Plan outline of the excursion to the ecological historical museum. Synopsis of an excursion to the local history museum with children of the preparatory group


Olga Kremneva
Abstract of the excursion to the museum "Russian hut"

Abstract educational excursion to the museum« Russian hut»

in the preparatory group

Program content:

Continue to introduce children to traditions Russian people, With Russian hut - the dwelling of a peasant family.

Develop the ability to examine household items, note their usefulness and beauty.

Raise interest in the history of Russia, evoke an emotional response.

Develop interest in Russian folklore, folk traditions.

Strengthen the ability to sculpt household dishes (bowls, spoons, cast iron)

Materials and equipment:

household items

Plasticine, boards for modeling, stack

Integration with other educational areas:



Artistic creativity.

preliminary work:

Reading Russian folk tales.

Examining illustrations for Russian folk tales.

Learning dance songs Russians folk games , dancing.

Sounds like Russian folk music.

caregiver: We are in museum our kindergarten, which is called « Russian hut» . Items that are in museum, are called exhibits, you can’t touch them with your hands, only look at them.

caregiver: A long time ago in Russia, people built their dwellings from logs. Such houses are called huts.

caregiver: Entering the hut, what did you see?

Children: Bake.

caregiver: That's right, entering the hut, they immediately turned to the stove Attention: it occupies almost half - the hut.

And what is it for? (children answer).

Guys, who knows the proverbs about the hut?

Let's talk them:

“Without a stove, a hut is not a hut”.

“When it’s hot in the oven, then it’s boiled”.

“What is in the oven - all swords on the table”.

"Not red hut corners, and red with pies "

caregiver: Well done.

They talked about the stove in the old days So: “She is both a drinker and a nurse, a body warmer”. The whole way of life, the whole life of a peasant is connected with the stove.

Pay attention to what is standing by the stove? (Poker, grip, cast iron).

The teacher thinks riddle:

Glade yard of red cows

Black will come in - will drive everyone out (poker)

The teacher shows the iron.

Why do you think it is needed? (Children answer).

In a cast-iron they cooked porridge, cabbage soup.

It’s hot in the stove, you can’t put cast iron with your hands, and the tong is designed for this.

(The teacher shows how to put the iron in the oven with a grip).

Here's a riddle I'm guessing listen:

Horned, but not a bull, enough but does not eat.

He gives to people, and he goes on vacation.


caregiver: Pay attention to the table. Why is the table so big, do you think? (Children answer).

Yes, that's right, because in the past, in the old days, families were big. They sat down at the table on the benches.

Why are benches long and wide? (children answer).

They sat on the benches during dinner, and at night they slept on the benches, since there was not enough space for everyone in the hut. Almost everything in the hut was done by hand. Long winter evenings they cut bowls, spoons made of wood, the girls embroidered, sewed clothes. Fulfilling manual work young girls and boys sang Russians folk songs , led round dances, played games.

Let's play with you dance game with tape

Vanya went out for a walk (Vanya walks inside the circle with a ribbon in his hand, looking for a girlfriend, the children go in a round dance and sing)

Started choosing a girlfriend

Started choosing a girlfriend

To whom to give the ribbon (Children stop)

Bow down, bow down (Vanya bows to the chosen girl, the girl answers)

Hold on to the ribbon.

caregiver: we played, and now we will continue the inspection museum. Please look at the bed, what a hand-sewn patchwork quilt (Manually). And how beautifully embroidered pillows. Everything was done carefully, with love, and was not only useful, but also beautiful pleasing to the eye. This desire for beauty, skill was passed down from generation to generation.

And here is the spinning wheel. What do you think it was intended for? (Children answer).

Yes, the guys spun threads correctly on the spinning wheel. This is how they put the tow (wool, linen). And they spun with the help of another device - a spindle.


The more I spin

The fatter I get.


Look at the clothes for men and women. At Russian shirts - a feature of the cut of the collar, its cut is not located in the middle of the chest, but on the side. Hence the name kosovorotka, often blouses were decorated with embroidery. They girded the shirt with a belt - a sash. Belt (sash) was not only an ornament, to him hemmed: knife, spoon. The belt replaced the pockets. (The teacher shows illustrations from Russian fairy tales) .

