Scenarios of the game program for children paint summer. Summer project for children of the middle age group "Colors of summer


Ekaterina Stolyarova
Summer project for middle school children age group"Colors of Summer"

Summer project for middle age children

"Summer colors"

Passport project.

Type project: creative

Timing project: medium term(from 31.07.2017 to 25.08.2017)

Members project: teacher - Stolyarova E.V., children middle group "Bell", parents, music director - Kolegaeva N.A.

Target: create maximum effective conditions to organize work aimed at the protection and promotion of health children in summer period, taking into account individual characteristics, the formation of children knowledge about seasonal phenomena of animate and inanimate nature.

Tasks project:

Learn children celebrate summer changes in nature, experiment, identifying cause-and-effect relationships.

Form at children emotional-figurative perception through the artistic word.

Develop observation creative imagination, ideas about the world around, arbitrary memory and attention;

educate at children interest, love and careful attitude to nature;

Enrich vocabulary children with new words.

Form at children knowledge about the relationship between nature and man.

Relevance project:

Summer- beautiful and wonderful time! In the summer during the day kindergarten maximum stay children on outdoors . It is very important that life children during this period was informative and interesting. Children middle group continue to study the world. And, therefore, it is very important for children of this age development of elementary sensory representations, visual-effective thinking. Directly- educational and experimental research activities, didactic games contribute to the development of children cognitive activity. Outdoor games, entertainment, morning exercises, outdoor physical education, sand games provide the necessary level of physical and mental health children.

Expected results:

Reducing the incidence rate among children;

Development of social and moral, communicative qualities child;

Increasing interest in beautiful world nature, to its knowledge;

The manifestation of such qualities as kindness, mercy, care.

Health and physical development.

Morning gymnastics. Exercise after sleep. Folk and outdoor games. Sport games.

hardening procedures.

Walking barefoot. Sunbathing. Bathing and washing feet.

The development of curiosity.

Observations. Excursions. Experimental activity.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Drawing. Application. Modeling.

Labor skills. Flower garden. Territory cleaning. Crafts.

Reading fiction.

Implementation plan

1-Preparatory stage includes myself:

1. Selection necessary literature on this topic.

2. Selection of motor exercises and outdoor games.

3. Plan development project.

2- The main stage implements the weekly Topics:

"Wonders from the Forest"

from 31.07. until 04.08. 2017

Monday "Inquisitive"

Conversation "Forest House"

Target: To give an idea that the forest is the green outfit of our planet, a lot grows in the forest plants: shrubs, flowers, mushrooms.

To consolidate the knowledge that the forest is a home for animals and birds.

Looking at pictures and illustrations.

Reading a fairy tale "What is a forest?" (Yu. Dmitriev)

Di "Trees"

Tuesday "Hardworker"

Drawing paints"Tree"

Riddles about trees.

Reading a poem about a birch.

Observation while walking: for the weather and the sun

Work: putting things in order on the site.

Wednesday"Health and Wellness"

Conversation "Trees in the Forest"

Target: Expand knowledge about trees, that the forest is coniferous and deciduous.

Di "What Animals Can Do"

P\u003e "At the bear in the forest", "Run to the named tree".

Path of health

Reading a story "First Hunt" V. Bianchi

Observation while walking: for the ants.

Thursday "Mikrosha"

Application (break) with drawing elements "Birch".

Reading a fairy tale "Three piglets" (English, translated by S. Marshak)

Di "Guess what tree", "Guess what's in your hand"

Observation while walking: behind the birch.

Friday "Weird"

Construction "Teremok"(constructor Lego, cubes)

Di "Funny Matryoshkas", "What is this bird?"

"Sister Fox and the Wolf"

Observation while walking: for insects.

Work: cleaning sand around the sandbox.

P\u003e "Hunter and Hares"

"Young Firefighters"

from 07.08. to 11.08. 2017

Monday "Inquisitive"

Conversation "These matches are small"

Target: Make it understandable children the purpose of matches in the house, to explain their danger if they fall into the inept hands of an inattentive, irresponsible person.

Learn, if necessary, to dial the telephone number of the fire department, police and "Ambulance".

Di "Which? Which? Which?"

P\u003e "Move item".

Reading a fairy tale "Flint" H.-K. Andersen

Tuesday "Hardworker"

Drawing "Cat house"

Observation while walking: behind the sun.

Experience: "Property of dry sand and wet".

P\u003e "Sun and Rain"

Reading a poem "Confusion" K. Chukovsky

Wednesday"Health and Wellness"

Conversation "Do you know the rules fire safety T. A. Shorygina

Observation while walking: for butterflies.

Reading a fairy tale “How a fire tower was built in the village”.

Thursday "Mikrosha"

modeling "Cat"

Target: to develop the ability to portray domestic animals.

Observation while walking: behind the janitor.

P\u003e "Cat and Mice"

Reading a poem "Uncle Stepa" S. Mikhalkova

Friday "Weird"

Experience: "Guess by Smell"

game exercise "Where did Matryoshka hide"

Observation while walking: behind the wind.

Work: Sweep the track.

P\u003e "Aircraft"

Reading a story "Entertainers" N. Nosova

"Miracles in the garden"

from 14.08. to 18.08.2017

Monday "Inquisitive"

Conversation "Where do vitamins live"

Target: Fixing the names of fruits and vegetables. Development of ideas about the necessary vitamins for a person, habits for a healthy lifestyle.

Riddles about fruits and vegetables.

Di "Merry Garden"

Observation while walking: for flowers.

P\u003e "The Birds and the Cat"

Tuesday "Hardworker"

Drawing by the content of the riddles "Mysteries from the Garden"

Target: To develop the ability to convey the shape of vegetables according to their description in riddles.

Observation while walking: what grows in the garden.

Work: weeding and cleaning the grass in the flower bed.

P\u003e "Sparrows"

Reading a fairy tale "Fruit Tale"

Wednesday"Health and Wellness"

Conversation about the benefits of juices, compotes (What is made of what)

finger game "Orange" (memorization)

Breathing exercises "Bee on Daisy"

A game "Wonderful bag"

Reading Russian folk tale (optionally children) .

Thursday "Mikrosha"

Application "Fruits and vegetables on a plate"

Using experience to find the truth.

"Comparing an apple - an orange"

With orange skin

Similar to a ball

But the center is not empty

And juicy and delicious!

Di "What is planted in the garden".

Reading a Russian folk tale "Masha and the Bear".

Observation while walking: for medicinal plants.

P\u003e "At the bear in the forest".

Friday "Weird"

C\r game "Vegetable shop"

Di "Young Chef"

poetry reading: Y. Tuwim "Vegetables"; Ya. Egorov "Radish", "Pumpkin", "Carrot", "Peas", "Cucumbers".

"Flag of Russia"

from 21.09. to 25.08.2017

Monday "Inquisitive"

Conversation "The History of the Russian Flag"

Target: generate interest in the Russian flag; cultivate respect for their country.

Di "Collect the flag of Russia".

Observation while walking: behind inanimate nature.

