Why fairy tales are the most popular. Fairy tale concept


mi tradition, sustainable. For example, the motifs "The fox steals fish from the cart" and "The wolf at the hole" are always told together.

3.2. Fairy tales

Fairy tales, like all others, differ from the animal epic primarily in that their main character is a man. The hero of fairy tales is young: he has reached marriageable age, full of strength and ready to adult life. But first he has to go through difficult trials, come into contact with various miraculous forces. Wonderful fiction lies at the heart of fairy tales.

Ancient Russian pagan priests (astrologers, sorcerers and soothsayers) were called "Magi". "Magic" - to perform witchcraft or divination. Hence comes the "magical" - "wonderful, supernatural.

Scientists called fairy tales "mythical", "wonderful", "fantastic", but the term "magic", introduced by V. Ya. Propp, is used most often.

The Comparative Plot Index (SUS) takes into account 225 plots or plot motifs in this genre, the most popular of which are published in hundreds of versions. Among them: "The winner of the snake", "Fight on the viburnum bridge", "Three underworld kingdoms"," Death of Kashchei in the Egg "," Miraculous Escape "," Animal Milk "," Stepmother and Stepdaughter "," Sivko-Burko "," Konekgorbunok "," Dunno, "Magic Ring".

Fairy tale has its own historical roots. Unlike the animal epic, it dates back to a later, agricultural period, reflects new features of everyday life and the already developed worldview of people, their pagan beliefs and rites.

The agricultural cults of earth, water, and the sun left a deep imprint in the fairy tale. In a fairy tale, in order to reincarnate, you need hit the damp ground. Diverse magic power water possesses: it revives the dead, rejuvenates the old, gives sight to the blind, makes the hero strong and his enemy weak. An integral artistic feature of the genre is the colorful radiance of golden objects. fairy world- in this case, the epithet "golden" denotes the color of the sun.

The golden objects of the fairy tale reveal this meaning in their functions. For example, in the fairy tale "Sivko-Burko" the princess marked her fiancé golden ring, from whose touch like the sun shone on his forehead.

The fairy tale bears in itself various traces of totemistic beliefs. Fairy tales about wonderful brides and grooms are associated with ancient ideas about the spouse-totem. The protagonist often enters into an alliance with the bird bride. An echo of ancient marriage rites is their first meeting near the water: on the seashore, river or lake.

The same situation is steadily repeated: the hero is hiding, at this time three ducks arrive, sink to the shore, turn into girls and go for a swim. While they are bathing, the hero steals the clothes (or wings) of one of the girls. Having bathed, the sisters fly away, and she turns to the kidnapper with a ritual challenge: “Respond,” he says, “who took my wings? If an old man is a father to me, and an old woman, be a mother to me; if a person is young, be a hearty friend, and a red maiden, be a sister!” The hero comes out of hiding, and the girl confirms her oath: "Having given the word, it is impossible to change; I am going for you, for good fellow, married!"1

Totemic beliefs are associated with plot motifs about miraculous birth hero. One of these tales is "Ivan the Bear's Ear":

Jiu pop. The priest had a very beautiful priest, and a bear walked around and coveted her for three years. On the fourth, he took her away. Here they live, live - a son was born, they called the name: Ivan, Bear's Ear. Ivan the Bear's Ear is growing by leaps and bounds, and he grew up big and says to his mother: "Well, mom, we have a shaggy aunt, but we are not shaggy?" - "And then, tsto, Vanya, we are Russians, and en is a beast of the forest-howl." - "Let's go, mother, to holy Rus'!"

The totem progenitor was also a fish. In the fairy tale "Fight on the Kalinov Bridge", the childless tsar orders to fry and serve to the queen golden pike. The queen ate it, the cook tried it, and the cow licked the cleaning. As a result, all three gave birth to a hero: voice to voice and hair to hair.

1 Russian folk tales A.N. Afanasiev ... - T. II. - S. 117.

2 Fairy tales and songs of the Belozersky region. Recorded by B. and Yu. Sokolov. - M., 1915. - S. 190.

Especially often animal totems are wonderful helpers of the hero. They may be related to deceased parents. An orphan girl is helped by a cow ("Stepmother and Stepdaughter"), and Ivanushka is helped by a horse ("Sivko-Burko").

The horse always accompanies the hero of a fairy tale. It is associated with the sun and thirtieth kingdom. A wonderful fairy-tale horse - in the stars, with a moon and the sun, with a golden tail and mane - appears at night and radiates a dazzling light.

Among the people, a wooden wheelchair toy in the form of a horse, always painted red, was quite widely known. And in royal life, the custom of making a horse for boys was preserved.

When the future Tsar Peter I was one year old, they began to prepare a "funny horse" for him. A horse figurine was carved out of linden wood - of such a size that the prince could fit. The horse was covered with white foal skin, approved on four iron wheels. They made a saddle, upholstered in red morocco on white felt: silver studs on top, copper studs on the bottom. They made buckles and girth tips from silver. Iron stirrups, covered with sheet gold and silver, were attached to the saddle; under the saddle was placed a saddlecloth lined with scarlet taffeta. The silver and black bridle was adorned with "stones with emeralds". There was a silver and gold galloon, and a silver paper adorned with precious stones. The prince's toy resembled a fairy-tale horse.

The "funny horse" prepared the boy for initiation: the rite of planting on a live horse, which was usually performed at the age of seven. Once it was a military rite, initiation into the military rank: in the saddle and with arrows. At the same time, the boy's hair was cut, so the rite was called "tooth".

Fairy tales mention a variety of tools: an ax, a plow, a plow, a yoke, a spindle, a spinning wheel, a loom. They have long been considered sacred, as they were used in the production of food and clothing - that which comes into contact with the human body. In everyday life, they were decorated with magical ornaments, and in a fairy tale they turned into wonderful objects: a self-tapping ax, self-assembly tablecloth, golden spindle, magic millstones (grain grinders) - "whatever you turn - everything is a pancake and a pie." Along with them, an archaic weapon of hunters appears - a club: a gilded club of fifty pounds, a wonderful club.

1 See: Zabelin I. Home life of the Russian people. - Т.I.: Home life of Russian tsars in the XVI-XVII centuries. - Part 2. - M., 1915. - S. 201-202.

Mythological consciousness was based on the idea of ​​immortality and the unity of living beings. These ideas are associated with werewolf - poetic device fairy tale. Living things can appear in different forms. For example, in the fairy tale "Cunning Science" the motive "pursuit" plays an important role.

Salvation". Two lines of reincarnations develop in him: the sorcerer and his disciple1.

In East Slavic fairy tales special meaning has the image of Baba Yaga. It dates back to the era of matriarchy and much of it remains mysterious (for example, there are several assumptions, but there is no convincing explanation for the name "Yaga" itself). To Yaga at her call every beast runs, every reptile crawls, every bird flies. She is not only the mistress of living beings, but also the keeper of fire for the hearth (it is no coincidence that the tale associates utensils with her).

- mortar, pomelo, poker).

O Since ancient times, Baba Yaga speaks of the duality of her properties: she can be both an assistant and an adversary. Yaga points the way to Kashcheevo's kingdom, from her the hero receives wonderful objects and a magical horse. At the same time, Yaga acts as a warrior, avenger, kidnapper of children. In the tribal society, Yaga personified mother-ancestor, and the tale emphatically exaggerates her feminine features, although she does this, as a result of the fall of the cult, already with a mockery: "Yaga Yaginishna, Ovdotya Kuzminishna is sitting, nose to the ceiling, boobs over the threshold, snot through the garden, raking soot with his tongue" 2 .

The motif of the hero's meeting with Baba Yaga's hut is known from many plots of fairy tales. V. Ya. Propp explained its origin in connection with the rites of initiation of a tribal society, by which young men who had reached maturity were initiated into hunters (warriors), and girls were accepted into the circle of mothers3. The rites were based on an imaginary death, when a person allegedly visited realm of the dead and acquired wonderful properties there, and then was reborn in a new capacity. In two books ("Morphology of a fairy tale" and " Historical roots fairy tale") Propp showed that the uniformity of the plot structure of different works of this genre corresponds to such rituals of antiquity. Summing up his research, he wrote: "We found that the compositional unity of a fairy tale lies not in some

1 See: for example: Russian folk tales A.N. Afanasiev ... - T.II. - S. 228.

2 Collection of Great Russian fairy tales from the archive of the Russian Geographical Society / Published by A.M. Smirnov. - Issue. I-II. - M., 1917. - S. 432.

3 Propp V.Ya. The historical roots of fairy tales. - L., 1946. - Chapter III: The mysterious forest.

features of the human psyche, not in the features artistic creativity, it lies in the historical reality of the past. What is now being told was once done, portrayed, and what was not done was imagined.

