Traditions of the peoples of Western Europe. European traditions


Many domestic travelers and tourists, going on vacation to European countries, do not even realize how much the customs and traditions of Europeans differ from those adopted in Russia. In each country, for a long time, their own rules of conduct, norms of etiquette, and ways of expressing feelings, affections or emotions were formed. The same gesture or expression in different countries can be interpreted in the opposite way, which, at times, makes both the tourist and the resident of the country in which the traveler has arrived blush. To prevent this from happening, any person traveling abroad must certainly get acquainted with the main traditions and customs adopted in a particular country. This article is devoted to the rules and norms of behavior in various fields human activities that can be found in the countries of the Old World.

European etiquette and its features

The word "etiquette" came into wide use as early as the 17th century, at a time when King Louis 14 ruled in France. Once, at a large social reception, all guests received special cards that indicated exactly how one should specific admission. Since that time, the concept of "etiquette" began to spread rapidly outside the French state, first in Europe, and then in all countries of the world. In Western Europe, etiquette was closely associated with the customs and traditions inherent in each country, the generally accepted behavior was influenced by religious rites, superstitions, and everyday habits of people. According to many modern historians, the etiquette that exists in this moment, absorbed all the best, while being based precisely on those traditions that were passed down from generation to generation in European states. Some norms have come down to us in their original form, others, under the influence of time, have changed significantly. In any case, it must be remembered that almost all the requirements of etiquette are rather conditional, and depend on many factors, such as place, time, and circumstances under which they may be applicable.

Why do you think it is customary for a woman to walk while holding a man under right hand?

From the time when men began to wear piercing and cutting weapons: a sword, saber or dagger, it was customary to wear them on the left. Therefore, the companion could only walk next to right side. Currently, there are no such obstacles (unless the man in the family is a military man), but the tradition of walking to the right of the man is still preserved.

Globalization modern world allowed to combine and mix many traditions and customs of Europeans. This is especially noticeable when holding such a celebration as a wedding. Many European wedding or wedding traditions are quite well known in Russia, and some will surprise you with their uniqueness.

The Hungarian bride always puts her shoes in the middle of the room, in which everyone who wants to dance with her must put a coin. The same custom exists in Portugal.

In Romania, it is customary to sprinkle the young with rose petals, millet and nuts before entering the house.

Wedding Traditions in Slovakia

For a long and prosperous life in Slovakia, the bride gives her future husband a ring and an elegant silk shirt embroidered with gold. In return, the groom gives his future wife a chastity belt, a fur hat, a rosary and a silver ring.

Norwegian newlyweds plant two spruces, and Swiss - one pine.

Before the wedding ceremony, in Germany, close relatives and friends of the young people break a lot of dishes. Newlyweds from France secure their union by drinking wine from the same goblet.

Wedding traditions in the Netherlands

In the Netherlands, it is customary to have a banquet before, not after, the wedding.

In England, brides put a pin or small horseshoe in their wedding dress for good luck.

Finnish brides marry with a crown on their heads.

In Sweden, the bride receives two coins from her parents: gold from her mother, silver from her father. The bride puts these coins in her wedding shoes.


Only at first glance it seems that European wedding traditions become less and less observable over time. In fact, even in large cities, brides and grooms try to hold a wedding event in accordance with generally accepted norms and traditions.

European weddings

Culinary traditions of the Old World

European traditions regarding the preparation and use of food are considered to be among the most ancient in the world. The cuisine of the peoples of Europe is very diverse, while being quite complex and refined. Each country of the Old World boasts its own national characteristics in cooking, its traditions in its use, as well as a variety of products and spices.

Southern European cuisine is characterized by the addition of wine to many dishes. Eastern European cuisine is represented by nomadic dishes - simple and hearty. Central European cuisine is, as a rule, dishes from Hungary and Poland, and in Western Europe they love complex French cuisine, and solid German cuisine - with potatoes, meat, and beer.


