Is it possible to learn to be witty? How to learn to joke well? How to learn to joke: practical exercises


The ability to joke makes a person attractive and interesting. 7 are described here simple steps, helping to learn how to joke and be cheerful in any company and situation.

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Either you have a personal and natural wit to make people laugh, or you are just one person in a crowd laughing at other people's natural wit.

Nothing can look more pitiful than the way a person tries to joke and be funny, but he clearly does not succeed.

His jokes are not very good. He says something inappropriate in the hope that he will hear laughter. The joke comes at the wrong time because he can't read the audience correctly.

For those who have not learned to "naturally" joke, the fear of being this pathetic jester is enough to always keep themselves in the role straight man in any situation. You can be an appreciative audience without risking looking ridiculous.

But the point is that we all have a sense of humor inside. Even the most shy and introverted people have the ability to entertain other people with their wit.

You don't have to constantly joke around and make a funny face. in the world of comedy, he knows how to joke and be funny, but more subtle comedians express their humor with little or no facial expressions.

There are so many ways to learn how to joke and make others laugh. Whether you were born with a natural sense of humor or not, you can develop and improve your ability to use your humor to entertain others, become more outgoing, and boost your self-confidence.

So, how to learn to joke:

  1. Be true to yourself

  2. There are different types of humor: sharp, eccentric, subtle, etc. To learn how to joke and entertain people, start expanding your types of humor in the direction that feels best for you.

    If you're more introverted or laid back, start with more subtle forms of humor like crazy wit or hilarious game process. If something funny happened during your day, tell the story to other people. their in my own words creating a funny moment and anticipation from the audience.

    Sometimes those who are quieter can surprise their listeners with their unexpected wit and humorous observations.

  3. Understand Your Audience

  4. There is nothing worse than wasting a great joke on the wrong audience. What is funny to one person may be deeply offensive to another.

    Telling a dirty joke in church is not the best best idea. Being sarcastic with someone who takes everything literally, or the person is just not safe, can be harmful or alienate you from each other.

    Before trying to joke and entertain the audience funny story, learn to feel like the person or people with whom you communicate. If you're just meeting these people or don't know them well, stick to a safer, more subtle humor until you're sure they appreciate your real witty humor.

  5. Deadlines are everything

  6. A funny story told at a funeral becomes ridiculous. If you want to learn how to joke, you must understand that interesting humor in wrong time becomes a missed opportunity for a good laugh. A joke told in a noisy bar dissolves into noise and music.

    The right time is not just the right time and place for a certain joke, it is also the right moment. There are nuances of timing that can make a funny situation or story look downright funny.

    “You can increase the laughter by using a pause to emphasize the transmission of a joke,” says writer John Cande in an article recommended for people with a toastmaster profession. “For example, you can raise your eyebrows. Sometimes a pause can be used to "take a joke" - a physical reaction to a situation. Some comedians stop to express laughter by doing a slow, wide one with the audience from one side of the room to the other."

    So, in order to learn to joke witty, you must remember that the choice best moment when you share your humor, and the use of facial expressions in right time, can make a significant difference between an uncomfortable joke and a joke filled with laughter to the point of stomach pains.

  7. Be a careful observer

  8. Start paying more attention humor and absurdity of life. Pay attention to how people interact and talk. Pay attention to the crazy stories happening in the news and world affairs. This will help you learn how to properly joke about everyday topics.

    Look for humorous, bitter truths, or general pitfalls in the areas of life where you most often find them: money, sex, politics, marriage, family and the human condition.

    Some famous comedians know how to joke about some of the most mundane aspects of life, they find a commonality that we all experience and point out the obvious but absurd aspects of it. They then present the joke with a deadpan tone of voice and a facial expression that somehow makes it even more funny.

    If you find something weird, insensitive, or funny, chances are others will find it too. Learn to notice some of these humorous subtitles of life and share them with an appreciative audience.

    If you want to learn something, study those who are already successful at it - and that includes learning how to joke. You can easily follow many comedians on YouTube, in social networks and television. Pay attention to what makes you laugh and analyze why it was funny.

    Was it the theme, the context, the presentation, the style of humor? Why did she become funny to you, and how can you make this joke your own?

