Mythical sea monster 6. What was the name of the sea monster with a huge mouth? ancient sea monsters


Through time, myths and legends about unknown monsters living in sea ​​depths. Each nation had different names for them, but one thing united them - it was a sea monster with a huge mouth and an awesome look. These entities were feared, revered, sacrificed in their honor, they acquired divine status. Greece, Scandinavia, India - each civilization had its ancient sea ​​monsters.

Lovecraft, which presents some of his most famous horror stories, including "On the Mountain of Madness", "The Case of Charles Dexter Ward" and "The Dunwich Horror". Though he died in poverty, Lovecraft is now heralded as one of the the greatest writers horror and fantasy of its time. Howard and Robert Bloch.

The Cthulhu myth is like a self-contained literary universe ruled by a pantheon of fearsome deities, many of which resemble insects or aquatic life. The name comes from Lovecraft's character Cthulhu, who is the subject of his short story "The Call of Cthulhu", which was first published in Weird Tales in "A Soft Tentacle" topped with a grotesque and scaly body with vestigial wings. He is described as a god who slumbers in the sea, and humanity lives in constant fear that he will wake up.

Ancient Greece. Charybdis

Charybdis - with a huge mouth from myths Ancient Greece. She was the daughter of Poseidon and Gaia. Appeared in the form of a huge whirlpool in the Messenian Strait. The word itself just means whirlpool. And in the manuscripts of Homer, Charybdis is not animated and is not identified with divine intrigues. In his opinion, it was a common natural phenomenon.

Scholars and fans of Lovecraft's work have attempted to sub-categorize the gods in Cthulhu mythology. All these gods predate mankind and they have no reverence for human life. Many of the "Great Old Ones" are imprisoned for different planets. Human emotion and anxiety are portrayed as ultimately irrelevant in the grand scheme of Lovecraft's dark world. The question now arises as to how rigidly Lovecraft built this world as a cohesive universe. Some suggest that Lovecraft fully formed his alternate world before writing.

IN different time, in the myths with Charybdis there are such ancient greek heroes like Odysseus, Jason, Aeneas. The first two managed to survive the battle with Charybdis, despite the loss of their ships, but Aeneas chose to change the route so as not to intersect with a dangerous monster.

Scandinavia. kraken

Rumors about this monster began to spread in the 15th century on the shores of Iceland. The sailors talked about the incredible size of the octopus, with tentacles at least twenty meters long. This sea monster with a huge mouth, the size of a small island, easily sank ships, wrapping them around with its huge tentacles.

Others insist that his universe formed somewhat organically and that he did not care that there was perfect continuity and consistency, as he simply expanded his universe with each piece of writing. Regardless, Lovecraft's writing is evocative, and the descriptions of the monsters are always surprisingly memorable. Other writers who have sought to expand the Lovecraft Universe have made significant contributions!

God looks like a ferocious, old man with gray hair and long beard. He is said to ride a chariot built from a giant shell, all pulled by mythical beasts. He also appears in the story "Dream Quest of an Unknown Kadat". The character was introduced in Lovecraft's poem Nyarlathotep, published in it. He also appeared in the stories "Unknown Kadat's Sleepy Quest", "Mushrooms from Yuggoth", and "Dreams in the Witch's House".

When reports of a meeting with a monster began to come from neighboring countries, scientists of that time seriously thought about the reality of the existence of a huge squid or octopus. The controversy didn't stop. for a long time, but in the end, most scientists came to the conclusion that such a situation was impossible, and attributed everything to sailors and fishermen, who at that time liked to exaggerate.

Like any other beast in Cthulhu mythology, Nyarlathotep is so terrifying that his very sight is enough to convince a person of a madman. What makes this guy especially dangerous is that he can and often takes the form of a human - Egyptian pharaoh, For loading. He loves to lie and is acutely aware of human stupidity and knows how easy it is to manipulate the media too easily to meet his own sinister goals.

Azathoth is said to float at the center of the universe, constantly in a state of sleep. Less powerful gods mash Azathoth to sleep with cosmic drums and flutes. The deity resembles a kind of demonic cloud. It is said that if Azathoth were to awaken for a moment, he could potentially destroy humanity.

Nevertheless, history knows many cases when octopuses or squids of impressive size sank fishing boats and larger vessels. Perhaps they served as a prototype for the kraken.

Ancient India. Makara

Makara is a monster with the body of a dolphin and the head of an elephant. In Indian mythology, this sea monster with a huge mouth could move not only in water, but also on land. For this, she had four paws. The fear of Makara was so great that sculptures were made in honor of her and in prayers they asked for mercy in front of them.

The character is said to be able to see everything in the universe at any moment and can easily see through time and space. He can even use his black alien blood to suffocate people! He is said to be small fire ball when called to earth, and worshiped as a god by the reptilian creatures of another planet. Sounds like how David Ike's theories of alternative reptilian races control the universe?

He is the god of perversions and sinister impulses. He often appears as a fat man with no head, no neck, no mouth in the palms of his hands. Glaaki is said to resemble a large slug with long metal spikes. Glaaki also has eyes at the end of long tentacles that look like telescopes on a submarine. The character was created by Ramsey Campbell and appears in the short story "The Lake Dweller".