The customs and traditions of the peoples of Europe are in many ways different from those to which we are accustomed. Features of European etiquette apply to all spheres of life - from weddings to culinary passions. Today, the observance of traditions has become not only the personification of the rich culture and history of the country, but also an important principle for preserving its statehood and the formation of mass culture. Since the middle of the last century, the mass culture of the Old World began to gain momentum, influencing all areas of activity - from production to the life of an ordinary European. Most imbued popular culture youth who began to express this in clothing, music, lifestyle, and leisure activities. The speed of spread of culture to the masses is due to the high rate of development information technologies, the appearance a large number media, and improve education.

Festive European traditions

Like any other continent, Europe is different own traditions and customs. Some of them may be quite unusual for those who live in other parts of the world. Even the inhabitants of Europe may not know about others if the custom is common in only one country. All this is incredibly interesting, and sometimes useful; for example, a tradition called hygge would definitely be useful to anyone. Take a look at this list and think about what traditions you would like to follow?

Smearing the bride and groom with something sticky, and then sprinkling with feathers

This tradition was already almost forgotten, but miraculously returned and spread again in Scotland. The essence of this custom is that the bride and groom are kidnapped by their friends, after which they are covered with substances like flour, custard or soot, and then sprinkled with feathers. It is believed that this unusual procedure will bring good luck to the couple. Yes, the ritual may seem harsh enough, however, the bride and groom only strengthen the relationship, experiencing such an adventure together. The wedding dress is not spoiled in the process, because everything happens not on the wedding day, but a few days earlier.

Calm attitude to being topless

In most countries of the world, even if the society is quite freedom-loving, it is forbidden for women to be naked in public. For example, in America it is embarrassing even to breastfeed a child, and going out topless on the street is simply unacceptable. However, for some Europeans, this is not a problem at all. In Germany, it is allowed to be naked in a sauna, swimming pool, park and on the beach. This is also the norm in Finland, where people are freely naked to visit the public sauna. In these countries, people are more relaxed about the issue of nudity, while in other continents, even in the bath, it is customary to stay in a towel or swimsuit.

Swedish tradition of cleaning before death

It may sound bleak, but the Swedes have a really practical approach. To protect their loved ones from the hard feelings after death, the elderly sort their things in last years own life. This does not mean that they plan to die. They simply go through all their belongings and get rid of unnecessary little things so as not to force relatives or friends to clean up at a difficult moment. This trend is not represented in other countries, however, it is gradually gaining popularity. It is not even necessary to associate it specifically with death - getting rid of unnecessary things is important at any age. This helps to feel calmer at home, without being distracted by clutter and unnecessary little things.

Entertainment for schoolchildren throughout the month in Norway

Norway takes graduation celebrations very seriously - they have a tradition that involves celebrations throughout the whole month. Young people drink any amount of alcohol they want and party all the time. There is nothing like it in the world. Sometimes this leads to negative consequences, for example injuries, however, as a rule, everything is in order. Older generations put up with this tradition, because it has existed for more than a hundred years. It is believed that this is permissible, because such fun happens only once in a lifetime. Otherwise, such behavior would be prohibited.

The Cozy Danish Secret of Happiness

Hygge is not just a tradition, it's a way of life for residents Scandinavian countries. Hygge has been around for centuries, according to Meik Wiking, who wrote a book about the tradition. This is a central part of Danish culture, familiar to every inhabitant of the country. It describes how one should live and relate to things. This concept may be the secret to happiness. You need to understand that this is a special approach to life. Some people think that hygge is just cozy and warm, but it's not just about aesthetics. The bottom line is to let go of the annoying things that stress you out emotionally and prioritize the things that really matter. It helps to feel comfortable own house and enjoy the simple moments of life.

