Card file of didactic games for children. Card file of didactic games for young children


Didactic games for older children

Card number 1. "Geometric figures"

Target : introducing children to basic geometric shapes.
Material : cards with the image of a house, Christmas tree, sun, etc. from geometric shapes.
Game progress . After talking about the pictures, ask the child to show a square (triangle, circle, rectangle), then circle the figures shown with dotted lines with a pencil, and then color the picture. In the process of work, repeat the words with the child more often: "The ball is round, the window is square ..."

Card number 2 . "Find and name the figure"

Target : to exercise children in the knowledge of geometric shapes.
Material :
Game progress . Invite the child to first color the figure in the frame, and then the same one, highlighting it from the other two. Ask him to name the shapes he knows and the color he has chosen for coloring.

Card number 3. "Flags and garlands"

Purpose of the game: develop the logical thinking of children, exercise in the knowledge of colors and geometric shapes.
Material : cards with the image of a garland of flags and other geometric shapes.
Game progress . Invite the children to color in each first figure of garlands and flags, then circle the dotted figures with a pencil and color them in any color. Then ask the child to show and name the figures, as well as to say what color he painted them.

Card number 4. "Chicken Family"

Purpose of the game : to exercise children in recognizing and naming geometric shapes, to develop the logical thinking of children.
Material : a plot picture depicting a chicken family, a card depicting geometric shapes.
Game progress. Consider a plot picture (pre-colored) with your child. "Who is drawn? Who is the father and mother in the family? Where are the kids? How many chickens? What color are they?" Then offer a card with the depicted geometric shapes and ask them to find in it those shapes that need to be cut out and glued to the image of a chicken, rooster, chickens. Help your child cut it out and let him stick it on himself. At the end of the work, rejoice in his success. You can invite the child to show in the picture the most big circle, a smaller circle and the smallest circles. At the end of the game, specify which geometric figure was performed. Offer to find round-shaped objects in the surrounding space. Let the child draw circles with his finger on the table, on the floor, in the air. You can suggest drawing circles on paper

Card number 5. "Sail"

Purpose of the game : introduce children to the shape of the "triangle", develop thinking.
Material : a plot picture depicting boats made of geometric shapes, a card with geometric shapes.
Game progress. Invite the children to tell what is in the picture, then draw a pencil around the sails. Ask what geometric shape they look like, what other geometric shapes they know. After that, the children look for a small triangle, then a large one. Help them, if they find it difficult, to color, cut and paste the shapes onto the image. At the end of the game, specify which geometric figure you cut out. Offer to find triangular objects in the surrounding space. Let the child draw triangles with his finger on the table, on the floor, in the air. You can suggest drawing a triangle on paper.

Card number 6. "Posting pictures"

Purpose of the game : development logical thinking children, consolidating knowledge of geometric shapes.
Material: sample cards with drawings of geometric shapes, blank cards, cut out geometric shapes of different colors and sizes.
Game progress . Look at the pictures with the children. Offer to find familiar geometric shapes on them. Cut out figures in two copies from colored paper and make applications with the children from one. Offer the second set of figures to the children for uploading images. Do not forget to fix the names of colors in the children's memory during the game. For the second image, cut out the shapes so that their shape is the same, but the color is different, so that the child can find the detail both in shape and in color.

Card number 7 . "Design by Scheme"

Purpose of the game: development of logical thinking of children of primary preschool age.
Material: cards with contour diagrams, builder details.
Game progress. Children are given a card with contour diagrams and are asked to lay out the image data from the large parts of the building kit on the table, using this card as a model. To make it harder for the kids, offer a few more details than they need.

Card number 8. "We construct from sticks"

Target: consolidation of knowledge of geometric shapes, development of logical thinking of children.
Material: cards with a contour image of objects, sticks of different lengths.
Purpose of the game . Offer the children sticks of different lengths, ask them to select the longest, shortest and shortest. Lay out some figure from the sticks at the suggestion of the child. Then give the child a card, examine the contours of objects with him, let him recognize them, name them. Then offer to lay out any figure. In the process of work, fix the names of familiar geometric shapes that will appear in the process of laying out. Ask to lay out the figurines with sticks according to your own plan.

Card number 9. "Find the Shape"

Purpose of the game: familiarization of children with the names of geometric shapes, introduce the cone, cylinder and prism.
Material : a set of a building designer, cards depicting geometric shapes.
Game progress. Ask the child to find and bring a cube, a brick, then a long plate (using a regular construction material for construction). Show the child a cone and offer to find the same part (then a cylinder, then a prism). After that, give the child a card and offer to find these details.

Card number 10. "Find a Pair"

Purpose of the game : development of logical thinking, exercise in naming colors and naming geometric shapes.
Material: cards with the image of geometric shapes divided into 8 parts, not cut cards according to the number of players
Game progress . Invite the child to play the game. (One of the cards is cut into eight parts.) Put the cut cards on the whole card on the card, (figures that are the same in shape, but different in color and size). Raise one or another card and ask to find the same part, but in a different color or size. When completing the task, exercise the children in naming colors.

Card number 11. "Build according to the scheme"

Purpose of the game : teach children to perform elementary constructions, focusing on diagrams.
Material : schemes of buildings, building set.
Game progress . Recall with the children the building details that they know, show them their properties. Show the card, ask what is shown on it, offer to consider, and say from what details of the building. Ask to build the same buildings from building parts. It is important that the details are depicted in actual size.

Card number 12. "Laying Details"

Purpose of the game: teach children to lay out images using the overlay method.
Material: cards with contour drawings, construction set or planar geometric figures.
Game progress. Children are taught to lay out images by superimposing the volumetric details of one of the faces on the drawing. Offer the children a map and ask them to create beautiful pictures(Show on the example of installing one part).

Card number 13 . "Laying Out Figures"

Purpose of the game : exercise children in laying out images from geometric shapes using diagrams.
Material: image diagrams, construction set.
Game progress . Children are offered diagrams and geometric shapes for uploading images. After completing the task, they ask: "What figures did you make up this car from? How many figures did you need for this rocket in total? How many identical figures are there?"

Card number 14. "Find the Extra"

Purpose of the game: develop the logical thinking of preschoolers.
Material: geometric cards.
Game progress. The map shows rows of geometric shapes. Children are invited to consider them and determine what is superfluous on them, then justify why.

Card number 15 . "What does it look like?"

