Sakura legend. Interesting Sakura Blossom Facts


“Have you ever wondered why cherry blossoms are pink. In ancient times, people believed that someone had angered the gods, and the blood of hundreds of thousands of people soaked the land of Japan. After long, fruitless years, when everyone, from the lowest class to the emperor, suffered from hunger, a unknown plant. Its petals were pink and delicate, like exquisite silk, the berries, although sour, became a salvation for many people. This tree is named after ancient goddess, which protected the human people in times of fierce battles. And the name was - Sakura ...

Miss, miss, trouble! - a girl with brown hair ran into the mistress's tomb.

The room looked more like a teenager's room than a goddess's bedroom. A double bed, located in the middle of the room, because of which other gods, wanting to meet the goddess of love, immediately ran into her, a desk littered with parchment, a beige wardrobe - all this evoked calm and peace. The goddess herself stood at the open window and watched, through the clouds, the mortals. Pink hair, reaching to the middle of the back, were gathered in a high tail, a long pale pink dress barely touched the floor, and a pale red belt embellished with many multi-colored flowers emphasized the waist. The girl turned her head towards the newcomer and smiled.

What happened, Zurumi?

Miss, the gods have declared war on humans again! - Zurumi sat down on her knees and, bowing, remained sitting in the pose of a faithful servant.

The face of the goddess contorted in indignation. How can? No, it couldn’t be said that she really loved people very much, but she liked to watch how inexperienced young men take their first steps to meet blushing brides, how already aged couples walk next to each other and remember the past days, how they spend weddings different nations and much more. But the other gods did not understand all this. All they wanted was blood and battles.

Sakura straightened her hair and, waving her hand, summoned her second servant. Narumi, Zurumi's twin brother, was not long in coming. He, unlike his sister, quickly found a way out of any situation.

Mistress, - Narumi bowed and sat next to his sister. - You need my help?

Although the guy had a great mind, Sakura did not really like him. She herself did not understand why she liked the clumsy but very cheerful Zurumi more than the cold-blooded and silent Narumi.

Yes. You must be aware of who again decided to start a war with mortals. Why did it start?

Miss, this is the god of sea creatures, Mr. Jourdain, - Sakura winced. She hated him because he constantly tried to declare war on everyone, while the god of war himself peacefully sipped tea, sitting at home. - A mortal fished out of the sea one of Mr. Jourdain's favorite fish. He got angry and is now revolting. Soon he will get to you, as there are fewer and fewer gods on the side of people. You yourself understand this.

What to do? - the face of the goddess became impenetrable, and only in her eyes one could see that she was suffering from this. Yes, now almost all the gods consider themselves superior to others, although they themselves were, once, selected from people, although they distinguished themselves in some business.

You know the answer to that question, miss.” Narumi grimaced. “How can you be so stupid?” - flashed through the guy's head. - Monsieur Jourdain wants to marry you. He has already for long years in a row trying to bring you down the aisle. Even the god of mountains has forgotten about it, but Jourdain seems to be unshakable.

There was silence in the room. All that could be heard was someone moving downstairs in the dining room, singing a simple song. Goddess of love Sakura. As soon as she appeared, it immediately became clear that she was special. In the world of people, she was loved not only by her family, but by the whole district. Grooms came to woo Sakura's mother even from neighboring villages, but Sakura sent them home with nothing. She was waiting for her beloved from the war, but he never came. Many years passed, Sakura turned twenty-five, she began to be considered an old maid, suitors stopped coming to her in droves, and her lover did appear. And only closer to twenty-six, she found out that he already had another family, children, wife, and Sakura herself began to be considered long forgotten for her former lover. The girl could not stand the mental anguish and committed suicide by cutting her veins with a kitchen knife. It was then that she went to heaven, where she began to be considered the goddess of love. Two servants immediately became attached to her: Zurumi and Narumi, twin children who also went to heaven, unable to withstand the beating of their own father.

It's decided. Zurumi, get ready Wedding Dress. Narumi, send Jourdain a letter with a proposal ... to get married, - the last word Sakura barely spoke. But she was ready to do everything to protect people who were so dear to her. Zurumi's eyes widened, but she jumped up and ran to obey the order of the hostess. Only Narumi was in no hurry to follow the example of his sister and asked the goddess:

Do you really think that this will save people? You are being very stupid. I didn't think my words would push you into marriage. Or did you like Monsieur Jourdain?

