Fun math (extracurricular activity). Extra-curricular event "Physics and Mathematics Tournament"


Mathematical KVN

“We are not yet Archimedes…..”

(for 9th grade students)

Frontally repeat the educational material in mathematics;

develop logical thinking, speech, attention and memory;

Expand the horizons of students;

Cultivate an interest in mathematics.
Motto: "The road will be mastered by the one who walks, and mathematics by the thinker."
2 teams take part in the game: the "Radius" team (joyful, active, friendly, inventive, smart, courageous) and the "Figure" team (physical culture initiative, competent, skillful, cheerful, reckless).

  1. Team greetings.

  2. Warm up.

  3. Mathematical kaleidoscope.

  4. Captains competition.

  5. Competition "Who is more?"

  6. Homework (music competition).

  7. Summing up the results of games, competitions KVN.

Between competitions musical breaks and contests with fans.

The whole game is evaluated by a jury, which includes teachers of mathematics and one representative each from the students of the class that participates in the game.
Event progress.

  1. Introduction by the teacher.

Music sounds - an introduction to the television game KVN.

Dear guests and participants of the game! Of course, you all know well this musical introduction to the KVN television game: “We are starting KVN - for whom, for what?...”

For whom are we starting KVN today? Of course, for you, my students. So that today you get a little distracted and have fun, get to know each other's talents and abilities better (and you have a lot of them), think about questions and answers, show solidarity with the teams, increase your intelligence, get infected with a sense of healthy excitement and competition, in general - time to good use.

And why are we starting KVN? So that none of you ask such a familiar question to all teachers of mathematics: “Why do I need mathematics? I won't need it in my life." The word "mathematics" came to us from ancient language: comes from the ancient Greek words "mathematice" and "mathema" - "knowledge, science." Mathematics is the science of quantitative relations and spatial forms of the real world. And if there are exercises for the development of the body, then mathematics is designed to develop logical thinking, attention, train the brain. No wonder it is called “mind gymnastics”.

I want you to be convinced that mathematics is a wonderful, not dry science and that doing it is just as exciting as playing KVN.

So, we start KVN.

  1. Conducting competitions and games.

- Greeting teams.

1 leader. So that we do not disturb the KVN order,

We are glad to hear your greetings.
Team "Radius" (to the melody of folk ditties)

to teach math,

What to sail on a stormy sea:

If you don't know how to row,

Then you can't get out. Oh!
Here comes the figure

We wish her well.

And we welcome them

As their rivals. Oh!

Well, to our most respected jury

We want a fair decision.

Put "five" you together, together

To those who are honored.

And we wish everyone

View our KVN,

Take part in it

And support the teams.

Team "Figure" (to the motive of the song "Moscow windows").

We came to you today, friends,

We cannot live without knowledge.

And let the crises around

Let's learn, friend

And our circle of knowledge will become wider!

We welcome our guests

We welcome teachers

And, of course, the jury

It's fair that they rate

We could now!
And, of course, "Radius", hello!

We will fight - no doubt.

And our school is a dear guiding star

We will shine for many, many years!

- Warm up
2 leader. So that everything in KVN goes without a hitch,

We will start it...

Well, of course, from the warm-up!
Each team is asked to choose an envelope containing questions. The teacher reads the questions from the chosen envelope.
Questions for one team:

  1. 1 percent of 1 thousand rubles? (10 rubles)

  2. Is it possible to get zero when multiplying numbers? (Yes)

  3. What is 1 pood (16 kg)

  4. The mathematician whose name is given to the theorem expressing the relationship between the coefficients of a quadratic equation? (F. Viet)

  5. Least natural number (1)

  6. The perimeter of a square is 20 cm. What is its area? (25 cm 2)

  7. How to find the unknown dividend? (quotient times divisor)

  8. What is the second coordinate of a point called? (ordinate)

  9. Find the third part of 60 (20)

  10. What is the name of a function of the form y = kx + v? (linear)

  11. Are the diagonals of a rectangle mutually perpendicular? (No)

  12. A parallelogram with all right angles? (rectangle)

  13. A line segment connecting opposite vertices of a quadrilateral? (diagonal)

  14. A line segment that connects any two points on a circle? (chord)

Questions to the other team:

  1. What is the hundredth part of a number called? (percent)

  2. The first female mathematician (Sofya Kovalevskaya)

  3. What is the largest negative number (-1)

  4. The area of ​​the square is 49 m2. what is the perimeter? (28 m)

  5. How to find the unknown subtrahend? (from the reduced - the difference)

  6. What is the name of the science that studies the properties of figures on a plane? (planimetry)

  7. What is the name of the statement that requires proof? (theorem)

  8. What is the name of the first coordinate of a point? (abscissa)

  9. Divide a hundred by half it (2)

  10. What is the name of the function of the form y \u003d ax 2 + in + c (quadratic)

  11. In which quadrilateral are the diagonals mutually perpendicular? (rhombus, square)

  12. A quadrilateral with only two opposite sides parallel? (trapeze)

  13. The sum of the lengths of all sides of a polygon (perimeter)

  14. Is it possible to get zero when dividing numbers? (Yes)

Let's hear from the jury.

- Mathematical kaleidoscope.
1 leader. Well, now, teams, stop -

Math kaleidoscope!

Who knows no difficulty in terms,

Write everything now without delay.

Teacher. Formulas are written on rolled paper. It is necessary to indicate what these formulas are (in writing)
Formulas for one team:

  1. x 2 -y 2 \u003d (x-y) (x + y)

  2. c 2 \u003d a 2 + b 2

  3. S = a 2

  4. P \u003d 2 (a + b)

  5. a m a p \u003d a m + p

Formulas for the other team:

  1. (x-y) 2 \u003d x 2 - 2xy + y 2

  2. a 2 \u003d from 2 - to 2

  3. P = 4a

  4. S = av

  5. (a m) n = a mp

While the jury is evaluating this competition, we invite you to listen to ditties.

  1. We are funny guys
We have a lot of fun:

And we solve problems

And we will sing ditties to you.

2) In our class, all the guys

Good as a choice.

They don't know math

"Good" shortage.

3) Math will help

You become excellent students

You guys learn

Solve equations.

4) We are tasks for movement

We always want to decide

Our classroom behavior

We all know that we are not silent.

5) We are funny guys

We say goodbye to you

And again at KVN

We'll meet soon.
The jury announces the results of the kaleidoscope and total points.
- Competition of captains.
2 leader. As a song cannot live without a button accordion,

The team cannot live without a captain!

Captains choose an envelope with a task.
Tasks for the captain of one team:

  1. Solve the crossword puzzle (5 points)

  1. Dependence of one quantity on another. (function)

  2. Parallelogram with equal sides(rhombus)

  3. Trigonometric function (cosine)

  4. cuboid with equal measurements(cube)

  5. ... abscissa (axis)

  1. guess the riddle (5 points)
I bring pain with me

There is a big distortion in the face.

And "f" to "p" replace if,

  1. Math charade (5 points)

Habitual word of a shaggy hen

Put it first.

