The magical world of theater Project "Magic World of Theater


Theater is a magical world.
He gives lessons in beauty, morality
and morality.
And the richer they are, the more successful
the development of the spiritual world
(B. M. Teplov)
The whole life of children is full of play, it's not a secret for anyone that games in children enjoy unchanging love and only play connects children with each other, with adults. Every child wants to play their part. Teaching a child to play, take on a role and act, while helping him to gain life experience - all this helps to make the theater. children perceive the world holistically, not always noticing the details, figuratively-emotionally, learning a variety of life phenomena through the game. They cannot stand monotony and boredom, they acutely feel falseness in the depiction of reality, they prefer cheerful, cheerful heroes. And the theatrical performance in this sense is the best suited for classes in kindergarten or in the family circle.
"Magic Land!" - so once the great Russian poet A. S. Pushkin called the theater. The feeling of the great poet is shared by both adults and children who come into contact with this amazing view art.
Theater - "the bright joy of childhood", is one of the brightest, most colorful and accessible areas of art for a child. A collective artistic action can provide a child with such an upsurge of feelings that, regardless of his emotional state, will infect him with joy and expectation of something bright, interesting, and beautiful. We must strive to create such an atmosphere, an environment for children, so that they always play with great desire and comprehend the amazing, magical world. A world whose name is theater! Theater in kindergarten should not be done so that the result is a kind of spectacle that is not ashamed to show, but so that children have a natural environment for the development of fantasy and imagination, the development of speech and behavioral skills (A. P. Ershova )
The goals of theatrical activities are to develop the creative abilities of children by means of theatrical art; make the life of preschoolers interesting and meaningful. Fill it with vivid impressions, interesting things, the joy of creativity.
Theatrical activities in kindergarten organizationally can permeate all regime moments: be included in all classes, in the joint activities of children and adults in free time carried out in the independent activities of children.
Classes with children in theatrical activities are one of the forms of the educational process in kindergarten. Theatrical activity gives children not only joy, it is considered much more widely, includes daily exercises, develops imagination and fantasy, promotes creative development child, the formation of personal culture, the development of social skills. Characters are introduced into the lesson that help children learn certain knowledge, skills and abilities. The game form of the lesson helps to emancipate the child, create an atmosphere of freedom and play.
In the process of joint activity, children improve their ability to transform into images of various characters, develop creative independence, aesthetic taste in conveying an image, distinctness of pronunciation, the ability to use expressive means of dramatization (posture, gestures, facial expressions, voice, movements).
For independent theatrical activities of children in a group kindergarten it is necessary to arrange a theater corner with different types theatre: table theater, theater of five fingers, theater of b-ba-bo, mask theater, theater of manual shadows, finger shadow theater, magnetic theater
Theatrical games are always loved by children. The great versatile influence of theatrical games on the personality of the child allows them to be used as strong, but not intrusive. pedagogical tool, because the baby during the game feels relaxed, free, natural. Thus, in the process of playing, children develop the skills of independent actions, which consist in being able to think through an idea without outside help, find visual and expressive means for its implementation, consistently implement the plan, control their actions in various types of theatrical activities, be able to act in various situations.
Theatrical activities can be carried out with children daily in the process of free independent activity.
Theatrical activity enriches the emotional sphere of the child, develops his creative abilities. A theatrical performance allows you to deepen and strengthen the ideas of a developing personality about the world and about yourself. It is the theatrical game that helps to open the cherished door to the world of childhood and find the key to inner world every child. “Introduce a kid into the world of the theater, and he will find out how good a fairy tale is, he will be imbued with wisdom and kindness, and with a fabulous feeling he will follow the path of life”

Project theme

« Magic world theater"

Project Addressing

The project is intended for teachers of preschool educational institutions

Project participants

Children of senior preschool age, parents, educators of group No. 6


Formation of moral and ethical qualities in children senior group through theatrical activities


  1. To form readiness for joint activities of children with peers and adults.
  2. To develop the formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of one's own actions in the process of theatrical activity.
  3. To develop the creative activity of children and emotional responsiveness, empathy for the characters.
  4. Bring up positive attitude to the world of theater, to other people and to oneself.
  5. Nurture a feeling dignity.

Resources for project implementation

Internal resources:

Availability of methodological support: methodical and children's literature, periodicals, methodological developments OOD, the presence of various types of theaters on the topic of the project;

Visually - illustrative materials: photographs and illustrations, paintings, audio recordings of nature sounds, cutting episodes from various fairy tales (for dubbing, reading by roles), presentations.

External resources:visiting performances visiting theaters, interaction with TsEVD(TI): master class on performing arts, viewing theatrical sketches.

Indicative indicators (results)

For teachers of group No. 6:

Introduction to the educational process of project activities.

For pupils:

Improving the quality level of development:

The level of development of moral and ethical qualities by 30%

The level of psychomotor development by 25%

For parents:

Participation and activity of parents in planned activities up to 70%

Expected results

Explanatory note

The relevance of the problems associated with the moral and ethical education of the younger generation is indisputable. Children are the “mirror” of the soul of our society, and society needs to take a closer look at children in order to understand through them what kind of future we are preparing for ourselves.

Watching what is happening around, you understand that the lack of moral and ethical education of children has now become extremely acute and serious, due to a noticeable deterioration in the upbringing of the younger generation. The greatest danger that awaits our society today is not the collapse of the economy, but the destruction of the individual. Today's children are faster at solving complex math or logical tasks, but less often admire, wonder, and empathize, more and more often show indifference and callousness.

We live with you in a period of intensive development of high computer technology, which requires great dynamism, mobility, and now is a time when, no matter what they talk about, be it science, industry, education or art, everything is overgrown with a lot of problems. The press, television, films and even children's cartoons carry a fairly large charge of aggression, the atmosphere is full of negative, disturbing and annoying phenomena. All this falls on the unprotected emotional field of the child.

