Beautiful nude pictures. Masterpieces of painting in nude


The classic nude photography shocked the public at the time of its appearance, causing a lot of controversy even now.
The naked female body has been an inspiration for all artists since ancient civilizations. And, of course, photographers of the 20th and 21st centuries are no exception. Regardless of public morality, the masters, recognized as classics of photo nudity, did what they liked and wanted to do. Many of the images collected in this material were a revolution for their time, but are now perceived calmly. But many works are provocative and defiant even today.

1. Erwin Blumendfeld
“I loved two things in my life: my job and women, all women without exception. The fetishes of my whole life have been women's eyes, hair, breasts and lips,” fashion photographer, Dadaist and visionary Erwin Blumenfeld confessed in his memoirs. He was obsessed with the female body, which seemed to him an unknown continent, full of mysteries. That is why his “nudes” are so ethereal, beauties in fantastic outfits are unreal, the angles and poses of his models are so extravagant and at the same time chaste.






7. David LaChapelle
They say that David LaChapelle is able to turn the ordinary into the extraordinary, the vulgar into the beautiful, the boring into the funny, and the stupid into the original and original. Fashion brands line up for him Hollywood stars and politicians, top models and show business sharks. The now forty-eight-year-old David was given his first job by Andy Warhol, and in 2007 the American Photo Association included him in the top ten Significant People in Photography, and the number of his awards continues to grow every year. LaChapelle is called "Dali of the third millennium" for his surreal vision.






13. Man Ray
One of the representatives of Dadaism and Surrealism. Among his works are constructions and artifacts, photographs, films, paintings and collages, through which the artist shows the ambiguity and absurdity of life. But the female body also occupied his mind no less.





18. Robert Mapplethorpe
Since the 1980s, Mapplethorpe has been fascinated by homoeroticism and nude photography. “A male member and, for example, a flower are equally graceful. There are people who cannot admit it. It is obvious to me…” Mapplethorpe told ARTnews magazine in 1988, “I don't like the word shocking. I'm looking for the unexpected. I'm looking for things I've never seen before. I could take these pictures and felt I had to take them.”






24. Helmut Newton
German and Australian photographer and photo artist. In 1961, Newton began to collaborate with the French Vogue magazine and became one of the most important photographers, often working in the nude genre. Sex sells ("sex helps to sell") is one of the secrets of the photographer's success.









33. Herb Ritz
Renowned celebrity and fashion photographer. Many even believe that the image of the Madonna of the late 90s and the mask of Jack Nicholson in Batman are his ideas. His photographs are characterized by clear lines and strong forms. Most of his works are black and white portraits in the classical style Greek sculpture. Scandalous fame and at the same time recognition of the fashion world was acquired by photos of naked supermodels, among which Naomi Campbell and Cindy Crawford posed.

Contrary to some stereotypes, Soviet art never distinguished itself by special puritanism, even against the background of the majority Western countries. One girl was not too lazy to collect typical samples of the Soviet nude in painting and graphics of the period from 1918 to 1969 in her magazine. Approximately such selections can be made on Soviet photography, cinema, sculpture, monumental art.

Original taken from catrina_burana in Nude nature in the Soviet fine arts. Part III. 1950-1969

In the 1950s and 60s, socialist realism remained the main trend in Soviet art. And, just like in the 30s and 40s, the depiction of nudity had to comply with its canons. The set of situations where such a nature could be illuminated was limited: a river or sea bank, a bathhouse, a shower, a bath, and, of course, an artist's workshop. But back in the 40s, a certain variety of subjects began to appear in the nude theme, even more noticeable in the painting and graphics of the 50s and especially the 1960s. Here, for example, the theme is "morning". Apparently, it was believed that a Soviet girl or woman could do well, waking up in the morning, to show off topless, or even in what her mother gave birth.

1950. N. Sergeeva. Good morning

1950. A Zavyalov. Models against the background of draperies

1950. In Arakcheev. Seated woman.

1950. Vl Lebedev. nude model

1950s in Dmitrievsky. Nude

1953. Vsevolod Solodov. Model

And now - water procedures! Beach, sauna, swimmers, bathers.
1950. N Eremenko. On the sand

1950s B Sholokhov. Bath

1950s T Eremina. Swimmers
strange picture Or rather, its name. Well, on the right, for sure, swimmer. There are doubts about who is in the middle: it still seems to me that this is a swimmer. Well, and on the left in thongs and with bare ass Well, definitely not a swimmer...

