What is a person willing to do for love? “What can a person do for love?” - composition


Some people for the sake of love are able to turn the whole world upside down, sacrifice everything, fulfill any conditions. They understand the value of real feelings, and strive to keep this thrill. But many, even at the end of their days, do not understand what this mythical love is.

tragic example of love

The theme of love becomes a favorite among many writers. They describe the love of the main characters in such detail and realistically that the reader goes through all the joys and hardships with them. An example is the work "Lady Macbeth Mtsensk district". In the center of the plot, a girl is shown who is terribly unhappy in marriage, because she was married to an unloved person. But a year later, Catherine found true love, which she dreamed about so much. Sergey reciprocates her feelings and a bright fire of passion flares up between the young people. For the sake of her beloved, the main character is capable of anything. She is ready to endure any torment and suffering, just to keep this wonderful feeling.

Love pushes Catherine to terrible deeds. She decides to kill her entire family. main character didn't even spare small child. For her deed, the girl pays for hard labor. She suffered both mentally and physically. Sergei did not wait for his beloved and begins new novel. The main character goes for another kill, drowning her rival. Then she herself goes to the bottom of the river. So many lives have been lost because of the intoxicating feeling.

Real love

As an example of love, consider the work " Captain's daughter". Pyotr Grinev did not even suspect that he would once be able to find a soul mate who would meet old age with him. But he was able to fall in love quite unexpectedly with the daughter of Captain Mironov. For the sake of his feelings, he went through many trials. Interestingly, his beloved answered him in return. For the sake of Grinev, Maria was ready to sacrifice her own well-being. When the girl was left an orphan, she followed orders. Maria could not leave her husband. Grinev saves the girl from captivity, and she saves his soul. The story demonstrates that true love is not afraid of any trials. This light feeling is capable of anything.

Love is different. Because of true feelings, love is capable of any action. Sometimes they are even crazy. But a loved one deserves any sacrifice.

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“Love, love is a mysterious word, Who could understand you to the end?” Vsevolod Rozhdestvensky wrote. It is difficult to disagree with this, because love has many faces. She is sensual and prudent, gentle and cruel, selfless and selfish at the same time. What can a person do for love? - the text of S. Aleksievich makes you think about such a question.

The author addresses the issue real event from the life of a woman who knows how to love sacrificially, selflessly, ready for the sake of saving her husband, who was sick with radiation sickness, to forget about her own safety and be with him every minute: “... I didn’t care: I loved him and was not afraid of anything.”

Speaking about the power of the heroine's love, the writer focuses the reader's attention on the heroine's actions in order to alleviate the fate of her beloved, thereby emphasizing that love is, first of all, an act: "I was ready to do everything so that he would not only think about death ...". The author reverently treats the spiritual strength of his heroine and believes that for such love "there is no fear, no fatigue, no doubt, no obstacles."

I agree with the position of the author, selfless, sacrificial love causes admiration, admiration and reverence. Not by chance great Hegel wrote: " Real love is the finding of oneself in the renunciation of oneself and in the disappearance of oneself in another. Artworks fiction are also a confirmation of this idea, for example, the story of A. Kuprin: “Duel” and “ Garnet bracelet", in which the author talks about such a love that "will never pass and will never be forgotten", for the sake of which, according to General Anosov, "to accomplish a feat, to give one's life, to go to torment is not work at all, but one joy."

Writers portray this feeling in different ways as they take their characters through the ordeal of love. For example, Masters and Margarita from novel of the same name M. Bulgakov was struck by love unexpectedly and became the meaning of their life forever. The unbridled power of Margarita's love broke all the obstacles on the way to reunion with the Master, she was not even afraid of a deal with otherworldly forces.

Probably the most memorable feeling for a person is the first love, which requires a careful, careful, tender attitude. I. Bunin in the story “Mitya’s Love” emphasizes by the title itself: such an all-consuming first love captured precisely the pure, romantic young soul of Mitya, who could not cope with the storm of surging feelings (happiness, passion, jealousy, suffering), which predetermined the tragic denouement.

Yes, love is different for everyone. And everyone, I'm sure, would like to meet true love, to experience it as a God-given miracle of finding inescapable happiness. The main thing is to believe that it exists! “Who told you that there is no real, true, eternal love? May the liar be cut off his vile tongue! ” exclaimed M. Bulgakov.

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stargate studios

According to ancient Greek mythology, Helena is the most beautiful of women. And in the fatal hour, it was Paris who laid eyes on her, who not only stole his beloved (someone else's wife, by the way), but also untied for her real war. As a result, Paris died, and with him a large army, Troy lost the war, and Helen herself returned to her husband Menelaus. This feat (it is difficult to answer the question of whether this act had any meaning) went down in history as an example of reckless behavior and a symbol of great love.

