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Every cosmetic bag must have mascara, because with its help you can make the look brighter and more expressive. But for this you need to choose the right cosmetic product.

What is mascara made of?

This is the most main point to consider when making a purchase. The composition of a quality product should include certain components:

  • Water. Thanks to this substance, the mascara acquires the desired liquidish consistency.
  • In order for the mascara to stay on the cilia for a long time and not crumble, wax is added to its composition.
  • Be sure to have oils that strengthen and nourish eyelashes.
  • In most cases, melanin is used as a coloring pigment. This substance does not provoke an allergic reaction, but makes it possible to obtain a persistent and rich shade. However, there are manufacturers who add natural ingredients to the mascara, in which case carbon black can be used.
  • Be sure to add preservatives, which significantly extend the life of the carcass. It can be glycerin (soap composition) or simple alcohol.
  • A substance such as lanolin nourishes the cilia, which strengthens them, prevents the onset of delamination and brittleness.
  • Special filters reliably protect the cilia from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays and fading.
  • You need to choose a product containing proteins that accelerate the growth of cilia.
  • Panthenol returns elasticity and firmness. Eyelashes look healthy.
  • Due to the content of keratin, the thinnest film appears on the surface of the cilia, which will reliably protect against the negative influence of various environmental factors.
It is advisable to opt for carcasses that contain vitamins. Some manufacturers add fragrance, due to which the mascara acquires a light pleasant aroma. When adding natural ingredients, it may not be used.

Mascara brush

This is one of important factors, which cannot be neglected. The fact is that it is thanks to a properly selected brush that the product lays down in an even layer and does not gather in lumps on the cilia. Also, the brush gives a beautiful shape and, if necessary, corrects.

Today there are several varieties of mascara brushes:

  • A plastic brush with sparse bristles resembling a comb gives the cilia just a chic volume, but is completely unsuitable if there is a need to separate the cilia.
  • A silicone brush is ideal for separating lashes, but it won't lengthen lashes or add extra volume. Mascara with such a brush is recommended for girls with naturally thick and long eyelashes.
  • A brush with bristles twisted in the form of a spiral. This is a great choice for very tough and unruly lashes. Thanks to this brush, the mascara is easy to apply and spread evenly.
  • For short lashes, you need to pick up a brush with short bristles, with which not only the bottom row, but also the corners of the eyes are perfectly stained. The advantages of such a brush include the fact that there will be no traces of mascara on the upper eyelid.
  • A brush with thick bristles and different lengths of bristles is suitable for staining and separating thick cilia, while they also lengthen.
  • With a full-bristle brush, you can create amazing volume while gently separating even very thin lashes, making this one of the most popular mascaras.
  • The curved brush gently lifts lashes and gently curls them for a beautiful curl. Mascara with such a brush will make the look more expressive and bright.
  • To separate the cilia and give them the desired volume, it is worth choosing a brush with a fairly long bristle. So during the application of mascara, the maximum amount of product remains on the cilia.
  • The spindle-shaped brush with very short bristles located at the edges makes it possible to paint over all the cilia in the corners of the eyes, providing additional volume.
  • If on the brush the villi from the edges are slightly longer than in the central part, you can lift the cilia and give them a beautiful curve.
If the brush has long bristles, it perfectly combs each eyelash, but quite a lot of mascara will remain on its surface. This creates visual effect volume, the look becomes brighter and more expressive. For curling cilia, it is recommended to choose mascara with a brush, which has slightly elongated bristles at the edges.

To paint over even the smallest eyelashes located in the corners of the eyes, ideal option there will be a brush with short and thick bristles. This mascara has become the most popular among women, as it gives a stunning effect and is very easy to use.

If the mascara brush has bristles various lengths, it perfectly separates the cilia and gently envelops them. With the help of such a brush, you can give the cilia an extreme length.

Which mascara to choose?