And here is Alexander Deineka, with his daring models, where would we be without them!
1951. A. Deineka. Sketch for the painting "Bather"

1952. A. Deineka. bathers

1951. A. Deineka. Model

1952. A. Deineka. Model

1953. Deineka. reclining model

1953. Deineka. Lying with a ball
The last two, especially the one without the ball - not so impressive relief. And the little man is nothing, only a little short-legged.
1955. Deineka. Nude sitter
Several paintings by artist Andrei Goncharov.
1952. Andrey Goncharov. Nude on a lilac background

1952. Andrey Goncharov. Seated Nude

1954. A. Goncharov. Reclining nude with tulips

1955. A. Goncharov Nude lying on red

1956. A. Goncharov Nude on a striped

1958. A. Goncharov. nude model
And now, there is already a variety of plots. Pimenov's plot, although connected with bathing, is not quite standard, while Glazunov's plot is full of eroticism.
1955. Yuri Pimenov. Winter day

1956. Ilya Glazunov. Morning
A few more studio models from 1957-58. The first and third - to the envy of Deineka!
1957. A. Olkhovich. Nude

1957. Michael of God. Nude

1958. A. Samokhvalov. Nude

1958. R. Podobedov. seated model
Here A. Sukhorukih brings even more variety to the nude scenes. Both "Midday Sun" and "Morning" are filled with romance...
1958. A. Sukhorukikh. midday sun

1960. A. Sukhorukikh. Morning
The bathing scene is also not quite typical. In the center of the composition - a woman or a girl - you can't see it behind the sheet - for some reason, this very sheet blocks the girl, who is stretching out her hand, apparently for clothes. Like, I'll block you while you get dressed. But here's the mystery: from whom? From the shore, you can see everything, the artist spied on it! And from the side of the lake - obviously there is no one, and others are not very shy, the one on the right is sitting in a complete negligee ... Mysterious picture.
1958. Chernyshev. Bathing on the lake
Morning again. Well, yes, it’s impossible to call such a picture a “lying model”, it’s too painful in a frivolous pose, and so - well, the lady woke up, well, stretched - what’s wrong?
1959. L. Astafiev. Morning

Again marine theme. Not at all Deinekin forms are coming into fashion ...
Two drawings by the artist Grigory Gordon. A reading girl is also a popular plot in those years. Well, you can read in this form, if it's hot, for example.
1960. G. Gordon. girl with a book

1959. G. Gordon. sitting girl
Three more water-themed paintings.
1960. Vladimir Stozharov. Bath. Washing woman

1960s Fedor Samusev. After the bath
Several studio nudes. Urusevsky and Reznikova's models are already quite thin ...
1960. Gennady Troshkin. Nude

1960. R. Podobedov. young model

1960. S.P. Urusevsky. nude model

1961. Evgenia Reznikova. Model Lisa
The heroes of V. Kholuyev's paintings are easily recognizable. There is something puppet about them. The set of subjects is standard: naked in the studio, sea, morning.
1960s V. Kholuev. Reclining Nude

1960s V. Kholuev. Nude

1960s V. Kholuev. born of the sea

1960s V. Kholuev. Morning

1962. V. Kholuev. Nude
"Spring Morning" by A. Sukhorukih, although it combines two typical plot- morning and bathing, but here the nakedness of the heroine is secondary; this "nude" is not for the sake of "nude", but quite to itself conversation piece.
1962. A. Sukhorukikh. spring morning
Then we look: and studios, and beaches, and another girl with a book ... The 60s bore an echo of liberty, the removal of many prohibitions, and the further, the more freedom is felt both in plots and in performance. In addition, it is easy to see that impressive forms are almost never found.
1962. Vladimir Lapovok. In a workshop

1962. M. Samsonov. Nude

1963. S. Solovyov. naked girl

1964. A. Samokhvalov. On the beach

1964. V. Scriabin. Nude

1965. A. Sukhorukih. girl with a book

1966. A. Sukhorukih. In the artist's studio

1965. N. Ovchinnikov. Evening melody

1966. Antonov. Bathhouse in the village of Titovo. sisters

1966. Teterin. Nude

1967. Kaparushkin. Siberian

1967. A. Sukhanov. In a workshop
Well, this is quite a frivolous story. Straight BDSM. Guy caught peeping...
1967. A. Tarasenko. Punishment
Not swimming, mind you, but just relaxing. A girl in a hat was walking in the mountains, she was tired. undressed and sat down on a pebble ...
1967. V. Chaus. Rest

1968. Vladimir Lapovok. sleeping

1968. May Miturich. Nude
And this picture - in general, on the verge. Either schoolchildren or students just like that came to the bank, where, judging by the presence of bridges, not only they go, they completely undressed, took out paints with easels - and, well, draw each other!
1969. M. Tolokonnikova. On sketches

1969. Y. Raksha. August

1969. Y. Raksha. Dream
Not the most bad time, it seems to me, these were the very 1960s ...

Nude photographer Ruslan Lobanov believes that a naked woman enhances the viewer's perception of photography. And according to the Soviet photographer Rimantas Dikhavičius, the female body is a flower, the beauty of which must be protected and saved.

Passionate models of the Italian Marco Glaviano are beautiful in their emancipation. Fatal girls in the pictures of Marc Lagrange are masters of seduction, innocent whores full of dark fantasies. And naked circus performers in the lens of the American photographer Acey Harper amaze with their flexibility.