Jumping over children in Spain

Jumping over children is the most unusual version leapfrog that can only be imagined. The Spanish tradition has been observed every year for hundreds of years in the village of Castrillo de Murcia. During the festival, some people dress up as devils being cast out by the priests. They jump over children born in the previous year to protect them from illness and misfortune. This may seem dangerous, but there is no information about accidents, fortunately. Despite the absence of injuries, some want to cancel this religious festival. Even the Pope recommended that Spanish priests abandon this practice. Nevertheless, it is unlikely that a tradition that has existed for several centuries will quickly disappear - locals she is very much loved.

Dangerous Cheese Tradition

Every year in Gloucestershire, England, people race for a head of cheese. Competitors chase a large head of Gloucester cheese as it rolls down a hillside, risking injury and falling. The tradition originated in the nineteenth century, although there are opinions that it has existed much longer. In 2009, the event was officially canceled because it attracted too many participants and spectators, which raised doubts about safety. Nevertheless, it turned out that this is too popular a tradition - unofficial events are still held. Interestingly, in other parts of England, people are not in a hurry to risk themselves for the sake of cheese. One way or another, the inhabitants of Gloucester do not plan to abandon their custom.

Rhinestones in the eyes in the Netherlands

If you have ever dreamed of your eyes shining brighter, you can quite literally achieve this. In the Netherlands, there is a procedure that allows you to implant jewelry in the eyes. It is reported that such decoration does not cause any side effects. In other countries, doctors usually do not dare to take such steps. Most likely, the trend will not spread, because some doctors are sure that this is dangerous.

Incredible boredom to fall asleep quickly in Norway

In Norway there is amazing way allowing you to fall asleep faster. The inhabitants of this country love to watch incredibly boring television shows. This genre is called "slow TV" and is the equivalent of neutral background music. Viewers turn on such programs when they want to acquire a background that does not attract all the attention. On the screen for several hours, people are shown who are busy knitting, or a burning fire. The genre is even spreading to other countries - everyone can test whether they can stay awake while watching something like this. One of the most popular programs is a filming of a train journey that lasts seven hours and includes only scenery outside the window.

Bath regattas

This unique race is held in Belgium and features unusual story. According to the Air Force, the first race was in 1982, when Alberto Serpagli found forty used tubs. They were sold for next to nothing in the local market. Bathtubs have been transformed into makeshift vehicles for moving on water. This is how the history of the regatta began, in which people go down the river, sitting in a bath or a boat created on its basis. This is a very popular event that takes place every year. Who would have thought that a bathtub could be used as a boat?

They try to make the wedding magnificent, but elegant, without vulgarity and unnecessary fuss. Many European wedding traditions are adopted by other countries to make the celebration just as elegant and stylish.

Many beautiful wedding traditions were borrowed from European countries. For people in England, Germany, France, Spain and other countries, marriage is a reverent and romantic event, which is intertwined with many customs and memorable moments.

The essence of the rites

The peoples with rich history accumulated a treasure trove different traditions, will accept and superstitions, some of which relate specifically to the wedding. Whatever the culture of the country, marriage has a special role, and since ancient times there have been special procedures for its preparation and conduct.

Many of the wedding traditions in Europe have been forgotten, others have changed, and only a small part has survived to this day in its original state. With the advent of Christianity, the isolated features of the peoples began to be forgotten, and in the customs different cultures general patterns began to emerge. This does not mean that people have lost their individuality - they only interpreted the same faith.

Now even those wedding ceremonies in Europe, which have been preserved from ancient times, are rarely seen at holidays. Including conservative Europeans began to give preference to the celebration.

Old customs can be found only in those cases when the bride and groom want to pay tribute to their ancestors, and even then such rituals are only a formality and do not carry a sacred meaning.

Most often, the observance of wedding traditions can be found if the future newlyweds decide to organize their marriage in a particular style. For example, popular, French, and.

What and where exist

Among all European countries, the most rich in customs associated with marriage are England, Greece, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Ireland and Sweden. Most often, stylized weddings are arranged in accordance with these concepts.

In England, for example, the bride must wear four obligatory things to the wedding - something new (the dress itself, underwear), something old (family jewelry, shoes), something borrowed from a friend or relative (clutch, bracelet) and something blue (garter, hairpin). It is believed that in this case the girl will attract good luck and favor. higher powers. For one more English tradition a little girl from among those invited to the wedding walks ahead of the bride and strews her path with rose petals.

