Popular comedian. What are the funniest standups you know?


Show Stand Up, which appeared on the TNT channel several years ago, has gained popularity among viewers almost from the first release. For many, his appearance was not clear, because there is Comedy project Club, in which comedians of all genres perform. Why did you need to put stand-up into a separate program?

The answer to this question is known to Ruslan Bely, who offered his ideas to the producers of the channel, and Alexander Dulerain himself - at first it was planned to search for young talents, comedians who had never been seen anywhere. But when comedians poured in from all over Russia, with a completely new approach to humor, it became obvious that it would not do without a separate project.

The Stand Up show in Russia is the most honest comedy event on TV. A small hall of laugh lovers has been assembled here, there are no additional decorations on the stage, the artists perform without musical accompaniment, their jokes are not complemented by a recording of laughter - in a word, everything happens in real time with real emotions.

Not a single monologue of a participant is a pre-planned scene - of course, comedians prepare jokes, rehearse them, but every time they perform on stage, they tell the prepared material, supplementing it with improvisation.

You never know how the audience will react to your cue, for this reason, stand-up performances sometimes turn into crazy adventures that delight not only the audience, but the comedians themselves.

The Stand Up genre originated in Britain around the 18th century.. At that time, all jokes were strictly censored, and they sounded within the framework of music halls. In Russia, Arkady Raikin is considered one of the first comedians who performed in the stand-up genre - he may not have guessed that he was working in this direction, but the surviving recordings of his performances are direct proof of this.

The TNT channel project started in 2013 and almost immediately gathered around him a lot of aspiring comedians. All of them already had some experience behind them, performed at weddings, corporate parties and concert events their cities, some of them tried their hand at KVN. After season 1 of Stund Up, it was clear that the public demanded a sequel.

Unites these guys one common feature- they have their own opinion and are ready to express it through replicas, through a humorous presentation. Each performance is a sharp look at familiar problems. At the same time, the participants have their own special style:

  • Ivan Abramov is the only comedian in our country who combines humor and music,
  • Timur Karginov, black comedian of the project, but in his opinion, just a cross,
  • Dmitry Romanov, emphasizing his Jewish roots,
  • Nurlan Saburov, charming and at the same time, haughty type, ready to make fun of anyone,
  • Alexey Shcherbakov, a skinny from the landing troops,
  • Slava Komissarenko, Belarusian guy,
  • Stas Starovoitov, who doesn't give a damn about his style at all,
  • Ivan Usovich, young, but so sharp,
  • Viktor Komarov, lives with his mother, he is constantly abandoned by girls,
  • ideological inspirer and creative producer Ruslan Bely,
  • And the only girl in Stand Up is Julia Akhmedova.

Now the participants of Stund Up travel around the cities of Russia and give big concerts. Athena for autumn 2016:

  • October 7 at 19.00 Krasnoyarsk, Grand Hall Siberia;
  • October 8 at 19.00 Tomsk, BKZ;
  • October 9 at 19.00 Novosibirsk, KKK im. Mayakovsky;
  • October 15 at 17.00 Prague;
  • October 16 at 19.00 St. Petersburg, DK im. Lensoviet.

Anyone can become a project participant, for this it is enough to send a video with your performance or come to the festival " open microphone which takes place annually. All participants of the show actively go on tour in all cities of Russia, perform in clubs and actively promote the Stand Up genre. And he, apparently, will not lose his popularity.

They say from the stage what we think, but we prefer to remain silent. They ridicule acute social, political and other problems in their own way. If you don't mind, we would call them modern philosophers... and who else, if not them?

Meet those who don't know. The best stand-up comedians in the world!

1 George Carlin

The pillar of American stand-up, which laid many of the foundations of the genre in the form in which we know it now. Most of the jokes of Karlin, a specialist in black humor, were in one way or another a form of irony. social criticism- it does not matter whether he spoke about trifles or global phenomena.
Carlin is strongly associated with the early days of HBO, as he was the flagship of the movement to push the boundaries of what's allowed on TV. His number "Seven Words You Shouldn't Speak on TV" was at the center of a scandal, led to a lawsuit, and became an important milestone in the history of censorship. As with Pryor, Carlin's intonations and themes can be seen in almost any current comedian.

