Musical lesson in the form of a quest game. Quest "Musical kaleidoscope


Class template using quest technology

general information

Full name of the teacher

Egorova Svetlana Anatolievna

Age group

5-6 years

Educational area

Artistic and aesthetic development

TOE integration

cognitive development, speech development

Quest name

A journey in search of old piano notes.


Increasing interest in preschoolers musical activity. Development of communication skills

Formation of skills of collective cooperation



To promote the formation of the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in non-standard practical tasks.


Develop mental operations: analogy, systematization, generalization, observation, planning.


To promote rapprochement and unification of children, to give them pleasure.

The main idea (riddle) of the quest

Old piano! So many beautiful melodies sounded on it, it filled both children and adults with happiness! But for several years no one has touched the piano, no one has touched its keys. And the piano hurt. It has lost its voice. And only a team of brave travelers can help him.

We will go on an exciting journey, where we will try to get lost voices old piano, lost melodies and notes!

And who knows - maybe the piano will please us? And we will all celebrate our victory together.

Quest script

Stage 1. Name « Island of Musical Instruments»

The guys we sailed to the "Island of Musical Instruments". Guys, there's a mess on the island of musical instruments. Some musical instruments forgot what they are called. An insidious pause erased their memory, in order to help them, we need to guess the riddles that she has prepared for us and then we can get a note for our old piano

Task FormulationGuess the musical instrument.

Activities of pupilsChildren solve riddles and get a note for an old piano Guys, look at the order on our island of musical instruments, it's time to go to the next magical island. And we can only get there with the help of a fun pair dance. You are ready? Performing the dance "Good beetle" Guys, this fun dance kindled a hot fire in us. Let us put out this fire as soon as possible so as not to burn out at all. We inhale air through our nose, we exhale through our mouth.

Exercise to restore breathing "Candle". We swim further.

Fixing the names of musical instruments

Stage 2. Name"Rhythm Island"

Description of the story that is embedded in the task of the stage.Drums sound. What do you guys hear? Children's answer (drums). What are the sounds of the drums? Children's answer (long and short) Guys, we sailed with you to the "Rhythm Island". In order to get a note for our piano here, we must complete the following task “Repeat the rhythm”. rhythm game"Repeat the rhythm" (children's improvisation).

Task FormulationTake the instruments, we will play with you and beat the rhythms

Activities of pupilsBeat rhythms (improvisation of children). What a wonderful ear the musicians have, I thank you all for the pleasure. It's time for us to go to the next island.

Received educational result (what did you learn?) Improving children's sense of rhythm in playing noise instruments.

Stage 3. Nameisland of fairy tales

Description of the story that is embedded in the task of the stageGuys, we sailed to the "Island of fairy tales" Heroes of fairy tales live on this island. An evil fairy stole their tools. In order for the fairy to return the instruments to them, we need to complete her task, guess which instrument sounds and to whom it belongs

Task FormulationWhat musical instruments could the heroes of fairy tales and cartoons play?

Activities of pupilsChildren listen to the sound of a musical instrument, guess and name the hero of a fairy tale who played this instrument. Heroes of fairy tales are presented on the presentation slide. Guys, we have earned another note and sail on

Received educational result (what did you learn?)Strengthening the ability of children to distinguish the sound of children's musical instruments.

Stage 4. NameDomisolka Island

Description of the story that is embedded in the task of the stageHere we are with you and found ourselves on the island "Domisolka". Live on this island funny notes and fairy Harmony ( music director). Fairy Harmony: Guys, what happens if you put the notes together? (Children's answers: song). Here on this island you must collect all the notes and return them to the old piano so that it will sound again and delight you with its unforgettable melodies.

Task FormulationDo you like to sing songs? (Answers of children). Guys, to sing a song, we need to practice. Chant "That's how I sing"

"U" and down "that's how I sing"

"A" A - ah-ah-ah-ah - spring has come to us,

"And" and -and -and -and -and - guests came to us.

"LA" la-la-la-la-la - that's the whole song!

We continue to train. We will talk and we will speak. Everything is correct and clear, so that everyone can understand.