Important for any orchestra.

Fifteenth in the alphabet.

In fourth place. Read. (cosine)

  1. Write mathematical terms starting with the letter "c" (for each word - 1 point).

Tasks for the captain of the other team:

  1. solve the crossword puzzle (5 points)

  1. Absolute value of number (modulo)

  2. Graph of a quadratic function (parabola)

  3. Theorem that does not require proof (axiom)

  4. ...function definitions (scope)

  5. We solve ... using the equation (problem)

2) guess the riddle (5 points)

I bring pain with me

There is a big distortion in the face.

And "f" to "p" replace if,

Then I will turn into a sign of addition. (flux - plus)

3) Mathematical charade (5 points)
Habitual word of a shaggy hen

Put it first.

In the second place, look, - a note,

Important for any orchestra.

On the third one single letter,

Fifteenth in the alphabet.

One of the hairs on the kitten's face

In fourth place. Read. (cosine)

4) Write mathematical terms starting with the letter "d" (for each word - 1 point)
Teacher. While the captains are completing tasks, the teams are also busy with work.

Z assignments for teams (in envelopes):

    1. Solve the crossword

  1. Dividing the numerator and denominator by the same number (reduction)

  2. Quotient of two numbers (ratio)

  3. A fraction whose numerator and denominator are relatively prime numbers (irreducible)

  4. GCD (24.36) = ? (twelve)

  5. Hundredth of a number (percentage)


  1. The name of a fraction whose numerator is greater than or equal to the denominator (incorrect).

  2. To find a common denominator, you need to find GCD or LCM? (NOC)

  3. The action by which a fraction of a number is found (multiplication) To reduce a fraction, do you need to find GCD or LCM? (GCD).

2 leader. At this time, fans are invited to answer questions. 1. Name the names:

A) Three little pigs from the fairy tale "Three Little Pigs" (Naf-Naf, Nif-Nif, Nuf-Nuf).

B) Three fat men from the fairy tale by Y. Olesha "Three fat men" (no names).

AT) three musketeers from the novel by A. Dumas "The Three Musketeers" (Athos, Porthos, Aramis)

D) three epic heroes in the painting by the artist Vasnetsov "Three heroes" (Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich, Ilya Muromets).

D) Three bears from Leo Tolstoy's fairy tale "Three Bears" (Anastasia Petrovna, Mikhail Potapych, Mishutka)

2. From the word "geometry" make up as many words as possible. (meter, rhythm, metro, shooting range, tiger, kettlebell, sea)
3. Guess the melody and say a phrase that contains a mathematical term.

- "They teach at school" (to 4 + 2)

- “Together it’s fun to walk across the open spaces” (one-board, two - board)

- "Crocodile Gena" (and will give 500 popsicles)

- “We lived with a grandmother” (2 funny geese)
Team captains and teams submit completed assignments. The jury checks the correctness of the answers and evaluates the teams.
- Competition "Who is more?"
2 leader. It's a tough question,

But believe one thing:

Everything is complicated and simple

Count your mind!

Teams choose envelopes with the task. The teacher reads the questions from the chosen envelope. For each correct answer - 1 point. (blitz tournament)
Questions for one team:

    1. In which triangle do all altitudes intersect at a vertex? (rectangular)

    2. number of tens in a thousand (100)

    3. mathematical proposition that does not require proof (axiom)

    4. the sum of the lengths of the sides of a polygon (perimeter)

    5. What number has as many digits as letters in its spelling? (one hundred)

    6. fraction less than one (correct)

    7. GCD mutually prime numbers (1)

    8. Sum of opposite numbers (0)

    9. What angle will the minute hand describe in 5 minutes (30)

    10. What is the name of the equality, true for any valid values ​​of the variable (identity)

    11. Zero modulus (0)

    12. How many corners will the rhombus have if one is cut off (5)

    13. A ray dividing an angle in half (bisector)

    14. How many sides does a hexagonal pencil have (8)

    15. Non-intersecting lines in the plane (parallel)

    16. Smallest seven digit number (1000000)

    17. How many vertices does a cube have (8)

    18. The log was cut into 8 pieces. How many cuts were made (7)

    19. Triangle with sides 3,4,5 (Egyptian)

    20. Angle at which a soldier turns on command "circle" (180)

Questions for the other team:

  1. how many kg in half a ton (500)

  2. shortest distance from a point to a line (perpendicular)

  3. a segment connecting 2 points of a circle and passing through its center (diameter)

  4. The value of the variable when solving the equation (root)

  5. Dividing the numerator and denominator by the same non-zero number (reduction)

  6. Two numbers whose product is equal to 1 (reciprocals)

  7. Triangle with right angle (rectangular)

  8. Smallest prime number (2)

  9. Number to be divided by (divisor)

  10. The result of adding numbers (sum)

  11. AT common fraction the number written above the bar (numerator)

  12. The three were playing chess. A total of three games were played. How many games did each play? (2)

  13. Part of a straight line bounded by two points (segment)

  14. What number is translated from Latin means "nothing" (0)

  15. Tool for measuring angles on a plane (protractor)

  16. Two numbers that differ from each other only in signs (opposite)

  17. Equality of two ratios (proportion)

  18. Product of three dimensions of a cuboid (volume)

  19. Modulus of number 5 (5)

  20. thousandth of a kilogram (gram)

Teacher. While the jury is counting the points, we have several interesting messages with hints.

2 leader. Who doesn't notice

He doesn't study anything.

Who does not study anything -

He is always whining and bored.

For all.

Question. This theorem is studied in high school and is called the "bride theorem". Formulate it.


  1. The theorem is proved in the course of geometry and is considered one of the most important theorems of the course.

  2. The theorem is used at every step in the study of geometric questions.

  3. The scientist who formulated this theorem was born on the island of Samos. In his youth, he traveled around Egypt, lived in Babylon, where he had the opportunity for 12 years to study astronomy and astrology from the Chaldean priests.

  4. This scientist, in addition to this theorem, is credited with a number of remarkable discoveries, including the theorem on the sum of the interior angles of a triangle.

  5. Particular cases of this theorem were known to some other nations even before its discovery.

  6. In construction practice, the Egyptians used the so-called "Egyptian triangle" - a triangle with sides 3, 4, 5. (The Egyptians knew that the indicated triangle is rectangular and the ratio 3 2 + 4 2 \u003d 5 2 is fulfilled for it, i.e. just what the Pythagorean theorem states).

- Homework (music competition)
Teacher. And we have the last competition "Homework" (musical). Each team needs to sing a song and show a skit.
First part homework.

1 leader.

The fairy tale is not simple, but mathematical

You will now be shown without embellishment.

Maybe there will be something fantastic.

Well, we begin to listen to their story.

One team shows a dramatization of the fairy tale "The Legend of Chess".
The characters are the leader, shah, vizier, sage, accountant.
There is twilight on the stage, the shah lies on the carpet, on the pillows. He's bored. The Shah's guard fans him with fans. From behind the curtain, the voice of the presenter is heard.