P\u003e "Squat Traps".

Tuesday "Hardworker"

Drawing "Flag of Russia".

Target: Develop fine motor skills, imagination, accuracy in working with paints.


Observation while walking: behind the cloud.

Work: Sweep paths.

A game "Pass the Flag".

Wednesday"Health and Wellness"

Conversation "The symbolic meaning of the flag of Russia".

Target: Introduce symbolic meaning the flag of Russia; to cultivate love and respect for their homeland, pride in their country.

Learning a poem "Colorful flag of Russia" M. Bebina

A game "Collect the Russian flag" (from cubes, mosaics).

Work: Collection of flower seeds.

Thursday "Mikrosha"

modeling "Russian flag".

Target: Develop fine motor skills of hands; cultivate accuracy in work.

Listening to the anthem of the Russian Federation.

Reading poems about the flag.

Observation while walking: behind the trees.

P\u003e "Colored Cars", d\u "What season".

Friday "Weird"

C\r game "Family".

Drawing with crayons on asphalt "Flag of Russia".

Observation while walking: for the weather and the sun.

Work: Tidying up around sandboxes.

P\u003e "Aircraft".

Stage 3 - Final

Show presentation "Nature"

Exhibition of children's works

Working with parents.

Advice for parents "The Benefits of Vitamins".

Advice for parents "Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy".

Exhibition of joint works "Russian flag".

Photo exhibition "How I spent summer!"

Attracting the attention of parents to questions about vitamins, about their correct use.

Implementation of a unified educational approach in teaching a child the rules of fire safety.

Enhancing the involvement of parents in the work of the kindergarten. Development of positive relationships between parents and employees of preschool educational institutions.

Irina Milekhina
Scenario summer fun"Colors of Summer"

Scenario of summer entertainment for children 3 - 4 years old"Summer colors"

Actors and performers


Grandma Malanyushka (she's the host).

Clown Beam.


Entertainment progress:

(Happy music playing (at the choice of music director). Children come to a brightly decorated playground and sit on pre-prepared chairs).

(Grandma Malanyushka appears to the Russian folk melody).


Grandma Malanyushka:

Hello kids, boys and girls. How glad I am that you came to me today, to Grandma Malanyushka. Guys, summer is here. It's hot outside, flowers are blooming, birds are singing. And I'm just sure that you are very smart kids and know how to solve riddles. Do you know?. Then listen attentively:

He is the radiant sun

Then he is a fluffy cloud.

Summer did not want to wait.

The wind blew - flew around!


Well done boys! This riddle is about our beloved sun. Guys, please cheer up Grandma Malanyushka. Sing me a song about a dandelion.

Children sing any song about dandelion.

Grandma Malanyushka:

Guys, today I invited a guest to us, and guess who he is. Listen attentively:

In the circus, he is the funniest of all big success. It remains only to remember. What is the name of the merry fellow? (clown)

Well done boys! Recognized our guest!

Arisha: We are celebrating summer,

Festival of the sun, festival of light.

Come visit us.

We are always glad to have guests.

(Happy music playing (at the choice of the music director, a clown appears).


Hello everyone, friends!

I welcome you all today!

My name is Bim the Clown! I really want to know what is your name, my cute, charming and funny kids? Let's get to know each other better. I will now throw you this cheerful and very kind ball, and you tell me your name, only affectionately, like me. My name is Bimushka (speaking affectionately).

(To cheerful music (at the choice of the music director, the clown Beam throws each child (in order) in the hands of a large multi-colored (beach) ball. It is necessary to catch him by calling his name in a diminutive form).


Clown. Well, that's how we met! Do you guys like to dance? And I really love to dance?

One two three four five,

Come out to dance!

Take a friend by the hand

Start our dance!

(Children become couples and dance a dance).


Grandma Malanyushka:

Dear Bim the Clown, do you know that today we are having fun together with the summer? In summer, all the guys sunbathe, walk a lot on the street, because it is very warm and the sun is shining, and not only but also go to the forest to admire the nature of the forest, get to know the animals that live in the forest.


Guys, tell me, do you know poems about the forest?

Children: Yes.

Children recite poetry.

Hello forest!

Dense forest,

Full of fairy tales and wonders!

What are you making noise about?

On a dark, stormy night,

What are you whispering to us at dawn

All in dew, as in silver?

Who is hiding in your wilderness?

What kind of animal? What bird?

Open everything, do not hide:

You see, we are ours.

This fashionista is forest

Often changes his outfit:

In a white coat - in winter,

All in earrings - in the spring,

Green sundress - in summer,

On an autumn day, she is dressed in a raincoat.

If the wind blows

The golden cloak rustles.

We are in the forest in summer

Gathered raspberries,

And top each

Filled up the basket.

We shouted to the forest

All in unison: - Thank you!

And the forest answered us:

"Thank you, thank you!"

Then suddenly he swayed

sigh... and shut up.

Probably by the forest

Tired tongue.

Mom and I are mushrooms

We collect together.

forest gifts

We put it in the basket.

Trees above us

Quietly making noise

About something of my own

Speaking to each other

On the lawn by the river

We planted oak trees.

Have fun growing, oak forest,

To everyone's joy

To our glory!

Bloom every year

Raise the green noise.

Be happy oaks

On the lawn by the river!

Christmas tree, Christmas tree,

Vershinka -

What a needle!

With violent wind

Touch -

You'll prick!

Willow, my willow!

Who, tell me, are your friends?

The sun caresses me

Spit wind braids.

At the fence it's lonely

The nettle burned.

Maybe offended by someone?

I came closer

And she, the evil one,

Burnt my hand.

Squirrel that clockwork

Rides tired not knowing.

Along the spruce trunk

Like a flat table.

From branch to branch

Rush to the kids.

And it does not carry pies -

A bunch of porcini mushrooms

A handful of nuts

Berries - sweet tooth.

A gray wolf walks and roams.

And teeth click and click.

Fur like a bristle

Perked up on her back.

Hedgehog puffs and frowns:

What am I to you, cleaner?

I won't sweep the forest,

Keep clean!

In the forest, not long before trouble.

But the hare is not a simpleton.

Stop covering your tracks!

A fox lives in the forest

Red sister.

She carries gifts

What children ask.

Merry Frog

Lived in the same river

Upside down her hut

Stood, bre-ke-ke!

The bees are chasing the bear:

"Zhu-zhu-zhu! Don't be a thief!

Don't touch our honey

Go your way!"

The bear rushes without looking back,

Only heels flicker in the grass,

Instead of honey there will be cones

On the nose of the thieves Mishka!

Once I saw

And I asked myself:

He's running out

And it starts

five green frogs

In a hurry to rush into the water

The herons are scared!

And they make me laugh:

I am this heron

Not a bit afraid!

Under the birch on the mountain

The badger sleeps in its hole.

And the badger's hole

Deep, deep.

Dandelion! Up to what

You are like a cloud.

It's scary to even look:

No matter how the cloud blows away!

Grandma Malanyushka:

That's how many wonderful poems you know, listen, dear Clown Beam, children know a song about the forest.

