Where did Batrutdinov from the gum club go. Timur Batrutdinov leaves the Comedy Club because of Olga Buzova


“Today, one “non-man” with whom we work on the same channel allowed me to be publicly insulted. Unfortunately, those whom I considered my friends from the gum had no effect on this situation, ”calling me a whore and insulting my fans, calling them scum and dogs, I will not allow anyone,” Buzova emphasized. At the same time, the singer noted that she does not have influential defenders and she is forced to solve all her problems herself.

Later it turned out because of what exactly a serious conflict broke out. Skorokhodov left a “Like” mark under the offensive comment.

Recall that the other day started new season comedy show on TNT. In the first episode of the new season comedy club a scandal broke out between best friends Timur Batrutdinov and Garik Kharlamov. At first everything went well, the comedians tried to play a scene, but at some point they began to argue and discuss the relationship between Timur and Buzova. Kharlamov said that only thanks to Buzova, Timur's ratings increased noticeably. Batrutdinov began to actively defend Olga: “What's wrong with Olya? She is a wonderful, beautiful, talented girl, a good actress, she sings cool!” Garik said that communication between a friend and a singer leads to the degradation of Timur. He said that if Batrutdinov meets with a TV presenter, then a peculiar relationship awaits him. “Are you ready for the fact that you will sit in a family with children? I would not trust Buzova to sit with the children. You yourself will give birth, and her video will be recorded at this time, ”said the Comedy Club resident.

Olga Buzova wedged into the conversation, the brunette went on stage and began to persuade Timur to leave with her. “I came for you. They are all jealous of you. Look at yourself, how handsome you are, how sexy you are, how smart you are. Yes, you are generally the funniest of Comedy. Timur, come with me. No one is watching Comedy anymore, everyone is watching my stories, ”said the singer.


Olga asked to protect her from Garik when he called her a scandalous person. The TV presenter said that her man should stand up for her. Kharlamov invited a friend to choose: either he or Buzova. The brunette undressed and ended up in a red bathing suit, without hesitation, Garik also took off his shirt, under which there was a red suit with a zipper.

“Ol, just listen. I feel like I'm at the finale of The Bachelor. My vocation is humor, so having fun, making fun - that's all mine. I choose you, ”the performance of the actors ended with these words of Batrutdinov. Timur and Olga ran away from the stage.

Did you believe that Timur actually leaves the Comedy Club and goes to protect Olga Buzova from offenders?

Photo: instagram.com/buzova86

Timur Batrutdinov is, without a doubt, one of the best comedians V modern history Russia. He is talented, resourceful, smart. His jokes "sink" into the soul, and therefore always cause a smile and laughter. Today this bright artist is one of the most prominent representatives project "Comedy Club", as well as an accomplished star Russian television. But is it worth saying that our today's hero has already reached the apogee in his work? Of course not. After all, Timur "Kashtan" Batrutdinov always knows how to remain original and interesting for millions of viewers.

Early years, childhood and the family of Timur Batrutdinov

Timur Batrutdinov was born in a small village near Moscow called Voronovo, however, due to the mistake of the registry office workers, the city of Podolsk is sometimes erroneously indicated as the place of his birth. His father was in the military, so early age our today's hero quite often changed his place of residence. So in different years the future famous humorist lived in Kaliningrad, Baltiysk, Moscow and even in distant Kazakhstan.

Thus, Timur had to attend school in several different cities at once. However, this fact did not prevent young comedian realize yourself as a comedian. Also in lower grades Timur in full "lit" at school performances and matinees. Public performance brought him great joy, but at that moment the guy did not seriously think about the professional career of an actor. Perhaps that is why, having received a diploma of graduation high school, our today's hero went to St. Petersburg, where he immediately entered the local university of economics and finance.

In this university, Timur began to study the intricacies of management and personnel management. It is noteworthy that the future famous humorist approached the choice of this specialty very seriously. In his subsequent interviews, Timur Batrutdinov repeatedly emphasized that the profession he had chosen was one of the most promising in the nineties.

Star Trek Timur Batrutdinov, KVN and Comedy Club

Yes, perhaps our today's hero never began to work by profession. However, entering the St. Petersburg financial and economic university is extremely difficult to call a mistake. The thing is that it was this university that gave him a chance to prove himself on the big stage.