Purpose of the game: develop visually creative thinking children.
Material : a set of planar geometric shapes.
Game progress. The teacher alternately shows the cut out geometric shapes, names them and asks to say what they look like. For example: ball - bun, sun, face, balloon etc

Card number 16. "We construct from sticks"

Purpose of the game : the development of children's logical skills.
Material: sticks of different lengths in three sizes, cards with the image of the simplest pictures.
Game progress. Children are given sticks of different lengths, they are offered to decompose them into three parts in size. Then they give pictures (real images of objects of a simple form: a flag, a car, a boat with a sail, a wheelbarrow, a flower, a vase, etc.) and ask them to lay out the image of these objects with chopsticks.

Card number 17. "Match"

Purpose of the game: Material : drawings depicting geometric shapes and real objects that are familiar to preschoolers.
Game progress. Children are offered two drawings, one shows geometric bodies (a cube, a cylinder, a ball, a cone, etc.), on the other, real objects familiar to preschoolers are asked to name which geometric body this or that object looks like. Invite the children to play the game "What does it look like?" - to find objects in the surrounding space that resemble familiar geometric bodies. Ask the children to show and name round, square, shapes in one and the other picture.

Card number 18 . "Remember what it's like"

Purpose of the game: exercise children in naming geometric shapes.
Material: geometric cards.
Game progress . Children are offered cards with the image of building details. The educator asks to name the detail and recall objects that are similar to it, while justifying why he points out these objects.

Card number 19. "Calculate and Design"

Purpose of the game: The development of logical thinking of preschoolers.
Material : cards with the image of robots from geometric shapes, building sets or planar geometric shapes.
Game progress . Children are shown a drawing depicting robots from geometric shapes. The teacher offers to count the robots of men, asks how many robotic dogs. He asks to choose any robot, to tell what figures it is made of, how many identical figures-details went into it. Then the children are given geometric shapes and asked to lay out their favorite images.

Card number 20 . "Set up the room"

Purpose of the game: development of logical thinking of preschoolers.
Material: sheet of paper (35*45cm), construction set, planar geometric shapes
Game progress. The teacher offers the children a sheet of paper (35 * 45 cm) and says that this is the floor of the doll's room, asks to build it with bricks (the walls of the room), leaving gaps for the window and the door. After the children have done this, he takes out a sheet and puts it next to the built room. Then he takes out geometric shapes and offers to lay them out on paper, picking up pieces of furniture that are similar in shape to pieces of furniture (a square is a stool, a rectangle is a bed, etc.). The teacher examines the resulting scheme with preschoolers and asks to arrange "furniture" on it in a room lined with bricks. At the end of the work, the children compare the image with the building.

Card number 21 . "Name the value"

Goals: to form in children a differentiated perception of the qualities of magnitude.
Game progress: children stand around the table. On the table are arranged pictures depicting objects of different sizes in a circle. For example: a pencil is long and short. There is an arrow in the middle of the circle. The children spin it and say the words: “Arrow, circle the arrow, show yourself to all the pictures. Show us quickly which one you like best. Children take the picture indicated by the arrow and name the size of the objects.

Card number 23 . "Ratio geometric bodies and figures"

Purpose of the game: to teach children to correlate images of geometric shapes and construction details of the designer.
Material: Cards with the image of geometric shapes, construction set.
Game progress . Preschoolers are invited to consider images of geometric bodies, and then the geometric shapes shown below. The teacher asks to find the building details shown on the card and show those sides that are in the form of geometric shapes shown under the card. The task becomes more difficult if children are asked to correlate geometric shapes and bodies without using building details.

Card number 24 . "Putting Details"

Purpose of the game : the development of logical thinking of preschoolers.
Material : scheme cards, construction details.
Game progress . Preschoolers are given two cards: on one, various towers are shown in the form of a diagram, on the other, building details that should be selected to solve this problem. Purpose of the task: to lay the details in the contour so that they are in contact with the surface of the sheet of one of the faces. In the process of solving the task, the teacher specifies what parts the child uses, what color, what shape of the faces of a particular part, how many faces the part has, how many parts went into assembling the image.

Card number 25 . "Name the shape of the object"

Goals: to consolidate the ability to visually correlate the shape of an object with a standard.
Game progress : Children are divided into two teams. One team calls objects rectangular, and the other - square. For each item named, the children receive a token. At the end of the game, it turns out how many chips each team has earned.

Card number 26 . Who will remember more?

Goals : to consolidate in children the ability to visually recognize the color, shape, size of objects in the surrounding space, to develop visual attention, memory.
Game progress : Several children take part in the game. They are invited to see around them as many objects of the same color, size, shape as possible within a few minutes. On a signal, one child begins to call, and the other completes.

Card number 27 "Boxes".

Goals: develop the ability to visually correlate objects by color, develop color discrimination, attention.
Game progress: Plays 5-6 people. On the tray are small toys of four primary colors. The teacher shows 4 boxes. At the bottom of each there is a circle of a certain color (out of 4). Walking in a circle, the teacher opens one of the boxes. Children should take from the tray and put in this box a toy of the same color as the circle in the box. Words: “At the bottom in the box, a light burns, which toys to take. He tells us. Look, do not confuse, carefully watch what is of this color, put it in the box.

Card#28 . "Choose an item by color"

Goals : to consolidate the ability to correlate color - as the main feature with the color of objects, to develop visual attention, memory, orientation in space.
Game progress: Children stand in a circle. There is a table in the middle. On it lies a map with circles of different colors (depending on age). In the middle of the map is an arrow. The map is round. Children take turns turning the arrow, saying the words “arrow, circle the arrow, show yourself to all the circles. And which one is dearer to you, tell us as soon as possible! Stop!" Which colored circle the arrow points to, the object in the picture of this color should be placed next to the circle. Cards with contours and silhouettes of objects lie on another table. For example: the arrow stopped on a burgundy circle. Next to this circle you need to put a silhouette or outline of a beet. The arrow is turned by everyone in turn. Complication: you can match several silhouettes or contours of objects of a given color to a colored circle.

Card number 29. "Spread as I say"

Target: develop visual memory, differentiation of flat geometric figures, visual attention, orientation in microspace.
Game progress: In front of the children are different geometric shapes. The teacher makes sure that the children know their names. Then the teacher invites the children to lay out these figures in a certain order. The order can be very different: from left to right, from top to bottom, according to the model, from memory, in a certain sequence, according to the account (lay out so that the second is a trapezoid, the fourth is a rhombus, etc.).

Card number 30 . "One, two, three, how did you go - name it."

Target: development of orientation in microspace, in directions (right, left, top, bottom).
Game progress : Children are shown a labyrinth. You need to help the bunny get to the bunny. To help, you need to run your finger through the maze and say the words: “I play with the maze, I run along the path. My finger goes, goes, but where will it lead? One, two, three, whatever you call it." The child tells how at first the finger went to the right, then up, then to the left, etc. Complication: the labyrinth is crossed by a labyrinth of a different color. You can complicate directions.