    Look for comedians whose style and behavior reflects your personality and sense of humor. It will teach you to be true with your own wit. Then combine what you have observed and develop your own style.

  9. Learn to laugh at yourself

  10. We all love a good laugh. And if a person in the company is able to say something funny or embarrassing about themselves, it will allow other people in your company to treat embarrassing situations as funny stories.

    The ability to confidently joke about one's own shortcomings is extremely attractive quality. Just because you've said something humorous about yourself doesn't mean you're pathetic or untrustworthy. This means that you can share human condition with humor that is inherently erroneous and absurd.

  11. Practice and Improve

  12. Humor, like everything else, improves with practice. As you learn to joke, pay attention to which joke works and which doesn't. Start with a "safe" audience of family members or close friends that you can joke around with without losing your dignity.

    Practice enough to tell stories funny stories or jokes became second nature to you.

    Refine humorous stories or comments, changing the timing and style of communication, as well as using facial expressions and creating intriguing anticipation of people.

    With practice you will master your own style humor and its transmission, which will unique just for you.

There are many good reasons to learn to joke. Using humor and jokes makes you more interesting and attractive. It enhances your powers of observation and creativity. This makes you more confident in companies and one-on-one conversations. It also reduces stress and improves state of mind.

Learning to joke is about inviting other people to a safe and happy participation in your inner world. It is about creating contact with other people, uniting you and uniting you.

“I love people who make me laugh,” says actress Audrey Hepburn. “I sincerely believe that this is what I like best, to laugh. It cures many diseases. It's probably the most important thing in a person."

3 Jokes That Will Make People Love You

All excellent mood!

It is important for any girl to be the center of attention. Firstly, it increases her self-esteem, and secondly, it helps to get to know a large number of people. Well, there, what the hell is not joking, her future husband could be among the new acquaintances.

Girls get what they want different ways. Some tend to look bright against the background of their girlfriends. Bright clothes and makeup make her stand out from the crowd. But this approach will not make her central figure in a collective.

Others rumble incessantly, telling everyone about everything. These girls get bored quickly. Well, think for yourself, you came to talk, but instead you will find an hour-long monologue about how a girl had chickenpox in her childhood. Boring.

Whom I would prefer is a girl with a sense of humor. And this does not mean that she has to tell jokes around the clock. It is important that she be able to joke or even laugh at the situation or her shortcomings in any situation. It is with such girls that it is very easy and comfortable for me as a man.

Often I had to meet girls who were completely devoid of a sense of humor or diligently hid it. Honestly, with them you feel tense and uncomfortable. Every second you think about what to say or do so as not to offend her.

Surely the girls are already ripening the question of what a sense of humor is and what to do if it is not. I answer. A sense of humor is an acquired property. What do you think that all comedians and KVN-ki joke from birth? Not at all. They have learned it. And if they have learned, then you can too. So go ahead!

Before you start learning to joke in any situation, you need to analyze what set of qualities you need to possess. I will state my point of view.

  1. Girls who know how to joke about themselves and the current situation, first of all, are smart. Yes, smart. Are you not following the relationship? Well, stupid people have appropriate jokes. Forgive me, please.
  2. Girls must be sincere. Why? Yes, because their thinking is not clouded by any prejudices, and this helps them to joke in a kind way.
  3. A girl with a sense of humor is independent and amazes with the courage of her statements. Well, how could it be otherwise. If a girl is afraid to say something superfluous and depends on the opinions of others, then there is no time for jokes. In such an environment, it is impossible to relax. For words with humor for a man, see the link.
  4. The fair sex is all right with self-esteem. She will not be offended by a joke in her direction, moreover, she will answer the same.

As I said - you need to know how to joke. This can be learned based on certain rules:

  • dear girls, do not make people's feelings the subject of your jokes;
  • do not joke about death, illness, and so on, even if we are talking about the death of a beloved hamster guy. Believe me, during his lifetime he was his friend. Verified personally;
  • real life situations can be the basis of your jokes;
  • it is not always necessary to joke, it bothers;
  • do not allow vulgarity in jokes;
  • joke in a way that everyone understands, not just you;
  • it doesn't matter if your joke was not understood, this is not a reason to repeat it several times and try to explain what you meant;
  • there is no confidence in your successful joke - do not joke, otherwise you will spoil the mood for yourself and people.

by the most milestone is the beginning. So in wit - the main thing is to start with yourself. Learn to laugh at yourself, then others will appreciate your wit.