To date, quite a few have been developed a large number of various types of mascara, with which you can achieve desired effect- for example, to lengthen the cilia or give them extra volume.
  • Lengthening. Special particles are added to the composition of this type of mascara, which attach to the very tips of the cilia and make them longer. The most popular components are silk, nylon, viscose fibers, etc.
  • Twisting. This mascara has an interesting, slightly curved brush, the bristles are very short. Thanks to this, even the smallest eyelashes are perfectly lifted and slightly twisted.
  • Volumetric. With the help of this type of mascara, additional volume is given to the cilia. This result is achieved thanks to special substances added to the composition of this cosmetic product - they literally stick to the cilia and completely envelop them. For this purpose, both particles of wax and other synthetic fibers can be added to the ink.
  • color. This perfect choice for girls who like to attract everyone's attention and are used to breaking stereotypes. Bright eyelashes and an expressive look will help you stand out from the crowd. Today, a fairly wide range of colors is presented - yellow, purple, blue, green, brown, pink, white, etc. The choice is large, and each girl will be able to choose the right option for herself.
  • Waterproof. The composition of this species includes certain substances that are characterized by high resistance to moisture. By applying such mascara to the cilia, you can safely swim, visit the pool, sauna, and not worry about makeup.
  • Hypoallergenic. The minimum amount of substances that can provoke an allergic reaction is added to its composition. As a rule, allergies are caused by preservatives, as well as various synthetic substances. This mascara is recommended for girls with sensitive skin as well as when wearing contact lenses.
  • Vitaminized. This tool has a special composition, in which special components containing valuable vitamins are added - for example, melanin, protein, keratin, wax, filters that protect against the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. This mascara strengthens and nourishes the cilia.
  • Therapeutic. This type of mascara is not considered decorative cosmetics, as it gives a healing effect. This tool looks like a transparent gel of a rather thick consistency, which includes special components - filters, vitamins, melanin, keratin. These substances gently but reliably protect the cilia. Since the medicinal carcass does not contain preservatives or dyes, the shelf life is not more than 3 months.

How to determine the quality of mascara?

To choose a really high-quality product, you need to follow the following recommendations:
  • Before buying directly in the store, you need to open a tube of mascara and apply a small amount of it on paper or on your hand. Now we need to carefully look at the remaining trace - it should be bright, uniform and clear enough. Otherwise, during the application of mascara to the cilia, it will lie in an uneven layer and may clump.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the packaging of the carcass. Be sure to include the components of the product, the expiration date, information about the manufacturer, instructions for use. If the expiration date ends soon, such a purchase should be abandoned, because the substances that make up the carcass can not only lose activity, but also change their properties, which will lead to an unforeseen reaction.
  • The smell of carcass should be pleasant, not sharp, there may be light sweetish notes.
  • It is necessary to pull the brush out of the tube several times and see if there is a product at the base of the neck, as it can get your hands dirty.
  • The purchase must be made in trusted stores and give preference only to well-known companies that provide quality products.
Video about choosing mascara:

It's no secret that female beauty closely related to cosmetic (mainly decorative) means. This statement is not intended to downplay the importance of natural beauty, but the girls themselves have been using cosmetics in one form or another for many millennia. Mascara is a clear confirmation, references to it can be found in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Of course, the composition of eyelash cosmetics was not the same as that of the current specimens, but the difference is not so great.

The task of this type of cosmetics is the ability to highlight eyelashes, emphasize their volume, increase their length and change their natural color. For this, liquid, creamy and dry carcasses with special brushes are used. different forms. However, the effectiveness of the result for the most part does not depend on the form factor of the applicator or the type of cosmetic product, but on the composition.

The first mascara arose in the middle of the century before last thanks to the efforts of Eugene Rimmel, an Englishman with French roots.

The invention did not create much excitement, but gained some popularity (in many languages ​​​​of the world, the word "rimmel" means ink). The composition of Eugene's product has not been preserved, but the ingredients of his follower Terry Williams are known. The story of Williams has long become a textbook - he wanted to help his sister, who was not very lucky with the guys, and created a mixture to give the eyelashes beauty and volume. Despite the fact that Terry was a high-class chemist, his mixture consisted of several simple components - coal dust and petroleum jelly. Actually, the name of the sister and one of the components served as the name for Williams' carcass - "Maybelline".

Film stars of those years contributed to the spread of the carcass - Theda Bara, Greta Garbo, Marlene Dietrich and many others. In the wake of popularity, many entrepreneurs tried to repeat the success of Williams, but Max Factor, a native of Russia, managed to do this, using carnauba wax as an additional ingredient.