In Greece, there is a wonderful custom to present gifts to guests, and they are purchased with the money of the groom's family. Another wedding tradition in Europe is the wedding, which takes place on Sunday, and on Friday they bake bread, while showering flour on everyone who wants to get a little happiness and good luck. The kids invited to the celebration have a special role - they are allowed to jump on the bed of the newlyweds so that they have many strong and healthy children.

In Germany, there is a wonderful custom: when newlyweds get married, they drink a glass of wine together. First, the groom drinks, and then the bride, after which she throws the glass behind her back. If it breaks, the spouses will have a long and happy life. According to another tradition, any of the male guests can try to “steal” the hero of the occasion during a banquet. If he succeeds, he is entitled to three whole dances with the bride.

wedding planner

In order to create an unusual and bright atmosphere at the wedding, in addition to the outward resemblance to the style, you can also adopt some of the wedding traditions of European countries.

Elena Sokolova


Majority European traditions aimed at attracting happiness, good luck, financial well-being and healthy children into the married life of young people.


In France, they are very sensitive to pre-wedding preparations. Literally every detail of the newlyweds' outfits, including even a belt or tie, is hand-sewn to individual measurements, and there are practically no bridal salons in this country. The whole French wedding is divided into three stages: a wedding in a church, a cocktail party and the main banquet. Not all guests are invited to each of these events, instructions for this are placed in the envelope with the invitation.

Many Italian customs are followed to this day. For example, the custom of carrying the bride across the threshold of the family home in her arms originated in this country. Name honeymoon the Italians also came up with - back in ancient Rome, newlyweds used honey for 30 days after the wedding to make life together sweet and pleasant.

Interesting! An Italian groom asks for the hand of his beloved from her mother, not from her father. If you are planning a European wedding, you can follow the tradition.

In Spain, despite the ardor of the nature of its inhabitants, young people who decided to get married were treated strictly. After the engagement, the bride and groom were closely watched, the maximum that they were allowed to do was hold hands, and then not in public.

The Spaniards created their male and female communities, one might say, according to their interests. Then such groups intersected with each other, and the girls could get acquainted with the boys, and the main criterion for choosing the second half on both sides was housekeeping.

The Irish are accustomed to celebrating a wedding on a royal scale. It is noteworthy that in most cases, matchmaking takes place in early January, as lovers try to get married before Shrovetide. Then Lent begins, and it is impossible to play a wedding according to the laws of this country.

An interesting tradition in Ireland is the Aitin Gander ritual. On the appointed day, the groom comes to the house of the bride's parents, where the young man is treated to a baked goose. Everyone who is involved in the organization of the wedding, up to the priest, is invited to the party, and all together they discuss the pressing issues of preparing the celebration.

Sweden has quite free wedding traditions. Girls and boys met at dances on weekends, after which the latter accompanied their chosen ones home and did not hesitate to stay the night. Because of this, often weddings took place when the bride was already pregnant, or even after the birth of a child. Interestingly, society did not condemn this, but, on the contrary, supported it, because this served as proof that the girl was healthy and capable of giving her husband heirs.

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Other countries

There are no less interesting and funny traditions in the rest of Europe. If desired, such customs can be observed on own wedding to surprise guests and make the celebration individual.

For example, there are following traditions associated with marriage.

Such customs do not carry anything bad, therefore, if you want to bring them to life, you can safely experiment.

Intersections with Russian customs

In each culture, the wedding will acquire new details and customs borrowed from other peoples. The clearest confirmation of this is that it is believed that unmarried girl whoever catches him will be the next to marry.

Previously, there was no such tradition in Rus', although it was similar in meaning. All the girls who had not yet started a family danced around the newlywed, and she closed her eyes and circled in circles. reverse side. Whom she will show when she stops, she will marry next. And, by the way, Russian girls didn’t give the bouquet to anyone at all, keeping it in the family for good luck.

