Fragments of stories from rural life. Literature lesson on the topic "L.N. Tolstoy


to give out otsypnoe, for a widow two pounds and for children and a half.

Whoever knew Sergei Rezunov as a big, old man, it is difficult for him to think what a little Seryozhka he was. Old Sergey He was a tidy man, not tall, not short, not thin, not fat, but halfway in the middle. The hair on his head was blond, not curly, hung like washcloths, everything got into his eyes; his beard was small, wedge-shaped, no hair grew at all on his cheeks, and when I knew him, there were already a lot of gray hairs; the nose was bent with a hook, and there was a scar across and under the eye, they had cut it with an ax as a boy; his mouth was small, neat: how he laughs,<бывало, так всем весело станет;>teeth are white and straight. Only he did not laugh often, sometimes when he had a drink, otherwise he was more of a serious man. He used to put his big fingers behind the sash: “Well, dear man,” he had such a saying, and whatever you say to him, he will sort out and prove every case.

So who knew him like that, it’s hard for him to think what kind of orphan Seryozhka was like when he was still nowhere to be seen from the earth.

And he was a small, white-headed, pot-bellied boy, and a rake, for which his mother beat him a lot then. Need, grief, and then there are children. It used to beat her out of grief, and then she felt sorry for herself.

At that time, when he was still nowhere to be seen from the earth, he remembers that a neighbor, Uncle Fyodor, once came to their hut. It was in the autumn, they cleaned up with bread, the people were at home. Uncle Fyodor came drunk, tumbled into the hut: "Martha, and Martha," he calls, "come treat me, I'm the groom has come." And Marfa made her manners in the pasture. Seryozhka played with the guys in the street, saw Uncle Fyodor, followed him into the hut, stepped over the threshold, and grabbed hold of him with his hands - he was still so small.

Who do you want, uncle?

Where is the mother?

On the old street manners stele.

Run, call her, I'll give you some bread.

No, you won't, you beat Vaska the other day.

Run, call your mother, the little shooter, - but how he will swing at him. - ABOUT! I'll kill you, you filthy bastard! - Yes, as he rolls his eyes, yes to him. To joke, or something, he only wanted to

Seryozhka didn't make out, turned his eyes away, looked at him, and again on all fours over the threshold! yes, in the back alley through the threshing floor, and on the pasture, only bare legs shine, as if he had lifted him up, and he himself roars, like a goat is being slaughtered. - What are you, what, my dear, - the grandmother met, asks; so he just looked at her, howled even louder, straight to his mother: he rolled up to her in a ball, clung to the paneva and wants to utter - he can’t, like something is choking him.

Martha looked at him, she saw that she was crying.

Who are you? What don't you say? Who, I say?

Mamushka! .. Treguboi ... said ... he wants to kill ... such a drunken ... to us ... he came into our hut ... - But he himself does not let Paneva go. She will unhook him, and he will intercept for another place, like a thorn. The woman got angry, she had a little more to cover, went to the bundle, and it hangs on her. Got it again. “Tell me who you are,” he says.

Uncle Fyodor ... came into the ... hut ... - he said it with force, with force.

As the mother understood, not having delivered, she pushed him away from her, threw him, straightened the paneva and went to the hut.

And so it was. Fyodor Rezunov married his son last autumn and took over the land for him, and buried his mistress in the winter. So he went to the clerk, saying that it was hard to carry the land without a woman, and that he had many years, would they lay down the land. “I,” he says, “are glad to try your health without land. What kind of carpentry work will be, I can do everything. The peasant was dexterous in speech, at least he would speak to someone. Yes, this time the clerk did not succumb, he says: “You are still young, only forty-two years old, and if you don’t have a wife, we don’t have to look for brides, there’s the Long-mouthed Marfutka-widow, such for you, the old man.” So the matter was decided, and Marfa was called, and the old people said that the matter was. In the morning Fyodor, instead of going to work, went to a tavern with a passing cab, and now he himself came to woo. How they got on there, God knows; Marfutka wept, wept, walked around, bowed, and the end of the matter was that they were married before the cover.

As soon as his mother left him, Seryozhka lay down on his belly and kept screaming, as long as his mother could be seen; as she went behind the wattle fence, he stopped, turned on his side and began

wipe away tears. He got his hands wet. He wiped it on the ground and again behind his eyes - he smeared his whole face. Then he took a dry blade of grass and began to pick it on the ground: he would dig a hole, but there would be tears, but if he didn’t get it, he would spit. And for a long time Seryozhka lay in the pasture and thought his thoughts about his mother and Uncle Fyodor and about why Uncle Fyodor wanted to kill him and why his mother beat him to death. He remembered everything he knew about his mother and Uncle Fyodor, and he could not make out anything. He remembered that his mother went to Mass at Trinity, and took him out of the church and sat down at the almshouse under a shed with a godfather, and talked a lot about Fyodor, about her husband, about children. He remembers that the godfather kept saying the same thing: “Aunt Martha! stepchildren are only a sin, ”and that the mother said:“ Well, if they tell. Then he remembers that his mother went to the manor's yard, came from there in tears, and beat him because he was lying on the bench, and that very evening she told him that, give it time, Fyodor Rezunov will catch you - and right there began to kiss him and howl.