Leading. A wise man invented the game we now call "chess". He explained the rules of the game to the shah, and he liked the game very much. Shah decided to generously reward the sage.

Shah. (screams loudly). Vizier! Vizier!

Vizier (runs in and falls to his knees). I hear and obey, my lord.

Shah. Reward the Sage, give him whatever he wants. I am rich enough to be generous.

Vizier (shouting) Call the Wise Man! (the Sage appears, looking like an astrologer) What do you want, Sage, for your game?

Sage. Oh Great Shah! I will not ask for gold and jewels. I want one grain to be placed on the first square of the chessboard, two grains on the second, four grains on the third, and so on up to 64 squares, constantly doubling the number of grains of the previous square.

Shah (laughs). Do I look like a beggar? What, I can't give you what you deserve? Ask for something else.

Sage. Oh mighty lord! Don't be angry, but I don't need anything else.

Shah (displeasedly waving his hand). Vizier, give him what he asks.

Leading. Several days have passed. Shah played chess all day and thought about the Wise Man.

Shah. Vizier! Vizier!

Vizier (runs in and falls to his knees). I am here my lord!

Shah. Awarded the Sage?

Vizier. Oh no, Great Shah! All state accountants count grain.

Shah. How could you disobey? Call the accountant here! (Accountant crawls on his knees, bowing incessantly) Why hasn't the sage been rewarded yet?

Accountant. Oh, great and bright sovereign! In your entire state there are not so many grains, on the whole Earth there does not grow such a quantity of grain that the Sage wants to receive.

Shah. How much should he give?

Accountant. Here is the number: 18446744073709551615. If 10 grains weigh one gram, then you must give him 184 billion 467 million 440 thousand 737 tons 95 kilograms and 516 grams of wheat, my lord! If on the whole Earth 2 billion tons are grown per year, then in order to give it all the grain, it needs to be grown for 92 years. But the Earth has never grown 2 billion tons of wheat, oh lord!

Shah. A wise man is always a wise man!

Leading. The Hindu king Sheram (Indian prince Siren) learned to play chess and admired the wit and variety of positions in this game.

18 quintillions 446 quadrillions 744 trillion 073 billion 709 million 551 thousand 615. if the king could sow wheat on the entire surface of the Earth, counting the seas, and oceans, and mountains, and the desert, and the Arctic and Antarctic, and get a satisfactory harvest, then, perhaps in 5 years he could pay off.

Another team shows a staging of the fairy tale "The Man and the Merchant".
The characters are the host, the merchant, the wife, the man.
There is a table on the stage, a samovar, a bench on the table, a merchant's wife and her daughter are sitting at the window, a merchant enters.
Merchant. Listen, wife, I met a stupid man in the market and made a good deal with him.

Wife. What?

Merchant. Every day he will bring me 100,000 rubles, and on the first day I will give him a penny. Do you hear, a penny for 100,000 rubles! In the second - 4 kopecks and so on whole month will wear every day for 100,000 rubles.

Wife. How does this fool get so much money?

Merchant. It's none of our business. One thing I regret is that I signed a contract for only one month. I'm afraid that this eccentric will understand that he is being deceived, and will not bring his money.

There is a knock. The wife looks out the window.

Wife. There someone came.

Merchant (looks out the window) It's him!

A man enters.

Man. Get your money, merchant, and give me a kopeck!

Taking his penny, he leaves.

Merchant. How I was afraid that he would not come. What if he doesn't come tomorrow? Or will he come and take his money?

Wife. Take it easy! If he didn’t understand today that he was being deceived, I don’t think he will understand it tomorrow. They say: "If you're a fool, then for a long time."

Merchant. So it is, but it's still scary.

Leading. Every day a man brought 100,000 rubles and took his pennies. At first, the merchant was happy and did not think about how much he was giving to the peasant. On the 24th day he gave 83,000, and on the 25th - 166,000, and on the 27th day - 671,000 rubles.

Merchant. Woe to me, woe! The man was not so stupid. After all, he gave me only 3 million, and received 10 million rubles from me! What a fool I am! Was it possible to make deals in the market!

Leading. See how unexpected results can be when you don't know math. Probably, neither the shah nor the merchant would have found themselves in a hopeless situation if they knew at least a little bit of mathematics.

The second part of the homework.

1 leader.

And stands in a wonderful land

New city with a palace

And in the golden-domed palace

Signs live there together,

The signs guard the towers,

They sing a song together.
The first team performs to the motive of the song "My Bunny".
You are my plus, I am your minus,

Cosine you, - I am your sine,

You are an axiom, I am a theorem,

You are the consequence, and I am the lemma.

Ma-te-ma-ti-ka my ...

Chorus: I don't sleep well at night

I love math so much

I have loved math for a long, long time.

I don't sleep during the day,

I don't sleep at night

I'm learning, learning, learning, learning, learning.

Knowledge is you, I am a cheat sheet,

If you are zero, then I am a stick.

You are the ordinate, then I am the abscissa,

You are a corner, I am a bisector.

Ma-te-ma-ti-ka my ...

Private you, I am a divider,

You are the denominator, I am the numerator.

You are my circle, I am your sector,

You are my module, I am your vector.

Ma-te-ma-ti-ka my ...

The sum is mine, and I am the difference,

Dolny you, and I - multiplicity,

You are the hypotenuse, I am your leg,

Enough terms for you and me.

Ma-te-ma-ti-ka my ...

2 leader.

Beyond the high mountains

Beyond the blue seas

In the thirtieth state

A beautiful country lives


The second team performs a song to the tune of the song "Communal Apartment".
Oh, my native country

Land of mysteries and wonders!

Where else is happiness

Where else is this progress?

Under one huge roof

More spacious and lighter.

We don't need a separate house,

Together will be more fun.

It's mathematicians, mathematicians flat,

This is mathematicians, mathematicians country.

Rustling sheets in the morning,

The people are gathering

Pythagoras washes his pants

Euler takes the integral,

Gauss extracts the roots,

Newton makes a binomial.

Someone sets axes

Archimedes sits with a number.

By the evening they all can not sleep,

Brig looks at logarithms,

Bradys is fiddling with the table,

Euclid measures the world.

Bezu himself is there without a trace

Divides a complex polynomial.

We don't need a separate house,

Together will be more fun.

1 leader.

And from now on every day

We will definitely be together

glorify math

And honor her.
Both teams sing the anthem for mathematics (to the motive of the song "What do they teach at school?")

Hymn to Mathematics

Solve equations, calculate radicals -

Algebra has an interesting problem!

Extract integrals,

Fraction divide and multiply

Try hard and good luck will come to you! (3 lines 2 times)

Geometry is needed, but it's so complicated!

Now the figure, then the body - you can’t figure it out.

Axioms are needed

Theorems are so important

Learn them - and you will achieve results!
All sciences are good

For the development of the soul.

You all know them yourself, of course,

For the development of the mind, mathematics is needed,

It was, it will be, it is forever.
- Summing up the results of games, KVN competitions.

