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Bianchi Vitaly Valentinovich (1894-1959), Russian writer.

Born January 30 (February 11), 1894 in St. Petersburg in the family of an ornithologist, wrote poetry from childhood. Bianchi's father, whom the writer called his first and main "forest teacher", introduced him to biological science- drove to the Zoological Museum, entrusted the maintenance of naturalistic notes. Bianchi continued to keep these records while studying at the natural department of the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of Petrograd University, and then at the Institute of Art History.

Plants and animals, forests and mountains, seas, winds, rains, dawns - the whole world around us speaks to us with all voices .... There are people who translate into our human language- the language of love for the full beauty and wonders of our universe, these voices.

Bianki Vitaly Valentinovich

For four years, Bianchi participated in scientific expeditions along the Volga, the Urals, Altai and Kazakhstan. In 1917 he moved to Biysk, where he worked as a natural history teacher and organized a local history museum. In 1922 he returned to Petrograd. By this time, he had accumulated “whole volumes of notes”, about which he wrote: “They lay like a dead weight on my soul. In them - as in the Zoological Museum - there was a collection of many inanimate animals in a dry record of facts, the forest was silent, the animals froze in immobility, the birds did not fly and did not sing. Then again, as in childhood, I painfully wanted to find a word that would disenchant them, magically made me come to life." Need artistic expression knowledge of wildlife made Bianchi a writer. In 1923 he began to publish a phenological calendar in the Leningrad journal Sparrow (later New Robinson). This publication became the prototype of his famous Forest newspaper for every year (1927).

First published children's story Bianchi - Whose nose is better? (1923). The heroes of the story of the bird Tonkonos, Krestonos, Dubonos and others reminded fairytale heroes, narrative style Bianchi was full of accurate observations and humor.

In the article On Anthropomorphism (1951), the writer rejected the definition of himself as an anthropomorphist writer. Bianchi viewed his work as "a self-instruction manual for the love of nature." He wrote more than 30 fairy tales about nature, including such classical works, like the First Hunt (1923), Who Sings with What (1923), How the Ant Hurried Home (1935), Trapper's Tales (1937), etc. Some of them (Orange Neck (1937, etc.) were made into cartoons. Bianchi wrote also novels (Odinets, 1928, Karabash, 1926, etc.), short stories (collection Hide and Seek, 1945, etc.) and thematic cycles(Mouse Peak, 1926, Sinichkin calendar, 1945, etc.).

Bianki traveled a lot - the routes passed through Central Russia, the North. In 1926-1929 he lived in Uralsk and Novgorod, in 1941 he returned to Leningrad. Due to heart disease, the writer was not drafted into the army, was evacuated in the Urals, and returned to Leningrad at the end of the war. Most year, from early spring before late autumn lived outside the city.

In the works of Bianchi is strong folklore tradition. He believed that "the writer is a child of the people, he grows from the depths of the people's worldview."

Bianchi's work is characterized by a constant appeal to already written and published works, supplementing them with new texts. So, until the writer's death, the Lesnaya newspaper, the Lesnye collection were repeatedly supplemented with reprints and fables (the last lifetime edition in 1957), which became classic examples of scientific and artistic works for children.

Name: Vitaly Bianki

Age: 65 years old

Activity: children's writer

Family status: was married

Vitaly Bianchi: biography

Vitaly Bianchi opened to Soviet kids Magic world nature, on the pages of his books the life of animals is filled incredible adventures. The writer is called a magician who managed to see miracles in simple things. Light and colorful language, supported by the knowledge of a biologist and a naturalist, easily awakens the imagination of every child.

Childhood and youth

“We all come from childhood” - this expression suits Vitaly Bianchi like no other. The boy was born and raised in an amazing environment. Father Valentin Lvovich, head of the ornithological department zoological museum Petersburg Academy of Sciences, arranged a real zoo at home.

Vitaly Bianchi in childhood (lower left), his parents and brothers

The rooms were filled with bird cages, next to an aquarium and a terrarium with lizards, snakes and turtles. The family, having taken livestock, left for the village of Lebyazhye for the summer. Once, a calf, picked up by rangers, even settled in the courtyard of Bianchi's dacha, but in the fall the animal was attached to the zoo.

In nature opened even more fascinating world with whom the father was in a hurry to introduce the children. His sons wandered through the forests with him, recorded observations, learned to hunt and fish. Interest in nature and science determined the professions of children. The eldest son devoted his life to entomology, the middle one became a meteorologist. And the youngest, Vitaly, saw himself as an ornithologist, impressed by trips to Lebyazhye, where the great sea ​​route migratory birds.

Vitaly Bianchi in his youth

Love for animals is not Vitaly's only childhood addiction. The boy wrote poetry, respected music and sang well, and he also played football very well. After graduating from high school future writer enrolled at St. Petersburg University, department natural sciences, but the first World War made adjustments - young man mobilized.

Vitaly Bianchi in his youth was interested in politics, joined the Social Revolutionaries, walked under the banners. He paid for the sins of his youth later. The man was stalked Soviet authorities, arrested on suspicion of counter-revolutionary activities, and once even exiled to Uralsk (Kazakhstan).