2 Louis C.K.

Of all the numerous heirs of George Carlin's grumbling style, C.K. is the most successful, versatile and, most importantly, hilariously funny. Starting his career in the 1990s as a court wit on the Late Shows of Letterman, O'Brien and other late-night comedians, Louis didn't really stand out against the general background until the mid-2000s, until he stumbled upon his gold mine- a midlife crisis of a flabby man in an unsuccessful marriage and with young children.
C.K.'s stage image is an irritated brute who gets to everyone around him: from his own children to hipsters and deer, but most importantly - to himself. Of the hyper-popular comedians, Louis is almost the only worthy competitor to Ricky Gervais in terms of politically incorrectness. Another thing is that for all CK's ruthlessness towards the world and despite the fact that he now and then calls his children assholes and wishes his friends dead, in every joke it is felt that, in addition to a thick bilious belly, Louis also has a big heart. Since 2010, he has been writing, directing and editing the television sitcom Louis, one of the best things to happen to American television in recent years.

4 Jim Jeffries

A comedian who, for the sake of his career, decided to move to England from Australia itself. Jeffries went off the beaten path - performed at a couple of festivals, liked the audience and producers. Then there were small performances on various TV shows, which smoothly flowed into "full-length" concerts. Then he settled in Los Angeles to move on to a new stage - series and films. With the latter, it doesn’t work out very well, but Jeffries has already found himself where 99% of comedians don’t even dream of going.

5 Dare O'Brien

Dara O'Brien is an Irish comedian and television personality best known to the general public for her stand-up performances and her role as host of Mock the Week. The popularity of Dara is evidenced by round-the-world tours, during which he visited Europe, North America, Asia and Australia. To date, he has released 4 live DVDs.

6 Stuart Lee

The most popular of the underground English comedians, a writer and intellectual, enjoys great respect among other stand-up comedians.

7 Eddie Murphy

Thanks to his comic abilities, which manifested themselves already in lower grades, Eddie was respected by both students and teachers. Eddie's acting skills begin to bring him dividends at the age of 15, for his performances in various comedy clubs, he receives decent money at that time. To one of the most popular comedy shows those years "Saturday evening in live» Eddie deservedly hits at the age of nineteen (1980).
In addition, Eddie starred in the world-famous films 48 Hours, Trading Places, Beverly Hills Cop, Coming to America, and others.

8 Chris Rock

A black American comedian who, in the second half of the 90s and early 2000s, gave some of the most powerful stand-up concerts, which, according to many critics, changed the face of comedy as a whole.
At the beginning of his career, Chris performed on the club stage, working in the stand-up style. His game was noticed by Eddie Murphy, who has always been the idol of Rock, and later became his senior friend.

9 Jimmy Carr

Despite the fact that by origin Carr - Irish, on stage he is a model of English arrogance and impenetrability. Most of all, he looks like a classic entertainer, whose mood has deteriorated, and he began to be rude to everyone around.
Carr is constantly trying to get in touch with the audience, improvising on the go and a large part of his show consists of rapid-fire bursts of one-liners. Concurrently, he now and then acts as the host of various programs and shows on radio and television, in fact, being a representative of the format of comedians well known to Russian people. The difference, of course, is in quality.

10 Eddie Izzard

A rare bird of the genre is a comedian-transvestite, and one of the most popular English stand-up artists. He came to success in the early 1990s, when he began to actively wear women's clothing and make-up, and arrange their shows as if it were a rock concert. Despite the stage image, he was and remains a completely heterosexual man.
Possessing a somewhat insane style, Izzard speaks in stream-of-consciousness mode at his concerts about everything in the world - from religion and history to death and supermarkets, constantly straying and jumping from topic to topic. IN Lately grew a beard, lost weight and almost stopped wearing make-up, which seems to have somewhat lost energy and has not released new shows since 2009. Nevertheless, his eight shows are the pinnacle of stand-up comedy and an ideal starting point for the uninitiated.