No matter how unrealistic at first glance these sea monsters may be, the list can be continued for a very long time. This is also a sea serpent, in the existence of which they believed in Ancient Rus', both in China and America. And the lesser-known ket and scylla, which were feared by the ancient Greeks and Romans. Even now people believe in Loch Ness monster, trying to capture it on camera, spending a lot of money on expeditions. It is quite possible that someday we will find out the secret, or maybe there is no secret as such. It is possible that all these monsters are the last representatives of dinosaurs who were more fortunate than their relatives. And why not find a fifty-meter octopus in the depths of the sea, if a twenty-meter one has long been discovered?

According to legend, Glaaki first traveled to Earth inside a meteor. He is extremely dangerous - he can kill victims with a highly toxic liquid that he can inject with his spikes. The liquid is so powerful that it is able to turn the victim into zombie slavery.

Lu-Ktu is a globe of intestines and entrails, which is considered to be the size of a planet. It is believed to be wet and covered in warts and pustules, with each pustule presumably containing an infantile larva of the "Great Old". The character was created by James Ambuel and is detailed in Ambuel's short story "Related Content".


Despoina - divine talking horse, son of Poseidon and Demeter, "brother" talking horse Areion.

DANDAN(Persian "tooth")
Mythical underwater monster. These are the largest fish in size and the most cruel enemies of the children of the sea. "The body of this fish is larger than the land animals that exist ... and if she saw a camel or an elephant, she would probably swallow it." There are a huge number of them living in the sea, and they eat the animals of the sea. No one is so much afraid of the Dandan in the sea as the sons of Adam, because if he eats the son of Adam, he will die. Also, the Dandans die when they hear the cry of the son of Adam. The fat from their liver allows people to walk underwater without drowning.
"... And Abdallah of the earth said: "I'm afraid that when I go down to the bottom with you, I will meet a fish of this kind and eat me." that you are the son of Adam, and he will be afraid of you and run away. He is not so afraid of anyone in the sea as the sons of Adam, for if he eats the son of Adam, it is a deadly poison for the fish, and we collect their liver fat only thanks to the sons of Adam. When one of them falls into the sea and drowns, his appearance changes, and his flesh sometimes breaks into pieces, and the dandan eats him, because he thinks that this is one of the sea animals, and dies, and we find him dead, and we take the fat of his liver, and we grease our body with it, and we walk on the sea, wherever the son of Adam is, and whether there is a hundred, or two hundred, or a thousand, or more fish dandan, they, having heard the cry of the son of Adam, immediately die, and not one of them can move from their place "...
...and the earthly Abdullah went along the slope of this mountain, and before he had time to come to his senses, he heard a great cry. And he turned around and saw something black descending on him from this mountain (and it was the size of a camel or more) and screaming, and he asked the marine: "What is this, O my brother?" And the marine said: "This is dandan. He comes down, chasing me, and wants to eat me. Shout at him, O my brother, before he comes to us, otherwise he will drag me away and eat me." And Abdallah of the earth shouted, and suddenly Dandan fell down dead. And when the fisherman saw that the fish was dead, he exclaimed: "Glory to Allah! Praise be to him that I did not hit the dandan with a sword or a knife. How is it, with all the size of this creature, she could not bear my cry and died?" - "Don't be surprised," said Abdallah of the sea, "I swear by Allah, O my brother, if there were a thousand or two thousand of these fish, they would not have endured one cry of the son of Adam"..."

Mordiggian is a vacuum of sorts, an amorphous being that sucks in all the heat and energy around him, thereby drastically lowering the temperature wherever he is in this moment time. Mordigg attacks his victims by absorbing their energy and physically dissolving their bodies - sort of like a cross between Kirby and a Komodo dragon.

Yig appears as a snake-man hybrid, or a serpent with wings like bats, or like a giant snake. He's pretty good guy until you cross it - at this point you must answer your children, who are his army of snake minions. The myths of sea monsters have probably existed since the first moment when early people looked at the ocean. Undoubtedly, their imaginations began to release all sorts of amazing and terrifying sea creatures that could go beyond the rolling surf.

IN northern regions In England, in the swamps and flooded areas of the plains, one can often meet a mischievous werewolf called danny. It is believed that the danny is the soul of a village thief who was tracked down by fellow villagers and beaten to death at the crime scene. Since by that time the thief had managed to loot a lot, his spirit continues to roam the earth, not finding peace because of the lost wealth.
This creature most often appears in the form of a horse, sometimes it can pretend to be a donkey. More rarely, a danni takes on the appearance of a human. The werewolf takes great pleasure in playing pranks on unsuspecting travelers, sometimes making fun of them quite cruelly.
Mistaking danni for a horse that has strayed from the herd, a person often puts a saddle on him and mounts. The consequences of such an act may be as follows: after riding a short distance, the werewolf throws the rider onto a dunghill or into a deep dirty puddle. Being in a good mood, the danni often helps people: he brings home lost children, takes care of the sick, frees forest animals that have inadvertently fallen into traps.
There is a legend about simple peasant, who caught the Danny, who turned into a horse, and harnessed it to the plow. Before he had time to plow even one furrow, the horse broke free of the harness and with a wild laugh rushed to the river, and then dived into the water at full gallop.