Card#31 . "Twelve months".

Target : develop orientation in time (names of months), seasons, auditory attention.
Game progress : the teacher lays out cards with numbers from 1 to 12 on the table and shuffles them. The players take cards and line them up in order according to the number indicated on the card. They turned into 12 months. The teacher asks questions: “The first month, what is your name?”. "Twelfth month - what's your name?" “The sixth month, what is your name?” etc. You can make a hint - on reverse side write the first letter of the month.

Card number 32. "Guess."

Target : to develop the idea that the same object looks different depending on the observer.
Game progress : Children sit in pairs at tables opposite each other. In the middle of each table there is an object that has pronounced differences between the front and back sides (clock, tumbler, teapot, etc.). One driver is selected. He turns away and says a rhyme. The rest of the children at this time schematically sketch the object in front of them as they see it. Then all the drawings are mixed and the words are pronounced: “guess, guess whose drawing - guess” The driver turns, takes the drawing and tries to find the author.

Card number 33. "Determine the place of the toy"

Target . To achieve the ability to simultaneously, on one exhale, pronounce a phrase of five to six words. The development of a long speech exhalation.
Game progress : The teacher lays out various children's toys (car, pyramid, ball, bear, doll, etc.) on the table in one row. Calling the child, he asks: “Between which toys is the pyramid?” The child must give a complete answer: "The pyramid stands between the car and the ball." After two or three answers, the adult swaps the toys. Gradually, when repeating the game, you can replace the toys with others one at a time.
Methodical instructions. When conducting the game, the teacher makes sure that the children speak slowly, without separating one word from another with long pauses. You must answer the question with a full answer, for example: "The ball lies between the doll and the bear."

Card number 34. Exercise "Divers"

Target. Teach children to inhale through their mouth and exhale through their nose. Development of differentiated breathing.
Game progress : Children, spreading their arms to the sides, inhale through their mouths. Wrapping your arms around yourself and crouching (“falling under the water”), exhale through your nose.
Methodical instructions. Each child repeats the exercise no more than two or three times.

Card number 35. " Guess how to do it"

Target. Teach children to listen to the pace of speech and perform movements at the appropriate pace. Development of the ability to determine by ear a change in the pace of speech.
Game progress: The teacher says several times different pace phrase: "The mill grinds grain." Children, imitating the work of the mill, make circular movements with their hands at the same pace at which the teacher speaks. The following phrases are also played out: “Our feet walked along the road”, “Children swam in the river”, etc.

Methodical instructions. An adult should pronounce the phrase smoothly, smoothly, repeating it 2-3 times in a row at any pace, so that it is easier for children to complete the movements.

Card number 36. "Snowstorm".

Target. To teach children on one exhalation to change the strength of the voice from quiet to loud and from loud to quiet. Changing the strength of the voice.
Game progress : The teacher shows a picture on which a blizzard is drawn. Children sitting in a row depict a blizzard howling in winter evening. At the signal of the teacher “the blizzard begins”, the children quietly say: “uuu ...”; at the signal "strong blizzard" they say loudly: "uuu ..."; at the signal “the blizzard ends”, they speak more quietly; at the signal "the blizzard is over" they fall silent.

Methodical instructions. It is desirable that children utter the sound quietly on one exhalation, then loudly and again quietly, so the adult quickly replaces one signal with another.

Card number 37. "Poultry farm"

Target. The development of speech breathing. Teach children on one exhale: pronounce 3-4 syllables.
Game progress : An adult shows toys to children and reproduces their sound 3-4 times in a row. Toys are removed. The teacher says: “We went to the poultry farm. Let's go, and meet us ... (shows a chicken) chicken. How will she greet us?" Children: “ko-ko-ko.” “We went further. I'll meet a goose. How will he greet us?" Children: ha-ha-ha. Then the teacher sequentially shows the remaining toys, and the children pronounce the corresponding onomatopoeia.
Methodical instructions. First, all the participants in the game speak, then you can ask three or four children one at a time. Make sure that onomatopoeia (ko-ko-ko, ha-ha-ha, pi-pi-pi, ku-ka-re-ku, quack-quack-quack) children pronounce on one exhalation. Some children can pronounce 2-3 onomatopoeia, others - 3 - 4.

Card number 38. "The wind blows"

Target. Teach children to use a loud or soft voice depending on the situation. Changing the strength of the voice.
Game progress: Children sit in a semicircle on chairs. The teacher says: “We went for a walk in the forest in the summer. We go through the field, the sun is shining, a light breeze is blowing and the grass is swaying, flowers (shows a picture). It blows softly, like this: “uuuu” (quietly and pronounces the sound u for a long time). We came to the forest, picked up a lot of flowers and berries. They were about to go back. Suddenly blew strong wind(shows picture). He hummed loudly: "uuuuuu..." (pronounces this sound loudly and for a long time). Children repeat after the teacher how a light breeze blows and how a strong wind hums.

Methodical instructions. The teacher makes sure that the children, repeating after him, observe the same power of voice.

Card number 39. "Who is attentive?"

Target . Teach children to correctly perceive verbal instructions, regardless of the strength of the voice with which they pronounce it. Development of physical hearing acuity.
Game progress: Children sit in 3 rows opposite the teacher's table. (The first row at a distance of 2-3 m). There are various toys on the table. The adult says: “Children, now I will give tasks to those who are sitting in the front row. I will speak in a whisper, so you need to sit quietly so that everyone can hear. I'll call each one by name and give you a task, and you check if it's done correctly. Be careful. Vova, take the bear and put it in the car.”
Methodical instructions. The teacher needs to make sure that the children sit quietly, do not prompt each other. Assignments should be short and simple.

Card number 40. "I can - I can not."

Goals: to focus the attention of children on their skills and the physical capabilities of their body; develop self-esteem. Equipment: ball.
Game progress: The leader throws the ball and says: "I can" or "I can't." The child, having caught the ball, continues the phrase, explaining why he can or cannot. For example: “I can run like I have legs. I can't fly because I don't have wings."

Card number 41. "Guess who called?"

Goals: train the organs of hearing and activate the attention and auditory memory of children. Equipment : Ball.
Game progress: The leader, standing with his back to the children, must determine by voice who called him. In the case of a correct answer, the place of the leader is taken by the child whose vote was determined.

Card number 42. "Find a couple."

Target : match a pair to an object according to tactile sensations (blindfolded).
Equipment: buttons, cubes, apple, pencils, small items.
Game progress: correctly identify different materials by touch.

Card#43 . "Guess the riddle from the picture."

