Moscow training center. The Best Exercises for Personal Growth Training


training personal growth - this is a series of activities aimed at improving individual qualities that contribute to the success of a person. Thanks to exercises focused on personal growth, a person is able to change unwanted character traits for more positive ones, can get rid of a variety of negative thoughts and negative complexes.

Personal growth is a purposeful process of improving a person, the desire to become better. Personal growth is considered to be all situations, factors and opportunities that bring the individual closer to achieving the ideal.

Personal growth involves the formation of a person's potential. Potential - a set of characteristics that express its ability to build on internal stable reference points, to maintain the stability of activity under periodically changing environmental factors. This is a row characteristic properties, which help the individual to become able to regulate behavior, make decisions, according to personal ideas.

It is important for each potential member of the group to know how dangerous personal growth trainings are, so that instead of being useful, they do not get more damage and maintain mental health.

The basic goal of personal growth training is the internal growth of the individual, self-development and.

Psychological training for personal growth

The goal of personal growth training is to modify the worldview, change the stereotypes of activities that prevent the individual from being successful and happier.

Subject willing to transform individual characteristics into more positive and qualitatively different characteristics, personal growth training should be completed. An individual who has completed these classes will become more calm, confident, happy and spiritually free, regardless of the influence of circumstances and environmental factors. Thanks to special psychological techniques, a person is able to be programmed for success. This happens through practice and special exercises, contributing to the fact that a member of the group will be able to comprehend his deep attitudes, which subconsciously most influence existence and provoke certain results of activity.

Purpose of Personal Growth Training- to know and realize the possibilities (potential) inherent in the personality, which involve qualitative changes. The goal can change depending on the characteristics of the group. Often, exercise goals cover some general aspects:

- the formation of self-knowledge by reducing psychological barriers and eliminating the feeling of insincerity of the individual himself;

- development of conditions and factors that will complicate or facilitate the functioning of the group (membership or size of the group);

- study of the relations of the members of the group;

- mastering the skills of diagnosing organizational, group, individual problems, such as solving group conflict situations, strengthening group ties, creating training conditions, achieving individual requests.

The goal of personal growth training is achieved when a member of the group can make an independent decision about how he should live. Participants themselves find how diversely one can perceive all life around, they can make valuable life discoveries regarding their closest people, close friends and themselves.

A person can experience intense emotional upheavals and shake-ups, which often leads to a loss of self-control, since he needs to perform all the exercises or instructions from the coach, which sometimes do not make obvious sense.

Everyone who wants to participate in such classes needs to think about whether he is really going to change something or is it present life satisfies him quite well. If a person is not ready for changes or they do not need them, then the coach will not allow him to the group.

Future members of the training should be willing to start new life, but still must be suitable for certain parameters. Those wishing to become participants in personal growth trainings must be mentally healthy, emotionally balanced, calm and without mental abnormalities.

The coach of the group should stimulate the process of making autonomous decisions by the individual, his ranking and structuring of life values, guidelines and goals. This is done through the application various techniques, techniques and research approaches such as gestalt, cognitive psychology, existential approach.

Types of personal growth trainings are psychological and esoteric.

Psychological training is carried out under the guidance of a leader who has a completed psychological education, using psychological categories and definitions. Unlike esoteric ones, which are led by a person with knowledge of psychology on household level and possessing esoteric and mystical knowledge.

Types of personal growth trainings:

- personal development (used to master general knowledge needed for orientation in big circle potential situations). For example, a person learns effective interaction, he develops strong and good traits, assimilates confident behavior, learns self-control;

– psychotherapeutic trainings (carried out with the aim of improving the quality of life, they contain special procedures, techniques, methods and exercises, through which the assimilation of ways of behaving in life and personal difficulties is carried out);

- state trainings (this is special kind, including methods for overcoming the state and other internal barriers and various complexes that arise in humans);

- research trainings (help individuals who set goals to understand personal limitations and gain emotional experience, which often helps in understanding something);

- transformational (focused on the basic (deep) beliefs of a person, his values ​​and condition). The individual has very powerful internal spiritual transformations (enlightenment, breakthrough,), due to the occurrence of which he will be able to reveal something new in everyday life. habitual life or realize something differently.

Personal growth training for women involves dividing into groups that differ polarly. The first group consists of women subject to oppression by family members.

The purpose of personal growth training is to gain self-knowledge and develop fortitude, which helps to gain confidence and resist people who want to keep the female will from an independent, happy and self-sufficient life.

Training for women is in group form and in individual form. Participation in group trainings gives a woman a powerful impetus, because being among like-minded people, she feels confident.

The second group of personal growth training are women who work in large organizations and companies in leadership positions.