American comedian, actor and writer, winner of numerous awards and a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for his contribution to the theater. George Carlin is one of the pioneers of the genre and the founders of modern stand-up comedy. The track record of comedians is measured by specials - full-length concerts in front of a wide audience. With them, artists go on tours, they are released on various media and shown on TV. The first such concert of Carlin is dated 1977, since then he has released more than a dozen specials.

Throughout creative career Carlin ridiculed the vices of Americans, such as the cult of celebrities, the consumer society and hypertrophied religiosity. He died in 2008 at the age of 71 from heart failure.

2. Dylan Moran

Dylan Moran is an Irish stand-up comedian best known for starring in Black's Books. Many of Moran's jokes are based on stereotypes about the Irish, and some performances are accompanied by the consumption of whiskey (probably tea) and smoking cigarettes. Dylan Moran does not try to be scandalous, his stage character is a kind and sloppy Irishman who is always in a melancholy mood. In addition, Moran is one of the few foreign stand-up artists who performed with his show in Russia. The artist has six specials and a dozen film roles.

3. Bill Burr

Bill Burr is a master of bold statements like "the world needs a new plague" and "there was nothing special about Steve Jobs." What follows is dark humor and cold argumentation. Burr's speeches will make some people laugh, cause hatred in others, and force someone to reconsider the existing system of values. Now Burr is one of the most influential figures in American stand-up: many call him the new Carlin, and comedian Anthony Jeselnik prophesied him the title of "the next big comedian" after Louis C. Kay.

4. Louis C.K.

One of the most popular, quoted and productive stand-up comedians of our time. Rarely goes beyond observational comedy: describes situations from personal experience denounces shortcomings family life, talks about sex, fatherhood and relationships with people. Louis C.K. does not hide his shortcomings, his performances are full of self-irony. The audience empathize with the comedian and, of course, recognize themselves in the monologues.

5. Dara O'Brien

Irish comedian Dara O'Brien is a master of improvisation. A significant part of his performances is built on communication with the audience. The artist cannot be defeated in the exchange of witticisms, but Dara does not set the task of humiliating the interlocutor. His jokes highlight both him and the object of ridicule. The comedian's performances are distinguished by a lively and energetic presentation, and his humor is often based on ridiculing human stupidity. Especially often goes to psychics, astrologers and all kinds of charlatans.

6. Stuart Lee

Stuart Lee is a writer and intellectual, one of the most respected stand-up comedians. Connoisseurs of his work advise watching performances in the original or with subtitles: not only content is important in them, but also intonation. Stuart Lee's jokes are funny, but fans say they're not for everyone. The comedian narrates in a special manner: it all starts with a monotonous entry, the repetition of the same phrases, and ends with an emotional climax and a powerful final thought.

7. Tim Minchin

British-born Australian comedian, actor and musician. Minchin himself describes his performances as "funny cabaret shows", he considers himself first of all a musician, and only then a comedian. In monologues and songs, it touches on taboo social topics such as religion. At his shows, he usually appears before the audience barefoot, with sticking hair, lined eyes and in a tailcoat. Thus he emphasizes the difference between real person and stage image, simultaneously discrediting himself as one of the modern "icons".

© tochka.net

For those raised on KVN Ukrainian audience the popular stand-up genre, where artists perform solo, actively improvise and communicate with the audience, remains something exotic. But not for fans of the Irishman Dylan Moran. The perpetually disheveled and hungover grump from the Black Books series, which is consistently ranked in the ratings of the most popular artists stand-up, already tomorrow with his show Yeah! Yeah! Before his tour website collected 10 of my most favorite representatives of the genre, from which Woody Allen, Eddie Murphy and Jim Carrey once grew up.

Aziz Ansari

One of the youngest members of the list today is at the same time one of the most popular stand-up US comedians. Despite his name, Aziz has been living in the States since birth and does not even speak with a signature Indian accent. However, in the arsenal of his jokes, mostly monologues are about racism, Indians, black rappers. Stand-up fame gave him a ticket to American TV and Hollywood: today he is one of the main characters popular series"Parks and Recreation", voiced by the cartoon glacial period 4.


George Carlin

When we talk about modern stand-up, then, in most cases, we mean George Carlin. The language does not dare to say that he is no longer with us, but there are at least thousands of videos of his speeches on YouTube with millions of views. This brutally honest American liked to joke about his compatriots, religion, sex, gays, blacks, throwing more and more well-known substance on the fan. Once his speech was even analyzed in the US Supreme Court.