  1. Final word from the teacher.

Mathematics is a tool with which a person learns and conquers himself the world. To make a discovery in mathematics, one must love it as each of the great mathematicians loved it, as dozens and hundreds of other people loved and love it. Do at least a small part of what each of them did, and the world will forever remain grateful to you. Love math!

Rewarding teams for victory and participation.

leading. At this time, we offer fans to answer questions) To reduce the fraction, do you need to find GCD or NOC?

Author information

Dobrynina O.V., Kolosovsky N.V.

Place of work, position:

Teachers - mathematics and physics

Irkutsk region

Resource characteristics

Levels of education:

Basic general education








The target audience:

Learner (student)

Resource type:

Event scenario

Short description resource:

Physical and mathematical tournament in the form of a competition between 2 teams of 7-8 grades. Students are offered interesting tasks in physics and mathematics.

Physical and mathematical tournament "Erudite".


(funny music sounds)

O.V. : Hello, dear guests and participants of the game!

We are holding today's physical and mathematical tournament in the form of a competition between 2 teams - we are holding it, of course, for you, ours.

N.V. : Physics is science!
But I see in the eyes of children only flour.
Formulas jump, flash in a row,
Oh, how hard it is for them to line them up!
But without physics can not explain
And a crane, and how to hammer a nail,
How do we fly into space? we drive cars,
And why do we walk so easily on Earth?

O.V.: There is a rumor about mathematics,
That she puts her mind in order,
Because good words
People often talk about her.

I think that those who love physics and mathematics have gathered here today. Well, for those who are still indifferent to these sciences, today's tournament will help change their point of view.

O.V. I present the members of the jury _____________


The jury must be fair
Glasses should not be given in vain.
And he will be happy in battle,

Who can honestly win.

N.V. :
The teams competing today are: Team“Archimedes”, and the captain of the team ___________________. Team“Electrons”, and the captain of the team _________________.

O.V. : Each task in the game the jury will be able to evaluate from 1 to 10 points. First competition. Team greeting. (max score 3 points) , The jury will take into account the greeting, emblems, uniforms of the participants.

Team greeting "Archimedes"

"Won't be a problem for us.

Win this contest

Even now we are ready to fight

We believe in our knowledge!

Team greeting "Electrons"

We are good at math

We also know the laws of physics

We'll fight to the end

We are all solid as electrons!

N.V. : Every undertaking requires warm-up. Warm-up is the gymnastics of the mind. We will ask questions and you will answer. The one who raises his hand the fastest is the one who answers. Do not shout out the answers, points will decrease for this. For each correct answer in the warm-up, the team receives 1 point.

Warm-up (we ask questions in turn)

O.V. :

1. Least even number (2)

2. A segment connecting the center of the circle with any of its points . It - (Radius).

3. A ray that divides an angle into 2 equal angles? (bisector)

4 . The sequence of actions required to solve the problem (algorithm)

5. What number is divisible without a remainder by any integer other than zero? (zero)

N.V. :

1. Lomonosov's name (Michael)

2. one sixtieth of a minute (second)

3. The genie, either getting out of the bottle or climbing back in, changes its shape and volume all the time. What is the state of the Genie? (In gaseous).

4. In which boys do molecules move faster: in healthy or with a cold? (In those with a cold, as the body temperature is higher).

5. What phenomenon prevents the car from stopping instantly. (Inertia).

O.V. : We ask the jury to sum up the first results.

N.B. : Competition Homework.

Homework topic: "Scientists - physicists, mathematicians". The teams were given questions in advance to which they had to find answers. Let's check how the teams coped with this task.

O.V. : 1. Which of the presented scientists said:
"Mathematics is the queen of all sciences, and arithmetic is the queen of mathematics"?

  • Carl Friedrich Gauss
  • German mathematician, astronomer, physicist, surveyor.
  • Outstanding mathematical abilities discovered in early childhood.
  • His numerous researches in the field of mathematics had a serious impact on the development of other sciences.

N.V. : 2. Who is considered " godfather» physics? (Aristotle 384 BC)

  • Ancient Greek philosopher, founder of natural science
  • Pupil of Plato, teacher of Alexander the Great
  • Developed all branches of knowledge of that time

O.V. : 3. Who owns these lines:
“Mathematics should be taught later, so that it puts the mind in order”?

  • Mikhail Vasilievich

Lomonosov (1711 - 1765)

  • - great scientist: chemist, physicist, mathematician, poet, founder Russian science, Moscow State University.

N.V. : 4. Who is considered the founder of the physical experiment?

  • Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer, philosopher
  • Conducted experiments, throwing bodies different weight With leaning tower of pisa
  • He created a telescope tube that gave an increase of more than 30 times

O.V. : 5. After whom do we proudly exclaim: "Give me a fulcrum, and I will move the Earth"?

  • Archimedes circa 287 BC Ancient Greek mathematician, mechanic, engineer
  • He built a system of blocks for launching the ship of the Egyptian king Ptolemy

N.V.: We ask the jury to sum up.

Contest "Experts in physics".

N.V. : task 1.

And now each team will give the answer to the question and write it down on a piece of paper.

A lone physicist, scratching his head,

Measures length, mass and time.

A couple of physicists dream together

Measure temperature, density, volume.

Three physicists, lining up in a row,

Measure energy, speed, charge.

Four physicists in a good mood

Measure pressure, and in bad - acceleration.

Five physicists run out into the square,

Measure impulse, frequency, force and area.

So, question: How many physical quantities named in this poem? collect sheets, pass to the jury.

The teacher calls the correct result. (fifteen)

Task 2.

Here is the black box in front of you,

Think and calculate for yourself.

The ammeter will show you the current

A voltmeter will tell you the voltage.

Everything we need, they fix,

But how are the resistors connected?

There are only two in the box.

And two ohms each.

Contest "Experts in Mathematics"

O.V. :

Task 1.

Archaeologists of the distant future will someday unearth two petrified diaries with a large number of twos. In Misha's diary they will find 234 deuces, and in Tolin 2/3 of the number of these deuces. How many deuces will be found in 2 diaries?

  1. 234*2/3 = 156 - "2" in Tolin's diary.
  2. 156+234 = 390 - total

Task 2. Write the answer and solution on a piece of paper.

Sheets with solved tasks are transferred to the jury.

  • The owner of the sewing workshop hired 20 girls and placed them in 8 rooms.
  • In the evenings, she made sure that there were 7 girls in the rooms on each side of the house.
  • 4 friends came to visit the girls. All 24 girls were placed so that the hostess again counted 7 girls in the rooms on each side of the house. How are the girls accommodated in the rooms with their friends?

20 girls

24 girls

Task 3. (for reserve)

Somehow early in the morning

The birds were swimming in the pond.

snow white swans

Three times more than geese

There were eight pairs of ducks -

Twice as many as loons.

How many birds were there

If we are still given

That all ducks and geese

As many as swans! (swans - 24, ducks - 16, geese - 8, loons - 8).