Then he remembers that the girls teased him with Rezunov's stepson, and although he did not understand what it was leading to, he cried listening to them. And then Fedor himself wanted to kill. Fedor was in everything, and he hated him. He began to think about how he could kill Fyodor; kill? poison? mess up? - Here the girls with twigs, driving the cattle, came out from under the mountain. - “What, did you beat Fedka with your stepfathers?” - He was silent, they touched him. He grabbed a stone and threw it at them - the girls began to jump and scream. He scolded, then roared. The women drove the girls away. The eldest, Parashka, passed with the cattle. “What are you?” - Seryozhka burst into tears and told how he wants to destroy. Parashka said that it was necessary to spoil it. "Go to grandfather Lipat." The stranger has arrived. They opened up to her, she taught to endure. Mother drove the cattle to herd. Put her to bed, collapsed for her.

After the cover, they got married. Seryozhka saw how his mother was dressed, how she howled, how the peasants drank, and he was transferred to them. The girl is evil Rezunov, wet. Once a drunken Rezunov came home. "Why isn't dinner ready?" - "You didn't tell us to wait, and we ate." It is known, so I will kill him, ”he grabbed an ax, but on Seryozhka. Earring froze: "Father, let me pray." Tolerate............


“Ali hasn’t been dragging for a long time!” said a man with frozen icicles on his beard and mustache, entering the hut in the evening and turning to the woman. He had just slipped in the passage and could hardly hold himself against the lintel. “They poured senets again, idols!” - “Did you fix the tub, or what? - said the woman. - No, the women went for water 5 times, what they bring, half will flow out. - “You will start on you, devils. I’ll pull out the cosmos, it won’t flow like that. ” The peasant arrived from the forest in a bad mood: the sentry found him laying on young oak trees, which he cut down in the master's forest, and tore off him on a skewer. Besides, he slipped. Baba saw that things were bad and it was better to remain silent.

The man silently undressed, had dinner with his family. The son, who came from the master's threshing from the village, told the news at dinner. In Riga they said that the master had arrived. "Oh!" said the old man. - “The men were talking, again he wants to cut off the land. I went to a middleman. Mikhaila says not to wake anything. - "Which Michael?" - “Sidorov, is he literate, or something, he,” he said, “nothing will happen, therefore, the peasants will not show their plant, and when the royal survey comes, let them cut it, the land surveyor will indicate everything from the tsar, they will seize all the master’s land. .."

The old man listened attentively, and the women fell silent. Vasily was known for his head. “Because, to say, a comedy [?] land survey will go, but they won’t agree to a euta ...”

The old man smiled happily. “I’ve also been coming since spring,” he said, “how he oiled it, I suppose he found fools, with what he came, he left with that ...” Vasily continued: lay the earth in prucent. The foreman said the world is very offended. “Oh, Lord,” said [the old man], belching and crossing himself, “there is no cross on people.” And he got out from behind the table. “Tomorrow they ordered to gather a meeting,” Vasily added. After 5 minutes, the torch went out, and 12 souls of the Semyonov family (that was the name of the old man) snored in a 7-arshin hut.

Semyon lived on a farm, settled about 15 years ago, 5 versts from the village and consisting of 4 households. The master stayed at the estate, in the village. The master a few months ago unexpectedly received this estate as an inheritance. [He served] on another estate (100 miles from

this) an intermediary, and an intermediary who deserved the indignation of the nobility. He came for the first time in the spring in order to do good to the peasants and prove that, while preaching concessions to the peasants, he himself was ready to make them in practice - which was especially easy for him, since he was rich, did not owe anyone, was lonely, and this estate fell to him from the sky. He offered the peasants to switch from corvée to quitrent, he considered quitrent with land in excess of the allotment forever below the Regulations and, in order for the peasants to always be able to pay dues, he suggested leaving corvée work only by valuing it in money, so that with this assessment, a peasant with a woman, going to corvée, he earned the entire quitrent in less than six months with a three-day corvee. The peasants refused and gladly saw off the landowner who was leaving and did nothing. “What did you take? With what he came, with that he left ... "

Now the master has come again in order to put an end to this estate, and, taking advantage of ......


First of all, the carpenters returned to the village. It was a combined people: the hawker was from the city, and the guys, some distant, some neighboring, two were from the same village.

The carpenters went up to Rodkin's yard (Rodivon kept tea, wine and let it in the quarter), put axes and saws in the barn and went out onto the porch and into the street. alone<высокой, плечистый малый>Lizun did not enter the porch, did not pull out his ax from behind his sash, and did not put away his cross-saw and half a fathom, but leaned them against the corner of the chimney. Lizun sat on a low blockage near the hut,<так что высокие колени его доходили почти до плеч>, took a straw in his tanned and hairy hands, began to break it and sang a song, so smoothly, loudly that two old women from the neighbors leaned out to see who was singing. The guys were waiting for the owner to calculate who wanted to go home for the holiday, who wanted to ask for money like that, and who only reckoned like that. Lizun, in the morning at work, quarreled with the owner and did want to pay. The day before, the owner went to the city to the authorities for money, and ordered the guys to Lizun; he arrived on Saturday, the work did not seem to him, he began to swear: “You, they say, from the guys

Magarych took it, you cost me twenty-five rubles a day, but nothing worked and the tree was cut, it costs me five rubles. All this was true, the guys all knew that they had spent half the day in the tavern, where Lizun had taken them.

If you are a hawker, then see for yourself, but I have not spoiled your work. I’ll show you how to work,” Lizun said. Yes, he immediately said about porridge that the guys get up hungry from dinner.

Let's calculate; I don't want to work for you.

Lizun was a small young man from Misoedov, he was only married for the second year and worked on the side for the first time, and he was such a master of his affairs that he pointed out to the owner, and could do any work with an ax, chisel, saw, and therefore did not need the owner. One of the carpenters sat down beside Lizun. Lizun finished the song and winked.