Be silent! Sakura turned to the servant and glared at him menacingly. For some reason, it was at that moment that Sakura began to hate the boy who was sitting on his knees in front of her. - I myself decide how to do it better! Lively carry out the order, otherwise I will send you wherever you go, if I don’t take you as my servant.

It looks like the threat worked, as the guy jumped like a scalder and, with a frightened expression, ran out of the room. Sakura turned back to the window. But really, did she do the right thing? Is she doing the right thing by standing up for those who didn't even know about her before?

Hope I'm doing the right thing. Really, mom?

After a couple of days

Sakura walked down the aisle in a light pink dress. She herself did not remember what happened that day. She remembered only Jourdain's smirk, the crying of the cooks and Zurumi and the pale Narumi. The rest was hidden from her by a white haze. She didn't remember saying anything, exchanging rings or feasting. The weddings of the gods are a little different than those of mortals. Since the goddesses cannot give birth to an heir, the newlyweds decide for themselves whether they live in the same house, or as before. Only now everything that Sakura alone had decided before, they had to decide together with their half. And breaking such ties was very difficult, almost impossible.

However, a couple of weeks later, Sakura was found downstairs in the mortal realm. She, seeing that people were starving, sacrificed herself in order to create a hitherto unknown, but life-saving, tree ... "

What a sad but beautiful story The brown-haired girl reached out to stretch her stiff limbs. "I'm so sorry about Sakura. She would have sacrificed her life anyway, wouldn't she, Grandpa?

Yes, I think so too, Nika, - a fifty-year-old grandfather was sitting in the next chair and smoking a cigar. Outside the window the wind whistled, bringing sleep. - Misha, did you like the story? What's better than your computer?

The boy scratched the back of his head, yawned, and nodded in the affirmative.

Only few things. How is it - Sakura did not remember own wedding. Maybe she got drunk? And why was Narumi so afraid of her threat? Where would you like to send it? And how did Jourdain react to the death of his wife? There are too many innuendos in your story, grandpa.

I will not hide, - the grandfather laughed. - There are always many gaps in history. Anyone who has not seen this can only guess what really happened there. Is not it?

Sakura - Japanese cherry

twenty days of happiness
I experienced when all of a sudden
The cherries have blossomed.
(Matsuo Basho)

What attracts the Japanese to this tree with gray-brown bark and white flowers? As is known, most of the entire area Japanese islands occupied by high and steep mountains. The most high mountain- the extinct volcano Fujiyama.

Almost the entire population of Japan lives on a narrow strip of fertile plains and is engaged in rice cultivation. The cherry blossoms give a signal to farmers that the land has warmed up enough to start planting rice. Rice is not only the main
food, but also the way to prosperity. For Japanese peasants, sakura is a symbol of well-being.

Samurai have a special relationship with sakura. One of the stories says how an old man committed hara-kiri according to the samurai rite, seeing that the sakura was dying. He gave his life so that the sakura continued to live. For him, the tree personified the memory of the ancestors, the tradition of tying hieroglyphs to the branches of the tree, in which the gods, awakening nature and the sun were praised. Sakura for samurai is a symbol of purity and perseverance. Among the flowers - sakura, among the people - a samurai. So
says a Japanese proverb.

In another legend, the cherry appears as a nurse. Its flowers are associated with the nipples of the female breast, filled with milk.

As you can see, every Japanese has his own image of sakura in his heart. Sakura is a symbol of purity, prosperity, femininity, life. They believe that the soul is warming in the tree. Taking care of sakura, the Japanese learn to respect old age, the traditions of their family.

It is no coincidence that there is a special holiday in the Japanese calendar - hanami. The tradition of cherry blossom viewing originated in the Heian era. Aristocrats, admiring the cherry blossoms, thought about the meaning of life and its transience, thought about

Hanami is not a public holiday. This is the day when the whole family gathers to admire the cherry blossoms (chrysanthemums, plums, etc.) in the garden or in the park. If the holiday falls on a working day, then all employees of the company, surrounded by the boss, go to watch the cherry blossoms. The Japanese buy magazines that report the time and place of cherry blossoms. They strive to visit the cherry blossom viewing festival and not miss it.

In some areas of Japan, solemn processions are organized along the main street. In others, a parade of Heian-era costumes. And in many parts of Japan, sakura evenings are held, at which "dances of cherries" are arranged. Snow-white clouds of cherry blossoms envelop the country at this time.