Children sing the song "Forest Music".


What good songs do you know! Guys, do you like summer?

In the summer - rest, in the summer - air.

You can't get bored in summer

engage in physical education,

Run, jump and jump.

And I really want you to ride horses now just like they ride horses in a circus!

Held musical game"ON A HORSE SKOK - POSKOK"

(The clown brings 5 ​​- 6 "horses" on a stick. Children who have "horses" in their hands "jump" on them from words:

But! - we said to the horse And rushed off without looking back. The mane curls in the wind. Here is the house. Horse, whoa!

Cheerful music sounds. Children on horses dance: (For example: spinning high raising legs, perform energetic stomp, you can "get off" from the "horse" and perform your favorite dance moves). After the end of the dance, the child with the horse comes up to the child who does not have a "horse" and gives it to words:

Child: Play with my horse.

(Children pass "horses" other children. The game is repeated with new "riders").

Clown: How cool we rode horses! Did you guys like it?

Grandma Malanyushka:

You are so good

You are such daredevils!

Well, let's show our friend Bimushka how we can make friends and dance the dance of friendship "Kapitoshka"

Guys, I came to you with a surprise. (The clown has a large balloon, in which, before inflating it, they put not a lot of colored crayons). Look! (pretends to show focus).

One, two, three Sharik, give me a miracle!

(The clown pierces the ball. The crayons get enough sleep).

And I really want you to draw pictures for Grandma Malanyushka and me. Will you draw?

(Senior artists distribute crayons to children. To cheerful music, the guys draw on the pavement).

After the children have drawn the drawings, they are given balloons and they disperse to the sections.

"Summer is dressed in bright colors"

Type: information-practical - oriented with elements of creativity.
Duration: June-August.
Project participants: children of the senior group, educators, parents.
The purpose of the project: to preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of children, taking into account their individual characteristics; meet the needs of a growing organism for rest, creative activity and movement.
1. To form in preschoolers a conscious attitude towards their health.
2. To promote the development of motor independence, motor creativity, initiative and quick wit.
3. Contribute to the accumulation of children's ideas about the world around them.
4. To instill in children the position of creators and helpers of nature, communication with each other.
5. Cultivate children's ability in various types artistic and aesthetic activity.
6. To carry out pedagogical and social education of parents on the upbringing and health improvement of children in the summer.

Project idea: increasing the emotional and positive mood of children through the organization of thematic events; aimed at recovery and physical development, the development of curiosity and cognitive activation, the formation of cultural, hygienic and labor skills.

Relevance: Summer is the most favorable period for strengthening the physical and mental health of children, so it is necessary to use the favorable conditions of summer time to the full. Children spend most of their time outdoors, so the activities planned in the implementation of this project are aimed at achieving the goal - to preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of children, taking into account their individual characteristics, to fully satisfy the needs of a growing organism for rest, creative activity and movement. By participating in activities, children will be able to develop motor skills, gain interest in obtaining new knowledge about environment through conversations, to show the existing knowledge in the process of outdoor games, entertainment. In a friendly, relaxed atmosphere of involvement in games, children are given the opportunity to cooperate with each other and with the teacher, as well as help, support, empathize.
Expected result: decrease in morbidity, strengthening of the body due to the implementation of recreational activities, joint creative work children and parents on the topic: “Do-it-yourself miracles” (from paper, natural material), photo report “This is what our summer is!”, “Summer travels”.
Project implementation:
Stage 1. Preparatory
It includes:
1. Selection of the necessary literature on the topic.
2. Selection of motor exercises and outdoor games.
3. Informing parents about the implementation of the project.
4. Development of a project plan.
Stage 2. Basic.
The second stage implements the planned themes of the weeks: "Childhood is me and you."
"I live in Russia".
"Kapitoshka and his friends"
"My friend is a traffic light"
"My family"
"Know Thyself"
"Miracles with your own hands"
"We are friends with sports"
"Alone with nature"

The first week of "Childhood is me and you" includes:
1. Conversations: "Children's Day", "We are friendly guys."
2. Excursions around the territory of the kindergarten: “Summer, summer, what color is it”, bird watching on the site, insects, weather.
3. Contests of drawings on asphalt "Let there always be sunshine", "Happy childhood".
4. D / games: "In the world of plants", "Assemble from parts", "Seasons".
5. P / games: " We are funny guys”, “Geese, geese”, “Third extra”, “Catch a mosquito”, “Jump ropes”, “My cheerful sonorous ball”.
6. C / R games: "Family", "Traveling around the city with the family."
7. Sport competitions: "Gorodki", "Who will throw further", "Hit, do not miss."
8. Hardening procedures.

The second week of "I live in Russia" includes:
1. Conversations “Russia is my motherland”, “Moscow is the capital of our Motherland”, “My dear Serpukhov”, “ famous writers Russia", viewing plot illustrations in the album " Russia is the motherland my".
2. Observation of medicinal plants, white-trunked birch, the work of the driver.
3. Creative workshop: "Flowers in the meadow", origami "Bird".
4. Leisure "Russia is my Motherland"
5. D / games: “What is the subject for”, “Professions”, “Who needs what for work”
6. SL / games: “Find out by description”, “What has changed”, “Find a couple”, “Tell a word”, “Say the opposite”.
7. P / games: "Towns", "Trap", " Empty place"," Mousetrap.
8. C / r games: “Pilots”, “Traveling by bus”
9. Sports competitions: “Get in the basket”, “On a scooter”, basketball elements “Throw the ball into the ring”.
10. Hardening procedures.

The third week "Kapitoshka and his friends" includes:
1. Conversations “What helps us to be healthy”, “The importance of water in our life”, “Rules of behavior in nature”, “The sun, air and water are our best friends”.
2. Observation of the sun, the flowers in the flowerbed, the beauty of the surrounding nature.
3. D / games: "Collect a flower", "What time of the year", "What first, what then."
4. P / games: “We will not say what we saw, but we will show what we did”, “Do as I do”, “Stream”, “Catch a fish”.
5. Experiments: “Where did the water disappear”, “ Magic transformations”, “Let’s color the water in different colors”, “Do-it-yourself figured soap”, “Funny boats”.
6. Leisure "Holiday of soap bubbles"
7. Labor activity: "We take care of the flowers in the group and on the site."
8. Games with air and soap bubbles.
9. Reading K. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief", showing the presentation "The importance of water in people's lives."
10. Hardening procedures.

Fourth, fifth week "My traffic light buddy" includes:
1. Conversations: “I am a pedestrian”, “What are pedestrians”, looking at the album: “Transport on the streets of the city”, “Our city”, “I am walking along the street”, looking at road signs on the site.
2. Observations of passing vehicles, pedestrian crossings, the work of the driver.
3. D / games: " Road signs”, “Forbidden-permitted”, “Traffic signals”.
4. P / games: “Colored cars”, “Traffic light”, “Red, yellow, green”, “Drivers”.
5. Reading fiction: “I am a pedestrian today”, “ABC of a pedestrian”, S. Mikhalkov “My street”, B. Zhitkov “What I saw”.
6. Competition of drawings on asphalt: “My street”, “Cars on our street”.
7. Leisure: quiz game "Do you know the rules traffic?”, showing the presentation “We are traffic rules experts”.
8. Hardening procedures.