Working with children of senior preschool age, you acutely feel the lack of education. To date material values dominate over the spiritual and many of the parents are busy creating favorable and comfortable conditions for their children, where expensive electronic toys, computers, computer games and other various gadgets are in abundance, children are often busy conquering virtual peaks and they remain deprived of simple human interaction with adults and peers. Being under the influence of these factors, children have a distortion of ideas about kindness, mercy and patriotism.

How to protect children from such a terrible destructive force? Who will come to the aid of the child? Only adults: teachers and parents. But what about the constantly arising contradictions between the kindergarten and the family in matters of the formation of the moral and ethical qualities of children, based on this, I singled out problem: how, how? to find a way to increase the level of moral and ethical qualities of the personality of children of senior preschool age.

Numerous studies conducted in our country and abroad have shown that the family and the kindergarten are two educational phenomenon, each of which in its own way gives the child a social experience. But only in combination with each other they provide optimal conditions for entry little man in Big world. Degree of participation in educational activities the parents of my group was: 23% of parents are actively involved in it.

To determine the level of development of moral and ethical qualities in the children of my group, I conducted a survey according to the method of N.V. Vereshchagina in the field of social and communicative development. The results were as follows: high - 9%; medium - 49%; low - 42%.

As a result of the diagnosis of "Psychomotor development of the child" according to the method of A. Burenina and the criteria for evaluating the results of theatrical and gaming activities developed by N.F. Sorokina, the following indicators were identified: high - 10%, medium - 37%, low - 53%.

The shortest way to emotional liberation of a child, removal of tightness, teaching feeling and artistic imagination is the way through the game, fantasizing, writing. All this can give theatrical activity.

Theatrical activity also allows you to form the experience of social skills, behavioral skills due to the fact that each literary work or fairy tale for preschool children always has a moral orientation. Favorite characters become role models.

Considering that, in the light of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, DO in work with children great place project activity is given as a form that most fully reflects and combines the integration of all areas of children's development. Project activity develops the creative activity of children, helps the teacher himself to develop as a creative person, contributes to the systematization of the acquired knowledge and their application in various types of children's activities, I came to the conclusion that it is advisable to use it.

In this regard, I developed and subsequently implemented a long-term creative project for children of senior preschool age on the theme "The Magical World of Theater".

The relevance of the project is due to the fact that the world of childhood, the inner world of a child is the key to many problems of our life. Theatrical activity helps to open the cherished door of children's consciousness, which is not only the most exciting area of ​​work, but also the most effective way of corrective influence on the child, in which the principle of learning is most clearly manifested: teach by playing.

From the point of view of pedagogical attractiveness, we can talk about the universality, playful nature and social orientation, as well as the correctional possibilities of the theater. It is theatrical activity that allows solving many pedagogical problems related to the formation of a diversified personality. By participating in theatrical games, children become participants in various events from the life of the heroes of theatrical performances, which gives them the opportunity to get to know the world around them more deeply, and forms a respectful attitude towards each other.

Obviously, theatrical activity teaches children to be creative people capable of perceiving novelty, the ability to improvise, to find the right way out of problem situations, has a beneficial effect on emotional world child and moral and ethical education.

The main subject of theatricalization is a children's fairy tale, because it teaches empathy and compassion. This is confirmed by the outstanding teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky: “Through a fairy tale, fantasy, game, through a unique children's creativity - the right way to the heart of a child. A fairy tale, fantasy is the key with which you can open these sources, and they will clog with life-giving keys ... "

In folk art, a fairy tale is probably the most great miracle. Reading fairy tales, we, without noticing it ourselves, find ourselves in the power of fiction. In fairy tales, it always tells about something incredible, improbable, but at the same time, fiction carries a certain idea. The fairy tale calls to fight against evil, against the enemies of the Motherland, to defend goodness and justice. The fairy tale helps to believe in the power of good, which wins not by itself, but by overcoming difficulties and fighting evil. This knowledge enriches the world of the child, he sympathizes with the heroes of the fairy tale, loves them.

The developed project on the theme "The Magical World of the Theater" makes it possible to supplement the traditional system of work with preschool children on the formation of ideas about the diversity of human relations, about the norms and rules of life in society through theatrical activities.

On the initial stage I studied scientifically methodical literature on the stated topic: "Education of moral feelings in older preschoolers" edited by A.M. Vinogradova"; "Education of emotions and feelings in a preschooler", Zaporozhets A.V.; "Games with fairy tales. I listen and reason” Berlova A.L.; Personality and its formation in childhood» Bozhovich L.I.; “Tell the children a fairy tale” Gritsenko Z.A.; "ABC of moral education" Kairov I.A., Bogdanova O.S.

Relying on teaching materials the authors listed above, outlined the main directions of her pedagogical activity:

  • the formation of ideas about honesty, justice, kindness, education negative attitude to cruelty, cunning, cowardice;
  • the formation in children of the ability to correctly evaluate the actions of the characters of puppet and dramatic performances, as well as to correctly evaluate their own and other people's actions;
  • development of a sense of self-esteem, self-esteem and the desire to be responsive to adults and children, the ability to pay attention to their state of mind, rejoice at the success of their peers, strive to help in difficult times;
  • the formation in children of the ability to act in accordance with moral values.

Project participantswere the children of the senior group No. 6 "Bell", teachers and parents.

Project implementation timeline:October 2014 - April 2015

I conducted an analysis of the internal and external resources necessary for the implementation of the project.

