Van Helsing is the main character. First professional vampire hunter


Doctor-philosopher and mystic. What is the degree public relations between Dracula and Gabriel is not revealed in the film.

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    Meanwhile, Dracula, with the help of Velkan, tries to revive his children once more. At the same time, Anna unsuccessfully tries to free her brother from captivity, and Van Helsing makes attempts to destroy Dracula. However, Dracula recognizes his new enemy in former friend and his own killer - a warrior who was called the Left Hand of God, but he realizes that Van Helsing does not remember anything. Taking advantage of the confusion of the vampires from death in front of Dracula's brides of another of their broods, which, however, managed to hatch, Van Helsing and Anna escape from the castle. Dracula sends a Werewolf to kill them both and secludes himself with Alira and Verona. At the same time, Karl, after spending the night with a townswoman whom he saved from Dracula's brood, discovers an old canvas depicting two knights in armor with swords. Before the eyes of the astonished acolyte, the knights come to life and enter into battle, with one turning into a werewolf, and the other becoming a vampire bat.

    After escaping, Professor and Sister Velkan penetrate the ruins of a burnt mill and suddenly fall down. In doing so, they accidentally discover Frankenstein's monster in his underground hideout under the windmill and speculate that he knows the secret to killing Dracula. The monster loses consciousness from the action of arrows with sleeping pills fired at him by the vigilante, Anna tries to kill him, and Van Helsing prevents this. However, Van Helsing accidentally leads Dracula on the trail of Frankenstein's monster - the key to the revival. new race vampires. For Velkan tracked down Anna and the vigilant at the moment of their conversation with the monster.

    Having opened the plan of the Forces of Darkness, Van Helsing is trying to transport the monster to Rome - where the vampires cannot get it. Although the monster given under the command of the novice opposes this trip. Soon, in the mountain forest along the road, the cortege is attacked by the brides of Dracula and Werewolf. The monster fails to capture and saves Carl from death. In the fight, Verona, the second bride of the vampire count, and Prince Velkan, who was turned into a werewolf, die, while managing to bite Van Helsing.

    However, through the efforts of Alira, Princess Anna was captured, whom Dracula offers to exchange for a monster. Upon meeting, the vampire and the vigilante agree to make a deal during a masquerade ball in Budapest on Halloween night. But Van Helsing resorts to trickery, puts the monster to sleep and hides it in the cemetery, and he changes clothes with Karl and goes with him to the ball, where Dracula, in front of Alira, is already dancing with Anna and trying to bite her. Vigilant saves Anna, but Dracula reveals his essence to the vampires - participants in the ball. At the same time, Igor enters the hall along with a crowd of the living dead and the captive Frankenstein's monster. A crowd of vampires rushes at the trinity, but she manages to escape from death by jumping from the window of the building directly into the waves of the Danube, and the vampires die from a flash of light - Karl's invention. The Vigilant tries to save the monster, which Igor ferries to the ship, but a grate is lowered in front of the professor and the attempt fails.

    Van Helsing, with the help of Carl, solves the mystery of the Ice Fortress - a prison in the mountains, in which Valery the Elder imprisoned his vampire son. The fortress is hidden in the Valerius family castle behind a wall with geographical map Transylvania with words attached to it. However, the piece with the missing words disappeared, which doomed the Valerius family to a fruitless search for an entrance to where the Ice Fortress is located. However, this piece with ancient writings was found in the archives of the Vatican and fell into the hands of Van Helsing, with his help he managed to find the entrance. The trio, with torches in their hands, pass through the mirror into the snow-covered mountainous area and see the Ice Fortress. They infiltrate the castle and capture Igor, who is forced to tell them about a serum that can turn a werewolf into a human (because a werewolf can kill Dracula if he rises). At the same time, the vigilant sees how the captive monster is being lifted on a cable to the very top of the castle and decides to split up. Van Helsing undertakes to save the monster, and Karl, who was given an antidote against werewolves by the professor, Igor and Anna go to the place where the serum is stored.

    While the monster is being prepared to awaken the offspring of the vampire count in front of Dracula, and Van Helsing infiltrates the laboratory, Igor takes Karl and Anna to the place where Dracula hid the serum. However, he then locks the novice and the princess alone with Alira, on whom Dracula has placed the duty of guarding the serum. Carl and Anna with the serum in their hands get out and are immediately attacked by Igor. Anna stays behind to start the fight with the vampire. At the same time, Van Helsing tries to save the monster, but this attempt is thwarted by Dracula and the count's offspring breaks free. At the same time, the monster saves Carl from Igor and enters the place where the serum was stored and where Alira is already ready to drink blood. defeated Anna. Due to the intervention of the monster, Anna breaks free and, having received the serum from the hands of Karl and killed Alira with a stake, rushes to the aid of the vigilant, who at the moment of the full moon turned into a werewolf and attacked Dracula. The Count either takes on a human form in order to explain himself to the vigilant and win him over to his side, then he fights with him, but in the end he dies at the hands of Van Helsing. Thus, the offspring of Dracula ceases to exist, not even having time to fly out of the walls of the fortress. However, Van Helsing remains a werewolf and attacks Anna. Karl, seeing this, is going to kill Van Helsing, but it turns out that Anna manages to give him an injection with an antidote. However, she herself dies.

    While conducting the funeral burning of Anna's body, Van Helsing sees the image of Anna smiling and her meeting with her brother and father in heaven (literally). Frankenstein's monster, which managed to survive, floats away on a raft in an unknown direction. And Van Helsing and Carl go on horseback back to Rome.


    Main characters:

    Gabriel Van Helsing- “Left hand God”, has vague history life, does not remember his past life, with the exception of some fragments of the battles of the distant past, in particular, he told Karl that he remembers the battle with the Romans in Masada, from which the question of his age remains open, because the siege of Masada is part of the war Jews and Roman Empire. Dracula himself says that they were brothers in arms 400 years ago, and that in 1462 it was Gabriel who killed him and took the earl's ring from his hand. According to some theories, Van Helsing is the archangel Gabriel expelled from Paradise. A tall black-haired man wearing a heavy leather cloak and a wide-brimmed hat. Managed to defeat Dracula.

    Charles- Church novice and assistant to Van Helsing. The inventor of almost all of his equipment and the main specialist in history, which helped the heroes to defeat the vampire count.

    Dracula- Vampire Count Vladislav Dracula, son of Valery the Elder, born in 1422. Was killed in 1462 by the "Left Hand of God" but is reborn as a vampire and acknowledges his savior, Lucifer, as his father. Because of this, Valery the Elder made a deal with the Vatican: none of his descendants will go to Paradise while Dracula is alive, but not able to kill his son (perhaps due to the fact that only a werewolf can kill the original vampire), locked him in a remote ice castle in the mountains with the help of a magic portal mirror, but the Devil gave Dracula the ability to turn into an infernal bat demon. He has three vampire brides, with whom he seeks to fill the world with his children, but they are born dead due to the fact that their parents themselves are undead. Unlike other vampires, it cannot be killed. traditional ways: aspen stake, holy water, sunlight. He died at the hands of a vigilant who became a werewolf.