It is interesting that in many European countries and in Russia there is a similar The parents of the newlyweds bring fire from their home to help the newlyweds light their own. AT modern interpretation the hearth is replaced by ordinary candles, since not everyone even has a fireplace.

If a European wedding is organized, traditions and customs make the celebration elegant and romantic. Many couples strive to plan their marriage in a Western manner, avoiding vulgar ransom, vulgar contests and other inappropriate events. Such customs will not only diversify the celebration, but also make it memorable for guests.

Discovering something new, drawing ideas, learning from experience is always interesting. We offer to learn some children's customs and "chips" of European countries.

The creators of the concept store for children MushRoom. otherchildren bring from Europe not only children's wardrobe items, but also Interesting Facts knowledge and invaluable experience. Today we will learn about the traditions and customs associated with children in different countries.

1. Denmark. The dummy tree.

At 192 0, the Danes came up with a ritual of saying goodbye to babies with a pacifier. So that the children do not feel sad and painlessly part with the pacifier, parents often arrange a real holiday of growing up: a trip to the zoo, a picnic, attractions. At the end of the holiday, the “little adult” solemnly says goodbye to the “Malyshov's” accessory, hanging it on a special “sap tree”. Sometimes a touching note is attached to this: "Dear nipple, thank you for serving me so well, but I'm already a big boy / girl, and now the tree will take care of you."

And at night, a nipple fairy comes, who, instead of a voluntarily given nipple, brings a gift under the pillow to the baby.A very sweet and reverent ritual, without any theft of the notorious dummy by dogs, cats and other animals.

2. Germany. Schultute

German first-graders go to school not with the usual bouquet for the teacher, but with the so-called “first-grader bag”. This tradition appeared in Germany in the 19th century, and is still beginning to school year impossible before set without schoolchildren happily carrying their cone-shaped gifts.

It is believed that the baby is waiting for a long and responsible educational path, and parents want to sweeten this event a little for the child.

Previously, the “first grader’s bag” was filled exclusively with sweets, but now parents collect everything that their child will like as a gift: sweets, school supplies, toys and other little things that are pleasant for children. The first-graders are solemnly photographed with their Schultüte, and then open them in the classroom or at home. The main thing is not to overdo it so that the gift does not weigh more than the baby :)

3. France. Doudou

For french babies acquaintance with the world begins with mom, dad and "dudu". This is a soft handkerchief with a toy head. This exists in many countries of the world, but it is the French who pay special attention to the “dudu”. When baby When he is born, a personal handkerchief toy is immediately placed in his pen. It is believed that the “dudu” is one for life, so parents buy several pieces at once in case of loss. From birth, the baby sucks and pulls his cloth, which helps him in subsequent adaptation periods. Without "dudu" they may not even be accepted into the garden.

Educators are sure that without it, the child can endure homesickness worse. You can often meet already grown up children dragging worn handkerchief toys everywhere, as their personal symbol of home and warmth. And sometimes replacing an unsightly old "pipe" with a new one, exactly the same, turns into a difficult task for parents.

4. Italy. Battesimo.

Italians are temperamental and expressive, but also superstitious and very honoring traditions. A special attitude in Italy to children's religious rites. One of the most important is the christening of babies. It is customary for children to be baptized in all Catholic countries, but it is the Italians who turn this event into a real holiday for all generations of the family: solemn, beautiful, memorable.

Christening in Italy is a small (and sometimes big) wedding.

The cult of the family is inherent in Italians, so all relatives are going to congratulate the baby. In many families, there is a tradition to pass on the outfit for the baptism of a newborn by inheritance. This is a relic that is kept by the older generation and is presented to a little Italian on the day of baptism. A long shirt and a cap solemnly adorn the hero of the celebration and then again go to wait family replenishment. All guests receive traditional Italian bonborieres (bags of sweets and a small souvenir) - an attribute of many holidays since ancient rome. The rite of christening ends with a family banquet, where the newly-made Catholic receives gifts from the whole family.