As humanity built ships and ventured into deeper water, it was easy to see legends grow and myths deepen while mysterious creatures like mermaids, sea serpents, and the fearsome Kraken were widely feared. When Europeans began traveling regularly in the New World, the sailors who crossed the massive oceans fought dangerous seas, huge storms, enemy fleets, and perhaps even a few pirates.

But just as they feared the dangers above the waves, they still feared what lay ahead. In fact, they were so worried about the beasts of the deep that some of the maps of the day marked places where these animals were said to haunt. Today, the ocean remains mysterious to most of us, dark and a little intimidating. But tales of sea monsters and leviathans of the deep tend to draw a chuckle in today's world.

Monsters that bring misfortune to people: they can take the form of giant people, animals, trees, and those who can walk.
"... Suddenly he saw that a huge tree was slowly moving towards the village. It looked very formidable. The boy was frightened and rushed into the village with a cry.
The men gathered. They... decided to cut down the tree before it reaches Ongari and crush houses, kill people, pigs and dogs... all together, taking stone axes, went to cut the roots of the tree.
The men worked hard for two days and another day. During this time, the tree came almost to the village itself. Finally, the mighty trunk swayed and fell to the ground with a terrible noise.
As the tree swayed back and forth, fruit fell from it. Those that fell into the sea were the first marine fish. And those that fell into the river turned into the first river fish ... "

Thanks to modern science and marine biology, we think we know what's there and what's not, so any mention of squid big enough to sink a boat or fifty foot long sea serpents isn't taken very seriously. But what if there was some truth in the myths and legends of the ancient sailors?

The sailors of days gone by believed in many terrifying creatures. Today, some sound ridiculous and we can see all this superstition and nerves, but, on the other hand, these sailors must have seen something. Maybe dip too deep into the rum shell? Or perhaps they actually saw real sea monsters. Many of the creatures we know today were not yet known to science in those days, and if they were, they might not have been common knowledge to the average sailor.

Dendroids are the "shepherds" of trees, they watch and protect the forest, live in forest thickets, in general, dendroids are kind-hearted, but avoid unwanted encounters. Dendroids are animated trees, very ancient and one of the First. In appearance, dendroids resemble trees, but are much shorter, the eyes of dendroids are dark, without pupils. Dendroids very rarely use force, they do not use weapons, but in exceptional situations they can use force. In battle, they are very strong, crushing stone, crushing enemies, like all trees are afraid of fire. Special sources of dendroids are known, anyone who drinks from them is filled with strength and grows up (at the same time, fatigue and other negative phenomena disappear).

Even today, people at sea see things they cannot explain. Alleged sightings have recently caught the public's attention and people are wondering if such a huge and terrifying creature could still be out there somewhere in the ocean deep.

Kraken is a monstrous sea creature with many tentacles, capable of coming out of the depths and dragging the ship to the bottom. It sounds crazy, but could there be any truth in these stories? Now we know about a giant squid that can reach over 30 feet in length, a real sea monster. And there is another species called the Colossal Squid, which is just as long with a more massive body.

The problem of the origin of ideas has added two curious creatures to exotic zoology. One was invented in the middle of the XVIII century, the second - a century later.
The first is the feeling statue of Condillac. Descartes proclaimed the doctrine of innate ideas; Etienne Bonnot de Condillac, in order to refute it, invented marble statue, arranged inside and out as a human body and the abode of the soul, but never felt or thought. Condillac begins by endowing the statue with a single sense - smell, perhaps the least complex of all. The smell of jasmine becomes the beginning of the biography of the statue; at first, for her, only this smell will exist in the universe, or rather, this smell will be for her the universe, which a moment later will become the smell of a rose, and then a carnation. Let there be only one smell in the consciousness of the statue - here is your attention: let this smell last when the cause that caused it has already disappeared, here is your memory; let the attention of the statue compare the impression of the present and the impression of the past, here is a comparison; let the statue feel analogies and differences, it will be a judgment; let the comparison and judgment be repeated again, here is your reflection; let a pleasant memory be more vivid than an unpleasant impression, that's imagination. When the faculties of understanding have already been born, behind them arise the faculties of the will: love and hate (attraction and aversion), hope and fear. The consciousness that many states have been passed through will give the statue the abstract concept of number; the consciousness that now smells like cloves, and before it smelled like jasmine, will give rise to the concept of "I".
Then the author will give his hypothetical person hearing, taste, sight and, finally, touch. This last feeling will reveal to him that space exists, and that in space he is clothed with a body; up to this stage, sounds, smells and colors seemed to him to be mere variations or modifications of his consciousness.
The allegory cited is called "Traite des sensations" ("Treatise on sensations" (French)) and was published in 1754: for this note we used the second volume of "Histoire de la Philisophie" ("History of Philosophy" (French)) Breyet.
The second being generated by the problem of cognition is Lotze's "hypothetical animal". It is lonelier than a statue that smells roses and is, after all, a man - this animal has only one sensitive and mobile point at the end of the tendril. Such a structure obviously makes it impossible for several simultaneous sensations. Lotze believes that the ability to draw in or put out a sensitive antennae is enough for an animal almost completely cut off from the world to be able (without the help of Kantian categories) to discover the outside world and distinguish between an immovable object and a moving object. This fiction was approved by Vaihinger; it is described in Medizinische Psychologie, published in 1852.