    Anna Valerius- the princess of the gypsies, whose family should kill Dracula. Thanks to the vigilant, she managed to fulfill the destiny of her kind, but died at the hands of Van Helsing in the guise of a werewolf. Before her spirit is reunited with her family in Paradise, she appears to Van Helsing in a vision of divine light.

    Secondary characters:

    Velkan Valerius- Prince of the Gypsies, Anna's brother. He became a werewolf and died at the hands of a vigilant.

    Victor Frankenstein- A "mad" scientist who created a monster from fragments of the bodies of various dead people. Lived and worked in Dracula's castle. He died at the hands of a vampire count when the doctor refused to help him in reviving his offspring.

    Igor Shtausman- a hunchbacked and ugly servant of Dr. Frankenstein, who later went over to the side of Dracula and tried to recreate his master's research.

    Monster Frankenstein- created from several parts of the bodies of different dead people, a creature brought back to life by a doctor Victor Frankenstein. Since he is the first living creature revived by science, he is the "key" to the revival of the offspring of Dracula and for a long time hid from the vampire count under the old mill, where they tried to burn him locals. At the end of the film, he went on a journey to get away from the world, realizing that he would not be accepted for who he is.

    Verona- the elder bride of Dracula, a black-haired vampire with violet eyes. Killed by stakes when the Frankenstein wagon fell, but in fact there was nitroglycerin with stakes.

    Mariska- the average bride of Dracula, as a result of conversion, she gained small curls in her hair and a golden gleam in her eyes. Killed by Van Helsing with an automatic crossbow.

    Alira- Dracula's younger bride, a red-haired girl whose black eyes take on a pinkish color. Killed personally by Anna with a silver stake.

    Dvergi- servants of Dracula. They help Igor in experiments to revive vampire offspring. Workaholics are dwarfs, but very cruel. " Kill Dwerg without thinking, otherwise he will kill you Anna warns Van Helsing when he first sees the Dwergs in Dracula's castle. When Van Helsing breaks the gas mask of one of them, you can see that they are homunculi with white eyes, constantly clicking their teeth.


    Actor Role Russian dubbing
    Hugh Jackman Gabriel Van Helsing Gabriel Van Helsing Vladimir Antonik
    Kate Beckinsale Anna Valerius Anna Valerius Olga Pletneva
    Richard Roxburgh Count Dracula Count Dracula Vsevolod Kuznetsov
    David Wenham Carl Carl Vyacheslav Baranov
    Schuler Hensley Monster Frankenstein Monster Frankenstein Alexey Kolgan
    Josie Maran Mariska Mariska Olga Sirina
    Elena Anaya Alira Alira -
    Will Kemp Velkan Valerius/Wolfman Velkan Valerius/Wolfman Andrey Barkhudarov
    Kevin J. O'Connor Igor Igor Alexander Klyukvin
    Alan Armstrong Cardinal Jeanette Cardinal Jeanette Viktor Bohon
    Sylvia Colloca Verona Verona Olga Golovanova

    Legends say that the first vampires appeared on Earth at the time ancient Mesopotamia. But the hunters of evil spirits became known not so long ago. Abraham Van Helsing is considered one of the first fighters against the risen dead. An outwardly unremarkable man defeated a powerful villain - he is.

    History of creation

    A great vampire and no less great hunter of bloodsuckers came from the pen of one author. Van Helsing's "father" is, and the hero's first adventures are detailed in the novel Dracula.

    The heated debate on whether Van Helsing really existed does not subside to this day. Researchers are sure that the character has several real prototypes, from which Stoker has collected entertaining qualities.

    Literary critics note a lot common features Van Helsing and the orientalist Arminius Vamberi. Both men have visited many countries and are fluent in foreign languages. Vambery wrote a work on history and ethnography, which Bram Stoker used when writing Dracula. The name Arminius is mentioned in the novel itself:

    “I asked my friend Arminius, a professor at the University of Budapest, to give information about him; he made inquiries to every source at his disposal and told me who he was. Apparently, our vampire was the very commander Dracula, who glorified his name in the war with the Turks because of the great river on the border with Turkey.

    Jerzy Helsing is called the second prototype of the brave scientist. In the middle of the 18th century, Jerzy wrote a monograph on vampires. The book details ways to defeat evil spirits. It is known that during the plague the pastor (Helsing was a minister Protestant Church) observed the process of digging up graves and cutting off the heads of the dead so that the dead would not be reborn.

    In April 1972, comic book creators became interested in the character. The first appearance of the hero took place in "Tomb of Dracula. Vol 1". Gradually, Abraham carved his niche in the Marvel universe. How else? Dracula, who has long settled in comics, cannot exist without the main enemy and hunter.

    Biography and plot

    Abraham Van Helsing's birthplace is unknown. There is an opinion that the hero was born and raised in Holland, but the man's accent betrays German roots. He is called the "specialist in mysterious diseases". In fact, Professor Van Helsing is a specialist in the occult, metaphysics, anthropology, philosophy and religion.

    The fascination with the otherworld began in early age after reading the book by Augustine Calmet. Van Helsing started a war with evil spirits because of a personal tragedy. His girlfriend (according to other sources - his wife) was bitten by a representative of the "Children of Judas" clan. Vampires are located near family estate Van Helsing and ambushed an innocent victim on a dark evening.

    After the loss of his beloved, the professor exterminated the killers and began researching incomprehensible phenomena. From that moment on, the hero's biography is closely connected with vampires and other mystical creatures.

    The next clash with the bloodsuckers took place in English city Whitby, where the professor was invited by colleague John Seward. John observes signs of a strange disease in his beloved and asks Van Helsing to cure the girl. Unfortunately, the professor arrives in town too late. Blood transfusion and the constant presence of garlic flowers do not save the girl. Beloved Seward has already turned into a vampire.

    Abraham finds the unfortunate woman, pierces the beauty's heart with an aspen stake, cuts off her head and stuffs the girl's mouth with garlic. After asking around, Van Helsing realizes that the powerful vampire Dracula is behind the transformation of Dr. Seward's beloved. The professor goes in search of the main villain. The chase ends in Transylvania, where Van Helsing and his assistants deal with an influential bloodsucker.

    The further fate of the hero is not known for certain. Abraham Van Helsing continues to wander the world and fight evil spirits. The main weapon of a brave scientist, in addition to intelligence: a crucifix, an aspen stake and holy water.

    Screen adaptations

    The first appearance of the professor on the wide screen took place in 1931. The role of the fighter against the bloodsuckers was played by Edward Van Sloan. black and white painting impressed the inexperienced viewer, so in 1936 the second part of the film "Dracula's Daughter" was released.

