Observation autumn second junior. Practical exercise "The most accurate." Experience "Does it snow?"


Larisa Saygina
Card index of walks

Card file of walks in the first junior group

Observation of the state of the weather.

Purpose: To draw attention to beauty winter nature. Learn to name individual objects and phenomena, use quality adjectives.

Reading a poem by Z. Alexandrova "Snowball".

Purpose: To generate interest in artistic word.

Labor assignments: we help clear the paths from snow.

Purpose: To form children's ideas about elementary labor operations. Learn to use a baby spatula. Encourage interest in work activities.

Snow modeling "Snowman"

Purpose: To teach children to roll a snowball, to supplement crafts with details from natural materials, various objects. Learn to name the actions to be performed.

Outdoor games:

"White Bunny sits"

Purpose: To introduce children to the rules of the game. Exercise in performing jumps on two legs up. Develop dexterity, coordination of movements, leg muscles.

"Find Your Place"

Purpose: To form in children the ability to obey the rules, navigate in space. Enrich motor experience.

Individual work:

Game exercise "Trace to trace"

Purpose: To stimulate the motor activity of children, improve the skills of performing basic movements. Learn how to play games. Develop coordination of movements.

Z. Aleksandrova "Snowball".

Snow flutters, spins,

It's white outside.

And the puddles turned

In transparent glass.

Where the finches sang in summer

Today - look! -

Like pink apples

On the branches of snowmen.

The snow is cut by skis,

Like chalk, creaky and dry.

And the red cat catches

Cheerful white flies.

T. Bokova "Snowman"

All around me is fun, childish noise and screaming.

Today the housewarming is celebrated by the Snowman.

Bucket on the head

Great carrot nose.

All winter I keep order in the yard.

I look around with ember eyes.

To make more sense

The janitor gave me a whisk!

May summer never come to my yard.

I'm better for the health of snow and cold.

That's just a snowman

No need to tease me!

Recognizing observation "Winter clothes"

Purpose: To continue to acquaint children with the features of winter weather. Tell how various items of clothing protect a person from snow, rain. Enrich vocabulary. Build awareness of your own health.

Labor assignments: we are building a hill for rolling dolls.

Purpose: To teach children how to use a toy spatula, act according to the model, understand elementary instructions. Learn to beat the building.

Game situation: "Dolls for a walk"

Purpose: To teach children to perform game actions. To form the ability to perform several actions with one object, transfer familiar actions from one object to another, independently select toys and attributes for the game, use substitute objects.

Outdoor games:

"Birds and car"

Goal: Improve walking different directions, over a limited surface. Develop attention, the ability to respond to a signal. Encourage active interaction with peers.

"Run to Me" (Clothes theme)

Purpose: To teach to understand the essence of the game task, to apply in the game their knowledge of the names of clothing items, the ability to distinguish between them. Enrich vocabulary.

Individual work:

Game exercise "Snowflakes".

Purpose: To introduce children to A. Barto's poem "Snow". Learn to perform the actions that it describes. Develop coordination of movements, vestibular apparatus.

A. Barto "Snow"

Snow, snow is spinning

White all street!

We gathered in a circle

Roll like snow!

Snow watching.

Purpose: To continue to acquaint children with winter natural phenomena, with the properties of snow. Learn to name its qualities. Enrich vocabulary.

Reading a poem by A. Melnikov "Snowflakes"

Experience "Does it snow?"

Purpose: To continue to acquaint children with the properties of snow. Learn to identify them with the help of simple actions (in frost, snow does not mold, creaks underfoot, becomes fluffy). Organize free experimentation with snow. Familiarize yourself with the safety rules to be followed.

Purpose: To teach children how to use a children's shovel for snow removal, to provide all possible assistance to adults. To form primary ideas about the role of work in people's lives. Pay attention to the results of your work.

Outdoor games:

Goal: Encourage children to act on words. Learn to coordinate your actions with the actions of other children. Develop imitation. Encourage independence and initiative of children.

"Snowflakes are spinning"

Individual work:

A. Melnikov "Snowflakes"

snowflakes fly,

Almost invisible

How many are always there in winter.

And here I am a snowflake -

fluffy piece of ice

Finally caught by hand.

I cried quietly

Crystal ice.

On a warm palm

There was a tear left.

Observation "Spruce in winter"

Purpose: To invite children to consider a spruce, recall the name of the parts of the plant (trunk, branches, leaves - needles). Pay attention to the fact that spruce in winter looks the same as in autumn.

Reading a poem by E. Trutneva "Christmas Tree". A play based on a poem.

Purpose: To teach to listen carefully to the work, to understand its content, to find the parts of the tree that are mentioned in the poem, to convey the actions of the characters, to imitate the habits of animals. Encourage interest in theatrical play.

Labor assignments: decorating a spruce on the site

Purpose: To support in children the desire to be useful, interest in labor assignments. Develop aesthetic perception, a sense of beauty.

Drawing on the snow "Herringbone"

Purpose: To learn to draw on the snow with a stick and with the help of a mold the contours of a spruce. Show how they can be filled with water. Develop visual perception, imagination, Creative skills. Maintain a good mood.

Mobile game:

"Journey to the Forest"

Purpose: To improve the basic movements; learn to imitate animals; learn to work in a team; encourage independence.

Individual work:

Figurative exercises "Around the Christmas tree round dance"

Purpose: To teach to reproduce the movements shown by the educator, to imitate the features of the movement of various animals.

E. Trutneva "Christmas Tree"

The tree grew up, we took away the tree

In the forest on the mountain, From the forest home.