  • geese - x, swans - s x, ducks - 16, loons - 8
  • x + 16 \u003d 3 x, - 2x \u003d - 16, X \u003d 8

N.V. : The next competition is called " Black box".

You must find out what is in the black box.

Black box

O.V. : What lies in the black box was invented back in Ancient Greece.

  • In ancient Greece, the ability to use this subject was considered the height of perfection, and the ability to solve problems with it was a sign of a great mind.
  • This item is indispensable in architecture and construction.
  • For many hundreds of years, the design of this item has not changed.
  • Nowadays, any student can use it.

N.V. : It is used in systems and mechanisms for heating and cooling.

  • used to reduce friction.
  • With all three states of aggregation of this substance, you often meet.
  • This substance is called the juice of life on Earth.

O.V. Question: what is in the black box? (Compass, water). Jury word.

Contest "Connoisseurs of logic"

N.V. : Problem with matches.

Match crayfish creeps up, Move 3 matches so that it crawls down.

O.V. : We ask the jury to check the correctness of the assignment

N.V. : And, finally, let's figure out who the captain is, because there is a competition of captains ahead.

O.V.: The captain is the head and senior coach of the team. Before the tournament, he works with the team like an ox, and during the game he fights with the jury like a lion. Captains competition

N.V. Captains, please come to me. You are invited to solve a problem about a turnip.

Answer and answer in writing.

Which of the captains will be ready to answer, raise your hand so that the jury can see that you are the first.

A task. The grandfather, holding the turnip, develops a traction force up to 600 N, the grandmother up to 100 N, the granddaughter up to 50 N, the Bug up to 30 N, the cat up to 10 N and the mouse up to 2 N. What is the resultant of all these forces directed along one straight line and to the same side?

Would this whole company cope with a turnip without a mouse if the forces holding the turnip in the ground are 791 N?

(Answer: The module of the resultant force, equal to the sum of the modules of forces, will be equal to 792 N. The contribution of a muscular mouse to this mighty impulse is 2 N, so things will not work without mouse Newtons!

O.V. : While the captains are solving the problem, there is a competition for the teams Stories with hints

You must guess the word. We give you hints, with each hint you lose one point. Maximum amount points that you can bring to your team's piggy bank 5 points.

Tips #1:

  1. This device is in every math classroom.
  2. It has dashes with divisions, but it is not straight.
  3. This device is related to geometry
  4. They can be used by students from the 5th grade.
  5. They measure angles (protractor)

N.V. :

Tips #2:

  1. There were many applicants for this trip, but the choice fell on him.
  2. it trip around the world he committed alone.
  3. A student of a trade school, a cadet of an flying club.
  4. He owns the historical phrase: "Let's go!", Said before the start.
  5. The first person in the world to fly into space. (Yu.A. Gagarin).

O.V.: Captains, give your answer and pass on your decisions to the jury.

Our fun competition is coming to an end, we ask the jury to sum up the overall results of the tournament and identify the winning team.

O.V. :

Everything is known around
There is so much more on earth
What is worthy, believe me, surprise.

N.V. :

Marvel at the dew
Be amazed at the flowers
Be amazed at the resilience of steel,
Be surprised that
Why do people sometimes
Stop being surprised.

O.V. :

The word of the jury for the award.

Thanks everyone for playing! Goodbye, guys!

Self-analysis of the extra-curricular event "Erudite Tournament"

The event was held in the 8th grade, the students of the class are not strong in mathematics and physics, and the main purpose of this event was to change their minds in studying these subjects, to show that both mathematics and physics can be interesting.

The main goals we set are:

  • On the basis of a competitive game, develop ingenuity, ingenuity and activity of students;
  • To develop a cognitive interest in educational material, the individual abilities of students, to develop logical thinking;
  • Raise the prestige of smart, but not always popular students in the class (since there are negative leaders in the class who “pull” everyone else down.
  1. Increase motivation to study
  2. Develop communication skills through group work.

The form of the event is an intellectual and entertaining game.

The event was held using a presentation for clarity, for those children who do not perceive the text on the presentation slides very well, all tasks were duplicated on cards.

Forms of work at the event - frontal, group, individual.

Efficiency. The guys worked - actively, they showed that they can work in a team - they know how.

Tasks for logical thinking (cancer, black box) were handled by _________


During the game, the guys listened first of all to the "strong" students.

Shortcomings discovered during the event _____________, causes and solutions _____________________________.

We think that this extra-curricular event achieved its goals (?).

Artists competition. “Each hand has its own business” At the expense of 1, 2, 3, simultaneously draw the number 9 with your left hand, and the number 6 with your right. Right hand draw a rectangle, and the left - a triangle. "Space of fantasy" Without lifting the chalk from the board, draw a swan. Draw a person with numbers.

Competition "Connoisseurs of Proverbs" Insert the numeral: Do not have ... rubles, but have ... friends. Do not have ... rubles, but have ... friends. ... try on once, ... cut off once. ... try on once, ... cut off once. You will chase after ... hares, nor ... you will catch. You will chase after ... hares, nor ... you will catch. All for one, ... for all. All for one, ... for all. The mind is good, but ... better. The mind is good, but ... better. ... there is no warrior in the field. ... there is no warrior in the field.

Riddles competition Read the text correctly and guess the riddles: 7 brothers: equal for years, different names. 7 brothers: equal for years, different names. 5 closets, 1 door. 5 closets, 1 door. 1 talking, 2 looking, 2 listening. 1 talking, 2 looking, 2 listening. 2 mothers have 5 sons, all in 1 name. 2 mothers have 5 sons, all in 1 name. 2 heads, 2 arms, 6 legs. Who is it? 2 heads, 2 arms, 6 legs. Who is it?

This is interesting: 14-year-old girl Jyoti Amge (Jyoti Amge) from India and claims the title of the most little man. On the this moment the official record belongs to the Chinese He Pingping with a height of 74.61 cm. And the height of Jyoti Amge is 58 centimeters. The girl, unlike her classmates, weighs only 5 kilograms.

Fan Contest Horizontally: 2. A natural number divisible by a given natural number. 5. True equality of two quotients. 8. Measure of length. 9. Subtraction component. 10. A closed line, all points of which are at the same distance from one point. 11. Multiplication component. Vertically: 1. A segment connecting a point of a circle with its center. 2. The result of solving the equation. 3. Equality with a variable. 4. In language - a letter, in mathematics - ... 6. Sign of addition. 7. Sign of subtraction.

Type of: educational game.

The form: competition.

Short description: 2 teams of students in grades 8 act as participants.

^ Participants of KVN: jury, audience, presenter. Participants of the competition have team emblems. Props - task packages for each team, a sheet with correct solutions and answers for the jury, clean sheets and pens, prepared crossword puzzles for fans (spectators), colored crayons.

^ Step by step description : preparatory stage. Teams are formed from 8th grade students. Team captains are selected. An announcement about the place and time of the event is placed on the stand mathematical KVN. Tasks for competitions are being developed. Team members get acquainted with the conditions of the game, come up with emblems, team representation. Developed point system evaluating the work of teams at KVN. Game action.