    The 1977 TV series Count Dracula is based on the original work. serial film - co-creation Spain, Germany, Great Britain and Liechtenstein. The image of Van Helsing was embodied by British actor Frank Finlay.

    In 1979, the classic film adaptation of Stoker's novel was released. A movie called "Dracula" awarded"Saturn" in the category " best movie horrors." The role of a brave fighter against vampires was played by the largest actor of the twentieth century.

    Sir is considered the most colorful performer of the role of a bold scientist. The film with the participation of the actor was released in 1992. Bram Stoker's Dracula differs from other film adaptations in its scope and incredible stellar cast.

    Abraham Van Helsing, in addition to vampires, often encounters other mystical creatures. In the cartoon "Van Helsing: London Mission" (2004), the hero enters into a fight with Mr. Hyde and Dr. Jekyll.

    most popular painting about the vampire hunter was a film called "Van Helsing" (2004). The film tells about the adventures of Gabriel Van Helsing (played the role) - a descendant of the professor. Dracula himself (actor Richard Roxburgh), (Samuel West) and even a werewolf (Will Kemp) gets in the way of the hero.

    The director of the picture and the scriptwriter - Stephen Sommers - supplied Van Helsing with an assistant. Princess Anna () has been trying to kill a vampire for a long time. Such is the destiny of the descendant of the great family of gypsies. Dracula's ball almost ends in disaster for the heroine. The roles and the actors who performed them were remembered by the public after the release of the thriller.

    In addition to movies and TV shows, Van Helsing is a hero computer games, musicals and anime.

    • The name Bram (as Stoker called himself) is short for Abraham.
    • The film "Van Helsing" borrows some of the ideas reflected in the movie "Dance of the Vampires". The tape, released in 1967, did not meet the expectations of the public, so the plagiarism went unnoticed.

    • In 2016, the American-Canadian TV series Van Helsing was released. In the multi-part film, the theme of the heirs of the great scientist is again raised. Now Vanessa, the forgotten offspring of Abraham, has to fight evil.
    • In Bram Stoker's novel, Van Helsing is 60 years old.
    • The role of a fighter against evil in the next film adaptation of Van Helsing was offered to play. The actor was not inspired by the proposed script, and the shooting had to be cancelled.


    “Remembering those you loved and lost is even harder than having no memories at all.”
    "My life, my work, my curse is to destroy evil."
    “If you want to kill someone, kill, and don’t chat without meaning!”
    "Take all the papers that are right here, Harker's diary and the rest, and read them, and then find the undead, cut off his head, burn his heart, drive a stake into him so that the world can finally breathe freely."
    “In truth, I am tired of being; the old woman with the scythe hugs me tighter than any beauty.”
    Director Producer

    Bob Ducsay

    script In the main
    cast Operator

    Allen Devue

    Composer Film company Duration Budget A country Year IMDb The release of the film "Van Helsing" ( original name-Van Helsing)

    Charles- A friend of Van Helsing, a novice of the church.


    Actor Role
    Hugh Jackman Gabriel Van Helsing Gabriel Van Helsing
    Kate Beckinsale Anna Valerius Anna Valerius
    Richard Roxburgh Count Dracula Count Dracula
    David Wenham Carl Carl
    Shuler Hensley Frankenstein monster Frankenstein monster
    Josie Maran Mariska Mariska
    Elena Anaya Alira Alira
    Will Kemp Velkan Valerius/Wolfman Velkan Valerius/Wolfman
    Kevin J. O'Connor Igor Igor
    Alan Armstrong Cardinal Jeanette Cardinal Jeanette
    Sylvia Colloca Verona Verona
    Samuel West Victor Frankenstein Victor Frankenstein
    Robbie Coltrane mr hyde voice mr hyde voice

    The image of Dracula

    Sommers rethinks the canonical image of Dracula, first described in cult book Bram Stoker "Count Dracula" (). This is no longer the cruel vengeful governor of Wallachia, but a Transylvanian count with the manners of a Victorian gentleman. At the same time, he has long black hair tied in a ponytail and a dark coat. He possesses supernatural powers Dark Angel. Dracula became a vampire after his death, having entered into an agreement with the devil and becoming his adopted son. Eternal life gave him invulnerability, dark irony, loneliness and bloodlust. He does not know the fear of death, but Dracula is not as impassive as it seems. His brides are strong and beautiful women killed with a bite to the neck. The rest after such a procedure simply die. Humans, vampires, dwarves and werewolves obey him. Dracula owns a palace in Budapest and hosts masquerade balls on Halloween. Like other vampires, he sleeps during the day in a coffin, is not reflected in the mirror, walks on the ceiling and has the ability to turn into a winged monster, and neither holy water, nor an aspen stake, nor a crucifix can cause him any tangible damage. By ancient tradition, Dracula can only be killed by a rebellious werewolf.


    • A game based on the film was released for the PlayStation 2, XBox, and Game Boy Advance. The voice acting for the PS2 and XBox game features Hugh Jackman and Richard Roxburgh.
    • Was filmed short cartoon"Van Helsing: London Assignment", which is a prequel to the film where Van Helsing is looking for Jack the Ripper, who turns out to be Mr. Hyde. In the cartoon, Mr. Hyde steals the souls of the girls torn to pieces by him, which he then passes on to Queen Victoria in order to rejuvenate her and use her as his puppet.
    • A Van Helsing comic book series was released, which takes place between the fight with Hyde and the arrival in Rome. In the comics, Van Helsing fights Dr. Moreau and his hybrid mutants.
    • In the painting in the Valeriev Castle, where two knights come to life, Karl reads a poem from the film The Wolf Man.
    • The ball scene is partly copied from Roman Polanski's The Vampire's Ball.
    • Van Helsing's name "Gabriel" and his nickname "The Left Hand of God" are a reference to the Archangel Gabriel.
    • During the ball, when Anna and Dracula are in front of the mirror, it can be seen that only Anna is reflected in the mirror, although there are enough people in the hall besides them. This is a reference to the fact that everyone invited to the ball is a vampire, which becomes clear after only a few minutes.



    • Official site of the film (English)
    • Van Helsing at the Internet Movie Database
    • Van Helsing at Rotten Tomatoes

    Professor Abraham Van Helsing- an anthropologist and specialist in the occult sciences - known primarily as literary character Irish writer Bram Stoker from his famous work Dracula, published in 1897.

    If the main character of the novel, Count Dracula, was based on a real historical person(Prince of Wallachia Vlad Tepes), then why, then, for the image of Van Helsing, the author also could not use real prototype? If so, who exactly could play this role?

    So far, only one candidate has been known, proposed by J. Gordon Melton in his book The Encyclopedia of Vampires - Arminius Vamberi, a Hungarian historian who was personally acquainted with Bram Stoker and whose work on the history of Hungary was used by the writer while working on Dracula ". But at the same time, Melton himself points out that in the novel the literary Van Helsing mentions his "friend Arminius" from the university in Budapest. The version is weak, but still a version.

