Moscow International Multi-Genre Festival of Children's Creativity “Musical Kaleidoscope. Scenario of the competition program "Musical Kaleidoscope"


Scenario of the competition Musical kaleidoscope» for grades 3-4

Music teacher Blokhina Oksana Vladimirovna,KSU "Rassvetskaya secondary school»

Target : creating conditions for the active involvement of children in an interesting summing up of the week of music.

Tasks :

Form complete system knowledge on the topic extracurricular activities;

Cultivate a love for music.

Develop the ability to work in groups

Game participants : leader - teacher and 3 teams of players.

Game progress

Organizing time

1 slide - title

Leading: Good afternoon to all who have gathered today in our cozy room. And we are here for a special occasion.

I can't live a day without music!

She is in me. She is around me.

And in the singing of birds, and in the noise of cities,

In the silence of grasses and in rainbow of colors,

And in the glow of dawn above the earth ...

But how can she live without us

At least a day, half a day? At least an hour!

Without our thoughts and earthly joys,

Without trifles funny and unfunny? ..

We thank her for everything! talking

And, believing in its triumph, we create! (O. Gadzhikasisov)

October 1 is World Music Day. It is to this event that we dedicate the competition program “Musical kaleidoscope.

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Wherever a person works or rests, music sounds. It helps to cheer up, supports in Hard time. And our today's competition program is very closely connected with music and musical instruments. Each of you will be able to show your Creative skills, ingenuity, musical erudition. In between rounds, during musical breaks, students will perform in front of you elementary school. Now let me introduce you to the participants.I wish successful performances to the teams, good mood to the spectators and fans. So here we go!

For all correct answers and completed tasks, you will receive small musical note badges. And then you can exchange your notes for sweets from the magic box. The team with the most entries will receive a prize. Are you ready to overcome all obstacles? Now let's check!

The first competition "Musical warm-up"

You need to finish the lines of the poems.

I dream of becoming an artist

famous pianist

To play music

I will study notes

I will sit on the sofa

I'll draw stave

A beam dances on the wall

This is my treble clef

We will study with him without worries

Seven cheerful sonorous notes!

To make it easy to remember

We will call them

The duck sat on the nest

This will be the note to

Sleeping dog in the yard

This will be the note RE

Take the cat out of the tree

This will be the note MI

A bustard runs across the steppe

This will be the note FA

And a moth flies in the closet

This will be the note SALT

I see a crane in the sky

This will be the note LA

Carp shine in the sea

This will be the SI note

Mom, mom, how happy I am

I know the full scale

I will answer you ask

DO, RE, MI, FA, SOL, LA, SI. (D. Smiles)

The second competition is "Auction of "musical" words".

Teams need to come up with as many words as possible that begin with the name of the notes.

Do - house, road, chisel ...

The third competition "Pantomime"

One participant from each team is invited. One of the participants chooses a card with a photo of a musical instrument. With the help of gestures (pantomime), he will depict the game on this instrument, and the other participant will have to guess from his movements which musical instrument his opponent played.

Musical pause.

The fourth contest "Guess it"

So that the ardor of fun does not fade away,

To make time go faster

Friends, we invite you

Get to the riddles soon.

1. He looks like a brother to the button accordion,

Where there is fun, there it is.

I won't suggest

Everyone knows ... (accordion).

2. Smooth bow movements

The strings tremble

The motive murmurs from afar,

Sings about the lunar wind.

How clear is the overflow of sounds,

They have joy and a smile,

Sounds dreamy...

Its name is ... (violin).

3. Five steps - ladder,

On the steps - a song (notes).

4.Which instrument

Do you have strings and a pedal?

What is this? Undoubtedly

This is our glorious ... (piano).

5. I put a pipe to my lips -

A trill poured through the forest, -

The instrument is very fragile.

It is called ... (pipe).

6. That gets fat, then loses weight,

7. Skin on top, bottom too,

And in the middle is empty (drum).

8. You will take it in your hands,

You stretch, then you squeeze.

loud, elegant,

Russian, two-row (accordion).

9. Carved in the forest

smoothly carved,


What is the name of? (violin)

Fifth contest " Guess musical instrument »

3-5 slides

Now on the slide you will be presented with a picture that depicts a musical instrument. You will open 1 square. Your task is to guess it by opening as few squares as possible.