While still a junior, Timur Batrutdinov became one of the members of the FINEK KVN team. This team could not boast of serious achievements, but it was he who became for our today's hero the first step towards a great comedic career. After that, Timur for a long time wrote scripts for the KVN team "Team of St. Petersburg", which twice became a finalist major league Club of Cheerful and Resourceful, and also worked as a toastmaster at weddings and corporate parties.

After graduating from high school, our today's hero left the "comedy trades" for some time and went to serve in the army. After demobilization, Timur Batrutdinov received an offer to get a job in one of the automotive companies in his specialty. The opportunity that turned up seemed quite good, and therefore the artist was about to agree, but before going to work he decided to last time go to the Sochi KVN festival, to which he was invited by friends.

Here he met his old friend Dmitry Sorokin, who invited him to join the "Ungold Youth" team. "Chestnut" agreed and very soon the whirlwind of events spun it with incredible force.

In the Moscow KVN team, Timur met Garik Kharlamov, who became his best friend and stage partner. Together, the two guys wrote scripts for KVN performances. Together, a few years later, they went to new project- "Comedy Club".

Timur Batrutdinov, Kravets and Karibidis - New Year's corporate party (Comedy Club)

On the legendary round stage with capital letter"C" Timur Batrutdinov became a real star. For several years in a row, his duet with Garik Kharlamov remained a real symbol of the entire show. It is noteworthy that in 2009 "Kashtan" itself was chosen by the audience as the most popular artist project, collecting in the voting more than half of all votes.

Vivid performances on the Comedy Club stage made Timur a real star of the Russian stage, and also provided him with new interesting offers. So, in 2004, our today's hero appeared before the audience as the host of the TV project "Hi, Kukuyevo!" on the MUZ-TV channel, and in 2005 he also became the “face” of the Hello program on the TV Center channel.

Timur Batrutdinov now

Continuing to perform on the Comedy Club stage, the artist at the same time often appeared in other comedy projects. So, in the period from 2005 to 2012, the artist managed to play in six different films at once. comedy shows, among which such popular sitcoms as “Happy Together”, “Zaitsev + 1”, as well as the TV project “Southern Butovo” stand out. With a separate word, it is also worth noting the roles of Timur Batrutdinov in the comedies "Two Antons" and "The Most best movie 2". In these pictures, our today's hero got the main roles, and he coped with them simply flawlessly.

Since 2013, Timur Batrutdinov has been one of the leading artists of the HB show, which comes out under the auspices of the TNT channel. As part of this project, the artist, as before, performs with his longtime friend Garik "Bulldog" Kharlamov. Thus, the long-standing dream of "Chestnut" about their own author's show has finally come true.

Well, let's wish him good luck! Timur Batrutdinov and Daria Kananukha

In 2015, the showman participated in the popular project "The Bachelor". In the final of the show, Daria Kananukha became his chosen one, but their relationship did not work out.

Timur Batrutdinov is one of the best comedians modern Russia. It is not so easy to make the modern viewer laugh, who has become very demanding. But for this charismatic guy, nothing is impossible, because he is smart, resourceful, witty and always stays positive. Therefore, it is this good guy is one of the leading people famous program"Comedy Club", which is now very popular in Russia. But is it really possible to say that today, the guy has reached his peak of popularity and achievements? Most likely not, because he continues to strive to build a career in show business, climb new steps of success, in a word, do everything so that the audience loves him further.

Height, weight, age. How old is Timur Batrutdinov

When Timur enters the stage, you can immediately notice that he is in good shape. For a person who is in plain sight, this is simply necessary, because show business dictates its own rules. If we talk about height, weight, age. How old is Timur Batrutdinov, today he is already 39 years old, his height is 185 centimeters, and his weight is 80 kilograms. So at a glance you can see what is in front of us handsome guy. And his beauty is not that he is in good shape, or that he dresses stylishly. First of all, he is good because he constantly smiles, charges the audience with this positive, helps to cheer up others, in a word, does everything so that any viewer after a difficult labor day energy has increased so that everyone understands that life is beautiful, you just need to smile.

Biography and personal life of Timur Batrutdinov

The biography and personal life of Timur Batrutdinov is interesting and informative in its own way. In any case, those who are interested in this glorious fellow will be able to find something new in this biography, something that they did not know before. He was born in a small Russian town, but at the same time he did not stay in one place for a long time. The fact is that the boy's father was a military man, therefore, they often had to change their place of residence.