The squid usually inhabits deeper water during the day and approaches the surface at night. There are even several stories of giant squid attacking boats. Could sightings of these massive creatures lead to the story of the Kraken? The giant and colossal squid are two animals that have only recently come into the scientific light. In the past, they would certainly have been considered monsters.

Up like a woman, down like a fish. This may seem like a good thing, but it was bad luck for the sailors, who believed they were charmed into losing their loot or even their lives. One explanation for these observations may be the manatee.

Dwarfs are a form similar to a human, and from them came the genus of Dwarfs - dwarves. They still live underground and inside the rocks and are afraid sunlight because he turns them into stones. Dwarfs are small in stature, but very strong. So strong that the gods entrusted four of them to support the sky where it is closest to the earth. These Dwarfs stand at the four corners of the world, and that's what they are called: Austri, Nordri, Vestri and Sudri - East, North, West, South. (Celtic mythology)

Manatins are large, aquatic mammals with flippers that they can use as weapons and tail tails. They look vaguely human, and it's entirely possible that lone sailors at sea for long periods may have seen something familiar in the mammalian way that the manatee moves through the water.

While one would imagine that these sailors are terribly lonely, some experts say the isolation and stress caused by the long sea ​​voyages, may lead to such an erroneous identification. With a serpentine body, a dragon-like head, and spikes along its back, no sea serpent wonder stories have dazzled the sailors.

Home spirit that lived in the courtyard of the ancient Slavs.
There were two types of brownies. One was a domozhil, who lived in the corner behind the stove, the second was considered a courtyard, who lived outside the hut (sometimes the features of both were combined in one image).
Dvorovoy was the patron saint of livestock. Nevertheless, he was attributed to evil spirits and brought closer by nature to a barn or bannik. The description of the courtyard combines the traditional features of a brownie and the properties of a werewolf, taken from Christian demonology. Outwardly, the courtyard was described as similar to a person, but with chicken, goat or cat legs. This is no coincidence. The favorite animal of the courtyard was a cat or a cat. The identification of a courtyard and a cat can be seen from the following riddle: “How our courtyard walks with a black head, wears a velvet coat, he has fiery eyes, a snub nose, a sticky mustache, sensitive ducks, quick legs, tenacious claws. In the afternoon in the sun lies, tells wonderful tales, wanders at night, goes hunting. Sometimes the courtyard appears in the complex image of a monster: “A little bit bigger than a cat. Yes, and the body looks like a cat, but there is no tail. The head is like a man’s, the nose is humpbacked, humpbacked, eyes are huge, red, like fire, and above them eyebrows are black, large, the mouth is wide, and in it are two rows of black teeth, the tongue is red and rough, the arms are like those of a man, only the claws are bent. All overgrown with hair, sort of like a gray cat, and human legs. There are also descriptions of the courtyard, where it looks like a snake with a cock's head and a comb. At night, he could take the form of the owner of the house.
The seat of the yard was a specially suspended pine or spruce branch with densely overgrown needles ("witch's broom"").
The customs associated with the courtyard were of a protective nature: it was forbidden to stay overnight both in the bathhouse and in the barn; it was not allowed to let outside animals into the yard, since the yard could take on their appearance.
Since the courtyard was a nocturnal Creature, he did not like anything bright. Therefore, when buying a white horse, it was brought into the yard backwards or through a sheepskin coat spread out at the gate.
It was assumed that at times the yard begins to mischief, torturing domestic animals. Then they resorted to the help of a brownie or hung a dead magpie in a stable (in a barn). It was believed that she would scare away the evil spirit. They always tried to propitiate the courtyard with numerous offerings. On major holidays, treats were left for him, when moving to a new place, they were respectfully invited to follow the family as well as the brownie.

The giant oarfish is a deep sea species that can reach over 50 feet in length. They stay deep during the day and may migrate to the upper water column at night. Biologists say that knights are rarely seen on the surface, but if one gets into the ship's line of sight, they are sure to be mistaken for a massive snake.

Despite its fearsome appearance, the oarfit is harmless to humans. Although they are rarely seen, they are occasionally seen by divers. How afraid that the kraken is a massive octopus hiding under the sea and ready to reach out and snatch the sailors from the deck. But these giant octopus fears may actually be due to sightings of, well, giant octopuses. The Giant Pacific Octopus can reach a length of over 20 feet across, certainly big enough to worry about a diver or even a small boat.

Prompted or developed thanks to mirrors, water and twins, the concept of a double exists among many peoples. It can be assumed that the source of maxims, such as "My friend is my second "I" by Pythagoras or "Know thyself" by Plato, was precisely this concept. In Germany it was called "Doppelganger", in Scotland - "fetch", because it is to grab (fetch) a person and lead to death.Consequently, meeting with oneself promises misfortune, in the tragic ballad of Robert Louis Stevenson "Ticonderoga" a legend on this subject is retold.Remember also strange picture Rossetti "How they met themselves": a couple of lovers meet themselves in a twilight grove. Similar examples could be given here from Hawthorne, Dostoyevsky and Alfred de Musset.
For the Jews, the appearance of a double was not a harbinger imminent death. On the contrary, it was proof that the person had acquired the gift of prophecy. This is how Gershom Scholem explains it. The legend contained in the Talmud tells of a man seeking God and meeting himself.
In Poe's "William Wilson" the double is the hero's conscience. He kills her and dies himself. In Yeats' poetry, the double is our opposite, our adversary, the one who completes us, the one we are not and will never be. Plutarch writes that the Greeks gave the nickname "other self" to the representative of the king.

