Legalize what does it mean. Participation in the creation of soundtracks


from English. legalise - legalization) - official recognition at the state level of marijuana as a legal, legal drug for sale. Partial L. - the exclusion of marijuana from the list of substances, the possession, sale and purchase of which entails criminal liability. The term gained currency during the peak of Bob Marley's songs, in particular his hit "Legalise it".

To date, complete L. has occurred in one country - the Kingdom of the Netherlands. There, marijuana is sold in special trading establishments - coffee shops. Prices vary depending on the variety. Anyone can buy a joint (joint in the Western style) or a certain amount of "grass" by weight. Marijuana festivals are held regularly.

In essence, the cannabis trade has grown into a thriving travel business and brings both entrepreneurs and the state a considerable profit. However, foreigners are warned that the export of marijuana outside the Kingdom is their personal risk: in the rest of the world, things are not so brilliant with L..

In the countries of the European Community, the attitude towards soft drugs is also very liberal. The maximum that threatens a person who is found to have marijuana (and in a significant amount) is either the confiscation of the potion or a fine. In Britain, they are already preparing for L. - there the grass was removed from the list of criminally prosecuted drugs and, as an experiment, was allowed to be sold in pharmacies for medicinal purposes. Significant legislative relaxations have been adopted in Germany and Denmark.

As for the United States and the countries of the former Eastern Bloc, the situation here is difficult. Most states retain the strictest laws on all types of drugs, making absolutely no distinction between marijuana and heroin. In the Baltics, they tried to carry out a minimal L., mainly for the sake of tourists, but then the undertaking died out. Well, in the CIS for marijuana, they can still be imprisoned for several years, having previously thrown more dangerous drugs.

The topic of L., of course, is discussed. But society is completely unprepared for a serious, fact-based conversation. There are many reasons for this. The main one, of course, is the conservative self-consciousness that has been insisting for centuries. The view of cannabis as a terrible drug, addictive almost after the first dose, cannot be changed.

so simple. The criticism by the supporters of L. of the manufacturers of tobacco and alcohol is not without meaning - the latter are not at all interested in the appearance on the market of legal cannabis, which can be a very serious competitor to alcohol and nicotine addiction. In addition, the preservation of the “marijuana” article allows law enforcement officers to imitate an active fight against crime, arresting young people caught with a “jamb” in batches, and opens up the widest opportunities for abuse by the punitive authorities.

For all that, such an attitude does not prevent politicians from using the theme of L. in their own interests. Thus, before the 1999 presidential elections in Ukraine, government PR agents distributed among students a leaflet “Kuchma chooses legalization - we choose Kuchma” (!).

A change in the state of things with L. seems to be in the distant future. This requires the transformation of the entire post-Soviet society. Whatever you say, L. is a luxury that only rich, stable democracies can afford. In a poor, corrupt state, where the level of freedom of an individual depends on proximity to power or the thickness of the wallet, a constantly existing multifaceted enemy is needed in the form of organized crime, drug mafia, etc. To legalize marijuana, you first need to legalize your own diversity - cultural, social, racial . And this is a matter of many, many years.

Born: 06/30/1977

Country Russia

Aliases: Ligalize, League

Bands: Slingshot, D.O.B. Community, AERO Skwadra, Legal Business$$, Bad Balance, Bad B. Alliance, P-13, AROST Inc.

Collaboration: D.O.B. Community", Sir-J, "Slaves of the Lamp", Slim, Jam Style & Da Boogie, N "Pans, Decl, "Casta", MC Young, "F.Y.P.M." (5Pluh, DJ Nik-One, Mezza Morta), Bogdan Titomir, Bi-2 MakSim Onyx

Legalize (Andrey Vladimirovich Menshikov) is a Russian rapper who became famous in hip-hop direction. On this moment Ligazize is one of the best Moscow rappers.

His career begins in the distant 90s. After listening to N.W.A. "Straight Outta Compton", Andrey decides to take up rap music. His first project was called "Slingshot", which he organized together with another Moscow rapper - Ladjack. Few people at that time rapped in Russian, so the project was in English. Unfortunately, he did not bring much success. Then, in 1994, the League became the founder of an underground association called “D.O.B. Community” and one of the members of the group “D.O.B”, which also included the aforementioned Ladjack and Sir-J. Some time later, in 1996, Andrei (aka Legalize) decides to change his place of residence. So he moves to the Congo for whole year. But at this time, he does not leave his passion - the occupation of Hip-Hop "om. On the contrary, living in new country, rap on French, interacting with local rappers, all of which helped him build new perspectives on his hobby and gave him new ideas about what hip-hop and rap style should be like. As the Congo begins Civil War, the League has the opportunity to show their new skills in Russian rap. Here Andrei Menshikov begins a slightly different life. His vocals were sampled by one of the break dance teams - Jam Style & Da Boogie. So their hit called “You wanted a party” achieved good results on music TV channels, taking first place there. This event was one of his breakthroughs in his career.