And the tongue twister is: "From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field." Guys, we will pronounce the tongue twister with different strength voices: quiet, louder and louder. And now let's sing the song cheerfully, provocatively, but do not forget that if you sing loudly, you can damage what? (vocal cords) Performance of a song about friendship. Fairy Harmony (music director): Guys, what do you think good song can cheer you up? What else can lift your spirits? (a game) On the island "Domisolka" there are many different funny miracles. And by the way, I have magical music flax hat! Presenter: Oh, yes, perhaps this is an invisibility hat? Fairy Harmony: No, this hat can guess the thoughts of who will put it on, the music will immediately sound and we will find out who is thinking about what! Host: Guys! Do you think this is true? Well. Fairy Harmony, let's find out the thoughts of the guys, who do you choose? FAIRY MUSIC SOUNDS

(The Fairy selects the children for the competition. The children move in a circle to the music, the Fairy inside the circle puts a hat on the heads of the children one by one and the thoughts of the children are “voiced”) Presenter: Oh. What an interesting hat! What fun we had. Well, we have collected all the notes, we are going back to kindergarten to our piano.

Activities of pupilsChildren sing, sing a song and play a game. Collect notes in the musical staff, return back to kindergarten. Children bring a stave to an old piano and the music director starts playing the piano

Received educational result (what did you learn?)Accumulation of positive emotional experience by the child through communication with music) . Development creative imagination, communication skills.

Lesson form: educational quest game.

Lesson type: lesson of repetition, systematization and generalization of knowledge, consolidation of skills

Target- Deeper acquisition of knowledge high level generalizations, systematizations.


- educational: identify the quality and level of mastery of knowledge and skills acquired in previous lessons, summarize the material as a system of knowledge.

- educational: bring up common culture, aesthetic perception of the environment; create conditions for real self-esteem of students, the realization of it as a person, to cultivate the ability of students to work in a team.

- developing: develop spatial thinking, the ability to classify, identify connections, formulate conclusions; develop communication skills when working in groups cognitive interest; develop the ability to explain features, patterns, analyze, compare, compare.

Methods: game, verbal, conversation, sound and visual clarity, modeling of the artistic and creative process, musical and dance communication.

Work form: group

Methodical equipment: piano, computer, projector, screen.

Used CORs: Visual row - computer presentation, video clips.

Quest structure:

1. Organizational moment

2. Introduction (plot)

3. Tasks (stages, questions, role-playing tasks)

4. Evaluation (results, awards, emotions)

Stages and course of the lesson:

1. The teacher greets the students and asks them to take their seats at their desks. A paper version of the travel map is specially prepared for each desk.

2. Introduction (slides 1-5)

The teacher tells that the lesson will have an exciting journey to the Music City, in this city there is a huge number of cultural institutions that are supposed to be visited. A map of the journey is shown, on which the guys consider stops, the beginning and end of the route.

3. Stages of the quest.

First stop- museum - slides 6 - 11. Students' knowledge of what a museum is, what museums are, how museums are connected with music is summarized. In order to move on, students must complete the task on slides 12-13. Students are offered a task for attention and knowledge of musical instruments. After the task is completed, the class receives a reward - a medal note (located on slide 14, you can also make a medal note in paper form). The map shows the further route of travel.

Second stop- library, what can we learn about music in the library (slides 15-17). It is proposed to guess riddles about the composer, performer and listener (slides 18-21). The class receives another medal-award (slide 22). The map shows the further route of travel.

Third stop- circus, music in the circus (slides 23-24). Students are offered tasks (slides 25-26): determine from the picture what genre of music (song, march, dance) is depicted. The second task is to choose from the three proposed dance names the one that, in their opinion, the clown is dancing in the picture (it is carried out in an interactive version: incorrect answers disappear when you click on them with the mouse, and the correct one increases in size). Slide 27 shows another medal-award and the way forward.

fourth stop - School of Music(slide 28). It tells what knowledge and skills each child can get here (slides 29-31). Students are offered a task: to dance a fun dance made in the form of a physical minute video clip (slide 32, video clip “Dance of little ducklings”). Slide 33 shows the further direction of the route and the medal-reward.

Fifth stop- cinema (slides 34-35). The children are invited to answer the questions: what musical instruments did the heroes of fairy tales and films play? (slides 36-39). Slide 40 shows the further direction of the route and the medal-reward.

Sixth stop - Musical Theatre(slide 41). Task: solve riddles about musical performances(slides 42-45). Riddles contain questions about opera, orchestra, soloist, choir. Slide 46 - another medal and the direction of the travel route.

Seventh stop- concert hall(slide 47).

4. Evaluation. The end of the game-journey (slides 47-48). The results of the trip are summed up, the teacher evaluates the work of students, marks the most active ones. Medals earned are counted. Since all the tasks have been solved, the guys will be rewarded - to attend a concert (a video fragment of a children's concert number). Slides 49-50 - final words teachers.