Answer: guitar, piano, accordion.

Musical pause.

Sixth competition "Multi-remote"

6-8 slides

A representative from each team needs to remember and perform a song cartoon character(Gena the crocodile, Leopold the cat, Lion cub and Turtle).

Seventh competition: "Guess the puzzles"

Two participants from each team are invited. Participants are invited to guess musical puzzles.

9 slide

Musical pause:

Eighth competition "Guess the melody"

Four participants from each team are invited to the stage. Teams are offered melodies famous songs. Each participant begins his performance with the words "I will guess this melody from ... notes" (from 7 notes, at least three). Who will choose least amount sounds, he guesses. Music sounds in the form of a monophonic melody. Listen to the verbal prompt.

1. A song about a corner of paradise with blue skies, hot summers and an eternal fruit diet. (Chunga-Changa)

2. A song about the daily activities of children for 10-11 years. (what is taught in school)

3. "Song - horror story" about what can happen if you walk on dark forest, unaccompanied by adults. (Grey goat)

4. A song about a very complex arithmetic operation, known to almost the entire human population . (Two by two is four )

5. A song about the contraction of the facial muscles of the face, leading to good mood everyone around. (Smile)

6. Action of compassion for inanimate object(The little Christmas tree is cold in winter)

The ninth competition "Blitz-tournament"

Two participants from each team are invited. Now a blitz tournament is being announced. Team members take turns answering questions. For each correct answer, a note badge is given.

1. What do we hear with our ears? (sound).

2. What is the name of a musician or singer who plays or sings accompanied by an orchestra or choir? (soloist).

3. A musical instrument in the form of a table with three legs (piano).

4. What are they called graphic signs for the record musical sounds? (notes).

5. What is pulled on the guitar (strings).

6. Solemn song - a symbol of the state (anthem).

7. Sad sad sound of music (minor).

8. What every person has arises as a result of fluctuations in the ligaments (voice).

9. Cheerful optimistic sound of music (major).

10. What instrument did Sherlock Holmes play? (violin).

11. Name a keyboard musical instrument

12. Name the Russian folk stringed musical instrument

13. A play in a clear rhythm to accompany military parades, demonstrations, processions ( march)

14. Author, creator of musical works ( composer)

15. Numerous team of instrumental musicians (orchestra)

16. Ensemble of two performers (duet)

17. Name a wind musical instrument

18. Lyrical, thoughtful song accompanying the motion sickness of a child (lullaby)

19. Russian folk songs based on repeated repetition of a small couplet (chastushka)

20. What key will not open the door?

21. What Russian folk instrument available in every home? (spoons)

Musical pause

Leading: Time flew by unnoticed. Our competition program has come to an end. Now the jury will announce the final results. Let's support the teams with a round of applause.



10 slide

MOU "Yasnopolyanskaya school"

Dzhankoysky district

Republic of Crimea


Developed by: Osmanova Z.M.

Gafurova E.E.


Goals : identify the level of musical knowledge;

develop intelligence, attention, resourcefulness;

improve the skill of choral singing;

develop an interest in music.

Event progress

A poem about music.

Quietly, quietly sit next to

Music enters our house

In an amazing outfit:

Multicolored, painted.

And suddenly the walls move apart -

The whole earth is visible around.

The waves of the foamy river are splashing,

The forest and meadow are lightly dormant.

Steppe paths run into the distance,

Melt in a blue haze.

This music is rushing

And he is calling us.

People have long listened to the sounds of nature and listened to music in them. Have you ever heard the music of the rain, the music of the wind, the music of bird voices? Music lives everywhere, manifesting itself in different sounds.

The wind is barely audible,

Lipa sighs by the garden.

Sensitive music lives everywhere -

In the rustle of grass

In the noise of oak forests -

You just need to listen.

The stream flows loudly

Thunder falls from the sky

With this eternal melody

The world is filled with nature!

Your silent tears

Willow drops at the ford

The nightingales greet the nightingale with a trill

the sound of branches,

Song of the rains

The world is filled with nature.

The birds welcome the sunrise.

The swallow is happy with the sun!

Sensitive music lives everywhere

You just need to listen.