Inside fairy story two spaces are clearly distinguished: the world of people and the wonderful faraway kingdom, faraway state - nothing but the mythical realm of the dead. In the view of the ancients, it was associated with the sun, so the fairy tale depicts it as golden. In different plots, the wonderful kingdom is located underground, under water, in a distant forest or on high mountains, in the sky. Therefore, it is very remote from people and moves like the daily movement of the sun. It is there that the hero of a fairy tale goes for wonderful golden curiosities and for a bride, and then returns with booty to his house. From the real world Far Far Away kingdom always separated by some kind of border: a heavy stone, a pillar with an inscription about three roads, a high steep mountain, a fiery river, viburnum bridge, but especially often - the hut of Baba Yaga. V. Ya. Propp came to the conclusion that Yaga

- dead mother, deceased, guide to the afterlife.

AT rituals of ancient people, the hut was a zoomorphic image. Fairy hut retains the signs of a living being: she hears the words addressed to her ("Hut, hut, turn your back to the forest, front to me"), re-

struggles, and, finally, she has chicken legs. The zoomorphic image of the hut is associated with a chicken, and the chicken in the entire system of ethnography and folklore Eastern Slavs symbolized female fertility. Fairy motif meeting with Yagi's hut conveyed the echoes of women's initiation.

The hero of a fairy tale goes to another world most often because a woman close to him has been taken there: a bride, sister, wife, mother. The plot of the abduction of a woman ("the main plot") V. Ya. Propp singled out as the most typical for the fairy-tale genre. He wrote: "If we could unfold the picture of transformations, then we could be convinced that morphologically all these tales can be derived from tales about the abduction of the princess by a snake, from the type that we tend to consider the main one"2. Historically, this is associated with the actual sacrifices of women. A fairy tale, unlike rituals, reflected a more ancient ethnographic reality: it contains a "memory" not of a substitute, but of the original victim.

1 Propp V.Ya. The historical roots of a fairy tale ... - P. 353.2 Propp V.Ya. Morphology of a fairy tale. - 2nd ed. - M., 1969. - S. 103.

To the woman herself. But, like rituals, the tale expressed the inevitable progressive desire to overcome this cruel custom, which at a new level of human consciousness has already lost its motivation. main topic fairy tales - the liberation and return of women. A liberator hero appeared in the fairy tale, with whom her ideology began to be associated. With its finale - the wedding feast - the fairy tale began to poeticize the personal feeling of a person.

The plot about the return of a kidnapped woman is characteristic of the entire world folklore. It typologically arose from different peoples world as opposed to the rites of antiquity, in which there were sacrifices. associated with him and main feature mythological opponent of the hero - the function of abduction, although this image itself is in the process historical development changed many times.

Various mythological characters began to be attached to the function of abduction, personifying in ancient times the mighty forces of nature and the other world. In the fairy tale "Three Underground Kingdoms" (SUS 301 A, B), the kidnapper is

old man; old grandfather; small man; an old man the size of a fingernail, a beard the size of an elbow, a mustache dragging along the ground, wings lying a mile away. Sometimes he flies in the form of a bird and, hitting the floor, takes on his own form; in some cases just a bird(Eagle, Raven Voronovich). It also has other names: Whirlwind, Whirlwind Vikhorevich, Whirlwind-bird, violent whirlwind, unclean spirit. Sometimes he takes the form Snake.

A. N. Afanasiev interpreted the Serpent as "the embodiment of lightning, brought down once ... on the hearth" 1 . V. Ya. Propp saw in him a connection with various elements (fire, water, mountains, heavenly forces) and with the animal world (in particular, with fish). He wrote: "The serpent does not lend itself to any single explanation. Its meaning is diverse and versatile" 2 . Fairy Serpent - fire-breathing and many-headed; his image is often tripled (serpent with three, six, nine heads).

The snake is close to another mythological image - Koschei the Immortal. Afanasiev wrote: "Kashchey plays the same role of a stingy keeper of treasures and a dangerous thief of beauties as a snake; both of them are equally hostile fairy tale characters and freely replace each other ... "3 However, unlike the Serpent, Kashchei still

1 Afanasiev A.N. Tree of Life: Fav. Articles. - M., 1982. - P. 261.2 Propp V.Ya. The historical roots of a fairy tale ... - S. 257.

3 Afanasiev A.N. The tree of life ... - S. 279.

thought of as a human being. He never eats his prey. In addition, the image of Kashchei does not receive tripling. The word "koshchei" is borrowed from the nomads, it was freely used in Old Russian meaning "captive, slave". The tale knows the image of Kashchei in captivity ("Kashchei's death from a horse"), so it can be assumed that his name was originally an epithet.

The fantastic opponents of the hero are also sea ​​king, Chu- to Yudo. Often the enemy acts as a pursuer, which is especially characteristic of the image of the "flying" Yaga: Baba Yaga catches up with them on an iron mortar, pushing with a copper pusher 1 .

The origin of this type of Yaga is revealed by comparing different variants fairy tales "Fight on the viburnum bridge" (SUS 300 A). In the tale there is a motive for the pursuit of the fleeing hero. As A. N. Afanasiev noted, it goes back to the myth of a cloud swallowing the sun. The pursuer acts primarily as an absorber with an open mouth, where the hero throws horses, falcons, dogs; she swallows his brothers too - and continues the chase.

The image of the pursuer has undergone a transformation. His original appearance is a huge cloud: A cloud comes in and flutters its mouth from heaven to earth... 2 Then the cloud became a Serpent, an angry avenger, the mother of three Serpents killed by the hero in a duel. But the function of swallowing led to the fact that it could just be mouth open from earth to sky 3, or pig - the most voracious animal: gaped her mug from the ground to heaven 4. The defeated stalker turns into water, fire, ashes, ashes, dirt - a fallen cloud could turn into all this in a myth.

Even later, the Snake-mother began to replace the image of Yagi. This became possible because over time (under the influence of Christianity) the negative characteristic of Yaga intensified, but her maternal essence was very firmly retained in her memory. However, Yaga initially retained the signs of a cloud-eater: Baba Yaga launched one lip under heavens, drags another along the earth five . Thus, the design took place

1 Great Russian fairy tales in the notes of I.A. Khudyakov. – M.; L., 1964. - S. 74.

2 Collection of Great Russian fairy tales from the archive of the Russian Geographical Society ... - P. 518.3 Folk Russian fairy tales by A.N. Afanasiev ... - T.I. - S. 234.

4 Fairy tales and songs of the Belozersky region ... - S. 59.

5 Fairy tales, proverbs, etc., recorded in Yekaterinoslav and Kharkov provinces. I.I. Manzhura. – T.II. - issue. 2. - Kharkov, 1890. - P. 26 (The quote is given in translation.

the second, completely negative type of "flying" Yaga. And after that, it was formed as an independent and spread throughout different fairy tales motif "Escape from the Witch" (SUS 313 H*). Throwing into the mouth of horses, dogs, bags of salt, loaves of bread, etc. was replaced in it by the throwing of miraculous objects: a scallop that turns into a dense forest; a pebble that grows into a huge mountain; a towel that overflows with a river (sometimes fiery). In her water or fire, Yaga dies.

The genre form of the fairy tale was determined in folklore quite late, only after the decline of the mythological worldview. At this time, new problems, generated by the collapse of the tribal society, became relevant. Among the Eastern Slavs, life took the form patriarchal family. The mutual relations of its members, the contradictions between them formed the basis of the second conflict layer of the plots of fairy tales. The new conflict has been layered on the ancient, mythological one. A destitute and innocently persecuted family member became a hero: younger brother, younger sister, stepdaughter. Appeared a new group his opponents, also real ones: older brothers, older sisters, stepmother. Via magical powers the fairy tale began to endow its hero with wealth and happiness, and punish his persecutors - and this became its ideological pathos.

The hero of a fairy tale is an ordinary person, morally and economically infringed as a result of the historical reconstruction of the everyday way of life. Actually, the fairy tale conflict is a family conflict, it is in it that the social nature of the fairy tale genre is manifested. Two conflicts of different historical depths - mythological and family - are united within the same genre thanks to the image of the protagonist, who in all his modifications combines mythological and real (everyday) features.

From mythology, the tale inherited two types of hero: "high" (hero) and "low" (fool); the tale itself generated the third type, which can be defined as "ideal" (Ivan Tsarevich). A hero of any type, as a rule, is the third, younger brother and is named Ivan. By itself, this name has developed more than 150 derivative forms, and in a fairy tale it was also supplemented with nicknames (Prince, fool, Bear's ear ...). Derived from the biblical John, this name was the most common in Rus' for several centuries: every fourth man was called Ivan. And Ivans were on the Moscow throne for almost a hundred years (Ivan the Terrible was 51 years old in total, and his grandfather, also Ivan, was 43 years old).