  1. Introductory part;

  2. Introduction and greeting of teams;

  3. Warm-up " fun lesson»;

  4. Captains Competition;

  5. Competitions for knowledge and ingenuity;

  6. Artist Competition;

  7. Geometric competition;

  8. Homework. Amateur art competition;

  9. Summarizing.
Course of competitions:

  1. Introductory part.
Leading . Dear Guys! Today will be the opening of our club of cheerful and resourceful.

What is a club? (This is a society of friends who are united by one common interesting thing).

What is "funny" you do not need to explain. After all, what are you guys? Of course they are funny.

What does resourcefulness mean? (When in Hard time you will quickly find the right way out, show skill and make the right decision).

So, friends, let's start the program.

We have a large supply

Who are they for? - For you!

^ Both teams sing (to the motive "Smile")

We are trusted with you

Have a successful fight

To test resourcefulness and knowledge,

math to teach

And don't let yourself down

Of course, we understand all this.


Counting competition open

Good afternoon my friends.

Two teams - in KVN

I will present them now.

^ 2) Introduction and greeting of the teams.

Team 1: "Two-two"

We are ready to fight boldly

And we give you our motto

Well, victory is only for us!


We will sing ditties to you

About our mathematics

About tasks, equations

And about complex examples.

I am friends with Chamomile

I visit him.

He solves problems for me

And I'm sitting next to you.
The lesson starts

The math is on.

Sanya is standing at the blackboard,

Tortures his brains.

Finished a great example

Turned around and sang.

"Mathematics is a science

Without you, we have no life,

That's what all the guys said

In our class, finally.

Team 2: "Eureka"

Today in this room

We're on the offensive

Not a step back, not a step in place,

And only forward and amicably all together.

School gets on our nerves

Morning, evening and afternoon

We thought and decided:

Let's go play KVN.

Maybe we will lose

Or we'll come first

We thought - we decided

Yes, we will shut you up by the belt.

We fight today

Our disputes are hot

Your opponent is giving you advice.

Learn math.


All competitions are judged by a distinguished jury.

For the game to go right

I am glad to present the jury

The one on the right is Lomonosov

Mathematician and philosopher.

Lobachevsky - on the left here,

Russian pride and honor.

The third is just right for them -

Call Sofia Kovalevskaya!

Team 1: "Two-two"

A large table is covered with a blue tablecloth,

And the jury is sitting at the table.

The jury is sweet, fair,

You judge us, but also have mercy.

Team 2: "Eureka"

Oh jury, jury, oh mighty

Black eyes, burning eyes

How we love you, how we appreciate you

Do not destroy us in this difficult hour.

^ Greetings to the fans (both teams sing)

We can't live without you

You are my fan, good.

We've been friends for a long time,

Clap your hands louder.

We won't lose - don't wait

It would be embarrassing otherwise

Two will not put us, go,

But it hurts to lose.

^ Addressing an opponent:

Team 1: "Two-two"

An opponent is biting only from the life of a dog.

Only from life, from the life of a dog

The opponent is biting.

(gift - a bottle of milk with a pacifier)

Drink milk children, you will lose easily.

Team 2: "Eureka"

You will lose, but don't cry

We have been friends with you since childhood

Still try to lose

We wish you with all our hearts.

(Gift - fluff.)

May Allah help us

Rip you to smithereens.
3. Warm-up "Fun lesson" (team competition)

If the team does not answer, then the fan will help to answer.

  1. There were 5 tits and 7 sparrows on a branch. 6 birds flew away. Did any sparrow fly away? (yes, he flew away, because there are only 5 tits).

  2. 6 candles were burning. 1 of them went out. How many candles are left? (2 candles left, the rest burned out).

  3. Marina had a whole apple, two halves and four quarters. And how many? (3 apples).

  4. In what city for the first time 3 thousand years ago began to measure angles in degrees? The answer is in the riddle

  5. 60 sheets of a book are 1 cm thick. What is the thickness of all the sheets of a book if it has 240 pages? (2 cm)

  6. What is the angle squared? (90°)

  7. What is the adjacent angle for an angle of 79°? (101°)

  8. What are the lengths of the sides of the Egyptian triangle? (3,4,5)

4. Competition of captains.

Guess the melody and say a phrase that contains a mathematical term.

"Teaching at school" (add two to four)

"It's fun to walk across the open spaces together" (one board, two boards)

"Crocodile Gena" (and give 500 popsicles)

"In the grass Grasshopper sat" (he only ate grass)

"There, beyond the river..." (hundred young fighters)
5. Competitions for knowledge and ingenuity

1. Who are these lines about? (Pythagoras)

In the mists of time, under our nonsense, the truth flashed.

She is still true to this day.

Finding a clue, wise old man

I was grateful to heaven.

He ordered a hundred bulls to roast

And sacrifice to the gods.

Since then, the bulls have been breathing anxiously,

They, cursing, the gifts of the gods,

When they hear about the new truth, they raise a terrible roar.

Their elder's name shakes,

Their truth rays blind

And, expecting a new victim, bulls,

Shuddering, they tremble.

^ 2. Make the longest math word out of letters: (number )

k l e s n i h o v

3. It is known that the hippopotamus weighs 1 t 800 kg. How many hippos can be carried by a car with a carrying capacity of 5 tons? (2 hippos)

4. "Mathematical Dictionary".

Who knows no difficulty in terms,

Will write everything now without delay.

(For 3 minutes, write mathematical terms in letters. The one who has time to remember and write down more will win)

Team 1: "Two-two" - letterTo

Team 2: "Eureka" - letterFROM

5. Art competition .

  1. Draw with both hands at the same time: one is a circle, and the other is a rectangle.

  2. At the command of the presenter, draw with eyes closed little man. Point - point - comma - minus - curved face - stick - stick - cucumber. Here comes the man!

6. Geometric competition.

  1. How many rays are in the picture? (20 rays)

  • How many corners are in the picture? (18 corners)

    1. How many lines are in the picture? (10 cuts)

    1. How many diamonds are in the picture? (14 diamonds)

    7. Homework.

    Amateur art competition.
    8. Summing up.

    Each competition is judged by a jury a certain amount points, and after its completion the jury announces the results. In KVN, the team that scored the largest number points in all competitions.

    Our KVN is over, it's time to go home.

    But these friends are not a hindrance,

    And at the hour of parting, I wish you

    Good luck in your studies.
    "Hour of fun mathematics" - Grade 9

    The subject of mathematics is serious

    what is useful not to miss case

    make it a little entertaining.

    B. Pascal


    • Motivation cognitive activity, development of intelligence, curiosity, logical and creative thinking.

    • Development and strengthening of interest in mathematics, promotion of the development of a culture of collective work, the formation of friendly and benevolent relations.

    1. The game involves two teams of 5 people, which are selected by lot. Teams receive names and have 5 minutes to come up with their own motto while further preparations for the game take place.