It is at this time that poets compose their haiku, artists paint pictures, and parents remember their childhood. Create traditions in your families! Happiness to your families.

Unfortunately, this miracle does not bloom for long .. just a couple of days ... But these days, it pleases both many Japanese and tourists.


In Japan, it is believed that one who does not perceive the beauty of Nature cannot be trusted in anything, since he has a "heart of stone."

The Japanese have certain customs and rituals associated with each season. Hanami - admiring flowers - received special fame.

Hieroglyphics (khana) - flower. Literally, hanami means admiring flowers. In the perception of the Japanese, the word "hana" goes beyond a specific narrow concept. It denotes the best time, pride, the color of something, and is also included in the diverse Difficult words- "khanabanasy" (brilliant, brilliant), "khanagata" ( theater star), "hanayome" (bride), "hanamuko" (groom).

When talking about hanami, we mean not 1-2 flowers, but plural flowers of the same species. None National holidays do not leave in the soul of the Japanese such strong impression, as alternating "small annual miracles" - flowering of plums, sakura, peaches, wisteria, chrysanthemums.

The history of hanami dates back to the time of ancient Heian, when the Japanese aristocracy, excelling in elegance and sophistication of manners, spent hours under flowering trees, enjoying light drinks, parlor games and folding poems for the occasion.

Begins a beautiful procession of ume flowers (Japanese plum, reminiscent of cherry plum). The first hanami takes place in late February - early March in Shizuoka Prefecture (Atami, Yugawara). You can observe the flowering of the mind in other areas, but it is famous for the hanami in Yugawara or Odawara (Kanagawa Prefecture). The favorite of Japanese flowers sakura (Japanese cherry) takes the baton at the mind.

For most, hanami is associated with sakura, since it is she who personifies Japan for foreigners. In addition, the second meaning of the hieroglyph "khana" is "sakura flowers", and the concept of "hanami" by now has mainly come to refer to admiring sakura.

Japanese sakura in the West is called mountain cherry or wild cherry. Her flowers, beautiful, delicate, are considered the personification of human life, the embodiment of beauty. Japanese women And national symbol Japan. It can be found everywhere in Japan: in mountainous areas, along river banks, in city and temple parks.

Each sakura flower tells, according to Japanese belief, about the fate of a child. There is a legend: in order to prove to the ruler Shogun the cruelty of Prince Hotta, the brave foreman of the village of Sakura brought his children to him and showed their backs, completely covered with beatings of the prince's servants. The punished Hotta harbored a deadly grudge against the complainant. He managed to surreptitiously grab Sakura and the children, tied them to a cherry tree, and flogged them to death. Since then, the cherry blossoms in Japan have been blooming with pink flowers, because they were sprinkled with the blood of innocent sakura children.

A sad legend gives sakura a special mystery. And it was not for nothing that the charm of a flowering tree gave rise in Japan to the ritual of admiring cherry blossoms and the beloved folk holiday coinciding with the arrival of the new year.

Today there are about 16 species and approximately 400 varieties of this tree. Trees come in all shapes and sizes.

The cherry blossom festival is one of the oldest rituals of the Japanese, and hanami dedicated to cherry blossoms is the most interesting, and about 90% of the population takes part in this festival event.

Every year, at the end of March, when sakura begins to bloom, the Japanese families, work teams and alone go to nearby parks to admire this unique phenomenon. Already in early March, television announces the timing of cherry blossoms in each individual area, and also informs about the number of trees in each of the parks. One of the most famous parks, where many sakura trees are planted, the flowering of which causes general delight among local residents, and the Japanese themselves, is Ueno Park, located in Tokyo.

The Japanese begin to prepare for this event in advance. Employees of firms plan a special day for watching hanami, they go to work, but they spend this day outdoors surrounded by colleagues, drinking sake - Japanese rice vodka, eating obento - plain food in a box - onigiri rice balls, mochi rice sweets, sandwiches, fried chicken pieces. They sing to the music of "karaoke", admire the magnificent flowers, which, when the wind blows, become a real rain of petals, and the beautiful landscape surrounding them.

Masters park art turn all the municipal green areas available to them and even their own tiny courtyards into real living pictures, the richest palette of which is constantly changing, moving at the whim of the gardener and depending on the season from one shade to another. And this is also an occasion to admire nature, which no Japanese will miss.