Technical and scientific progress of the last century, if they influenced mascara, it was only in terms of the technology for manufacturing the cosmetics themselves and changes in packaging (the usual tube with a brush appeared in 1957). Like decades ago, the main components of the carcass remain:

  • water;
  • wax;
  • mastic;
  • fragrance;
  • dyes;
  • preservatives;
  • seals;
  • vitamins.

Of course, the composition of different manufacturers can vary significantly, so when buying, you should carefully study the components.

And the less they will be incomprehensible chemical formulas, all the better.

Features and properties of waterproof and non-waterproof mascara

In order to choose the right cosmetics, you need at least a little understanding of all its diversity, which can be observed on the world market. And mascara is no exception in this regard.

Modern carcasses can be divided into several large categories:

  • waterproof (they are also waterproof);
  • not waterproof.

The first option does not contain water-sensitive components, so it is sufficiently resistant to rain, tears and/or sweat.

For the same reason, it can only be removed from the hairs of the eyelids with the help of a special makeup remover. Main Ingredients: Animal, vegetable and artificial wax (bees, rice bran, paraffin), dyes (ultramarine and iron oxide), polymers (arabic resin, modified cellulose) and vitamins A, B5, F and E.

The non-water resistant version shows some resistance to tears, but will not stand the test of rainy weather. On the other hand, soap and water are enough to remove it. The composition is not much different from waterproof mascara - except for the presence of water and preservatives.

The chemical composition of hypoallergenic mascara

According to studies at the University of California (Berkeley), about a third of the world's population have an allergic reaction to cosmetics. For the most part, it is caused by synthetic components that can cause serious damage to the cilia and organs of vision, even for women without allergies. In order to address the situation, a range of cosmetic mascaras has been developed, chemical composition which contains:

  • water (H 2 O);
  • iron oxide (Fe 2 O 3);
  • glycerin (C 3 H 8 O 3);
  • beeswax (contains acids, alcohols and esters of varying complexity);
  • vitamins useful for eyelashes.

Contrary to popular belief, iron oxide and glycerin are completely natural ingredients with no side effects. suitable not only for allergy sufferers, but also for girls with sensitive eyelashes, as well as for those who wear contact lenses.

When choosing cosmetics, you should carefully study the composition - this also applies to hypoallergenic products, since unscrupulous manufacturers often make a corresponding mark on all products indiscriminately - as a marketing ploy. That is why you should avoid purchasing products that contain the most common allergens, such as carnauba wax, petroleum distillers and hydrozenerated resinates.

Ingredients of popular mascaras

Components from which it is made this species cosmetics, different companies can vary significantly. However, for long years of existence, manufacturers have developed "traditions" regarding both the mandatory constituents of substances and the design of packaging. Below we will consider this issue using the example of products from manufacturers that are in the top 5 in terms of popularity among domestic users.

What is Leningrad ink made of?

This product has long history, during which neither the composition nor the design were subjected to significant changes. On a black briquette, you can read the composition: soap, stearin, beeswax, ceresin, vaseline oil, soot, fragrance. Leningrad ink is not subjected to any preservatives or harmful chemical compounds.

What is Maybelline made from?

Employees of the company are faithful to the first recipe, but do not hesitate to experiment. Through experimentation, elongating microfibers have become a permanent component of the products of this company.

"Max Factor"

The Max Factor company, created by a man who was a cosmetologist for Emperor Nicholas II, has always been distinguished by a love of innovation. Therefore, the composition of the carcass in different time contained completely different ingredients: panthenol, nylon fibers, glycerin, propylene carbonate, synthetic wax and others.


Like the previous company on the list, Loreal did not disdain experimentation and innovation. The most popular components of their products are: ceramides, microfibers, vitamin complexes and silicone complexes, as well as silk extract.

"Yves Rocher"

The French have succeeded in the production of cosmetics - in the products of "Yves Rocher" there are standard set from water, wax and dyes. The only constantly changing component are nutrients - keratins, lanolins, castor oil and others.

Which composition is safe for eyes and eyelashes

It is quite logical that the safest cosmetics are those that contain natural substances and do not cause fear of dangers such as an allergic reaction, redness of the eyes, tearfulness and do not lead to loss of cilia.