She has needles

Silver in winter. In a new outfit

Lived under the tree bunny on thick needles

With his hare, Sequins are burning.

A flock flew in, the fun began,

Tap dance from the fields. Songs and dance!

Came to the Christmas tree Is it good, Christmas tree,

And wolves in winter. Do you have us?

Vegetation observation

Purpose: To form knowledge about plant life in winter. Bring up careful attitude to nature.

Reading a poem by E Yavetskaya "Winter-needlewoman"

Purpose: To form interest in the artistic word. Learn to understand the content of the poem.

Labor assignments: we warm the roots of plants with snow.

Purpose: To organize the feasible participation of children in the work, to discuss its significance. Continue learning how to use a toy spatula. Cultivate a desire to work, to be useful.

Outdoor games:

"Run to the tree"

Russian folk game Frost at the gate...

Purpose: To teach children to perform game actions, navigate in game situation. Develop arm muscles. Contribute to increased mobility of the joints of the shoulder girdle.

Individual work:

Game exercise "Hares have fun"

Purpose: To help improve the performance of basic movements by children, the development of coordination of movements, dexterity.

E Yavetskaya "Winter-needlewoman"

Again in the worries of winter-needlewoman -

Let nature dress warmly.

Winter has prepared a lot of yarn,

White things tirelessly knits:

Sleepy trees - fluffy hats,

Christmas trees - mittens knits on the paws.

She sewed, knitted and was very tired!

Ah, soon spring would come.

Recognizing observation "Snowfall".

Purpose: To form in children ideas about winter, characteristic changes in nature. Introduce verbs that characterize the movement of snow (falling, spinning, flying, glittering).

Reading a poem by S. Marshak "Snow"

Purpose: To instill an interest in poetry. Learn to understand the content of the poem.

Labor assignments: cleaning benches from snow.

Purpose: To teach children to use a toy shovel, to perform labor actions according to the model. Describe the importance of the work done.

Colored water painting

Purpose: To show children how to draw on the snow with colored water, to offer with the help of a teacher to draw the sun, a cloud, a hare. Develop imagination, creativity, maintain interest in walking, in fine arts.

Outdoor games:

"Quick helpers" (modification of the game "Bring the item")

Purpose: To teach children to follow the rules of the game, to perform game actions. Learn to distinguish objects by shape or color. Enrich motor and game experience.


Purpose: To teach children to correctly perform game actions, to coordinate them with the actions of their comrades. Maintain interest in motor activities, games with peers.

Individual work:

Game exercise "We are hares"

Purpose: To stimulate the physical activity of children. Practice jumping on two legs. Learn to imitate the movements of hares. Enrich motor experience, maintain interest in motor activity.

S. Marshak "Snow"

The snow is spinning

Snow falls

Snow! Snow! Snow!

The beast and the bird are happy with the snow,

And, of course, the man!

Happy gray titmouse:

The birds freeze in the cold.

Snow fell - frost fell!

The cat washes its nose with snow.

Puppy on a black back

White snowflakes are melting.

The sidewalks are covered

Everything around is white-white:

Enough business for shovels,

For shovels and scrapers,

For big trucks.

Observation of the work of adults: the janitor sprinkles the paths with sand.

Purpose: To acquaint children with various labor operations, their purpose. Raise respect for work, talk about its importance.

Purpose: To teach children to perform and name labor actions, to introduce a new labor operation, its purpose.

Drawing in the snow "I will draw a house and smoke"

Purpose: To teach children how to prepare a platform for drawing (tamp down the snow, with the help of a teacher, draw rounded objects, straight lines on the snow with a stick. Show how you can fill the contour of the drawing with colored water. Develop visual perception, imagination, creativity.

Outdoor games:

"We stomp our feet"

Purpose: To introduce children to the game. Develop coordination of movements, the ability to act in accordance with the text of the game.

"Run to the tree"

Purpose: To train children in running. Develop the ability to navigate in space, the speed of reaction to a sound signal. To form the ability and desire to use previously mastered knowledge and motor skills in the game.

Individual work:

Game exercise "Sharpshooter"

Excursion around the territory of the kindergarten: contemplation "The beauty of winter nature". Reading A. Prokofiev's poem "Everything is white"

Purpose: To draw the attention of children to the snow decoration of trees, shrubs. Learn to see the beauty of the winter landscape. Learn to understand poetry. To instill interest and love for poetry. Enrich vocabulary. Learn how to move in pairs.

Job assignments: clean shoes after a walk

Purpose: To teach children how to clean snow from shoes before entering Kindergarten. To form respect for the work of a nanny, primary ideas about the role of work in people's lives. Activate the appropriate vocabulary in speech. Learn to seek help from adults and peers.

Creative workshop: artistic design from natural materials "Snow Flowers"

Purpose: To introduce children to the technique of creating flowers from long multi-colored sticks and lumps of snow. Show how they can be colored with a spray bottle of tinted water. Develop creativity and imagination.

Outdoor games:

"Find your home"

Purpose: To consolidate children's knowledge of the shape (circle, square, triangle); develop fine motor skills; encourage independence and initiative.

"Winter wind and snowflakes"

Purpose: To introduce children to the game. Develop attention, coordination of movements, the ability to respond to a signal. Promote emotional release.

Creative workshop "Toys from the snow"

Purpose: To teach children to sculpt snowballs, give them the shape of a ball, with the help of a teacher, decorate them with colored water, natural materials. Develop imagination, fantasy, maintain interest in visual activity.

Individual work:

Game exercise "Hit the target"

Purpose: To train children in throwing snowballs at a horizontal target. Learn how to swing and throw correctly. Develop gross motor skills, dexterity.