Laugh at yourself

Girls, no matter how sad it may sound, but no ideal people. So shortcomings are a reason to joke about yourself. It's even helpful. Firstly, you will learn to accept yourself as you are and not fall into a prolonged depression when someone points them out to you. Secondly, if you accept this joke and appreciate it, then this is the first step towards success.

Don't know where to start? Start simple. Compare yourself, for example, with any thing or furniture in the apartment. Imagine that you are kindred spirits, find a flaw and describe it in a playful way. And do it until you succeed. Don't be discouraged if this takes some time.

Annoyed by the subway ride to work, no desire to visit in the rain? Very in vain. This can be put to good use. Think about what makes you happy on the way to work. Maybe music in the subway and bus, maybe a cheerful driver or fellow traveler. What about the color of your umbrella? It is bright, saturated. You walk under it and imagine that it is as if the sun is above you.

Learn to draw parallels between events, look for some associations in what is happening. It will be firmly planted in your memory. And if suddenly a situation occurs that is associated with something pleasant, then the girl will be able to joke without hesitation.

Thought must be fast

For a joke to be successful and relevant, girls need to learn to think quickly. Agree, joking about the situation after ten minutes would be at least strange and inappropriate. With this approach, you can hardly earn the glory of a girl with a sense of humor.


Learn more about how to become smart here.

Jokes don't have to be the same. I do not call for making the ability to joke in any situation an end in itself and attending trainings and seminars on this topic. Surprised that they are? Yes, such events are held and quite successfully.

Charisma first and foremost

Probably everyone has seen the scene when the girl seems to be relevant and funny joke, and the audience missed her joke on deaf ears. What's the matter? And the fact that the girl is not confident in herself and is not perceived as a person. Often female leaders can joke at the wrong time, but the joke is accepted and it relaxes the atmosphere. Develop as a person and you will succeed too.

Joke in a pleasant atmosphere

In order to learn how to joke in any environment, first learn how to joke in a friendly company. These can be classmates, employees in a department, or close friends. With them, the girl feels relaxed, and therefore the jokes come out more original and funnier.

Smart psychology magazines and websites advise you to find a role model for yourself and try to copy it. I am skeptical about this. Each person is an individual. What a humorist does is not a fact that it will be possible to convey to another person. And if this does not work out, then the joke will look like antics and a parody.

When constructing a joke, I would advise girls to use comparisons that no one expects. For example, she looks so much like the Venus de Milo: old, without arms and without teeth. Be ironic. A colleague has been promoted. Everyone around congratulates. And the girl can come up, sympathetically put her hand on her shoulder and faithfully looking into her eyes quietly ask: “Well, did you jump?” Believe me, it will be simply impossible not to smile.

Wit is actually an art. But if the ability to sing or draw is not available to everyone, then there are no barriers to jokes. There are no girls who would not know how to joke, they are just embarrassed to do it. And wit develops. And this is exactly what you need to be the center of attention in any society and company.

Resting in the zone after lights out.
Suddenly from one side flies: 32.
Everyone is shaking with laughter!
Then again: 12.
The camera gasps.
A newcomer asks a neighbor: What are the numbers?
The old one replies: You see, we have been sitting for many days, we learned all the jokes so as not to repeat them, we gave numbers. You say the number, everyone remembers and laughs.
New yelling: 17.
He asks: Why isn't #17 funny?
Old-timer: You see, the joke is funny, it’s just that there are people who know how to tell, but who can’t eat!

Let's not have long and tedious academic conversations about the types of jokes and how to use them. This in itself kills all the romance and the desire to joke. A joke, it is born spontaneously, at the right moment in right place, invented houses and memorized patterns will not work, they will unsettle you, make you switch from a general conversation, get hung up on your thoughts. And what is the result? You, your hard-won, tortured, undeniably beautiful creation, blurt out inappropriately, off topic.

An interesting fact is that the human brain reacts to a joke, as well as to pain, or rather, the same area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe brain is responsible for the reaction. frontal lobes are involved in any non-standard situation. From this we can draw two important conclusions:

The brightest joke is unexpected, that is, humor is a non-standard reaction to a familiar situation. The adaptive effect, we like people who are able to think and act out of the ordinary, this is the key to the survival of mankind. And the cooler, more creative you wrap, the more fun it will turn out, but you should not break the logical chain, otherwise they will laugh at you, considering you a fool.