Analysis of internal resources:

For development theatrical activities The following resources have been created in the group:

There are various types of theaters: shadow, flannelograph, puppet, toy, finger, table, glove;

Costumes and masks for games - dramatizations;

Screen; a set of scenery;

Audio library of classical and relaxation music, "sounds of nature";

A set of visual and illustrative material (photographs, illustrations, paintings);

Cutting episodes from various fairy tales (for dubbing, reading by roles), presentations;

Availability of methodological support: methodological and children's literature, periodicals, methodological developments of the GCD, the presence of various types of theaters on the topic of the project.

External resources:visiting performances of traveling theaters, interaction with the Center for Economic Affairs (TI) - a master class in theatrical art, viewing theatrical sketches.

Objective of the project: Moral and ethical education of preschoolers in the process of theatrical activity.

Project objectives:

  1. To introduce children to the types of theater and the rules of conduct in the theater.
  2. Contribute to the acquisition by children of knowledge accepted in the society of relationships, norms and rules of behavior by means of the theater.
  3. To develop the creative activity of children, improving the skills of figurative reflection of reality in the process of introducing children to the culture of the theater.
  4. Bring up moral qualities, the ability to empathize, the desire to please and do good in relation to other people.

Expected results:

Children possess the knowledge accepted in the society of relationships, norms and rules of behavior.

Formed moral qualities in relation to themselves and other people.

The skills of artistic transmission of the image are developed.

They have knowledge of the norms and rules of behavior in public places.

The project consisted of three stages: preparatory, main and final.

Monitoring the development of moral and ethical qualities in children of senior preschool age according to the method of N.V. Vereshchagina;

"Psychomotor development of the child" according to the method of A. Burenina and criteria for evaluating the results of theatrical and gaming activities developed by N.F. Sorokina;

Consultation for parents on the topic "The impact of theatrical activities on the development of the child."

All practical work carried out in three directions:

The educational theme of the project:

"Theatrical Activity"

Project theme:

"Magic World of Theater"

Project participants:

Pupils middle group, group educators, parents.

Implementation period:

January from 18.01 to 29.01

Project type:


First stage.

Statement of the problem, determination of the purpose and objectives of research activities.


The low level of knowledge of pupils about the world of spiritual beauty, the lack of sustained interest in theatrical and gaming activities.

Relevance of the problem:

In the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard in the preschool educational institution, mainly on the principles of individualization, the question arises of the need to use various types of activities for the development of a preschooler in all five educational areas. Huge Opportunities to solve these problems is theatrical activity. From practice it is clear that the most popular and exciting direction in preschool education is a theatrical activity, which is based on a game etiology. From the point of view of pedagogical attractiveness, we can talk about the universality, playful nature and social orientation of the theater.

It is theatrical activity that allows solving many pedagogical problems related to the formation of the expressiveness of the child's speech, intellectual and artistic and aesthetic education. By participating in theatrical games, children become participants in various events from the life of people, animals, plants, allowing the child to get to know the world around him more deeply, introducing him to his native culture, literature, theater.

Huge and educational value theatrical games. Children develop respect for each other. They learn the joy associated with overcoming difficulties in communication, self-doubt. The passion of preschoolers for theatrical play, their inner comfort, looseness, easy, non-authoritarian communication between an adult and a child - all this surprises and attracts.

The relevance of the project is due to the insufficient attention of teachers and parents to the art of the theater, the poorly formed playing skills of preschoolers, the desire to make the educational process in preschool multifaceted, interesting and exciting, contributing to the solution of all pedagogical problems presented in modern regulatory documents.

Objective of the project:

Development of creative abilities of pupils of preschool age by means of theatrical art.

Project objectives:

For pupils:

to expand the ideas of pupils about the theater, its types, attributes, costumes, scenery;

promote the development of communication skills of pupils;

develop emotionality and expressiveness of speech in preschoolers;

to form pupils' primary skills in the field of theatrical art (use of facial expressions, gestures, voice)

For teachers:

create conditions for development creative activity pupils in theatrical activities;

· to provide conditions for interconnection with other activities in a holistic pedagogical process.

For parents:

To increase the level of competence in the use of theatrical and gaming activities in the development of the child.

Second phase

Organization of children's activities within the framework of the project.


Joint activity with the teacher

Independent activity in a developing environment

1. Cognitive research

(study of objects of the surrounding world and experimentation

with them)

Conversations: "What is theater?" (viewing theatrical corners in other groups)

"Types of theater"

"Rules of conduct in the theater"

"Behind the scenes"

"The main magicians of the theater: actors, directors" theatrical game: Actor and director.

Viewing presentations: "How to behave in the theater" "Theatrical professions" Examining cards with the image of emotions. Game: "Guess the emotion"

Didactic games: "We play theater" "Theater lotto" "Theatrical objects"

Systematization of objects: "Name everything that happens ..." (by color, by shape, by method of movement, by state of aggregation)

1. Design of the book and theater center.

2. Selection of books, illustrations, photographs with views of the theater, actors, costumes.

3. Examination of illustrations:

"Theatre Buildings"


from cubes: "Bolshoi Theater"

5. Board-printed games:

- "Fairy tales"

- "Collect a fairy tale"

- "What is superfluous"

- "Loto"

2.Communicative (constructive communication and interaction with adults and peers)

1. Compilation of creative stories:

"I work in the theater"

"I am a fairytale hero"

2. Retelling of fairy tales according to mnemonic tables:

"Zayushkina's hut", "Winter hut of animals",

"The wolf and the seven Young goats"

3. Creative speech activity:

"Talking on the phone" - the development of dialogic speech. Topics of conversation: "What is the weather like today?", "Let's get to know each other."

"Sound producers" - Revive a picture from a fairy tale (dialogue between the heroes of a fairy tale).

5. Verbal creativity. Composing your own fairy tales on a given topic with their subsequent beating. Sample Topics: "The wolf is a policeman", "The kids' birthday".