Not everyone is a natural leader, but many have to work in an organization and hold a leadership position. The charismatic attractiveness of a person helps a person achieve significant results in career advancement. Those who do not have this characteristic need to work hard and cultivate discipline in themselves. However, hard work does not help a woman overcome such a problem as internal timidity in relations with the team she leads. More often, such timidity occurs if the team is made up of men.

Personal growth training for women is focused on the development and discovery of internal potential; recognizing fears that prevent you from living a full life; development positive traits and qualities; search for resources to help development.

Not all classes in a row can be in the same degree useful. Quite often they conclude a veiled threat and can only harm the personality itself. The group member must know the dangers of personal growth training and recognize this danger.

In destructive sessions, participants are encouraged to destroy their personality or part of themselves that they consider unworthy and do it extremely abruptly, as if cutting it off. Such training does not at all lead to the progress of personal growth, on the contrary, it only breaks the human psyche. Advice such as "give up the old self" or "kill your weakness" is very destructive, has nothing to do with professional psychotherapy, and does not promote personal growth.

The danger of these meetings lies in the personality of the leader of the group. After working with a true psychotherapist, a person begins to notice that his emotional state has improved, fundamental changes occur in life, he becomes confident and successful.

As a result of communication with a destructive coach, a group member feels devastated and humiliated. Such a "guru" behaves with the members of the group arrogantly and cruelly. He offends, puts people in an uncomfortable position, reproaches them with weakness and ignorance. Such a leader seems to be deliberately trying to cause emotional suffering, explaining this as motivation and hardening.

Through emotional buildup, the facilitator tries to earn approval, he wants to assert himself, and not teach this to the participants in the personal growth training. He sees the ultimate goal of this training not to help others, but to subjugate their will to himself in order to force them to follow everything that the “trainer” says.

In order to understand the danger of such training in time, you need to listen to your feelings. If there is a feeling of emptiness and humiliation, you need to run away from this coach.

Destructive trainers teach that experiencing negative emotions, aggression, and suffering will only benefit the trainee for personal growth. Therefore, instructors often insult group members and try to provoke them into aggression. A person is forced to perform illogical actions: calling himself names, expressing joy for no reason, kissing or hugging strangers, declaring that this is “for their good.”

A destructive coach teaches participants to be rude and arrogant, since these qualities, in their opinion, characterize a person who is self-confident, which means successful.

First, pressure, then humiliation, then praise - this is a way of emotional swinging, which leads to the submission of participants to the coach.

A truly experienced, intelligent and conscientious psychotherapist, leading a group or personal counseling, will never humiliate a client in personal practice, will not force him to do what he categorically does not accept.

A smart and benevolent psychotherapist will teach individuals how to stand up for themselves without the use of rudeness and rudeness.

The danger of these activities may lie in the fact that members of the group are taught to actively and aggressively attack, and not defend themselves, thus, a substitution of concepts comes out when they are taught that an attack is the best protection, or arrogance is the second happiness.

If a person is taught to be aggressive and rude, then he ended up in a destructive training. After visiting such a training, a person feels guilty. Even when he is absolutely unwilling to step over himself in order to show aggression, he is forced to do so.

If a person nevertheless manages to “squeeze out” an impudent trick unusual for himself, then the leader and the group approve with admiration, although the person himself does not like it. Upon returning home, a person feels a sense of shame and feels guilty for what he did at the training. The condition is aggravated by the fact that an internal one is formed between what is imposed on him in training sessions and what he considers the norm for himself. It is these sensations that are considered signs of the danger of personal growth training. If, at the end of the training, a person feels guilt that was not there before, then there is no need to attend this training anymore.

Best Exercises for personal growth training

Exercise for personal growth training "I am in the future"

Each participant draws himself in the future. There is a protection by the participants of their drawing.

Exercise for personal growth training "Syringe"

The purpose of the exercise: to help participants feel and experience the situation of persuasion more deeply, to develop "immunity" to psychological influence.

Every teenager has a natural psychological barrier in relation to drugs, especially intravenous drugs. It is not so easy for the first time to decide to pierce a vein or introduce a substance into the body, the effect of which is unpredictable. It is at this stage, before the teenager has passed the "initiation": he made the first injection or smoked the first cigarette, it is necessary to develop self-defense skills in him.

The exercise is done in a circle. Instruction: the one who has a syringe in his hands should offer the neighbor on the right to inject himself with the drug allegedly in the syringe; the task of the second is to refuse; 3 attempts are made, after which the syringe is transferred to the one who refuses, and so on in a circle. At the end, a short discussion is held, those options for refusal are noted that were the most convincing, and those cases when the "tempter" retained a persistent desire to continue persuasion.

Exercise for personal growth training "Suitcase on the road"

The group sits in a circle.