    Book published in 2015 Polish journalist Adam Wenglovsky "Very Polish history everything" ("Bardzo polska historia wszystkiego"), which is dedicated to the search for traces of "Polish" in a wide range historical figures, events, myths and legends.

    Pastor Helving and his 1722 article on Polish ghouls

    Jerzy Andrzej Helwing, or Georg Andreas Helwing (1666-1748), was born into a bourgeois family in the current Polish city of Węgorzewo (Warmiensko-Mazury Voivodeship), which during the life of the pastor was called in Polish Węgobork or in German Angeborg.

    Helving's mother was the daughter of a local priest, and his father took over the position after the death of his father-in-law. In his family, German was their native language, but Polish was also known, since most of the parish was Polish-speaking.

    Since childhood, Helving has been interested in natural sciences. Having received a good education and a master's degree, he undertook scientific journey in Europe, continuing to improve in theology and various scientific disciplines(botany, astronomy, history, literature, philosophy and mathematics).

    After the death of his father in 1705, Helving succeeded him as rector of the Protestant parish, also passing this post after himself to his son.

    Helving was primarily known in scientific world his botanical research, which resulted in several monographs and the creation of a botanical garden. It is also known that the pastor was interested in Prussian antiquities and even held archaeological excavations an ancient necropolis with burials according to the rite of cremation and settlements.

    But if we go deeper into the biography of this extraordinary person, then you can find his publications on the topic folklore. In particular, we are referring to his articles about werewolves and Polish ghouls, published on the pages of scientific periodical"Breslaunische Sammlungen von Natur- und Medizin geschichten".

    Under the Helving ghouls, according to the local folk tradition understood "such dead type human bodies who devour themselves in a coffin, "which causes the spread of epidemics, which stop only after the ghoul is beheaded. The pastor had a chance to personally witness the practical implementation of this belief, when in 1709-1710 a plague epidemic passed through Mazury and Warmia, in Węgorzew alone mowed down about 13 thousand people.

    Helving described the situation that took place in the village of Harsh, where the inhabitants began to excavate graves in search of "self-devouring corpses", cutting off the heads of the most suspicious. True, this action did not prevent the further spread of the disease.

    Van Helsing in the 2004 film of the same name

    Pastor Helvin was not a "vampire hunter", but he tried to take a sober look at these superstitions and prejudices, not taking them for truth, but still describing them carefully.

    What can unite him with the literary Van Helsing? The theme of vampires, the similarity of surnames, education and erudition, deep faith, knowledge of German, stay in Holland and so on.

    Adam Wenglovsky considers this more than enough to suggest Helving as the prototype for a character from Bram Stoker's novel.

    After all, Arminius Vamberi may have been familiar with the scientific publications of the pastor from Angeborg and could well have informed the writer about them.

    Composer Choreographer Film company Duration Budget Fees A country

    USA 22x20px USA


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    Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).

    Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value). The release of the film "Van Helsing" (original title - Van Helsing) K: 2004 Movies

    "Van Helsing"(English) Van Helsing) is a film by American director Stephen Sommers about the vigilant-monster slayer Van Helsing. The plot is a mixture of the novels "Dracula", "Frankenstein" and "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde". In addition, the Frankenstein Beast in the film is a positive character.

    The main character is Gabriel Van Helsing, a hunter of evil spirits. His last name is taken from Bram Stoker's Dracula, which featured the character Abraham Van Helsing, a doctor philosopher and mystic. The extent of the social relationship between Dracula and Gabriel is not revealed in the film.


    The action takes place in 1887-1888 in the Kingdom of Romania. The forces of Darkness are preparing for the Last Battle.

    To gain the upper hand, the vampire Count Dracula is trying to revive his offspring. To do this, he builds a laboratory in the mountains of Transylvania in a local castle (elements of steampunk aesthetics) and invites Dr. Victor Frankenstein there, who solves the mystery of life and with the help of electricity revives a monster, the basis of which was the body parts of the dead. This monster is the key to reviving the vampire race. However, the surrounding peasants, led by a local gravedigger, outraged by the opening of the graves, revolt and want to execute Frankenstein for experiments on the dead. Count Dracula appears in the castle laboratory and reveals his plans to the doctor. Frankenstein, horrified, turns to his assistant Igor for help, but all in vain. The Doctor takes the sword in his hands in order to protect his creation from the vampire, but he himself dies. The monster manages to get up from the bed and throws a piece of equipment at the vampire, causing Dracula to end up in the fireplace. The monster, taking the body of his deceased creator in his arms, is trying to hide in a lonely mill standing nearby, and Igor draws the attention of the peasants to this by shouting: "Doctor Frankenstein!" The peasants set fire to the mill, and the monster with the body of the doctor in his arms, who was at that time on the balcony of the mill itself, disappears, falling into the fiery abyss with a heart-rending scream. The count and his three brides appear in the guise of terrible bats to the mill, and as a result, the peasants flee in horror. Dracula and his three brides are in shock.

    A year later in Paris, on behalf of the Vatican, wanted for murder, a knight of the Holy Order, Van Helsing, tries to stop Mister Hyde, the evil self of Dr. Henry Jekyll. He finds the corpse of a young girl and an extinct cigar on the streets of Paris and comes to the Cathedral Notre Dame of Paris. There, a duel takes place between the vigilant and Mister Hyde, during which Van Helsing kills Dr. Jekyll. Once again, Van Helsing is called a killer, because it is before death that all such creatures turn into the people they once were. The vigilant soon arrives at the Vatican and meets with Cardinal Ginette in the cathedral. The latter takes Van Helsing to the laboratory and introduces him to the novice - the inventor Karl. It turns out that Van Helsing's next task is to destroy Count Dracula. The fact is that four hundred and fifty years ago lived the Transylvanian knight Valery the Elder, whose son turned to evil and was killed by a certain Left Hand of the Lord. After his death, the royal son made a deal with the devil and became the vampire Count Dracula. Valery swore before the church that until Dracula was killed, none of his descendants would go to heaven after death. But neither he nor his descendants succeeded in killing Dracula. Van Helsing must help the living descendants of Valery the Elder fulfill the contract.

    At this time, Count Dracula continues his attempts to revive his stillborn offspring, resorting to the help of Igor. source vital energy must be very strong man, and in an attempt to find such a Dracula uses a captive gypsy king named Boris Valery - a descendant of that same king Valery, and therefore a relative of Dracula in his human form. Boris's children - Prince Velkan and Princess Anna - continue the battle against Dracula. When hunting for a local werewolf, Velkan serves as bait. Not everything goes smoothly, but the werewolf gets into the cage, but by chance, gets out and starts chasing Anna. Velkan saves his sister, but together with the werewolf falls off a cliff into a mountain river. It is subsequently revealed that Velkan was bitten by a werewolf and subsequently became Dracula's servant.