1 team- Melody 2 team -Rhythm

We will spend a few music competitions. For all correct answers and completed tasks, you will receive tokens. At the end, we will summarize and identify winning team. So on the road!

1. Competition "Rhythmic Concert"

(teams repeat the movements after the teacher)

At the expense of "one" - clap with both hands.

On the count of "two" - click with the fingers of the right hand

On the count of "three" - click the fingers of the left hand.

Teacher: And now we will play the game “Come on! »

(players of each team repeat the movements for the teacher)

Come on, clap like me (2 claps)

Come on, all together, all at once

So they clap only with us! (2 claps)

Come on, stomp like me (2 stomp)

Come on, stomp like me (2 stomp)

So they stomp only with us! (2 floods)

Come on, meow like me (meow meow)

Come on, meow like me (meow meow)

So only we meow! (Meow meow)

Come on, bark like me (woof-woof)

Come on, bark like me (woof-woof)

Well, all together all at once

So they bark only with us! (WOF WOF)

Come on, grunt like me (oink-oink)

Come on, all together, all at once

So they grunt only with us! (oink-oink)

2. Competition "Guess me"

(the teacher makes riddles about musical instruments)

So that the ardor of fun does not fade away,

To make time go faster

Friends, I invite you

Get to the riddles soon.

He looks like a brother to the button accordion,

Where there is fun, there it is.

I won't suggest

Everyone knows………( accordion)

Five steps ladder

On the steps - song (notes)

Which instrument

Do you have strings and a pedal?

What is this? Undoubtedly

This is our glorious... (piano)

I put a pipe to my lips

A trill poured through the forest, -

The instrument is very fragile.

It is called…….( flute)

It gets fat, then it gets thin,

Skin on top, skin on the bottom too

And the middle is empty drum)

Success is guaranteed to me in the copper group,

I am needed in those houses where stoves are heated ( pipe)

I'm spinning, but not spinning

And I'm running a needle.

I talk, I sing, I play. ( plate)

What key won't open the door?


What note is put in the soup? (salt)

3. Competition "musical words"

? ?

(think of words in which notes occur, for example: house, repair, mirage, beans, etc.)

with a note: "to" (road, house, chisel ...)

"re" (river, repair, craft...)

"mi" (mimosa, peace, facial expressions ...)

"fa" (headlight, apron, surname ....)

"salt" (beans ...)

"la" (frog, clang ....)

"si" (orphan, tit, lilac ...)

4.Competition "Understand me"

(the presenter reads the hint to each team in turn, and the participants must guess the song from it)

  1. A song about a long journey

girls in bright hats. ( Little Red Riding Hood song)

2. Song about a pet,

which the whole house hated. ( Black cat)

3. Song about the country where you can meet

the firebird and the golden horse. ( Little country)

4. Song about daily activities

children for 11 years. ( What is taught in school)

5. Song about how good

walk with friends. ( It's fun to walk together)

  1. A song about a bright, scarlet flower.

(Song of the Silk Tassel)

5. Competition "Sing a song"

(according to the proposed pictures, the children should remember the song and perform it)

cartoon picture"Antoshka"

Railway carriage"Blue carriage"

Dog"Lost Dog"

Sun"Let there always be sunshine"

6.Competition "Roll Call"

(teams take turns calling musical instruments)

7.Competition "Musical Mosaic"

(teams take turns guessing songs from a musical fragment)

  • "Song of the Lion and the Turtle"
  • " Two happy geese"
  • "Two by two is four"
  • "Our land"
  • "We will survive this inconvenience"
  • "Song of the Mammoth"
  • "Lost Dog"
  • " The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"

8. Competition "You to me, I to you"

(team players ask each other prepared questions)

sample questions:

  • What are those people called?

who write music? (by composers)

  • What can be used to record music?

(with notes)

*What is the name of a group of musicians who perform a piece of music together on various instruments?


* What is the name of the person who leads the orchestra?


9.Competition "Guess the melody"

According to the description of the song, you must guess what the song is, who performs it and sing an excerpt from this song.

