Traces of the life of primitive people were first found. Earliest traces of humans discovered outside of Africa


Evgenia Medvedeva revealed one of the secrets of her victory, spoke about her love for Japan, about what style she prefers in clothes, where her first championship skates are, and what importance she attaches to manicure.

Your first Olympic Games Evgenia celebrated with a victory: in Pyeongchang, Medvedeva managed to beat her own world achievement in terms of the number of points set a year ago at the World Championships. AT South Korea the athlete scored 81.06 points, putting new record. « Victory is when you stand on a pedestal and understand that all the hardships, all the work, all the hardships were not in vain", says Zhenya. With her performance, she helped our team win the Olympic silver. After the performance, Zhenya revealed one of the secrets of her victory: when going out on the ice, the main thing is to keep calm.

At the closing of the 2018 Olympics, the famous Korean boy band EXO is scheduled to perform, which Evgenia really likes. In general, the skater loves mainly Asian music, Zhenya listens to soundtracks from Japanese films. In addition to music, Medvedeva also likes japanese art animations. Last year, she received a lot of accolades on her social media page after posting spoilers for the anime series Yuri!!! On Ice. Well, in response, Japan loves Medvedev, where she is affectionately called Medo-chan. Instagram has a lot of drawings of her fans from the Country rising sun. And in response, knowing a little Japanese, she answers the fans in their language. For example, she somehow surprised her colleague Moa Asade when she read her a poem in Japanese. " I like Japanese culture. And language. Everything is arranged there quite differently from ours. Lifestyle, clothes, shops - everything is different. Even cars go the other way. Very interesting. And also very tasty food. And the cosmetics there are good, I always bring them from Asia", - Zhenya admits.

Zhenya left her first championship skates as a souvenir, placing them at home under a glass showcase. In fact, few see them. The athlete rarely invites anyone to visit. Usually she is accompanied by her pet - the French bulldog Jerry.

In clothes, Evgenia prefers casual style. Among the favorites are jeans, of which she has a whole collection: high-waisted, low-waisted, flared, torn. They are complemented by sweatshirts with zippers. The girl also likes country style. She has cowboy hats and boots and plaid shirts. But Zhenya does not forget that she is still a girl, so in her wardrobe you can see shoes, dresses, expensive bags. But she has nowhere to wear it, because the Olympic medalist does not like to relax in nightclubs. He believes that it is better to relax at home and alone, wrapped in a blanket. Well, besides, Zhenya does not drink alcohol and does not understand why others do it.

But even in ripped jeans and a modest sweatshirt, Zhenya does not forget about makeup and manicure. In the morning, she must be painted. " And not because I have complexes about my appearance. It just needs to be a habit”, she says herself. For a real fetish of an athlete - her manicure. If suddenly during training she breaks her nail, then, despite her fatigue, after class she will go to the nail salon to redo everything. She admits that with an imperfect manicure she feels uncomfortable.

The athlete is sure that in order to win the competition, among other things, complete calmness is necessary.

For my physical form the athlete is calm. At such a young age, she is completely indifferent to cakes and pastries. And not because it’s impossible, she just doesn’t like fatty creams and chocolate icing. The only thing that can make her forget about proper nutrition, - milk chocolate. But the athlete, accustomed to strict discipline, does not allow herself to eat more than a couple of small tiles per day.

Usually, athletes, in order to recover physically, resort to the services of masseurs, and for recovery peace of mind- to psychologists. Zhenya is an exception. She is sure that in any stressful situations you can handle it yourself. To recover, she needs only peace and complete loneliness. By the way, Evgenia generally believes that people who are engaged in big sport, always single - they just don't have time for friendship.

I would never have thought that there was so much controversy surrounding the discovery of the most ancient person. Basically, they are of a purely technical nature, i.e. the question is raised: is it possible to attribute to the most ancient man a humanoid creature that did not fully possess the necessary qualities? For example, the creature walked upright, made tools, but it did not speak yet.