    Van Helsing arrives in Transylvania with the novice Karl, where in the local town he encounters the distrust of the local population, and then he meets Anna herself. But suddenly Dracula's brides appear in the form of monstrous bats and attack people. In the first fight, while Alira and Verona are trying to kill Anna, the vigilant kills Mariska using holy water from the spring. Alira and Verona sense her death and return to Dracula in horror. The vampire reprimands the brides and sends Velkan in the guise of a werewolf to find out about the new guest, who in the meantime puts Anna to sleep and goes to investigate. After some time at night, Anna comes to her senses and feels that someone or something has penetrated the Valerius family castle. The princess arms herself with a mace and discovers an open window. She closes the window, but sees animal tracks and then confronts her brother in human form. Velkan, taking advantage of a short cloudy eclipse of the full moon, tries to tell Anna that Dracula has an antidote, but again turns into a werewolf. Van Helsing comes running to Anna's aid and frightens off the werewolf. The latter kills the gravedigger and returns to Dracula, who is clearly unhappy with his brother's attempt to contact his sister. Anna finds the vigilant in the cemetery and asks him to help her find an antidote for her brother, and then, together with him, enters the castle belonging to Dracula, where the Frankenstein Beast was created earlier.

    Meanwhile, Dracula, with the help of Velkan, who in the process discovers his father's corpse in the lab, attempts to revive his children once more. At the same time, Anna unsuccessfully tries to free her brother from captivity, and Van Helsing makes attempts to destroy Dracula. However, Dracula recognizes in the new enemy his former friend and his own killer - a warrior who was called the Left Hand of God, but understands that Van Helsing does not remember anything. Taking advantage of the confusion of vampires from death in front of the brides of Dracula, another of their brood, which, however, managed to hatch and even attack the population of the town, Van Helsing and Anna escape from the castle. Dracula sends Velkan, a werewolf, to kill them both and retires with Alira and Verona. At the same time, Karl, after spending the night with a townswoman whom he saved from Dracula's brood, discovers an old canvas depicting two knights in armor with swords in their right hands. Before the eyes of the astonished novice, the knights enter into battle, with one turning into a werewolf, and the other becoming a bat - a vampire.

    After escaping, Professor and Sister Velkan penetrate the ruins of a burnt mill and suddenly fall down. Thus, they accidentally discover Frankenstein's monster in his own underground shelter under the same mill and make the assumption that he knows the secret of how to kill Dracula. Moreover, the monster loses consciousness from the action of arrows with sleeping pills fired at him by the vigilante, Anna tries to kill him, and Van Helsing prevents this. However, Van Helsing accidentally leads Dracula on the trail of Frankenstein's monster - the key to resurrecting a new race of vampires. The fact is that Velkan tracked down Anna and the vigilant at the moment of their conversation with the monster.

    Having opened the plan of the Forces of Darkness, Van Helsing is trying to transport the monster to Rome - where the vampires cannot get it. Although the monster given under the command of the novice opposes this trip. Soon, in the mountain forest along the road, the cortege is attacked by the brides of Dracula and Velkan, the werewolf. The monster fails to capture, and he saves Carl from death. In the fight, Verona, the second bride of the vampire count, and Prince Velkan, who was turned into a werewolf, die, while managing to bite Van Helsing.

    However, through the efforts of Alira, Princess Anna was captured, whom Dracula offers to exchange for a monster. Upon meeting, the vampire and the vigilante agree to make a deal during a masquerade ball in Budapest on Halloween night. But Van Helsing resorts to trickery. He puts the monster to sleep and hides it in the cemetery, and he changes clothes with Karl and goes with him to the ball, where Dracula, in front of Alira, is already dancing with Anna and trying to bite her. Vigilant saves Anna, but Dracula reveals his essence to the vampires (participants of the ball). At the same time, Igor enters the ballroom, and with him a crowd of the living dead with the captive Frankenstein's monster. A crowd of vampires rushes at the trio, but she manages to escape death by jumping through the window of the building where the ball takes place, right into the waves of the Danube, and the vampires themselves die from Karl's invention. The Vigilant tries to save the monster, which Igor ferries to the ship, but a grate is lowered in front of the professor and the attempt fails. The trio then enter the castle, but it is empty and Van Helsing is furious.

    However, Van Helsing, with the help of Carl, solves the mystery of the Ice Fortress - a prison in the mountains, in which he imprisoned his son - a vampire Valery the Elder. The fact is that the fortress itself is hidden in the Valerius family castle behind a wall covered with a geographical map of Transylvania with words attached to it. However, the piece with the missing words disappeared, which doomed the Valerius family to a fruitless search for an entrance to where the Ice Fortress is located. But the piece itself with ancient writings was discovered by Van Helsing, and the latter, with the help of this, managed to find the entrance, in the place of which there was a mirror. The trinity with torches in their hands passes through the mirror into the snow-covered mountainous area and sees the Ice Fortress in front of them. She infiltrates the castle and captures Igor, who is forced to tell about a serum that can turn a werewolf into a human (since a werewolf can kill Dracula if he rises). At the same time, the vigilant sees how the captive monster is being lifted on a cable to the very top of the castle, and decides to split up. Van Helsing undertakes to save the monster, and Karl, who was given an antidote against werewolves by the professor, Igor and Anna go to the place where the serum is stored.

    While in front of Dracula, the monster is being prepared to awaken the offspring of the vampire count, and Van Helsing gets into the laboratory, Igor takes Karl and Anna to the place where Dracula hid the serum. However, Dr. Frankenstein's former assistant locks up the novice and the princess and leaves them alone with Alira, on whom Dracula has imposed the duty of guarding the serum. Despite this, Karl, with the help of Anna with a serum in his hands, gets out and is immediately attacked by Igor. Anna herself stays behind to start the fight with the vampire. At the same time, Van Helsing is trying to save the monster, but this attempt is thwarted by Dracula and the offspring of the count - the vampire breaks free. At the same time, the monster saves Karl from Igor, although he himself is saved from death by a novice. Moreover, thanks to Karl, Frankenstein's monster penetrates the place where the serum was stored and where Alira is already ready to drink the blood of seemingly defeated Anna. Due to the intervention of the monster, Anna breaks free and, having received the serum from the hands of Karl and having killed Alira with a stake, rushes to the aid of the vigilante, who at the moment of the full moon, under the ringing of the clock, managed to turn into a werewolf and attack Dracula in the guise bat. The vampire count sometimes takes on a human form in order to communicate with the vigilante and attract him to his side, then he fights with him, but in the end he dies at the hands of Van Helsing. Thus, the offspring of Dracula ceases to exist, not even having time to fly out of the walls of the fortress. However, Van Helsing remains a werewolf and attacks Anna. Karl, seeing this, is going to kill Van Helsing, but it turns out that Anna manages to give him an injection with an antidote. However, she herself dies.