Goals: help children remember the main group of dangerous objects, develop attention.
Equipment : pictures depicting dangerous objects.
Game progress: The adult makes a riddle, and the children guess and find the corresponding picture. An adult asks to think and say why these objects are dangerous? Children talk about the danger that each item poses.

Card number 44. Find dangerous items.

Goals: help children remember objects that are dangerous to life and health; help to independently draw conclusions about the consequences of not careful handling of them. Equipment: knife, scissors, needle, iron.
Game progress : Andryusha and Natasha remain in the apartment. Their parents have gone to work. Let's tell the kids what items they can not use, so that trouble does not happen. Children repeat the safety rules: All sharp, piercing, cutting objects must be put in place;
Do not turn on electrical appliances, they can cause electric shock or cause a fire; In no case should you try medicines - it is poison;
Do not try washing powders, dishwashing detergents
, soda, bleach; It is dangerous to go out to the balcony alone.

Card number 45. Ambulance.

Target: to consolidate the knowledge and practical skills of first aid in children.
Equipment: pictures depicting medical supplies (thermometer, bandage, brilliant green).
Game progress : The teacher plays with the children the situation when a person cuts his arm, leg, broke his knee, elbow, a temperature appeared, when his throat hurt, a mote got into his eye, and his nose bled. For each situation, work out the sequence of actions.

Card number 46. Pick a couple.

Goals: correlate objects in pictures with actions; reinforce self-care skills; develop logical thinking.
Equipment: subject pictures: vacuum cleaner, comb, battery, soap, toy cabinet; plot pictures: apartment cleaning, boots, clothes, toys.
Game progress: Children carefully examine the received pictures, compare them and select pairs, explain their choice.

Card number 47. What do you know.

Goals: talk about the structure, work, features of the human body, the rules for caring for it, about first aid in different situation, develop attention, memory.
Equipment: ball, incentive prizes.
game od: Children sit on chairs in front of the teacher, the teacher - the driver throws the ball to the child and asks: “What do you know ... (for example, about the heart)?” the child who caught the ball answers. The rest of the children listen carefully, those who wish to complete the answer, who dropped the ball, loses the right to answer. Children should not interrupt each other, supplement only after the answer is completed. At the end of the game, the most active person receives an incentive prize.

Card#48 . "The Enchanted City"

Purpose of the game : to consolidate children's ideas about the architecture of modern buildings and structures; introduce architectural features cities.
materials : album with contour images buildings and other structures modern city; photographs depicting the same buildings and structures.

Game progress: "disenchant" the city. Tell the children about the buildings and structures of the native village.
Before the start of the game, the teacher conducts a mini-conversation with the children:
-What is the name of our country?
-What is the name of the city where you live?
How long ago was our city founded?
What streets of the city do you know?
What is the name of the street where you live?
-What monuments of our city do you know?
-What ancient monuments are there in our city?
-What great people who glorified our city do you know?
-How did you know that? Who told you about it?
What else would you like to know about our city?
The teacher invites the children to consider an album with the contours of buildings, then photographs of the same structures and compare the contours with the photographs. For example: outline of the Planetarium building - a photograph of the planetarium building.

Card#49 . Travel around the city

Target: get to know your hometown
Material : hometown photo album
Game progress: The teacher shows the children photographs of the sights of the city, offers to name them
Card number 50. Riddles about the city

Target: get to know your hometown
Material: Cards with riddles about the city or your native village.
Game progress : The teacher makes riddles for children from the life of their native city.

Card number 51. Flag of Russia

Target: contribute to the consolidation of knowledge of the flag of their country
Material: stripes of red, blue and white
Game progress: The teacher shows the children the flag of Russia, removes it and offers to lay out the multi-colored stripes in the order in which they are on the flag of Russia.

Card number 52. Where is the monument located?

Target : to acquaint children with monuments, to teach them how to navigate in their native city. Material: images of monuments
Game progress: The teacher shows the children images of monuments, asks them to tell where this monument is installed.

Card#53 . Birds of our city

Target : introduce children to the birds of their hometown
Material: bird picture cards
Game progress: The teacher shows the children cards with images of birds, asks them to name and determine whether the bird lives in our city or not

Card number 54. "Cows, dogs, cats"

close your eyes and forget human language. You should only speak the way your animal "speaks". You can walk around the room without opening your eyes. As soon as you hear "your animal", move towards it. Then, hand in hand, the two of you walk to find other children who "speak your language." Important rule: Don't shout and move very carefully." The first time the game can be played with open eyes.

Card#55 . "Press conference"

Goals: develop effective communication skills; educate the desire to communicate, make contact with other children; to teach children to ask various questions on a given topic, to maintain a conversation.
Game progress : all children of the group participate. Any one is chosen, but it's good famous theme, for example: "My daily routine", "My pet", "My toys", "My friends", etc.
One of the participants of the press conference - "guest" - sits down in the center of the hall and answers any questions of the participants. Sample questions for the topic “My friends”: Do you have many friends? Who do you prefer to be friends with, boys or girls? Why do your friends love you, do you think? What do you need to be to make more friends? How not to treat friends? Etc.

Card number 56. "Secret"

Goals: to form a desire to communicate with peers; overcome shyness; find various ways to achieve your goal.
Game progress : the host distributes small items to all participants: a button, a brooch, a small toy, .... It's a secret. Participants are paired up. They must persuade each other to reveal their “secret.” Children must come up with as many ways of persuasion as possible (guess; give compliments; promise a treat; do not believe that there is something in the fist, ...)

Card number 57. "Meeting"

Target: Develop communication skills
Game progress : Children break into pairs and tell each other about how they went to kindergarten.

Card#58 . "Let it always be"

Goal: Game progress: The facilitator tells the children that one a little boy came up with these words: “May there always be sun, may there always be sky, may there always be mother, may there always be me!”. After that, the host invites everyone to come up with their most cherished “LET”. All the children shout in unison: "Let it always be ...", and one of the children adds his desire, then the same is done for all the children of the group.
Card number 59. "Volcano"

Target: help improve communication with peers.
Game progress : One of the guys - "volcano" - squats in the center of the circle. He sleeps. Then he starts to buzz softly and slowly rises - wakes up. The group helps him buzz with deaf womb sounds - the sounds of the earth. Then he jumps sharply, raising his hands up, as if throwing away everything that he does not need, then gradually falls asleep again.After the child returns to the circle; the leader asks him what he threw away - maybe it was unnecessary feelings, thoughts, or maybe something something else?

Card number 61. "Thrushes"

Target: development of communication skills, fostering a friendly attitude towards peers.
Game progress: Children are divided into pairs, repeat words and actions after the teacher: I am a thrush, They point to themselves. And you are a thrush. Point to your partner. I have a nose, touch their nose. You have a nose. Touching their partner's nose. My lips are sweet, They touch their lips. You have sweet lips. Touching the lips of their partner. My cheeks are smooth, They stroke their cheeks. Your cheeks are smooth. Stroking the cheeks of their partner.