The first discovery of ancient man

First of all, you need to figure out who is considered a person? A reasonable person must meet at least three characteristics:

  1. Upright walking.
  2. The presence of speech.
  3. The ability to think.

The third characteristic includes the ability to handle fire, and the ability to make tools, and the use of hunting skills, etc. Based on these features, scientists identify the extreme highest stage in human evolution and call it Homo sapiens sapiens (reasonable man).

It was previously believed that the oldest remains of this species were discovered in 1947 in the Sterkfontein caves. South Africa and this place was called the "Cradle of Humanity".

The latest data on ancient man

In 2011, a group of archaeologists from Germany and Morocco analyzed the remains of humanoid creatures found back in the 60s. The bones were discovered in northern Africa (Morocco) at the paleontological site of Jebel Irhud in one of the caves. The remains found belonged to five individuals, including a child and a teenager. The technology of the time did not allow scientists to thoroughly study the bones, so they thought they had found the skeletons of Neanderthals. With computed tomography modern archaeologists carried out reconstruction and created three-dimensional models of the skulls of the discovered people. When comparing them with previously found samples of the skulls of Neanderthals, Australopithecus and erectus, it turned out that the front part is more similar to modern man.

Thus, their belonging to the genus Homo sapiens sapiens was proved. These relics have been dated to 300,000 years ago. BC e. The finds in southern Africa date back to 195,000 years ago. BC e.

olduvai gorge

Scientists have been arguing for decades about where the first man appeared on Earth. Supporters of the monopolar theory called the birthplace of a skilled man, who later became a reasonable man, then Africa, then South Asia.

In the Olduvai Gorge in East Africa, archaeologists have found the skeleton of the most ancient person on Earth. He is 1.5 million years old. It was thanks to this find that the theory arose that the first man appeared in Africa, and then settled throughout the earth. However, in the 1980s, scientists made a sensational discovery in Siberia, which turned the idea of ​​human development upside down.

The first man could have appeared not in Africa, as was previously believed, but in Siberia. This sensational version appeared in 1982. Soviet geologists were excavating off the banks of the Lena River in Yakutia. The area is called Deering-Yuryakh, translated from Yakut - Deep River. Quite by accident, geologists discovered a late Neolithic burial - the 2nd millennium BC. And then, digging even deeper, they came across layers more than 2.5 million years old and found there the remains of the tools of the most ancient man.


These are hewn cobblestones with a pointed end - they are called "choppers". In addition to such ancient axes, anvils and chippers were also found. This led researchers to believe that, in fact, the first man appeared in Siberia. After all, the age of the local finds is more than 2.5 million years. So, they are older than African.

Axes of the ancients, "choppers"

"There was a whole archipelago, where now the ice is solid, the Arctic Ocean. And due to some catastrophes, this civilization was destroyed, and the remnants of this people were forced to move to the mainland, to develop the lands that now belong to the Arkhangelsk region, Murmansk , the Polar Urals, and further - to Siberia. There is such an assumption, "- says the historian, ethnographer Vadim Burlak.

Burial in Deering-Yuryakh

More recently, it turned out that on the territory of Russia there are traces of not only primitive people, that is, creatures that only outwardly resembled a person, but did not possess developed intellect, but also a reasonable person, that is, similar to you and me.

Ancient weapons found in Deering-Yuryakh

For a long time it was believed that the first people who were no different from us today - first appeared in Europe 39 thousand years ago. However, in 2007 it turned out that the earliest site of an ancient person is located on the territory modern Russia. Thus, it turns out that the first Homo sapiens was born twenty thousand years earlier, and not somewhere in the vicinity of Paris, but in Voronezh region, where a simple village called Kostenki is now located. This opinion was expressed by the famous American scientist John Hoffecker.

"In 2007, a remarkable researcher from the United States of America, John Hoffecker, published in the journalScience article, which sounded like this: "The first European comes from Kostenki." She, this article, was based on his five years of work here in Kostenki, and on the dates that he and Vance Holiday, his friend and his colleague, made from the results of research, and these results were stunning. That is, the age of the existence of Homo sapiens here, on the territory of Kostenki, is very sharply getting older, "- explains Irina Kotlyarova, chief researcher at the Kostenki Museum-Reserve.