That's how versatile the art of nude photography is, and that's why we love looking at new work so much. contemporary photographers and pictures of the classics of the genre that have not yet been seen. And, of course, share it with you. This material contains best work nude photographers we wrote about in 2013.

defiant nude

In the pictures of the legendary Italian Marco Glaviano, the girls will never look away. They are passionate, self-confident and infinitely beautiful. There is nothing superfluous in his photographs: attention is riveted on the model, her facial expression or pose. Marco never complicates anything, shooting with minimal equipment to concentrate on the image.

nude acrobatics

American photographer Acey Harper has been creating a series of "Privat acts: The Acrobat Sublime" for several years, which makes you look at acrobatic art in a completely different way. This is a real hymn to the plasticity of the human body.

Harper calls his project a return to the basics: minimal use of a photo editor, no additional lighting, natural landscapes ... The entire series is monochrome so as not to distract the viewer from the main thing.

Women as works of art

Ruslan Lobanov - true connoisseur beauty female body. His photographs are distinguished by a special approach: attention is paid not only to the model, but also to the details in the frame, which create a special entourage. “The naked body is an accessory to enhance perception. I don't shoot nudes literally. I am interested in the combination of people, attributes, atmosphere in the frame,” says the author.

That is why the pictures do not look like regular frames for glossy magazine but as a finished highly artistic composition.

naked show business

Helmut Newton believed that if someone's photographs are art, then just not his. With his work, this man changed the idea of ​​fashion, sexuality and beauty. Shooting fashion, Newton was one step ahead of her. He never sang about the brilliant world of show business, but carefully dissected and studied it. He was always interested in outer side things, but their essence and hidden meaning.

Manifesto and freedom

Herb Ritz revolutionized nude photography, turning it into a real art. His works are straight lines and strong forms. At first glance, they are simple, but, coupled with Greek motifs, they have attractiveness and sensuality. Herb Ritz creates emphatically simple compositions, focusing on the choice of pose, angle and light.

Classics of Soviet erotica

Poetic, high quality photographs of elusive beauty are the work of Soviet photographer Rimantas Dikhavičius, a born romantic. His author's album, presented at the international book fair in Moscow in 1987, was called "Flowers among flowers". The photographer has always said that it is not beauty that will save the world, but the world must save beauty. In particular, excellent cosmetics are cheap, which helps to preserve beauty and youth. The reviews of women who have tried it testify to the quality and excellent characteristics of cheap cosmetics.

Erotic yoga

This photo project, published by us, was very liked by the readers. And this is not surprising: the beauty of the curves and calm concentration in each asana performed by Lyubov Shumeiko turn photographs into works of art, looking at which, you want to immediately sign up for yoga classes.

artistic erotica

Marc Lagrange is a master of seduction. And the women in his photos also turn out to be seductive: they have a hidden charm, the innocence of a whore, the free paradox of mystery. These are mysterious fatal girls, full of secrets and dark fantasies. Well, how can this not be attractive?

avant-garde nude

The name of Albert Watson should be known to anyone who even slightly associates himself with the art of photography. He is incredible talented photographer, the secret of mastery of which lies in a special handling of light. Watson has been blind in one eye since childhood, but this does not prevent him from taking incredibly graphic and textured pictures.

100% contact

Contrary to popular belief that a tattoo is almost an asocial label, which is distinctive feature people who have been in places of detention, one cannot but admit that this is an art that is part of the global culture.

Tattoo magic

The works of real tattoo artists and artists are masterpiece and impeccable, because using human body like a canvas, they have no room for error. Proof of this - amazingly tattooed girls.

shocking nude

Alexander Tikhomirov for his bold, daring and fashion pictures young and beautiful half-naked girls were nicknamed the Russian Terry Richardson.

His candid and crazy photo shoots are clearly not for the shy, but shocking is remembered and recognizable, so Tikhomirov's photos have become incredibly popular on social networks. You can argue for a long time about whether this is art or not, but one thing is clear for sure: his works are catchy and do not leave indifferent.

Master's hand

Fedor Schmidt is a photographer of Moscow nightclubs. He takes off fun life entertainment venues capitals and their visitors - beautiful girls and guys. Portraits and nudes.

Among other nudity, several frames stand out, in which the hand of the photographer himself is visible. Thanks to this feature, the works look like a photo project, and not just unprincipled erotica.

Women and their zodiac sign

According to Arkadiusz Branicki, everything in the world should be simple. Therefore, for his work, he chose the style of minimalism, without any unnecessary details and bells and whistles. In his candid project"Sign of the Zodiac" photographer showed that every person has a creative beginning.

Erotic pictures-sculptures

A distinctive feature of the works of Vaclav Vantoush is the ability to show the versatility of the female body. To do this, he divides the models into five categories: amateur, model, dancer, artist and exhibitionist.

Each of these images conveys a certain state and energy, which in black and white photography create additional contrast. As a result, amazing silhouettes appear in the pictures, embodying the beauty and plasticity of the female figure.

architectural erotica

Eric Marrian, the author of these erotic minimalist photographs, is not a photographer, he is an architect. That is why all his photographic works look like elegant and sensual architecture captured. He skillfully works with space, either filling it completely, or leaving a wasteful amount of air. But this is not the construction of Lego houses. This is inspired geometry.

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