One of distinctive features European kindergartens is the group's way out of the kindergarten. In public transport and on the streets on weekdays, you can see preschoolers heading to the park , museum, zoo, to the exhibition, accompanied by educators.

It looks like this: the children walk in pairs, holding the handle, they are often dressed in bright "identification" vests or holding on to a common rope, one teacher leads the column, the second closes. Such "forays" are included in the program preschool education and aimed at expanding the horizons of kids. Numerous educational programs, specially created by scientific and exhibition organizations for the smallest. Even a simple walk in the city park turns into a small learning journey: children are taught in practice about the rules of behavior for pedestrians and transport passengers, they are taught to behave in an organized and attentive manner on the streets of the city.

The peoples of Europe is one of the most interesting and at the same time complex topics in history and cultural studies. Understanding the peculiarities of their development, way of life, traditions, and culture will make it possible to better understand the current events that take place in this part of the world in various areas of life.

general characteristics

With all the diversity of the population living on the territory of European states, we can say that, in principle, they all went through one common path of development. Most of the states were formed on the territory of the former Roman Empire, which included vast expanses, from the Germanic lands in the west to the Gallic regions in the east, from Britain in the north to North Africa in the south. That is why we can say that all these countries, for all their dissimilarity, nevertheless formed in a single cultural space.

Path of development in the early Middle Ages

The peoples of Europe as a nationality began to take shape as a result of the great migration of tribes that swept the mainland in the 4th-5th centuries. Then, as a result of massive migration flows, a radical transformation took place social structure that existed for centuries during the period ancient history, and new ethnic communities. In addition, the formation of nationalities was also influenced by the movement that founded their so-called barbarian states on the lands of the former Roman Empire. Within their framework, the peoples of Europe were formed approximately in the form in which they exist on present stage. However, the process of final national registration fell on the period of the mature Middle Ages.

Further folding of states

In the XII-XIII centuries, in many countries of the mainland, the process of formation of national consciousness. It was a time when the prerequisites were formed for the inhabitants of the states to identify and position themselves precisely as a certain national community. Initially, this manifested itself in language and culture. The peoples of Europe began to develop national literary languages that determined their belonging to a particular ethnic group. In England, for example, this process began very early: already in the 12th century famous writer D. Chaucer created his famous Canterbury Tales, which laid the foundation for the national of English language.

XV-XVI centuries in the history of Western Europe

Period late Middle Ages and early modern times played a decisive role in the formation of states. This was the period of the formation of monarchies, the formation of the main governing bodies, the formation of ways for the development of the economy, and, most importantly, the specificity of the cultural image was formed. In connection with these circumstances, the traditions of the peoples of Europe were very diverse. They were determined by the entire course of previous development. First of all, the geographical factor affected, as well as the features of folding nation states, which finally took shape in the period under consideration.

new time

XVII-XVIII centuries is a time of violent upheavals for Western European countries that have experienced quite difficult period in its history in connection with the transformation of the socio-political, social and cultural environment. It can be said that in these centuries the traditions of the peoples of Europe have been tested for strength not only by time, but also by revolutions. In these centuries, the states fought for hegemony on the mainland with varying success. The 16th century passed under the sign of the domination of the Austrian and Spanish Habsburgs, the next century - under the clear leadership of France, which was facilitated by the fact that absolutism was established here. The 18th century shook its position largely due to the revolution, wars, as well as the internal political crisis.

Expansion of spheres of influence

The next two centuries were marked by major changes in the geopolitical situation in Western Europe. This was due to the fact that some leading states embarked on the path of colonialism. The peoples living in Europe have mastered new territorial spaces, primarily North, South American and Eastern lands. This significantly influenced the cultural appearance of European states. First of all, this applies to Great Britain, which created an entire colonial empire that covered almost half the world. This led to the fact that it was the English language and English diplomacy that began to influence European development.