If that's not enough, there's a hypothetical species of colossal octopus that could get even bigger! Octopuses are intelligent creatures with great problem-solving abilities. It is hard to imagine that in the depths of the ocean there could be recording samples that remain out of sight.

Learn more about the Pacific Giant Octopus

New ocean views yet to be found

If all this is not enough to make your lumber tremble, rest assured that for every sea monster, known to science, most likely not found there yet. But the best thing about it is that no matter how wild our imaginations are, the reality of these creatures is even more incredible.

In Limburg, in the southeastern part of the Netherlands, there are legends about an evil water spirit called "de man met de haak" (a man with a hook). He is an ugly black man with a seaweed beard and webbed feet like a frog. This creature with its hook drags children who play nearby into the water and sucks their blood.
Apparently he is a distant relative of the merman and the vampire.

They kill to live and live to kill
According to Judaic beliefs, between the worlds of the flesh and the spiritual, the existence of a world inhabited by angels and demons is assumed. The number of its inhabitants exceeds the possibilities of arithmetic. Over time, Egypt, Babylon and Persia have contributed to the image of this fantasy world. According to Trachtenberg, the Christian influence may have resulted in the fact that demonology, or the science of demons, occupied a less significant place than angelology, or the science of angels.
Nevertheless we may name Ketekh Meriri, the prince of noon and hot summer. Once he was met by children going to school - all of them, except for two, died. During the thirteenth century, Judaic demonology was replenished with Latin, French and German newcomers, who eventually merged with those mentioned in the Talmud.

Belongs to a special variety of children's bogies - the so-called bugs. Fairy bugs are usually very friendly with the parents of little mischievous children, they drive the kids away from dangerous places and do not allow too much mischief. Often, relatives scare children with bugs, forcing their offspring to show more obedience.
Jenny themselves are water fairies. Their appearance can seem quite intimidating - long wet hair flowing over her shoulders, large green fangs sticking out of her mouth, and very sharp shiny claws.
According to legends, children can be kidnapped by Jenny if they often play near the water, and dragged to the very bottom. The approach of Jenny is usually indicated by greenish foam that suddenly appeared on the calm surface of a pond or other body of water. Usually danger lies in wait for children who run barefoot in shallow water.
Jennies do not necessarily drown babies - often they scratch their legs with their sharp claws until they bleed or simply scare them with their terrible appearance, suddenly leaning out of the water up to his waist and gritting his huge teeth.
(The most famous person from the family of Jenny green teeth is named Peg Pauler. She lives at the bottom of the Teese River. According to the legends, she poses a special danger on Sunday, and Halloween's equestrian)

According to Muslim legend, Allah created three kinds of intelligent beings: angels, created from light; genies (in singular"jiini", or "genius"), created from fire; and people created from the earth. Jinn were created from black smokeless fire several thousand years before Adam and are divided into five types. Among these species are good and evil jinn, male jinn and female jinn. Cosmographer Al-Qazwini writes that "Jinns are airy creatures with a transparent body that can take various forms". First they appear in the form of clouds or huge, vaguely defined pillars; then they condense and their form becomes visible, having the appearance of a man, a jackal, a wolf, a lion, a scorpion or a snake. Some of them are orthodox, others are heretics or atheists. English Orientalist Edward William Lane writes that when jinn assume human form, they are sometimes gigantic in size, and "if they are good, they are usually dazzlingly beautiful, and if they are evil, they are hideously ugly. " It is also said that they can become at will invisible "due to the rapid expansion and liquefaction of the particles of which they are composed", and then they can disappear by dissolving in air or water, or penetrate through a solid wall.
Jinn often ascend to the lower heaven, where they can overhear the conversations of angels about future events. Therefore, they are able to help soothsayers and sorcerers. Some scholars attribute to them the construction of the pyramids and, at the behest of Solomon, the great Jerusalem Temple.
The jinn's favorite habitat is the ruins of buildings, water tanks, rivers, springs, crossroads and markets. The Egyptians say that columnar tornadoes of swirling sand arise in the desert from the flight of the evil Ginny. And they also say that shooting stars are arrows that Allah throws at evil jinn. Among the mischief committed by these villains are the following: they throw bricks and stones from the roofs and windows at people passing by, kidnap beautiful women, persecute those who settle in an uninhabited house, and steal provisions. However, in order to protect yourself from such troubles, it is enough to appeal to the All-Merciful and All-Good Allah.
Ghouls visiting cemeteries and eating human bodies, are considered the lowest category of jinn. The father of the jinn and their leader is called Iblis.