The most ancient type of hero is the hero miraculously born from a totem. endowed with enormous physical strength, it expresses the early stage of human idealization. The plot develops around the extraordinary strength of the hero as his main quality, culminating in the hero's feat in the battle with the Serpent (in the fairy tales: "The Battle on the Kalinov Bridge", "The Winner of the Serpent", "The Kozhemyak Serpent Fighter", "Three Underground Kingdoms", "Ka -tigoroshek" and others).

The image of a fool is typical for the fairy tales "Sivko-Burko", "Konekgorbunok", "Dunno", "According to pike command". He combines an unsightly appearance and the emphasized beauty of the inner world. In this type of hero, an important ideological setting of the genre is especially noticeable: checking moral qualities gifted person. The hero of a fairy tale goes through not only fantastic trials, but also through a test of kindness, diligence, responsiveness, patience, courage, and respect for elders. He also passes this test. The philosophical meaning of the genre can be defined as follows: endowing the deprived, but worthy.

Especially characteristic of the fairy tale is Ivan Tsarevich - an image that expressed a new historical stage in the idealization of man. Fairy-tale kingship is a poeticized dream of the people about the maximum possible personal well-being and happiness. But such an idea could only arise in a socially developed society, when the historical idea of ​​kings appeared. The image of Ivan Tsarevich is typical for the plots "The Frog Princess", "Copper Forehead", "Rejuvenating Apples", "Wonderful Children", "Magic Mirror" ("Dead Princess") and many others. AT late period the fairy-tale king was sometimes endowed with specific social and historical features, which testified either to the destruction of traditional poetics, or to the evolution of a fairy tale into a novelistic one, for example, “The Beauty Wife” (“Go there - I don’t know where ...”).

A fairy tale knows all three types of protagonist in female version(King-maiden, princess, stepdaughter). But there are few such plots, the most common are fairy tales about the stepdaughter. The main role of the heroine of a fairy tale is to be an assistant to the groom or husband. Such plot role coming from ancient custom the active behavior of a woman in choosing a groom, influenced the content of the image of a fairy-tale princess. She is a sorceress related to miraculous forces: the solar world (Golden-haired Elena), sea ​​element (Marya Mo-revna, beautiful princess), the thirtieth kingdom (ca- jealous frog).

Her siblings - Wind, Whirlwind and Storm - are, if you blow into a magic horn. But the most valuable thing in the image of the bride is that she is certainly a beauty and a princess. The tale seems to find no words to convey its beauty: "I would be ripe, I would look, I couldn't bear my eyes!" Marrying her is the limit of the hero's desires.

Linked by origin with ancient initiations and with man's eternal dream of happiness, the tale has retained in its depths the vital idea of ​​the continuation of the human race. In mythology, the magical call of fertility identified man, plant and animal world, connected all living things on the basis of life. In a fairy tale, all of her wonderful world(animals, plants, giant heroes - Dubynya, Gorynya, Usynya; marvelous artisans Ate, Opivalo, Frost cracker; wonderful items) - the whole world is united by a common desire to help the hero, to crown the path of his trials with a wedding feast.

Obeying the prevailing formal laws genre, the fairy tale has created new wonderful images as an artistic embodiment of the dream of making work easier, of material abundance, of freedom and happiness. Still not knowing airplanes, trains, cars, television, people told about all this in fairy tales in their own way. Carpet plane, walking boots, mirror - I will show the whole world and

many other things were born as a prediction of the shape of the future world.

The fairy tale is one of the largest narrative forms of classical folklore. All her plots preserve the traditional uniformity of the composition: one's own kingdom - the road the wine kingdom - the wine kingdom - the road from another kingdom - his own kingdom. According to this narrative logic, a fairy tale combines into a whole (into a plot) a chain of motives.

Traditional stylistics played a certain role in the construction of fairy-tale plots: beginnings, endings, as well as internal formulas of a compositional nature. They linked adjacent motives and were especially important in cases where the semantic, logical unity of motives turned out to be weakened: How long, how short ..., Soon the fairy tale tells, but quietly the work is done ... This role could also be played by a simple repetition of the verb, denoting the movement of the hero in a fairy-tale space: He walked, walked ...; They swam, swam in a barrel...

The presence of formulas is a clear sign of the style of a fairy tale. Many formulas are pictorial character, are associated with wonderful characters, are their peculiar marking.

For example, behind the fairy tale "Wonderful Children" the image of a bayun cat was fixed, always created by a special formula:

Fairy tales, like all others, differ from the animal epic primarily in that their main character is a man. The hero of fairy tales is young: he has reached marriageable age, full of strength and ready for adulthood. But first he has to go through difficult trials, come into contact with various miraculous forces. Wonderful fiction lies at the heart of fairy tales.

Ancient Russian pagan priests (astrologers, sorcerers and soothsayers) were called "Magi". "Magic" - to perform witchcraft or divination. Hence comes the "magical" - "wonderful, supernatural.

Scientists called fairy tales "mythical", "wonderful", "fantastic", but the term "magic", introduced by V. Ya. Propp, is used most often.

The Comparative Index of Plots takes into account 225 plots or plot-forming motifs of this genre, the most popular of which are published in hundreds of versions. Among them: "Winner of the Serpent", "Fight on the Kalinov Bridge", "Three Underground Kingdoms", "Kashchei's Death in the Egg", "Wonderful Escape", "Animal Milk", "Stepmother and Stepdaughter", "Sivko-Burko" , "Humpbacked Horse", "Dunno", "Magic Ring".

The fairy tale has its historical roots. Unlike the animal epic, it dates back to a later, agricultural period, reflects new features of life and the already developed worldview of people, their pagan beliefs and rituals.

The agricultural cults of earth, water, and the sun left a deep imprint in the fairy tale. In a fairy tale, in order to be reincarnated, you need to hit the ground with cheese. Water has a variety of magical powers: it revives the dead, rejuvenates the old, gives sight to the blind, makes the hero strong and his enemy weak. An integral artistic feature of the genre is the colorful radiance of the golden objects of the fairy-tale world - in this case, the epithet "golden" denotes the color of the sun.

The golden objects of the fairy tale reveal this meaning in their functions. For example, in the fairy tale "Sivko-Burko", the princess marked her fiancé with a golden ring, from the touch of which his forehead shone like the sun.

The fairy tale bears in itself various traces of totemistic beliefs. Fairy tales about wonderful brides and grooms are associated with ancient ideas about the spouse-totem. The protagonist often enters into an alliance with the bird bride. An echo of ancient marriage rites is their first meeting near the water: on the seashore, river or lake.

The same situation is steadily repeated: the hero is hiding, at this time three ducks arrive, sink to the shore, turn into girls and go for a swim. While they are bathing, the hero steals the clothes (or wings) of one of the girls. Having bathed, the sisters fly away, and she turns to the kidnapper with a ritual challenge: “Respond,” she says, “who took my wings? If the person is old, be my father, and the old woman, be my mother; red maiden - be a sister! The hero comes out of hiding, and the girl confirms her oath: "Having given the word, you can’t change it; I’m going to marry you, for a good fellow!"

Plot motifs about the miraculous birth of a hero are associated with totemistic beliefs. One of these tales is "Ivan the Bear's Ear":

Jiu pop. The priest had a very beautiful priest, and a bear walked around and coveted her for three years. On the fourth, he took her away. Here they live, live - a son was born, they called the name: Ivan, Bear's Ear. Ivan the Bear's Ear is growing by leaps and bounds, and he grew up big and says to his mother: "Well, mom, we have a shaggy aunt, but we are not shaggy?" - "And then, tsto, Vanya, we are Russians, and en is a beast of the forest-howl." - "Let's go, mother, to holy Rus'!"

The totem progenitor was also a fish. In the fairy tale "Fight on the Viburnum Bridge", a childless king orders to fry and serve a golden-finned pike to the queen. The queen ate it, the cook tried one feather, and the cow licked off the cleaning. As a result, all three gave birth to a hero: voice to voice and hair to hair.

Especially often animal totems are wonderful helpers of the hero. They may be related to deceased parents. An orphan girl is helped by a cow ("Stepmother and Stepdaughter"), and Ivanushka is helped by a horse ("Sivko-Burko").

The horse always accompanies the hero of a fairy tale. He is associated with the sun and the thirtieth kingdom. A wonderful fairy-tale horse - in the stars, with a moon and the sun, with a golden tail and mane - appears at night and radiates a dazzling light.

Among the people, a wooden wheelchair toy in the form of a horse, always painted red, was quite widely known. . And in royal life, the custom of making a horse for boys was preserved.

When the future Tsar Peter I was one year old, they began to prepare a "funny horse" for him. A horse figurine was cut out of linden wood - of such a size that the prince could fit. The horse was covered with white foal skin, approved on four iron wheels. They made a saddle, upholstered in red morocco on white felt: silver studs on top, copper studs on the bottom. They made buckles and girth tips from silver. Iron stirrups, covered with sheet gold and silver, were attached to the saddle; under the saddle was placed a saddlecloth lined with scarlet taffeta. The silver and black bridle was adorned with "stones with emeralds". There was a silver and gold galloon, and a silver paper adorned with precious stones. The prince's toy resembled a fairy-tale horse.