A. Prokofiev "Everything is white"

Everything is white, oh everything is white

Bloomed white.

Bel bunnies light trail,

White takes on a birch,

And on the alder grove

White-white downy shawl!

The mountain ash has a white frill,

Nice little red handkerchief ...

Runs well from a hillock

Little Nastenka.

Recognizing observation "Footprints in the snow".

Purpose: To teach children to distinguish between traces of people and animals (cats and dogs, traces left by sleds, skis. Activate relevant concepts in speech, maintain cognitive interest.

Practical exercise"Most Careful"

Purpose: To teach children to clean their shoes and clothes from snow at the end of a walk. Cultivate accuracy. To form the beginning of a conscious relationship with one's own appearance.

Drawing "Pictures in the snow"

Purpose: Invite the children to lay out natural material(cones, maple lionfish, etc.) pictures in the snow, filling in the contour outlined by the teacher. Develop imagination, visual perception.

Game situation "Doll on a walk"

Purpose: To teach children to perform game actions, to beat various situations. Develop basic role-playing skills. Learn to associate plot actions with a role.

Outdoor games:

"Find where it's hidden"

Purpose: To develop in children the ability to navigate in space. Learn to find an object. Maintain interest in joint play with peers, physical activity.

"Magician Santa Claus"

Purpose: To introduce children to the rules of the game. Learn to respond to the signal. Enrich the motor experience of children.

Individual work:

Game exercise "Take off the ribbon"

Purpose: To exercise the ability to jump high in place. Develop dexterity. To evoke a feeling of pleasure from the performed action. Learn to act on a signal.

S. Randzhelovich "Traces"

Someone was driving along the path, Just what kind of things are here?

Someone stomped, someone jumped, crosses? Drawings? Rays?

Someone slowly trudged, Then they go their own way,

Someone ran fast. Does the crumbs flicker?

Here the snow sprinkled the path - Bird trails! That's on the sidelines

The one that fell at night. That around and next to us

And their footprints on the white For unknown cares

Everyone clearly trotted. The birds are in a hurry.

Here at the truck, the dove is overweight straight to the people

A trace from a thick black tire. Walks boldly for food.

There are traces of one girl, Sparrow with a brisk look

Nearby are grandfather's footprints. Rides around and around.

Here two carriages rolled

There - they dragged an old broom, Birds, in general, on business.

These holes along the fence ... The one who pours crumbs into the snow

Fluffy cat, you left! They will almost be a friend!

Sky observation.

Purpose: To continue acquaintance with various natural phenomena. Learn to distinguish the weather, associating it with the state of the sky (clear, cloudy, overcast, clouds, clouds).

Labor assignments: we clean the area from snow

Purpose: To exercise in the use of a children's shovel for cleaning snow on the site, to provide all possible assistance to adults. To consolidate ideas about the work of adults. Pay attention to the results of your work.

Experience "Water-ice"

Purpose: To acquaint children with the property of water - to freeze in the cold, turn into ice. Generate interest in experimental activities.

Outdoor games:

"Winter wind and snowflakes"

Purpose: To introduce children to the game option. Develop attention, coordination of movements, the ability to respond to a signal. Teach children to distinguish colors and sizes. Promote emotional release.

"White Bunny sits"

Purpose: To fix the rules of the game. Practice jumping on two legs. Develop coordination of movements, leg muscles.

Individual work:

Game exercise "Giants - dwarfs."

Purpose: To learn to alternate walking with small and wide steps.

Considering the observation "Wintering Birds".

Purpose: To teach children to follow the rules of bird watching, to distinguish birds by their appearance. Informative story"Where Birds Sleep"

Purpose: To tell how, with the onset of twilight, birds gather in flocks and go to roosting places, where and how birds spend the night. Activate curiosity. Enrich vocabulary.

Job assignments: feeding birds.

Purpose: To introduce different types bird feeders, their purpose. Offer to feed the birds with breadcrumbs. Cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.

Reading A. Yashin's poem "Feed the Birds"

Purpose: To teach to understand the content of the poem.

Snow games.

Purpose: Show children various games with snow. Help organize your favorite game. Contribute to the prevention of emotional stress. Learn to be interesting free time with peers.

Training situations "Winter in the kindergarten"

Purpose: To introduce children to the potential dangerous situations. Learn to avoid them. To form the ability to notice in the actions of people inconsistency with the rules of behavior in the winter, to explain the essence of the possible danger that arises in this case.

Outdoor games:

"Birds and chicks"

Purpose: To develop in children the ability to perform movements at the signal of the teacher, remember their place, exercise in running in different directions without hitting each other. Improve coordination of movements. Maintain interest in outdoor games.

"Birds and a cat"

Purpose: To introduce new game. Develop determination in children. Practice dodging.

Russian folk game "Wintering and Migratory Birds"

Purpose: To fix the rules of the game. Improve motor skills. Expand your understanding of bird behavior in winter. Individual work:

Game exercise "Funny sparrows"

Purpose: To exercise in jumping on one and two legs, running with acceleration and deceleration. Develop coordination of movements.

A. Yashin "Feed the birds"

Feed the birds in winter! But in our heart there is

Let it be warm from all over And for the birds.

They will flock to you, as if home, How can you forget:

Stakes on the porch. Could fly away

Their food is not rich. And stayed for the winter

A handful of grain is needed, At the same time with people.

One handful - Train the birds in the cold

And not afraid To your window,

It will be winter for them so that they don’t have to without songs

How many of them die - do not count, We meet the spring.