Cherry blossoms are very short-lived, and this phenomenon symbolizes the transience of everything in this world for the Japanese. The pink and white miracle lasts only a few days, and sometimes only a few hours, and for traveling to Japan this is one of the most favorable times of the year.

Myths, legends, tales


In Wakegori, one of the districts of the province of Iyo, grows a very ancient and famous cherry tree. As every wonderful creature, object or phenomenon has its own name, so he also has one: Yu-Roku-Sakura, which means: "The cherry tree that blooms on the sixteenth day." It is so named because it blooms every year on this day of the first month in the old way. lunar calendar. And only on this day, despite the fact that it falls on the Time of Great Cold; other cherry trees, according to their nature, wait for spring, without the risk of being covered with a white-pink mist ahead of time. But Yu-Roku-Sakura chooses her own term because it is not ordinary tree. Someone else's life became his life. It contains the soul of man. He was a samurai, and the cherry tree grew in his garden and blossomed in the spring - in regular time assigned to her. He played under that tree as a child and knew that his parents played here, and the parents of the parents, and their ancestors. For more than a hundred years, bright strips of colored paper have been tied to flowering branches from year to year in the spring. On them, hieroglyphs in verse praised the gods, awakening nature and the spring sun. He himself grew up, grew old and outlived all his children. The only thing that remained dear to him in this world was the cherry tree. And oh horror! In the summer of the next year, from the chain of his long years, the sakura began to dry out and died.

From grief, the old man fell ill and prepared to go to a place from which there is no return. Kind neighbors found a young and beautiful cherry tree for him and planted it in the old man's garden, hoping in this way to console him. He thanked them and pretended to be very happy about it. But in reality, his heart was filled with pain, because he loved the old tree so much that nothing could compensate for its loss.

But one day a happy thought came to him: he understood in what way dead tree. This happened on the sixteenth day of the first moon.

Alone, he went out into the garden, bowed to a dry trunk and said: - I beg you, condescend to my request, begin to bloom again. I want to die instead of you. Take my life

Then he spread a white veil under this tree, sat in a ritual pose and performed hara-kiri according to the samurai rite.

His body died, and the spirit entered the tree, and it blossomed at the same hour.

It continues to bloom every year, on the sixteenth day of the first lunar month, during the snowy season.

There is a belief that everyone, sincerely willing, can give his life in exchange for the life of another person, creature or even a tree, if it pleases the gods. This is called miga wari nitatsu, the act of substitution.

Title: Hate?

The bell rang for class. Everyone went to their classes. “Oooh!” Isobe exclaimed. “Momozono, and I thought who came here, and it's you!” Annoying classmate squealed, hitting Nanami on the back.

He removed his hand! - Tomoe's angry voice was heard behind the guy's back, Isobe jumped up and, raising his hands up, wound up. The teacher came and everyone sat down at their desks.

And so class get to know the new student.” Akura opened the door. As soon as the newcomer turned around to the class, all the girls were already sighing, and the guys were enviably mumbling: First Kurama, then Tomoe and now this one. We don't stand a chance. ''Akura liked this greeting and watching all this, the demon smirked contentedly. "This is Akura-ou Mikage, Tomoe's brother, and our new student."

Very nice. - Akura-ou bowed, it's all because of the words of the goddess: - Be polite! And don't forget to bow!" And It really pissed off the demon king once.

So, sit next to Ueshima-san. - He pointed to the desk, near Kei. - Ueshima share a textbook with Mikage.

Akura-ou went to his desk and glanced at his neighbor. Kei didn't seem to notice Akura as she was immersed in her textbook, and Akura wasn't interested. Akura-ou looked at Kei with a smirk.

Here is the call for a break, Nanami, as usual, went to hang out with her friends.

Nanami-chan, are you going to celebrate peach blossom day?

I pass, I have a date. - Kay answered immediately, digging into her phone.

Kei, - turned Nanami. - Can you still celebrate with us? You constantly only think about dating, completely forgetting about me and Ami!? - Offended, Nanami said, raising her voice. - Kei put the phone on the desk with a thud, angry.

Okay, I'll go with you, are you satisfied!? - a blow to the desk with your hand.

Yes!” Nanami squealed joyfully. “But… Come to my temple for a feast, there will be someone else with us…”

Okay! - Kay rolled her eyes in displeasure.