The "funny horse" prepared the boy for initiation: the rite of planting on a live horse, which was usually performed at the age of seven. Once it was a military rite, initiation into the military rank: in the saddle and with arrows. At the same time, the boy's hair was cut, so the rite was called "tooth".

Fairy tales mention a variety of tools: an ax, a plow, a plow, a yoke, a spindle, a spinning wheel, a loom. They have long been considered sacred, as they were used in the production of food and clothing - that which comes into contact with the human body. In everyday life, they were decorated with magical ornaments, and in a fairy tale they turned into wonderful objects: an ax-self-pick, a self-assembled tablecloth, a golden spindle, magic millstones (grain grinders) - "no matter what you turn, everything is a pancake and a pie". Along with them, there is an archaic weapon of hunters - a club: a gilded club of fifty pounds, a wonderful club.

Mythological consciousness was based on the idea of ​​immortality and the unity of living beings. Werewolves are associated with these ideas - a poetic device of a fairy tale. Living things can appear in different forms. For example, in the fairy tale "Cunning Science" the motive "pursuit - salvation" plays an important role. Two lines of reincarnations develop in him: the sorcerer and his disciple.

In East Slavic fairy tales, the image of Baba Yaga is of particular importance. It dates back to the era of matriarchy and much of it remains mysterious (for example, there are several assumptions, but there is no convincing explanation for the name "Yaga" itself). Every animal runs to Yaga at her call, every reptile crawls, every bird flies. She is not only the mistress of living beings, but also the keeper of the fire for the hearth (it is no coincidence that the fairy tale associates utensils with her - a mortar, a pomelo, a poker).

The duality of her properties speaks about the deep antiquity of Baba Yaga: she can be both an assistant and an opponent. Yaga points the way to Kashcheevo's kingdom, from her the hero receives wonderful objects and a magical horse. At the same time, Yaga acts as a warrior, avenger, kidnapper of children. In the tribal society, Yaga personified the mother-ancestor, and the tale emphatically exaggerates her feminine signs, although she does this, due to the fall of the cult, already with a mockery: rakes the soot."

The motif of the hero's meeting with Baba Yaga's hut is known from many plots of fairy tales. V. Ya. Propp explained its origin in connection with the rites of initiation of a tribal society, by which young men who had reached maturity were initiated into hunters (warriors), and girls were accepted into the circle of mothers. The rites were based on an imaginary death, when a person allegedly visited the kingdom of the dead and acquired miraculous properties there, and then was reborn in a new capacity.

In two books ("The Morphology of the Fairy Tale" and "The Historical Roots of the Fairy Tale"), Propp showed that the uniformity of the plot structure of different works of this genre corresponds to such rites of antiquity. Summing up his research, he wrote: “We found that the compositional unity of a fairy tale lies not in some features of the human psyche, not in the features of artistic creativity, it lies in the historical reality of the past. but what they did not do, they imagined."

Inside the fairy tale plot, two spaces are clearly distinguished: the world of people and the wonderful faraway kingdom, the faraway state is nothing but the mythical kingdom of the dead. In the view of the ancients, it was associated with the sun, so the fairy tale depicts it as golden. In different plots, a wonderful kingdom is located underground, under water, in a distant forest or on high mountains, in the sky. Therefore, it is very remote from people and moves like the daily movement of the sun. It is there that the hero of a fairy tale goes for wonderful golden curiosities and for a bride, and then returns with booty to his house. Far Far Away Kingdom is always separated from the real world by some kind of border: a heavy stone, a pillar with an inscription about three roads, a high steep mountain, a fiery river, a viburnum bridge, but especially often - Baba Yaga's hut. V. Ya. Propp came to the conclusion that Yaga is a dead mother, a deceased, a guide to the afterlife.

In the rituals of ancient people, the hut was a zoomorphic image. The fairy-tale hut retains the signs of a living being: it hears the words addressed to it (“Hut, hut, turn your back to the forest, front to me”), turns, and, finally, it has chicken legs. The zoomorphic image of the hut is associated with a chicken, and the chicken in the entire system of ethnography and folklore of the Eastern Slavs symbolized female fertility. The fabulous motif of the meeting with Yaga's hut conveyed the echoes of women's initiation.

The hero of a fairy tale goes to another world most often because a woman close to him has been taken there: a bride, sister, wife, mother. The plot of the abduction of a woman ("the main plot") V. Ya. Propp singled out as the most typical for the fairy-tale genre. He wrote: "If we could unfold the picture of transformations, then we could be convinced that morphologically all these tales can be derived from tales about the abduction of a princess by a snake, from the type that we tend to consider the main one." Historically, this is associated with the actual sacrifices of women.

A fairy tale, in contrast to rituals, reflected a more ancient ethnographic reality: it contains a "memory" not of a substitute, but of the original victim - the woman herself. But, like rituals, the tale expressed the inevitable progressive desire to overcome this cruel custom, which at a new level of human consciousness has already lost its motivation. The main theme of the tale is the liberation and return of the woman. A hero-liberator appeared in the fairy tale, with whom its ideology began to be associated. With its finale - the wedding feast - the fairy tale began to poeticize the personal feeling of a person.

The plot about the return of a kidnapped woman is characteristic of the entire world folklore. It typologically arose among different peoples of the world as a contrast to the rites of antiquity, in which there were sacrifices. The main sign of the mythological opponent of the hero is also associated with it - the function of abduction, although this image itself has changed many times in the process of historical development.

Zueva T.V., Kirdan B.P. Russian folklore - M., 2002

Fairy tales are distinguished from others by the special nature of fiction. Supernatural forces always operate in them - sometimes good, sometimes evil. They work miracles: resurrect from the dead, turn a person into a beast or a bird. Here and scary monsters: Koschey the immortal, Baba Yaga, a fiery serpent, and here are wonderful objects: a flying carpet, an invisibility hat, walking boots.

Fairy tales, just like tales about animals, people began to create in ancient times. He could not explain many natural phenomena and could not control them. Since the origin of the phenomena was not clear, people attributed them supernatural power. There were beliefs in witches, sorcerers who can work miracles, knowing the spell words. The same magical powers (only it can be in a different form) are also in fairy tales. The people in those distant times believed in magical things and objects: a ring, an ax, a belt, a scarf, a mirror, an apple.

And how many fairy tales are based on faith in magical power words!

Later, people realized many phenomena, the connection between the fairy tale and ritual magic was lost. At the same time, people's poetic imagination grew. I wanted to be able to do a lot, but the real possibilities did not allow me to do it. The dream found space in fairy tales. Man dreamed of subordinating the forces of nature, building beautiful palaces, moving quickly, living long, always being full.

A. M. Gorky speaks of the fantasy of fairy tales in the following way: “There is nothing in the world that cannot be instructive - there are no fairy tales that would not contain the material of “didactics”, teaching. In fairy tales, “fiction” is primarily instructive - the amazing ability of our thought to look far ahead of the fact ... ".

The idea of ​​A. M. Gorky about the creative basis of fairy tales was repeatedly emphasized by many Soviet researchers of folklore. “Fairy tales,” writes V.P. Anikin, “are a kind of ideological, aesthetic and ethical code of the people, here the moral and aesthetic concepts and ideas of the working people, their aspirations and expectations are embodied. Fairy tale fantasy reflects the features of the people who created it. The joyful and bright fiction reflects the faith of the people in victory over the black forces of death, destruction, faith in social justice.

In books to read in I-III classes such magical, folk tales as “Snow Maiden”, “Geese-swans”, “Seven Simeons”, “Everyone got his own”, “Wonderful apple tree”, “Bird Kahka” and some others are presented.

Fairy tales also include "The Tale of the Goldfish" by A. S. Pushkin, "The Hot Stone" by A. P. Gaidar.

In each of these fairy tales, the heroes resort to the help of objects or living beings that have unusual, magical powers. In the fairy tale "Geese-Swans", the stove, the apple tree and the milk river - kissel banks - became such assistants to the girl Masha. The birch bark horn of Simeon Jr., the golden arrow of Simeon the shooter, have unusual properties, and Simeon the farmer could plow sea sand in one hour, sow rye, harvest and bake bread all the way (fairy tale "Seven Simeons"). As soon as the old woman clapped her hands, two chests full of precious stones appeared in front of Vladislav. “The old woman waved her hand, the Apple tree stirred, shook off the roots from the ground and went for a shepherd.” And the old man from the fairy tale “To each his own” had only to say a few words to the poor woman, so that she measured the canvas from nowhere all day long.

The specificity of fairy tales, as noted above, lies in the fact that unusual transformations, improbable forces act, etc. Therefore, in the analysis of such fairy tales, only clarifying the direction of magical forces (whom they help and why, how it characterizes the heroes of a fairy tale, etc.) will be specific. Otherwise, the analysis of the tale will be carried out in the same way as the analysis of the story.