Another event had a strong impact on the geopolitical map of the mainland - two world wars. The peoples living in Europe were on the verge of annihilation as a result of the devastation that was inflicted on her fighting. Of course, all this affected the fact that it was the Western European states that influenced the beginning of the process of globalization and the creation of global bodies to resolve conflicts.

Current state

The culture of the peoples of Europe today is largely determined by the process of erasing national boundaries. The computerization of society, the rapid development of the Internet, as well as wide migration flows have posed the problem of erasing national identity. Therefore, the first decade of our century passed under the sign of resolving the issue of preserving the traditional cultural image of ethnic groups and nationalities. AT recent times, with the expansion of the process of globalization, there is a tendency to preserve the national identity of countries.

Cultural development

The life of the peoples of Europe is determined by their history, mentality and religion. With all the diversity of the ways of the cultural appearance of countries, one general feature of development in these states can be distinguished: this is the dynamism, practicality, purposefulness of the processes that took place at different times towards science, art, politics, economics and society in general. Just for the last salient feature pointed out famous philosopher O. Spengler.

The history of the peoples of Europe is characterized by the early penetration of secular elements into the culture. This determined such a rapid development of painting, sculpture, architecture and literature. The desire for rationalism was inherent in the leading European thinkers and scientists, which led to the rapid growth of technological achievements. In general, the development of culture on the mainland was determined by the early penetration of secular knowledge and rationalism.

Spiritual life

The religions of the peoples of Europe can be divided into two large groups: Catholicism, Protestantism and Orthodoxy. The first is one of the most common not only on the mainland, but throughout the world. At first, it was dominant in Western European countries, but then, after the Reformation that took place in the 16th century, Protestantism arose. The latter has several branches: Calvinism, Lutheranism, Puritanism, the Anglican Church and others. Subsequently, on its basis, separate communities of a closed type arose. Orthodoxy is widespread in countries of Eastern Europe. It was borrowed from neighboring Byzantium, from where it penetrated into Rus'.


The languages ​​of the peoples of Europe can be divided into three large groups: Romance, Germanic and Slavic. To the first belong: France, Spain, Italy and others. Their peculiarity is that they were formed under the influence of Eastern peoples. In the Middle Ages, these territories were invaded by Arabs and Turks, which undoubtedly affected their formation. speech features. These languages ​​are distinguished by flexibility, sonority and melodiousness. No wonder it is on Italian most operas have been written, and in general, it is he who is considered one of the most musical in the world. These languages ​​are easy enough to understand and learn; however, the grammar and pronunciation of French can cause some difficulties.

The Germanic group includes the languages ​​of the northern, Scandinavian countries. This speech is distinguished by the firmness of pronunciation and expressive sound. They are more difficult to understand and learn. For example, German considered one of the most difficult among European languages. Scandinavian speech is also characterized by the complexity of sentence construction and rather difficult grammar.

The Slavic group is also quite difficult to master. Russian is also considered one of the most difficult languages ​​to learn. At the same time, it is generally accepted that he is very rich in his own way. lexical composition and semantic expressions. It is believed that it has all the necessary speech means and language turns to convey the necessary thoughts. Significant is the fact that it European languages in different times and centuries were considered world. For example, at first it was Latin and Greek, which was due to the fact that the Western European states, as mentioned above, were formed on the territory of the former Roman Empire, where both were in use. Subsequently, Spanish became widespread due to the fact that in the 16th century Spain became the leading colonial power, and its language spread to other continents, primarily to South America. In addition, this was due to the fact that the Austro-Spanish Habsburgs were the leaders on the mainland.