1. Verbal didactic game:

- "Compare animals"

- "Kids and Bunny"

- "Who lives where?"


"Finish the sentence";

"What's extra?"

3. Didactic games:

"Call it kindly"

"Listen and show"

"Cut Pictures"

"Find a Pair"

4. Game - imitation: "Guess who I'm talking about"

3. Motor activity of children

1. Physical education classes;

2. Walks with elements of theatrical games;

3. Outdoor games:

- "Red fox"

- "Brown bear"

- "Wolf and goats"

4. Morning and invigorating gymnastics using fabulous physical minutes

- "If you like it, then do it"

- "Pinocchio"

- "Grandmother Yaga"

1.Sports exercises:

- "Ballerina" - exercises for the development of balance

- "Bunnies" - jumping on two legs moving forward

- "Parsley" exercises for the development of coordination

2. Game exercises:

- "A bear walked along the path"

3. Outdoor games:

- "We are funny guys"

- "Sly Fox"


1. Illustrating the read fairy tales


"Hare's hut"",

"Red fox",

"Visiting the goats"

2. Modeling from plasticine:

"Hare and Fox"

3. Creative workshop

"Heroes from fairy tales"

1. Drawing:

"My favorite fairy-tale hero"; "My favorite fairy tale"

2. Drawing with stencils: "Fairy-tale animals";

3. Coloring coloring pages:

"Fairytale Heroes", "Magic Items"

"Plots of fairy tales";

5. Musical

1. "Listen and portray" - creation artistic image with the help of music - "merry bear cubs", "cunning fox", "sad bunnies", "clubfoot bear"

2. Playing the songs "Hedgehog", "Kolobok", using attributes, costume elements.

3. Round dance

"Animals dance with us"

4. Vocal facial expressions: game

Silence in my house

5. Didactic games:

"Guess the Tool"

"Music or Noise"

1.Listening to fairy tales with musical fragments

2. Music game:

"Compose Your Dance"

3. Dance moves:

- "Shelf"

- "Goat"

- "Topotushki"

- "Spring"

4. Playing musical instruments.

5. Concert:

"Children to children"

6. Game

1. Game creativity (subsequent playing out of plots). Changing the end of the tale, introducing new characters (Zayushkina's hut). Options: “The hare did not let the fox into his house”, “The hare and the fox find a common language”, “The hare meets the hunter”.

2. Pantomime game:

"Know the Hero" - studies on the expressiveness of plasticity and emotions.

3. Warm up:

"Playing with dolls"

4. Playing with mirrors:

"Picture the mood"

theatrical sketch: "My mood"

5. Creative problem solving: “How to calm crying girl» 6. Game exercises:

“Show with the help of facial expressions what you ate”

“Show your feeling with gestures” (I'm cold, I'm sad, I'm happy, etc.)

1. Role-playing games:

- "Family" plot:

"Going to the theater"

- "Actor and Director"

- "Costume Shop"

2. Games with table theaters:

- "Zayushkina hut"

- "The wolf and the seven Young goats"

- "Winter hut of animals"

3. Dramatization of favorite fairy tales using costumes, masks, theatrical puppets.

7. Perceptions of fiction and folklore

1. Reading works: S. Ya. Marshak "Theater" V. Miodushevsky "In the theater" A. Barto "In the theater" "Polite word" 2. Reading Russian folk tales:

"Zayushkina hut"

"Winter hut of animals" "Wolf and seven kids"

3. Memorizing theatrical sketches: "My mood" "like lanterns are burning" "Theatre"

4. Guessing riddles: "Magic chest of grandmother - fun" "Theatrical riddles" 5. Retelling the read fairy tales using theatrical puppets.

1. Examining albums: "Types of the theater" "Theatrical professions" "Theater buildings" 2. Examining illustrations for fairy tales and illustrations fairytale heroes. 3. Consideration of illustrations depicting fairy tale writers.

Working with parents

· Conversations



1. "Theatrical activities of preschoolers"

2. "Home theater"

3. "Theatrical activity in the development of speech"

Practical tasks

1. Systematization of materials on the topic in the form of albums: "Types of the Theater", "Rules of conduct in the theater", "Theatrical professions"

2. Joint creativity with children "Heroes of fairy tales"

Working with teachers

1. forward planning on this topic.

2. Summaries of classes on the topic of the project.

3. Music CDs.

4. Card files of theatrical games

5. Card file of games based on Russian folk tales

6. Mnemotables for fairy tales

7. Presentation of the project.

Working with social partners

1. Summaries of events.

2. Photo album "Theater and children"

3. Attending performances in other groups

Third stage:

Presentation of project materials:

Municipal budgetary educational institution additional education for children "House children's creativity named after Claudia Ivanovna Nazarova" municipality"Ostrovsky district"


theater world"


Compiled by:

additional education teacher

Storozhko Valentina Vyacheslavovna

Ostrov, 2016

Chapter educational program: "Introductory lesson".

Lesson topic: "Magic World of Theater"

Target: generating interest in theatrical creativity

educational task:

To introduce children to the basics of acting, to determine the basic qualities necessary for an actor (speech, plasticity, creative thinking);

Development tasks:

To develop the creative abilities of children;

To form the initial skills of acting;

Educational task:

To cultivate a positive creative attitude of the participants in the lesson to theatrical activities.

Age of participants: 7-10 years old.

Conduct form: occupation-game.

Lesson type: combined.

Receptions: conversation, game, tasks-exercises, practical work, discussion, summing up.

Lesson structure

    organizational stage.

- Acquaintance. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

- Game on acquaintance "Snowball".

    Main part

    Scenic speech.

Breathing exercises;

Articulation exercises;

3. Stage movement.

Exercise for removing muscle clamps;

- Exercise for orientation in space;

4. Acting skills.

Exercise for the development of attention;

Exercise for the development of imagination and fantasy;

Theatrical improvisation. Performance-impromptu.