The remains found in Kostenki, which are about 60 thousand years old

The American Hoffecker found out that the first Europeans settled this area 50-60 thousand years ago. And the most amazing thing is that they really were reasonable tribes. Of course, practically nothing remains of such ancient sites. Only depressions, stone tools and pits filled with ash from burnt bones. And newer sites, those in which our ancestors lived about 20 thousand years ago, are well preserved in Kostenki.

Wall made of mammoth bones

Even the houses, the walls of which are lined with mammoth bones, have been preserved. The researchers found that the inhabitants of these houses knew how to make tools, hunted, gathered, built dwellings, had a well-established life and lived in a community. Mammoths were the main source of human life. There were a lot of them living in this area. People hunted them. From the skins they sewed clothes, they ate the extracted meat. The bones of these animals were also used.

Irina Kotlyarova in one of the houses of Kostenkovskaya culture

Kostenkovskaya archaeological culture stunning in scale. About six dozen large human settlements were found here. According to some experts, at least a thousand people lived here. Others estimate the population of the ancient Voronezh region more modestly - about 600 people. In any case, this number seems to be very impressive. After all, even the population of medieval European cities rarely exceeded several hundred people. Of course, ancient sites in Kostenki it is impossible to call a city. But for such a long time, just a huge population lived here.

The location plan of the sites of ancient people in Kostenki

The real amazement of archaeologists was caused by a collection of miniatures. These are carved from dense rock - marl - figures of mammoths. Most likely, already 22 thousand years ago the inhabitants of Kostenki knew how to keep score. This seems to most anthropologists quite incredible.

Spearheads found during excavations in Kostenki

From this conclusion it follows that the Voronezh civilization is twenty thousand years older than the Sumerian kingdom, with their clay tablets, and the ancient Egyptians. Scientists claim that long before the Sumerian Anunaki, Kostenki already knew how to count mammoths and write them down, not relying on memory. So the mammoths from Lizyukov Street - inscribed by the hand of prehistoric Picasso - are a completely scientific argument in favor of the fact that Voronezh is the cradle of human civilization.

It is generally accepted that Russians are a rather young nation. In fact, four thousand years ago were already built Pyramids of Egypt. By the time of the birth of Christ, the ancient Romans had already managed to sink to the bottom of luxury and even depravity, while our ancestors had not really begun anything yet - neither the state, nor culture, nor writing.

Historians decided to check whether this is really so? And it turned out that 6 thousand years ago, when the Sumerian civilization, as it is commonly believed, the first on Earth, was just emerging - in our country, on the territory modern Ural our ancestors were so advanced that they even knew metallurgy.

"We are talking about a very large developed civilization on a very large territory, which had a strong influence on the entire Eurasian region - this is already unambiguous and beyond doubt. Therefore, here, I think that the future belongs to science," - says Alexey Palkin, researcher at the Laboratory of Natural and Historical and Cultural Heritage of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

This is Vera Island. It is located in the Chelyabinsk region on Lake Tugoyak. In the 80s of the last century, archaeologists discovered a find here, which became real sensation: amazing ancient structures that turned out to be much older than the famous English Stonehenge. It was this discovery that made scientists seriously talk about the fact that the first civilized society in the history of not only Russia, but the whole of Europe, and maybe the whole world, was born right here - in the Chelyabinsk region, next to the Ural Mountains.

"II understand that this may cause a shock, what I will say now, but I say this with complete responsibility, these megaliths on the island of Vera, they are much brighter and more interesting than Stonehenge. Why? Because Stonehenge is a healthy thing, but it's the only one there. Here. Here in this particular place, and here on a plot of 6 hectares there are several objects different type", -

Megalith No. 1

The ancient structure discovered on the island of Vera is called Megalith No. 1. That's what the archaeologists called it. Once this ancient building was 3.5 meters high and served as an observatory. The ancient builders specially arranged the window so that on the days of the summer and winter solstices the sunbeam penetrated, falling exactly on the altar.