Women's clothing was represented by such attributes: sundress, caftan (blouse, apron. married women worn poneva - this is a skirt in which the edges and apron are not sewn. The most common shoe Russian people, were bast shoes.

caregiver: Each hut must have a red corner. In our museum-the hut also has a red corner. In the old days the word "red" meant: beautiful, main, solemn. Icons hang in the red corner. There are tables and benches here. Guests were seated in a red corner, they had a tea party from Russian samovar. We talked So:

Steam on top, steam on bottom

Our hisses Russian samovar

Welcome to a cup of tea!

This is how we live:

We chew gingerbread, drink tea

We invite everyone to visit.

Guys, let's make cast-iron pots, spoons, bowls from plasticine of our dolls, or maybe someone wants to make a samovar too.

Summary of the lesson: - Guys, we visited today museum of our garden« Russian hut» .

Did you like it? (Children answer).

What new did you learn? (Children answer).

Used Books: Vakhrushev A. A "hello world"

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AT last years in Russian system preschool education there have been certain positive changes: the content of education is being updated.

With extensive teaching experience working with children preschool age I always adhere to the idea of ​​educating every child as best as possible.

Synopsis of the GCD "Russian hut-carving is red" Synopsis of the NOD “The Russian hut is red with carvings” Purpose: Studying the life of the Russian people, developing interest in the past, in the origins and customs of the Russian.

Summary of the lesson “Journey to the past. Russian hut " Russian hut (journey into the past) Purpose and objectives: to acquaint people with the life of people in the old days; show and talk about things.

Subject: excursion to local history museum.

Purpose: creation of conditions for correction and development cognitive activity pupils.
to consolidate the concepts of "museum", " historical sources»; form an idea of ​​the local history museum; expand and deepen students' knowledge of history hometown;
develop logical thinking curiosity, ability to comparative analysis;
cultivate love for native land, respect for our ancestors, pride in our talented people.

Lesson progress:

Which one of you has been to the museum?

What does the word "museum" mean?

Museum(from Greekμουσεῖον - house of the Muses) - an institution that collects, studies, preserves and exhibits objects - monuments natural history, material and spiritual culture, as well as educational activities.

There are a lot of museums in the world of various subjects.

What types of museums are there?

(military, historical, applied arts... local history)

What is local history?

Local history- a complete study of a certain part of the country, city or village, other settlements. Such a study is usually carried out by scientists who are limited to this region.

Today we will make a trip to the local history museum.

How should one behave in a museum?

What do you think we can see there?
- Guys, who conducts excursions in museums?
- That's right, tour guide.

I advise you to listen carefully, because after the tour, the older guys and I will ask what you remember.

I give the floor to the guide.

    Krasnodar during the war.


2. Collection "Flora and fauna Krasnodar Territory»

Unique geographical position created the prerequisites for the conservation of many species of birds and animals in the region under natural conditions.

First, we will remember our feathered friends - birds.

Who are the birds?

Birds- a class of feathered, warm-blooded, egg-laying vertebrates whose forelimbs are wing-shaped. Initially, the structure of birds is adapted for flight, although at present there are many species of flightless birds. one more hallmark birds is also the presence of a beak. More than 9800 people live on Earth today. various kinds(in Russia - 600 species).

How do birds differ from other flying animals, such as bats.

How many birds do you know? (we call one by one, in turn).

Look around, which one big bird you see?

And the smallest one?

Solve riddles.

a) Red-breasted, black-winged,

Likes to peck grains.

With the first snow on the mountain ash

He will appear again


b) arrives at the feeder,

Smartly pecks seeds,

And before spring

He sings a song loudly.

How to distinguish a titmouse from a bullfinch?

Look at stuffed real birds and say which bird you see for the first time.

- (pointing to the crow) What kind of bird is this? What color are her feathers? Which beak - big or small? What do crows eat? Did you know that a crow can repeat sounds it hears and even words?

And what birds stay with us for the winter?

What do winter birds eat?

Animals mean alive. All animals have four legs, a tail, a muzzle, and the body is covered with hair.

And now let's get to know what animals live in the forests of our area.