Hurray! - Nanami screamed with joy and hugged her friends.

Nanami-chan…" Ami started, but Nanami interrupted her.

Ami, you come too!” Nanami smiled gently.

X... Well... - and the girl, slightly embarrassed, nodded and smiled.

The lessons ended and everyone went about their business: Nanami, along with the guardians, went to the temple, Kurama walked Ami home, only Kei remained ...

Kay walked along the corridor with the girls she knew, talking about guys and who was dating who. Kay envied them, they found such guys for themselves, and Kay was still in search of the second half ...

Oh... Girls, Kay gasped.

Kay! Are you okay!” the girls shouted as they ran towards her.

Kay seemed to miss their screeching. The girl was bewitched in the bloody eyes. Kei already intended to thank her savior, but... - Save... - Akura-ou released Kei and she fell on her ass.

How clumsy you are - After that, Akura snorted a little, and added. - a bug. - said Akura-ou throwing a very unflattering look at her.

"What? Insect?" - Excuse me ... - getting up from the floor. - what did you say?

I do not forgive, - the demon chuckled. - Are you deaf? Or dumb?

It looks like we have nothing to do here, - one of the girlfriends said in the ear, and they left. Akura-ou and Kei were left alone.

And you don’t allow yourself too much?” Taking the demon by the collar, Kei said slightly gnashing her teeth. The demon was surprised by such behavior from such a human girl, and so let him treat the king. No, that will not do!

Hey, greyhound! - the demon was angry, taking her by the hand. - Are you the most daring here!?

And you seem to be the coolest here? - Kei quipped. - Do not put yourself above the rest!

Akura looked at her with all the hatred of his damned soul. He was trying to restrain himself so as not to pounce on her and tear off her head. “Hmm .. You are really a fool, you don’t understand who you are throwing yourself at.” With a sardonic smirk, the demon said, looking away from the girl. Kay was completely pissed off, the girl exploded: exams are on the nose, there is no boyfriend, the coffee is cold, and then this one.

Shut your mouth! - Kay shouted, the demon was slightly knocked down. - I didn’t like you right away! Your appearance is starting to piss me off! If you think that other than you are weak, be so kind as to remain silent next time, - Kay caught this spark in his eyes, noticed that he was not an ordinary person .. - Regardless of the fact that you are a person or not, you deserve to get your own way impudent rozhe.


Daimyou wo (Daimyo)
Uma kara orosu (Remove - make to dismount - from the horse
Sakura kana (Sakura)

Even a proud daimyo (prince) must
bow down to admire
beautiful flowers sakura!

“Today is the cherry blossom festival,” the guide said. “All people will celebrate, pray and go to the teahouses and gardens. You can surround an Englishman with cherry blossoms from all sides, and in a day he will begin to complain about the smell.”

Do you love Sakura, cherry blossom, as I love it?! These divine, perfect flowers, odorless, but with such strength and passion, carnivorously alluring, petals of tenderness, softness and poetic subtlety with the taste of "cherry jasmine", when you bring them to your lips, the sun of Fujiyama shudders from the "vent" with its piercing now with a cry, now with a groan, now with an inhalation, then an exhalation after orgasmic love... merge together... Sakura has blossomed in Japan. New Year again. On the eve of the spring equinox...

LEGEND 1. "Each cherry blossom tells, according to Japanese belief, about the fate of a child. There is a legend: in order to prove to the ruler Shogun the cruelty of Prince Hotta, the brave foreman of the village of Sakura brought his children to him and showed their backs, completely covered with beatings of princely servants. Punished Hotta "He harbored a deadly grudge against the complainant. He managed to secretly grab Sakura and the children, tied them to a cherry tree and flogged them to death. Since then, cherry blossoms in Japan have bloomed with pink flowers, because they were sprinkled with the blood of innocent sakura children. A sad legend gives sakura a special mystery. And charm It was not for nothing that the blossoming tree gave birth in Japan to the ritual of admiring the cherry blossoms and a favorite folk holiday coinciding with the advent of the new year...."