Megalith window

The main mystery of the ancient observatory is not even in how people at that stage of their development thought of following the movement of heavenly bodies, but in the fact that the building was made of huge boulders. Each - several tens of tons. It turns out that the ancient inhabitants of these territories near modern Chelyabinsk were able not only to move heavy blocks, but they could put it all together correctly. So reliable that after thousands of years, the megalith did not collapse.

Central hall

There is central hall, which is connected to the side chambers by corridors. The hall is composed of a number of megaliths, which are located on the sides and in the ceiling. There are about twenty-five to thirty of them in total. The largest of them weighs 17 tons. The size of megaliths is from one and a half to two and a half meters in length and half a meter in width. The building dates back to IV - III millennium BC.

Huge plates were made by nature itself - this is the remnant of the mountain. But in order for the blocks to lie flat, the progenitors had to process them.

Nearby, archaeologists discovered a real melting furnace. Its design suggests that metal smelting technologies in ancient times were practically no different from those that were invented just a couple of centuries ago. It turns out that those who lived on this island semi-savage tribes engaged in non-ferrous metallurgy.

"It was here that the oldest copper smelting furnace was located. Scientists discovered a chimney, which stands out very clearly from the general background. Traces of smoke, which were reflected on the stones, clearly remained and are visible on the stones," says Alexey Palkin, researcher at the Laboratory of Natural and Historical and Cultural Heritage of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Zyuratkul geoglyph

The fact that an incredibly developed population lived on the territory of the Chelyabinsk region thousands of years ago is also evidenced by another amazing find - the Zyuratkul geoglyph. It was discovered by accident. In 2011, one of the Zyuratkulsky employees national park noticed that the grass at the foot of the ridge grows unevenly. This is despite the fact that no mechanical impact was clearly exerted on it. The scientist decided to find out the reasons for such a strange phenomenon. He managed to establish that the grass does not grow in some places because it is hindered by boulders laid out by a path resembling a drawing or even a diagram. To see it in its entirety, national park officials took off in a helicopter and discovered a giant drawing laid out on the ground. Most of all, it resembles the image of an elk.

The dimensions of this elk are impressive: the length of the drawing is 275 meters. The age of the geoglyph is 5-6 millennia. How did its creators control the accuracy of laying, how did they manage to observe the direction and correctness of the lines, if the entire pattern is visible only from high altitude- unclear. But most importantly - why did they need this image of an elk?

The geoglyph resembles an image of an elk

"ATIn the Neolithic, in the Urals, we mainly had a farm - hunters, fishermen, and so on. That is, the population that built this here, it had to exploit a significant territory. That is, we are talking about some connections between these groups, about some slightly different social structures than we imagine today. It's not just a group separate group hunters-fishers, it is a more complex social organization," considers Stanislav Grigoriev, archaeologist, senior researcher at the Institute of History and Archeology of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

If archaeologists were not mistaken in determining the age of this miracle, then it turns out that our ideas about the abilities and capabilities ancient population Russia, do not correspond to reality, which means that official science was mistaken, claiming for many years that intelligent life came to these parts only shortly before the baptism of Rus'.

Scientists treat this hypothesis with great caution. However, new archaeological finds raises more and more questions that have yet to be answered.

Another proof that ancient people on the territory of modern Russia were very developed is in the Ignatievskaya cave. It is located at the southern end Ural mountains in the Chelyabinsk region. In 1980, speleologists accidentally discovered a drawing on its vaults, which made a real revolution in archeology. Studies have shown that the drawings were made on the walls more than 14 thousand years ago. In no place on the planet has it ever been possible to find a drawing of such antiquity that would contain a clear plot. This cave depicts the very process of creating life. Exactly as our ancient ancestors saw it.

But why does the whole world know about the oldest rock paintings in Australia, and why do all textbooks on archeology list people and gobies from Algeria as the first drawings? After all, they appeared on the walls of caves in the 11th century BC. That is later than the Urals by 13 thousand years. Why are scientific journals silent about the discovery of the Ural archaeologists?

Many experts are sure that such data will force us to revise not only scientific theories, but also rewrite school textbooks.

Geologists have discovered ancient traces of microbial life up to 4.3 billion years old in the vicinity of Quebec. The discovery suggests that life on Earth appeared immediately after the formation of the planet.