Card number 60. " I know five names of my friends"

Target: help improve communication with peers.
Game progress: One of the children hits the ball on the floor with the words: “I know five names of my friends. Vanya - one, Lena - two ... ", etc., and then passes the ball to another child. He does the same and passes the ball to the next one. The ball must go around the whole group.

Card#62 . "Hello without words"

Target: develop the ability to use gesture, posture in communication.
Game progress : Children are divided into pairs. Each couple comes up with their own way of greeting without words (shake hands with each other, wave, hug, nod your head, etc.).
Then everyone gathers in a circle, and the couples take turns demonstrating how to greet.

Serova Anna Vladimirovna
Job title: educator
Educational institution: MBDOU kindergarten of combined type No. 48
Locality: city ​​of Apatity, Murmansk region
Material name: file cabinet
Subject:"Didactic games for the development of speech of children 3-4 years old"
Publication date: 29.05.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Card file didactic games for the development of speech of children 3-4 years old.

"Who lives in the house? »

Fix the correct pronunciation of sounds. Develop children's speech breathing.
(The teacher shows a picture of a dog). Who is this? The dog barks loudly: "aw-aw". And who is this? (children's answers) The puppy barks quietly (children repeat the sound combination 3-4 times). (The teacher shows a picture of a cat). Who is this? The cat meows loudly: "Meow-meow." And who is this? (children's answers) the kitten meows quietly. Let the animals go home (pictures are removed by the cubes). Guess who lives in this house: "av-av" (pronounced loudly? (Children's answers) That's right, the dog (shows the picture). How did she bark? (children's answers). Guess who lives in this house: "meow-meow "(says quietly? How did the kitten meow? Similarly, children guess who lives in other houses and repeat sound combinations several times.
Call Your Mom Game

Fix the correct pronunciation of sounds. Develop intonation.
All children have subject pictures with baby animals. Educator: “Who have you drawn, Kolya? (chicken) Who is the mother of the chicken? (chicken) Call your mother, chicken. (Pee-pee-pee) The teacher imitates the cackling of a chicken and shows a picture.
Game "I'm faster"

Develop speech, memory, attention.
stand next to the child. Choose an object that is some distance away. Explain to the child that the one who reaches the object first will win, but you can only take a step if a word from the selected category is named, for example: “Everything is round (warm, soft)”, “Domestic or wild animals”, “Dishes ”, “Furniture”, etc. Game "What, where, when." Goals: Develop speech; help to master the grammatical forms of words. Description: throwing the ball to the child, ask the child questions: -Where do fish live? (In the river.) -Where do the branches grow? (On a tree.) -Where do trees grow? (In the forest.)
-Where do the leaves grow? (On a branch) The game "Useful" hide and seek ". Goals: Develop attention; to acquaint with the meaning of prepositions under, on, in. Description: invite the child to play hide and seek with a fairy tale. Come up with a short story in which the child will do what the story will be about. For example: “Once upon a time there was a boy (name of the child). Once he and his mother were playing hide and seek. I thought and thought (name) and decided to hide under the table. Mom looks - there is no her boy. Where is he? Maybe under the sofa? I looked - it's not there. Or maybe under a chair? And there isn't. Ah, there he is, under the table!” Next, the teacher talks about how the boy hid in the closet or hid behind the curtain. Etc.
Fairy tale "Hurry - laugh"

To develop speech hearing and speech activity of children, encourage them to pronounce sounds by imitation. The development in children of the ability to correctly pronounce sounds by imitation. The development of speech hearing. Preparatory work. Prepare a house for display on a flannelograph, through the window of which a bear looks out; frog, mouse, chicken, goose, cow. Think of questions about the text of the story.
The frog galloped to the bear's house. She croaked under the window: “Kwa-kva-kva - I came to visit you!” The mouse came running. She squeaked: “Pee-pee-pee - your pies are delicious, they say!” The chicken has arrived. Kvokhtala: “Ko-ko-ko - crusts, they say, are crumbly!” The goose hobbled. He cackles: "Go-ho-go - peas would be pecked!" The cow has arrived. Mumbles: "Mu-mu-mu - I would drink a flour drinker!" Then the bear leaned out of the window. He growled: “R-rr-r-r-r-r-r-r-r!” Everyone fled. Yes, in vain the cowards hurried. Would listen to what the bear wanted to say. Here's what: “R-r-r-r-r-pleased guests. Come in, please!"
The story "Who is screaming?"

Teach children to speak in a "thin" voice and low voice. Developing the ability to raise and lower the tone of the voice.
The teacher begins to tell, accompanying his speech with a display of the corresponding figures on the flannelograph: “In the morning, early in the country, we went out for a walk. We hear someone squeaking thinly: “wee-wee” (pronounces onomatopoeia in a “thin” voice). We look, this is a chick sitting on a tree and squeaking; waiting for his mother to bring a worm. How thin is the chick squeaking? (“Pee-pee-pee.”) At this time, the bird flew in, gave the chick a worm and squealed: “pee-pee-pee” (pronounces onomatopoeia in a lower voice). How did the mother bird squeak? ("Pee-pee-pee.")
The bird flew away and we moved on. We hear someone at the fence shouting thinly: “meow-meow-meow” (pronounces onomatopoeia in a “thin” voice). And a kitten jumped out onto the path. How did he meow? (Children reproduce the model of the educator.) It was he who called the cat mom. She heard, running along the path and meowing: “meow-meow-meow” (says “meow-meow” in a lower voice). How did the cat meow? (“Meow-meow-meow.”) And now, children, I will show you who came to visit us.” The teacher takes out the cat, shows how she walks on the table, then sits down. How does a cat meow? Children, lowering their voice, say: "meow-meow-meow." Then the teacher takes out a kitten, a bird, a chick, and the children imitate their voices.
The game "Who lives where?"

consolidation of children's knowledge about the dwellings of animals, insects. Consolidation of the use of grammatical form in the speech of children prepositional with the preposition "in".
Throwing the ball to each child in turn, the teacher asks a question, and the child, returning the ball, answers. Option 1. Teacher: - Children: Who lives in a hollow? - Squirrel. Who lives in a birdhouse? - Starlings. Who lives in the nest? - Birds. Who lives in a booth? - A dog. Who lives in the hive? - Bees Who lives in the hole? - Fox. Who lives in the lair? - Wolf. Who lives in a den? - A bear. Option 2. Teacher: -Children: Where does the bear live? - In the den. Where does the wolf live? - In the den. Option 3. Work on the correct construction of the proposal. Children are invited to give a full answer: "The bear lives in a den."
The game "Special Purpose Train".