Animals that live in the forest, what do we call them? (wild)

Do all animals have their own home?

Bear - ... in a den.

Fox - ... in a hole.

Hare - ... under a bush.

Squirrel - ... in the hollow.

A wolf's house is called a lair.

At the fox in the deaf forest

There is a hole - a safe house.

Snowstorms are not terrible in winter

A squirrel in a hollow by a spruce.

Under the bushes prickly hedgehog

Heaps up the leaves.

Sleeping in a lair clubfoot,

Until spring, he sucks his paw.

Everyone has their own home

Everyone is warm, cozy in it

Listen to the riddle and come up with the answer.

Who lives in the forest deaf,

Clumsy, clumsy?

In the summer he eats raspberries, honey,

And in winter he sucks his paw. (Bear)

Higher cat growth,

Lives in a hole in the forest

Fluffy red tail

We all know ... (Lisa)

What kind of animal is cold in winter

Walking through the woods hungry?

He looks like a dog

Every tooth is a sharp knife!

He runs, baring his mouth,

Ready to attack the sheep. (Wolf)

Rushing without looking back

Only heels sparkle.

It rushes that there is a spirit,

The tail is shorter than the ear.

All animals are scared

Saved under a bush

Yes, the wolf comes across the tooth. (Hare)

Who deftly jumps on the trees

And flies up to the oaks?

Who hides nuts in a hollow,

Dry mushrooms for the winter? (Squirrel)

Less tiger, more cat
Above the ears - brush-horns.
In appearance meek, but do not believe:
Terrible in anger this beast! (Lynx)

Water craftsmen building a house without an axe.


    Now we offer to see the ethnographic collection.

The museum of local history is rich in products of applied art. AT museum collection many samples of embroidery, weaving, woodcarving.

Over the years of work, a lot of furniture has been collected: tables, chairs, mirrors, sofas, bedside tables, sideboards with decorative carvings, as well as metal products with chasing and engraving.

Our distant ancestor lived among dense forests and therefore considered the tree the most valuable material. It was always at hand for everything, it was easy to process. It was from wood that the Russian man created everything that surrounded him in Everyday life.

Vyshnevolotsk carpenters built not only outbuildings and residential buildings, but skillfully made household items, tools, boat parts.

In our region, carving and painting on wood was widely developed. This is evidenced by everyday peasant household items of the 19th and early 20th centuries, presented in the museum's collection by various samples. Collection of regular household utensils consists mainly of chiselled, carved and turned utensils. These are brackets, ladles, bowls, bowls, salt shakers, spoons. Among the tools of labor, the largest part is made up of spinning wheels, which have been used in everyday life for a long time, or were preserved as a memory.

What do you think spinning wheels were used for?

Among the various items for drinks, flat-bottomed vessels predominated, which, according to tradition, preserved natural color wood, occasionally stained with brown or red paint or covered with drying oil. All products of local craftsmen are distinguished by their beautiful shape, expressive silhouette with smooth lines.

Which of you have already met with this item of utensils and where?

Various dugout salt shakers were made everywhere. One of the ancient species folk art is the art of metal processing. Blacksmiths knew how to skillfully forge iron and furniture. Artistic craftsmen also worked here. The museum's collection contains many examples of blacksmithing skills of the 18-19th century, torches for a torch, barn locks, keys, bells, etc. To the most ancient types of folk applied art, common in our region, is pottery. Its development was facilitated by the deposits of red, white, blue and gray clay available in the region. Many potters worked as families in their residential buildings, firing their products in conventional ovens. On this, our excursion comes to a close.

III. Summarizing.

In what year was our local history museum founded? (1932)

Who took us to the museum? (guide)

What did the tour guide say?

What section of the museum did Nastya and Il introduce us to.

Guys, after we got acquainted with the animal world of our region, we moved to another room. In which? (Historical)
- What did they introduce you to there? (with life, how they lived earlier people, what clothes were worn, with folk crafts).

What kind of furniture is in the hall?

Guys, what did you like most about the museum?

Target: To acquaint children with the history of their native city, what Alekseevka was like several centuries ago, what great achievements were in this era. What happened in this century how the city has changed. Develop curiosity, mindfulness, observation. Raise interest and love for your city, pride in its achievements.