    The final stage.

- Reflection. Summarizing.

Lesson summary

    Organizational stage

Hello guys. My name is Valentina Vyacheslavovna, I am a teacher of additional education at the House of Children's Creativity. Today I invite you to go with me on an exciting journey to one of the magical worlds. And what is the name of this magical world, you will find out when you guess the riddles and make a word from the first letters of the riddles:

The writer wrote the play

He gave it to the theater.

The actor will get the role

Put on a play ... (director)

To hurt the viewer for a living,

The actor even has to sing

He is an Atlantean in his work,

The main thing in an actor is ... (talent)

The bell rings, the act is over

And it begins ... (intermission)

All children dream of playing in it,

And everyone in the world knows him

Our beloved film magazine.

And he is called ... ("Yeralash")

Here is a whole class at the performance,

The action will start now.

So that the chime does not interfere with us

Everyone turned off ... (phone)

From initial letters words - guesses, the word "THEATRE" is formed

So the magical world in which we will go today is called - THEATER. But before we go on our journey, let's stand in a circle and get to know each other. And we will do this with the help of the game "Snowball".

Remember how we roll a snowball in winter. We take a small ball of snow, and rolling a snowball on the snow we increase it in size. Each of you has a name. (referring to the child standing on the left hand) That's what's your name? (child says his name). Imagine that you are a small "snowball". (referring to other children) And you guys are the snow that will stick to our "snowball". Now the “snowball” will choose to whom it will roll first. Approaching the chosen person, the “snowball” will call his name and take the chosen one by the hand, and he will answer his name in response. Then the "snowball" chooses the next one who sticks to it and already together they will approach the third participant and give their names, first the snowball, then the second participant. The third participant calls his name and takes the second participant by the hand. Further, all actions are repeated until you all find yourself in one big "snowball".

Dating game "Snowball"

II. Main part

1. Conversation on questions about theatrical art.

Well, that's where we met. Let's move on to the topic of our lesson: "The Magical World of Theatre". Today we will try to join theatrical art and try yourself as an actor. First of all, please answer me a few questions.

What do we call theater?

Why do people go to the theatre?

Do you like to watch theatrical performances?

Without whom the theater cannot exist?

Who would like to be a young actor?

Guys, do you know that in our city in the House of Children's Creativity there are several children's theater groups, in which you can also, if you want, learn acting. Each team has its own name, children's theater group which I manage is called The Mask. And today I invite you to feel like students of our school young actors and at the end of the lesson, play an impromptu performance. Do you agree?

What qualities do you think it should have? real actor? (children's answers)

  1. Scenic speech.
In order to become good actors we learn to speak well and clearly in our classes - this is called stage speech.

First, we learn how to breathe correctly. And they help us do it. special exercises.

Breathing exercises

    Exercise "Let's warm the hands."

Put your palms in front of your lips and wide open mouth slowly release air into the palm of your hand.

    Exercise "Candle".

Place your index finger in front of your lips. We take in more air with our nose, stop breathing, and then let the air out of our mouth in a thin stream, so that the “candle flame” does not sway.

    Exercise "Sniper".

The same as the “candle”, but we exhale the air at the same time and in the shortest possible time.

    Exercise "Stubborn Candle"

The same as the “sniper”, but we exhale the air in several steps without additional air intake.

    Exercise "Pump and ball".

Now split into pairs. One of you is a "pump", the other is a "ball". Initially, the "ball" is blown away, that is, you are squatting on the floor in a relaxed position. "Pumps" with sound " ps-s”And bending at the waist to a right angle“ pump up ”the“ ball ”. Each straightening is an inhalation, each tilt is an exhalation. The "ball" gradually "inflates". At the same time, air is drawn in portions. When the “ball” is inflated, the “pump” pulls out the “plug”, and the “ball” with a sound "sh-sh-sh" is blown away. Exhalation takes a long time.

Now you will switch roles and repeat the exercise.

We also learn to speak correctly, for this we need other exercises, for example: Articulatory

    Exercise "Mugs".

We raise the right eyebrow. We omit. We raise the left eyebrow. We omit. Raise and lower both eyebrows. Without opening the lips, move the lower jaw up, down, right, left. Let's flare our nostrils. Let's move our ears. We draw out the face. We break into a smile. Without opening your teeth, raise upper lip and drop it. We do the same with the lower lip. And now we make faces, "who is funnier" or "who is scarier."

    Triangle exercise.

With extremely precise articulation, we pronounce the vowels in the following order: "A - O - U - E - S - I". From the second time, we make sure that the sound flies as far as possible.

We complicate. Add the consonant "B". " AT ". " G ".

To train diction, we use proverbs, tongue twisters, poems.

Let's try to remember and pronounce, for example, the following tongue twister:


And now let's try to pronounce it with different emotional coloring:

Angry, with malice;

With a feeling of joy;

With annoyance;


With guilt;


    Stage movement.

Well done, to become real actors, we also learn to move beautifully - this is called stage movement.

Exercise to remove muscle clamps "Imbalance"

Each of us is one whole, where the head, neck, arms, legs, torso obey the command of the brain and work in a balanced way.

But now we will try to feel and work with each part of our body separately, as if our organs do not depend on each other. It was as if the magnet that held everything around it had been turned off. Only the head moves, the body is in place. Neck. Right shoulder. Left shoulder. Now only the body, while the head and legs do not move. The case was closed, opened (diaphragm opens). Only the finger of the left hand, only the hand, only the elbow. The lower part of the body, everything else does not move. Right knee, left knee, both knees. Body parts move on their own, independent of other body parts.