Louis C.K.

Louis, like George Carlin, is a child of the city. He was born in Washington DC and spent his childhood in the capital of Mexico. He was brought up in a multicultural family, where there seems to be blood from all continents. Maybe that's why C.K. does not hesitate to joke about any topics taboo in the US: racism, gays, feminism, equality, etc.


Eddie Izzard

The most unusual of our ten comedians, as a rule, changes into women's clothing for his performances. This is not just a British victim for the sake of success: he really is a transvestite. Eddie always asks not to be confused with gays because he likes women and calls himself a lesbian man. Izzard, like all stand-up comedians, takes the stage without a rigid script. But in this parameter, Eddie is generally unique: he suffers from dyslexia, because the comedian simply cannot remember anything longer than three sentences. The artist uses the stream of consciousness method. I must say, a very intelligent and devastatingly funny flow.


Russell Peters

The name and surname that are quite common for a Canadian are, apparently, an attempt by Russell's parents, Indian immigrants, to hide his origin and make life easier for the child. However, Peters now constantly emphasizes his lineage on stage. His best monologues are precisely those where he makes fun of various racial and cultural stereotypes, and also makes fun of the accent, principles and orders in his family. All this together makes it the most popular modern master stand-up: a few years ago, Russell Peters gave concerts in the halls, where he was watched by more than 10 thousand spectators.


Dave Chappelle

The first black comedian on our list, more than anyone else, has the moral right to joke about his skin brothers, which he succeeds in doing. To this is added banter over pop culture, politics, white people, drug monologues. Chappelle is a welcome guest at the ceremonies and tours of the most famous US rappers. The great comedian of the 70s, Richard Pryor, who died in 2005, once named him as his heir.


Chris Rock

Approximately on the same topics as those of Chappelle, Carlin and Pryor, Chris Rock likes to joke in his speeches. True, he is distinguished by a special eccentricity and energy on stage. To his stand-up career, he also adds small roles in films, participates in television shows, and in 2005 Rock successfully hosted the Oscars.


Robin Williams

Williams is today widely known as eminent actor, but even now he sometimes continues to go on stage, giving live solo performances. Contrary to her often very phlegmatic movie characters, Robin is a real hurricane on stage.


Jim carrey

In order to understand how one of the best comedians of the 90s got into a big movie, just look at the recording of his live performance once. Kerry made his way to Hollywood through stand-up, and spent it on solo career in clubs for over 10 years before he was called to star in a film.


Dylan Moran

An Irishman who became widely popular after the sitcom Black Books or Black Books was released. There he plays himself the way the audience usually sees him during stand-ups: a disheveled misanthrope, a grump who constantly sips wine and smokes one cigarette after another.

American comedians are the most popular on the planet today. All actors who plan to perform in this genre are guided by them.

Jim carrey

Many American comedians today bow to the talent of Jim Carrey. This actor continues to please the audience today with new roles in hilarious comedies, and also acts as a producer and screenwriter. The paintings "Mask", "Ace Ventura: Pet Detective", "Dumb and Dumber" brought him fame. He has two Golden Globes and BAFTA nominations in his piggy bank. True, among the contenders for the main US film award, the Oscar, he was never considered. Film academics prefer dramatic actors, often downplaying comedians.

His characters are always naive and seem to the audience to be people of a close mind. At the same time, they are direct, constantly falling into a variety of ridiculous situations. Many American comedians, a list of which you will find in this article, have adopted many professional techniques from Kerry that simply captivate the viewer. Jim Carrey is hard at work on his comic facial expressions. With just one facial expression, he is able to make all the audience in the cinema laugh.

Robin Williams

American comedians are often not only funny and ridiculous, but also evoke a range of other feelings in the audience. They know how to empathize and love. It was these images on the screen that Robin Williams often created. Popularity came to him after the series "Mork and Mindy". In it, he played an alien from a distant planet who came to Earth to study people and their habits. What could never be denied to Williams was his charm, even when he played an alien who bore little resemblance to an ordinary person.