Dzyuba Elena Nikolaevna, MBOU "Secondary School", Kotovsk, Tambov Region, music teacher

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Pedagogical technology "Quest game" as a means of social development - communicative qualities preschooler

In a quest (eng. quest, or an adventure game) there is always a task in which you need to find something: an object, a hint, a message in order to move on, the children go along a pre-designed route, solving rebuses, puzzles and other intellectual riddles, performing motor or creative-oriented collective tasks and finding clues. Born in England in 1970. Acceptable age for the game is 5 - 7 years. Quest is an adventure game in which you need to solve problems to progress through the story. The bottom line is that, as a rule, there is a certain goal, which can be reached only by consistently solving riddles. Each riddle is the key to the next point and the next task (point). Tasks can be very different: active, creative, intellectual. They are selected in such a way as to be as original, interesting, relevant to the situation as possible and do not require special knowledge or skills from the players. The great thing is that quests can be carried out both in a group, in music hall, and in nature, that is, in almost any environment.

In order for these tasks to be solved most successfully, when developing a quest, it is necessary to follow the following principles: 1. Accessibility - tasks should not be too difficult for the child. 2. Consistency - tasks should be logically connected with each other. 3. Emotional coloring of tasks. 4. Reasonableness in time. It is necessary to calculate the time for completing tasks in such a way that the child does not get tired and retains interest. 5. Usage different types children's activities during the passage of the quest. 6. Visible end result And feedback. PRINCIPLES OF THE GAME: OBJECTIVES: - to promote comprehensive development children preschool age; - develop social and communicative qualities (responsiveness, empathy, the formation of positive attitudes and life safety, respect for peers and adults) through a collective decision common tasks; - to encourage cognitive and research activities through immersion in various game situations.

Three basic conditions for organizing a quest game: 1. Games must be safe. 2. Questions and tasks must be age appropriate. 3. Disputes and conflicts must be resolved only by peaceful means. Game preparation plan - the quest includes the following mandatory items: - writing a script containing information cognitive nature; - preparation of a "product" for the search (treasure map, treasure, birch bark, tips, etc.); development of a route of movement: firstly, it should be unusual, but safe for children, secondly, to increase the interest of children, the methods of movement can be different, thirdly, there should be a sufficient number of them with visits to little-studied "corners"; in the methodical development of tasks, it is necessary to rely not only on the already existing knowledge, skills and abilities of children, but also on the zone of proximal development of the child (L.S. Vygotsky). Decoration"Stops" along the search route should correspond to the topic and contain a hint-direction to continue the path.

GAME PREPARATION PLAN: 1. Develop a scenario 2. Create an entourage for each action zone. 3. Prepare musical accompaniment. 4. Develop a presentation for the introductory part. 5. Design visual materials ("maps"). 6. Think over the methodology and organization of game tasks. 7. Prepare the necessary props for passing each test.

Technology of the game 1. Quest - the game begins in a group where a goal is set for the children. The first tasks are always of an intellectual direction - crossword puzzles, puzzles, folding puzzles. 2. When solving intellectual tasks, children have a desire to solve problems in the game, comprehending them and finding a non-standard solution. Further, the children, having correctly completed the task, receive a hint and see where their team will go. 3. One of the directions is always a sports ground ( gym), where children perform tasks in the form sports relay races, with game content (reach the chest, etc.) for which they receive promotional tokens. By doing exercise children strive to find the optimal (meaningful) attitude to this task (for example: having guessed a riddle, you need to climb through the "web" and remove the correct answer from it). You can also use road signs: allowing and forbidding! 4. The final part (finding the treasure) should be bright, colorful and emotional with obligatory sweet surprises or gifts. Caches in the quest should be such that each note (envelope with the next task) has to be mined and found.

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Now you know about the quest game and you can organize it with your pupils. All in your hands!!! Author - compiler: Sosunova Irina Vladimirovna, senior educator of MBDOU No. 22, Kavalerovo

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Introduction to musical art through the interaction of teachers, children and parents, enrichment of the musical activities of preschoolers



Municipal Autonomous Preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 79 "Guselki" of the city district of Tolyatti

Quest game for older preschool children with parents


Zakharova Evgenia Vladimirovna

Tolyatti 2016


Rallying teachers, children and parents in meaningful activities, the development of the spiritual culture of the family, joint creativity


Introduction to musical art through the interaction of teachers, children and parents, enrichmentmusical activities of preschoolers

Educational.To promote the formation of the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in non-standard practical tasks.

Developing. Develop mental operations: analogy, systematization, generalization, observation, planning.

Educational. To promote rapprochement and unification of children and adults, to give them pleasure.


With parents:

Come up with a name for your family team

Preparing a family mini-performance, making costumes and their elements;

Production of noise instruments for sounding fairy tales-noisemakers.

With teachers:

Organization of a master class with parents on making noise instruments.