It's hard to see.

Observation "Grass under the snow"

Purpose: To show the children the herbs wintering under the snow. Tell them that the snow “blanket” does not allow them to freeze. Enrich vocabulary, develop cognitive interest.

Practical assignment: “Clean mittens and boots”

Purpose: To teach children to perform elementary self-service operations, to use brushes for cleaning shoes. Explain the purpose of this work. Cultivate respect for clothing.

Experience "Colored ice"

Purpose: To learn how to make colored ice cubes. To form initial ideas about the "transformations" of water under the influence of temperature changes. Learn to recognize the shape and color of objects. Enrich vocabulary.

Outdoor games:

"Mice dance"

Purpose: To introduce children to the game. To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal. Contribute to the prevention of emotional stress.

"Find Your Color"

Purpose: To teach children to act quickly on a signal, to navigate in space. Develop dexterity.

Individual work:

Game exercise "From bump to bump".

Purpose: To teach children to jump from foot to foot, overcoming an obstacle drawn in the snow. Develop coordination of movements, leg muscles. Remind the safety rules that must be observed during physical activity on the street in winter.

Recognizing observation "Snowflake".

Purpose: To offer to consider snowflakes (they are not similar to one another, they have different shape and value) To form ideas about the state of water.

Labor assignments: cleaning the game equipment from snow.

Purpose: To form in children a conscious attitude to order, the desire to maintain it. Build relevant work skills. Encourage the desire to be useful, imitate adults.

Snow games "Snow Sculptures"

Purpose: To invite children to decorate their site, take part in the manufacture of snow sculptures together with older preschoolers. Learn to shovel snow with a children's shovel, roll it up snowballs, collect natural material to decorate crafts.

Game situation "Parents and children on a walk"

Purpose: To develop the ability to play together with peers. Build role-playing skills. Learn to associate plot actions with a role. Acting as a participant in the game, introduce models safe behavior on the playground.

Outdoor games:

"Snowflakes are spinning"

Purpose: To develop balance. Cause a feeling of joy, pleasure.

"Take care of the item"

Purpose: To learn to act quickly on a signal, to navigate in space.

Individual work:

Game exercise "Step over the stick"

Purpose: To teach children to perform game actions, to follow the rules. Develop the ability to focus on the task.

Wind observation.

Purpose: To continue to form ideas about natural phenomena. Learn to determine the direction of the wind.

Labor assignments: offer to provide all possible assistance to the janitor.

Purpose: To teach children to perform and name labor actions. Develop a desire to provide all possible assistance to adults.

Fun games with turntables

Purpose: To develop in children the ability to play together with peers. Provide prevention of nervous tension, emotional relaxation.

Snow modeling "Snowwoman"

Purpose: To teach children to sculpt balls from snow, to collect from them snowman decorate it with natural materials. Develop imagination, fantasy.

Outdoor games:

Russian folk game "Snow Woman"

Purpose: To introduce a new game. Develop physical activity. To form interest in Russian folk games.

"Winter wind and snowflakes"

Purpose: To fix the rules of the game. Develop attention, coordination of movements, the ability to respond to a signal. Teach children to distinguish colors and sizes. Promote emotional release.

Individual work:

Game exercise "Animals and birds in winter."

Purpose: To teach children to repeat various movements after the teacher, imitate the actions of birds and animals (the cat washes, the bunny warms its paws, the sparrows flap their wings). Encourage children to be active while walking.

Wind Riddles:

I will swing the birch

I'll push you

I'll fly, I'll whistle

I'll even take off my hat.

And I can't be seen.

Who am I? Can you guess?

He often flies around

Broke a lot of trees

But nobody, nowhere and never

He did not see, did not hold.

Not a beast, but howling.

No wings, flies everywhere

He waved his sleeves - he bent the trees.

Junior group. October.

Walk 13

Ice watching

Goals : - acquaint with natural phenomenon- ice;

Build an understanding of the state of the water environment.

Progress of observation

A gray puddle threatened me with a cold. The dirt was swollen and it was drizzling with might and main.

And there was no more boring yard in the world,

Than the one where I tried to walk yesterday.

Today there is not a drop on the branches, but ice.

I walk through the mud without getting my shoes dirty.

And the former puddle of ice water

Trembling and crackling, crunching under me.

Accompany the reading of the poem with actions. What happened to the puddle? The water turned to ice. In cold weather, puddles are covered with a thin crust of ice.(Let the children pierce the ice with a stick.)In frosty puddles freeze to the bottom.

Labor activity:

Filling the ice path together with the teacher.

Goals: - learn to water gently from a watering can;

  • educate the desire to help adults in their work.

Outdoor games: "Go silently."

Goals: - walk clearly, rhythmically, with good posture and coordination of movements;

  • move according to the text, quickly change the direction of movement.

"obedient leaves".

Goals: - learn to listen carefully to the commands of the educator;

  • develop attention, monitor the correct execution of the task.

Take-out material:Sandbags, balls, hoops, small toys, molds, seals, pencils, sticks, buckets, scoops.

Junior group. October.

Walk 14



Rolling the ball in a straight line. Learn to push the ball with both hands.


"On a flat path"

(to squat)


"Cat and Mice"

"The cat guards the mice,

She pretended to be asleep.

Hush, mice, do not make noise,

You won't wake up the cat...


Collect large debris


Games with portable material: scoops, small toys, molds.

An evening walk

Observation behind the autumn leaves. To develop in children the ability to observe leaf fall, to bring children to an independent conclusion - the leaves are falling because it has become cold. Activate verbs in speech - fall, fall, flew around. Evoke an aesthetic response to beauty autumn trees, to create a mood of affectionate sympathy for the trees losing their leaves.