A special place among this group of fairy tales is occupied by A. Gaidar's fairy tale "Hot Stone". The tale is interesting for its clearly expressed social orientation. This is a new, our, Soviet fairy tale. Its content is close to the story. Only the episode with the stone is fabulous.

A complex philosophical question is brought up for discussion by a fairy tale: what is the meaning of life, what is the happiness of a person? Representatives of two generations: the older one, which fought for the establishment of Soviet power in our country, and the very young one, which is just beginning to study at school, hold before the reader the answer to this difficult question. The author gives each of them the opportunity to speak; and not only to speak out, but also to prove their approach in practice. To do this, the author creates a fabulous situation: break the stone and you can start life anew. Indeed, this is possible only in a fairy tale. Starting to live again means (as in any business) that life did not give a person anything good, he did not manage to live it with dignity, there were many mistakes and the main thing was not found. And what is the main thing? What is the core of the real worthy of a man, life? This is how two questions come together, equally important and at the same time very close, interacting with each other. The author gives the answer to them by the very development of the plot, the old man's story about his life, the disclosure of his understanding of happiness.

An example modern fairy tale with a pronounced social orientation is "The Tale of the Three Letters" by Y. Fuchik and B. Silov. When analyzing this type of fairy tales, the center should be the disclosure of its real basis and ideas. The analysis of such a fairy tale is as close as possible to the analysis of the story. great place devoted to the clarification of specific events and attitudes towards them actors. "The ship is sinking! People are calling for help! ”- this is the main event that forms the thematic basis of the tale. A rich man, a big stock trader, a carpenter, a mechanic, a chimney sweep and other representatives of poor, ordinary people react differently to a distress signal. The rich don't care whether the sailors of the Batayava die or not. Ordinary people on the shore are not able to help the sinking ship, although they passionately want to do it. Help comes soviet ship"Kyrgyzstan". Sailors from the steamer "Batayava" were rescued. “And so it should always be” - with these words the fairy tale ends. Always people of labor will come to the aid of their comrades - this is the idea of ​​a fairy tale. From the point of view of students' understanding of this idea, the teacher organizes all the work on the fairy tale.

Fairy tales are one of the most interesting and amazing genres of literary creativity. This, one might say, is our heritage, which we inherited from our ancestors. As before, now fairy tales play a big role in the development of the child, his formation of the perception of human values.

General information about fairy tales

The appearance of fairy tales among the people was due to the fact that people tried to find an explanation for certain natural phenomena, the origin of which was unclear to them, and also told about their life and rituals in this way. Of course, fantasy was also connected to this. Thus, folk tales have some reflection of the historical development of the people.

How did magic appear in fairy tales? Obviously, this was a reflection of the desire for a happy resolution of the situation, for the victory of good over evil. Each image in the fairy tale is deeply symbolic. In some nations, even the characters are similar, only they are called differently. For example, the Russian Baba Yaga and the old woman Loukhi from Finland. Or our Ivan the fool and the Englishman Jack the lazy. Even the stories are very repetitive.

Also in a fairy tale, magical things were indispensable attributes. For example, a self-assembled tablecloth, a flying carpet or Baba Yaga's stupa.

Who could compose a fairy tale? In the distant past, these were those people who traveled a lot, and therefore saw and heard a lot. They talked about what they learned. Then these stories gradually changed, the spirit of fantasy was introduced.

Over time, their stories became fairy tales for children. What the great-grandfathers considered true, turned into a legend. But in the end, they had a positive impact on the child's correct understanding of the world.

The influence of fairy tales on the upbringing of children

Fairy tales are about educating children. Many generations have grown up with such figurative battles between good and evil. Perceiving the magical world of such stories, the child is immersed in a special atmosphere. With an easy and entertaining language, the child perceives the world and adapts to it. Easily perceives the system of correct values, relations between people.

Mandatory happy end fairy tales allows you to realize that everything is possible, while the kid on a subconscious level gains confidence in himself, in his abilities.

Magical folk tales are also great for developing imagination. Very often, the child identifies with one of the characters and throughout the reading goes through his path of adventure with him.

Plots of fairy tales

Folk fairy tales are different in their plot, according to which they can be divided into several groups:

  • those in which the hero miraculously defeats a monster (usually the Serpent Gorynych);
  • fairy tales where you need to pass some kind of test;
  • those where children are saved from some villain;
  • fairy tales in which the hero is expelled from own house, turns out to be either in captivity fabulous creature, or simply goes "where the eyes look";
  • those where some kind of test should be overcome in order to find family happiness;
  • fairy tales where the hero acquires some kind of magical item.

Of course, the classification is very arbitrary, since in some fairy tales the plots are intertwined, some cannot be clearly attributed to any type at all.

Folk tales: what are they

In addition to fairy tales in folk art, there are everyday stories about animals. What are the differences between them?

If we talk about fairy tales, then, as mentioned above, these are those in which there is some miraculous salvation, deliverance, victory.

In everyday life, it is told about work, about those daily events that occur in a person's life. They may also have a little magic in them, but they usually overcome difficulties with the help of ingenuity and resourcefulness.

There are also stories about animals. The latter in them, like people, can talk, and behave the same way. Each of the animals has its own special features. For example, a fox is cunning, a hare is cowardly, a bear is strong.

Fairy tales that have authorship

There are also numerous Russian fairy tales, the author of which is famous, and they are no less popular and loved by children. They preserve the purity and justice of folk art. Remember the names of the authors who gave us fairy tales. This:

  • Pushkin A.S. Tsar Saltan" and others);
  • Bazhov P.P. ("Tayutkino mirror", " Malachite Box" and etc.);
  • Zhukovsky V.A. ("The Sleeping Princess", "Puss in Boots", etc.);
  • Aksakov S.T. ("The Scarlet Flower").

But of course, these are just some of the magical ones which are the most popular. There are a lot of authors in Russian art who wrote amazing stories for children of different ages. Very often they were based on legends, in other cases they were fictions of the writer himself.

Popular folk tales for children of different ages

Every fairy tale has its own audience. For example, some are suitable for kids of three years of age, but will not be interesting for seven-year-old children. Consider popular fairy tales. The list includes these:

  • For kids younger age fairy tales about animals will be more understandable. For example, "Turnip", "Kolobok", "Teremok", "Masha and the Bear".
  • For older children (5 years and older), Morozko, Frog Princess, Vasilisa the Beautiful, Swans Geese, Daughter and Stepdaughter are already suitable.
  • For children over 8-9 years old household tales. For example, "Seven-year-old daughter", "Porridge from an ax", "It's good, but it's bad", "It's not nice - don't listen."

However, this is all individual. When reading a fairy tale to a child or inviting him to do it himself, the parent must be prepared for possible questions from his child. If he refuses to perceive the fairy tale at all - do not be discouraged! Perhaps the child is simply not yet ready to read this work.

Fairy tales of the peoples of the world

Magical folk tales can serve as a description of history. Sometimes they are quite funny. However, every fairy tale of any nation teaches something. For example, nobility, courage, honor.

Some fairy tales of different nationalities are similar to each other, although they have different names. The characters are also different, but their traits and behaviors are the same. For example, many peoples have a fairy tale with a story about three brothers or about a poor stepdaughter and an evil stepmother.

We suggest taking note of the most popular fairy tales in the world. Their names sound like this:

  • "Goldilocks" (Czech);
  • "Magic Ring" (Italian);
  • "The Witch's Daughter" (Greek);
  • "Twelve months" (Slovak);
  • "Musician-sorcerer" (Belarusian);
  • "Princess Frog" (Monskaya);
  • "Three princes" (Indian).

As you can see, some names are very similar to Russian fairy tales.

Russian folk fairy tales: characters

Russian fairy tales tell about both positive and negative characters, both about men and about women. Good heroes can be said to be noble, brave and honest. This, for example, is Ivan Tsarevich or Ivan the Fool, who will definitely defeat the enemy and help in trouble.

There is also a special attitude in fairy tales towards women. They are often strong in spirit, support their men, giving them strength to fight with their boundless faith. Also, many of them are endowed with remarkable intelligence and ingenuity, they may have a difficult share, but they never lose hope. The names of women often have a definition that can tell a lot. For example, Elena the Beautiful or Vasilisa the Wise.

Fairy tales are also a world of faithful animal helpers, who often help the main character and have some power. This may be a faithful horse, a cunning cat or others. All of them can speak, move quickly.

The magical world is also rife with negative characters. It can be the well-known Baba Yaga, or the Serpent Gorynych, or each of them has its own power and with its help harms people. Serpent Gorynych, for example, kidnaps beautiful girls and locks them in a dungeon, Baba Yaga eats little children.

Besides this, there are other negative characters that harm the environment to the best of their ability. These are water, goblin, kikimora, mermaids. Some can induce haze, drag them into the water.