Music staff, notes with tasks, treble clef, rhythm blocks, cards with musical instruments of folk and symphony orchestra(one set for each family), puzzles with images of musical instruments, noise instruments, costumes for mini-scenes, attributes for improvisation (ribbons, scarves, scarves, flowers, hats, headbands), a hat, notes-chips for each correctly completed task , treble clefs on award ribbons (according to the number of families)


Interactive whiteboard, tape recorder, CDs, flash media, flannelgraph with stave


Host (adult), Treble Clef (adult)


To the music, parents and children enter the hall, take their places at the tables

VED: Good evening, dear children and respected adults. We are very pleased to welcome you to our music hall today. Do you want to go to the country of music and learn a lot of interesting things? And the Treble Clef will help us get there.

Magic music sounds, enters Treble clef.

treble clef - Hello, dear music lovers. I am very glad to our meeting. I will help you open the door to the world of music.

On interactive whiteboard door appears. The Treble Clef touches this door with the small treble clef and the door opens. A stave appears with 7 notes.

treble clef - Dear participants, look and say what you see on the screen

CHILDREN - sheet music, stave, treble clef

TRUE CLEF - what do we need sheet music for?

CHILDREN - to record music

treble clef - And these notes are not simple. They will help us in our game. Do you know that every note has its own name?

Pick a note, say what it's called, and the note will help us recognize the task.

Are you ready to start playing?

Open the first note, call it and read the task

TASK 1 "Guess the song by the rhythmic pattern"

A rhythmic pattern of the melody from the song "Little Christmas Tree" by Alexandrova appears on the interactive board. Children voice a rhythmic pattern (with their palms, on spoons, sticks, etc.). Parents recognize the song and sing it with their children

Song "Little Tree"

treble clef - I really liked the way you sing in chorus. Each family deserves a note-chip - hands out chips

Open the next note.


treble clef - What do you know about the orchestra? What is an orchestra?

I suggest you listen to 2 musical fragments (“Ah, you canopy” Russian folk melody, P.I. Tchaikovsky “Waltz of the Flowers”). Determine which orchestra sounds - folk or symphony.

Each family receives an envelope with pictures of musical instruments. Task: distribute the tools into 2 groups - a group folk instruments and symphony orchestra instruments.

TREBLE CLEF -praises the participants, gives everyone notes-chips

I suggest you name the next note.


TRUE CLEF - The next task in these envelopes (puzzle). Collect a picture with an image of a musical instrument, name it and which group of instruments it belongs to.

TREBLE CLEF -thanks the participants, hands over notes-chips to everyone.

I suggest you name the next note. Creative and interesting task. Your task is to watch the fairy tale and voice it in any way. noise instrument. Choose your instrument. -A presentation with a fairy tale is shown on the screen. The Treble Clef voices the text.



There lived a cowardly hare in the forest.

Once a hare came out of the house, and a hedgehog in the bushes suddenly rustled!


The hare got scared and ran away.


I ran and ran and sat down on a stump to rest,

and the woodpecker on the pine will knock!


The hare took off running.


He ran, ran, ran into the very thicket, and there the owl flapped its wings.


A hare ran from the forest to the river.

(DRUM) (fast)

And the frogs were sitting on the bank of the river.


They saw a hare - and jumped into the water.


The hare was delighted and said:

And the animals are afraid of me, a hare!

So he said, and boldly galloped back into the forest.


Once in the kitchen, dishes argued whose voice is better.
"I just have magic voice' said the big crystal
wineglass. And he rang.
"We also have very nice voices, said the two cups. One of them was larger and the other smaller, but they were put on the table together and they became friends. “We can play a song together,” the cups said and rang.
"We can play too," said the wooden spoons
and play something fun.
"Better listen to me," said the jar of grits. "I'm quiet, but interesting voice". And she boomed:
“Is this music?” cried the big cardboard box. “I can hardly hear you! That's the way to play!” and she rapped loudly.
“The voice is loud, but not very pleasant,” said the large frying pan. "Listen to me now." And she rang like a bell:
But then Katenka, who was standing under the door and heard everything, shouted:
“Mom, grandma! I found musical instruments! Go to the kitchen!"
And she turned on the tape recorder, and everyone began to play to the music, and my mother sang. And it was the best voice.

TREBLE CLEF -thanks the participants, hands over notes-chips to everyone


TRUE CLEF - Teams choose a card with piece of music and convey images of different characters in movements, in accordance with the nature of the music, and the attributes that you choose for yourself will help you in this (handkerchiefs, headbands, scarves, ribbons, flowers, etc.).