P / Game "Where have you been?"

Legs, legs, where have you been?

We went to the forest for mushrooms

(walk on the spot)

How did you guys work?

We collected mushrooms

(squat, pick mushrooms)

Did your eyes help?

We looked and looked

(Look from under the arm, turn left, right)

Work. Collection of natural material for crafts

Junior group. October.

Walk 15


Clarify the changes in inanimate nature occurring on earth. Pay attention to the protruding blades of grass that are left from the annual grass. The flowers have faded.


game exercise"Come to me"

Learn to fulfill the task of the educator; walk straight, keeping the given direction.


"We are funny guys"

Teach children to walk and run loose in a limited area. Develop speed and agility.

We are funny guys

We love to run and play.

Well, try to catch up with us!

One, two, three - catch!

"Trap" catches children.

"Flies, swims, runs"

The teacher calls the children an object of wildlife. Children should depict the way this object moves. For example: at the word “bunny”, children begin to run (or jump) in place; at the word "crucian" - they imitate a swimming fish; at the word "sparrow" - depict the flight of a bird.


Collect flower seeds.


Games with portable material.

An evening walk

observation. Listen to how the leaves rustle in the wind, watch how clouds move in windy weather. Pay attention to the fact that the wind has become colder.

P / Game "Bees"

GOAL: Development of dexterity.

PROCESS OF THE GAME: Children depict bees, run around the room, waving their wings, "buzz"" An adult appears - "bear" - and says:

The bear is walking

Honey from the bees will carry away.

Bees, go home!

"Bees" fly to a certain corner of the room - "hive". "Bear", waddling, goes there too. "Bees" says:

This hive is our house.

Get away, bear, from us!


"Bees" flap their wings, driving away the "bear", "fly away" from him, running around the room. "Bear" catches them.


Junior group. October.

Walk 16


Learn to distinguish the characteristic features of the appearance of animals. Going out for a walk, you can meet pets passing by (cat, dog). Fix the names of body parts, pay attention that the coat has become thicker. Summer wool sheds, and the animal is covered with thicker and warmer hair.


Pronunciation of sounds. Imitation of pets.


"Mice dance"

To teach children to move in accordance with the text, change the direction of movement, navigate in space.

The leading “cat Vaska” is selected, the rest are “mice”. "Mice" do not obey, run, squeak, "cat" catches "mice".

Hush the mouse, don't make noise, don't wake the cat Vaska!

Here Vaska the cat wakes up, breaks your round dance!

Here Vaska the cat woke up, a round dance ran up!

"On a flat path"

Teach to walk in a column one at a time, perform movements in accordance with the text.

On a flat path, on a flat path

Our legs are walking, one - two, one - two.

("spring" on two legs moving forward)

Oh stones, oh stones, boo fell into the pit.

(to squat)

One - two, one - two, got out of the pit



Sweep the veranda.

Teach them to keep order in the kindergarten area.


Games with portable material: scoops, small toys, molds

An evening walk

Observation behind the autumn leaves. Develop sensory perception and emotional response (admiration, joy) to a variety of colors, shapes and sizes of fallen leaves. Encourage to recognize and name leaves, mountain ash (like feathers), birches, find the trees from which they flew off. After observing, collect the leaves in bouquets - the largest, smallest, leaves yellow color, red leaves

P / Game "Catch the mushroom"

Game progress:

Work. Collect and arrange natural material in boxes.

Junior group. October.

Walk 17.


Draw the attention of children to the ruffled crows, magpies, jumping sparrows. Tell that birds fly closer to people, hoping to find more food. Invite the children to feed the birds, watch the birds peck at food.


game exercise"Train"

Teach kids to walk and runone after another small groups. First holding hands, then not holding. Learn to start moving and stop on a signal.

Children stand in a column, holding on to each other, and move on command.


"Bird in the Nest"

To teach and walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other; teach to act quickly on the signal of the educator, helping each other.

"Cat and Mice"

Exercise children in crawling (or crawling), the ability to respond to a signal, to perform movements in accordance with the text of the poem.

"The cat guards the mice,

She pretended to be asleep.

Hush, mice, do not make noise,

You won't wake up the cat...


Feed the birds.


Games with portable material: small toys, cars, cubes for playing.

An evening walk

observation. Pay attention to people's clothes (raincoats, jackets, boots, umbrellas in their hands). Why are people dressed like that. Specify the name and purpose of clothing items.

P/Game "Catch the fungus"

The goal is to exercise in loose running with dodging, to develop spatial orientation skills.

Game progress:

Between spruce soft paws, rain drip, drip, drip.

Where the knot has long dried up, gray moss, moss, moss.

Where a leaf stuck to a leaf, mushroom, mushroom, mushroom grew.

Educator: "Who found his friends?" Children: "It's me, me, me!"

Children "mushroom pickers" stand in pairs facing each other, holding hands, and catch "mushrooms" (enclose in their circle)

Work. Collect wind blown leaves

Junior group. October.

Walk 18.


Learn to distinguish vehicles in appearance.

Car, car, my car

I work deftly with pedals.

I drive the car in front of everyone

I ride it in the yard and in the garden.

Consider a car parked nearby. Determine the color, count the wheels. Ask why headlights are needed. Count how many doors. Recall what public transport children know.


game exercise"From bump to bump"

Continue to learn to bounce on two legs; improve jumping skills.


"Sparrows and the Car"

Strengthen knowledge of the rules of the road.