The sixth, seventh weeks of "My Family" includes:
1. Conversations: “What is a family”, “Traditions of my family”, “Profession of mom, dad”.
2. Watching mothers with children, nature on a walk, admire the beauty of blossoming nature.
3. D / games: “Who does what”, “Who needs what for work”, “professions”, “Kind words”.
4. C / r games: "Family", "Traveling with the family", "Kindergarten".
5. Leisure time dedicated to the Day of family, love and fidelity.
6. Presentation for the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity.
7. Artistic creativity: modeling “Mom, dad, I am a friendly family”, drawing “Our family”.
8. Labor activity: cleaning toys in the group, helping the teacher water the flowers in the flower bed, garden beds.
9. Reading fiction: E. Blaginina “That's how mom”, “Let's sit in silence”, “Mom for a mammoth”, E. Uspensky “Grandmother's hands”.
10. Hardening procedures.

The eighth week "The World of Animals and Birds" includes:
1. Conversations: “What surrounds us”, “What I saw in the bird park”, “In the animal world”.
2. Birdwatching on the site, for insects in sunny weather, for a cat.
3. D / games: “Assemble a picture from parts”, “Name the cubs”, “Who says what”, “Who lives where?”.
4. P / games: " shaggy dog”, “Cat and Mice”, “Bird Flight”, “Mousetrap”.
5. Words / games: “Name the bird”, “Chain of words”, “Tell me a word”.
6. Exhibition of drawings "In the world of animals."
7. С / р game “How we visited the reserve”, “Zoo”.
8. Construction game "Zoo for animals", "We are building a reserve."
9. Reading fiction: S. Marshak "Children in a cage", V. Bianchi "Masters without an ax", G. Skrebitsky "Forest voice".
10. Show presentation: " Animal world native land."
11. Hardening procedures.
The ninth, tenth weeks of "Know thyself" includes:
1. Conversations: " Folk games”, “What do you like to play”, “About friendship”, “I play”, “My favorite games in kindergarten”, “My friend”.
2. Observations of children playing on the sports ground, of the surrounding nature.
3. D / games: “When does this happen?”, “Funny logic”, “Make a picture from parts”, “Lay out a pattern”.
4. С/р games: "Hospital", "Shop", "Journey around the city".
5. Construction games: "Our yard", "City streets".
6. Folk games: "Towns", ball games: "Dodgeball", "Ball in the ring", "Who will throw further", riding a scooter, elements of the game of tennis "Racket with a ball", jumping rope.
7. Artistic creativity: crafts from natural material "Hedgehog", origami "Animals in the forest", drawing wax crayons"Colorful Summer"
8. Games with soap and air bubbles.
9. Modeling from sand: “Building a tunnel”, “Baking from sand”, “Sand city”.
10. Drawing with colored crayons on the pavement.
11. Musical leisure “Hello, we are looking for talents” (reading poems, singing songs, dramatizations).
12. Joint creative work of children and parents from natural material: "Miracles with their own hands."
13. Hardening procedures.

The eleventh week "We are friends with sports" includes:
1. Conversations: "What you need to do to be healthy", "We are strong, dexterous, courageous."
2. Observations of children playing on the sports ground, children playing in the yard.
3. Reviewing the album: "Famous athletes."
4. D / games: “Useful-harmful products”, “Sports games”, “Sports”, “Make a picture from parts”.
5. P / games: "Ball in the ring", "Don't miss", "Jump rope", "Nimble monkeys", "Kangaroo", sports relay races on teams.
6. Sports leisure for the Day of Athlete.
7. Show presentation: " healthy image life"
8. C / r games: "Family on the sports ground", "We are athletes."
9. Hardening procedures.

The twelfth, thirteenth weeks "Alone with nature" include:
1. Conversations: "What surrounds us", "What are medicinal plants", "We love and protect nature."
2. Observation of changes in nature, development of cognitive interests.
3. D / games: “Rules of behavior in nature”, “Pick mushrooms in a basket”, “In the garden and in the garden”, “Where is whose house”, “Guess which tree the leaf is from”, “What do you know about insects? ”, “Fruits and seeds”, “What kind of flower?”.
4. Reviewing the album "Summer", compiling descriptive stories.
5. Artistic creativity: drawing "Flowers in the Meadow", "In the Forest", "Apple Orchard", crafts made from natural material.
6. Leisure time dedicated to Apple Spas.
7. Hardening procedures.
Stage 3. Final
Sports leisure "Be friends with sports, grow healthy"
Photo report "Here it is, our summer!"
Joint creative crafts of children and parents on the topic: “Do-it-yourself miracles”, a selection of photos “Summer travels”

Project results:
Throughout summer period educational work contributed to the protection and promotion of health, physical development child, taking into account individual characteristics, activation of the motor regime through favorable summer conditions. All work with children was aimed at fulfilling such important tasks as the development of motor and mental abilities, tempering children, moral enrichment and familiarization with the origins of Russian folk culture, positive attitude to the surrounding and close cooperation with the family.

Scenario sports festival“Be friends with sports - grow healthy” (senior group)

Program objectives: to consolidate children's interest in physical education and sports, to continue to develop dexterity, speed, endurance, physical activity, to cultivate feelings of mutual assistance, mutual assistance.

Venue: sports ground

Equipment: musical accompaniment.
4 hoops, 4 medium balls, 2 bicycles, 4 landmarks, 2 scooters, 2 mushroom baskets (according to the number of participants in the teams), 4 balloons, 2 wooden spoons, 2 bicycles, 2 tennis balls.

Holiday progress:

Music sounds.
Host: Hello guys! Today we have a holiday of health. What is a holiday? (this is fun, music, good mood). Sports pledge Have a good mood and excellent health
Sport straightens our shoulders
Strength, dexterity gives us
He develops our muscles
Calls us to records.
All the guys know
What hardening helps
What is always useful to us
Sun, air and water.
Eva Bazhanova: Why do I need a charge? It's not a mystery at all
To develop strength and not get tired!
Vanya Shepelev: If someone runs away from charging without looking back,
He will never become a real strong man!
Who is boldly friends with charging,
Who will drive away laziness in the morning,
Be brave and skillful
And fun all day long.
Leading: And now I invite you to a fun warm-up, stand loose.
Warm-up "Radiant Sun". Today all children will participate in our holiday and now the first relay for the oldest children, it is called "Running with two balls"
1 relay race "Running with two balls" (2 teams of 10 people each) The first participant in the game takes two balls in a convenient way and runs with them to an empty hoop, puts them down and returns empty. And the next participant picks up the balls and carries them to an empty hoop. Let's see your speed and agility.
2 relay "Who is faster" (by teams)
On a signal, you need to get on a scooter to a landmark, go around it and pass the baton next participant.
- Well done, older guys, showed dexterity. Sit down, have a rest. And now the younger and middle guys will take part in relay races!
3 relay race "From circle to circle". The first participants jump from circle to circle, run around the landmark and return to their team. Pass the baton to the next participant.
Now it's summer, many mushroom pickers go to the forest for mushrooms, and bring full baskets of mushrooms.
4 relay is called "Fill the baskets with mushrooms." We get up in 2 teams of 6 people. The first participants take baskets, run to a clearing with mushrooms, take one mushroom each, and return to the team, pass the basket to another participant. Relay rule: put only one fungus in the basket. So, 1.2.3 - start! Well done, they played well, showed themselves dexterous, brave and friendly! Sit on the bench, and I invite the older guys!
- And now older children will show dexterity
5 relay race "Kangaroo". The first participant holds the balloon between his knees and, like a kangaroo, jumps with it to the landmark. Returning in the same way back, he passes the ball to the next player, and so on. Well done, real kangaroos!
And again, your dexterity in the relay "Ball in a spoon" is needed. Carefully, slowly, you need to carry the ball in a spoon, go around the landmark and pass the baton to the next participant. Let's see whose team is smart. So 123 started! Well done!
- And now the middle and younger guys will compete, something they have stayed too long. Get up, I invite you to a fun relay race "Nimble cyclists". You need to drive to the landmark, go around it and return to your team. So 123 started! Well done!
Relay race " Cheerful little train» On command 1,2,3, the first participants started running to the landmark, run around it and return to their team. Then the second participants cling to the first and also run around the circle, and so the whole team must reach the finish line in unison.
Host: Well done guys. Today you were the most daring, the most dexterous, the fastest and very friendly. We wish you to grow up healthy, active, cheerful and never get sick. And our holiday has come to an end. Let's sing the song "Smile" together.

Practical part:
Consultation for parents on the topic: "What to do with a child in the summer"
We are all looking forward to the hot summer. But at the same time, for parents, summer is a strong headache in search of an answer to the question "what to do with a child in the summer." Sitting in front of a computer or TV all summer months is a very bad idea.
Let's look at the options for how you can spend the summer with the greatest benefit:
1. Rest on the sea. Many families go to the Black Sea coast or even abroad in the summer to take a break from the hustle and bustle and improve their health. Of course, these are new experiences, but such a trip does not solve the issue of your child's employment in free time. It is unlikely that he will be happy to lie all day on the beach or idle pastime in the hotel. You should think in advance that in the program of your holiday there are exciting and educational excursions, recreational activities etc. The best option would be to choose a hotel that, among other things, offers regular cultural, educational and entertainment
programs for children.
3. Rest in the country. Country cottage area is not only solitude from everyday worries in a native and cozy place alone with nature. This is an opportunity to involve the child in feasible work, helping an adult.
You are unlikely to succeed in turning your child into a convinced gardener,
however, in addition to caring for the beds, you can organize other interesting activities. This can be fun watering from a hose, swimming in a river, hiking in the forest for mushrooms or berries, building a pool or artificial reservoir, making and installing various figures for the garden, such as a scarecrow. Show the little fidget that you trust him and hope for his help, and the child will strive to fulfill your tasks responsibly.
4. City. To limit your child's time at the TV and playing at the computer, give him small household chores - wipe the dust, walk the dog or take out the trash (under your supervision). Children really like to engage in any kind of productive creativity. You can sculpt from salt dough and then decorate the resulting figures. Your kid will be delighted with the result.
In summer, you can also visit museums, exhibitions or performances. Summer - good time to start lessons in a section. The child will not only develop physically, but will also significantly expand the circle of his communication, which will have a very good effect on his communication skills and help him in later life find mutual language with other people.
Relax with your kids!
In this case, you will definitely manage to organize a pleasant and useful vacation. All children strive to discover something new and do not like to be bored, so you should think carefully about how to turn ordinary things into exciting and educational games that will make your child stronger, bigger and smarter over the summer.
Have a nice holiday for you and your kids!

Consultation for parents on the topic: "The sun is good and evil"

Longing for warmth and light, in the summer we spend a lot of time in direct sunlight, forgetting about the danger of burns and heat stroke. Even before the onset of heat, you should purchase a children's protective cream that protects the skin from excess ultraviolet radiation.
Sunburns are not as harmless as many people think.

How to protect your child from sunburn and heat stroke:
When going outside, be sure to wear a panama hat for your baby.
If the baby is not yet 6 months old, sunscreen cannot be used, just do not expose the baby to direct sunlight.
For children older than 6 months, a sunscreen with a protection factor of at least 15 units is required.
Protective cream should be applied to exposed skin every hour, and every time after swimming, even if the weather is cloudy.
In the period from 10.00 to 15.00, which accounts for the peak activity of ultraviolet rays A and B, it is better not to sunbathe at all, but to sit in the shade.
Even if the child is not burned in the first 5 days, the period of exposure to the open sun should not exceed 30 minutes.
The child should periodically cool in the shade - under an umbrella, awning or under trees.
Dress your baby in light cotton clothing.
In the heat, children should drink a lot.
If the child is still burned, wrap him in a towel moistened with cold water, and when you return home, wipe with a solution consisting of water and vinegar in a ratio of 50 to 50.
In summer, the risk of thermal burns also increases. Sitting by the fire or stirring jam in a bowl, be extremely careful if there is a small child next to you.
If the burn is larger than 2.5 centimeters, it is considered severe and the child needs specialized health care. Before being taken to a hospital or emergency room, care must be taken to cool the burn site. You can’t open blisters, put patches on the burn - it’s better to limit yourself to a free sterile bandage.