Develop phonemic awareness.
Make a train with wagons cardboard boxes. Explain that the train carries only special goods; today, for example, it will carry only those items that
start with the letter A. Help the child collect the necessary things, highlight the first sound of each word.
Consideration of illustrations for the fairy tale "Three Bears". Didactic game "Whose


To give children the opportunity to make sure that looking at drawings in books is interesting and useful (you can learn a lot of new things); continue to learn to coordinate words in sentences. Preliminary work. The day before the lesson, the teacher puts illustrated editions of the fairy tale "Three Bears" in the book corner (among them there must be books with drawings by Yu. Vasnetsov). During the day, the teacher involves the children in independent examination of the drawings, he is interested in who liked which drawing especially.
The teacher shows the children books (book) and briefly, but vividly and emotionally tells who liked which drawing. Praises the kids for the fact that they carefully examined the pictures and noticed a lot of interesting things. Then the teacher describes the picture that he liked the most, or the one that the children ignored. Next, the teacher invites the children to play. On the teacher's table - subject pictures (or a set of small items according to the number of children). Among the objects there are the same in name, but different in color. Children choose one picture and name them. The kids close their eyes, and the teacher takes pictures from 4-5 children. Children open their eyes. The teacher shows the picture and asks whose object it is. He gives it only after he receives a complete answer. (This is my little red bucket. These are my silver bells.) When the children get their pictures back, the teacher invites them to exchange cards and repeats the game. At the end of the lesson, based on the characteristics of the visual material, the teacher asks the kids to bring pictures that show “what is growing”; “animals in fur coats”, “those with beaks”, etc. are drawn.

Irina Bochkina
Card file of didactic games for children early age

Card file of didactic games for young children

Compiled: Bochkina I. F.

Games aimed at developing visual perception.

"Mysterious Buttons"

Purpose of the game:

Developing the ability to recognize and name colors.

game material:

A canvas is presented, divided into 4 sectors, of different colors, 4 buttons and 4 ribbons are attached to it, each of which corresponds to a specific color of the sector.

Game progress:

The teacher shows the child a panel divided into 4 sectors of different colors, he says that these are houses for buttons. The teacher draws attention to the fact that each button lives in a house of its own color, and asks children help the buttons find a home.

We took the colors to study

Well, where do we start?

We have a miracle button

Help us now

We will take buttons in our hands

And we will find a house for them by color.


Purpose of the game:

The development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

game material:

The manual is presented in the form of a screen, on the wooden frame of which are attached various games on the development of sensory perception, fine motor skills.

Game progress:

The teacher offers children a multifunctional didactic manual"borrower" which is made up of various didactic games.


"Bags" on the development of tactile perception;

"Rings" for the development of fine motor skills;

"Ribbons" on the development of fine motor skills and sensory perception;

"Colorful Sticks" on the development of sensory perception and fine motor skills;

"Octopus" for the development of fine motor skills.

We have a miracle screen,

Let's play with her now!


Purpose of the game:

Development of sensory perception,

The development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

game material:

The manual is presented in the form of a game panel with an apple tree depicted, holes are made in the panel into which bottle necks are inserted, to which caps are screwed (apples).

Game progress:

The teacher offers the children a panel with an apple tree depicted on it, and a container with lids of different colors, the child is invited to pick up apples of a certain color (red, yellow). Children take lids and screw them to the necks.

Let's play with lids

Collect different apples.

"Magic Caps"

Purpose of the game:

Development of sensory perception,

Development of visual attention

The development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

game material:

Panels depicting snowmen, flowers, etc. are presented. There are holes in it into which bottle necks are inserted. The lids are screwed on to the children.

Game progress:

The teacher says that the snowman was in a hurry to visit, but he stumbled and lost one lump. It is necessary to help the snowmen, the teacher draws attention to the fact that his lumps are white.

Educator with children are considering picture with the image of flowers, and pay attention to the fact that the flowers do not have a middle, he invites the guys to pick up a lid that matches the color of each flower and screw it to the neck.

"What does the figure look like?"


Cultivate the skill children

game material:

Geometric figures cut out of dense material in 4 primary colors.

Game progress:

Children are offered geometric shapes - a circle, a triangle, a square. The adult calls them. Requests children find objects in the room or on the street that are similar to these figures. If possible, allows children to circle these objects with their hands along the contour. (ball, hoop, cube, plate, aquarium, etc.).

"Hide from the rain"


Cultivate the skill children group objects according to shape.

game material:

Pre-made geometric shapes and three patterns of umbrellas. An adult lays out one geometric figure under each umbrella, this is a sample for children.

Game progress:

game situation: “On a warm sunny day, geometric figures came out for a walk. When suddenly a huge gray cloud, closed the sun and it began to rain. Squares, circles and triangles need to hide from the rain so as not to get wet. And where to hide?

"Choose Buttons"


To develop the ability to group objects by size.

game material:

2 boxes, large and small, buttons of different sizes (big and small)

Game progress:

The teacher, together with the children, lays out the buttons on groups: the largest, largest, smallest, etc. Considering the size of the buttons, compares, attaches a button to a button. Adult activates speech children.

"Find a house"


To develop the ability to distinguish objects by size.

game material:

Made from cardboard houses of various sizes, made of cardboard bunnies of various sizes.

Game progress:

The teacher tells the children that the bunnies are lost and cannot find their house. The teacher invites the children to help the bunnies, to find a house for each.

Games aimed at developing auditory perception


Target: Develop auditory attention, replenish the active vocabulary, develop phrasal speech.

Equipment: Screen, bell, tambourine, hammer, "noise maker", drum, etc.

move: The teacher behind the screen in turn makes sounds with the above listed objects and invites the children to guess which object made the sound. Sounds should be clear and contrast so that the child can guess them.


Target: Develop the ability to switch auditory attention. Develop coordination of movements, the ability to correlate their actions with the sound of a tambourine.

Equipment: Tambourine, two flags.

move: The child has two flags in his hands. If the teacher rings the tambourine loudly, the kid raises the flags up and waves them, and if the tambourine sounds quiet, he lowers the flags down.

It is important to maintain correct posture children and precise movements. You need to alternate the loud and quiet sound of the tambourine no more than 4 times so that the child can easily perform the exercise.


Target: Develop the focus of auditory attention, the ability to determine the direction of sound, navigate in space.

Equipment: Bell.

move: The child closes his eyes, and the teacher quietly stands away from him (left, right, back) and ringing the bell. The child, without opening his eyes, must indicate the direction from where the sound comes from. If the kid is wrong, he guesses again. The game is repeated 4-5 times. It is necessary to ensure that the child does not open his eyes. Indicating the direction of the sound, he must turn to face the place from which the sound is heard. You don't have to call very loudly.