What about today? I would not want a war to start because of some young lady and her lover. Let's live in peace!

Not renounce loving


Once the king of Great Britain and the emperor of India, Edward met his love - divorced Wallis Simpson, a girl not at all blue blood. This nuance did not affect the feelings of the man in any way, but on the contrary: Edward considered it impossible to rule the country without the support of his beloved woman. Such a risky move in 1936 led to the abdication in favor of his brother Albert. Wallis and Edward - aka the Duke of Windsor - married in 1937 at the Château de Cande and quietly lived out their lives until Edward's death in 1972.

What about today? A lot of water has flowed under the bridge, morals are not the same now. Vaughn, Prince William still married a girl "of the people" Kate Middleton. And he managed to do it without consequences for his official status. Even my grandmother approved. Love wins, it cannot but rejoice.

Wicked lawbreaker

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Colin O'Neill didn't have to start a years-long war or abdicate - just an ordinary guy, after all. But for the attention of the desired woman, he had to work hard! Ironically, the guy's lover Doris Lemon was a traffic inspector and did not notice the inconspicuous young man at all. Therefore, Colin had to break the rules over and over again, parking his car in the wrong place, so that Doris, dear to her heart, wrote him fines.

Romance, of course, the cat cried, but Colin managed to attract attention! Apparently, Doris loves bad guys, because soon the goal was achieved and the traffic inspector became the lawful wife of the offender. By the way, even before the wedding, O'Neal paid a large fine and worked 110 hours of community service.

What about today? It's scary to think how Colin would attract the attention of a girl if she worked in forensic science.

Spectacular trick

In the 90s in America, the series “Dr. Quinn, a female doctor” was popular, where the main roles were played by Joe Lando and Jane Seymour. Lando was so in love with his partner that he spread his peacock tail, trying to charm the girl not with his charisma and sense of humor (and we love that!), But with tricks, because of which he ended up in the hospital. Joe Lando wanted to perform a difficult trick as effectively as possible when he took off on a horse from a run. As a result, instead of the expected result, the actor flew past the mare and fell on his own neck. The horse is delighted, Jane Seymour is so touched by his act that she allowed him to enjoy her love a little, but married the series director James Keach. Such is life: women prefer winners, not extravagant suitors.

What now? Apparently, with age, men become smarter, so the actor married Kirsten Barlow, who bore him four children. All is well that ends well. Well, at least he's still alive!

From Russia with love

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Kenny Garrett is a famous American saxophonist who naturally knew very little about Russia: bears, vodka and the Russian mafia. This was the end of his knowledge, which cannot be said about the horizons of his beloved wife Saida. She loved Russia because her grandmother was from Ukraine. And in the recent 2000, Kenny went on tour to Russia. The artist was expecting his trip in undisguised horror, which he openly spoke about in an interview with the Sunday Times newspaper: “I'm really in shock. I know that there are bandits and the mafia. But there are worse things out there. There is no sewerage! A toilet paper make it as hard as sandpaper. But if Saida wants, I say “let's go!”. Although you have no idea how horrified I am…”

What now? Now Americans know a little more about our country, although terrible legends are still being made about vodka and bears.

And the whole world is not enough


The next time your man asks the question “Darling, what do you get for your birthday?”, do not be modest. Better tell him about Napoleon, who decided not to waste time on trifles and gave his wife Josephine ... Sicily. Yes, this "humble" gift french emperor conquered in 1799, making his beloved mistress of the island.