But subsequently, the leading position was taken by France, which, moreover, also embarked on the path of colonialism. That's why French spread to other continents, especially to North America and North Africa. But already in the 19th century it became the dominant colonial state, which determined leading role English language around the world, which is preserved in ours. In addition, this language is very convenient and easy to communicate, its grammatical structure is not as complex as, for example, French, and due to the rapid development of the Internet in recent years, English has greatly simplified and become almost colloquial. For example, many English words in Russian sounding have come into use in our country.

mentality and consciousness

Features of the peoples of Europe should be considered in the context of their comparison with the population of the East. This analysis was carried out in the second decade by the well-known culturologist O. Spengler. He noted that all European peoples are characterized by what led to the rapid development in different centuries engineering, technology and industry. It was the latter circumstance that determined, in his opinion, the fact that they very quickly embarked on the path of progressive development, began to actively develop new lands, improve production, and so on. A practical approach has become a guarantee that these peoples have achieved great results in the modernization of not only economic, but also socio-political life.

The mentality and consciousness of Europeans, according to the same scientist, from time immemorial have been aimed at not only studying and understanding nature and the reality around them, but also at actively using the results of these achievements in practice. Therefore, the thoughts of Europeans have always been aimed not only at obtaining knowledge in pure form but also to use them in transforming nature for their own needs and improving living conditions. Of course, the above path of development was also characteristic of other regions of the world, but it was in Western Europe that it manifested itself with the greatest completeness and expressiveness. Some researchers associate such a business consciousness and a practically oriented mentality of Europeans with the peculiarities of the geographical conditions of their residence. After all, most European countries are small in size, and therefore, in order to achieve progress, the peoples inhabiting Europe went along, i.e., due to the limited natural resources, they began to develop and master various technologies to improve production.

Characteristic features of countries

The customs of the peoples of Europe are very indicative for understanding their mentality and consciousness. They reflect them and their priorities. Unfortunately, very often in the mass consciousness the image of a particular nation is formed on a purely external attributes. Thus labels are imposed on this or that country. For example, England is very often associated with stiffness, practicality and exceptional efficiency. The French are very often perceived as a cheerful socialite and open people, easy to communicate. Italians or, for example, Spaniards seem to be a very emotional nation with a stormy temperament.

However, the peoples inhabiting Europe have a very rich and complex history which left a deep imprint on their life traditions and way of life. For example, the fact that the British are considered homebodies (hence the saying “my house is my castle”) undoubtedly has deep historical roots. When fierce internecine wars were going on in the country, apparently, the idea was formed that the fortress or castle of some feudal lord was reliable protection. The British, for example, have another interesting custom, which also dates back to the Middle Ages: in the process of parliamentary elections, the winning candidate literally fights his way to his place, which is a kind of reference to the time when there was a fierce parliamentary struggle. Also, the custom to sit on a bag of wool is still preserved, since it is precisely textile industry gave impetus to the rapid development of capitalism in the XVI century.

The French, on the other hand, still have a tradition of striving to designate their own nationality. This is due to their turbulent history, especially for XVIII century when the country experienced a revolution, the Napoleonic Wars. In the course of these events, the people especially acutely felt their national identity. The expression of pride in one's country is also a long-standing custom of the French, which is manifested, for example, in the performance of the "La Marseillaise" to this day.


The question of which peoples inhabit Europe seems to be very difficult, especially in view of the recent rapid migration processes. Therefore, this section should limit itself to a brief overview of this topic. When describing language groups It has already been said above which ethnic groups inhabited the mainland. Here, a few more features should be noted. Europe has been the arena since early middle ages. That's why ethnic composition her extremely motley. In addition, at one time, Arabs and Turks dominated its part, which left their mark. However, it is still necessary to point to a list of the peoples of Europe from west to east (only the largest nations are listed in this row): Spaniards, Portuguese, French, Italians, Romanians, Germans, Scandinavian ethnic groups, Slavs (Belarusians, Ukrainians, Poles, Croats, Serbs , Slovenes, Czechs, Slovaks, Bulgarians, Russians and others). At present, the issue of migration processes, which threaten to change the ethnic map of Europe, is particularly acute. In addition, processes modern globalization and open borders threaten to blur ethnic territories. This issue is now one of the main ones in world politics, so in a number of countries there is a tendency to preserve national and cultural isolation.

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