Group pre-talk

Guys, what is the name of the city in which we live? And in what area? Which main city in the area of?

There are many small towns in our region - these are Shebekino, Stary Oskol, Valuyki, Alekseevka and others.

Today we will talk about our hometown, get acquainted with its history, find out how it arose and what happened in it until our time. To this end, we will go to the Museum of Local Lore, which is located on Nekrasov Street. You need to behave very quietly and calmly in the museum. Listening to a guide is a person who will talk about our city.

Guide's story

Guys, we are in the local history museum, where we will get acquainted with the history of our region and city. You all know very well that our city is called Alekseevka. And earlier, a long time ago, when your grandparents were not in the world, Alekseevka was a very small village - Alekseevka settlement, patrimony (ownership) Count Sheremetiev. He was a very rich man, and Alekseevka was his property. Then in Alekseyevka there were no such high-rise buildings in which many of you live. Look here guys (photo show)- this is Count Sheremetyev himself and his wife. You see, before people wore other clothes, camisoles embroidered with gold, luxurious dresses with ruffles and jewelry - this, but they lived in such houses (show photos). You will probably recognize many of these houses. They have survived to our time. Their houses were distinguished by the strength of stone buildings and beauty. But the houses of ordinary residents of the then settlement of Alekseevka did not differ in such beauty (showing pictures, photos) You see how miserable they were, almost dug into the ground shacks and their clothes were not so rich. Look at their torn shirts. People were mostly peasants: they plowed the land, sowed bread. But they plowed the land not with tractors, as they do now, but with the help of a plow on cows, horses (showing paintings, reproductions) At that time there were no plants, factories, or shops in the Alekseevka settlement. There were only shops where artisans (people who practiced their craft) sold their product. Someone sewed boots - shoemakers, someone made pottery - potters, someone made horseshoes - blacksmiths.

There was a very famous event in Alekseevka. For the first time in our settlement, a method for obtaining sunflower oil from sunflower seeds was invented. It was invented by Daniil Semenovich Bokarev - our countryman.

You all know with sunflowers, you have seen sunflower seeds. And now they also receive sunflower oil. Your mothers and grandmothers use sunflower oil to fry and bake. Now it is obtained with the help of special presses. Then Daniil Bokarev received it with the help of such a wooden device (show).

Sunflower oil is currently used in great demand not only in our country, but also in other countries.

Then courtyards appeared in the Alekseevka settlement, streets began to form. Some of the street names have survived to this day. For example,

New street, Goncharovka. Pobedy Street used to be called Bolshaya Torgovaya, part of Karl Marx Street was called Mostovaya.

Do you know what kind of river we have? Yes, Silent Pine. Who knows why it's called that? Yes, that's right, it flows very quietly, there are no whirlpools or large rapids on its way. Why Pine? Because earlier in our settlement there was a big Pinery. It was cut down and built sea vessels. Now the river has become dirty, overgrown with reeds.

(The guide told the children about the flora and fauna of the region, the Great Patriotic War, the factories of the city)

This is where our tour ended. What needs to be said for interesting story? Thank you.

Guys, in the group we will draw the houses that used to be in the Alekseevka settlement.

Developed by: teacher E.A. Alexandrina

Program content:

1. Deepen the knowledge of children about the genre of painting - portrait. Continue to teach children to describe a landscape and a portrait, adhering to a certain sequence. Develop children's speech.

2.Develop children's acting skills. Facial expressions, gestures to use objects when expressing their feelings.

3. To consolidate knowledge of the genres of painting portrait, still life, landscape. Practice putting them together.

4. To consolidate the knowledge of children about the employees of the museum.

5. Cause an emotional response in children. Lead to the idea that a person is called an adult not because he is tall, but because he knows a lot and can tell others.

Preliminary work:

Classes, talks about museums and paintings.

Visiting the Exhibition Hall with children.

Etudes aimed at the development of acting data.

reproductions of paintings, "Living frame", didactic game"Painter".

Lesson progress:

1 part.

Educator. The guys invited us to the museum. What is a museum?
Children's answers.
Today we will go to the Museum of Fine Arts.
Children "go" to the museum.