The reaction of opponents to your joke does not have to be violent and loud. It rather depends on the internal qualities of the interlocutor than on your ability to joke. good example is a reaction to the same pain. Someone swears loudly, swears, and someone endures everything silently, gritting his teeth. Accordingly, the reaction to the joke different people different. Moreover, too stormy, vivid perception of the story by your interlocutor will be more likely evidence of show work, tension. From this, we can conclude that laughter is caused not so much by the quality of humor. How many other factors (flirting with superiors, an attempt to win favor). good, good joke able to cause an inner smile and as a result, good relationship to you, without resorting to grotesque forms (laughter to tears, rolling on the floor).

To start joking at ease and have fun, follow these recommendations:

Relax. The first and most important rule. Do not squeeze out a joke, let it be born on its own. All you need to do is listen to your inner self.

Do not be shy. natural timidity main enemy good joke. Red, with sweaty palms, a joker is more likely to cause a smile of pity than a joyful laugh. We decided to joke, do not look back, cut recklessly. Perhaps not all jokes will turn out, but a self-confident humorist has much more chances - an insolent one.

Meet by clothes. Even here. Much depends not even on the quality of the jokes, but on your status, how you are perceived. If you are your own, then jokes will be quoted higher. The perception factor (positive or negative) is very important. This is especially noticeable in
a girl in love, she will laugh at the most stupid joke of her lover, if the guy is unpleasant to her, only his mistake will cause laughter, awkward situation. And that's a completely different story.

Brevity is the sister of talent and the foundation of a good joke. Keep your jokes short, to the point, bright. Half-hour monologues tend to sleep rather than make you smile. People are better at talking than listening. Your interlocutor, listening to you, often ponders his answer, he is not ready to perceive a long speech.

Joke on topic. And back to the company. The soul of the company, a joker, a joker ... So they say about a person who is not only the most cheerful and sparkling, first of all, this person is the keeper of traditions. Often he stands to protect the foundations of your friendly team. What is his secret? Natural sense of humor? If you dig deep, it turns out that these people are always aware of the main events in the lives of others, they are sensitive to the needs and problems of their comrades. This means that their popularity is not based on natural talents, but on the understanding of other people.

Choose the right moment. One of the most important components of a good joke is the ability to pick up the moment. Try to properly join the current conversation, without breaking the rhythm and flow, but on the contrary, amplifying the moment, emphasizing it.

Serious look. Joke with a serious face, it turns on others. Such jokes seem funnier, more original.


As you can see, the ability to joke beautifully, juicy directly depends on your internal state, confidence and relaxation. Don't joke all the time, it's a little annoying. Alternate serious conversation with light banter common topics. The easiest way to be funny is to joke about the shortcomings of people you know. But do not overdo it, it is very important to remain tactful here. Do not step on the callus. Sometimes your interlocutor will not show that he was offended, he will harbor anger in the depths. A win-win option to joke about yourself. If you are unable to make fun of your shortcomings in a good way, do not try to make fun of others.

Good humor is based on deep knowledge, you can certainly get by with superficial, vulgar jokes, but believe me, you won’t go far with them. A good joke below the belt, said at the right time, will go with a bang. Too much use of this technique will lead to the perception of you as a narrow-minded vulgar. Read a lot of good, positive literature. It won't hurt anyway.

As Leacock S. said: “Humor is good-natured contemplation and artistic image the absurdities of life."

They say that a sense of humor is related to the level of intelligence - the smarter a person, the funnier the jokes.

This statement is ambiguous, but it has a truthful basis. The wider a person's horizons and broader interests - the more situations he is able to beat with the help of humor.

Healthy humor, as well as sarcasm, and other varieties of amusement eloquence, should be appropriate. It is the relevance and timeliness of the joke that ensures its success. And for a joke to be relevant, it is important to say it not only in the right situation, but also in the right society. Various cultural characteristics, outlook and ethical standards dictate different conditions for humor.

And how does this relate to intelligence?