Consultation for parents "The sun, air and water are our best friends!"
Summer is a wonderful time of the year! Children can most day to play outdoors, temper, making full use of the inexhaustible possibilities natural factors: fresh air, sunlight and water.
1. Air baths - start at an air temperature of 22 ° C for 3-5 minutes, followed by a decrease in temperature to 18 ° C and an increase in duration to 10-15 minutes. At the same time, the child’s clothes are gradually lightened: first, they expose their arms (replace a shirt with sleeves with a T-shirt, then take off the T-shirt, leaving the baby in panties alone).
It is also useful daytime sleep in the air. Children from one to 7 years old sleep in the open air during the entire daytime sleep, due to them according to the regime.
2. Hardening by the sun
best spent while walking or have a good game children in the morning.
At first, it is more convenient for a baby to take sunbaths in light clothes - a white panama, a light shirt and shorts. After 3-4 days, put on a T-shirt instead of a shirt, after a few more days he can take the procedures naked.
The duration of the first sessions is 1-4 minutes (1 minute each on the back, abdomen, right and left side). Then every 2-3 days, add 1 minute on each side of the body. Thus, the duration of sunbathing is brought to 12-15 minutes for 3-4-year-old children, up to 20-25 minutes for 5-6-year-old children, and up to 20-30 minutes for 5-7-year-old children.
In no case do not allow children to stay too long under the scorching rays of the sun. During walks and during sunbathing, the head of the child should always be covered with a light, light headdress.
After a sunbath, it is advisable to do a douche or other water procedure. For children, as a rule, it is enough to take a sunbath once a day.
Attention, moms and dads: during hardening by the sun, constantly monitor the behavior of the child. If you experience palpitations, headaches, lethargy, stop hardening and seek the advice of a doctor.
3. Hardening with water.
Most affordable local water treatment- pouring feet. The lower half of the shins and feet are quickly poured from the ladle. The initial water temperature is 30 °C. Gradually reducing it after 1-2 days by 2 ° C, bring it to 16-14 ° C. Immediately after the procedure, the child's feet are wiped dry with a hard towel.
The hardening effect is enhanced if a contrasting dousing of the feet is applied. One of essential rules hardening - gradualness, the transition from procedures that have a less strong impact to stronger ones, from local to general. Therefore, before starting such procedures as rubbing the body, dousing, it is necessary to teach the child to walk at home not in tights, but in socks, after that - barefoot.
Systematic rinsing of the mouth and throat with water at room temperature promotes hardening of the nasopharynx, prevents the growth of tonsils and adenoids. In addition, rinsing has a massaging effect on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, tonsils and posterior pharyngeal wall. Approximately 1/3 cup of water is needed for each rinse.
Swimming in open water is the best way to harden in the summer. Children of 2-3 years of age can start, but only after preliminary hardening with air and water.
The water temperature should be at least 22-23 degrees C, air 24-25 degrees C. The time spent in water at first is 3 minutes, and then increases day by day
up to 6-8 minutes. Swimming once a day is enough. When children acquire a certain hardening, you can swim at a lower air temperature, but not lower than 18 degrees C.
4. A very useful hardening procedure, which significantly reduces the frequency of colds - walking barefoot.
You can teach your child to it gradually. First, the baby is given the opportunity to be without shoes for some time on a spread out carpet or blanket, then in warm summer days allow you to run on heated sand or grass. Initially, the duration does not exceed 30-40 minutes. in a day. Gradually increases.
However, hardening procedures will bring benefits subject to the following rules:
- first consult with a district pediatrician who knows your child and can give recommendations when choosing methods of hardening, taking into account his state of health;
- gradually increase the strength of the hardening factor (air, water, sun);
- carry out hardening systematically, because even with short breaks (10 days), the achieved effect completely disappears;
- achieve a positive emotional attitude of the child to tempering procedures.
What are the signs to determine whether hardening is effective?
The mood is cheerful, calm, the child reacts normally to the environment.
The state of health is vigorous, the child is always ready for action, actively participates in all games and activities.
Fatigue is normal, moderate fatigue is observed.
Appetite is good, he actively eats all the offered dishes, while eating he is not distracted.
Sleep - calm, deep, falls asleep quickly (after 5-10 minutes, during sleep, muscle relaxation is noted, the child does not wake up from sound, light.
If one of the listed indicators changes - mood instability, depression, irritability, tearfulness, increased fatigue, loss of appetite, sleep - you need to consult a doctor and, on his recommendation, make adjustments to the tempering procedures: reduce the duration, increase the temperature of the water, replace the procedure with another one, etc. etc. The most important thing - do not stop hardening!

Memo for parents "Summer and the safety of our children"
So the summer time has come, when everyone strives for new unforgettable impressions to rest in the country, on the sea or simply in the summer forest rich in gifts and on the warm river with a sandy shore.
Let's remember some traumatic moments for children in beautiful time years like summer
1.1. Summer heat not only warms, but, unfortunately, contributes to the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria, which most often enter the body with poor-quality food. Food and basic hygiene can cause intestinal infectious diseases.
1.2. Remember to wash vegetables and fruits before eating.
1.3. Rule: “Wash your hands before eating! summer, as relevant as ever! » Before you have a meal in an open-air cafe on the street, pay attention to whether there is a washbasin there.
2.1. Injuries include heat stroke and sunburn on a hot day. Please watch how your child is dressed, how long he has been under the open sun. The duration of the air - solar should increase gradually from 3-4 minutes to 35-40 minutes. On a sunny day, a hat is required.
3.1. You are responsible for the life and health of your children!
3.2. Do not leave children unattended when relaxing on water objects!
3.3. Don't let your kids go out alone near the water!
3.4. Swimming children should be continuously supervised by adults!
3.5. It should be remembered that dirty and abandoned water bodies can contain dysentery, typhoid fever, salmonellosis and cholera!
4.1. Timely teach children the ability to navigate the traffic situation, educate the child's need to be disciplined and attentive on the street, careful and prudent.
4.2. Do not let the child go without adults on the road.
4.3. Hold your child by the hand, do not let them go off the sidewalk.
4.4. Teach your child to walk with a calm step, adhering to right side pavement.
4.5. Remind that the road is for cars only and the sidewalk is for pedestrians.
4.6. Learn a poem with your child: "If the green light is on, then the path is open to you."
4.7. Accustom to the rule: you can cross the road only at the transition (ground and underground).
4.8. Do not allow your child to lean out of the window on public transport, expose their hands or any objects.
5.1. open windows;
5.2. unlocked doors;
5.3. Stops in unfamiliar places
5.4. Place children in the safest places (middle or right side of the rear seat). Fasten your child with seat belts.
5.5. Do not allow the child to stand between the seats, lean out of the window, put out his arms, remove the block from the door, touch the handles while driving.
5.6. A child can get out of the car only after an adult.
6.1. Steep slope of the road;
6.2. Irregularities on the road;
6.3. Passing transport.
6.4. Do not allow a child to go outside with a bicycle, scooter or roller skates without adult supervision.
6.5. Teach him to stop at dangerous places - exits of cars from yards, from parking lots, etc.
6.6. Only ride on level pavements.
6.7. If the child still does not control the bike well and often falls, provide him with personal protective equipment - knee pads, elbow pads, a helmet.
7.1. For children, stings of bees, wasps, mosquitoes are dangerous.
7.2. When providing first aid, first of all, you should remove the sting from the bite site, then rinse the wound with alcohol and put cold.
7.3. If the child's reaction to the bite is violent, you should immediately consult a doctor (give an anti-allergic drug).
Summer is the right time for the development and education of children, and it is important not to miss the opportunities that it presents.
8.1. Rest is good. Unorganized rest is bad!
8.2. The sun is wonderful. The lack of a shadow is bad!
8.3. Sea air, swimming is good. Bathing for many hours is bad!
8.4. Exotic is good. Overseas infections are dangerous!
You have three months of summer vacation ahead of you. We wish you have an interesting summer, good mood, health!
The task of parents:
1. Take measures to prevent children from being in places where their presence can harm their health, physical, intellectual, mental, spiritual and moral development.
2. Protect children from information, propaganda and agitation that are harmful to their health, moral and spiritual development.