So that. Al really take the calculation?

And what did you think, - said Lizun, - I will bow?

Well, are you going home?

And why should I go home. Al light like a wedge agreed that, besides on the bridge, there is no work.

Look, the peasant wants to build, - he said, pointing to Yermilin's hut opposite, next to which the made wood lay, - as I asked, I will contract, and I will put up a hut for the peasant, I will hire carpenters. I'll take a look, so I know how to start the work.

What can I say, said the carpenter. - However, it was clear that it seemed to him tricky, so that Lizun could embrace such a thing.

Old Yermil, together with the hawker, approached Rodka.

You see, the belly of the devil, - said Lizun, turning away, but when the peasants came closer and bowed, the carpenters also raised their hats, and Lizun raised his new bright hat.

Yermil ordered a carpenter to build an oil mill for him. Lizun nimbly stood up and nudged the peasant with his elbow; "Don't stop, Uncle Yermil, I'll take it cheaper." Uncle Yermil looked back at Lizun and at the hawker who was entering the hut. “Why, are you on the bridge?” - “That’s on the bridge, but now I’ll build an oil mill, I’ll bring my Misoedov’s guys, I’ll take it cheaper against him and I’ll do it as I should.” “This is a well-known thing,” said Yermil, peering

to a new rower. He didn't trust him, it was obvious. “Just don’t dress up, but I’ll come to you, you’ll say thank you.”

Well, Fedyukha, or do you want to ask for some money? - said the red-haired hawker, when Lizun, praying to God, went up to the table and laid his hat on it. The hawker was in good spirits and did not want to let go of his best worker. He was sitting at a table in the front corner and, taking both hands off the table, he put his big fingers behind the sash so as not to interfere with the hostess, who was assembling the samovar for him and scraping with a knife in front of him. He thought to himself: “Small young - fooled around. Well, scolded, and will be. And you will not find such a carpenter soon. But Lizun now noticed that he could pull the owner. Without looking into the eyes of the owner, he took hold of the sash and turned it over his body.

Give what you have to give, Kuzma Kirilych, five weeks and six days from Mikola.

That's all of you, - said Kirilych, - how would you observe the master's business, in order to get an increase, and you, as it were, are worse; it’s insulting,” he added, turning to Yermil. He still wanted to cajole Slimer.

It’s the master’s business, Lizun answered. - Well, it's not necessary. And in my mind, it couldn't be better, the way I worked. How else can you work? Whether I’m not a master, whether I didn’t try, both for myself and for the owner, I told the guys that. As the work goes on, so the workers and the owner have fun.

It is known that if the owner does not have profits, then the workers have nothing to pay. That's how stupid you are!

No, brother, I'm not stupid, but I'm so smart, so smart, that you can look.

Softly stelesh, hard to sleep. The other day I drove off on a business trip to the city, without myself I ordered this young man, ”said the hawker, turning to Yermil,“ so, do you believe it, they did nothing but good all day to cut two oaks — I prepared them on piles, and they on the crossing was cut.

Two more carpenters went into the hut, prayed to the icons and sat down on a bench under the bed, waiting for their turn. Ermil got up and left.

Count, reckon, and I will visit the guys, they didn’t come from plowing.

Pray to God for forty,” said the hawker, stopping him and holding out his hand. Lizun winked.

It will be seen, tomorrow is a holiday, - said Yermil and went out.

That's it, - said the hawker, smoothing out the towel that the hostess had laid out. Lizun began to speak differently in front of the guys.

That's what, Kuzma Kirilych, your business, as you know, is the master's, but you didn't think that you are asking me, and you pay me a salary on an equal basis with others. Is it possible to equalize me with Mishka or Petrukha? He is a carpenter and I am a carpenter. And you can't tell him to look. That he will work for a day, I will do before breakfast. You want to pay seven hryvnias a day, but you also want to ask questions. Give me ten rubles a month, I'll do all the work for you alone - as you say, I'll do it. If you like, visit once a month - I won’t spoil anything. So that. Give ten rubles, and at that price I will not live.

The contractor asked Lizun to stay cheaper, wanted to shower him with words, but Lizun threw him even more dexterously. The hawker was angry, and Lizun was even more angry. The hawker scolded him once<сукиным сыном>, Lizun immediately answered: "Eat it yourself." Finally began to be considered. The hostess brought the bills, but Lizun had already calculated everything by day in his head, and everything was so exactly right. The only dispute was that the hawker wanted to deduct two days for absenteeism. "Eh! brother, Kirilych, - said Lizun, - it will be a sin for you, you can offend our brother. Not for the backside, but for the front, I’ll have to work for you again. ” The contractor agreed, but Lizun still asked for vodka. “I’ll do another service, and you’ll say thanks to Lizun, count up two kopecks, Kirilych. Right. Well! guys, looking at me, it will be more fun to live with you. Kirilych did not agree to a two-kopeck piece, but since all the money was to be 16 rubles. 70 k., then 30 k. He gave vodka for good measure. And he did this because Lizun swirled him with words so that in front of the guys he wanted to show that he was counting without pressing. "Give me money". Kirilych had only 50 rubles. piece of paper. He believed her Lizun, and he, tying her in the corner of a handkerchief and putting the handkerchief in his hat, went to the tavern to change.

What with an ax, what with a tongue, where a small one is dexterous, - the hawker said to the owner when Lizun left. Other guys also began to reckon. They were not so dexterous, and their master treated them quite differently; he cheated one for three kopecks, and gave the other no money at all. Although he had 25 rubles to live on, and the need was extreme.