The most popular solution among domestic beauties is the famous Leningrad mascara, since it fully complies with the above parameters, however, global manufacturers provide more wide choose so that everyone can find a suitable cosmetics.


In general, manufacturers divide mascara into 2 types: waterproof and non-waterproof. Waterproof mascara contains:

  • vegetable and animal wax;
  • polymers;
  • volatile solvents;
  • various resins;
  • mineral wax (often paraffin);
  • dyes.

Depending on the manufacturer, various vitamins and proteins may be added to waterproof mascara.

Silicone polymers are a synthetic chemical that lengthens and adds volume to lashes. A volatile solvent is a component that has a water-repellent effect. Wax of mineral origin has the same property. Dye is added to mascara to give it color. And sealing resins give the cilia the desired shape.

Waterproof mascara contains:

  • water;
  • wax of various origins;
  • dyes;
  • polymers;
  • preservatives;
  • fat base.

Experts note that preservatives and other chemical compounds, which are part of the carcass, can cause allergies. Therefore, the cosmetic product must pass ophthalmological control without fail.

Additional substances


In addition to the two main types, there are several more subspecies of carcass:

  • lengthening;
  • twisting;
  • bulk;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • with the effect of false eyelashes;

Mascara should be creamy in consistency. If it is very dry or very liquid, then most likely it has expired. In this case, it must be thrown away. When choosing a mascara, it is also important to know that a quality product does not have a pronounced smell.

It is worth noting that not so long ago, experts conducted an experiment and studied the contents of 26 carcass items. It turned out that most of items contain heavy metals and preservatives that are prohibited for use. The fact is that heavy metals can cause a number of incurable diseases, including cancer. Also, some manufacturers included in the product chemical substances which environmentalists do not recommend for use.

According to the results of these studies, experts do not recommend purchasing decorative mascara. It contains chemical elements and iron oxide, which can cause irritation, allergies, burning. Therefore, it is better to give preference to natural organic cosmetics.

Mineral carcasses have a more natural composition. Minimum content chemical elements and the absence of dyes, preservatives and parabens has a positive effect on the cilia, nourishing and strengthening them. Most organic mascara is non-waterproof. However, users note that it keeps well on the cilia, does not roll down and is not washed off with water. Of course, you will have to pay a little more for natural quality, but you don’t have to worry about eye health and possible unpleasant consequences.

Mascara is one of the most important elements of decorative cosmetics. And, often, it is from the mascara that young girls begin to master the wisdom of makeup. After all, it is worth emphasizing natural beauty young face, slightly shade the look - and you are charming! Eyelashes are like a well-chosen frame for a picture: either they emphasize elegance and beauty, or they reduce all the efforts of the artist to zero.

Mascara has chosen a place of honor in our grandmothers' cosmetic bags, but the composition, compactness, durability and other valuable properties left much to be desired. Imagine that the first industrial mascara was made up of coal dust mixed with petroleum jelly and wax, which gave extra volume to the eyelashes! The product is undoubtedly natural, but it is very inconvenient to use, unstable to lubrication and moisture, and crumbles easily. Yes, and this cosmetic happiness was for many years the ultimate dream of many women. Most simply mixed petroleum jelly with tar, crushed lead, or burnt matches. And the owners of the cherished boxes with dry mascara had to spit into it a couple of times, and then just apply it to the brush and then separate the stuck eyelashes with a needle for a long time. Yes, beauty requires sacrifice!

But, thanks to progress and the beauty industry, now we have the opportunity to lengthen, thicken, shade our cilia with all sorts of colors, just waving a handy tube brush a couple of times. But how safe is modern mascara? And how to choose it correctly?

1.Where to buy?

Truly high-quality mascara is sold exclusively in specialized cosmetic stores, and not in stalls and passages. Or you can use the distribution network large companies who offer cosmetics through catalogs. Not the fact that good and expensive mascara will be useful for eyelashes. But at least she will not do harm, like her counterfeit counterparts.

