How to draw roses March 8. Postcards celebrating female beauty


It will become both a pleasant surprise and a memorable gift if the child draws it with all possible patience and diligence.

Can you arrange it in an unusual way for a more festive look.

To do this, before you draw a picture for March 8 to your mother, turn a dense landscape sheet into a blank for a postcard. First, you need to divide it with a ruler into three equal parts.

Bend the sheet along the lines so that it takes the shape of an accordion.

On one of the pieces, draw a large number "Eight". To simplify this task by drawing on it one vertical line, which will divide this part of the sheet in half, and a horizontal (transverse) line, which will separate the third part of the sheet (from the top edge).

Draw the number eight

Carefully, using scissors or a clerical knife, cut out the number from the paper.

Expand the sheet and start drawing a picture on the part of it that the figure eight joins. Here you need to depict a lot of small leaves and neat flowers.

Now you need to arm yourself with watercolor paint and color the paper. We apply the paint with beautiful horizontal stains. To do this, wet the brush well with water. Choose a pleasant shade of color - for example, pale lilac or pink. You can combine harmonizing shades with each other.

Now we draw flowers. The contours of which we have drawn with a simple pencil, paint. Recruiting more paint to get the most intense color.

Some flowers highlight more bright color, others are made more pale.

To make the picture interesting, separate the flowers with a darker paint. In our case - bright lilac.

Now we give the drawing an original texture: we moisten the brush well with water and bright paint and sprinkle it on the drawing.

We supplement the drawing with beautiful curls and color the leaves. We select the hearts of flowers.

We take a silver helium pen and draw veins on the leaves and large petals.

We make out reverse side postcards: coloring figure eight.

In the corner we draw a small edging flower pattern with a helium pen.

We cut the figure-eight contour with embossed scissors. Now, when we wrap the figure eight on our drawing, it will turn out very beautiful.

That's it!

We not only drew a picture

A master class with step-by-step photos gave us the opportunity to make a full-fledged postcard that can be filled with the most sincere warm wishes and compliments!

Drawing for March 8 "Mom with tulips"

What could be a better surprise for a mother than a portrait painted with a brush of her child? To create such a portrait, one does not need to have the talent of an artist. The main thing is to build your work gradually, with each step getting closer and closer to the intended goal.

The first step is to sketch with a pencil.

Pencil sketch "mom"

On the second - highlight the contours with bright black (using a felt-tip pen or ink) and fill the face with a pale beige shade. With black we emphasize the eyebrows, eyelashes and the lower line of the nose. Lips and eyes are painted in the desired color.

We fill in with color luxurious mother's hair.

And let's move on to the dress.

It remains to color the festive bouquet of tulips.

We paint white dots on the dress. We draw hands. The picture is ready!

Feel free to hand it to the hero of the occasion!

Drawing for March 8 for a postcard (video):

Drawings for March 8 (photo from the Internet)

Drawing for mom on March 8 reviews:

The picture with mom is very beautiful! (Galya)

March 8 is one of the most favorite holidays for children and adults. From the first days of spring, many men look at the calendar with impatience, planning to buy gifts for their beloved women, colleagues and just acquaintances. in kindergartens and schools thematic classes to create crafts from improvised materials - children try to please their mother and grandmother touching creation their hands. In addition, on the eve of the spring "mom's holiday", the kids prepare a lot of wonderful drawings as a gift, the best of which then take part in the competition. How to draw a beautiful drawing on March 8? We have selected the most simple master classes With step by step photos and a video on creating children's drawings with a pencil and paints. With the help of our lessons and recommendations, each child can easily master the basics of this type step by step. visual arts. For young novice artists, there is a lot of useful and interesting here - so, let's start drawing!