Just as the cattle from the street wandered around the yards and settled into the cages, each piece in its place, so the people with different parties, some from the arable land, some from the bridge (carpenters worked there), some from the field, some from the day, each figured out in his place.

A young carpenter (he had a coat, half a fathom and an ax tied together on a sash behind his back) went up to the corner house, from the lane, and asked the owner.

Ermil Antonych, or has he not been yet?

In the morning I went to Zasek for mowing with the guys, they will arrive soon, I'll have tea. Whose are you, dear? Say, yasenskoy? asked the old woman. She was a widow, sister of the owner.

We are carpenters from the bridge, - answered the raft. - Women in the corvee, or what?

Listen, they are playing, - said the old woman.

A round dance with songs approached along the road, a crowd of women and girls blushed behind the ravine. The carpenter went around the corner.

From under the mountain a man was rising from the field. He sat sideways on a horse harnessed to a plow, a snow foal running behind. This peasant [was] Garaska, the eldest son of the old man Kapyl. Gerasim went to the field in the morning, to the distant arable land. They had three unplowed octopuses there, and his father told him to plow them up until evening, and if it's hard for the mare, so fuck 2. Gerasim left early; arable land was in the west with raw; he rearranged the coulters and trampled them at home, and by evening he had plowed all three. He who did not plow himself does not know how light the body and the soul are cheerful, when from dawn to dawn, one, furrow after furrow, moved on the arable land, and the work was argued, and reached the other edge, and the furrow slanted to the corner, and the corner twisted and tied up the scum, spread it under the zh... armyak and went on time

to the house, along the dust of the road, plowing two lines behind him with scum, and on the way home, peasants and women come across from all sides, and joking merrily with everyone, as you know that the deed is done, there is no need to toss and turn on the arable land until Ilyin days.

Gerasim shook his foot, shod with a new bast shoe, on the shaft and sang a song. Seeing the round dance of women, he scratched his head, fell silent and grinned. Although Gerasim was married, he loved young women. Seeing the carpenter, Gerasim threw off his tucked leg from the back of the horse and jumped off. "A! Lizun!<черт тебя возьми, что рано с работы сошел, аль домой>Kurvin's son, al took the calculation, you want to put a pigtail! - Gerasim laughed and cracked Lizan on the back with a whip - something they would have drunk,<умаялся целый день пахамши>from work."


It was on Saturday at Petrovka. Hay harvesting was such that the old people will not remember. Not hay, but tea was put in stacks. The peasant meadows were almost all cleared, only Kochak remained. No more than a day to the world of mowing. The master's meadows, too, had already been mowed down more than half. The days were so red and hot that in the morning they would cut down on the dew, row into the ramparts in the evening, and the next day even throw them into haystacks, and not a cloud in the sky. And all the people, as much as they could, were in a hurry to get out of the weather. And the clerk was very busy cleaning up the lordly things, from morning till night with the women, he turned red, the sweat rolls in hail, the shirt is unbuttoned, everyone screams, everyone walks around the women with a stick, slept from the body. Even though it’s not your own business, but the economic one, as soon as you take it on, you won’t fall asleep peacefully until you finish. You don't do the work, but the work pulls you along. God gave this summer that there was something to mow, and row, and haul. They removed 6 carts for tax, and even in Kochak there was such grass that you couldn’t crawl through at the bottom. In addition to the mowing, the plowing immediately arrived, and the plowing was strong, so that whoever did not have time for the weather, the coulters were broken and the horses were planted on the arable land.

The village was empty all day, everyone was at work, some kind of sick woman at home was washing shirts on the pond or making canvases, and old men and old women with little children.

Only in the manor's yard, behind the pond, were there people at home. There, it’s a well-known thing, like the gentlemen of the house - mowing is not mowing, cleaning is not cleaning: lackeys, coachmen, cooks, gardeners, courtyards - they all do one thing. Do not do business, but do not run away from business.

The shepherds will not miss their time; as soon as the sun began to set behind the forest, the dust was already envious high road and heard the cattle. The cattle walked around the aftermath and in a week became completely different - cheered up. Cattle in the countryside are the same as hours in the city. They drove the cattle, which means it's time for everyone to go home to the village. The guys heard the cattle, caught the horses and went home from the day. The women in the corvée at the elected asked to leave and with a rake over their shoulders went in a round dance to the house. The peasants, who plowed at home on their arable land, tied up the scum, turned the plow over and drove home. The mowers picked up their coats and jugs and went home, at the rich peasants the women left the firewood in the stove to warm the stew for dinner.

Tolstoy L.N. Story excerpts from village life// L.N. Tolstoy. Collected works in 22 vols. M.: Fiction, 1979. V. 3. S. 430-441.

L. N. Tolstoy. An excerpt from the story "Childhood" - "MAMAN"

Lesson type: learning new


- educational: continue to introduce children to the work of L. N. Tolstoy, introduce them to an excerpt from the work “Childhood”, improve reading skills, teach them to find the main idea ;

- developing:develop the ability to evaluate your work in the lesson, the ability to find the right passage in the text, the ability to analyze, develop reading technique, memory, thinking ;

- educational: educate independence, interest in the subject, understanding the depth of the subject, educate careful attitude to a loved one .


  1. for the teacher - presentation, visual material: crossword puzzle, portrait, textbook.
  2. for students - a textbook, handouts.