2. What should I pay attention to?

The main components of the carcass are sealing resins, dyes, different kinds waxes, preservatives and mild surfactants. Many manufacturers add substances to their products that protect the mucous membrane of the eyes from harmful effects, promote their growth and improve the structure of the eyelashes. The most common nutritional supplements such as castor oil, lanolin, proteins, keratin, as well as preparations that protect eyelashes from the sun's rays. Preservatives are added to mascara so that pathogenic microbes do not multiply in it.

Mascara most often causes irritation and allergic reactions. Therefore, it is necessary to choose it very carefully and do not forget about the rules for the safe application of makeup. Poor-quality mascara can cause eyelash loss, dermatitis, conjunctivitis, and contribute to the development of blepharitis.

3. What mascara to choose?

Mascara is divided into several types: waterproof and non-waterproof, hypoallergenic, with various twisting or lengthening effects, fortified and therapeutic.

Among them, it is waterproof - quite harmful to the eyes due to the water-repellent elements and dyes contained in it. Her cosmetologists do not recommend using it daily, but only "on major holidays." It is not suitable for owners of contact lenses, as it pollutes them much faster than ordinary mascara. And to wash off such a mascara, you need to purchase a special cosmetic milk.

Carefully study the packaging, it must be intact, with clear inscriptions. Pay attention to the name of the manufacturer or packer (it happens that according to the "technology" well-known brand mascara is packaged in some Ivanovka - it is better to refuse such a product), composition, expiration date and type of mascara.

Do not take mascara from the window. Before you, it has already been opened many times and could be exposed to the sun.

Open and smell the product. High-quality mascara has a light, unobtrusive aroma or no smell at all.

The consistency of a good mascara should be like a cream, and there should be no sticky pieces on the brush. Otherwise, when applied, it will roll into lumps or crumble.

Swipe the brush along the upper side of the palm, if the line is even, without lumps, then the mascara is quite suitable for use.

4. How to understand the composition?

And, of course, study the composition. The mascara should contain as many useful components as possible (they are at the top of the list), such as panthenol, vitamins, proteins, UV filters, natural oils. And avoid products that contain oil, parabens, or dangerous ingredients like thimerosal. This is a mercury based ingredient. It causes eye irritation and is very hazardous to health. Refuse the packaging with formaldehyde declared in the composition (DMDM hidantoin, bronidox, bronopol).

5.How to use correctly?

By the way, mascara is the subject of personal use, and the same requirements are imposed on it as on a toothbrush or lipstick: change every three months and not let anyone else use it. After all, a lot of bacteria accumulate on the brush, and the liquid medium in the tube is ideal for their development. To prevent mascara from ruining your eyelashes, you must follow certain hygiene rules. Instead of washing off your mascara with soap, choose an eye makeup remover that matches your mascara type to gently remove and soften the irritating effect of your mascara. And when applying, do not overdo it and remove the excess with a napkin or cotton swab.

Hello dear beauties! I decided to dedicate today's post to you. I have been studying the topic of natural and "effective" cosmetics for a long time, which not only emphasizes our beauty, but, most importantly, does not harm it! So, I'm posting all the information - how to choose mascara: tips from professionals.

From the article you will learn:

In 2007, the world's leading make-up manufacturer was fined for using false eyelashes in a mascara ad. How not to become the bait of beautiful and juicy advertising? How to choose mascara and not make a mistake?

How to choose mascara

Let's start with the composition.

Composition for mascara

First of all, before choosing a mascara, pay attention to the composition of the product.

What are the harmful ingredients in mascara

Harmful components that may be contained in cosmetics: thiomersal (Thiomersal) or thimerazole are used as preservatives that prolong the life of mascara. Thimersal or thimerazole are mercury compounds that are harmful to human health. They used to be used as a preservative in vaccines, but today they are banned in the US and the European Union.

Also harmful are components in cosmetics that emit formaldehyde. In particular, it is BRONopol (2-bromo-2-nitropropane-1,3-diol or 5-Bromo-5-nitro-1,3-dioxane), which is used as a preservative. Substances that release formaldehyde: Bronidox. Diazolidinyl-urea (Diazolidinyl Urea). DMDM hydantoin (prepared from methanol). If you see these components in the composition of mascara (Bronopol, Bronidox, Diazolidinyl Urea, DMDM ​​hydantoin), then it is better to refuse one or another brand of product. These substances can cause eye and skin irritation as they have been shown to release formaldehyde.