LEGEND 2: "When the god Ninigi, who descended from the high Heavens to the islands of Japan, was offered a choice of two daughters of the god of mountains, he chose younger sister named Blossoming, and the eldest, High Rock, he sent to his father, because he considered her ugly. Then the father got angry eldest daughter has an older daughter) and told about his original intention: if Ninigi chose the Rock as his wife, the life of Ninigi's descendants would be eternal and lasting - like mountains and stones. But Ninigi made the wrong choice, and therefore the life of his descendants, that is, all Japanese people, starting from the emperors themselves and ending with commoners, will be stormy-beautiful, but short-lived - like spring flowering ... "

"Sakura flowers on bare branches
People love.
Flowers hidden from view fall in vain...
(Emperor Meiji)

"The cherries fell
In vain wanders my mind.
All around faded.
Spring rain without end
In the deserted sky..."
(Sikisshi Naishinno)

"Jasmine tea with snow petals
I drink hastily with careless sips,
I drink, enjoying his burning
Just like I drink your eye promises -
Impatiently, excitedly, trembling,
Bodies of languor and expectation,
A branch of sakura to the sun beam
I want to touch my lips.

"Cherry blossom on a silk panel:
How fresh and velvety the petals are!
The stamens seem to be connected into one
A fragrant spring monisto.

Morning mist on pagoda rooftops
Rolls up the sleeping mat
Greenery, rice fields
The sun rolls a cheese head.

"Konnichiva" - buzzes, waking up, a bumblebee
And pulls the proboscis to the flower bowl,
On smooth silk - delicate pastel:
Born japanese landscapes..."

"Oh, cherry blossoms in the field near the Yangtze,
Tommy Mikamura fell in love with Zi...
... Tommy was never a samurai,
In "Mitsubishi company" he served as a janitor.

He lives without knowing anything about
What does one "Japanese" think of him...
In "Mitsubishi company" idle walked,
Why doesn't Mikamura-san get married?!

Fujiyama breathes ash and fire,
Ikebana withers hot summer day!
Wither and sakura in the field near the Yangtze,
Our Zi married another ...

My syauliauwei, syauliauwei
Gaulyausisty syauliauwei!!!"
(Source -

"Sakura" is sometimes translated as "cherry", it does not bring fruits and berries, it practically does not exude smells, but how much worship, respect and love causes ... Mysticism ... Mystery ... Magic ... Sakura flowers were considered the abode souls of ancestors “Admiring” their flowering is intended to appease and ensure prosperity to the living. For looking at flowers is looking at ancestors, remembering them and remembering them. And then they will help you too. By the way, in order to achieve these goals, it was necessary to drink and eat as much as possible, olono and varied. So, down with the diet, chin-chin! Shall we start?!! “The more you drink and eat, the more you fill your stomach and the drunker you are, the richer the future harvest will be, and the happiness will be fuller,” the Japanese say about this time.

"If human life was eternal and would not disappear one day, like dew on the Adashi plain, and would not dissipate like smoke over Mount Toribe, there would not be so much hidden charm in it. It is inconstancy that is remarkable in the world...

Chirik to everyone:

Panda's greetings to all;3 I think that all of you know about the tree with pale pink flowers and a pleasant name - Sakura S: But do you know the legends and legends associated with this tree? Yes? You are just great! No? Then now I will tell you some legends with:

Sad legend:

Long ago, one province of Japan was ruled by the cruel King Hotta. The peasants worked all day in the rice fields of the king, but did not receive anything in return, and the prince severely punished them for discontent and disobedience. One day, the headman of one of the villages, Sakura, could not stand it and brought his children to the ruler of Japan. He showed the Governor their backs, completely covered with beatings of the prince's servants. The Governor was indignant and ordered to punish the prince. After that, the prince harbored a grudge against Sakura and swore revenge on him. Once he managed to secretly capture Sakura with his wife and children. His servants tied the whole family to a cherry tree and flogged everyone to death. Since then, the cherry blossoms in Japan have bloomed with pink flowers, because they were sprinkled with the blood of Sakura's innocent children.

Another sad story:

When the god Ninigi, who descended from high Heaven to the islands of Japan, was offered a choice of two daughters of the god of mountains, he chose a younger sister named Blossoming, and sent his older sister, High Rock, to his father, because he considered her ugly. The father was angry and told about his original plan: if Ninigi chose the Rock as his wife, the life of Ninigi's descendants would be eternal and lasting - like mountains and stones. But Ninigi made the wrong choice, and therefore the life of his descendants, that is, of all Japanese people, will be violently beautiful, but short-lived - like spring flowering.

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