But, little Timur even liked this, because, somewhere, it allowed him to know the world. After school, he entered financial University where it all began, because it was there that he began to take part in various comedy productions, moreover, he did it with such a willingness that everyone was simply surprised. His life did not immediately lead to big stage, because when he unlearned, he went to the army. After he served, he was able to realize himself again in a comedy direction. With the help of other people who noticed potential in him, he came to the big stage, where he was able to shine like a real star in KVN and some other programs.

As for his personal life, here, for a long time, everything was covered in darkness, because the comedian was not too fond of sharing his personal problems and everything that concerned only him personally. He very rarely goes to secular parties, but willingly tells reporters what, in his opinion, the ideal girl should be. Once he participated in the show "The Bachelor", found his soul mate there, but the relationship did not work out in the end for a number of reasons that the celebrity did not name.

So, today, the young man is still free, or, at least, the journalists have not yet managed to penetrate into his life enough to understand how Timur lives outside the stage. Although, theories repeatedly appear that he has a soul mate, for example, Timur Batrutdinov and Galina Rzhaksinskaya may be together now, but so far, it has not come to a wedding.

Family and children of Timur Batrutdinov

The family and children of Timur Batrutdinov today consist of himself, and also, perhaps, of the woman with whom he meets, but nothing is known for certain about her now. Timur himself, as mentioned above, does not like to talk about his personal life, without even giving reasons why he does this. Maybe because he does not want his personal space to be interfered with. But this does not mean that he does not want a family and children. After all, the man is still quite young, therefore, it is not surprising that he strives to arrange his personal life. For him, as for any person in this world, it is important that someone is waiting for him at home, only then it matters to build a good career.

Timur Batrutdinov's wife

Timur Batrutdinov's wife is still unknown, so fans can think for a long time that their idol is free. At one time, the guy hoped to improve his personal life and took part in the show "The Bachelor". He even managed to find his girlfriend, but in the end, anyway, the relationship between the young people did not work out, it was not possible to see Timur with his wife. So after that, the guy started looking for that one again. perfect girl which will help him go through life even more confidently. But for now, it’s hard to say, because the man has not made official statements that he is going to get married or is in a long-term relationship. It so happened that photos were found on the Web where there is Timur Batrutdinov and his wife 2017, but these photos do not have direct evidence.

Orientation Timur Batrutdinov. He is a gay?

Timur Batrutdinov orientation - such a request can often be found on the Internet, especially when the star does not have an official partner. After all, it's not a secret for anyone that any star should share his personal life, whether the actor or singer wants it, or doesn't. So, there are also rumors about Timur that he is gay or, as they say, gay. The comedian himself does not react to these rumors, he believes that everyone can say what he pleases. In the company of guys, Timur was also not met, so we can say that this “accusation” is nothing more than the speculation of journalists, and whether she should pay attention to them, let everyone decide for himself.

Instagram and Wikipedia Timur Batrutdinov

On February 11, 1978, in the village of Voronovo, Moscow Region, a charming baby appeared in the family of military engineer Takhir Khusainovich and economist Natalya Evgenievna. The son was named Timur. The Batrutdinov family lived in Baltiysk, but due to the father's profession, the wife and son moved tirelessly from place to place.

Timur's childhood and youth passed in Baltiysk, then there were Moscow, Kaliningrad and even distant Kazakhstan. Timur managed to check in more than one school, but this fact did not bother the smart kid at all. Even in the elementary grades, Timur participated in school plays and skits. Being in the spotlight is what gave the future comedian real pleasure.

All photos 10

Having received a high school diploma, Timur went to St. Petersburg, where he entered the local University of Economics and Finance. At that time, the profession he chose was very prestigious. In addition, it was studying at the university that gave the student a chance to shine on the big stage.

In the junior years, Timur Batrutdinov became one of the members of the FINEK KVN team, which did not enjoy much success, but gave Timur a start in a comedy career.

Batrutdinov for a long time wrote scripts for the KVN team "Team of St. Petersburg", which twice became the finalist of the Major League of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club, and also earned a little money on corporate parties.

Having received a diploma of graduation from the university, Timur chose the path of a real man (remember that his father is a military man) and went to military service in the signal troops. After demobilization, Timur Batrutdinov received an offer to get a job in one of the automotive companies, the artist was about to agree, but before going to work he decided to play KVN again. With friends, he went to the Sochi KVN festival, where his old friend suggested that the comedian, knowing his merits in KVN, join the Ungold Youth team. Chestnut agreed, without even implying that this "yes" would be fateful.