  1. A song about a long journey of a little girl in a bright hat ("If it's a long, long time" - Little Red Riding Hood's song)
  2. A song about the maintenance of the head, which for a little bear cub is not special

values ​​(Winnie the Pooh Song)

3. Song by syllables about a wooden man (Pinocchio)

4. A song about the future, which should not be cruel to our contemporaries (“Beautiful

5. A song about a piece of land where ugly people live, but kind people. ("Island

bad luck")

6. Song about animals with long ears working as lawn mowers (Song about

7. A song about a spirit that lived in a swamp and helped build flying ship(I'm a merman, I'm a merman)

8. Song about strange toy that no one noticed (Cheburashka's song "I was once

strange nameless toy")

9. Song about an African island where life is easy and simple (Chunga-changa)

10. A song about an animal that loved to sunbathe in the sun (Song of a lion cub and a turtle "I'm on

I'm lying in the sun")

11. A song about animals, thanks to which our planet moves around its axis

(Somewhere in the world)

12. A song about the most joyful holiday that happens once a year (Song of the crocodile Gena)

Summing up. Rewarding participants.

"Picture a fairy tale"

Two teams are playing. One team conceives any famous fairy tale and tries to portray her without words. And the other team must guess what kind of fairy tale it is and who portrays whom. In this game, it is important to agree in advance on the joint showing of a fairy tale, and then coordinate their actions with each other without words.

Pass the motion

Children stand in a circle and close their eyes. An adult, being in a general circle, comes up with some kind of movement (for example, combing his hair, washing his hands, catching a butterfly, etc.), then “wakes up” his neighbor and shows him his movement, he “wakes up” the next one and shows him and so on - in a circle, until all the children "wake up" and the turn reaches the last one. The game continues until everyone has guessed their move and passed it around.


The players are divided into pairs and stand in a circle, with one of the pair standing behind the other at a distance. arms outstretched and looks strictly into the back of the head in front of him. Necessary odd number players so that one is left without a pair. During the game, the “lonely” winks at one of the guys standing in pairs in front, and the latter must quickly run over to the extra one and stand behind him. The one standing behind in a pair must react and prevent the one in front from escaping. If he nevertheless ran away, the remaining one blinks to someone from the other pair. The main condition: the rear should look at the back of the head first. And you can't wink at the next couple. The game must be dynamic. Just look, because you can tear your clothes.

Choose a partner

Choose a partner

Children sit in a circle. The teacher says: “Now you will have to split into pairs. Each of you must silently choose a partner for yourself, but in such a way that others do not notice it. For example, I want Masha to be my partner, I look at her and wink at her imperceptibly. Try to negotiate with the one you chose with your eyes. All agreed? Now we will find out who failed to agree. On the count of three, run up to your partner and take his hand." If it doesn’t work the first time, the exercise should be repeated several times, while the teacher should ensure that the children change in pairs.

Who said?

A leader is chosen who sits with his back to the group. Then one of the children, whom the teacher pointed to, says: “You won’t recognize my voice, who said it, you won’t guess.” The leader must find out by voice which of the children said this phrase. The next leader is the child whose voice was guessed. The game continues until each child has been the leader.

build a deck

The participants in the game are two or four. All will help them. auditorium. Players are given one card each - an ace of any suit. The rest of the cards are dealt in the hall. The task of the "aces" is to collect all the cards of their suit from the "six" to the "king" as quickly as possible. Card holders - spectators can run to the "ace" only after the previous card has already appeared next to it.

Purpose of the game: development of mindfulness, speed.

At least five people take part in the game. The players line up playground in one line, the head of the game or the chosen leader becomes against them. Players hold their arms outstretched forward with folded palms.

The leader of the game has a pebble, he walks in front of the line and pretends to want to put it in the palms of the players. Then he discreetly lowers the pebble into someone's palms. The one who gets the stone runs to the predetermined point and back to return the stone to the leader. The rest of the players chase him and try to catch him while he is in the field. You can't catch him on the line.

Rules of the game:

  • if the player comes back and no one can catch him, in the next round he takes the place of the leader;
  • if the player is caught, the player who first touched the one who ran will take the place of the leader.

Musical kaleidoscope in kindergarten. Scenario for children of the middle group

Author: Liliya Petrovna Kuznetsova, musical director of the MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 6" Malachite "of the city of Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic.

Methodical development "Musical kaleidoscope".