    While conducting the funeral burning of Anna's body, Van Helsing sees the image of Anna smiling and her meeting with her brother and father in heaven (literally). Frankenstein's monster, which managed to survive, floats away on a raft in an unknown direction. And Van Helsing and Karl go back to Rome on horseback.


    Main characters:

    Flag of the Vatican Gabriel Van Helsing- " The left hand of God", Has a vague life history, does not remember his past life, with the exception of some fragments of the battles of the distant past, in particular, he told Karl that he remembers the battle with the Romans in Masada, from which the question of his age remains open, because the siege of Masada is part of the war between the Jews and the Roman Empire. Dracula himself says that they were brothers in arms 400 years ago, and that in 1462 it was Gabriel who killed him and took the earl's ring from his hand. According to some theories, Van Helsing is the archangel Gabriel expelled from Paradise. A stocky black-haired man wearing a heavy leather cloak, a wide-brimmed hat. Fell in love with Anna and managed to defeat Dracula.

    Charles- Church novice and assistant to Van Helsing. The inventor of almost all of his equipment and the main specialist in history, which helped the heroes to defeat the vampire count.

    Dracula- Vampire Count Vladislav Dracula, son of Valery the Elder, born in 1422. Was killed in 1462 by the "Left Hand of God" but is reborn as a vampire and acknowledges his savior, Lucifer, as his father. Because of this, Valery the Elder made a deal with the Vatican: none of his descendants will go to Paradise while Dracula is alive, but not able to kill his son (perhaps due to the fact that only a werewolf can kill the original vampire), locked him in a remote ice castle in the mountains with the help of a magic portal mirror, but the Devil gave Dracula the ability to turn into an infernal bat demon. He has three vampire brides, with whom he seeks to fill the world with his children, but they are born dead due to the fact that their parents themselves are undead. Unlike other vampires, it cannot be killed by traditional means: aspen stake, holy water, sunlight. He died at the hands of a vigilant who became a werewolf.

    Anna Valerius- the princess of the gypsies, whose family should kill Dracula. Thanks to the vigilant, she managed to fulfill the destiny of her kind, but died at the hands of Van Helsing in the guise of a werewolf. Before her spirit is reunited with her family in Heaven, she appears to Van Helsing in a vision of divine light.

    Secondary characters:

    Velkan Valerius- Prince of the Gypsies, Anna's brother. He became a werewolf and died at the hands of a vigilant.

    Victor Frankenstein- A "mad" scientist who created a monster from fragments of the bodies of various dead people. Lived and worked in Dracula's castle. He died at the hands of a vampire count when the doctor refused to help him in reviving his offspring.

    Igor Shtausman- a hunchbacked and ugly servant of Dr. Frankenstein, who later went over to the side of Dracula and tried to recreate his master's research.

    Frankenstein monster- created from several parts of the bodies of different dead people, a creature brought back to life by a doctor Victor Frankenstein. Since he is the first living creature revived by science, he is the "key" to the revival of Dracula's offspring and for a long time hid from the vampire count under the old mill, where the locals tried to burn him. At the end of the film, he went on a journey to get away from the world, realizing that he would not be accepted for who he is.

    Verona- the elder bride of Dracula, a black-haired vampire with violet eyes. Killed by stakes when the Frankenstein wagon fell, but in fact there was nitroglycerin with stakes.

    Mariska- the average bride of Dracula, as a result of conversion, she gained small curls in her hair and a golden gleam in her eyes. Killed by Van Helsing with an automatic crossbow.

    Alira- Dracula's younger bride, a red-haired girl whose black eyes take on a pinkish color. Killed personally by Anna with a silver stake.

    Dvergi- servants of Dracula. They help Igor in experiments to revive vampire offspring. Workaholics are dwarfs, but very cruel. " Kill Dwerg without thinking, otherwise he will kill you Anna warns Van Helsing when he first sees the Dwergs in Dracula's castle. When Van Helsing breaks the gas mask of one of them, you can see that they are homunculi with white eyes, constantly clicking their teeth.


    Actor Role Russian dubbing
    Hugh Jackman Gabriel Van Helsing Gabriel Van Helsing Vladimir Antonik
    Kate Beckinsale Anna Valerius Anna Valerius Olga Pletneva
    Richard Roxburgh Count Dracula Count Dracula Vsevolod Kuznetsov
    David Wenham Carl Carl Vyacheslav Baranov
    Shuler Hensley Frankenstein monster Frankenstein monster Alexey Kolgan
    Josie Maran Mariska Mariska Olga Sirina
    Elena Anaya Alira Alira -
    Will Kemp Velkan Valerius/Wolfman Velkan Valerius/Wolfman Andrey Barkhudarov
    Kevin J. O'Connor Igor Igor Alexander Klyukvin
    Alan Armstrong Cardinal Jeanette Cardinal Jeanette Victor Bokhon
    Sylvia Colloca Verona Verona Olga Golovanova
    Samuel West Victor Frankenstein Victor Frankenstein Alexey Kolgan
    Robbie Coltrane mr hyde voice mr hyde voice Alexander Klyukvin

    The image of Dracula

    Sommers rethinks the canonical image of Dracula, first described in Bram Stoker's cult book "Count Dracula" (). This is no longer the cruel vindictive governor of medieval Wallachia, but the Transylvanian count of the New Age with the manners of a Victorian gentleman. At the same time, he has long black hair tied in a ponytail and a dark coat. He possesses the supernatural powers of a Dark Angel. Dracula became a vampire after his death, having entered into an agreement with the devil and becoming his adopted son. Eternal life gave him invulnerability, dark irony, loneliness and bloodlust. He does not know the fear of death, but Dracula is not as impassive as it seems. His brides are strong and beautiful women, killed with a bite to the neck. The rest after such a procedure simply die. Humans, vampires, dwarves and werewolves obey him. Dracula owns a palace in Budapest and hosts masquerade balls on Halloween. Like other vampires, he sleeps during the day in a coffin, is not reflected in a mirror, can walk on the ceiling and walls and has the ability to turn into a winged monster, and neither holy water, nor an aspen stake, nor a crucifix can cause him any tangible damage. According to ancient legend, only a rebellious werewolf can kill Dracula.