1. Klimanova L.F., Goretsky V.G., Vinogradskaya L.A. Literary reading Grade 4, Part 2, Prosveshchenie Publishing House, 2012

During the classes:

1. Org. moment.

Hello guys! We have a lesson literary reading where guests are present. Let's welcome them.

2. Speech warm-up.

slide 1.

The rain poured down - and everything in the mountains got wet,
Circles scattered across the water ...
I hear: through the roof, through the glass
Pray drops:
- Take care of your mom!

I hear: the leaves whisper behind the wall:
“Mom, this is a native tree!”
The voice of the father repeats the earth:
"Mother is the whole world, and groves, and fields."

The storm is raging furiously
In the black sky you can't see a single thing...
The roar of thunder is your voice, nature,
Asks every hour of any year:
“Soul of the world, mother, take care!”

Read slowly. Fast. With a tone of surprise. Let's read it expressively.

How did you understand the meaning of the phrase "... not to see a single thing ..."? ( total darkness)

3.Self-determination to activity

Slide 2.

Whose portrait is in front of you? (L. N. Tolstoy)

This is Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy - one of the greatest writers peace.

What works of L.N. Do you know Tolstoy? ("Bone", "Philippok", "Lion and Dog", "ABC", etc.)

Slide 3 (video)

  1. Setting the topic and objectives of the lesson.

And now, to find out the topic of our today's lesson, you need to guess the crossword puzzle (on the board).

Slide 4 (crossword)

  1. We help each other in trouble
    We do lessons and play together,
    Together we go for a walk, to the store.
    When you are not, then I am alone.
    Come soon, I miss you
    I don't play games without you.
    I really need communication with you
    Since we have a strong relationship with you ... (friendship)
  1. One from the company

Very nice joke

Everyone grabbed their stomachs
This flooded the people (laughter)

  1. When we all grow up

We remember only one

How do we dear mother

I gave everything ... (warmly)

  1. A children's game in which players try to hit each other with their hands. (Salochki)
  2. A children's game in which the driver is looking for all the players, who in turn are very well hidden. (hide and seek)
  3. Children believe in it, and sometimes adults (magic)
  4. Mom made me as a child

Eat soup first

Well, she didn't give them to me.

So that my tooth does not hurt (sweets)

See what word we got vertically? (Childhood)

What do you think, what work will we study today? ("Childhood")

slide 4.

Read the title of the topic of the lesson. (L. N. Tolstoy "Childhood")

What do you think the objectives of the lesson will be?

Today at the lesson we will read one of the chapters of Leo Tolstoy's autobiographical trilogy “Childhood. Adolescence. Youth".

Guys, what is autobiographical trilogy? (children's answers)

Autobiographical, events that actually happened to the author.

A trilogy is three works by the same author, where the second and third are a continuation of the first.

5. Primary synthesis.

Listen to the audio recording (excerpt)

Slide 5 (Audio recording)

Name the main character in the story? (Nikolenka)

And what do you think, if this story is autobiographical, then who does Nikolenka look like? (for the author himself)

Right! Describing his life, L. N. Tolstoy made Nikolenka the main character, called himself by him.

Let's do some vocabulary work. Look at the screen. Here are some words from the piece. How do you explain them?

slide 6

1) canvas dress

2) knickers

3) katsaveyka

4) Maman

6. Reading and analysis.

Now let's read an excerpt from the story.

(children read in a chain)

When do the events in the work take place, in what century?

Therefore, many of the words that you see in the text are no longer used in our time.

Pay attention to the title of the piece. Why is the name, and many phrases of the heroes of the work sound on French, How do you think? (( many spoke French)

What is the mother in the imagination of the son? Find this passage in the text and read it. (p.113 When I try to remember my mother...)

Who else does Nikolenka remember? Look at the text (sister)

What is she? How does he remember her? (from text) ( p.113 She was 11 years old...)

Okay, who's sitting next to his sister? (Maria Ivanovna)

Who is she? (music teacher)

Find in the text how Tolstoy conveyed her character? (p. 113 Beside her, half turn ...)

Who is Karl Ivanovich?

He's the tutor guys. Who is a tutor? ( answers)

(Educator of children in wealthy families in pre-revolutionary times, usually a foreigner.)

Why do you think he spoke German? (answers)

Guys, at that time most of the tutors were foreigners. Karl Ivanovich was a German, he taught Nikolenka the German language.

Explain how you understand the phrase "If in difficult moments of my life I could even catch a glimpse of this smile, I would not know what grief is." ( easier on the soul)

Do you agree with this statement?

What does the expression "resurrect in the imagination the features of a beloved being" mean?

Is it fair to say that the memory of a mother, her smile can brighten up a person's life? Find a passage about this in the text and read it. ( With. 114 When Mother Smiled...)

7. Secondary synthesis.

So, what kind of mother did Nikolenka remember? (Eyes expressing kindness and love; a gentle hand that often caressed him)

Slide 7 (plan)

According to the plan, make a few sentences about the person most dear to you. Let's read it:

1. Features of appearance

2. Facial expression

3. Attitude towards me

You are given some time.

Slide 8 (Tchaikovsky "The Seasons")

Who wants to tell?

Mom in the life of every person is the dearest and most beloved person. This is the first person we see who takes care of us all his life. No matter how old we are, mom will always consider us children and treat us with awe and love.

8. Summing up the lesson.

What writer were we talking about in class today?

What work of L. N. Tolstoy have we studied?

What is the story "Childhood", a part of what? (part of a trilogy)

What is a trilogy? (A trilogy is three works by the same author, where the second and third are a continuation of the first.)