Beautiful drawing on March 8 to school for the competition - a step-by-step master class with a photo

The bright "eight" framed by delicate spring flowers are the traditional attributes of the March 8 holiday. To create this beautiful drawing, you will need a little time and the most simple materials. We bring to your attention step by step master class with a photo, with the help of which an aspiring artist will discover the basics of drawing as an art. When handing to mother or grandmother such touching drawing on March 8, complete the gift with words of sincere congratulations of happiness, health and good luck - to the closest and beloved women! We are sure that your work will take its rightful place at the school competition of children's drawings.

Necessary materials for the drawing master class by March 8:

  • paper - A4 format
  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • colored pencils for coloring

Step-by-step instructions for a master class on creating a drawing by March 8 for a school competition, with a photo:

How to draw a drawing in honor of March 8 for mom in stages - a detailed master class with a photo

Every year on March 8, children try to please their beloved mothers and grandmothers with good behavior, excellent grades at school and help with household chores. In honor of the holiday, many schools and kindergartens hold fun matinees, with the invitation of spectators and guests. Traditionally, at the end of this entertainment event mothers and grandmothers are given handmade gifts - postcards, paper bouquets of flowers, photo stands, beautiful drawings on the theme of March 8. How to draw a drawing by March 8 in stages? We have prepared a simple interesting master class with a photo for the smallest "artists" - on drawing mimosa branches with paints. Such a touching children's drawing can be handed to mom on March 8 or left in kindergarten for a thematic exhibition.

List of materials for the master class of drawing with paints on March 8 for mom:

  • thick paper A4
  • brushes for drawing - pony No. 3, No. 5
  • gouache - yellow and green
  • water cup

A step-by-step description of a master class on drawing a beautiful picture for the day of March 8, with a photo:

Children's drawing on March 8 with a pencil with a grandmother from her granddaughter - a master class for beginners, with a photo

The tulip has long been considered a symbol of spring, tenderness and femininity. On the eve of March 8 on the streets and in flower shops you can see a lot of bouquets of red, pink and white tulips. Children are happy to depict these bright spring flowers on paper with pencils and paints, trying to convey colors - such drawings attract with their purity and freshness. With the help of our master class for beginners with step by step photos, each young artist can draw a pretty bouquet of tulips with a pencil. Grandmother and mother will be pleased to receive such a drawing for the holiday of March 8 - from their beloved granddaughter and daughter.

To draw tulips with our own hands by March 8, we stock up on materials:

  • A4 paper
  • with a simple pencil
  • colored pencils
  • eraser

The procedure for performing work on the master class of children's drawing "Tulips" in honor of March 8, photo:

Step-by-step drawing for the day of March 8 in kindergarten, a master class with a photo

The festive morning on March 8 in kindergarten is always fun, with dances, songs and poems. The main objective of such an event is to educate children in a respectful attitude towards women - mothers, grandmothers, sisters. In our master class with step-by-step photos, we will draw beautiful butterfly, which appears with real spring warmth. Such original drawing you can give mom on the day of March 8 - from loving son or daughters.

Materials for drawing on March 8 for kindergarten:

  • paper
  • simple pencil
  • colored pencils for coloring

How to draw a picture for the holiday of March 8 - step by step, with a photo:

Drawing on March 8 to school - a step-by-step master class on video

On the eve of March 8, I want to please my mother or grandmother with an unusual and touching gift. And what could be better than drawing with your own hands? For novice artists, we have selected an interesting step-by-step master class on video, with which you can comprehend the basics of pencil drawing and create a real work of art. With our detailed video tutorial you will get a great drawing for mom on March 8th.

How to draw a picture for March 8? On our pages you will find step by step master classes with a photo to create a beautiful picture for the holiday of March 8 in kindergarten and school - for a competition of children's works or as a gift. Watch the video tutorial on drawing, and you can please your mother or grandmother on March 8 with a hand-drawn drawing. Such children's drawings with a pencil or paints will appeal not only to the "heroes" of the occasion, but also to your acquaintances and friends. Inspiration to you in your work and success!

March 8 is a holiday of flowers and smiles. Women, give your smiles, and let the men take care of the flowers for you.