Many American comedians are learning this from him today. Actors who are designed to entertain the audience often dream of playing and dramatic roles. Williams managed to combine comedy and drama in one hero. After musical picture"Popeye", where he performed leading role classic sailor cartoon, Harold Ramsey's comedy The Paradise Club, in which Williams played a fireman from Chicago who goes to the Caribbean to spend his insurance money, he gets real dramatic roles.

In 1987, Robin Williams plays a pacifist DJ in Barry Levinson's drama " Good morning, Vietnam". He performed the leading American army radio station in Saigon at the height of the Vietnam War, who refuses to take up arms and kill. This work was nominated for an Oscar. As a result, he received the highest American film award once - in 1998 for the best supporting actor in Gus van Sant's drama Good Will Hunting. In the memory of most viewers, Williams will remain the consummate comedian with a sad smile.

Richard Pryor

American comedians often joke about sensitive and unpopular topics. For example, about the problem of racism and social difficulties. One of the most famous actors in this area - Richard Pryor. His speeches were often politically incorrect, filled with rudeness, obscene language and vulgar jokes. Pryor is one of the founders of the stand-up genre. Many modern Russian and American stand-up comedians look up to him.

He began performing on stage in the late 1950s. At first it was quite traditional, not standing out from the rest of the comedians. Then, many American stand-up comedians joked on certain topics without going beyond the established framework. Pryor changed that. He began to build his speeches on the incredible autobiographical material, which he had in abundance. What is worth only that his parents were a boxer and a prostitute. And he was raised by his grandmother, who had her own brothel. His crazy performances are still remembered. Such fame would be desired by many of today's American comedians. Actors on stage often reincarnate, and Pryor never seemed to get out of character. Once he was doused from head to toe with rum, and then began to smoke, catching fire as a result.

George Carlin

Photos of American comedians present us with an actor like George Carlin. This is another famous stand-up comedian. He is considered a specialist in black humor, most of his jokes are bright patterns social criticism of life modern society. And it does not matter what he is talking about - about private trifles or global problems. For example, Carlin once noticed a balance in nature in that most anti-abortion women are women that no one would ever want to have sex with.

This comedian is one of the most recognizable faces of HBO. He is an ardent supporter of permissiveness on the blue screen. The story is known when his number called "7 words that you can not say on TV" became the reason judicial trial. As a result, the court, by a one-vote majority, ruled the right of the US government to regulate the broadcast of obscene material on public television channels. It was milestone in the history of television censorship.

Louis C.K.

Louis C.K. is one of Carlin's most famous and successful followers. He started his career in and the Letterman show, like many American comedians. The actors, whose photos you will find in this article, were often on this TV show. Louis C.K. started his path to fame with her. True, from the beginning of the 90s to the mid-2000s, he did not stand out much against the general background. Until he found a gold mine - a topic that he still makes fun of. This is a midlife crisis in men who have unsuccessfully married, but have already managed to have children.

His stage image is that of a rude person, annoyed by everything and everyone. He criticizes everyone around - his own children, hipsters and even deer. Despite the fact that he offends everyone around him and wishes many of them dead, it is felt that this comedian has a great and kind heart. This is another feature of Louis C.K. that sets him apart from other non-politically correct comedians.

Bill Hicks

At one time, Bill Hicks was an alternative to Carlin. His speeches were often even more angry and cynical. At first, he looked like a comedian who would not be able to rise from the level of mediocre clubs. A certain role in this was played by prohibited substances, which he abused.

However, in the end, he managed to achieve fame, mostly scandalous. Few people loved him, because he insulted everyone from the stage. Even those who treated him with reverence. He was sure that there were no forbidden topics in humor. With rapture, he could joke about Hitler and the genocide of the Jews, if the number seemed to him successful.

Andy Kaufman

Kaufman constantly performed on stage in various roles. He had a lot of stage roles. Impresario Elvis Presley, Polish immigrant, bad vocalist.

Many who closely followed his career believe that the comedian himself was in these images. And almost no one knew the real Kaufman. His signature joke was a skit dedicated to staging his death. Therefore, when he died of lung cancer, many did not believe it. And they still do not believe.

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