Target: Develop stable auditory attention, the ability to distinguish instruments by ear by their sound.

Equipment: Drum, tambourine, pipe, etc.

move: The teacher alternately shows the child musical instruments, clarifies their names and introduces their sound. When the teacher is convinced that the baby has learned the name and remembered the sound of the instruments, the toys are removed behind the screen. The teacher repeats the game there on different instruments, and the baby tries to guess by the sound "whose song is heard".


Target: Develop the ability to change strength vote: speak loudly, then quietly.

Equipment: Large and small dogs or other toys.

move: The teacher shows two dogs and speaks: "The big dog is barking loud: "Aw-aw". How does a big dog bark? (child repeats loudly). And the little dog is barking quiet: "Aw-aw". How does a small dog bark? (child repeats quietly)».


Target: Develop the ability to use a loud voice.

Equipment: teddy bear, bunny, fox or other animals.

move: At a distance of 2 - 3 meters from the baby, the teacher arranges toys and speaks: “The bear, the bunny and the fox are bored to sit alone. Let's invite them to play with us. So that they hear us, you need to call loudly, here So: "Bear, go!". The kid, together with the teacher, calls the bear, bunny and fox and plays with them. It is important to ensure that the child calls toys loudly, but does not scream.


Target: Develop the ability to use a quiet voice.

Equipment: A doll with closing eyes, a bed with bedding, small toys (a cube, a ball, a car, etc., a toy box.

move: The teacher says, pointing to the bed with the sleeping doll: “Katya walked a lot, got tired, had lunch and fell asleep. And we need to put away the toys, but very quietly so as not to wake Katya. Tell me quietly which toy should be put in the box. The child quietly names the toy. It is important to ensure that the baby speaks quietly, but does not whisper.

Games aimed at developing tactile sensations, smell

"Catch the Toy"

Target: Determine where you touch the body.

Equipment: soft toy pussy (wet fish, prickly hedgehog, etc.).

"Wonderful bag"

Target: Finding familiar objects by touch.

Equipment: opaque pouch and items different shapes, sizes, textures (toys, geometric shapes and bodies, plastic letters and numbers, etc.).

"Recognize the Shape"

Target: finding a geometric figure by touch according to a visually perceived pattern.

Equipment: opaque pouch; two sets of planar and volumetric geometric shapes (cubes, cones, cylinders, ovals, squares, triangles, etc.).

"Who is faster"

Target: finding objects by touch according to the instructions of the teacher.

Equipment: opaque pouch and small items (checkers, pen caps, buttons, erasers, coins, nuts, etc.).

"Handkerchief for a doll"


Equipment: opaque pouch; three dolls in different headscarves (silk, cotton, woolen).

"Guess by touch what the object is made of"

Target: Determine the texture of the material by touch.

Equipment: a set of items made from various materials(a glass cup, a wooden block, an iron scoop, a plastic bottle, a fur toy, leather gloves, a rubber ball, a clay vase, etc.).

"Recognize the object by the contour"

Target: Detects a subject by a path.

Equipment: sheet of paper, pencil, cut out of cardboard figurines(herringbone, pyramid, house, fish, bunny, bird, etc.).

"Guess what the item is"

Target: Identification of familiar objects by touch.

Equipment: thin opaque napkin; a set of three-dimensional objects, different in shape (rattle, ball, cube, comb, toothbrush, etc.).

"Find a Pair"


Equipment: pairs of plates pasted over with velvet, emery, foil, velveteen, flannel, silk, paper.

"Connect the Boxes"

Target: finding materials that are identical in texture to the touch.

Equipment: matchboxes, to the outside and inside of which pieces of various materials are glued (velvet, wool, velvet, silk, paper, linoleum, etc.).


Target: development of tactile sensations of the hand.

Equipment: pie - two glued foam plates, between which there is a filling (glued peas, beans or buckwheat).

It is better to offer several pies with different fillings.

"Smooth - Rough"

Target: Determination of different qualities of surfaces by touch.

Equipment: a set of plates with a smooth and rough surface.

"Cold - warm - hot"

Target: Detect water temperature by touch.

Equipment: three bowls of water (cold, warm, hot).

"Sensory footpath"

Target: development of tactile sensitivity of the feet.

Equipment: sensory path - a path made of carpet, on which, with the help of Velcro, different textures are fixed bumps: bags made of thin but durable fabric with different fillings (rags, pieces of leather, foam rubber, small stones, peas, etc.) or there are traces of the right and left legs, carved from various fabrics.

"Guess the Taste"

Target: Development of taste sensations.

Rules: You can’t look at what they put, what they put in their mouths. must be chewed with eyes closed and then say what it is.

Material and equipment: washed and peeled vegetables and fruits, cut into small pieces.

move: educate treats children before asking them to close their eyes. Then he says, “Chew well, now tell me what you ate. Then he invites several children to find the same one on the table.

In the future, you can invite children to name the word taste sensations. The question should be asked in such a way that, in cases of difficulty, children can choose appropriate name to determine the taste "How did it get in your mouth?" (bitter, sweet, sour)

Games aimed at developing fine motor skills of hands, orientation in space

"Where, where are our pens?"

Target: encourage children imitate the movements of an adult.

Material: scarves, boxes.

Game progress: The teacher invites the children to repeat the following movements: - Let's hide our pens - like this! (children hide their hands behind their backs). - Where, where are our pens? (the teacher tries to look behind the back children, "looking for" pens). - Here, here are our pens! Here are our pens! (children show hands). - The handles are hidden again ... (children hide their hands again). - Where, where are our pens? And here they are! (children show hands). The game is repeated several times. In the same way, children hide their hands under a scarf, in a box, under the table. The main thing is that the children perform the appropriate actions on the signal.

"Hide in your palm"

Target: strengthen the muscles of the fingers and hands.

Material: pieces of foam rubber or rubber rings and other toys made of porous, flexible or resilient materials that can be squeezed in the hand (in count children) .

Game progress: The teacher distributes small pieces of foam rubber to the children and offers to hide them in the palm of your hand so that there is no foam rubber it is seen: “Here are sponges for you. They are magical, able to hide and become invisible. Hide them so that no one sees or finds them - hold them tight in your palm!


Target: strengthen the muscles of the fingers and hands; imitate the movements of an adult.

Material: small rubber toystweeters: kittens (in count children) .

Game progress: The teacher distributes toys to the children and offers to squeeze them in a fist. At this time he is reading couplet: You, kitten, are not food, Better mom look. After everything "kittens squeak" teacher shows "mom cat"- big toy. The game is repeated several times.