Answer from chevron[guru]
I think love is one of the most beautiful feelings a person can experience. So what is this feeling that has been sung with songs of praise and sent all sorts of curses for more than a century?
I think a person cannot live happily without love. She is many-sided. We love parents, children, husbands and wives, friends - and everyone in a different, special way. But to whomever we experience this feeling, true love always means understanding, respect, willingness to help, protect, the ability to make sacrifices for the sake of a loved one.
The power of love lies in the fact that it awakens a reciprocal feeling, heals the soul, and can save a life. This is the state of a person when his soul is most open to the supreme principles of goodness, truth and beauty. He who loves not only demands, but also gives, not only craves pleasure, but is also ready for the highest feats of self-denial. Genuine love is also an expression of creativity, it involves care, respect, responsibility.
Love is an important part of human life. We become what we think. To love someone or something, you must first respect him. But, first of all, you need to respect yourself, because if you do not love and respect yourself, it is very difficult to love and respect others. You need to learn to accept yourself, appreciate yourself, no matter what others think or say about you.
It seems to me that we create love ourselves - this is not the result of fate or luck. Each of us has the ability to love and be loved. Love must be learned. True love overcomes everything, covers everything, forgives everything. Love is, probably, when you love the shortcomings of another person. If a person seems beautiful, smart, talented to you, this is not necessarily love. Another thing is if you know and love those shortcomings that he has. However, it is worth paying attention to the statement about love by V. G. Belinsky: “Love is often mistaken, seeing in a beloved object something that is not there ... but sometimes only love reveals in it the beautiful or great, which is inaccessible to observation and mind.” That is, the power of love is manifested in the fact that it can reveal the dignity of a person, awaken something beautiful in him.
Love creates in us an irresistible desire to good deeds. Whole the world a person in love seems beautiful and significant. Everyday affairs become important and even pleasant and are carried out with some special ease. No wonder love is considered the elixir of life - it awakens hidden powers person.
Of course, true happiness can bring mutual love. But in life this is not always the case. People, having once felt suffering from love, believe that it brings only pain and should be avoided. By unrequited love they judge love in general - “it’s better not to love and not to suffer” ... But is it so good to live “half”?
Love is a feat, a sacrifice, the pinnacle of the development of the human soul. One of the facets of this feeling - the love of a man and a woman - is captured in many creations of the human spirit, sung by writers and poets, composers and artists, directors and actors. Love is an eternal source of inspiration.
The monument to such omnipotent love is the beautiful and sad story Romeo and Juliet - young lovers who, by the power of their feelings, overcame, it would seem, the most insurmountable - hatred, enmity and even death itself.
In Russian literature, one can also find many works that sing the anthem of eternal love. So, the pathos of Pushkin's poem "I loved you ..." is a bright sadness about eternal love and the impossibility of happiness with a beloved. Lyrical hero noble, unselfish. He timidly hopes that love, perhaps, has not completely died out, but renounces his happiness for the sake of the well-being of his beloved woman.

We all know such a wonderful feeling - love. Each person treats it completely differently, some playfully, some seriously, and some painfully. But, nevertheless, this is the most beautiful feeling that exists on the entire planet. Almost everyone wrote about love famous writers, but, in my opinion, the best and most interesting, this topic was presented to us by Mikhail Bulgakov in his novel The Master and Margarita.

His goal was to educate a person in high moral qualities and show that love is the only feeling that is not subject to either reason or time. The author shows us that any resistance to love is meaningless.

The singularity lies at least in the fact that the theme of love is revealed to the reader in two storylines. On the one hand, the Master and Margarita reveal this topic to us, on the other hand, Yeshua Ha-Notsri. The story of the Master and Margarita is perhaps the most beautiful and romantic story love.

The heroes meet during the day, in the very center of Moscow, for the reader it immediately becomes clear that this meeting was planned by someone from above. It immediately becomes clear to us that this love story is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Mikhail Bulgakov immediately makes us understand that the life of our heroes will be filled with pain and experiences.

At first, this fateful meeting gave both heroes hope for a happy life. life together passion in their eyes. But everything good, as you know, comes to an end and the first difficulties are encountered on the way of the Master and Margarita Nikolaevna. The master disappears, Margarita is left all alone. Winter is coming, a dull time, for Margarita it is pain, suffering and torment. Margarita dreams of the Master, he beckoned her to him.

Margarita interprets this dream as a fateful sign. This sign inspires her and gives hope and faith that she will see him again, her beloved. On the same day, Margarita meets Azazello, who informs her that she will be able to reunite again with the love of her life, for this she should ... turn into a witch.

A loving woman is capable of anything for the sake of her beloved and nothing will ever frighten her or stop her. Margarita agrees to everything and agrees to become a queen at the great ball of evil spirits.

Love is the most strong feeling on the planet, even a meeting with Satan does not frighten her. Having asked for a meeting with the Master, Margarita remains dissatisfied, since the Master is out of his mind, but Margarita still goes to her goal to return her beloved and turns to Woland with a plea: "Cure him, he is worth it." Woland agrees to help the young, his faithful assistant Azazello treats them to wine containing poison. The Master and Margarita die, finding peace in eternal peace and at the end Woland takes them with him.

The history of Bulgakov's heroes is beautiful, but, unfortunately, very tragic story love. From this beautiful work We understand that real feelings are not a hindrance. Each loving woman ready to do anything for her beloved. Margarita shared her fate with the main character and followed him to the end. The meaning of her existence is to be close to the Master, and no matter in what world, in this or that.

The image of Margarita Nikolaevna is the image of all loving, faithful, strong and feminine women of the twentieth century.

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