Card number 1 G. Sviridov. "Rain"

Card number 2 F. Couperin. "Butterflies"

Card No. 3 C. Saint-Saens "Swan"

Card No. 4 P. Tchaikovsky "March of wooden soldiers"

TRUE CLEF - I really liked your musical images. You have accurately conveyed the mood and character of the music. All teams receive a note-chip.

Now you can name the next note.



treble clef - I suggest you play a little fun game, which is called "Dancing Hat". Adults and children stand in a circle. To the music, we pass the hat to each other in a circle. After the music stops, whoever has a hat in his hands puts it on his head and goes out into a circle, dancing to the appropriate music.


TREBLE CLEF -handing out tokens. - And there was the last note. Who will name her?


treble clef - Now we will watch mini skits from each team.


TREBLE CLEF -hands notes-chips“Our teams have successfully completed all the tasks. See how many tokens you've earned! Now we will turn these notes into a beautiful melody. Take them and put them on musical staff ( flannelgraph ). Do you hear the music playing? This is it, co-created music- sounds in the background light music - And in order to remember this meeting in a wonderful country of music for a long time, I give you these treble clefs as a keepsake!

Goodbye, see you again!

Nomination: quest game in kindergarten for senior and preparatory groups.

Game scenario - quest "My native land"

Purpose: To cultivate love for the Motherland. Teach children to appreciate and protect their native land, native land, to bring up a civic position, a sense of pride in their republic. To teach children to recognize the symbols and the head of the Donetsk People's Republic.

Game progress
Host: Hello guys! Do you love to travel?
Children: Yes!

Then I am glad to welcome you to our game “Journey through my native land! You are ready?
Children: Yes!

Host: Oh, what are those sounds? Looks like someone is flying towards us!
(music sounds. Carlson flies to the music)

Carlson: Wait, where are you going? And without me?
Presenter: Hello Carlson, the guys and I are going on a trip around our native land.
Carlson: What kind of native land? I do not know what is this?
Host: What are you, Carlson! Homeland is the place where you were born and live.
Carlson: What is it? I live Wo-o-o-n on that roof, is it my native land? Something you have completely confused me, I do not understand anything!
Host: Don't worry, Carlson, now the guys and I will explain everything to you! Get on the train with us! We're on our way!
(children take each other and move to the first stop to the music)

Also Interesting games in DOW:

(At the Pogovorkin Stop, children tell proverbs about their native land)
Carlson: Wow! How many sayings do you know! And I can't wait to find out what's at the next stop?
Host: So what are we waiting for? Let's get on the train!
(Children with Carlson move to the second stop to the music.)

Voice: "Stop Flag"

Carlson: And what is this in the box? (pouring out of the box rectangular pieces of cardboard in three colors: black, red, blue)
Carlson: Oh! What have I done?!
Leading: It doesn't matter, now the guys will help you collect everything! But you need to not just collect, but put each color in its cell.
Host: Guys, did you recognize the flag of our republic?
Children: Yes!
Carlson: What do these colors mean?
(children's answers)
Leading: Let's get on the train! Our next stop awaits!
(children move to stop number 3)

Game scenario - quest for children of senior preschool age "My native land"

Voice "Stop Zagadkin"

Carlson: How I love riddles!
(The host makes riddles on the topic native land)
Leading: Our locomotive is leaving! Let's sit down soon!

Voice: "Stop Razukrashkin"

Carlson: Wow! What a big ball!
Host: It's not just a ball! This is our planet Earth.
Carlson: No, I saw our planet! It has a lot of green forests and blue oceans! And yours is not like that!
Leading: And now we will decorate it!
(Children decorate the planet with crayons)
Host: The locomotive is leaving!
(Children move to the fourth stop)

Voice: "Poetic stop"

Carlson: How I love poetry!
Host: Guys, do you know poems about our region?
Children: Yes!
(children recite poems)
Carlson: What wonderful poems!
Leading: And we are waiting for the last stop!
(children move to the sixth stop)

Voice: "Stop Dancevalkin"

Carlson: Stop dancing? But I can't dance!
Leading: And now we will teach you!
(Children dance a flash mob).

Host: Our journey has come to an end. Carlson, now you understand what a native land is?
Carlson: Yes, now I understand that there is nothing dearer than the Motherland and native land! Thank you guys, I flew to my homeland. Goodbye!
Host: Happy travels!
Children: Goodbye!

Name: Scenario of the game - a quest for children of senior preschool age
Nomination: quest tasks for children in preschool

Position: educator 8 tariff category
Place of work: preschool educational institution (nursery - kindergarten) No. 20 "Kalinka"
Location: Donetsk region, Kirovske city

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