Slide 8

Russian ball of the 18th - early 20th century. Dances, costumes, symbols Zakharova Oksana Yurievna

Leo Tolstoy Childhood An excerpt from the story

Lev Tolstoy

An excerpt from the story

Guests are gathering

Judging by the particular fussiness that was noticeable in the sideboard, by the bright lighting, which gave some new, festive look to all the objects in the living room and hall that I had long been familiar with, and especially judging by the fact that it was not for nothing that Prince Ivan Ivanovich sent his music, it was expected a considerable number of guests in the evening.

At the noise of every passing carriage, I ran to the window, put my palms to my temples and glass, and looked out into the street with impatient curiosity. From the darkness, which at first hid all the objects in the window, little by little appeared: opposite - a long-familiar shop, with a lantern, obliquely - a large house with two lighted windows below, in the middle of the street - some vanka with two riders or an empty carriage returning home at a pace; but now a carriage drove up to the porch, and I, in full confidence that these were the Ivins, who had promised to arrive early, ran to meet them in the hall. Instead of the Ivins, two female persons appeared behind the livery hand that opened the door: one was large, in a blue coat with a sable collar, the other was small, all wrapped in a green shawl, from under which only small legs in fur boots were visible. Paying no attention to my presence in the hall, although I considered it my duty to bow to them when these persons appeared, the little one silently approached the big one and stopped in front of her. The big one unwound the shawl that covered the entire head of the little one, unbuttoned her cloak, and when the livery footman received these things for safekeeping and took off her fur boots, a wonderful twelve-year-old girl in a short open muslin dress, white pantaloons and tiny black shoes came out of the muffled person. There was a black velvet ribbon on her white neck; her head was all in dark blond curls, which went so well in front to her beautiful face, and behind - to her bare shoulders, that I would not have believed anyone, even Karl Ivanovich himself, that they curled so much because they were wrapped up in the morning into pieces of Moskovskie Vedomosti and that they were cauterized with hot iron tongs. It seemed that she was born with this curly head.

A striking feature in her face was the extraordinary size of her bulging, half-closed eyes, which formed a strange but pleasant contrast with her tiny mouth. The lips were folded, and the eyes looked so seriously that general expression her face was one from which you do not expect a smile, and whose smile is all the more charming.

Trying not to be noticed, I darted through the door of the hall and found it necessary to pace back and forth, pretending that I was in thought and did not know at all that guests had arrived. When the guests went to half of the hall, I seemed to come to my senses, bowed and announced to them that my grandmother was in the living room. Mrs. Valakhina, whose face I liked very much, especially because I found in it a great resemblance to the face of her daughter Sonechka, nodded her head graciously to me.

Grandmother, it seemed, was very glad to see Sonechka: she called her closer to her, straightened one curl on her head, which fell on her forehead, and, peering intently into her face, said: “Quelle charmante enfant!” Sonechka smiled, blushed, and became so sweet that I blushed too, looking at her.

I hope you will not be bored with me, my friend, - said the grandmother, lifting her face by the chin, - I ask you to have fun and dance as much as possible. So there is one lady and two gentlemen, ”she added, turning to Madame Valakhina and touching me with her hand.

This rapprochement was so pleasant to me that it made me blush again.

Feeling that my shyness was increasing, and hearing the noise of the carriage still approaching, I considered it necessary to retire. In the hall I found Princess Kornakova with her son and an incredible number of daughters. The daughters all had the same face - they looked like a princess and were bad; so none of them paid any attention. Taking off their coats and tails, they all suddenly spoke in thin voices, fussed and laughed at something - it must have been that there were so many of them. Étienne was a boy of about fifteen, tall, fleshy, with a worn-out physiognomy, sunken, blue-colored eyes below, and arms and legs huge in years; he was clumsy, had an unpleasant and uneven voice, but he seemed very pleased with himself and was exactly the way, according to my understanding, a boy who is flogged with rods could be.

We stood facing each other for quite some time and, without saying a word, peered attentively; then, moving closer, it seems they wanted to kiss, but, looking into each other's eyes again, for some reason they changed their minds. When the dresses of all his sisters rustled past us, in order to start a conversation with something, I asked if they were crowded in the carriage.

I don’t know,” he answered me casually, “I never ride in a carriage, because as soon as I sit down, I’m starting to feel sick now, and my mother knows it. When we go somewhere in the evening, I always sit on the goats - it's much more fun - you can see everything, Philip gives me the rule, sometimes I take the whip. That way, you know, sometimes passing by, ”he added with an expressive gesture,“ wonderful!

Your Excellency, - said the footman, entering the hall. - Philip asks: where did you deign to put the whip?

How are things? yes, I gave it to him.

He says they didn't.

Well, I hung it on a lantern.

Philip says that it’s not even on the lantern, but you’d better say what you took and lost, and Philip will be responsible for your pampering out of his money, ”continued, more and more inspired, the annoyed footman.

The footman, who seemed to be a respectable and sullen man, seemed to warmly take Philippe's side and was determined to clarify the matter at all costs. By an involuntary feeling of delicacy, as if not noticing anything, I stepped aside; but the lackeys present acted quite differently: they stepped closer, looking with approval at the old servant.

Well, he lost so lost, - said Étienne, evading further explanations, - that it costs him a whip, so I will pay. That's tedious! he added, coming up to me and drawing me into the drawing-room.

No, excuse me, sir, will you pay with something? I know how you pay: Marya Vasilievna has been paying everything for two kopecks for the eighth month already, it seems to be the second year for me too. Petrushka…

Will you shut up! shouted the young prince, turning pale with anger. - That's all I'll say.