March 8 is International Women's Day of Admiration and Worship for the Weaker Sex. It is a holiday in which from morning to evening they do not stop pouring wishes, giving flowers, sending postcards. Every woman dreams of getting attention.

Anyone secretly hopes for congratulations from men and awaits them with trepidation. Therefore, the representatives of the stronger sex on this day simply do not have the right to deprive someone.

Each girl from her environment needs to give a small present. But with the hassle and the choice of gifts for loved ones - mother, grandmother, beloved, girlfriend, it is not always possible to buy at least a bouquet for the rest.

And here send beautiful postcards or cool photos, pictures with poems for March 8 all gentlemen can do it. Moreover, they are very easy to download now and absolutely free.

Perfume in a box
Shampoo, vodka...
favorite flowers,
Spring is in my heart...

A hundred times you with ease
Pass over the abyss
Let them envy
Send everyone to...

Leave doubt
Fuck opinions:
Praise or criticism
One word...

Do you believe that the best
Do you believe that the coolest
After all, you are a woman -
And so right!

The choice is great - official, touching, funny and kind, big and small. Here there are pictures for every taste that will melt the hearts of even the most fastidious beauties.

How convenient is such a small surprise?

  1. It is universal, always relevant and loved by everyone.
  2. Does not take much time, quick search, wide choose.
  3. Provides an opportunity to congratulate even those who are very far away.

Wishes in pictures with beautiful verses

What could be more important than warm words on International Women's Day? Congratulations, with wishes of happiness, peace and kindness, describing beauty, expressing gratitude to women - they will warm the soul of your beloved mother, you will like best friend make their daughter happy.

Photos and postcards from March 8 with quatrains can be sent early in the morning to all the familiar ladies, thereby providing them with good mood all day.

Cool congratulations on March 8

Young people do not always understand and accept romance. All these cute cards, bouquets of flowers, gifts tied with a ribbon are boring for them and are relics of the past. But after all, young acquaintances need to be congratulated somehow. Otherwise, you will end up on their blacklist forever.

There is a way out and it is quite simple - pick up interesting funny pictures and funny wishes. The girls will be delighted with them, they will appreciate the present and remember the person who gave it as a creative person who keeps up with the times. They are suitable as a sign of attention and best friend who loves jokes and practical jokes.

Official congratulations

Beautiful postcards and cool photos are not always appropriate. They can be presented to your mother, girlfriend, those with whom you are well acquainted. But if you need to congratulate a boss, a teacher of children, a doctor or an unfamiliar woman on an international women's holiday, they become inappropriate. Something more standard and strict is needed here.

Pictures with poems in the official style with universal words that will be appropriate for every lady will come to the rescue. These are not banal wishes that have long been familiar, but specially selected congratulations without frills, interesting and catchy.

All the best for the family

Who is everyone in a hurry to congratulate in the first place? Of course, family members. International Women's Day is another opportunity to prove your love to the household. Therefore, preparation for March 8 in the family circle begins long before the holiday. Together with the morning flowers bought by your beloved mother, wife, daughter, you should definitely please them with sincere congratulations in pictures.

Affectionate words, funny pictures and funny inscriptions- a great way to rally family and express feelings. And in the evening at dinner, all that remains is to present gifts and make family photo for memory.

You should not be irresponsible about the choice of postcards, sending your mother, girlfriend, sister, and just acquaintances the first ones that caught your eye. Carefully selected photos, pictures and words on a festive March day will help female gender feel the care and love with which they were chosen.

This will leave the most wonderful impressions, and once again will allow a woman to understand how she is valued and respected.

Children, like no one else, are attached to their parents, so at any age the question is how to draw a gift for mom for any holiday, especially on March 8th. Even kids can cope with such a task, you just need to choose the right level of difficulty for the task. Very often, teachers in kindergartens spend creative lessons for pupils on the theme of the holiday of spring.

Spring drawings from the little ones

The smallest children of 2-3 years old still do not cope well with pencils and brushes, so there is a variety of options for them. different techniques drawing flowers using improvised materials or stencils.