The next event, which took place in 1998, was no less important in his life. I think you have already guessed what this event is. Of course, the creation of the Legal Business $$ group, together with the Afro-Russian rapper with the pseudonym N "Pans and DJ Tonik. Unlike previous projects, Legal Business $$ was originally designed for stage performances. The beginning became quite successful. Their first work - "Pack of Cigarettes" became a real hit. "Melody of my soul" became another song that also made a positive impression on the public. The end of the 90s was successful for Legalize: a lot of concerts, clips, recording an album in New York York ... after which Andrei disappears from their field of vision. He disappeared at the peak of his popularity. This Once again emphasizes its eccentricity, closeness. He commented on this situation something like this: At some point, I washed away from stress - I left for Prague to remember why I started making music at all

This trip brought tangible results. This can be seen in how anticipated his next project called "P-13" was. After some time, Legalize returned to Russia: Without roots, without my listener, I also do not mean anything. All global plans are connected with Russia. Soon he opened his own label called “Intelligent Hooligan Productions”. After all this, Andrey became one of the most touring rappers and finally started working on his solo project.

In 2005, the rapper Legalize can please us with his video “First Squad”, which was positively evaluated by many people. In addition, this video was nominated for MTV Russian Music Awards 2005. In the movie "Bastards" you probably heard the track "No Love, No Longing, No Pity", which belongs to Andrei Menshikov. Well, one more track that should be mentioned here - “Future Mothers”, this song was often played on radio stations at one time, and I think it fell to the soul of many. In 2006 year Legalize gives us his solo album - “XL”. He became very successful for Andrey. His release was very important, because the League had been going to this for at least 10 years of its solo career. In addition to the three above-mentioned tracks: “Future Mothers”, “Bastards” and “First Squad”, the album includes 9 more tracks. If you listen to all these songs, you will understand that he combined rap different directions: from lyrics to underground rap.

Legalize (real name Andrei Menshikov) is not just a talented rap artist and the idol of millions of listeners, it is also creative producer and one of the first members of the underground label D. O. B. Community. It seemed that he gets everything he wants: popularity, big fees, many fans, but behind all this success there is a long and difficult work.

Legalize's fame peaked in the early 2000s; it was then that his best tracks saw the light.

Childhood and the Legalize family

The future popular rap artist was born on June 30, 1977 in Moscow. WITH early age the boy was fond of music exclusively and always knew for sure what he would connect his future with. After completing his studies at school, the young man decided to apply to the Chemical-Technological Institute. Unfortunately, he only lasted 4 years, as he became convinced that the technical specialty was not for him.

He was more attracted to music and the stage, and that's all. free time the guy dedicated it to her. After Andrei Menshikov first heard the American rappers N.W.A. in 1990, his life changed dramatically. Inspired by their work, he wanted to create something similar in Russian realities.

The beginning of a musical career

In 1993, thanks to a strange coincidence, the young man met the Moscow MC Ladjak. Together, young people created a project called Slingshot. The songs were written in English, since Russian-language rap in those days was complete terra incognita. At some point, it was even about a contract with an American label, but it did not work out. As part of this project, Legalize released the only album(in 2015) - "Salut From Russia".

In 1994, Legalize entered the hip-hop formation D.O.B. Community" ("Department of bastards"), along with the guys from "Slaves of the Lamp", "Just Da Enemy" and "Beat Point". During this period, he took part in the recording of the group's album "D.O.B." and helped Slaves of the Lamp with early art.

In 1996, the rapper left for the Congo, where he began to rap in French as part of the AERO Skwadra group. In the new country, Andrey's worldview changed dramatically, and he finally realized that rap is not a memorized text, but a pure souls.

A year later, he was forced to leave the country, as a civil war broke out in the Congo. Together with his wife, he was deported as a foreigner.

Upon returning to Russia, Legalize made every effort to change the guys who still recorded rap under the label “D. O.B." Most free time, the guy tried to change the style and direct the mind of the guys in a completely different direction.

In 1999, Legalize, together with Vlad Valov, organized "Bad B. Alliance" and literally a year later released the album "Rhythmomafia". After that, the guy decided to go to Prague, where he recorded another album, Provocation, on his label.

In 2005, he managed to attract the attention of the distributor label Monolith Records. In the same year, he became the most touring rapper in the country. Just a year later, his debut solo album XL was released.

MakSim ft. Legalize - Sky fall asleep

Having succeeded in hip-hop, Legalize opened all doors for himself. Starting from 2007 and ending in 2011, he took an active part in the life of the domestic rap scene and worked on his second solo album, produced by The Alchemist.