Advice for parents "How to spend a day off with children?"
Offering several solutions to this issue.
First option. Simplest!
And so, you woke up and decided to stay at home.
What shall we do?
Play, draw, sculpt.
Drawing! The choice of manuals and materials is huge, perhaps your baby will like paints or felt-tip pens, you can also offer him crayons and pencils. It should be borne in mind that your child is not yet large, and will not be able to draw a complete picture on his own. But you can help him with this, for example, invite the child to draw the rays of the sun or the core of the flower.
Let's sculpt! Now on sale there are many options for modeling material - plasticine, clay, dough for modeling. I love the latter the most. Little fingers can easily cope with it, and if a piece of dough falls on a sofa or carpet, then you should wait and it will dry out, and then you can easily remove it. Not difficult crafts will be a caterpillar or berries, you can draw a jar and ask the child to fill it with “sweets”
Building! Your kid can build a castle out of cubes together with his dad, or a house from a designer, this activity will be both interesting and useful for the child.
Read, listen, watch! Children of all ages love to listen to books and look at pictures. You can show your imagination and come up with a story yourself. can show puppet show baby.
Second option. Go visit!
It is best to send a visit to someone with whom the child is already familiar. It will be more interesting for a child to spend time with a peer, because even young children have their first friends. It is worth giving the child a little freedom, and by giving the right to choose the game, it will be interesting for children to draw, play railway, because it's so interesting to ride the train with a friend. You can bring stickers with you and give the children a large sheet of paper, pencils, and ask them to make a picture.
Third option. Nature.
Go for a walk, to the playground, or better yet, go to the park. Fresh air useful for the baby. In winter, you can go sledding, build a snowman, play snowballs or go down the hills. collect in autumn beautiful leaves, make bouquets, herbarium or appliqué out of them. We collect flowers in summer. We play football, fly a kite. Learn to bike, balance bike, scooter. If the first mode of transport seems difficult for your child, then a balance bike is suitable for a child from 1, 6 -2 years old.
Fourth option. "Coming out to the people"
There are many places in our city where you can go with a small child.
A variety of theaters - puppet, conventional and even interactive. Look at the animals in the zoo, where you can feed some of them.
Watch a performance with dolphins in the dolphinarium, meet various representatives sea ​​depths in the aquarium.
Museums are also accessible to small townspeople. go to Peter and Paul Fortress, the boys will recover from the external exhibition of the Artillery Museum, go to the Railway Museum, and the girls will be enchanted by the beauty of butterflies in the Butterfly Museum.
No matter how much you want to spend time with your child, remember that it should be pleasant for both you and the baby, and he will remember it.

Advice for parents:
"Fire is our friend, fire is our enemy"

IN modern world no one is insured either from social upheavals or from natural Disasters. Have you ever thought about the fact that children's pranks with matches and lighters can start a fire? Fire always starts unexpectedly. It would seem that just now everything was normal, and suddenly a flame appears, a suffocating smoke appears. But fire prevention is in our hands. The resolution of this problem requires coordinated actions of teachers and parents. The craving of children for fire, for playing with matches is well known, although many children are aware of the danger of such games and are able to distinguish between "good" and "evil" fire.
Dealing with a child possible reasons the occurrence of fires, it is important to acquaint him with fire safety measures, to form elementary knowledge about dangerous consequences fires, learn to handle fire carefully.
What to tell a child
- A very long time ago, man learned to make fire and use the power of fire to warm himself, cook food, and make machines work. But at the same time, man also recognized the destructive power of fire: people died in the flames, dwellings, crops, livestock, forests, entire villages and even cities burned down.
Think and tell what can cause a fire (faulty electrical appliances, a cigarette butt not extinguished, playing with matches and a lighter, firecrackers, an iron not unplugged from the outlet).
In a person's life, electrical appliances are helpers, and there are a lot of them in every apartment.
If you know how these devices work, explain or listen to the story.
Electric current runs through the wires and makes all electrical appliances work. Electric current is our helper. Without it, we will not be able to watch TV, dry our hair with a hairdryer, listen to music. But electric current can be dangerous and even cause a fire.
Rules for the use of electrical appliances
- If you smell burning rubber, see a smoky wire, or notice that the socket or plug of the electric cord is heating up during operation, immediately inform an adult about this, ask them to call a master electrician.
- Don't forget to unplug electrical appliances. The cause of the fire can be our forgetfulness, inattention, haste.
You probably know that there are substances that can easily catch fire. These are flammable liquids: gasoline, kerosene, oil. These substances should be kept away from fire, as they can flare up instantly. It is impossible to extinguish burning oil, gasoline or kerosene with water - these liquids are lighter than water, so they continue to burn, floating on the surface of the water. How do you think they can be extinguished? They are extinguished with sand or a special mixture. People came up with special devices - fire extinguishers, which are in every institution, in transport, etc.
Liquids such as varnishes, paints, acetone, alcohol, liquid oils are also flammable. These substances must be handled with great care. They cannot be stored in the kitchen.
How do you think why? That's right, gas is burning on the stove in the kitchen, matches are often lit here. If they come into contact with flammable liquids, they can cause a fire or even an explosion. Such flammable liquids are stored in special bottles, jars in metal cabinets, away from fire.
Having experienced the power of fire and the great troubles that a fire leaves behind, people came up with fire safety rules, knowledge and observance of which are mandatory for everyone

Summer camp shift, holiday "Colored colors of summer"

Leading:Good afternoon, dear guys! Today we have gathered for the holiday "Colored Summer".

word games

Summer is made up of bright colors and all of our competitive tasks will be dedicated to colors. Paints in the usual sense are colored energy that makes the world around us bright, colorful, colorful and interesting. And today we will try to get the largest portion of this energy.

Leading: First, we will play a little with you and shout. And we will do it this way: our clothes are decorated in different colors, I will read a colored poem and if you hear the color that is in your clothes, clap loudly and shout there!!! Well, let's try, who hasgreencolor, clap and shout together ... And now those guys who haveredcolor in clothes... And who wearslittle blue things?... Great!
Well, let's check how attentive you are. I will read lines from colored poems. As soon as you hear your color, clap and shout louder.

The sky is rainy, gray
I'll make it blue soon.

The sun is burning bright in the sky, So hot, so red!

Flowers of unusual beauty are good in the garden! We will be pleased with the foliage and green grass.

In winter everything is covered with frost / And the cheeks become... red.

I will go for a walk in the meadow, / I'll wear a cool dress.

I will weave myself into a braid / The tape is bright... green.

I bring a bouquet to my sister Alena / And there is a flower in it. He is... blue.

Leading: Well done boys! It was hard to outwit you. You are all very friendly and attentive.
Now we need to split into two teams, which I propose to call "Pencils" and "Paints". Teams will earn one point for winning each contest, which means you need to work hard to win.

Leading: Let me give you a little introduction to get you started.

Teams line up in columns one at a time.

Competition "Fast Artist"

The first players are given a piece of chalk. At the signal of the leader, they must run to the finish point and draw a triangle near it on the asphalt. Then, the player must run around the finish point and run back to the team. Pass the chalk to the next player and stand behind the column.
The team that completes the task faster wins.