"On a flat path"

Teach to walk in a column one at a time, perform movements in accordance with the text.

On a flat path, on a flat path

Our legs are walking, one - two, one - two.

("spring" on two legs moving forward)

Oh stones, oh stones, boo fell into the pit.

(to squat)

One - two, one - two, got out of the pit



Clear tracks. Sweep the veranda.

Teach them to keep order in the kindergarten area.


Games with portable material: scoops, small toys, molds, cars

An evening walk

observation. Ask why the profession of a janitor is needed, what tools are used in his work. Show the janitor's tools, various operations and their appropriate sequence to achieve the goal.

P/Game "On a flat path"

The goal is to teach to walk in a column one at a time, to perform movements in accordance with the text.

Game progress:

On a flat path, on a flat path

Our legs are walking, one - two, one - two.

("spring" on two legs moving forward)

Oh stones, oh stones, boo fell into the pit.

(to squat)

One - two, one - two, got out of the pit


Work. Collect large debris

Card file of walks in the second junior group for the first half of September according to GEF.

A walk in kindergarten is an integral part educational process. This article presents walks for the second junior group in the first half of September. On a walk, the teacher continues educational process which develops in children the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities.
Walk 1.
Weather monitoring
Purpose: to learn to determine the time of year according to characteristic signs.
Progress of observation
Invite the children to see if there is a sun in the skyor clouds. Ask what the clouds did (closed the sun)note what kind of sky (gloomy), what weather (gloomy).Winds are blowing, violent winds, Clouds are moving, dark clouds.Draw the children's attention to the tops of the trees
(swaying), the wind is blowing, the trees are swaying. Read the poem "Autumn" to the children
By the trees colored foliage.
If the leaves on the trees turned yellow.
If birds flew to a distant land,
If the sky is gloomyif it's raining,
This time is called autumn.
Labor activity
Pouring sand for play.
Goals: Teach to maintain cleanliness and order in the area, encourage
provide assistance to adults; continue reinforce the knowledge that dry sand crumbles, andif you water it, it becomes wet and you canmake pies for dolls.
mobile game
"Take care of the item."
Purpose: to teach to act and navigate on a signal, inspace, develop dexterity.
Individual work
"Cross the Rope"
Movement development.
Remote material
Watering cans, cubes and molds for each child to play with
sand, doll, cars.
Walk 2
Bird watching while feeding
Goals: to instill a desire to take care of birds; continue to form knowledge about the habits of birds;develop a love for nature.
Progress of observation
Before the walk, leave food for the birds on the site.Lead the children to the bird feeder. See whatthe birds were the first to fly to the feeder (fast, nimble, bold). A little boy, in a gray Armenian coat, walks around the yard,picks up crumbs.
The teacher asks the children questions, offers to guess riddle.
How do birds collect grains? (Beak, they have it sharp; Birds peck and fly to a new place.)
How do birds cry? How do they jump?Chick-chirp to the grains - jump. Peck - do not be shy! Who is this? (Sparrow.)
Labor activity
Bird feeding. Goals:encourage self-fulfillment
elementary assignments (feeding the birds, cleaning the site); continue nurture a desire to care for animals.
mobile game
"Sparrows and a cat".
Goals: teach gently, jump off, bending your knees;run without hitting each other, dodge the driver;keep learningrun away quickly, find your place; be careful when taking a seat, do not push comrade.
Individual work.
"Jumping on two legs"
Purpose: to develop the ability to jump.
Remote material
pencils, scoops, typewriters.
Walk 3
Bus surveillance
Goals: Learn to distinguish vehicles in appearance; fix names of the main parts of the car; continue reinforce the skills of behavior in the bus.
Progress of observation
Read a poem about cars.
On the street of our car, car.
little cars, cars are big.
Trucks rush, cars snort,
Hurry, rush, as if alive.
Every car has a job and worries
Cars go to work in the morning.
Bus - passenger transport, it transportsof people. The driver sits in front, and passengers in the cabin. Passengers are waiting for the bus at the bus stop. When the bus pulls up, they get in and take their seats. While driving, you can not get up, run around the cabin, touch with your hands
Door. You have to wait for the driver to open the door.
Labor activity
Sweeping the path leading to the site.
Purpose: to teach correctly, to use brooms.
mobile game
Goals: learn to follow the rules of the road;consolidate knowledge about buses.
Individual work
"Toss the ball"
Purpose: to develop the ability to catch the ball with two hands
Remote material
Steering wheels, scoops, molds, toys, chalk, cars.
Prog 4
Examining the flowerbed
Objectives: continue to teach to distinguish and name two floweringplants by color, size, pay attention to their coloring; reinforce love for nature.
Progress of observation
On a walk, bring the children to a flower bed where daisies grow,marigold. Introduce children to plants, talk about them.Marigolds are another name for tagetes, they are short and tall,different golden-orange hues. The flowers are small andlarge, dissected leaves, variegated, with a pungent odor.Grow quickly, bloom until frost.
Chamomile - highan elegant plant with small white flowers. bloomsvery long, until late autumn. Grows well in sunny plots.
Labor activity
Digging marigolds and transplanting them into boxes forfurther observations in the corner of nature.
Purpose: to foster a desire to participate in the care of plants.
mobile game
"Bird in the nest".
Goals: learn to walk and run, scattered, without bumping
Each other; teach quickly, act on the signal of the educator,
to help each other.
Individual work topic of the week
Remote material
Scoops, small toys, sports hoops, molds,shovels, flower boxes.
Walk 5
Cloud watching
Goals: to acquaint with various natural phenomena;show the diversity of the state of water in the environment environment; form creative attitude to the point.
Progress of observation
The clouds are happy
Dressed white coats
And into the unknown
How the horses galloped
On the carpet of heaven
Entertaining the kids
Invite the children to watch the clouds, tell what
Clouds are made up of water droplets. Offer each childchoose the cloud you like the most and track where it goes
floats, moves quickly or slowly. May every child
give your cloud a name.
Labor activity