    • According to rumors, the role of monk-scientist Karl could go to the star of the 80s, Paul Hogan. As a result, the character was played by David Wenham.
    • Hugh Jackman simultaneously starred in two films: Van Helsing and X-Men 2, and he considered Van Helsing to be his priority work. The filming schedule for X-Men was aligned with Sommers' filming schedule. However, Van Helsing was released a year later than X-Men 2.
    • Stephen Sommers originally wanted to offer the role of Anna to the Englishwoman Kate Beckinsale, but felt that she would refuse, because the heroine was too similar to her character in the forthcoming Underworld. But when Kate's agent showed her the script for Van Helsing, the actress immediately agreed to the shooting.
    • The film contains many historical mistakes and inaccuracies. The film takes place in 1887-88. (In the episode of the fight between Van Helsing and Mr. Hyde in Paris, the Eiffel Tower is shown under construction). The ship on which the heroes sail to Transylvania belongs to the golden era of piracy (1650-1730) and could not be used in any way. late XIX century.
    • Back in 1994, this project was conceived as a sequel to the original film based on Bram Stoker's novel "Dracula", leading role which was to be performed by Anthony Hopkins. However, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge since then, and the original scenario has changed beyond recognition.
    • The original character named Van Helsing from Dracula changed his name from Abraham to Gabriel by force of circumstances.
    • The film's opening coincides with the beginning of Bride of Frankenstein (1935), where the windmill also burns down and Frankenstein's creation is saved in a well.
    • The novice Karl is mentioned in Andrey Ulanov's fantasy novel "Sorcerers and Cabbage". In the same place, one of the heroines uses a crossbow designed by him.


    • A game based on the film was released for the PlayStation 2, XBox, and Game Boy Advance. The voice acting for the PS2 and XBox game features Hugh Jackman and Richard Roxburgh.
    • An animated short "Van Helsing: The London Assignment" was made, which is a prequel to the film, where Van Helsing searches for Jack the Ripper, who turns out to be Mr. Hyde. In the cartoon, Mr. Hyde steals the souls of the girls torn to pieces by him, which he then passes on to Queen Victoria in order to rejuvenate her and use her as his puppet.
    • A Van Helsing comic book series was released, which takes place between the fight with Hyde and the arrival in Rome. In the comics, Van Helsing fights Dr. Moreau and his hybrid mutants.
    • A novelization of the same name written by Kevin Ryan was released in the year of the film's release.

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    An excerpt characterizing Van Helsing (film)