Exercise for orientation in space "Molecules and atoms"

Participants depict the Brownian motion of molecules. At the command of the teacher: "Molecule-2, molecule-3, etc.", the participants are divided into groups (atoms) of 2, 3, etc. people. If someone does not have enough space in the atoms for a few seconds, they sit down on chairs. As soon as the command sounds: "The molecule is free", the children begin to move again. As soon as the team has 2 members, the game stops.

    Acting skills.

In our classes, we also learn to be interesting to the viewer - this is called acting skills. And in order to improve acting skills in yourself, you need to develop your imagination, fantasy, attention, memory.

Attention development exercise “Do you have boom-boom-boom?” .

One of you will now go out the door, he will be the driver. We will guess with the rest, for example, a piece of clothing that some of you have, some do not. After the driver returns to the room, he will ask one single question to each of you: “Do you have boom-boom-boom?”. If you have this item on you today, you answer: “Yes”. If you don’t have this item today, you answer: “No.” The driver must guess what item of clothing we have guessed.

Exercise for the development of imagination and fantasy

Imagine that you are some fairy tale character, and try to play this character of yours to us without words so that we find out who you have guessed.

Theatrical improvisation

Today we touched on the activities of an actor, which he goes through in order to go on stage to the audience. It was just a little preparation. But it will also allow us now to enter the magical world of the theater as actors. I invite you to play a small performance where you can apply the knowledge gained today, and of course, add your creativity, imagination to play the role that has fallen to you.

Now by lot we will distribute the roles in our impromptu performance. There are picture cards on the table. Choose one card, the picture will tell you who your hero is. Characters: kitten, sun, 2 magpies, paper, rooster, 2-3 hens, puppy, horse, cart, butterfly, wind.

Our performance is impromptu, that is, it is played right away without a rehearsal, just listen to the text of the plot that I will read to you, and follow the steps in the text.

"Kitten" performance-impromptu

Today the KITTEN left the house for the first time. It was warm Summer morning The SUN shone brightly, spreading its rays in all directions. The KITTEN sat down in the middle of the yard and began to squint at the SUN. Suddenly his attention was attracted by two MIRGOTS that flew in and sat on the fence. The KITTEN began to slowly creep up to the birds. Magpies, not paying attention to the kitten, chirped without stopping. The KITTEN jumped high, but missed, and the MARGIES flew away. Nothing happened. The KITTEN began to look around in search of new adventures. A light BREED blew and drove a PAPER across the ground. The PAPER rustled loudly. The KITTEN grabbed it, scratched it a little, bit it, and not finding anything interesting in it, let it go. THE PAPER flew away, driven by the WIND.
And then the KITTEN saw the COCK. Raising his legs high, the COCK walked importantly around the yard. Then he stopped, flapped his wings and sang his sonorous song. From all sides, the HENS rushed to the COCK. Without thinking twice, the KITTEN rushed into the flock and grabbed one CHICKEN by the tail. But the CHICKEN pecked the KITTEN so painfully that he yelled with a heart-rending cry and ran away.
At this time, a HORSE with a CART stopped near the house, the HORSE stood calmly and chewed the hay left by its owner. The KITTEN crept up and decided to take a closer look at the horse, but the HORSE snorted at him so much that he ran as fast as he could to hide behind the CART. After sitting a little behind the CARRIAGE, the KITTEN saw a BUTTERFLY that flew into the yard and fluttered from one flower to another. The KITTEN tried to sneak up on her several times, but at the most decisive moment, the BUTTERFLY flew to another flower.

Behind this lesson, the neighbor's PUPPY, who ran past the fence, found the KITTEN. The PUPPY stopped and, falling on its front paws, barked loudly at the KITTEN, and then rushed into the yard and tried to bite him. In response, the KITTEN hissed loudly, extended his claws and hit the PUPPY on the nose. The PUPPY ran off, whimpering plaintively.

KITTEN felt like a winner. He began to lick the wound inflicted by the chicken. Then the KITTEN scratched his hind paw behind his ear, stretched out next to the cart to his full height and fell asleep. We don’t know what he dreamed about, but for some reason the KITTEN kept twitching his paw and moving his mustache in his sleep. Thus ended the first acquaintance of the KITTEN with the street.

    The final stage.


By theater tradition at the end of each performance, rehearsal, class, the actors give each other applause. The strength of applause is an assessment of the work of each participant in the work. Rate how our session went. Evaluate the work of your comrades. Rate your contribution.

Summarizing .

Today we have visited the magical world of the theater. Surely each of you will go to this world more than once as a spectator. But only those who will be trained at the school of young actors will be able to become one of the wizards of this world. Raise your hands, those of you who would like to try their hand at theatrical art? Thanks to all! See you next time!

(For children with severe speech disorders)

I. Explanatory note

"The development of children's speech through theatrical activities"

The art of the actor lies in speech and in the movement of the body.

1.1. Introduction

At present, in connection with the new tasks put forward by society for the system of public education, the problem of the development of the speech of preschool children is of particular relevance.

In solving problems related to the development of the speech of a preschool child, a special role belongs to the theater and theatrical activities.

Analysis of domestic and foreign literature testifies that acquaintance with various types of theater, as well as theatrical performances playing with children important role in their development, introduce children to theatrical art. They not only bring the joy of understanding the art of the theater, but also educate artistic taste develop speech.

Children - preschoolers, as a rule, are always happy to see a puppet theater in kindergarten, but they also love to play small performances themselves with the help of puppets, which are always at their disposal. Children, having joined the game, answer the dolls' questions, fulfill their requests, give advice, and transform into one or another image. They laugh when the characters laugh, they are sad with them, they warn of danger, they cry over the failures of their beloved hero, they are always ready to help him. By participating in theatrical performances, children get acquainted with the world around them through images, colors, sounds, enriching their inner world and vocabulary.