Collection of fallen leaves and other debris on the site.
Purpose: to teach to keep order in the children's area garden.
mobile game
"From bump to bump."
Objectives: continue to teach to bounce on two legs;jump off high objects, land softly,bending the legs at the knees;improve jumping skills.
Individual work
"Jump the Rope"
Purpose: to develop physical qualities.
Remote material
Scoops, molds for the sandbox, cars, cubes for
games, chalk, gloves.
Walk 6
bird watching
Goals: continue birdwatching at the site;learn to distinguish the main parts of the body;develop and nurture a caring attitude towards birds.
Progress of observation
In autumn you can often see how telegraph wiresor bushes sitting and chirping sparrows. notechildren that the birds are going to the cold. Invite the childrenfeed the birds by giving them bread crumbs, andwatch the birds peck at the food.
- Sparrow, what are you waiting for?
You don't peck at bread crumbs.
- I noticed the crumbs a long time ago,
Yes, I'm afraid of an angry cat.
Together with the children, consider the appearance of birds. (Bodycovered with down, feathers, has wings; they flyjumping, pecking.)
Labor activity
Bird feeding .
Objectives: to encourage self-fulfillmentelementary assignments (feeding the birds, cleaning the site);nurture a desire to care for animals.
mobile game
"Get in the circle."
Goals: improve the ability to work with different items; develop the ability to throw objects in a certaindirection with two hands;develop an eye, coordination of movement, dexterity.
Individual work topic of the week
Remote material
Bird food, puppets dressed for the weather, emblem masks,pencil, scoops, typewriters.
Prog 7
Roadway surveillance
Goals: to acquaint with the carriageway of the road - the highway;give an idea of ​​the rules of the road.
Progress of observation
Go to the carriageway and observetraffic. Explain that the kindergarten is locatednext to the road. This is a highway. Read a poem about the road-highway.
By the highway, the brother teaches Glory:
“Look left, look right!
If there are no cars nearby,
Then go, don't slow down!
If the car is close
Stop like a radish in a field!”
Slava immediately became sad:
"How long is it to grow here?"
Ask what cars are moving on the highway? Let the childrenname familiar cars. Pay attention to whatthere are many cars and trucks moving along the highway, andno one interferes with each other. This is because the driversobey the rules of the road.
Labor activity
Raking dry leaves in a certain place. Purpose: to teach
use a rake correctly, fill buckets "up toa certain measure.
mobile game
"Running - catch-up."
Purpose: to teach to coordinate their actions with actions
Individual work
"Roll the ball"
Purpose: to consolidate the acquired skills
Remote material
Steering wheels, emblem masks, scoops, molds, toys, chalk,
Walk 8
Supervision of the work of the janitor
Objectives: to continue to nurture respect for workadults; learn to help others.
Progress of observation
Draw the attention of children to the removedterritory. Tell them about the features of the jobjanitor, her need to people. Call at
children desire to keep clean.
Labor activity
Clearing areas from leaves, branches.
Objectives: to teach children to help adults; teach proper skillsbroom; to consolidate the ability to clean up inventory afterwork in the same place.
mobile game
"Find yourself a mate."
Purpose: to exercise in running, to develop endurance and dexterity.
Individual work
"Help a Friend"
Goal: to continue to instill mutual aid
Remote material
Shovels, scrapers, seals,pencils, flags, whisks.
Walk 9
Watching the autumn forest
Objectives: to expand the understanding of the forest;learn to admire the beauty of native nature in the fall.
Progress of observation
Read to children poems about the autumn forest to children.
Holiday in the autumn in the forest -
Light and fun.
Here are some decorations
Autumn is here.
Each leaf is golden
Small sunny.
I'll put it in the basket
I'll put it on the bottom.
I take care of the leaves...
Autumn continues.
I've been at home for a long time
The holiday doesn't end.
On the way to the forest, stop the children in a place where the forestvisible from a distance and well visible. admirecolorful forest, draw children's attention to the beautylandscape. Clarify what color is typical for autumn trees.
Labor activity
Cleaning the area of ​​the forest where the children will play.
Purpose: to teach to keep cleanliness and order in the forest.
mobile game
"Birds in their nests". Goals:learn to walk and run in all directions, without bumping Each other; teach quickly, act on the signal of the educator,to help each other.
Individual work
"Hit the target"
Purpose: to continue to develop physical qualities.
Remote material
Baskets for cones, buckets for collecting garbage.
Walk No. 10
Fall observation
Purpose: to teach to identify the signs of autumn, to develop observation skills. Learn to enjoy the beauty of nature.
Progress of observation
Bring the children to a place where the grove is visible from afar and is clearly visible. Pay attention to the beauty of the grove in autumn. While walking through the grove, pay attention to the fallen leaves. Invite the children to run through the fallen leaves. Ask the children if all trees have the same leaves. Invite the children to collect leaves from different trees.
leaf fall, leaf fall,
The yellow leaves are flying.
Yellow maple, yellow beech,
Yellow circle in the sky.
Yellow yard, yellow house.
The whole earth is yellow all around.
yellowness, yellowness,
So autumn is not spring.
Compare the collected leaves in shape, color. Ask the children to choose the most beautiful leaves in their opinion, ask why they liked them.
Labor activity
Clearing from leaves, dry branches.
Goals: continue to teach children to help adults; teach proper skillsrake; to consolidate the ability to clean up inventory afterwork in the same place.
mobile game
"We are leaves"
Purpose: to teach children to listen carefully to the text and, in accordance with it, perform movements.
We are leaves, we are leaves Children stand in a circle, holding in
We - autumn leaves. leaves in hands.
We were sitting on branches, They scatter in different directions.
The wind blew - flew
We flew, we flew - They run, waving leaves.
All the leaves are so tired.
The breeze stopped blowing - They squat in a circle,
Everyone sat in a circle. leaves are held over the head.
The wind suddenly blew again They scatter in different directions.
And blew the leaves off the branches.
All the leaves have flown, throw the leaves up
And they sat quietly on the ground.
Individual work topic of the week
Remote material
Scoops, molds for the sandbox, cars, cubes for games, chalk.