I'll tell you everything, I'll tell you everything! said the footman. - Not good, Your Excellency! he added especially emphatically as we entered the hall, and went with the coats to the chest.

That's it, that's it! - we heard someone's approving voice in the hall behind us.

Grandmother had a special gift, applying with a certain tone and in known cases plural and singular pronouns of the second person, express your opinion about people. Although she used You And You contrary to common custom, in her mouth these shades took on a completely different meaning. When the young prince approached her, she said a few words to him, calling him You, and looked at him with an expression of such disdain that if I were in his place, I would be completely at a loss; but Etienne was, apparently, not such a boy additions: he not only did not pay any attention to the reception of his grandmother, but even to her whole person, but bowed to the whole society, if not deftly, then completely cheekily. Sonechka occupied all my attention: I remember that when Volodya, Etienne and I were talking in the hall at a place from which Sonechka was visible and she could see and hear us, I spoke with pleasure; when I happened to say, in my opinion, a funny or valiant word, I said it louder and looked around at the door to the living room; when we moved to another place from which we could neither be heard nor seen from the drawing room, I was silent and did not find any more pleasure in conversation.

The drawing room and the hall were gradually filled with guests; among them, as always happens at children's parties, there were several big kids who did not want to miss the opportunity to have fun and dance, as if only to please the mistress of the house.

When the Ivins arrived, instead of the pleasure that I usually felt when meeting Seryozha, I felt some strange annoyance at him for seeing Sonechka and showing himself to her.

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"Childhood of Tolstoy" - Stages and timing of the project. Feelings, actions and spiritual world the main hero in the story L. The results of the presentation. Student of the Faculty of Philology, 342 Jankyavichyute Diana. We will study the next chapters. Tolstoy "Childhood". Tolstoy "Childhood". Fundamental question. Problem questions.

"A.K. Tolstoy" - Career. At the age of eight, Tolstoy, with his mother and Perovsky, moved to Petersburg. Kozma Prutkov. A. K. Tolstoy (1817-75), Meeting with Alexander II. Parents. Creation. The marriage was unhappy; between the spouses soon there was an open gap. Education.

"Tatyana Tolstaya" - "I am interested in people" from the outskirts "...". Date of birth: May 3, 1951 Background of Simeonov. Creation. "Bad" - "good" person in the story "Okkervil River". A television. In 2002, she participated in the TV show "Basic Instinct". She moved to Moscow in the early 1980s and began working at the Nauka publishing house as a proofreader.

"Writer Tolstoy" - Natasha - perfect image women in the representation of Tolstoy. In the Caucasus, L.N. Tolstoy begins his writing activity. The story "Childhood". In 1857, the war between Russia and Turkey began. Life puts before the heroes serious questions. In 1862 L. Tolstoy married his daughter famous doctor Sofia Andreevna Bers.

"On the Life of Leo Tolstoy" - In the circle of writers. The appearance of War and Peace made Tolstoy the greatest Russian writer. Adolescence and youth. Here Tolstoy first felt the senseless, cruel side of the war. “Without knowing Tolstoy, one cannot consider oneself cultured person» M. Gorky. Fast paced life youthful period. The Tolstoy family existed in Russia for 600 years.

"Biography of Alexei Tolstoy" - V last years turned to poetry (wrote ballads and political satires in verse). Grew up in a rich noble family. Vladimir Mikhailovich. In 1843 he received the title of chamber junker. Alexei Mikhailovich. Zhemchuzhnikov brothers. He was buried in Nice at the Russian Cemetery of Kokad. In his work he combined sharp satire with lyricism.

Ivan Ilyich Golovin, a 45-year-old member of the judicial chamber, fell and hit his side on the frame handle. After that there were pains in the left side. by the most different ways Ivan Ilyich resisted the realization that something was wrong with him. He for a long time did not attach any importance to this "trifle case". With all his heart Ivan Ilyich did not want to accept this foolish position. His pains especially annoyed him when they appeared at the very wrong time. For example, at a court session, at the very moment when Ivan Ilyich, as usual, had to take the floor, before which he was excited every time, knowing that the next day the whole city would discuss the speech and the logic of the proof; she annoyed even when things required constant mental activity due to the complexity of the case or upon the arrival of the authorities, before whom it was necessary to keep an account and be, as they say, “in shape”. I must say that Ivan Ilyich was a respected man, his opinion was listened to and people went to him for advice, it happened that the ministers of various affairs did not make decisions without a friendly conversation with Ivan Ilyich.

In the end, he went to the doctor. But even this did not bring relief, the pain intensified when moving from doctor to doctor, and the diagnosis was still not clarified. The disease took over him completely. Being a very intellectually gifted man, he studied all the medical books that he found, compared his illness with many similar cases, but did not find an answer for himself: what kind of pain torments him in his left side? Finally, he settled on the "wandering kidney" variant. With an effort of imagination, he tried to catch this kidney, stop it, strengthen it. Lying on his side, he listened to how the medicine prescribed by the doctor works beneficially, how it relieves pain .... But, of course, he was disappointed in this as well. Once, a familiar lady told about healing with icons. Ivan Ilyich found himself listening attentively and checking the validity of the fact. “Have I really become so mentally weak?” - he said to himself and gave up all attempts at treatment, again turning to work. But ... both comrades and subordinates saw with surprise and chagrin that he, such a brilliant and subtle judge, got confused, made mistakes. It was impossible to get rid of the pain, it penetrated everything, and nothing could obscure it.