"Dzyady", brownies, good spirits of ancestors, patronizing their descendants. The brownie is left in a secluded corner, on the cuff, - porridge, in the chicken coop they hang a “uronic” stone with a hole (for the chicken god) and say: “Owner-father, take our porridge! And eat pies, take care of our house! Domovoy is also called "Dobrozhil", "Dobrohot" and even (in the Vologda Oblast) "Breadwinner". In the Russian North, he is called "Susedkom", "Batanushkom". If he does not get along with the owner, then he is called "nekoshny".
The construction of the house was performed for the ancient Slavs deepest meaning, because man at the same time was likened to the Gods who created the Universe. Here is how, for example, the trees were selected. The creaky ones were not suitable, because the soul of a tortured person cries in them, those dried up in the vine were not suitable - they do not vitality, which means people in the house will get sick. Cutting down trees, the pagan Slav blamed the tree souls driven out of the trunks, while he himself fasted for a long time and performed cleansing rites. But ancient slav still, he was not completely sure that the cut down trees would not begin to take revenge on him, and in order to protect himself, he made the so-called "construction sacrifices". The skull of a horse or a bull was buried under the red (eastern) corner of the house, in which carved statues of the gods were placed, and later icons. And from the soul of the slain animal, the Brownie actually arose.

About these huge birds tell fairy tales and myths of many peoples of the world. This is known among the Buryats. She is blue-black, her name is Diben. This bird is so large that when it sits on a mountain, the ends of its lowered wings reach the ground. Once, says the Buryat epic "Neser", it was possible to cut off the feather of a monstrous bird with a well-aimed arrow. And this feather was barely transported on a cart drawn by three horses!
Diben eats meat. But it is in vain to try to lure her with a fresh slaughter of livestock or a wild beast: Diben prefers to eat human meat.

Demonic character of East Slavic mythology. Mentioned in medieval teachings against the pagans. The Russian diva is perceived as a humanoid or bird-like creature.
Researchers have not come to a consensus about the origin of the word "div". On the one hand, it is associated with the word "wonder" - on the other hand, with the adjective "divy" - wild. In addition, the Indo-European designation of God is associated with the root "div". echoes last value is in the episodes of "The Tale of Igor's Campaign", where the expression "spreading divas to the ground" is perceived as a harbinger of misfortune. Perhaps in the name "divs" there is also a functional affinity with the Iranian deva, negative character found in folklore and mythology.

Wild Hunt - a cavalcade of ghostly creatures with a pack of dogs; the cavalcade is led by the Wild Hunter - he is often identified with the god Odin, he is also known as the Black Horseman. Meeting with Wild Hunt portends misfortune and even death.

wild people(savages) play a significant role in traditional symbolism and heraldry. They are considered the personification of unbridled nature in front of those who seized the earth. cultured people and therefore are often compared to giants. They are also often credited with superhuman power.

Dini shi - in Irish folklore, creatures who, according to legend, were once gods, then became knights, who were not defeated in a single battle, and in the end turned into fairies. Dini shi are typical heroic fairies: they lead the lifestyle of medieval knights, spending their time in feasts and battles. These fairies can change their appearance at will - sometimes they become as tall as an adult and even taller, and sometimes they seem to turn into children. They live underground or underwater. By the way, according to K. Briggs, underwater dinish shi are considered fallen angels, which are too good for hell: "Some fell on land and remained on it, long before the appearance of man. Like the first earthly gods, and others rulmuls in the sea."

Dino is one of the three grays, the daughter of Forkia and Keto, the sister of the grays Pemphredo and Enio, the gorgons, Ladon and Foosa.

Doby - in English and Scottish folklore, silly fairies, related to brownies. Their stupidity has entered into proverbs and proverbs.
According to legend, in the old days there was a custom to bury treasures in the ground and entrust their protection to brownies. If there were no brownies nearby, you had to rely on the dobies: they never refused, but it didn’t cost them anything to gape and miss the thieves. And then out of the kindness of their hearts, they could give treasures to the first person they met. More dobies are taken for any homework but they spoil everything they can - they beat eggs, spill milk, and so on. According to some sources, dobies are not so much fairies as the spirits of rejected women who roam people's homes, trying to prove that they are still good for something.

In the legends of the inhabitants of Indonesia and the Philippines, he is depicted as an evil dwarf drinking human blood. These small ghostly creatures can only be seen at night, and a meeting with them is considered very dangerous: baring their teeth and flashing their huge bulging eyes, they pounce on a person who is numb with horror and drink all his blood.

Brownies, good spirits of ancestors, patronizing their descendants. The brownie is left in a secluded corner, on the cuff, - porridge, in the chicken coop they hang a “uronic” stone with a hole (for the chicken god) and say: “Owner-father, take our porridge! And eat pies, take care of our house! Domovoy is also called "Dobrozhil", "Dobrohot" and even (in the Vologda Oblast) "Breadwinner". In the Russian North, he is called "Susedkom", "Batanushkom". If he does not get along with the owner, then he is called "nekoshny".
The construction of a house was filled with the deepest meaning for the ancient Slavs, because at the same time a person was likened to the Gods who created the Universe. Here is how, for example, the trees were selected. The creaky ones were not suitable, because the soul of a tortured person was crying in them, those dried in the vine were not suitable - they have no vitality, which means people in the house will get sick. Cutting down trees, the pagan Slav blamed the tree souls driven out of the trunks, while he himself fasted for a long time and performed cleansing rites. But the ancient Slav was still not completely sure that the cut down trees would not begin to take revenge on him, and in order to protect himself, he made the so-called "construction sacrifices". The skull of a horse or a bull was buried under the red (eastern) corner of the house, in which carved statues of the gods were placed, and later icons. And from the soul of the slain animal, the Brownie actually arose.
The brownie settled down to live underground, under the stove. He was presented as a little old man, similar in face to the head of the family. By his liking, he is an eternal troublemaker, grouchy, but caring and kind. People tried to support with Domovoi good relations, take care of him as an honored guest, and then he helped keep the house in order and warned of impending misfortune. Moving from house to house, Domovoy was always invited to move with his family with the help of a conspiracy.