The easiest option is drawing with your hands, it will take the crumbs completely with your own interesting process, while developing fine motor skills hands Creative skills child. You can buy if you want special paints for drawing by hand or make them by yourself. Here is one of the recipes:

  • granulated sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • half a teaspoon of salt;
  • half a glass of starch;
  • two glasses of water;
  • food dyes.

The whole mixture, except for the dye, should be boiled a little over low heat. When the first clots appear, turn off and continue stirring until a homogeneous mass is obtained. When cool, pour into containers and add dye.

  1. Have your child paint all over their palms in the color of their choice.
  2. On an A4 sheet or other format, help him make a few prints - these will be the flowers themselves, so you need to place them close to each other.
  3. Wash your hands and take green paint. Use your fingers to draw the stems.
  4. Then you can make a multi-colored vase or a bow for a bouquet, and the gift is ready.

The whole process is best done on a special oilcloth at the table so that your entire apartment does not turn into one big canvas. The advantage of safe paint is that it will not cause allergies, so even if you get your face dirty, you don’t have to worry.

Creativity in blowing technique

One interesting technique work with paints - blowing. Such work is already being carried out in kindergarten, having prepared materials for creativity in advance. We will draw a vase with a flower.

For work you will need:

  • liquid paints;
  • a plastic soda bottle with a patterned bottom;
  • straw for drinks;
  • sheet of paper in A4 format.

  1. We put a large dot of green paint on a sheet of paper. It should be sufficiently moist and voluminous.
  2. We take a tube and blow out the air, directing our blot into different sides to make a kind of vase. It is better to practice blowing lightly at first.
  3. Now let's create the petals. To do this, in a wide container we breed not very thick bright paint, lower the bottle there upside down and make a stamp in the figure.
  4. We make the middle with a finger. We drop it into yellow and put your finger between the petals, making a clear imprint.
  5. If your paint is not finger paint, then draw the center of the flower with a brush.

Such work will bring a lot of positive emotions, and the guys will remember for a long time how to draw a gift for mom.

Flowers in a pot

For older children kindergarten and elementary school, you can already use drawings with paint and brushes. Work should be done together with them, showing each line independently in your work, attached to the board.

You will need:

  • paints;
  • brushes;
  • a glass for water or a non-spill;
  • A4 sheet.


  1. At the top of the leaf, draw two circles. From them we draw two curved lines that meet at the end.
  2. At the bottom we draw a pot of a rounded or square shape. And on the stems we depict leaves.
  3. We make petals. All brush movements should be slow and accurate.
  4. It remains only to paint the work. You can draw faces and smiles for the flowers themselves, as well as sign "From March 8".

In this work, we examined how to draw a gift for mom on March 8 with our own hands for middle-aged children. Another one from interesting ways These are cell drawings.

Draw by cells

Drawing elements by cells will help develop mindfulness in a child. You can first conduct a graphic dictation for children in simple version a flower, and then, as a gift on March 8, print them ready-made large works on the cells and give them the opportunity to color them at their discretion.

An example of work on a graphic dictation:

  1. Retreat 3 cl. left and top and put a dot.
  2. 1 class right, then one up.
  3. Without lifting the pencil three cells. right, one at a time down and to the right.
  4. Now 3rd grade. down, one at a time to the left and down.
  5. We continue, 1 - to the left, 3 - down, 1 - to the right.
  6. Further, one cell up, 1 - to the right, 2 - down.
  7. Follow one by one - left, down, left again.
  8. Now 2 - down, 1 - left, 2 - up.
  9. One at a time - left, up and right.
  10. 2 - up, one - to the right and down.
  11. Next 1 - right, 3 - up, 1 - left.
  12. 1 - up, 1 - right, 3 - up.
  13. You should have a flower.

This job also tests ability and is most often done in senior preschool age or in lower grades. Then you can distribute blanks to the children and explain how to draw a gift for mom on March 8 in the cells.