In the Moscow KVN team, Timur met Garik Kharlamov, who became his best friend and stage partner. Later, the duet of merry fellows was invited to the new Comedy Club project. And since then, Timur "Kashtan" Batrutdinov and Garik "Bulldog" Kharlamov are considered a real symbol of the whole show. And in 2009, Timur was chosen by the audience as the most popular artist of the project, having collected more than half of all votes in the voting.

In 2004 popular comedian appeared before the audience with a new role, as the host of the TV project “Hi, Kukuyevo!” on the MUZ-TV channel, and a year later became the face of the Hello program on the TV Center channel.

The Comedy Club scene remains permanent place the work of the artist, but at the same time, Timur is invited to other comedy projects: the sitcoms "Happy Together", "Zaitsev + 1", the television project "Southern Butovo". The comedian also succeeded in the cinema, he starred in such films as "Two Antons" and "The Best Film - 2". Since 2013, Timur Batrutdinov has been one of the leading artists of the HB show, which comes out under the auspices of the TNT channel.

Personal life of Timur Batrutdinov

Today Timur is one of the brightest representatives Comedy project Club, a star of Russian television, but still remains one of the country's most enviable bachelors. The personal life of the artist is always behind the scenes. In one of the interviews, Timur once talked about his first love - a neighbor on the desk Katya Svatko. Then there was a long relationship while studying at the university, but it never came to the wedding. In 2009, the comedian decided to turn to specialists and went to look for his soul mate on the popular Let's Get Married project. The guy chose Sasha Savelyeva, a member of the Factory group. But the couple did not have a romantic relationship.

For a long time, only rumors circulated about Kashtan's personal life, Timur did not advertise his relationship with the opposite sex. This was before the release of the Bachelor project on TNT, where beauties from different parts of the country fought for Timur's heart. The artist agreed to participate in the project, because he has been making plans for the future for a long time and believes that it is time for him to get married, start a family and children. He repeatedly emphasized in interviews with various publications that the most important thing for him is to find a girl who will accept him with all the oddities and shortcomings. And, it would seem, he found it! Daria Kanauha became the chosen one of the bachelor.

After the triumphant victory of the native of Kazan, the whole country was waiting with bated breath for the Comedy Club resident to make a marriage proposal to his chosen one. A month passed, another, and there was no news about the engagement of the couple. And the statement from Daria that the couple broke up surprised few people. Despite the fact that Timur does not cease to assert that the family is sacred for him and there is nothing more important than the relationship that is established between two people created for each other, while his heart is free.

At the beginning of the dialogue, Garik explained Timur's unstable state. “He stirs up with Buzova,” said the showman. Kharlamov discussed the relationship between the comedian and the TV presenter in his usual manner. Garik said that Timur's Instagram audience grew thanks to Olga. Former Member project "Bachelor" actively defended Buzova. “What's wrong with Olya? She is a beautiful, beautiful, talented girl, a good actress, she sings cool!” Timur noted.

Garik laughed that the star of "House-2" bewitched his colleague. According to the artist, very soon Timur will shoot joint videos with Olya. Kharlamov calls the communication of colleagues with TNT the degradation of Batrutdinov. “Well, everyone doesn't like it. I'm without a girl - I don't like it, I chose a girl on the "Bachelor" - I don't like it. With Olga now - I don’t like it, ”Timur was indignant.

According to his colleague, if a comedian marries Olga, a peculiar fate awaits him. “Are you ready for the fact that you will sit in a family with children? I would not trust Buzova to sit with the children. You yourself will give birth, and her clip will be recorded at this time, ”said Garik.

In conversation Comedy residents Club intervened Olga Buzova. The TV presenter took the stage and began to persuade Timur to leave the project. “I came for you. They are all jealous of you. Look at yourself, how handsome you are, how sexy you are, how smart you are. Yes, you are generally the funniest of Comedy. Timur, come with me. No one is watching Comedy anymore, everyone is watching my stories, ”says Buzova.

Kharlamov recalled that Olga behaved on stage in the same way as on Lobnoye mesto project "Dom-2". The TV presenter was outraged. “Timur, he is yelling at me. My men should stand up for me, ”said Buzova.

Kharlamov invited his colleague to make a choice: either he or Olga. The TV presenter stripped down to a red swimsuit, which was in Thailand. Garik repeated her trick - he also wore a red suit with a zipper on his chest. “Ol, just listen. I feel like I'm at the finale of The Bachelor. My vocation is humor, so having fun, making fun - that's all mine. I choose you, ”Timur said at the end and ran backstage with Olya.


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