After October revolution Vitaly Valentinovich lived for several years in Altai, in the city of Biysk. Here the writer lectured on ornithology, worked in local history museum, introduced the basics of biology to schoolchildren, organized scientific expeditions and wrote stories for children.


Vitaly recorded observations of the life of animals - these notes became the basis of works about nature. The list of the author's bibliography contains more than 300 fairy tales, novellas, articles and short stories, and 120 books have been published. The writer once admitted in an address to readers:

“I tried to write in such a way that fairy tales would be interesting for adults as well. But now I realized that I worked for adults who kept a child in their souls.

The literary talent of Vitaly Bianchi flourished after returning in 1922 from Altai to hometown. In Leningrad, he fell into a circle of children's writers and plunged headlong into creating a world woven from the chirping of birds, the greenery of grasses and the adventures of animals.

Vitaliy Bianchi birdwatching

Young readers appreciated the first fairy tale "The Journey of the Red-Headed Sparrow", and in gratitude they received a number of separate books: "Forest Houses", "Mouse Peak", "Whose nose is better?".

More than one generation of children read miniature humorous stories“Like an ant hurried home”, “First hunt”, “Bear-head”, “Teremok”, “Owl”, etc. In 1932, the first large collection of the writer appeared in bookstores - “There were forest and fables”.

Young parents are sure to replenish their home library with the fairy tale "Sinichkin's Calendar", which in a playful way introduces kids to the change of seasons and months. It is a pleasure to explore the world together with the titmouse Zinka. On the pages of the book - answers to questions why rivers freeze, when birds fly in and fly away, and many others. Interesting Facts about animals and nature.

An extraordinary work that did not yet know analogues in literature was the book "Forest Newspaper". Vitaly Bianchi began this work in 1924, until 1958 10 editions were published, which were constantly supplemented and changed in appearance.

Encyclopedia, calendar, game - this is all about the "Forest Newspaper", consisting of 12 chapters, each dedicated to a month of the year. The writer clothed the material in newspaper genres: telegrams, announcements, chronicles and even feuilletons containing news about the life of the forest appeared on the page of the book. Lesnaya Gazeta was warmly received by children in other countries as well – the book was translated into several languages.

Additional recognition to Vitaly Valentinovich was brought by the broadcast on the radio "Vesti Lesa", which was loved by young listeners of the 50s. Bianchi explained that educational program was conceived as a gift to post-war children - "so that the guys do not get bored, but rejoice." Vesti Lesa was aired once a month, the program was also a kind of calendar.

point in creative biography The writer was supplied by the unfinished book "Bird Identifier in the Wild". Vitaly Bianchi wrote in his diary:

“There is a kind of cheerful force in me. I see: everything that I had and have is good, bright in life ... - from this power. She is blessed both in me and in others - in people, birds, flowers and trees, in earth and in water.

Personal life

WITH future wife Vitaly Bianki met in the Altai Territory when they worked together at the gymnasium. Vera Klyuzheva, doctor's daughter and teacher French, bore the writer four children - a daughter and three sons. The heirs, thanks to their father, also absorbed an interest in the surrounding nature.

Today, only one son of Bianka is alive and well - Vitaly, an ornithologist, doctor of sciences, working in the Kandalaksha Reserve of the Murmansk Region. The man celebrated his 90th birthday last year, but despite his age, he is still absorbed scientific work and field trips.

In an interview, Vitaly Vitalievich says that his father, following the example of his parent, took the children to the village every summer. At home, in a city apartment, lived canaries, dogs, and once settled bat.

The author of children's books had a positive attitude to life, he knew how to enjoy the little things - the sunrise, spring streams and the burning gold of autumn. Traditions have taken root in the Bianchi family, which are still supported by grandchildren whenever possible - christmas toys created exclusively with my own hands, and on the day of the spring equinox they baked larks from dough.

Vitaly Valentinovich loved to play with children, his daughter and sons were the first critics of his new works, he spent hours playing board games with pleasure.


IN last years Vitaly Bianchi's life was tormented by illness. While he was still able to walk, he often traveled closer to nature, in the Novgorod region he sometimes rented half of a private house and walked through his beloved forest. However, diabetes and vascular disease soon made it impossible for the writer to move around.

Grandson Alexander Bianchi recalls that for the past 20 years, his grandfather was constantly preparing for death and lamented:

“How I want to live and write something else.”


  • 1926 - The Seaside Hunter
  • 1928 - "Forest newspaper for every day"
  • 1932 - "There were forest and fables"
  • 1936 - "Where crayfish hibernate"
  • 1947 - "Unexpected meetings"
  • 1949 - Hide and Seek. Tales of an old hunter
  • 1951 - "Forest houses"
  • 1952 - Tales of the Hunt
  • 1953 - Somersault and Other Stories
  • 1954 - "Orange Neck"
  • 1954 - "The First Hunt"
  • 1955 - "Forest scouts"
  • 1955 - "In the footsteps"
  • 1956 - "Tales and stories"

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