We are finishing our work. Now each of you will take turns placing this chair in front of you (the leader puts the chair in the center of the circle). All members of the group, in the order that is convenient for you, will come up to you, sit on a chair and name one quality that, in their opinion, helps you, and one that hinders you. At the same time, one must remember that one should name those qualities that have manifested themselves in the course of the work of the group and are amenable to correction. After everyone has given their opinion, next member takes a chair and puts it in front of him. The exercise is repeated, etc.

Exercise for personal growth training "Color of emotions"

Choose a driver. The leader of the gong closes his eyes, and the rest of the participants quietly think of some color among themselves, for starters, one of the main ones is better: red, green, blue, yellow. When the driver opens his eyes, all participants, by their behavior, first of all, emotional state, try to depict this color without naming it, and the driver must guess what color it is. If he guessed correctly, then another driver is selected, if not, then the same one remains. So, on command, one player closes his eyes, and everyone else silently thinks of a color. Then the player opens their eyes, and everyone else depicts the intended color with their behavior. The driver must guess it. All clear? Attention! Thanks, game over.

Exercise for personal growth training "Taboo"

Purpose of the exercise: to help participants understand how they feel about various prohibitions and restrictions. Often, curiosity or a desire to taste the forbidden fruit, or the desire to demonstrate one's courage, guides a teenager in his actions. Well, when he knows what feelings control him, this allows him to make an informed choice.

The facilitator puts in the center of the circle a small box or box containing an unknown object. “There lies something that is impossible,” says the presenter. Then he invites everyone to somehow express themselves in relation to this subject. Participants can stand up or remain in place, expressing the attitude with facial expressions or gestures; they can approach the box, take it in their hands, look inside - everyone does as he sees fit. Even if someone stays in place, doing nothing, this will also be a way to respond to the situation. When doing the exercise, it is important to remember that this is an exercise of action, not explanation, so if someone tries to simply verbalize their position, it is the facilitator's task to encourage him to "show" his attitude.

Exercise for personal growth training "Self-presentation"

Purpose: inclusion adaptive mechanisms, working out the skills of displaying emotions that contribute to the process of professional adaptation.

1) The trainer invites each of the participants to tell about themselves and about the events that are significant for him from the position of what caused:




2) The procedure goes in a circle and may include an assessment of the self-presentation of the previous participant according to the same “surprise-interest-joy” scheme.

3) At the end of the procedure, you can discuss the results of self-presentation in the group (if necessary).

Exercise for personal growth training "Pessimist, Optimist, Jester"

Purpose: to create a holistic attitude of a person to problem situation, gaining experience in handling problems with different points vision.

1) The trainer invites each participant to describe on separate sheets in several sentences the situation that causes him stressful condition or strong negative emotions, or a situation that the participant finds it difficult to accept. The written story should not contain any emotional descriptions, only facts and actions.

3. The trainer reads out all the options to the group stressful situations, and the group selects the 2-3 most typical ones that are significant for everyone.

4. The trainer invites the group to divide into three subgroups and distributes one story to each subgroup. The task for the subgroups is as follows: fill each story with emotional content - pessimistic (for the 1st subgroup), optimistic (for the 2nd subgroup) and clownish (for the 3rd subgroup). That is, to complete the proposed story and supplement it with details characteristic of a Pessimist or an Optimist or a Jester.

6. After all situations have been read and all have been said possible options attitude towards them, the coach suggests discussing the results of the game and that real help received by each participant.

Exercise for personal growth training "Where am I on?"

Purpose of the exercise: to help participants build adequate self-esteem

The participants are given a form with a ladder of 10 steps drawn on it. Instructions are given: "Draw yourself on the step on which you think you are now."

After everyone has drawn, the facilitator gives the key to this technique:

Step 1-4 - low self-esteem

5-7 step - self-esteem is adequate

8-10 step - self-esteem is too high

Exercise for personal growth training "Consignment shop"

Purpose of the exercise: - formation of skills of introspection, self-understanding and self-criticism; - identification of significant personal qualities for joint training work; - deepening knowledge about each other through the disclosure of the qualities of each participant.

It is proposed to play in a thrift store. The goods that the seller accepts are human qualities, for example: kindness, stupidity, openness. Participants write down their character traits, both positive and negative, on the card. Then it is proposed to make a bargain, in which each of the participants can get rid of some unnecessary quality, or part of it, and acquire something necessary. For example, someone lacks for efficient life eloquence, and he can offer for him some part of his calmness and poise.

At the end of the task, the results are summed up and impressions are discussed.

The exercise takes 20-25 minutes.

Exercise for personal growth training "But ..."

Purpose: to reduce the level of frustration or stress. Search possible ways her permission.

1) The coach invites each participant in the game to briefly describe on a piece of paper any unfulfilled desire, any actual stressful or conflict situation, not allowed on this moment or remembered as intractable (anonymity of authorship is allowed).