Legalize's personal life

Legalize was married to famous singer Simone Yori. Unfortunately, over time, their relationship ran out of steam, and they were forced to divorce, even though they raised their son Jacques together.

Having matured a little, the young man followed in the footsteps of his father and also began to write rap. Their relationship is rather tense, so they communicate only in in social networks or send greetings through friends.

Legalize- Andrey Menshikov - was born on 06/30/1977 in Moscow. Studied at the "Russian Chemical-Technological University". After studying there for 4 years, he was convinced that it was very far from music, and not for him. He started like everyone else: one fine day he heard rap, which immediately captured him, his favorite group was always Run D.M.C.

The first attempt to create a group: Legalize - this is just the same originally the name of his first group. The guys never signed up, the group fell apart. Only Andrey remained from it, and this name - Legalize passed to him. The first active band was Slingshot, formed with a man like Ladjak. This group was part of the D.O.B. community. D.O.B. stands for Department Of Bustas - "Department of Hooligans". There used to be a group D.O.B., which included Ladjak and Sir-J, then Legalize and Ladjak united in the duet Slingshot and the name D.O.B. became the name of the party. Not just a name musical group, but the name of the party, which included several groups: Bust A.S!, Slingshot, Slaves of the Lamp, Just Da Enemy.

They recorded English-language rap, because they wanted to be original, and that was the trick - Slingshot were the only group that professionally (worthy) read in English. They were staunch underground, ie. went for it consciously and never set themselves the goal of becoming popular group. They did what only experts recognized. It can be summed up like this: rap is only for rappers. But then the League realized that he wanted something more, he wanted a larger audience. Still with English language the audience is very limited, not many can understand. He decided that he had something to say in Russian, something to convey to the ears of the listener, and he just wanted to be understood.

The League happened to live for more than a year in French colony in the African country of the Congo. - I saw a prospect there, there was an opportunity to earn good money. Of course, I would not become a musician there, but I would provide for my family. The colony had close ties with France, and in France, as you know, hip-hop is very developed. There, Legalize communicated with French MCs, with French rappers, worked in a group of four people. They worked in clubs, at private parties. Staying there turned his whole mind upside down. In the Congo, Andrei met with a completely different approach to rap: rap is improvisation, it comes from the soul, and not some memorized text that you chatter to the rhythm. And he brought this approach to Russia. The league has really changed a lot. He couldn't still work at D.O.B. Like before, tried to change it, pull the guys in a new style but failed. Nothing happened, their paths diverged. And the League returned because the war broke out in the Congo, and he and his wife were evacuated as foreigners. There he had no real friends - despite the fact that he was well received, he was a stranger.

Andrei used to go in for sports, but did not set any special records. True, he often got into such stories when he had to dump quickly. So I learned to run, life forced me. He thinks that wide rapper pants are the most comfortable! Clothing in a denim-sports style does not hinder movement, in it you feel relaxed, calm. That's exactly right. And in general, he selects things according to the weather, and not according to the label. The older you get, the calmer. It is common for young people to go on the rampage. According to the League, all showdowns are a waste of time and effort, so he avoids them. - The strength of a man is manifested in the fact that he can resolve the situation in his favor, - he believes, - But when a conflict is inevitable, you have to fight. Music is not going to quit. Everything that he will do in the future will be related to show business: maybe producing musical groups, will write lyrics ... Legalize is the editor of the Hip-Hop Info magazine, writes articles for it, but now he is moving further and further away from him, because he wants to make music more. He loves all kinds of music, but rap is his business, his profession.

I'm trying to be original, in order to achieve respect for hip-hop culture. If he had not been engaged in "Legal business", then he would not have been engaged in illegal business, it is not in his nature. But there were many bandit friends in the yard, like everyone else. young man Today. Before the eyes of the League, some classmates died from drugs, someone was killed. Someone dealt in drugs, there is, of course, crime, and there was the temptation of money, but somehow he did not get involved and does not regret it. He, thank God, had enough head. Many of his friends also started listening to hip-hop. Legalize was dragged out, and they went the other way. He says that in Russia there is no person yet who would invest in hip-hop. And you have to invest a lot of money. Maybe Tolmatsky (DeCl's father) is the first person in show business who decided to deal with hip-hop and saw the future in it. The lyrics are written mainly by the League. Pans is also a poet, but he needs help with the Russian language. And sometimes Legalize does not have the patience to edit the text written by Pans, and he prefers to rewrite it entirely, without infringing on its authorship, but simply trying to make it understandable to a Russian person.

Legalize participated in such bands as Slingshot, D.O.B. , AERO Skwadra , Legal Business$$, Bad Balance, Bad B. Alliance, P-13 (Czech Republic). Has its own label: Intelligent Hooligan Productions. In pretty bad relationship With famous Vlad Gross.

Legalize discography

Solo albums:

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