Competition "Bees"

On the pavement in front of each team, it is necessary to draw 8-10 flowers in advance with chalk.
The first player, at the signal of the leader, must jump from flower to flower without opening his legs. Run around the finish point and run back. Clap your hand to pass the baton to the next player and stand behind the column.
The team that completes the task faster wins.

Group game

If the birds sing here and there

If the butterflies settled in the bushes,

(After the first, second, fourth lines - two claps each.

If you learned your lesson by heart,

And besides, he helped a friend,

Teach us how to have fun, show us how to frolic

And we will do the same as you.

(After the first, second, fourth lines - two clicks of the fingers.)

If it hurts you hurt yourself on the joint,

If the bump on top is like a fist,

Teach us not to cry, teach us how not to gasp

And we will do the same as you.

(After the first, second, fourth lines - two stomps each.)

If mom washed all the dishes

And I didn't break any cups or plates,

Teach us to have fun, have fun and be proud

And we will do the same as you.

(After the first, second, fourth lines - two claps with both hands on the knees.)

If you went into space in a dream,

If you ran skipping along the moon,

Show me how you frolicked, how you frolicked, had fun

And we will do the same as you.

(After the first and second lines, two claps each, at the end of singing - a repetition of clicks in a row, joyful exclamations of “Ai, ai!”, stamping feet and clapping hands on knees.)

Competition "Yolochka"

The buckets contain the same number of pencils. On command, you need to make a Christmas tree out of them. The first one runs the first branch, the second another, the last trunk, whoever is faster. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Competition "Who is faster"

Each player in both teams is given one color card from the set. One set of cards remains in the hands of the presenter.
The facilitator randomly raises a colored card and calls the color out loud. Players in teams who got a card of the same color must run up to the leader and take the card from him, who is faster. The player who takes the card earns one point for his team.
The team with the most cards and points wins.

Game with the audience "Picture"

Poem with a collective response:
If you see - a river is drawn in the picture, Or a spruce and white hoarfrost, or a garden and clouds, Or a snowy plain, or a field and a hut, The picture must be called ...
If you see - in the picture a cup of coffee on the table, Or juice. in a large decanter, or a vase in crystal, Or a bronze vase, or a pear, or a cake, Or all items at once, know that this is ...
(Still life)
If you see that someone is looking at us from the picture: either a prince in an old raincoat, or a climber in a robe, a pilot or a ballerina, or Kolka is your neighbor, - The picture must be called ...

Competition "Confusion"

Leading: Guys! We have mixed up all the letters in the words denoting colors, we urgently need to decipher this abra-kadabra:

LOAYSYVAT - light green
DOYRYOVB - burgundy
NAILOYMIV - raspberry
VOILYIL - purple
TOYFIOYEL - purple

Teams take turns pulling out leaflets with an encrypted color. They confer for a minute and give the correct answer.
For each correct answer, the team is awarded one point.

Competition "Plant a flower bed"

In front of each team, a circle with a diameter of about 1 meter is drawn on the asphalt. All team members are given crayons. In 1 minute, the teams must “plant” as many flowers as possible in the “flower bed”.
The team that draws the most flowers wins.

Contest " magic circle»

In front of each team, 15 circles with a diameter of about 50 cm are drawn in advance on the asphalt. All players are given colored crayons.
Teams must turn the circles into drawings. Team wins with largest number original drawings(images of items that are not found on other teams

Leading:Our holiday is coming to an end. But summer doesn't end. And let it be as bright, cheerful and colorful as you drew it!

Material Description: This project can be used as music director and kindergarten teachers. The project has an integration that combines all 5 educational areas. Children from 4 to 7 years old can participate in this project.


Summer! This is an amazing time in nature, when beauty can be seen at every step. It is only necessary not to miss the exciting moments, but to show them to the children. Once, while walking, the children saw insects and noticed that they were of different colors. And all around a different color. The reaction of the guys was mixed. Some of the children expressed joy and genuine interest, others expressed complete indifference. During the conversation, it turned out that the knowledge of preschoolers about summer, as a natural phenomenon, is very scarce. Thus, there was a problem: Why is summer so different? The participation of children in the project will allow them to form ideas about summer as a season, about insects, their benefits or harm, about plants and mushrooms; will develop Creative skills and search activities.

To provide every child with the opportunity to joyfully and meaningfully live the summer period.

1. To form an artistic and aesthetic perception of the world around preschoolers.

2. To promote the development of motor independence, motor creativity, initiative and quick wit.

3. To develop the abilities of children in various types of artistic and aesthetic activities.

Implementation period: 1 month.

Project type: information-oriented with elements of creativity.

Implementation plan.

Preparatory stage includes:

1. Selection of the necessary literature on the topic.

2. Selection of motor exercises and outdoor games.

3. Informing parents about the implementation of the project.

4. Development of a project plan.

main stage implements weekly themes:

"Early summer" ( green week);

“Summer is beauty” (red week);

"Journey of a Droplet" (blue week);

"The sun shines for everyone!" (yellow week).

The first week "Summer in the field and in the forest" (green week) includes:

1. Conversation about the nature of the native land.

2. Conversation with illustrations, riddles, proverbs, sayings.

3. Volume application"Grasshoppers".

4. Drawing "Summer in the field and in the forest."

5. Entertainment on the street "Crocodile-sun swallowed ».

The second week "Summer is beauty" (red week) includes:

  1. Conversation "Red - no more beautiful!" (Flowers, ladybugs, butterflies.)

2. Volume application "Flowers".

3 Drawing "Insects" Ladybug ".

4. Songs: "Butterflies", "Colored Meadow!"

5. Mobile game "Find your flower", "Learn by color".

6. Drawing "Colors of summer".

7. Modeling "Bouquet of flowers".

8. Entertainment on the street "Little Red Riding Hood visiting the guys."

The third week of the "Trip of a Droplet" (blue-blue week) includes:

1 . Mimio project "Journey of a drop".

2. Application "Decorate the sundress" (Gzhel).

3. Songs "Bell", "Rain".

4. The mobile game "The sea is worried."

5. Learning proverbs and sayings about water.

6. Entertainment on the street "Visiting Captain Vrungel".

Fourth week "The sun shines for everyone!" (yellow week) includes:

  1. Conversation "The sun is clear, the most beautiful!".
  2. Drawing on the sand.

3. Musically - speech game: "Rays".

4. Game exercise "Collect the rays."

5. Outdoor fun “The sun, air and water are our best friends!

The final stage consists in creating, presenting “Here it is, our summer!”

Expected result:

  • Children name the colors of summer and their meaning;
  • Show emotions when performing a fun repertoire;
  • Know summer plants, insects, animals.

In a benevolent communicative atmosphere, involving in games and dramatization, the children were given the opportunity to plunge into the colors of summer! The children understood the main thing that any season has its charm and purpose. That summer is not in vain called the “day of the year”, because all nature blooms multi-colored paints to our joy!


  1. A collection of scripts for kindergarten "A fairy tale has come to visit us"
  2. Svetlichnaya T.A. Holidays no problem. Scenarios for kindergarten Publisher: TTS Sfera Year of issue: 2009.

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