    2. The jury is determined. The rest of the students are spectators and fans.

    The game starts. The teacher introduces the teams of participants. Students are invited to choose from the following competitions:

    • « finest hour»;

    • "Lucky case";

    • "Field of Dreams";

    • "Brain Ring";

    • “Think! Figure it out!"
    Representatives from the teams alternately make their choice.
    Tasks for competitions:

    1. "Star hour"

    each team receives a set of numbers (from 1 to 10). Names written on the whiteboard mathematicians under the numbers: 1 - Pythagoras; 2 - Euler; 3 - Ada Byron; 4 - Heron; 5 - Viet; 6 - Hypatia; 7 - Lepot; 8 - Galois; 9 - Euclid; 10 - Descartes. The host asks questions, and the teams who are faster must raise a sign with the correct number. For each correct answer, the team receives 5 points.



    1. Modern look trigonometry was given by a Swiss mathematician who lived in the 18th century. He was an associate of M.V. Lobachevsky, worked from the age of 20 in Russian Academy Sciences. For the last 17 years, the scientist was blind, but he did not quit his job: he dictated his thoughts to his students, and they did the calculations. Who is this scientist?

    No. 2 - Leonard Euler

    1. This brilliant mathematician, who, despite his youth, managed to make many discoveries in mathematics, but, unfortunately, was killed in a duel at the age of 21. Who is it?

    No. 8 - Evariste Galois

    1. From the works of this scientist came all the ideas for a further, more perfect justification of geometry. He owns the words: "There is no royal road in mathematics." Name the scientist.

    No. 9 - Euclid

    1. According to the information that has come down to us, the first female mathematician was a Greek woman who lived in Alexandria from 370 to 415. What is her name?

    No. 6 - Hypatia

    1. A flower brought from India is named after her. This is the great French calculator. Her name?

    No. 7-Hydrangea Lepot

    1. If we repeat the ancient legends, then this scientist, in honor of his discovery, sacrificed a bull, or maybe 100 bulls. Named after him greatest discovery. His name?

    No. 1 - Pythagoras

    1. The only daughter of the English poet, whose work was loved by Pushkin, Lermontov, Belinsky, also studied mathematics. Who is this woman?

    No. 3 - Ada Byron

    1. The "Metrica" ​​contains rules and formulas for accurate and approximate calculation of various geometric shapes, to determine the area of ​​a triangle on three sides, the rules for numerical solution quadratic equations and approximate extraction of square and cube roots. Who is it?

    No. 4 - Geron

    1. By profession a lawyer. In 1591, he introduced letter designations not only for unknown quantities, but also for the coefficients of equations. He owns the establishment of a uniform method for solving equations of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th degrees. Who is it?

    No. 5 - Francois Viet

    1. "Brain ring »
    - the host asks a question. Team members are given 1 minute to discuss. If the team is ready to respond early, they will raise their hand. Questions are asked in turn. If one team doesn't know the answer, the other can answer. For each correct answer - 3 points.



    1. A device for measuring angles on the ground.


    1. What does octahedron mean in Greek?


    1. From Greek word Mathematics is the word for mathematics. What does this mean?

    The science

    1. Which city has the streets of Pythagoras, Newton, Archimedes?


    1. In 1685, a mathematical notation was introduced in Paris due to a typographical misprint. What is this designation?

    Sign "%"

    1. According to Arabic giving, Heron's formula was not discovered by Heron himself. Who?


    1. The newly constructed geometry was called "imaginary". Gauss called it "non-Euclidean". What do we call it now?

    Geometry of Lobachevsky

    1. "He who does not know geometry shall not enter the Academy." Who is the author of these words?

    Philosopher ancient world– Plato

    1. What does the word trigonometry mean?

    Angle measurement

    1. With the name of which scientist is the usual rectangular coordinate system associated with us?

    Rene Descartes

    1. Which of the ancient mathematicians was the first Olympic champion in fisticuffs?


    1. Which mathematician was the first to establish the existence of one-sided surfaces?


    1. The German scientist who is called the "King of Mathematics"?


    1. In which country did negative numbers first appear?

    Ancient China

    1. "Field of Dreams"
    - empty squares are drawn on the interactive whiteboard, indicating the number of letters in the word. Participants are asked a question and are allowed to open any 3 letters (participants name the letters, if they are in the word, then the leader writes them down on the board). After that, a minute is given for discussion. If the team did not answer or answered incorrectly, then the second team can try. For a correctly guessed word, the team receives 3 points.

    • What did the ancient Greeks call the branch of mathematics that dealt with proportions?

    • The great mathematician, who in 1700 by Peter I, was appointed to the Russian noble youth as a teacher of mathematics. Created the first Russian textbook on mathematics and navigation for the school. His son wrote on the gravestone that "... the father of the sciences was studied in a marvelous and inconveniently probable way ..." What is the name of this mathematician.

      1. “Think! Figure it out!
      - One student participates in the competition. He is offered a list of mathematical terms that you must try to convey without words. The team must guess. For a correctly guessed word - 5 points.
      Tasks for the I team: triangle, ellipse, inequality, board, angle, figure, addition, chalk, perimeter, student, diagonal.

      Tasks for the II team: circle, subtraction, equation, graph, school desk, brackets, compasses, vector, teacher, degree, notebook.

      1. "Lucky case"
      - Teams answer questions in a certain time. The more questions, the better. Correctly guessed question - 2 points.

      1 team

      2 team

      What is 1/4 hour equal to?

      15 minutes

      What fraction of an hour is 20 minutes?


      1% meter?

      1 cm

      What is an astrolabe?

      Angle measuring device

      The largest natural number?


      The smallest natural number?


      Mass of 1 m 3 of water?


      What is 1%?

      1/100 part

      A statement accepted without proof.


      Could Lobachevsky be a student of Euclid?


      What is the circumference of a circle with radius 5?


      What is lighter than 1 kg of cotton wool or 1 kg of salt?

      Are equal

      Which European city has a Copernicus street?


      A line segment connecting two neighboring vertices quadrilateral?


      What is an abacus?


      The third letter of the Greek alphabet?

      What is the graph of the function y = r/x?


      What is the graph of the function y \u003d x 2?


      What is the name of the second coordinate point?


      What is the name of the first coordinate of a point?


      A line segment that connects two points on a circle?


      A device for measuring and constructing angles?


      A device for constructing a circle.


      What is the angle squared?


      What is 1 pound equal to?

      400 gr

      Can division result in 0?


      Mass unit precious stones?


      Whose pants are equal in all directions?


      Can multiplication be 0?


      What is the volume of 1 kg of water?

      1 liter

      The game ends, the results are summed up, the winners are awarded.

    extracurricular activity

    "Physics and Mathematics Tournament"

    among students 9 X classes

    Completed: teacher of physics Moiseikina L.F., teacher of mathematics Zhuravleva I.V.

    Event goals:

      activation of cognitive activity of students;

      development of skills to think quickly and effectively;

      development of knowledge and skills acquired in the learning process;

      promotion cognitive interest to physics and mathematics;

      development of a culture of collective thinking;

      fostering a sense of responsibility for the team, a sense of solidarity and healthy rivalry.