This material will be useful in working with children of middle groups kindergarten, how music directors as well as educators. In the development of the proposed games aimed at development musical ability child.
middle group
Target: Cultivate interest and love for music through play.
- To teach the child to hear, listen and perceive music.
- To develop children's creative thinking, rhythmic hearing.
- Cultivate musical culture.
"Musical Chairs"
A task: Teach children to move in the nature of music.
Methodology: The teacher tells the children that their chairs will turn from simple to musical. And as soon as the music starts, they need to clap, stomp or spank its rhythm while sitting on chairs.
-soft music
- rhythmic, fast music
-polka, etc.

"Rhythmic Legs"
A task: Teach children to move with side steps slowly and quickly.
Legs move slowly
And they chase each other.
Step, add, step more,
We are walking well.

Legs moving fast
And they chase each other.
Step, add, step more,
We are walking well.

"Wide and narrow circle"
A task: Teach children to narrow and expand the circle.
Circle, guys, we are narrowing,
And we squat a little (spring).
And now we're expanding
We also squat together (spring).

"Bunnies and Bears"

A task: master different types rhythm in playing musical instruments.
Game description: Children are divided into two teams, one plays the rhythm of bunnies on tambourines, the other plays the rhythm of bears on drums. Then the children change musical instruments. Before playing musical instruments, the rhythm slams.

One, two, three, four, five,
The bunnies went out for a walk
One, two, three, four, five,
Yes, how they started to jump!

Bear, bear,
Have fun playing!
Bear, bear.
Don't scare kids!

"Naughty Rain"
A task: To teach children to feel the rhythmic pulsation, to convey it with claps.
How-cap, slap-slap,
The rain is merrily falling
Cap-cap, slap-slap.
It goes very slowly.

Droplets began to play
Knock very fast.

"Fast slow"
A task: Teach children to distinguish the tempo of music.
Game description:Children run to fast music in loose music throughout the hall, to slow music they move on their toes.

"Music Sketches"
A task: Teach children to move to music, depicting different animals.
1. As the soldiers walked,
marched together,
Left, right, one and two
What a baby!

2. And now let's go like bears,
We are like bears, little rascals!
Waddle, one and two,
What a baby!

3. We will gallop like horses,
And it can't be otherwise
Above the legs one and two,
What a baby!

4. And now we are like chanterelles,
Very clever sisters
Gently ponytail one, two,
What a baby!

5. We will go like cockerels,
golden combs,
Together together, one and two,
What a baby!

6. We fly like butterflies,
We don't look at each other
Gently wave, one and two,
What a baby!

"Merry Metallophone"
A task: Teach children to rhythmically play glissando on a metallophone.
Game description: Children play glissando for the word jing, for the second verse they play one plate at a time.

Ringing, ringing, ringing ringing,
Ringing metallophone.
Ring - what, ring what,
Ding - he's funny!

Knock, knock, knock, in turn,
We rapped on the notes
Knock, knock, knock knock all day.
We are not too lazy to do.

Eroshkina Ludmila Timofeevna

MKOU OOSH, village of Pushkino, Yaransky district Kirov region

Music and art teacher

Game-competition "Musical Kaleidoscope"

opening speech teachers. Music is one of the art forms. Like literature, painting and theater, it is a figurative reflection of the world.
    At what age do you think a person hears music for the first time? Indeed, from the first minutes of a person's life, music enters his house with a mother's lullaby. Where can you hear music? From morning until late in the evening, music accompanies us during the holidays, it sounds on camping trips, on the street, in the cinema, in the theater. It pours from the radio, from the TV, during lunch, dinner. In a word, it sounds everywhere and everywhere. And today, as you probably already guessed, we dedicate our game to ... music.

Game progress.