Separate characters are heroes. They appear most often in snake-fighting fairy tales. The heroes free the enchanted and stolen princesses and maidens.

A few words about the importance of books in a child's life

Remember also that it is equally important for a child to see how the parents themselves pick up books, their own, adults, and read them with pleasure. It is important to show kids your faith in a miracle, in justice.

Bogdanov I.D. one

Samoilova E.A. one

1 Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution of the Novolyalinsky City District "Secondary School No. 4"

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“In fairy tales, both the soul of the Russian people and wisdom are visible.

they are our wealth."

(Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky)


Today it is difficult to imagine a person who would not love fairy tales and everything connected with them.

Fairy tales have come to us from ancient times, passed down from generation to generation. It was so long ago that now no one can even know exactly when.

The first creator of fairy tales was the people who put their own ideas into them. cherished dreams about justice, a happy life, spoke about the beauty, intelligence and hard work of ordinary people. The fairy tale surrounds, fascinates, captivates a person with early childhood and until the end of his life with his wonderful transformations and magical stories.

The theme of the presence of fairy tales in our lives is relevant, because even today people read fairy tales with pleasure. main feature fairy tales is the presence of magical items that helped and made life easier for the characters. In Russian folk tales, there are household items and clothes that make their owner invulnerable and give him the opportunity to do great things. Walking boots, a cap of invisibility, a self-assembled tablecloth, a flying carpet, a magic wand are the main subjects of fairy tales. With the help of magical objects, the heroes of fairy tales cope with difficulties that cannot be overcome in the usual way. I note that not every fairy tale with a magical object is folk. Many world-famous storytellers wrote with pleasure about useful curiosities.

After reading many fairy tales, I realized that magical "helpers" exist in reality. These are human inventions that help and make life easier. modern people. Surprisingly, every day in the world of technology there are discoveries and improvements. The basis of these inventions to mankind is given by the wisdom of the whole people, that is, fairy tales.

Object of study: magical objects from fairy tales.

Subject of research: the connection of magical objects with the inventions of the modern world.

Hypothesis: Magical items are closely related to modern inventions that we now use.

Purpose: to find out if there is a possibility of creating magic in real world, that is, find in modern world inventions, ideas for the creation of which came to us from fairy tales.

Find magical items in fairy tales that helped the heroes

Find objects in the modern world, whose progenitors are magical objects from fairy tales.

Prove the relationship between magical objects and modern inventions.

Draw the attention of the guys from the group to the study.

Analyze the results and draw a conclusion.

Research methods:


study and analysis of literature;


Terms of the study: February 2018 - September 2018

“You shouldn’t turn your back on grandma’s fairy tales so easily.

They sometimes store knowledge from the inheritance of the Wise.

( Jean Ronald Reuel Tolkien. "Lord of the Rings")

Reading and analyzing a large number of fairy tales, I found magical objects that, thanks to the development of science, were embodied in real life. I have divided these items into several groups.

1. Fast movement.

People have always dreamed of moving quickly over long distances. a short time, so they came up with magic items that help to fly and run fast. We learn about these magical objects from fairy tales.

So, from the fairy tale "Prophetic Dream" we learn about the flying carpet. The protagonist Ivan, the merchant's son, took possession of this magical item in a not entirely honest way. " They went outside the city, spread out a magic carpet, sat down and rose above the walking cloud; they flew, flew and landed just at that dense forest where they left their good horses. "But with his help he did good deeds. In the same tale boots-walkers are also mentioned.

Or in the fairy tale "The Enchanted Princess" a retired soldier married a princess in the form of a bear. To overcome obstacles, he also fraudulently takes possession of a flying carpet, an invisibility capand walking boots.The fairy tale says "a soldier sat on a flying carpet and flew ... traveled for a long, long time, saw many lands and many seas, finally flew to the ends of the world ... there is nowhere else to fly!" When performing fabulous deeds, he did not use boots.

I also read Charles Perrault's fairy tale "A Boy with a Thumb", in which I also met a magical object with which it is possible to move around - seven-league boots. "The cannibal took out seven-league boots from the chest and hurried after the brothers. He crossed half the state in a few steps and soon found himself on the road along which the boys were running ... He jumped from mountain to mountain, stepped over huge rivers, like small puddles." Then the boy with a finger stole the seven-league boots from the Ogre. The kid got a job in the royal service as a messenger and with their help earned a lot of money and helped the family get out of poverty (the tale is written inXVII in.).

In the fairy tale Little Muck» Wilhelm Hauff has magic shoes that move the owner to any distance.I read about them: “Leaving the house, he started to run and rushed without looking back until he ran out of the city into the field. Then the dwarf decided to rest a bit. And suddenly he felt that he could not stop. His legs ran by themselves and dragged him no matter how hard he tried to stop them. He tried to fall and turn around - nothing helped. Finally, he realized that it was all about his new shoes. It was they who pushed him forward and did not let him stop. Muk was completely exhausted and did not know He waved his hands in despair and shouted, as cab drivers shout:
- Whoa! Whoa! Stop! And suddenly the shoes stopped at once, and the poor dwarf fell to the ground with all his might.Later, Muk used this property of shoes to achieve his goals (the tale was published in 1826).

In A. Volkov's fairy tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City" I came across a magical object - silver shoes. “Silver shoes have many wonderful properties,” said Stella. “But their most amazing property is that in three steps they will take you even to the ends of the world. You just need to knock your heel on the heel and name the place ...” These magical shoes endured Ellie from magical land to Kansas to mom and dad. The work was written only in 1939.

In the Russian folk tale The Flying Ship, I learned about how the Tsar decided to marry his daughter to someone who could make the Flying Ship. This was the younger brother in one poor family who went to the forest and asked for advice from his grandfather - good wizard who helped the guy build a ship of unprecedented beauty "... a fool sat on a flying ship, straightened the sails. The sails inflated, the ship soared into the sky, flew faster than a falcon. It flies a little lower than walking clouds, a little higher than standing forests ..."

And yet, in many Russian folk tales, the most evil heroine - Baba Yaga - moved in a mortar.

The laziest hero in Emel's fairy tales rode a sleigh not drawn by horses. Here is how it is said in a fairy tale: “Emel’s tears from the stove, put on shoes, got dressed. He took a rope and an ax, went out into the yard and sat in a sleigh:

Dads, open the gate!

His bridesmaids say to him:

Why, you fool, got into the sleigh, but didn’t harness the horse?

I don't need a horse.

The daughters-in-law opened the gates, and Emelya said quietly:

By pike command, according to my desire - go, sleigh, into the forest ... The sleigh itself went to the gate, but so quickly - you can’t catch up on a horse.

Even Emelya, who is reluctant to do anything, rode stoves. "Emelya lay still and says:

At the command of the pike, according to my desire - come on, bake, go to the king ...

Here in the hut the corners cracked, the roof shook, the wall flew out, and the furnace itself went along the street, along the road, straight to the king.

The king looks out the window, marveling: What kind of miracle is this?

The greatest nobleman answers him: And this is Emelya on the stove going to you.

After reading all these fairy tales, I came to the conclusion that people have always dreamed of moving quickly, so in the modern world they have come up with analogues of fabulous magic items.

Having heard or read about the flying carpet in childhood, scientists began with serious studies of the possibility of flying on an apparatus only in the 18th century. After many unsuccessful attempts to take off and stay in the air, on December 17, 1903, the American inventors, the brothers Wilbur and Orville Wright, made four controlled flights in the Flyer-1 biplane equipped with an engine. Later
this invention was improved and now we can fly on a modern plane, helicopter, rocket.

Having read in childhood about Emelya, who traveled on a stove with a stove bench, scientists thought about creating a convenient and comfortable vehicle.

Inventor Ivan Kulibin in 1791 built his "self-running carriage", which was driven by a flywheel. This stroller already had a brake, bearings and gearbox. In 1885, the German inventors Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz were the first in the world to build cars equipped with gasoline engines.

In subsequent years and decades, the development of technology did not stand still and modern locomotives and cars are much more powerful, faster, more beautiful and more comfortable than their "ancestors".

The well-known self-propelled stove is also a prototype of a steam locomotive.

Impressed by the fairy tale about the comfortable movement of Emelya on the stove, the Englishman Richard Trevithick presented the first steam locomotive in 1801. The main disadvantage was the cast-iron rails, which collapsed under the weight of this heavy machine.

Only in 1814, the English mechanical engineer George Stephenson built his own steam locomotive and ensured that cast-iron rails were replaced with steel ones.

In 1833-1834. Ural mechanical engineers - father and son Cherepanov, who worked at the Demidov factories, for the first time created a steam locomotive in Russia, which was simpler in design compared to its foreign counterparts.

AT late XIX century, the steam locomotive has undergone some changes and has become like a large and powerful machine, which had the ability to accelerate to 150 kilometers per hour.