Creative work for big kids

For children who are engaged in drawing or just they are good at it, as well as for teenagers, you can draw beautiful lilies of the valley - the first spring flowers, and beautifully sign the work by folding it in the form of a postcard.

Consider the order of the elements in order to understand how to draw a gift for mom:

  1. First, draw three intersecting stems. We do all the work in pencil, then we color it.
  2. On background draw two large leaves.
  3. We make the stems voluminous and draw the branches.
  4. We draw hats of flowers.
  5. We draw the bottom of the bells, making them voluminous.
  6. Add berries - unopened flowers.
  7. Erase all intersections and add shadows for volume.
  8. Coloring.

Flowers are neat. We sign congratulations, and you can safely give. It is not necessary to do the work in the form of a postcard, you can put the picture in a frame and give a real picture.

A gift made by yourself will be appreciated. Therefore, if your child does not have a penchant for drawing, you can make an application or a voluminous craft. Older children themselves will be able to figure out how to draw a gift for mom or make it with their own hands.

When working with toddlers, it is better to use safe finger paints and different drawing techniques, involving the child completely in the work.

International Women's Day is one of the most bright holidays: on this day we strive to please our beloved women with attention and care, arrange surprises and give gifts. And it is difficult to find a more touching gift than a card made by the loving hands of a child. On the eve of March 8, we have collected all kinds of postcards that a child can handle on his own or with the participation of adults.

Children are little creators. Even for a two-year-old baby, creating a postcard will be extremely exciting and useful occupation. At the age of 2 to 4 years, it is safer and easiest for children to work with paints, so pictures are usually drawn in kindergarten on March 8th.

It is not easy for kids to manage with a brush and colored pencils, but creativity gives vent to imagination: you can draw with cotton swabs, crumpled paper and just with your hands.

For example, to create a card with peonies, you only need two sheets of paper, a saucer, water and paints. Pour some water into the container and add desired paint. On a dense sheet, draw stems and leaves with a finger or a brush. Then we crumple the second sheet, dip it in a saucer and leave traces on paper, forming a flower. And now, a bouquet of peonies is ready.

And you can make a bouquet of bright handprints.

Very beautiful drawings are obtained if you draw using the poke method cotton buds. The sticks can be collected in bunches by tying them with a rubber band or tape, dipped in paint and leaving traces that look like small inflorescences. In this way, you can depict mimosa, wild flowers, twigs of cherry or lilac.

Applications for March 8 in kindergarten, step-by-step postcard-application.

IN senior group kindergarten, a child can complete a postcard-application. In the work, you can use colored paper, plasticine, shreds of fabric, buttons, ribbons, straw, cereals, eggshell, cotton wool and many others.

The application “Vase with three-dimensional flowers” ​​turns out to be very beautiful. According to the description and templates below, you can create a unique postcard to your taste.

We will need: colored cardboard for the background, colored paper, glue, scissors, beads, satin ribbon or other embellishments.

We make five templates of different sizes from hard cardboard. You can choose from the ready-made vase and flower templates at the end of this tutorial or draw them yourself. Next, select a sheet of colored paper, outline the blanks and cut them out. For one flower, we should get five different blanks.

Now we need to carefully bend the petals to the center.

Then we open the petals, forming cups.

We collect the flower: we smear the blanks with glue and put the smaller cup into the larger one. In this case, the petals should be arranged asymmetrically in relation to each other so that the flower looks more realistic.

We collect the remaining flowers. Then we cut out a vase from paper of a different color and begin to build a composition. It is better not to rush and first arrange all the elements on the background sheet of cardboard without glue. After we determine the place of each flower, you can glue, starting with a vase. If desired, the vase can be decorated satin ribbon or a mosaic of colored paper, and stick beads of the same tone into the cups of flowers. And here we have a cute postcard application.

You can use templates with different number of petals and vase shape.

Postcards for March 8 in elementary school, do-it-yourself step-by-step drawing, master class.