Please note, if you often experience irritation when using mascara, then you should abandon the product, which includes natural beeswax (beeswax). It has been proven that it can cause allergies. Of course, this does not mean that if this component is included, you cannot use it. Just be aware that natural wax can cause allergies. A replacement for such a component can be synthetic wax (Synthetic Wax) or carnauba (carnauba wax) candelian (candelilla wax) waxes. Carnauba wax is obtained from the leaves of the palm tree, while Candellia wax is obtained from the Candellila bush in Mexico.

These components are viscous, so they are widely used in mascara formulations. Artificial wax is obtained by mixing mountain wax, paraffin, resins, castor oil.

Useful Components

Panthenol promotes thickening of eyelashes, favorably affects their condition. Castor oil nourishes eyelashes and promotes their growth. Keratin is part of the hair, nails, and therefore helps to strengthen the eyelashes. Lanolin prevents dryness and brittleness of eyelashes. Proteins stimulate the growth of eyelashes. Vitamins F, E, A nourish the eyelashes, making them elastic and silky, accelerate the growth of eyelashes. UV filters provide UV protection.

The main composition of mascara should be remembered: carbon black (charcoal pigments), alcohol can be used as preservatives. Next comes the soap. If the mascara is waterproof or moisture resistant, resin and oil are used.

Expiration date and originality

Also pay attention to the primacy of mascara. That is, it opened or not. Please note that mascara has two expiration dates: the total expiration date and from the date of opening. In particular, we can observe a picture with a depicted box and a number. It is this label that will indicate the number of months since the opening of the carcass. Thus, if cosmetics have been opened, it means that its expiration date from the moment of opening cannot be determined.

Demand exactly the mascara that has not been opened. How to define it? If you have made your choice, then at the checkout or the seller ask to open it. Run your finger along the top of the rod. If the mascara does not remain on the finger, it means new. If there is ink, then it was opened. Remember, reliable and reputable manufacturers will definitely provide probes in order to look at the brush.
Thirdly, an eyelash brush.

Types of mascara

There are four types of mascara: lengthening, voluminous, curling, double. Each cosmetic has its own brush. For example, lengthening mascara has a sparse brush that can hold nylon or silicone fibers. Its function is to lengthen. The voluminous mascara has a thick brush. Thus, each eyelash is stained.

Volumetric mascara is the most popular among all mascaras, as it not only adds volume, but also slightly lengthens. Curling mascara has the appropriate shape. There is also a double effect mascara. On the one hand, this brush serves as a base application, on the other hand, there is a brush for staining.

Ophthalmic control and quality

Another indicator - choose mascara, where it is indicated: ophthalmological control has been passed. Why is this notation necessary? Mascara is near the eyes, and a low-quality product can greatly affect a person’s health. Look for mascara with the designation: passed ophthalmological control.

If you doubt the quality of mascara. You can ask the seller to provide a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for the products, as well as an addition to the conclusion. The presence of such documents will indicate that you are purchasing original products. Today, in the underground passages in the market, you can often find counterfeit products. Particularly mascara. Remember, quality products will not be cheap.

What color is the mascara?

Pay attention to the color of the ink. Classic color: black. Black mascara is suitable for everyone. Brown mascara is suitable for blondes with blue eyes. for green and gray color purple and plum shades are suitable for the eyes. For brown eyes - blue mascara. Please note that these are not rules, but recommendations.

Makeup artist tips for using mascara

  • To avoid lumps, use an additional brush for staining. It could be a brush from a previous mascara. In no case do not use a needle - it is dangerous.
  • Apply mascara in several layers on the base. Each layer must dry.
  • We model the shape with the help of tweezers for eyelashes before applying mascara.
  • It should not be used for more than six months.
  • Mascara should not be given to others for use as it can spread bacteria.
  • If the mascara begins to crumble, then its expiration date has come to an end.
  • It should be remembered that it is impossible to lengthen the eyelashes by two to three millimeters, since the cilia themselves are only one millimeter long.
  • Makeup artists recommend that if the eyelashes are thin and short, focus on volume, and not on volume and lengthening.

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