These are "doubles" or "phantasies of the living". It was often reported, but remained mysterious. They may take the form of a crisis ghost, as in cases where a distinct image of a distant loved one at the moment of his imminent death or moral death suddenly appears before their family or friends. Yet a crisis is not necessary here, and on occasion duplicates can be projected consciously without the projector knowing how the ghost is created. Apparently telepathy is involved here and usually close emotional connection between sender and receiver.
American writer Theodore Dreiser recounted how one evening in his New York apartment, the English novelist John Poyce, leaving after a feast to catch the train home, said:
“Later tonight, I will appear before you right here. You will see me.
Dreiser laughed.
Are you going to turn into a ghost or do you have the key to the door? Pois replied:
- I don't know. Perhaps I will return as a spirit or in some other astral form.
Two hours later, Dreiser looked up from his book, looked up and saw Poys in the doorway, surrounded by a pale white glow. Approaching the ghost, he said:
- Well, you kept your word, John. Are you here. Come in and tell me how you did it.
The ghost is gone. Then Dreiser called Poyce.
"I said I'd show up at your place, so you shouldn't be surprised," said Pois,
Dreiser later said that Poys refused to discuss the case, probably because he did not understand it himself.
When playwright August Strinberg fell dangerously ill in Paris in 1895 and longed to return home to Sweden, he projected his ghost home. His mother saw him and wrote a letter asking if he was ill. In this case, we are dealing with a crisis ghost caused by the desperate desire of the designer.
In other cases, "doubles" appeared without their organizers realizing it.

If fiery ribbons with huge heads or huge fireballs are flying across the sky, these are fights. In a fraction of a second, they are able to cover unimaginable distances.

This is the undead that results from the transformation of an ordinary dragon. The mysterious Cult of the Dragon is known to practice the magical rituals required to do so.

A reptile-like creature, sometimes with or without wings. Legends say that dragons breathed fire, guarded ancient treasures, and lived in mountain caves. Depending on the story, this creature may be good or evil, intelligent or animal-like, but all stories agree that dragons are magical.
The dragon has the ability to take on various forms, which, however, are incomprehensible to us. He is usually represented with a horse's head, a snake's tail, large wings on the sides, and four paws, each with four claws. They also speak of nine likenesses of him: his horns are like those of a deer, his head is like the head of a camel, his eyes are like the eyes of a demon, his neck is the neck of a snake, his belly is the belly of a mollusk, the scales are the scales of a fish, the claws are like the claws of an eagle, paws are like the paws of a tiger and ears are ears bull. Some specimens do not have ears and listen with horns. The dragon is often depicted with a pearl hanging around its neck, the emblem of the sun. This pearl is his strength. If taken away, it is harmless.
History calls the dragon the ancestor of the first emperors. His claws, teeth and saliva are endowed with healing properties. At will, he can be visible to people or invisible. In the spring he ascends to heaven, in the fall he plunges into the abyss of water. Some dragons don't have wings and just fly. Science Distinguishes different types dragons. The heavenly dragon holds the palaces of the gods on its spine and does not allow them to fall to the ground; the divine dragon generates winds and rains for the benefit of people; the earthly dragon directs the course of streams and rivers; an underground dragon guards treasures forbidden to people. The Buddhists claim that in their many concentric seas there are as many dragons as there are fish; somewhere in the universe there is a sacred number that accurately determines their number. Chinese people believes in the dragon more than in other deities, because quite often he sees them in clouds that change shape. Shakespeare also noted that there are clouds that look like a dragon ("Some times we see a cloud that"s dragonish").
The dragon commands the mountains, is involved in geomancy, lives near the graves, is associated with the cult of Confucius, he is the Neptune of the seas, but also appears on land. The king of the sea dragons dwells in the glittering underwater palaces and feeds on opals and pearls. There are five such kings: the main one lives in the center of the earth, the other four - in the four cardinal directions. They are not less than a league long, and when they move, the mountains begin to sway. Dragons are armored with yellow scales. Under the mouth they have a beard, paws and tail are hairy. The forehead hangs over the fiery eyes, the ears are small and thick, the mouth is always open, the tongue is long, the teeth are sharp. From the dragon's breath the fish are boiled, from the fumes of his body they are fried. Rising to the surface of the oceans, it gives rise to whirlpools and typhoons; flying through the air, it causes storms that destroy houses in cities and cause floods. Dragons are immortal and able to communicate with each other at any distance without the need for words. Every third month of the year they present an annual report to the supreme heaven.

IN Greek mythology female tree spirits (nymphs). they live in a tree that they protect and often died with this tree. Dryads are the only nymphs that are mortal. Tree nymphs are inseparable from the tree they inhabit. It was believed that those who plant trees and those who care for them enjoy the special protection of the dryads.