The most common option among children's postcards is still a picture postcard. And rightly so: they do not require special materials to create, they are easier to design and, in their own way, are charming.

To create such a postcard, we need: paper, watercolor paints, brush, scissors. It is better to use dense watercolor paper or Whatman.

We fold the sheet in half and begin to draw blades of grass with light lines. Closer to the edge we draw flowers, in our case, these are cornflowers, but you can choose other field plants, for example, poppies.

Inside, we also draw grass, and then cut off the edge from the front side with a smooth line, repeating the outlines of the flowers. And so, we got an unusual and very tender postcard.

Beautiful do-it-yourself postcard for March 8:

With the advent of the Internet, finding sources of inspiration has become easier. We have collected many wonderful ideas for creating a postcard for March 8 for mom, grandmother, teacher or sister.

Scrapbooking technique.

In the technique of quilling.

Postcards 3D.

Using buttons, beads, ribbons and more.

for mom, 10 options

You can express your love for your mother with a card with flowers in the shape of a heart ...

Or draw her favorite flowers.

Mom's favorite flowers can also be depicted on an application card.

Original postcards.

Despite the fact that it seems complicated, such a card is very easy to make. You can use special paper or just choose a scrapbooking background from the Internet and print it out. In order for the handbag to be stable and solid, it is better to stick the printed background on thin cardboard. We print or draw a template, cut a blank on it, bend it, glue it and proceed to the most interesting thing - decoration. To do this, you can use ribbons, lace, beads, buttons, rhinestones, fabric flowers, sparkles, and more.

Bag template and background for scrapbooking.

for grandmother, 10 options

When our grandmothers themselves were children, postcards for March 8 were mostly drawn or made from improvised means. Today there is a huge selection of various materials for needlework and painting. For example, we can surprise grandmother with such postcards.

Postcards in vintage style look very cute and original, but they are more difficult to perform, so it’s better to make them with your mother.

If there is little time left to create a gift, you can make a bright origami card. For example, here is a bouquet of tulips: simple and elegant.

Origami tulip patterns.

March 8 is also a holiday of spring, because so often on postcards you can see spring primroses or mimosa twigs. Give your grandmother a mimosa appliqué made of napkins or please her with flowers blooming on the windowsill.

for the teacher10 options

Teachers receive March 8 postcards from their students every year, so impressing them is a bit harder. But if you give free rein to the imagination and diligently get down to business, this is what can happen.

Application with a bouquet of flowers in mixed media.

If you master the quilling technique, you can make such unusual postcards with your own hands.

You can make several of these flower clearings and decorate the nursery.

Volumetric postcard for March 8, master class

A three-dimensional postcard for March 8 is a cute gift that you can easily make with your own hands. We suggest you make a cute voluminous postcard"Blooming tree".

We will need: a thick sheet of colored A4 double-sided paper, colored paper, pencil, glue, scissors.

Print out the tree and petal template. We choose the colors of paper for the crown, it is desirable that we get 3-4 shades that are in harmony with each other. We begin to draw the petals: we bend a sheet of colored paper and apply the template with a dotted line to the fold, circle and cut it out. So we need to prepare a large number of blanks (7-8 petals per flower + petals for decoration). From a sheet Brown cut out the tree trunk. We fold the base sheet in half, glue the tree trunk in the center of the sheet and begin to form the crown, without glue yet.

After we have a harmonious composition in front of us, we begin to glue the petals at the bottom. The card is ready, in addition, you can darken the hearts of the flowers with pencils to match, outline the bark on the tree with a black pen, write wishes on the inside of the petals, or add other strokes to your taste.

A handmade postcard is the warmth of your hands, care and attention embodied on paper. Do not worry if something comes out a little crooked, the main thing in such a gift is your time and efforts. Approach the creation process with imagination, imagine how happy your gift will be, and don't be afraid to create: remember what is in your head wonderful world and necessary, sincere words.

Video: drawing mom

Video: postcard to mom

Video: postcard to the teacher

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