A modern train and a modern Yemelya looks like this:

After reading the fairy tale "By the Pike's Command" and learning about the magic sleigh, engineer S.S. Nezhdanovsky in 1903 invented the first snowmobiles that move on snow and ice. They no longer need to be harnessed by horses.

Having learned about the Baba Yaga, who easily moved through the air in a mortar, the Montgolfier brothers in 1783year they made their own stupa, attaching it to a balloon. Balloon filled with hot air, thanks to which it rose up. Now everyone can rise into the sky.

After reading about the flying ship, every child dreamed of going on a trip on it, and so in September 1852Frenchman Henri-Jacques-Girard, took to the skies on the first airship. Subsequentlythis apparatus was improved, but remained like a flying ship from a fairy tale.

All the devices that I have discussed above can only be activated with the help of adults. And how important it is for the child to feel like a magician himself and move quickly without outside help. This is probably why people who were told fairy tales about skoroda boots and other magical shoes in childhood invented skates, and later roller skates, skis, scooters, segways.

2. Finding the right path.

Moving fast is, of course, good, but you need to know exactly in which direction to move. Therefore, in fairy tales there are very important magical items that help to find the right path.

Such an object in the Russian folk tale "The Frog Princess" is a ball. When Ivan Tsarevich went to his wife Vasilisa the Wise to look for distant lands in the distant kingdom, then “an old old man met him, who gave him a ball and said:“ Here is a ball for you; wherever he rides, follow him boldly." Ivan Tsarevich thanked the old man and followed the ball ..." He helped the traveler reach his goal - to Koshchei the Immortal.

In another Russian folk tale "Go there - I don't know where, bring something - I don't know what" Marya-Marevnagave her husband Andrei the shooter a ring to help him fulfill the service of the king. "Andrey threw the ring - it rolls. Andrey follows him through clean fields, moss-bogs, rivers-lakes, and the royal adviser trudges behind Andrey ... Is it close, far, soon, short, they came to a dense, dense forest, went down into a deep ravine, and then the ring stopped. "Brought the hero's ring to right place. In the same tale, there is also a ball, which also helped the hero get to the intended goal, that is, there - I don’t know where. That's how it was: "He threw a ball in front of him, the ball rolled - rolls and rolls. Andrei follows him. what has become small, it is not visible even on the road ... "

In the modern world, it is also important to move in the right direction, so scientists, after reading fairy tales in childhood, invented navigators, thanks to which you can make your way to anywhere in the world.

The first personal navigator was made in England in 1920. It was worn on the arm. It contained scrolls of paper maps with instructions that the driver had to scroll through on the way. Modern navigators are mini-computers equipped with special sensors that, using satellite signals, determine their location on Earth and display it on maps of the area stored in the navigator’s memory, giving its owner voice and visual prompts about the direction of movement and other important information for the user. according to the chosen route.

3. Communication with the outside world.

Since ancient times, people have dreamed of objects that will connect them with the outside world, which will help them learn about what is happening on the other side of the earth.

I read the Russian folk tale "Marya Morevna", where Ivan Tsarevich, going to look for his wife Marya, who was taken by Koschey the Immortal, leaves his relatives a silver spoon, fork and snuffbox. When Koschei the Deathless " chopped Ivan into small pieces and put him in a tar barrel, took this barrel, fastened it with iron hoops and threw it into the blue sea, and took Marya Morevna to him. At that very time, the silver of the sons-in-law of Ivan Tsarevich turned black. Ah, they say, “it’s obvious that trouble has happened!” It’s good that the relatives got wind of the trouble that happened to Ivan Tsarevich and saved him.

In the modern world, it has also become extremely important for people to keep in touch with each other, wherever they are. Therefore, the idea from a fairy tale became an occasion to invent the telephone. The brilliant scientist Antonio Meucci invented the first telephone in 1866. At present, technology has developed so much that there is practically nothing left in common with a modern telephone, except for the principle of operation. 1957 Russian scientist L. Kupriyanov experimentally created a sample mobile phone. In 1971, Samuel Hurst developed the elograph - a graphics tablet. And in 1972, the Americans introduced the first touchscreen phone.

Fairy tales read by scientists in childhood did not pass by. Therefore, now you can find out about your relatives and friends by calling them on the phone.

In the Russian folk tale "A silver saucer and a bulk apple," a man bought silk and scarlet velvet for his eldest daughters, and a silver saucer and a bulk apple for his younger Masha. The sisters laugh, and "Mashenka sat in a corner of the room, rolled a bulk apple on a silver saucer, sings and says:

Roll, roll, pouring apple, on a silver saucer, show me the cities and fields, show me the forests and the seas, show me the heights of the mountains and the beauty of heaven, all my dear Mother Rus'.

Suddenly there was a silver chime. The whole upper room was flooded with light: an apple rolled on a silver saucer, and on a silver saucer all the cities are visible, all the meadows are visible, and the shelves in the fields, and the ships on the seas, and the heights of the mountains, and the beauty of heaven: the sun is clearly rolling behind the bright moon, the stars gather in a round dance, the swans sing songs in the backwaters.

Such a pouring apple on a silver platter is in every modern house- this is TV. Scientists different countries worked under the influence of fairy tales long time so that people can see the world at a glance. And they succeeded. At present, by turning on the TV button, we learn about what is happening not only in Russia, but throughout the world.

In the Russian folk tale "Elena the Wise" main character looks into a magical book that knows everything in the world. Here's how it's written: Elena the Wise took the magic book, looked - and everything seemed to be in the palm of her hand."

The magic book is mentioned in many Russian folk tales: "Go there - I don't know where, bring it - I don't know what", "The Enchanted Princess" and others.

Great storytellers also wrote about this amazing subject.

So, I met a magic book in A. Volkov's fairy tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City". Ellie certainly needed to learn how to return home from a magical land. She asked the sorceress Villina about this. And here's what happened next...

" - Oh, yes, - Villina realized, - I completely forgot that my magic book was with me. You need to look into it: maybe I will subtract something useful for you ...

Villina took out from the folds of her clothes a tiny book the size of a thimble. The sorceress blew on her and in front of the surprised and a little frightened Ellie, the book began to grow, grow and turned into a huge volume. It was so heavy that the old woman placed it on a large stone. Villina looked at the pages of the book and they themselves turned over under her gaze.

Found, found! - the sorceress suddenly exclaimed and began to read slowly: - “Bambara, chufara, skoriki, moriki, turabo, furabo, loriki, eriki ... The great magician Goodwin will return home a little girl brought to his country by a hurricane if she helps three creatures achieve the fulfillment of their most cherished desires, pickup truck, trikapu, botalo, shook ... "

Probably, modern scientists were so impressed by these fairy tales about magic books that they invented a computer, and then a laptop, which helps people learn about everything in the world.

4. Magic helpers

4.1. Household helpers

After reading many fairy tales, I noted that Russian folk tales were written by ordinary people about themselves. Great storytellers also wrote fairy tales about ordinary people. AND simple people they worked very hard and they had nothing to eat, therefore, in fairy tales, helpers in everyday life are very often found.

So, a self-assembled tablecloth can feed anyone if you say the right words.

Here is an excerpt from the Russian folk tale "Samobranka Tablecloth", in which the Midnighter thanked the old man for a good deed: " He took out a bundle from his bosom and handed it to the old man:

Here is a self-assembled tablecloth for you - you will be full at any time. Just unfold the tablecloth and say: “Drink, eat!” - and eat, drink, whatever your heart desires ... The old man thanked his named brother for the treat and for the gift, said goodbye and set off on his way back ... He went to the inn.He sat down at the table, took out a tablecloth from his bosom, unfolded it and .. fathers-sveta, where did it come from: different foods were set, fragrant honey, sweet wines, snacks, all sorts of snacks - the table is breaking! Drink, eat - measure the soul!

In the XIX - XX centuries. to help housewives, various household appliances were invented and improved to help cook ( microwaves, bread makers, electric kettles, mixers...) and clean dishes (dishwashers).

The great storytellers The Brothers Grimm wrote the fairy tale "The Pot of Porridge", in which the old woman thanked the girl for the berries and gave her a pot. This is how it is described in the story: The old woman ate the berries and said:

You gave me berries, and I will also give you something. Here's a pot for you. All you have to do is say:

“One, two, three, pot, cook!” and he will start cooking delicious, sweet porridge.

And you will tell him: “One, two, three, do not cook anymore!” - and he will stop cooking.

Thank you, grandmother, - said the girl, took the pot and went home to her mother.

The mother was delighted with this pot. And how not to rejoice? Without labor and hassle, delicious, sweet porridge is always ready for lunch.

Modern scientists remember this tale as well. And in 1956 Yoshitada Minami invented a device similar in operation to a slow cooker. Later it was improved and it became a real helper. women in the kitchen. While the porridge itself is cooked in a slow cooker, women can go about their business. Porridge will definitely not run away from the multicooker.