    - Well, it depends on which one, Isidora! Karaffa smiled. – Again, there is “family” and FAMILY... And yours, unfortunately, belongs to the second category... You are too strong and valuable to just live without paying for your opportunities. Remember, my "great Witch", everything in this life has its price, and you have to pay for everything, whether you like it or not ... And you, unfortunately, will have to pay very dearly. But let's not talk about the bad today! You had a wonderful time, didn't you? See you later, madonna. I promise you, she will be very soon.
    I froze ... How familiar were these words to me! indeed, it was true that everyone had to pay, but not everyone agreed to it voluntarily ... And sometimes this payment was too expensive ...
    Stella stared in surprise at my face, apparently noticing my strange confusion. But I immediately showed her that “everything is in order, everything is fine,” and, silent for a moment, Isidora continued her interrupted story.
    Caraffa left, taking away my dear baby. The world faded, and my devastated heart, drop by drop, slowly filled with black, hopeless longing. The future seemed ominous. There was no hope in him, there was no habitual confidence that, no matter how difficult it is now, but in the end everything will somehow work out, and everything will definitely be fine.
    I knew perfectly well that it would not be good... We will never have a "fairy tale with a happy ending"...
    Without even noticing that it was already evening, I was still sitting at the window, watching the sparrows fussing on the roof and thinking my sad thoughts. There was no exit. Caraffa conducted this "performance", and it was HE who decided when someone's life would end. I was unable to resist his machinations, even if I could now foresee them with Anna's help. The present frightened me and made me even more furiously look for at least the slightest way out of the situation in order to somehow break this terrible “trap” that had caught our tormented lives.
    Suddenly, right in front of me, the air blazed with a greenish light. I was alert, expecting a new "surprise" by Caraffa ... But nothing bad seemed to happen. The green energy thickened, little by little turning into a tall human figure. A few seconds later, in front of me stood a very pleasant, young stranger... He was dressed in a strange, snow-white "tunic", girded with a bright red wide belt. The stranger's gray eyes shone with kindness and invited to believe him, even without knowing him yet. And I believed... Feeling this, the man spoke.
    Hello, Isidora. My name is Sever. I know you don't remember me.
    – Who are you, Sever?.. And why should I remember you? Does this mean that I met you?
    The feeling was very strange - as if you were trying to remember something that had never happened ... but you felt that you knew all this very well from somewhere.
    You were too young to remember me. Your father once brought you to us. I'm from Meteora...
    But I've never been there! Or do you want to say that he just never told me about it?! .. - I exclaimed in surprise.
    The stranger smiled, and for some reason, his smile made me feel very warm and calm, as if I had suddenly found my long-lost good old friend... I believed him. Everything, no matter what he says.
    – You must leave, Isidora! He will destroy you. You cannot resist him. He is stronger. Rather, what he received is stronger. It was a long time ago.
    “You mean more than just protection?” Who could give him this?
    Gray eyes drooped...
    We didn't give. Given by our guest. He was not from here. And, unfortunately, it turned out to be "black" ...
    - But you are in and d and t e !!! How could you let this happen?! How could you accept him into your "sacred circle"?..
    - He found us. Just like Caraffa found us. We do not refuse those who are able to find us. But usually it was never "dangerous"... We made a mistake.
    - Do you know what a terrible price people pay for your "mistake"?! .. Do you know how many lives have gone into oblivion in savage torment, and how many more will go away? .. Answer, Sever!
    I was blown away - they just called it a mistake!!! The mysterious "gift" to Caraffe was a "mistake" that made him almost invulnerable! And helpless people had to pay for it! My poor husband, and maybe even my dear baby, had to pay for it!.. And they thought it was just a MISTAKE???
    “I beg you, do not be angry with Isidora. That won't help now... This happened sometimes. We are not gods, we are people... And we also have the right to make mistakes. I understand your pain and your bitterness... My family also died because of someone else's mistake. Even simpler than this one. It's just that this time someone's "gift" fell into very dangerous hands. We will try to fix it somehow. But we can't yet. You must leave. You have no right to die.
    - Oh no, you're wrong, Sever! I have every right if it will help me rid the Earth of this viper! I shouted indignantly.
    - Will not help. Unfortunately, nothing will help you, Isidora. Leave. I will help you return home... You have already lived your Destiny here, you can return Home.
    “Where is my House?” I asked in surprise.
    - It's far away... In the constellation Orion there is a star with the wonderful name Asta. This is your House, Isidora. Just like mine.
    I looked at him in shock, unable to believe it. Not even understand such a strange news. It did not fit in my inflamed head into any real reality and it seemed that I, like Caraffa, was gradually losing my mind ... But the North was real, and it certainly did not seem that he was joking. Therefore, somehow gathering myself, I already asked much more calmly:
    - How did it happen that Caraffa found you? Does he have a Gift?
    No, he doesn't have Dar. But he has a Mind that serves him admirably. So he used it to find us. He read about us in a very old chronicle, which is unknown how and where he got it. But he knows a lot, trust me. He has some amazing source from which he draws his knowledge, but I do not know where he comes from, and where this source can be found in order to secure him.
    - Oh, don't worry! But I am very well aware of this! I know this "source"! .. This is his marvelous library, in which the oldest manuscripts are stored in myriads. For them, I think, Caraffa needs his long Life ... - I felt sad to death and wanted to cry like a child ... - How can we destroy him, Sever ?! He has no right to live on earth! He is a monster that will take millions of lives if left unchecked! What do we do?
    “Nothing to you, Isidora. You just have to leave. We'll find a way to get rid of him. It just takes time.
    - And during this time, innocent people will die! No, Sever, I will only leave when I have no choice. And as long as he is, I will fight. Even if there is no hope.
    My daughter will be brought to you, take care of her. I can't save her...
    His luminous figure became completely transparent. And she started to disappear.
    - I'll be back, Isidora. whispered a gentle voice.
    “Goodbye, Sever...” I answered just as quietly.
    – But, how so?! Stella suddenly exclaimed. “You didn’t even ask about the planet you came from?!.. Weren’t you interested?! How so?..
    To be honest, I, too, could hardly resist not to ask Isidora about the same! Her essence came from outside, and she didn’t even ask about it! .. But to some extent, I probably understood her, since it was too terrible a time for her, and she was mortally afraid for those whom she loved very much, and whom still trying to save. Well, and the House - it could be found later, when there was no other choice but to leave as soon as possible ...
    “No, honey, I didn’t ask, not because I wasn’t interested. But because then it was not so important, somehow, that they perished wonderful people. And they died in brutal torments, which were allowed and supported by one person. And he had no right to exist on our land. This was the most important thing. Everything else could be left for later.
    Stella blushed, ashamed of her outburst, and quietly whispered:
    – Forgive me, please, Isidora...
    And Isidora has already "gone" into her past again, continuing her amazing story...
    As soon as the North disappeared, I immediately tried to mentally call my father. But for some reason he didn't respond. This alarmed me a little, but, not expecting anything bad, I tried again - there was still no answer ...
    Deciding not to give free rein to my inflamed imagination for the time being and leaving my father alone for a while, I plunged into sweet and sad memories about Anna's recent visit.
    I still remembered the smell of her fragile body, the softness of her thick black hair and the extraordinary courage with which she met her bad luck my wonderful twelve year old daughter. I was incredibly proud of her! Anna was a fighter, and I believed that no matter what happened, she would fight to the end, to her last breath.
    I did not yet know if I would be able to save her, but I swore to myself that I would do everything in my power to save her from the tenacious clutches of the cruel Pope.
    Caraffa returned a few days later, somehow very upset and taciturn. He only showed me with his hand that I should follow him. I obeyed.
    After passing several long corridors, we found ourselves in a small office, which (as I found out later) was his private reception room, to which he very rarely invited guests.
    Caraffa silently pointed to a chair for me and slowly sat down opposite. His silence seemed ominous and, as I already knew from my own sad experience, never boded well. I, after meeting with Anna, and the unexpected arrival of the North, unforgivably relaxed, “lulled” to some extent my usual vigilance, and missed the next blow ...
    “I have no time for pleasantries, Isidora. You will answer my questions or someone else will suffer greatly. So, I advise you to answer!
    Caraffa was angry and irritated, and to argue with him at such a time would be real madness.
    “I will try, Your Holiness. What do you want to know?
    – Your youth, Isidora? How did you receive it? After all, you are thirty-eight years old, but you look twenty and do not change. Who gave you your youth? Answer!
    I couldn’t understand what so enraged Karaffa? .. During our already quite long acquaintance, he never screamed and very rarely lost control of himself. Now I was talking to an enraged, pissed-off person from whom one could expect anything.
    Answer, madonna! Or you will be waiting for another, very unpleasant surprise.
    From such a statement, my hair began to stir ... I understood that it would not be possible to try to evade the question. Something greatly angered Caraffa, and he did not try to hide it. He did not accept the game, and he was not going to joke. It remained only to answer, blindly hoping that he would accept the half-truth ...
    - I am a hereditary Witch, Holiness, and today - the most powerful of them. Youth came to me by inheritance, I did not ask for it. Just like my mother, my grandmother, and the rest of the line of Witches in my family. You must be one of us, Your Holiness, to receive this. Besides, be the most worthy.
    - Nonsense, Isidora! I knew people who themselves achieved immortality! And they weren't born with it. So there are ways. And you will open them for me. Trust me.
    He was absolutely right... There were ways. But I was not going to open them to him for no reason. Not for any torture.
    “Forgive me, Your Holiness, but I cannot give you what I did not receive myself. It's impossible - I don't know how. But your God, I think, would give you " eternal life"on our sinful earth, if I thought that you deserve it, isn't it? ..
    Caraffa turned purple and hissed angrily, like a poisonous snake ready to attack:
    – I thought you were smarter, Isidora. Well, it won't take long for me to break you when you see what I have in store for you...
    And abruptly grabbing my hand, he roughly dragged me down into his terrifying basement. I did not even have time to get scared, as we ended up at the same iron door, for which, quite recently, my unfortunate tortured husband, my poor kind Girolamo, died so brutally ... And suddenly a terrible, chilling guess, slashed the brain - father !!! That's why he didn't answer my repeated call!.. He must have been seized and tortured in the same basement, standing in front of me, breathing with rage, a fiend, "cleansing" any target with someone else's blood and pain!..
    “No, not that! Please, not this!!!" my wounded soul screamed like an animal cry. But I already knew that it was exactly like this... “Someone help me!!! Someone!”... But for some reason no one heard me... And did not help...
    The heavy door opened... Wide-open gray eyes looked straight at me, full of inhuman pain...
    In the middle of the familiar, death-smelling room, on a spiked, iron armchair, my beloved father sat, bleeding...
    The blow turned out to be terrible!.. Screaming with a wild cry “No!!!”, I lost consciousness…

    * Note: please do not confuse (!!!) with the Greek complex of Meteora monasteries in Kalambaka, Greece. Meteora in Greek means "hanging in the air", which fully corresponds to the stunning view of the monasteries, like pink mushrooms grown on the highest peaks of unusual mountains. The first monastery was built around 900. And between the 12th and 16th centuries there were already 24 of them. Only six monasteries have “survived” to this day, which still amaze tourists.
    True, tourists do not know one very funny detail... There is another monastery in Meteora, in which the "curious" are not allowed... It was built (and gave rise to the others) by a gifted fanatic who once studied in real Meteora and expelled from her. Angry at the whole world, he decided to build "his own Meteora" in order to collect the same "offended" as he was and lead his solitary life. How he did it is unknown. But since then, Masons began to gather in his Meteora for secret meetings. What happens once a year to this day.
    Monasteries: Grand Meteoron (big Meteoron); Russano; Agios Nicholas; Agia Trios; Agias Stefanos; Varlaam are located at a very close distance from each other.

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