Familiarization with various types of theater and theatrical activities allows solving many tasks of the kindergarten program: one of the most important for preschoolers is the development of speech, and an increase in speech activity. A variety of different types of tetras, themes, means of depiction, the emotionality of theatrical activities make it possible to use them in order to comprehensively educate the personality of a preschooler.

1.2. Relevance

federal state educational standard preschool education primarily for the development of the personality of the child. Education of a free, self-confident person, with an active life position, striving to creatively approach the solution of various life situations, having his own opinion and able to defend it. In order for a child to develop these qualities, it is necessary to promote the development of speech as a means of communication. It is very important to improve dialogic speech, to teach to be friendly and correct interlocutors, to cultivate a culture of verbal communication. To form the ability to meaningfully and expressively dramatize literary works

Among the most important tasks of working with preschoolers is the formation of their coherent monologue and dialogic speech. This is necessary both for the most complete overcoming of systemic speech underdevelopment, and for preparing children for the upcoming schooling.

One of the most effective ways corrective impact on the child, in which the principle of learning is most clearly manifested: “learning while playing”, is the theater and theatrical games. The game is the main activity of preschool children, which in an unobtrusive form helps the development of coherent and grammatically correct speech, is necessary condition exciting activity, and the theater is one of the most democratic and accessible types of art, which allows you to solve many urgent problems of pedagogy and psychology related to artistic and moral education, development communicative qualities personality development of imagination, fantasy. Theatrical activity as a means of correction speech disorders in a kindergarten does not involve the development of professional acting skills. The main goal is to create conditions for the correction of children's speech disorders and the development of their motivation to eliminate their speech defects.

Thus it is possible to do conclusion that theatrical games make it possible to use them as a strong, but unobtrusive pedagogical tool for the development of speech, because the child feels relaxed and free during the game. We see the relevance of the work in the fact that theatrical activity helps to solve one of the most important tasks - the development of speech, since in the process of a theatrical game the child's vocabulary is imperceptibly activated, the sound culture of his speech and its intonational structure are improved. Role played, pronounced remarks put the child in front of the need to speak clearly, clearly, understandably. He improves monologic and dialogic speech, its grammatical structure.

The questions posed to children in preparation for theatricalization encourage them to think, analyze quite difficult situations draw conclusions and generalizations. This contributes to the improvement of mental development and the improvement of speech, which is closely related to it.

At the same time, the developing potential of theatrical play is not used enough in kindergartens.

To this end, we have developed a variable program called "The Magical World of Theater"

Theatrical activity combines the word, music and movement. In the combination of these three components, a harmonious synthesis is formed, which achieves great developing power in the development of speech. The "Magic World of Theater" is an integrated program that allows you to combine various elements of the correctional and developmental process and the process of "living" different roles in the life of pupils.

Participants of the program "Magic World of Theater" are pupils of the speech therapy group of 5-7 years of age.

1.3.Goals and objectives of the program

The purpose of the variable program "Magic World of Theater" is: the development of coherent speech in preschoolers by means of theatrical activities.


  1. To introduce children to various types of theater: puppet, shadow, finger, etc.

2. Teach children manipulation techniques in puppet theaters of various types.

3. To improve the artistic skills of children in terms of experiencing and embodying the image, as well as their performing skills.

4. Involve children in theater culture, enrich their theatrical experience: children's knowledge about the theater, its history, device, theatrical professions, costumes, attributes, theatrical terminology.


1. Introduce children to theatrical creativity, develop their speech.

2. Prepare the child for further perception stage speech and form the intonational expressiveness of such speech.

3. Development of free communication with adults and children.

4. The development of all components of oral speech among pupils (lexical side, grammatical structure speech, pronunciation side of speech).

5. The development of coherent speech (dialogical and monologue forms) through the organization of theatrical activities.

6. To develop in children an interest in theatrical and gaming activities.


  1. To create favorable conditions for the development of children's interest in the theater.
  2. Arouse in children emotional empathy, an emotional response to the work being performed.
  3. Psychological and pedagogical explanation of the specifics of the perception and development of the material by children in accordance with age characteristics.
  4. Create conditions for joint theatrical activities of children and adults (staging joint performances with the participation of children, parents, employees of preschool educational institutions, organizing performances by older children in front of younger ones, etc.).

1.4. Ways to achieve goals and objectives:

  • Acquaintance of children with theatrical puppet and theatrical games;
  • Acquaintance with types of theaters;
  • Acquaintance with the basics of acting;
  • Independent theatrical activity.

The program is designed taking into account the integration of educational areas:

1. "Artistic and aesthetic development (Music)": pupils learn to hear different things in music emotional condition and convey it with movements, gestures, facial expressions; listen to music for the next performance, noting its diverse content, which makes it possible to more fully appreciate and understand the character of the hero, his image.

2. "Artistic and aesthetic development": pupils get acquainted with reproductions of paintings, illustrations, similar in content to the plot of the play, learn to draw different materials according to the plot of the play or its individual characters.

3. "Social and communicative development": pupils develop a clear, clear diction, work is underway on the development of the articulatory apparatus using tongue twisters, tongue twisters, nursery rhymes.

4. "Reading Fiction": pupils get to know literary works, which will form the basis of the upcoming production of the performance and other forms of organization of theatrical activities (classes in theatrical activities, theatrical games in other classes, holidays and entertainment, in Everyday life, independent theatrical activities of children).

5. "Cognitive Development" students become familiar with the public life, objects of the immediate environment, natural phenomena, which will serve as the material included in the content of theatrical games and exercises.

6. "Social and communicative development (labor education)": pupils make attributes for games-dramatizations, dramatizations, theatricalizations.