In the Russian folk tale "The Frog Princess" - the wives of the royal sons had to sew a shirt in one night, then bake a loaf. The frog princess coped with these tasks with the help of magic.

In those distant times, women could only dream of such assistants, which are invented in the modern world. These are vacuum cleaners, and washing machines, and irons, and many, many more items that help in the household.

In the Russian folk tale "Vasilisa the Wise", Vasilisa is helped by a magic doll, which, if you feed and tell her your misfortune, will do everything herself. " The doll eats, then gives advice and comforts in grief, and in the morning she does all the work for Vasilisa, she only rests in the cold and picks flowers, and she already has weeded ridges, and watered cabbage, and water was applied, and the stove was fired. It was good for her to live with a doll."

Over the past 10 years, instead of a wish-granting doll, au pair robots have been invented that can do household chores. They know how to clean up the house: load washing machine, watering flowers, cooking, and also make people's life more interesting and comfortable.

In the Russian folk tale "The Firebird and Vasilisa the Tsarevna" a very ordinary object, it would seem, for a fairy tale, is shown - the feather of the firebird. This is how it is said in the fairy tale “In a certain kingdom, far away, in a faraway state, there lived a strong, mighty king. And that king had a well done archer, and the young archer had a heroic horse. Once an archer rode on his heroic horse into the forest to hunt. He rides along the road, rides wide - and ran into the golden feather of the firebird: the feather glows like fire! ... "

But how could this "ordinary" fabulous object haunt the scientists of many countries. And so in the 19th century appeared n first electric light bulb. Who exactly was the inventor is difficult, but in this direction such names asP.N. Yablochkov, A.N. Lodygin, Joseph Swan, Thomas Edison. Such a seemingly insignificant discovery of brilliant scientists changed the world radically and gave a big impetus to the technological development of mankind.

What are the necessary and important inventions made for man thanks to fairy tales. Without them, it would be very difficult to live in the modern world.

4.2. Magic helpers in construction

In the Russian folk tale "The Magic Ring", Martynka, who was about to marry the daughter of the king, had to build a palace and a crystal bridge in one night. The fellow coped with this task with the help of a magic ring. And it was like that. Exactly at midnight Martyn got up from his bed, went out into the wide courtyard, threw the ring from hand to hand - and immediately twelve young men appeared before him, all on the same face, hair to hair, voice to voice.

What did you need, Martin, widow's son?

And here's what: make me into the light in this very place richest palace, and so that there would be a crystal bridge from my palace to the royal one, trees with golden and silver apples would grow on both sides of the bridge, different birds would sing on those trees, and even build a five-domed cathedral: it would be where to take the crown, it would be where the wedding cope.

Twelve fellows answered:

Everything will be ready by tomorrow!

They rushed across different places, drove the craftsmen and carpenters from all sides and set to work: everything is argued with them, the work is done quickly. The next morning Martinka woke up not in a simple hut, but in noble, luxurious chambers; went out onto the high porch, looks - everything is as it is ready: the palace, and the cathedral, and the crystal bridge, and trees with golden and silver apples.

It would seem that this is not possible in the real world. But it is not just that scientists read fairy tales in childhood. They have ahead whole life to invent magical items. And it worked! More recently, a giant 3D printer has been created in the world, with the help of which a small house in China has already been "printed" in just one day. In Russia, the construction of such a lady is also underway in the city of Yaroslavl. In the near future, 3D printers will be able to build houses and bridges as beautiful and big as in a fairy tale.

4.3. Magic helpers at work

People different professions constantly thinking about how good it would be to have magic items in the work to help people and to do their job better. Where do you get these helpers? Of course, from fairy tales that were read in childhood. Scientists do just that - they remember magic and invent some very necessary item.

So in the fairy tale A.S. Pushkin's "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs" is written about a mirror that always spoke the truth.

joked with him

And, blushing, she said:

“My light, mirror! tell

Let me tell you the whole truth...

A much needed item in today's world. I think it was this tale that promptedin 1921, a medical student at the University of California and an employee of the Police Department of the city of Berkeley, California, John Augustus Larsoncome up with a device that would always tell the truth, or rather determine whether a person is telling the truth - this is a polygraph or a lie detector. It is necessary for the police to determine the criminal is telling the truth or not. Why not a mirror of the human brain?

In many Russian folk tales, people wanted to revive or cure loved one. In this they were helped by rejuvenating apples, living and dead water. So in the fairy tale "About rejuvenating apples and living water" it is told that " far away, in the thirtieth kingdom, there is a garden with rejuvenating apples and a well with living water, If you eat this apple for an old man, he will become younger, and if you wash the eyes of a blind man with this water, he will see.

In the fairy tale “Marya Morevna”, in order to save Ivan Tsarevich, cut into pieces by Koshchei, “all three flocked to one place, broke a barrel, took out the pieces of Ivan Tsarevich, washed them and folded them as needed. The raven splashed with dead water - the body grew together, united; splashed living water - Ivan Tsarevich shuddered ... "

In the modern world, the dream of every doctor is to cure all the sick, to revive the dead. Therefore, medicine for many centuries now and then "grows rejuvenating apples" and establishes the composition of living and dead water, that is, it invents more and more creams, pills, potions, even stem cells, thereby unraveling the secrets of rejuvenation of the body.

In Wilhelm Hauff's fairy tale "Little Muck" I noticed one interesting thing that main character took from an old woman along with shoes - this is a cane. Later, in a dream, he saw a small dog. She told him: "... A cane will help you look for treasures. Where gold is buried, it will hit the ground three times, and where silver is buried, it will hit twice.” Modern scientists have managed to use knowledge from a fairy tale and invent a metal detector - a device that allows you to find metal objects, regardless of their location.location. The first metal detector was born in 1881 (several decades after the publication of the fairy tale "Little Mook") by the Scottish physicist Alexander Graham Bell. Today, metal detectors are used by the police to find the weapon of a crime or evidence that criminals have hidden. Metal detectors are also used for security purposes, in mining, archaeological excavations and even in medicine..

In Russian folk tales "Prophetic Dream", "The Enchanted Princess" and many others, another amazing item is mentioned - an invisibility hat. Modern scientists are still puzzling over how to make their childhood dream of becoming invisible come true.

But there are conjurers in our time who also read fairy tales in childhood, and have learned, with the help of cunning tricks, to create the illusion that objects and even people disappear.

Poll of children from the class

In the course of the research, I decided to conduct a small survey among the guys in my class and their parents, because I became interested in what other guys think about the connection between fairy tales and modern inventions? They were asked to answer the following questions:

1. List the Russian folk tales that you know.

2. Which fairy tale is your favorite or did you like the most.

3. Were there magical objects in the fairy tale that helped in Hard time hero? List them.

4. Are magical fairy items related to modern inventions?

Create your own magical item.

After processing the questionnaires of the guys from the class, I got the following results:

1. Children remember the following fairy tales:


Gingerbread Man;

Swan geese;

Little Red Riding Hood;

By magic;


2. Magic items from fairy tales are named as follows:

Emelya oven;

A ball showing the way;

Magic wand;

Carpet plane;

Invisible hat;

Walking boots.

3. Found a connection between fabulous magic items and modern inventions 76% of the children who participated in the survey. Some of the guys drew their magic items.

After analyzing all the results, I established the following pattern: the more children read fairy tales, the more magical items they named and the more magical items they could correlate with modern inventions. Those guys who read the largest number of fairy tales were able to come up with their own magical items.

Thus, I can conclude that children who read fairy tales develop fantasy and creative thinking. And when they grow up, they will be able to invent useful objects that they learned about from fairy tales or that they invented themselves.


After analyzing my research, I was convinced that the possibility of creating magic in the real world exists - there are inventions around us, the ideas for creating which came to us from fairy tales.

People in childhood read fairy tales, think about magical objects, imagine them in their games, and when they grow up, they make some outstanding discovery. Thus, as a result of the work carried out, my hypothesis about the “related” connection between fairy-tale objects and modern technology was confirmed.

After a survey of the guys from the class, I can say with confidence that fairy tales develop imagination and creative thinking, which in the future will make it possible to realize the most pipe dreams because there is still a lot of magic left in fairy tales.

I got great pleasure from doing the work. I will continue to read fairy tales and maybe in the near future I will be able to unravel the secrets of magical objects and thereby make people's lives easier and happier.


A.S. Pushkin, Skazki, Yekaterinburg: Litur-opt LLC, 2011, - 120p.

Big book of Russian fairy tales / edited by O. Lashchevskaya. - St. Petersburg: Lenizdat, "Leningrad", 2007. - 576 p.

V. Gauf, Little Muk, Moscow: ROSMEN, 2015. - 28s.

Volkov A.M., The Wizard of the Emerald City, Belgorod: Family Leisure Club LLC, 2013. - 128p.

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