

The playful nature of American parents comes through in quirky names like Lexus. Most likely, the father and mother wanted to indicate the prosperity and success of their son in the future. There are twins Orangeli and Limonzheli in the USA. These are quite rare names that are unique to the American population.

Modern and popular names and their meaning

The following American names for men are the most popular:

  • Liam is a brave warrior;
  • John is the grace of God;
  • James is a displacer;
  • Brandon is a prince;
  • Dustin - fair;
  • Bill is a helmet-bearer;
  • Beverly - beaver;
  • Kevin is handsome
  • Baxter is a baker;
  • Leo is a lion;
  • Stephen - crown;
  • Jim is an invader;
  • Duncan is a dark warrior;
  • Fred is a peaceful ruler;
  • Christopher - follows Christ;
  • Mason is an activist;
  • William - protector;
  • Ethan - brave, wise, strong;
  • Fred is majestic;
  • Patrick is a nobleman;
  • Duke is the leader;
  • Indi - Indian land;
  • King - king;
  • Alester is a protector;
  • Larry - possessing laurels;
  • Adrian - courageous, strong;
  • Benjamin is southern.

Other names are in great demand:

  • Mason;
  • Daniel;
  • Alex.

Over the past half century, America has produced the most Michaels and Jacobs. The first criticism came from Greece after the adoption of the Christian religion. Many legends are associated with him about the victory over Satan and evil spirits. According to the Old Testament, Michael is the messenger of the Almighty. Such a boy will grow up purposeful, strong-willed and curious. Jacob represents reliability. Diminutives of him Jake, Jeb.

In recent years, parents have increasingly begun to call their sons Noah. IN Russian Federation quite a few Harrys, Roberts, Adams, Michaels are registered. These are popular male names that show business stars prefer to choose.

Forgotten and unusual names

Some American names are long forgotten. These include:

  • Amos;
  • Rufus;
  • Franklin;
  • Percy;
  • Norberto;
  • Wilton;
  • Clarence.

In the Russian Federation there are no restrictions on citing a child. However, it is worth considering your decision before making a choice. Do not be too imaginative and come up with something new. It is important to remember that the name directly affects a person, his destiny in this world.

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