Educator. Look, there is a lock on the door, and the keys are strange. Yes, these are not keys at all, but a task. If we can handle it, the lock will open.
Listen carefully.
-What fine Arts?
- Who is a tour guide?
- what famous picture gallery be in Moscow?

Children's answers.

Educator. The lock has opened and we can enter. Something no one can see. See note for us.
Reads a note: “Dear guys. I apologize to you, but all the museum workers left for new painting».
What to do? Do you want to be adults? I suggest you replace the tour guides. Look carefully at what you can tell about this picture.

Child. This picture was painted by the artist Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov. It is called "Three Heroes". To be in Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow. The picture shows heroes. They sit on their heroic horses and guard the Russian land.
Heroes are depicted in the foreground of the picture. Ilya Muromets. He is with a spear. He has a mace hanging on his heroic hand. And the other one is holding a shield. Ilya Muromets is strong, wise, courageous. The hero's black horse is as strong as the owner.
Near Dobrynya Nikitich on a white horse. He is fast, brave, noble. Dobrynya is armed with a sword, which he pulled out of its scabbard.
On the other hand, the youngest hero Alyosha Popovich. Cunning, brave, kind and brave. He knows how to sing and how to fight.
Behind the backs of the heroes in the background, the expanses of the vast Russian land are visible; forest fields, steppes.
The artist used dark colors, which cause anxiety, alertness.
I like this picture, because it depicts the defenders of the Motherland....

Educator. Did you like the picture?
Reviews of children.

Child. The painting is called "Winter Sorceress". Written by artist Yuon.
This is a winter landscape. winter thing favorite time year of the artist. In the foreground of the picture is a village, a river, along the banks - trees. Winter has adorned everything. She waved her sleeve, and silvery snowflakes flew to the ground. Waved to others and froze rivers.
On the ice you can see the boys they are skating. They have a lot of fun, they are glad that winter has come. Adults are busy with their own affairs, but it is clear that they were also waiting for the winter.
Houses, a forest, a church are visible in the background. Winter has adorned them.
The artist used light colors. Yuon showed the beauty of snow - it is silvery, soft, fluffy, kind, fabulous.
I like this painting because it is magical. And winter is my favorite season.

2 part.
Educator. Look and tell me what is unusual in this room? There are only portraits in this room. What is a portrait?

Children's answers.

A portrait is not an image of an invented person, but of someone who really lives or lived on earth. What kind of portrait is there depending on the gender of the person depicted on it? That's right, male, female, children's.

What happens to a portrait, depending on how many people are depicted in the portrait? Yes, singles, doubles, group. Let's see what portraits are exhibited in this room.

Children's stories:
- This is a childish, single portrait. It shows a girl. She is dressed in pink dress. She has dark hair. The girl lies on a pillow. She has sad eyes. She is ill.

This is a male, single portrait. It depicts a man in clothes that have been worn for a long time. He has a sly expression, smiles a little, bold, proud.

it companion portrait. It depicts a mother with a baby. She is wearing a long wide dress. Her face is thoughtful, affectionate, gentle, kind. She thinks about the baby. The kid holds an apple in one hand, bread in the other. He is very warm, comfortable next to his mother. The child is curious, calm.

This is a female, single portrait of a muzzle girl. She is dressed in a white sweater and a colorful, multi-colored scarf and apron. She is sitting. Beads are on the knees. The girl has a cheerful, festive mood.

Educator. You spoke very well about the portraits. And I want to draw your attention to the background behind the characters in the paintings, i.e. to the back. It turns out that if we look closely, we will see that in portraits, artists use small items, pieces, fragments of landscape and still life. In the portrait of the Madonna and Child, an apple tree is depicted in the background. And we know that nature is depicted in landscapes. So, in this picture, an element of landscape is used. And in the painting "Girl" on the lap of the girl are beads. And he uses them in writing a still life. It turns out that all genres of painting are friends, they are interconnected with each other. Portrait, still life, landscape complement each other and help the artist to paint a picture more vividly and beautifully. For example, a girl's beads create more joyful mood, emphasize the state of the holiday.

Educator. And now I suggest you play the game "Artist".

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