2) Then the trainer collects all the sheets, mixes them up and offers the participants the following discussion procedure:

Each written situation is read to the group and the participants must give as many reasons as possible to the fact that this situation not intractable at all, but simple, funny or even profitable with the help of bundles like:

“but...”, “it could have been worse!”, “I didn’t really want to, because ...” or “great, because now ...”;

After all the situations are read out and all possible attitudes towards them are expressed, the coach offers to discuss the results of the game and the real help that each participant received for himself.

Exercise for training personal growth "In what I was lucky in this life"

The purpose of the exercise: increasing the level of optimism in life, creating a good mood for work.

The group members are divided into pairs. The facilitator offers a task: "For three minutes, tell your partner about what you were lucky in this life. After three minutes, switch roles." After the exercise, a short exchange of impressions is held.

Technique "Sunday evening"

This technique will contribute to your personal growth, the crystallization of interests. If you are stressed out by the circumstances, that is, you cannot boast of poise, applying this technique can help you. In addition, technology can help you tune in in the best way for the upcoming work week.

The essence of the technique is extremely simple. All that is required of you is to accustom yourself, your loved ones and friends to the fact that Sunday evening is your personal time. The time you take care of yourself. At this time, you can isolate yourself from people in private room. You can go for a walk, go to the park or - say - to the cinema. You can do anything. In fact, there is one limitation here - not to be associated with someone this evening by some kind of obligation. Theoretically, you can devote Sunday evening to communicating with your spouse or child. But one way or another, they will still demand something from you. Therefore, the best thing is just to be alone with yourself, your hobby.

The factor of obligation puts a lot of pressure on an adult person: it is due at work, due in the family, due to friends, due to acquaintances and distant relatives ... And it is likely that under these "slabs" the green shoots of your interests and hidden abilities. It is only worth occasionally giving these sprouts sunlight... Already after a month or two it will be difficult for you to imagine how you used to live without a free Sunday evening.

Role-playing game"Seduction"

The purpose of the exercise: to allow in a playful way to explore the situation of "seduction". Participation in the discussion allows the teenager to develop a reasoned position and refusal skills.

Two volunteers take on the roles of girlfriends who met one evening at the apartment while their parents are not at home. The task of one is to persuade the other to drink alcohol with her, using all sorts of arguments for this. The other must refuse by all means. The duration of this interaction is 15 minutes. At the end, the rest of the participants give "feedback" to the girlfriend who refuses, in order to highlight the moments that were most successful in terms of defending their position, and those that were unconvincing.

In another version of the same exercise, the guy can be the persuading party, and the girl refuses; it is assumed that there is mutual sympathy between them.

During the general discussion, participants are asked to answer two questions:

Which opt-out options were the most convincing for you?

What inside of you helped you to give up?

The trainings of the Moscow Training Center are built according to the following principle:

  • 25 percent - interactive lectures and discussions
  • 50 percent are exercises that recreate real life situations
  • 25 percent - discussion of exercises, conclusions, planning for applying the experience gained in real life

The three parts of the program - the Basic Course, the Advanced Course and the Leadership Program are, in our opinion, the most effective combination.

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is a determining factor for success in a person's life. This term appeared in the 90s of the 20th century and describes a person’s ability to control his impulsive impulses, the ability to self-discipline and steady movement towards the chosen goal, the ability to understand and accept one’s own motives and feelings, as well as the motives and feelings of other people, personal responsibility, ability come to joint decisions, cope with stress and be emotionally effective in crisis situations, etc.

As a result of training, our graduates note positive changes in the following areas of emotional intelligence:

  • Self-awareness (understanding own emotions and the impact they have on others).
  • Self-regulation (think before answering, rejection of judgments and evaluations in relation to oneself and other people);
  • Self-motivation (development of deep motivation in relation to the most important life goals and the skill to achieve the goals with energy and perseverance);
  • Empathy (understanding other people's emotions and developing compassion and understanding);
  • Social skills (the ability to create trusting and close relationships).

Team Building Skills

Much attention in the training is given to the skills of building a team. The relationship between team players directly determines team effectiveness and results. That is why it is so important to learn how to be a reliable team player and demonstrate such qualities as:

  • A responsibility;
  • Reliability;
  • Decency;
  • High motivation;
  • Leadership;
  • Effective actions in crisis and force majeure situations;
  • Ability to rally the team into a result-oriented team;
  • The ability to take risks individually and as a team for unprecedented results when everyone else is folded.

Planning, goal setting, time management are also areas in which program participants receive support and coaching.

These skills and knowledge allow participants to make breakthroughs in areas that are most important to them: relationships that can bring a sense of harmony, joy, wholeness and happiness, impetuous career growth, increase in financial income "at times", health, development creativity to the heights of the dream ...

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