Praskovya Fyodorovna's attitude to her husband's illness was such that Ivan Ilyich was to blame for this illness. He himself experienced a lot from the fact that the pain makes him irritable, that through this irritability, with which there is no way to cope, he brings a lot of suffering to loved ones ... Relatives, over time, stopped taking into account his illness, and behaved as if everyone in the best order...

Gradually, Ivan Ilyich recognizes that it is not in the caecum, not in the kidney, but in life and ... .. death. He is increasingly returning to the impressions of his childhood, memories and impressions of the past constantly float before him. “Here are the plums. They are exactly what I ate when I was a child, and our gardener Seraphim cursed when we plucked a plum tree as children ...

The buffet man Gerasim is the only one who shows him a feeling similar to pity for a child. Ivan Ilyich wanted to be caressed, kissed, to cry over him, as one caresses and consoles children. He knew that he was an important member, that he had a graying beard, and that therefore all this was impossible; but he still wanted it. And in relations with Gerasim there was something close to this, and therefore relations with Gerasim consoled him. Ivan Ilyich wanted to cry, he wants to be caressed and wept over him, and then Comrade Shebek comes, and instead of crying and caressing, Ivan Ilyich makes a serious, stern, thoughtful face and, out of inertia, speaks his opinion about the significance of the cassation decision and stubbornly insists on it...

Pain and suffering increase. All the same. Either a drop of hope will flash, or a sea of ​​despair will rage ... Terrible dreams torment him. It seemed to him that with pain they were thrusting him somewhere into a narrow black bag and deep, and they were pushing it further and further and could not push it through. And this terrible thing for him became a complete suffering. And he is afraid, and wants to fall into it, and fights, and helps. And then suddenly he broke off, and fell, and woke up .... The agony lasted for three days, for three days he screamed in agony without ceasing. For three days he feels how much a burden to those around him, he pities them ... And then death comes, Ivan Ilyich feels it as a wish, and still remembering the shame for his own, he wanted to say “forgive me”, but said “skip it” ... ..

3. Based on the analysis of the text below, write an essay: "The clue to epilepsy in the version of A. Meneghetti"

Clinical case of epilepsy. The relationship of the parents contributed to the development of epilepsy in their first child A. (16 years old) and the transmission of this dynamic to the second child F., who suffers from stuttering (it is an increased form of sporadic stuttering of the mother). From the age of five, the patient was treated under the supervision of the head physician of one of the most famous hospitals in Rome. Diagnosis: general epilepsy. He was brought to me after a seizure that happened right in the classroom, which lasted 20 minutes, during which the young man was in a state of complete shock.

An individual consultation helped me understand his mother - a woman, although already married, but in the depths of her soul gravitates towards a long-gone childhood, the memory of which she still keeps in herself. It is this childish form of behavior that characterizes her relationship with the harsh everyday life, turning her life into torment. The husband, brought up by foster parents and not having received real confidence from his mother, in relation to his wife, shows the affectivity of the owner that suffocates her. The wife, despite the pressure she feels from this unspoken sense of possessiveness, is unable to resist and continues to reproduce the infantile pattern of behavior (in her family only the father had the right to vote), thereby suppressing her impulse to protest, and - quite inevitably - pays the price for this pathology.

With the birth of the first child, however, a visceral connection is established, a compensatory symbiosis, a direct, deep and intuitive contact between the unconscious of mother and child. We know that the unconscious speaks directly and directly, it is not bound by any beliefs or norms of public morality that can become a brake on it. Thus, the form of instinctive rebellion and dissatisfaction suppressed by the mother at the unconscious level becomes the law, feeding the aggressiveness and desire for revenge in the child. In such a family episode as, for example, A.'s bathing, the whole dynamics of the mother-child connection is concentrated: the mother wants the child to wash himself, and he demands that she continue to bathe him. This umbilical cord, which binds mother and child, is supported on the one hand by female frustration, and on the other by a certain comfort in which the child is brought up and cannot do without, preferring to be coddled with him.

During the consultation, A. showed a strong aggressiveness (and this should not be underestimated), through which he tries to impose on his parents the game that was allowed to him in childhood. The very sensitive A. intuitively grasped the reality of the unconscious mother: his personality was created under the influence of the spirit of the repressed vindictiveness of the mother, who put her own misfortune into him. The strengthened and formed child, being already independent from his parents, nevertheless magically claims to prolong the super-reward, and if he is denied this, he gives vent to the disease, as a form of blackmail or revenge, destructive for him and for others. The onset of the disease coincides with the mother's pregnancy younger brother. A. intuitively feels some kind of alien presence in the mother's unconscious. The mother's unconscious charge really shifts from the firstborn to the expected child, and A., with her illness, unexpectedly unleashes a war against her parents.

Epilepsy indeed develops as a result of a kind of short circuit: when tension and frustrated aggressiveness exist, the subject discharges them inwards; this threatens retribution and the environment in which he lives. This is a persistent form of claiming what the subject considers necessary for his survival. As soon as the subject masters this mechanism of psychosomatic reaction, he structures it in harmony with his own organism. If a mother in her youth had been more liberated, relaxed, then she would have taught her husband to treat her accordingly - as a free and mature person. Thus, the health of children depends on the happiness of parents. In order to restore A. to his autonomy, to help reshape his character, to teach him responsibility for his own actions, and to help him manage his energy, I had to break this dynamic of connection with the mother. This required 15 individual and family consultations, after which the medications(metinal L, gardenal, diamox), which the patient took daily from the age of 12. For five years now, the young man has been feeling well, showing no symptoms of the disease.

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