“We can say that life could have arisen on Earth almost instantly, at hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor almost immediately after the planet formed. The rapid emergence of life on Earth fits well with other recent findings, suggesting that already 3.7 billion years ago, microbes formed entire layers of sedimentary rocks, ”said Matthew Dodd from University College London (UK).

However, not all scientists agree: according to a number of experts, there is no way to prove that these traces are indeed evidence of the emergence of viable microorganisms in the early stages of the development of the planet's ecosystem.

It is known that life developed in the Earth's oceans. most 4.5 billion years of history of the Earth. However, there is still heated debate about exactly when the first microorganisms appeared, notes.

Three years ago, Japanese geologists discovered hints of the existence of life on Earth about 3.7 billion years ago, studying samples of graphite from the Isua Formation, which formed at the same time in Greenland.

Last year, scientists found the first unequivocal evidence of life in that era, and in 2015 they found in Australia supposed traces of life that inhabited the Earth's oceans 4 billion years ago.

Dodd and his colleagues, studying the rocks of one of the oldest layers of the earth's crust in the vicinity of Quebec, stumbled upon "true traces of life" that, scientists are convinced, have existed for almost as long as the planet itself.

It is difficult to examine these traces without a microscope. At maximum magnification, you can see something resembling microbial fossils previously found in Norway and California. However, previous fossils date from a later period.

Scientists have seen many unusual elongated "tubes" a few micrometers long. They were filled with hematite, iron oxide. Geologists note that the structure of the crystals in the pipes is identical to the deposits of hematite, which forms at the bottom of the sea near thermal springs where bacteria live. The tubes themselves were inside hollow balls, which the researchers believe resulted from the release of gases during the decomposition of microbes after their death.

Dodd and his colleagues are convinced that they have managed to find all the signs of the oldest product of the vital activity of the first microorganisms of the Earth.

Other geologists are skeptical about Dodd's discovery, noting that the results of the study cannot be considered conclusive. It is difficult to establish that the tubular formations are indeed evidence of the earliest life, since many different fluids have passed through the rocks over 4.5 billion years. In addition, it was difficult for ancient microorganisms to oxidize iron, since they lived in depths that were practically inaccessible to oxygen.

Task: What were ancient tools labor?"

Scientists suggest that people who lived more than 2 million years ago made and used such tools as pointed stones, digging sticks and clubs.

What are scientists' assumptions based on? How do they know about it?

Excavations cannot give an idea of ​​wooden tools, because the tree rots. This can only be guessed at, there is no direct evidence. Somewhere on the islands of Oceania, in the depths of the African continent, live tribes that are lagging behind in their development. These tribes do not grow plants, do not breed livestock, do not know metals. They are engaged in hunting and gathering. Studying the life of these tribes, scientists suggest that 2 million years ago ancient people tools were made not only from stone, but also from wood.

Likewise, studying cave drawings of primitive people who lived several tens of thousands of years ago, scientists find tools made of wood in these drawings (drawings in the textbook). On this basis, it can be assumed that the distant ancestors of primitive artists also used wood as a material for tools.

Task: "Stain from the fire"

As you know, almost everything that we know about the life of primitive people has been obtained through the work of an archaeologist. Think about what the place where the fire once burned can tell about ancient people?

Primitive people, about whom in question in the task, they knew how to use fire.

The thickness of the ash will tell you how long people lived in this parking lot.

A special analysis of the coals preserved in the fire allows scientists to determine how many thousands of years ago a tree that burned in a fire was cut down.

Task: "Ancient Graves"

Archaeologists find traces of the life of primitive people during excavations of ancient settlements, garbage pits, as well as ancient graves.

Explain why archaeologists often find vessels, weapons, tools, jewelry in graves, while only fragments of objects and animal bones can be found in garbage pits.

To solve the problem, it is necessary to know what is primitive times faith in the soul and its posthumous existence was born. The task can be proposed as before studying the material about " land of the dead”(§3, item 4), and after (as a consolidation of what has been studied).