Anastasia Garanina
Observation in autumn in the second junior group


Card 1

Observation for seasonal changes in nature

Target: to form ideas about changes in nature, to teach to recognize and characterize signs of early autumn, recognize them in poems; learn to determine the time of year by characteristic features.

Card 2

Observation behind the flower bed

Target: introduce children to the names of several flowers, show their structure (trunk, leaves, flower, form the idea that flowers are alive, they grow and change. Continue to learn to distinguish and name two flowering plants by color, size, pay attention to them coloring; cultivate love for nature.

Card 3

bird watching

Target: proceed observation for birds on the site; learn to distinguish the main parts of the body; develop and nurture a caring attitude towards birds. Expand your understanding of birds; to form knowledge about which birds most often fly to the feeder, what they need to be fed; cultivate a good attitude towards birds.

Card 4

Sun watching

Target: to form ideas about the change in nature with the advent autumn(the sun appears less often in the sky, it warms less); - develop communication skills, attention, memory; - to form an emotionally positive attitude towards nature and maintain a joyful mood.

Card 5

Cloud watching

Target: to acquaint children with various natural phenomena; show the diversity of water in the environment, form a creative attitude to business. To form concepts about clouds and clouds.

Tell the children that clouds are made of water droplets. Invite each child to choose the cloud they like the most and track where it swims, moves quickly or slowly, come up with a name for the clouds.

Card 6

cat watching

Target: to expand the idea of ​​a pet - a cat; nurture a desire to care for animals. Fix the presentation in children characteristic features cats.

Card 7

dog watching

Target: introduce children to pets, give an idea about the dog (body parts, their name, behavior, what they eat); nurture the desire to take care of pets.

dog watching who are walked by the owners; characterize the appearance of the animal and its behavior (the dog is very attached to the person, she guards his house, goes hunting with him).

Card 8

Watching for rainy weather

Target: get to know the most typical features late autumn - rainy weather. Specify the name and purpose of clothing items. Show what autumn rain can be different. When it rains, people walk under umbrellas. Raindrops are pounding on the roofs of houses. The car is driving through a puddle, the spray is flying far from under the wheels. You can walk in puddles in rubber boots, then your feet will not get wet. Note that such weather is rainy, cloudy, it rains often, cold, drizzling, puddles have formed on the ground.

Card 9

consideration autumn tree

Target: show children the structural features of trees (trunk, branches, leaves); to form knowledge about the main parts of the tree, their height and thickness; cultivate respect for trees. Develop attention, memory, speech; - educate an emotional response to the beauty of nature.

Card 10

bush viewing

Target: bring children to understand how a shrub differs from a tree (there is not one thick trunk, but there are many thin branches that grow from the ground); cultivate respect for the plant world.

Card 11

Fall observation

Target: to teach children to see the variety of colors of gold autumn to introduce the concept "falling leaves"; develop observation to cultivate the ability to enjoy the beautiful and take care of nature.

Consider leaves flying and falling to the ground, their shape, size, color; explain why autumn leaves fall from the trees. Invite the children to collect beautiful bouquet from colorful leaves. Develop speech, memory, attention, communication skills; - to bring up a positive-emotional attitude to nature, to cause joy from the occurring phenomenon in nature.

Card 12

sparrow watching

Target: expand children's knowledge of birds, learn to distinguish a sparrow in appearance, notice how they move (fly, walk, jump, peck food). Form emotional responsiveness, desire watch the birds, feed them.

Tell the children that autumn birds fly closer to people because they have nothing to eat. Explain to children that birds need to be taken care of, fed with bread crumbs, millet.

Card 13

Ice watching

Target: to acquaint with a natural phenomenon - ice; form an idea of ​​the state of water in the environment. Draw the attention of children to the crust of ice that covered the puddles, help identify the properties of ice (thin, transparent, find out why the water in the puddles froze. Learn to establish the simplest relationships in nature.

Card 14

Observation behind the ambulance

Target: Consider it distinctive features. Ask why the siren is needed. Who works on the ambulance? When is she called?

Card 15

Teach kids to keep their yard clean

Target: Ask what needs to be done to keep clean (do not litter, put away toys, etc.) say that after playing with sand, it must be swept away.

Card 16

Aircraft Surveillance

Card 17

See how people are dressed during rain: put on rubber shoes, raincoats, take umbrellas with them. Ask what's dangerous late wet feet in autumn(Can I catch a cold?

Card 18

Watching people's clothes

Target: Autumn is coming to an end. People put on winter clothes clothes: warm jackets, coats, fur coats. Ask how people protect their hands and head from the cold.

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