"Gift for a Doll"

Goals: develop fine motor skills; consolidate knowledge of colors.

Game material and visual benefits: beads with large holes, fishing line.

Description: an adult tells the child that Masha's doll has a birthday, she needs to give a gift. Masha really likes beautiful multi-colored beads. Show the child beads, teach them to string them on a fishing line, naming the color of each bead. Make sure that the child does not take them into his mouth. After completing the work, praise the child and give beads to the doll with him.


Target: develop speech, fine motor skills.

Description: an adult invites the child to imagine himself in the image "mosquito". Focuses attention on the size of the insect, the peculiarity of behavior (flies - buzzes; sits down - falls silent; when it bites - a characteristic squeak, it hurts, the bite site turns red, itches). It is possible to demonstrate the subject picture with a picture of a mosquito.

An adult reads a nursery rhyme, accompanying it with actions.

Dariki-dariki, Clap your hands.

Here come the mosquitoes: "Z-z-z!" Fold your fingers into a pinch.

Curled, twisted, Rotate with the hands.

Curled, twisted,

Once! And in the ear (spout, handle) Pinch on the ear.

We got hooked!


Target: develop fine motor skills.

Description: adult does "checkbox": presses index, middle, ring fingers and little finger. Thumb drops down.

The flag is burning in the sun,

It's like I lit a fire.

Suggest doing the same "checkbox". Show how the flag sways when the wind blows on it.


Target: develop fine motor skills, coordination of movements.

Description: an adult imitates the movements made when hammering nails: fingers of one hand hold "nails", another - "hammer". Read out poem:

Master, master, help -

The boots were worn out.

Hammer in your nails.

We're going to visit today!

B. Zakhoder

"Naughty Pasta"

Target: encourage the child to sort objects of different sizes, develop motor skills, thinking. Cultivate industriousness.

game task. Help mom clean up.

Game actions. Capturing objects, examining them, comparing them in size, sorting.

Rules of the game. On the instructions of an adult, take turns performing various actions: unfolding, sorting pasta in two containers.

Equipment. Two containers for pasta, two pasta species: large and small.

Game progress

Caregiver or adult to pique interest children, says that she or some character accidentally spilled pasta, and now they are all mixed up, and she needs to cook dinner for the guests. Invites the children to help her sort the pasta into large and small sizes.

The game requires attention, dexterous movements, their coordination.

In conclusion, an adult can emphasize that not only you helped me, but also your hands. So the child will develop a desire to work more with his hands.


Games with clothespins develop fine motor skills, spatial imagination, contribute to the development of intelligence and thinking, as well as the development of speech.

So, take a box of clothespins, add a little imagination to it - and you can start the game. Please note that clothespins must be taken such that the child has enough strength to squeeze them with his fingers.

"Find a Clothespin"

Pin the clothespins on the child's clothes so that he can easily reach them. You will see what a fascinating activity it will be for him - to throw off these multi-colored clothespins.


Cut out the yellow cardboard 2 circles, glue them. Draw on one side the eyes, nose, smile (fun face); and on the other hand - also eyes, nose and mouth, but with lowered corners (sad face). Turn the circle to the child with the side where it is drawn sad face and tell the kid a fairy tale that the sun lived in the sky. And then one day it lost its rays. Since then, it has become sad, sad. To cheer up the sun, you need to attach rays to it. Show how you can make rays with clothespins. Then, when all the rays are in place, turn the sun to the other side and see how cheerful it has become.

Cut out the green cardboard triangle. This will be a Christmas tree. Invite the child to attach needles to the Christmas tree on both sides (clothespins). If you have green clothespins, invite your child to use only them, so you also parallel you will teach your child about colors. Then the Christmas tree can be undressed and dressed again.

"Ant Grass"

Cut out the green cardboard a long rectangle and invite the child to pin green clothespins to it on top. That's how you get weed.


Having made small multi-colored circles from cardboard and attaching clothespins of the same color to them, you will get multi-colored flowers: cornflowers, chamomile, roses, etc.

By the same principle, by adding a little imagination, you can make a little man, a hedgehog, a cactus, a comb and much more. And that is not all. When you have gathered a lot of different figures from clothespins, you can make whole paintings: the sun is shining above, grass is growing below, flowers are blooming on it, a Christmas tree is growing, a hedgehog is running. Then you can compose fairy tales and rejoice together at what happened.

Attention! Make sure that the baby does not accidentally pinch his finger or nose, or any other part of the body

"Get a toy"

Target words: far, close, further, closer, near; develop an eye; induce to determine the direction in which the object is located.

materials: various objects and toys.

Game progress: invite two kids to sit at the table and give them a toy. Let them play with toys. Then ask children close your eyes and put the toys on the table within reach. Let the little ones open their eyes and take the toys without getting up from the chairs.

Next time, first put the toy within reach and the other a little further away, then position both toys so that they are not easy to reach.

At the end of the game, bring total: “Toys are far away, so it’s hard to get them. I moved the toys - now they are close and you can easily reach them.

"Hide in the house!"

Target: to continue acquaintance with the spatial relations expressed words: inside Outside.

materials: toy house.

Game progress: you can make a house for the game yourself from pieces of furniture and bedspreads. For individual game you can use a large box or cabinet.

At your command: "Inside", "Out"- children hide in a toy house or crawl out of it.

"Up and down"

Target: to acquaint with the spatial relationships expressed words: top, bottom, up, down.

materials: various objects and toys, a bench.

Game progress: according to your team: "Up", "Down"- children climb on the bench (border, horizontal bar) or get off it.

You can also offer children on command "Up", "Down"- place the toys high or low, respectively.

"Where is the bear"

Target: to acquaint with the location of objects in space relative to each other.

materials: chairs (two small and one large, two large toy bears and other toys.

Game progress: invite the child to repeat the following after you actions: put the bear on a chair, behind a chair, under a chair, put it in front of a chair, next to a chair.

When exercising the game, ask the child to repeat the position of the toy, changing the free position relative to the large chair.


Target: form skill children navigate on a sheet of paper.

materials: sheets of paper, cardboard figurines with images of various objects.

Game progress: show the children a sheet of paper, explain where it has the top, bottom, right, left sides, center. Then give the children sheets of paper and cardboard pictures with the image of objects and toys. Ask them to lay them out in certain places on the sheet, For example: “Imagine that a sheet of paper is a white meadow. Plant the toys in the clearing the way I do I will say: put the duck in the middle, and the bunny at the bottom, put the bird at the top.

Instructions can be updated and complicate: “Put the duckling upstairs on the right. Put the frog down in the middle".

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