    Conduct form: quiz.

    Technology: group work.

    Equipment: tables for players of two teams and for members of the jury; a computer; interactive board; emblems for teams; evaluation sheet of the game for the jury; answer sheets for final game; game presentation.

    Participation: 2 teams from each class participate in the game, 5 people in each team.

    Age of participants: Grade 9

    Preparatory work: 1. Repeat the material covered.

    2. Come up with a team name, greeting and motto,

    choose a captain, make an emblem.

    Game progress

    Dear friends, guests and participants of our game! We are glad to welcome you to the Physics and Mathematics Tournament. For whom are we hosting the tournament today? Of course, for you, our beloved students! We want you to have a little rest today, to get to know each other's talents and abilities better, to think about questions and answers, to show your knowledge, in general, to have a good time. The motto for our game will be the words of the medieval Persian scholar Al-Biruni: “Knowledge is the most excellent of human possessions. Everyone strives for it, but it does not come by itself.”

    Two teams compete in the tournament today:

    1.Team "Thinkers" (students of 9 "A" class), team captain - ...

    As part of the team…

    2.Team "Clever" (students of 9 "B" class), team captain - ...

    As part of the team…

    Teams, please provide us with your motto and salutation.

    Team Thinkers

    Greetings We are not afraid

    Any test.

    Go ahead, friends

    Let's show our knowledge!

    Our motto: We will think, convince,

    Going to the final to win!

    Team "Smart"

    Greetings We are smart and brave

    We are good at what we do.

    We will win this time

    Our opponent is not a decree!

    Our motto: One mind is good, but the mind of a team is better!

    Teams will be evaluated by a strict and fair jury(jury presentation).

    Let's get acquainted with the rules of the game.

    Rules of the game

    The game consists of 2 rounds and the final.

    Each round has 4 topics (in physics and mathematics) with 5 questions each. Topics and cost of questions are indicated on the scoreboard of each round. The teams take turns playing the game. The topic and cost of the question is chosen by the team captain. The selected question is read by the moderator. You have 30 seconds to think about the question. The captain indicates the player who will answer the question or answer himself. If the team answers correctly, then it receives the number of points of the chosen category. Wrong answer - 0 points.

    If a team chooses the "Pig in a Poke" question, then it can answer it itself or can pass this question to another team.

    In the final, the teams think over the question for 30 seconds and give a written answer. The team with the correct answer gets 100 points.

    The points earned by the teams are counted by the members of the jury. The team with the most points wins.

    Fans can also show off their knowledge. If the teams did not answer the question, the fans answer and the points received are given to their favorite team.

    So we start our tournament.

    We wish you, friends,

    Fight hard and bravely.

    Who will get the victory

    It doesn't matter at all.

    Let the fight rage on

    Live the competition.

    Success is not fate

    But only your knowledge!

    Draw. The first team to answer the question starts the game.

    I round








      Change method internal energy body without doing work.(Heat transfer)

      Three horses in a team ran 90 km. How many kilometers did each horse run?(90 km)

      What does this formula express?(The equilibrium condition of the lever)

      What are the coordinates of a point called?( Abscissa and ordinate )

      Which graph corresponds to the formula What is it called?

    1) 2) 3) 4)

    (Chart #3, hyperbole)


      Plank for drawing straight lines and for measurements.(Ruler)

      There is a plate on the wall

    An arrow moves across the plate.

    This forward arrow

    We know the weather.(Barometer)

      Name the extra device: beaker, spirit lamp, dynamometer, thermometer.(alcohol lamp)

      AT Ancient Egypt and in ancient Greece, long before our era, this device was used for computing. It was a board with stripes along which pebbles moved. What's this?(Abacus)

      Remove the extra word from the row: path, speed, meter, time,square , second.


      These numbers appeared in connection with the need to count objects.(Natural)

      The number by which to divide.(Divider)

      Which is greater: the product of numbers or their sum?(Sum, since the product of the digits is zero)

      What number has as many digits as there are letters?(100 - one hundred)

      What is this number equal to if this number is equal to 40?(50)


      Which of the great mathematicians is called the "father of algebra"?(Viet)

      A scientist who is known as the creator of the school of mathematicians.

    He was the first to divide numbers into even and odd, prime and composite.(Pythagoras)

      To study one phenomenon, this scientist climbed the Pisa

    tower. Name this scientist.(Galileo)

      The scientist who discovered this law was born in the city of Syracuse. Law

    explains the effect of liquid and gas on a body immersed in them.

    The law is open in the bath.(Archimedes)

      Two almost identical numbers, the difference between which is only in the sign.(Opposite)

    II round











      Arrange the angles in descending order: obtuse, deployed, acute, straight.

    ( Deployed, blunt, straight, sharp )



      This phenomenon occurs when two bodies come into contact.

    Does more good than harm.

    It is one of the reasons for the low efficiency of mechanisms.

    One reason is surface roughness.. (Friction)

      Name the extra scientist:Newton, Popov,Darwin , Galileo.

      Name the extra prefix:milli, centi, deci,kilo .

      Which Olympic motto is directly related to the letters shown

    v, h, f?(Faster, higher, stronger)

      There were 700 birches and 300 pines in the grove. What percentage of all trees

    make up pines?(30%)


      Living in a difficult book

    smart brothers,

    Ten of them, but these brothers

    They count everything in the world.(Numbers)

      Stronger than the sun, weaker than the wind

    No legs, but walking

    No eyes, but crying.(Cloud)

      The top serves as my head.

    What do you think of as legs?

    Everyone is called parties.(Corner)

      In the middle of the field are silver grains.(Dew)

      What is the name of an object to support something?(Support or suspension )


      How many minutes are in one degree?(60 minutes)

      How many minutes per hour?(24 min)

      These units measure the mass of diamonds.. (Carat)

      It is directly proportional to the applied force and is directly

    proportional to the distance traveled, measured in Joules.

    (mechanical work)

      What is another name for a cubic decimeter?(Liter)


      Unscramble the words and name the extra:


      Can a spring dynamometer measure the weight of a body in space?(No, because there is weightlessness in space, and there will be no deformation in the spring)

      Yura, Grisha and Tolya took three places in the running competition. Which

    a place was taken by each young man, if Grisha did not take the second and third place,

    and Tolya is not the third.(Grisha - I , Tolya - II , Yura - III )

      Mom cut half of the pie into 6 equal pieces. One piece she

    gave Dima. What part of the pie did Dima get?(

      Characteristic of the surface of a body that affects its radiative

    and absorbency.(Color)

    Here the game is over.

    It's time to sum up.

    Who worked the best

    Did you excel in the tournament?


    Determining the winner and awarding.

    Summed up.

    The awards have been given.

    The tournament is over.

    You were active.

    From gaming tasks to knowledge

    The teams walked together.

    But the main victories

    Of course ahead!

    I wish you guys

    Bon Voyage!

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