So let's start. For each correct answer, a token (note) is awarded. At the end of the game, after counting the tokens, we will see who will become the best player in our Musical Kaleidoscope.
    Competitions with notes.
    Solve the riddle.
- Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si - The sparrows have arrived. They sat on my notebook And they sang the tune. (notes) - Without what it is impossible to create music? (without notes) How many are there? List.
    Read what is written .
In the garden in the beds grew: ogu (re) c, by (mi, do) r, (fa, salt), (re) pa, (re) dis. (Mi) sha and Ko (la) (re) sewed to harvest.
    Musical words.
If you know the names of notes, animals, plants, then you will successfully complete the task. An animal whose name contains the note "re" (note drawing) (tortoise). A plant that looks like a pea. (beans) Bird and flower, in the name of which there is "si" (tit, lilac) A bird and a plant where the note “do” met (hoopard, plantain)
    With the world on a note.
Think of words that have syllables. "fa" (bean, harp, pharaoh, pheasant, torch ...) “before” (board, road, house, daughter ...) "re" (turnip, river, radish, belt, elastic band ...) "la" (frog, mile ...) "si" (strength, siren, blue ...)
Feather, si, whale (peaches) La, goose, closet (frog)
    Children know everything in the world -
Lots of music in the world. Of 7 regular notes Composer creates: Plays, operas, sonatas Arioso il cantatas, symphonic tales, Minuets or dances. But one favorite genre Everyone from the cradle is dear to us Life is more wonderful, more interesting, When next to us - song! (M.N. Glubokaya)
    They say you can't take a word out of a song. This is right. I call the words Can you guess what songs they are from?
Fun (Together it's fun to walk) Friends (When my friends are with me) Grasshopper (A grasshopper was sitting in the grass) Pedestrians (Song of Gena the crocodile) Firmament (Chunga-Changa) Cheburashka (Song of Cheburashka)
    What do these songs have in common? (one composer - V.Ya.Shainsky) What other songs do you know? (Antoshka, Clouds...) Guess the melody from the description.
This song is about a tree with Russian roots, it is a symbol of Russia (“There was a birch in the field”) A song about an incident that happened to the owner of the forest ("Fitter") In this song you can hear about the verb and the dash (“What they teach at school”) What car is mentioned in the song, in which you can reach the sky ("Blue Car") Who did not pass anything and who did not ask anything? ("Antoshka")
    And without what not to hear the sound of a note?
Find the extra word
    violin, trumpet, guitar, balalaika, bow accordion, button accordion, harmonica, piano , keys
How to name the remaining words in one word? (musical instruments) Guess riddles.
    triangular body,
3 strings and a sonorous voice. Well, try and guess This is our ... (balalaika)
    He will shine in the sun
Buzzes with a gentle sound, In jazz, the very first Silver ... (saxophone)
    This instrument is in the military band, by the stove, but she does not play it. (pipe) Louder than the flute, louder than the violin
Louder than the trumpets is our giant. It's rhythmic, it's great Our cheerful ... (drum)
    Smooth bow movements
The strings tremble The motive sounds from afar Sings on a moonlit evening. How clear the sounds are rehashed They have joy and a smile Sounds dreamy tune I am called ... (violin)
    Which instrument
Do you have strings and a pedal? What is this? Undoubtedly This is our ... (piano)
    I put a pipe to my lips
A trill poured through the forest The instrument is very fragile. It is called ... (pipe)
    Stretch, not rubber.
With valves, not a machine. The songs are sung, not the radio. (accordion)
    it stringed instrument. Its history began in ancient times, when primitive began to use the sound of a bowstring. It can have 6, 7 or 12 strings. (guitar) He looks like a brother to the button accordion
Where there is fun, there he is ... I'm not going to suggest Everyone knows ... (accordion)
    Three whales.
Determine which whale the work belongs to.
    E. Doga "Waltz" from the movie "My sweet and gentle beast" W. Mozart "Lullaby" M. Glinka "Polka" P. Tchaikovsky "March of wooden soldiers"
    Solve the crossword.
    One of the whales in music. How many strings does a violin have? Sadko's favorite musical instrument. What is the name of the person who makes musical works? It gets fat, then it gets thin,
Sings throughout the house A relative of the piano, a brother of the button accordion.
    The solemn song is a symbol of the state. The most ancient "whale" in music.
Melody is the soul of music. It is she who is closest to a person, because it is consonant with his voice, soul. The last chords sounded in our game. It's time to sum up.
Thank you all for your attention For enthusiasm and ringing laughter, For the fire of competition Ensuring success. Music flows like a river It winds like a musical line. Again, the sounds of the flood swept all around. Now let's sing your favorite song.

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