SPIRIT - soul, breath; incorporeal being, ghost; evil spirit, wind.
In the Vladimir province, a devout peasant, when meeting with any person, “samely makes a friendly bow and takes off his hat, not paying attention to whether they answer him the same or not, he is pleased with himself for ... bowing to the angel who inseparably accompanies everyone human" Dobrynkin, 1876>. “The Lord God reigns over the world,” the Volodsky peasants said. - He sometimes appears to people in the form of a wanderer, a gray-haired old man. Divine beings, good spirits, can generally be seen only by those who are worthy of it due to their righteous life or exceptional misfortunes.
Spirits (spirits of the house, nature; spirits of ancestors, the dead; spirits - patrons, helpers, etc.) fill the whole world, influencing its being. The Church tried to replace the pre-Christian faith of the people in the “world government of spirits” with faith in the angelic world government”: “... the church teachers inspired the people, on the basis of the Greek-Eastern Christian worldview that over every element, every natural phenomenon, God placed special spirits, angels. So in Russian churches from the 11th century. the interpretation of Epiphanius of Cyprus on the book of Genesis was read to the people, where the idea is revealed in detail that angels are set to control the elements and natural phenomena ”(this interpretation was transferred to collections for popular reading). .
In a broad sense, spirits are not only angels, but also goblin, water, brownies, who became “unclean” after the adoption of Christianity, but continue to occupy a teaching place in peasant beliefs. They are called both unclean spirits and simply unclean. Monosyllabic - spirits - different representatives evil spirits rarely called.
Spirits constantly and hourly interact with a person and are mostly feminine in their manifestations - "good or evil according to circumstances."
The exceptions are the spirits, ideas about which were most influenced by Christianity - the above-mentioned spirits of nature, which became identical to angels, as well as the spirit companions of a person, who turned into opposing incarnations of good and evil principles (guardian angel, good spirit and devil, demon-tempter , evil spirit).
In the Smolensk province (and some others) the winds were called spirits: the winds, according to the Yukhnov and Gzhatsk schismatics, “are the spirits of sinful people. These spirits, or winds, are under the control of the four angels. One of these angels is on the east side, another at sunset, a third at noon, a fourth at midnight; therefore the winds do not blow from one side, but from four.

The duergar are the most vicious and cruel of all solitary fairies in English folklore. They live in the hills and are famous for their strength, knowledge of magic and the art of working with metals. Like the dwarfs to which they are related, the duergar arose from the larvae that ate the flesh of the giant Ymir; when daylight came they hid underground.

Devil dogs are usually two, flames burst out of their mouths, they are ready to tear apart any person they meet. As a rule, they hunt for witches.

In Iranian mythology, evil spirits. They are opposed by good spirits - ahura. Devas are countless, they serve the supreme spirit of evil Angro Mainyu. Famous heroes (for example, Rustam) fight them and defeat them. Ideas about devas, evil spirits, animal-like giants living underground and owning countless treasures have been preserved in the myths of the peoples. Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Caucasus and Western Siberia.

A horse with a single horn. It is believed that the Unicorn has magic in healing wounds and brings good luck. The Unicorn Horn is prized for its ability to neutralize all poisons it comes into contact with. The legend says that the Unicorn's magic helps him avoid any trap, and that only a virgin, completely pure in heart and soul can approach him.
The first interpretation of the unicorn almost completely coincides with the latter. Four hundred years before the Christian era, the Greek Ctesias, the physician of Artaxerxes Mnemon, reported that in the kingdoms of Hindustan there are very swift wild donkeys with white hair, a purple-red head, blue eyes, with a sharp horn on the forehead, white at the base, red at the end, and completely black in the middle. Pliny adds other details (VIII, 31): “In India, they hunt for another beast, a unicorn, which has a body similar to a horse, a head with a deer, legs like an elephant, and a boar’s tail. He neighs in a bass voice, in the middle of his forehead sticks out a long black horn. It is believed that it is impossible to take him alive. Orientalist Schrader in 1892 suggested that the image of a unicorn could be suggested to the Greeks by some Persian bas-reliefs depicting a bull in profile, with a single horn.
In the encyclopedia of Isidore of Seville, compiled at the beginning of the 7th century, one can read that a unicorn kills an elephant with a blow of its horn; this is reminiscent of the similar victory of the "karkadan" (rhinoceros) described in the second journey of Sinbad (it says that if the horn of a rhinoceros is cut in half, the figure of a man will be visible on it; Al Qazvini says that this will be the figure of a rider on a horse, others call birds and fish). Another adversary of the unicorn was the lion, and in one glorious octave of the second book of the most intricate epic, The Faerie Queen, their battle is depicted. The lion leans against the tree, the unicorn, bowing its head, attacks him, the lion jumps aside, and the unicorn is nailed to the trunk. This octave was written in the 16th century, and in early XVIII century, the unification of the English kingdom with the Scottish one will combine the English leopard (lion) with the Scottish unicorn in the coat of arms of Great Britain.
In the Middle Ages, bestiaries claimed that a girl could catch a unicorn; in Physiologus Graecus (Greek Physiologist (Latin)) we read: "How they catch him. They put a maiden before him, and he jumps into the bosom of the maiden, and the maiden embraces him lovingly and takes him to the royal palace." This triumph of purity is represented on the Pisanello medal and on many famous tapestries, and its allegorical interpretations are also noteworthy. The unicorn was used as a symbol of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, mercury and evil. Jung's "Psychologie und Alchemie" ("Psychology and Alchemy" (German)) (Zurich, 1944) provides a history and analysis of these symbolic applications.

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