“For an archaeologist, burials are very valuable and special historical source. The fact is that things and in general all the remnants of the past that are found in parking lots, settlements, settlements, in most cases, are greatly damaged by time. Buildings are destroyed or burned, things were once either lost or abandoned as unusable. Time scattered and mixed it all. In the burials reigns full order, if they were not torn and robbed, all things are in the same position in which they were placed and laid at the time of burial. Jewelry is located in the places where they were usually worn: temporal rings at the temples of the skull, rings and bracelets on the fingers and wrists of the skeleton, buttons are in the order in which they were sewn on. Let the clothes themselves have decayed, but if a row of buttons reaches the knees of the skeleton, then it can already be safely assumed that the dress also reached the knees or lower. Earthenware stores the remains of food, and even if the vessel is crushed by the earth, then all the shards remain in place and are easy to glue.

According to the burials, it is easy to establish the property difference between the dead, and, consequently, the society that left the burial. Graves are rich and poor - from the luxurious tombs of the Egyptian pharaohs and with piles of gold to a modest mound over the ashes of a simple farmer or a shepherd with a stone ax and a pot of spelt.

Task: "Why did not die one-armed hunter

Archaeologists examined the site of primitive hunters who lived several tens of thousands of years ago. During the excavations, the skeleton of a one-armed man was discovered, who died under the collapsed arch of the cave. Examination of the skeleton showed that the man was about 50 years old at the time of death, and his right hand he lost at a young age.

Can anything be said about the life of primitive hunters on the basis of this find? About relationships between people in this tribal community?

Hunting was very dangerous in those days, people often died in fights or lost parts of their bodies.

The tribe lived in a cave and did not build huts

People knew healing herbs or could prepare some kind of drug against blood poisoning, otherwise the man would have died having lost his arm.

The collective of relatives continued to feed him and take care of him.

Task: “What can a garbage pit tell about?”

Imagine that on the site of an ancient village in an ancient garbage pit, archaeologists have found a pile of animal bones. Scientists have determined that most of the bones belong to wild animals - deer, wild boars, bison. There are very few bones of domestic animals - pigs and goats.

What conclusions can you draw about the occupations of the people who lived in the ancient settlement? Which method of obtaining food, judging by these finds, was the main one, and which one was secondary?

Hunting continued to be the main occupation (this is evidenced by the number of bones of wild animals), but cattle breeding began to play a noticeable role.

Task: "What was the first arithmetic operation that people mastered?"

It is known that primitive hunters and gatherers who lived in tribal communities learned to count on the heels and tens (according to the number of fingers on their hands), knew arithmetic operations.

Guess which of the arithmetic operations people mastered first. What do you think you had to do more often: multiply, divide, add, subtract?

According to scientists, first of all, people could master not addition and subtraction, but division (of course, this is just a hypothesis, but it follows from an analysis of the practical needs of primitive people and looks plausible). Everything that was obtained by hunting, and everything that was collected by women - everything belonged to the entire tribal community. All this had to be divided among relatives. And this happened all the time. That is why the division came first.

Task: “Can you reap where you have not sown?”

Everyone knows the saying: "What you sow, you will reap." Meanwhile, scientists argue that once people reaped with sickles what they did not sow. Are scientists right? Justify your answer.

Even before the advent of agriculture, when collecting wild cereals (barley, wheat), primitive people used reaping knives - sickles, which had a wooden or bone base, into which sharp pieces of flint or other stone were inserted.

Task: "Why study pot shards?"

One of the sciences playing big role in the study of history, it can be jokingly called the science of broken pots.

What is this science? What's in her comic name correct and what is not?


Pottery, i.e. making dishes from clay was invented approximately 10-12 thousand years ago. When excavations are carried out today in those settlements whose inhabitants knew how to make vessels from clay, archaeologists find a lot of shards. .

The study of the sherds allows us to conclude that the inhabitants of the settlement studied by archaeologists:

    knew (or did not know) pottery;

    they made vessels on a potter's wheel (or they sculpted them in a primitive way without a circle);

    traded (or not traded) with nearby and distant settlements. So, by restoring the shape of broken vessels from the shards, by studying the composition of the clay, it is possible to determine whether they were made locally or brought from another region.

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