7. Physical development, health: conducting outdoor games, finger gymnastics. articulatory gymnastics, dynamic pauses.

"Magic World of Theater"

2.1. Child development in theatrical activities

The following conditions have been created for the development of theatrical activities in the group:

  • there are various types of theaters: shadow, flannelograph, puppet, finger, toys, table, glove and others.
  • costumes and masks for games - dramatizations;
  • screen;
  • a set of scenery;
  • audio library of classical and relaxation music, "sounds of nature".

To develop the creative activity of children in theatrical activities, expressive reading and storytelling of children is practiced in the classroom, entertainment, and festive matinees. Through work on etudes, the ability to freely and liberatedly hold on when performing in front of peers and adults develops. To do this, mini performances are held in a group, dance improvisations to music, we encourage children to improvise by means of facial expressions, expressive movements and intonations, we teach to distinguish, name and convey the mood, experience, emotional state of the characters. Telling children about theatrical genres- dramatic, musical, puppet, animal theater, clownery.

In the process of direct educational activity, when retelling artwork we use the screening of table, finger and other theaters. In games - dramatizations, in the learning process, in plot organization - role playing the tasks of interaction of theatrical activity and other types of activity of the pedagogical process are solved. Children are involved in the manufacture of attributes, elements of scenery, costumes, masks.

2.2. Theoretical and practical significance programs.

The proposed program is variable, that is, if necessary, it is allowed to adjust the content and forms of activities, the time of passage of the material.

Theoretical significance program is determined by the fact that its results allow you to expand and deepen your understanding of positive influence theatrical and gaming activities for the development of speech in preschool children

Practical significance program is that the developed cycle of classes and guidelines for the development of coherent speech by means of theatrical activities can be used in the practical activities of teachers and specialists to optimize the process of speech development of preschool children. This program can be used as part of an educational program for speech development preschoolers, as well as additional for use in creative activities.

Practical work is carried out in three areas:

1 "Developing environment", 2 "Children", 3 "Adults".

First direction- formation of a developing environment:

Creation theater corner in a group that includes:

  • TSO (tape recorder, laptop, audio recordings of classical and relaxation music, "sounds of nature", children's works).
  • Visual aids (video material, reproductions of paintings, illustrations, posters, photographs, albums on the topic "Theatre").
  • Children's art, cognitive and methodical literature.
  • Attributes for organizing theatrical games (flanegraph, screens, costumes, hats, masks, various types of theaters: bi-ba-bo, table, finger, rubber toy, on banks, on clothespins, on handkerchiefs, mitten theater, etc.).

Didactic games (“What theater are the puppets from”, “Name it in one word”, “Antoshka's mood”, etc.).

Second direction it's working with children :

Creative activity of children, both joint with the educator and independent. When working with children, the following methods are used:

  • Musical-rhythmic warm-up: includes rhythmic, musical-rhythmic games and exercises that: develop children's motor skills ( dexterity, mobility, flexibility, endurance); develop plastic expressiveness (rhythm, musicality, speed of reaction, etc.); develop imagination (ability for plastic improvisation).
  • Breathing and speech gymnastics: Helps children to form the correct clear pronunciation (breathing, articulation) with the help of games and exercises.
  • Literary and artistic practice ( coherent speech): children learn to convey the author’s thoughts (intonation, logical stress, etc.), as well as develop imagination, the ability to imagine what is being said, expand vocabulary, make speech brighter, more figurative.
  • Games, a minute of pranks, a physical minute;
  • Theatrical activities: Theatrical activities include dramatization, plot sketches based on fairy tales, stories, poems.

Direct educational theatrical activities include:

Watching performances and talking about them;

Preparing and acting out various fairy tales and dramatizations;

Exercises for the formation of expressiveness of performance (verbal and non-verbal);

Separate ethics exercises;

Exercises for the socio-emotional development of children;

Dramatization games.

When working with children, self-created presentations (for showing on a laptop or projector and for showing on an interactive whiteboard) are very helpful.

third direction- adults:

Working with parents and DOW specialists. It includes:

  • exhibition of theaters of various types;
  • Organization of work on the production of attributes and benefits;
  • Creation of sketches of scenery and costumes for performances;
  • competition of posters, invitation cards;
  • joint performance of children and their parents;
  • puppet theater performance;
  • workshops, consultations, talks.

2.4. Variable program methods and techniques:

  • Visual: showing, example, mutual assistance of the teacher; personal example
  • Verbal: persuasion, encouragement, explanation, description. discussions;
  • Practical: learning, repetition, independent performance of roles both in a team and individually, staging and dramatization

2.5. Forms of work:


The program is designed for senior preschool age. Theatrical classes are held with all children of the senior and preparatory groups for school without any selection once a week for 3 minutes, which is 18 hours a year. The optimal number of children in a class is 12 people.

It is assumed and individual work, five minutes, evening time aimed at solving specific problems and difficulties of the pupil.

The necessary material is selected taking into account the age and individual characteristics of preschoolers, stage organized activities. Stages of organized activity are constantly repeated, fixed because. This category of students has passive vocabulary, impaired attention, memory, thinking, tempo and rhythm.

Success in achieving results will depend on the speech preparedness of the pupils and on volitional qualities: patience, perseverance, endurance.

2.6. Expected results of the organized activities of the Magic World of Theater program:

  • The skills of dialogical speech, its grammatical structure are improved,
  • speech becomes emotionally rich, expressive.
  • Uniting children, parents and teachers in the process of active cooperation.
  • Enrichment of the theater corner.
  • Raise cultural level preschoolers.
  • acquisition of speech skills: replenishment vocabulary children, improving the grammatical structure of speech.
  • full development of all aspects of children's speech: dialogic and monologue.
  • emotional and expressive speech. - positive attitude towards theater games in 100% of children.
  • development of creative abilities.
  • the ability of children to recognize the emotional state of a person by facial expressions, gestures, intonation.

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