Intelligence is not just a number, the result of an IQ test, but a body of knowledge. The ability to correctly analyze the situation and the cultural characteristics of society in order to adequately assess the situation will allow you to respond witty, joke funny and not hurt anyone's feelings. But the joke must also be remembered in order to apply it. Thus, thinking and memory are directly related to the sense of humor.

You can develop a sense of humor through broadening your horizons.

Cultural education, the study of the characteristics of various social groups- through literature and art - will allow you to navigate the situation in order to effectively joke and be understood. Mind flexibility and attention to detail are essential to mastering this art.

Thus, in order to joke funny and appropriate, you must:

Expand your horizons
- develop memory, attention and thinking,
- keep the brain in good shape.

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On the example of famous and successful stand-up comedians, this relationship can be traced - they all have a broad outlook, are aware of current news, competently analyze the situation and very aptly choose the moment for a joke. It is useful to watch them, for example, watch regular releases The Ellen DeGeneres Show or speeches Louis C.K. or Jimmy Carr on YouTube. In addition, everyday, universal humor is clearly shown in TV series, for example, in the legendary "Friends"(Friends 1994-2004).

intelligence happens different type. Perelman is not joking in principle. The creators of new weapons in Russia too. Their sense of humor was appreciated only by nuclear physicists, who began to explain to the world that it was not real for a rocket to fly around the globe with these parameters, and apparently did not call on the road. In every profession at the professional level there must be a flair. Here comedians have it. They just feel from what the hall will explode, why not. At the same time, this does not apply to some individual, which, for example, in principle, cannot be laughed at in certain situations, this applies to the general mass of their jokes are often stupid and vulgar, but people already form a reflex. And Atkinson can just pick his nose - they are already laughing. The same effect with Zadornov, Zhvanetsky and Galkin. They may already be talking nonsense, but it will seem beautiful, because the image of a clown has been formed. It is the same in individual situations, if you know a person well, then you know him. weak spots You understand how he feels. Therefore, they say that people are selected not only by smell, but also by what they laugh at, if they can relax together, then this is a couple, and if they strain each other, then this is a business partnership.

Almost everyone wants it. One of the most important qualities necessary for this is the ability to joke beautifully, on time and in the right place. Unfortunately, not everyone knows the art of jokes. If the jokes of some are perceived by any company with a bang, then for others they come out heavy, labored, hardly understood by anyone and, as a result, not interesting.

If jokes aren't your forte, don't despair, check out some tips on how to how to learn to joke. If you belong to the category of people who believe that a sense of humor is a gift that a person can get only at birth, we have to disappoint you: in fact, a sense of humor can be trained, but this requires the implementation of exercises and techniques specially designed for this .

In order to develop a sense of humor, you must understand the principles of creating good jokes. First, you must learn to quickly and correctly select the right words. There is nothing difficult in this. To hone this skill, you can use simple exercise. Choose any letter of the alphabet that this moment you seem better than others. After your choice is made, try to build some kind of statement, each word of which will begin with the letter you have guessed. The requirement applies to both full words and pronouns. It may seem difficult for you at first, but later, when you begin to notice that choosing the right words is getting easier and easier for you, you will be able to build the phrases you need without much difficulty, without having difficulty choosing words.

In another way, which will help you in deciding whether how to learn to joke, will be the use of stylistic devices. Perhaps this will cause you confusion. Indeed, how can studying the style of the Russian language help you? You probably think that the people around you are so successful in joking only because they are able to use the right moments for this. In fact, everything is not quite right. Many successful pranksters successfully use stylistic devices, so why not take them into your arsenal too? Let's consider them in more detail.

You are probably thinking: "How can you learn to joke just by studying the style of the Russian language?". You probably think that other people get to joke only because they create a good situation for this. It is, but not quite. Many comedians use turns of phrase in their jokes. Below we present some of them.

How to learn to joke in a company

1. Irony.

This type of turnover is different in that it is relatively easy to build. As a rule, irony is based on an assessment that is the opposite of what is expected of you in a given situation. For example, in yours, they expect you to speak in a positive way about a situation, but instead, your words, on the contrary, have a negative connotation, but there is a smile on your face.

It must be remembered that irony cannot be abused. Moreover, in some cases it is simply inappropriate.

2. Hyperbole.

The second way to joke with stylistic devices is to use exaggeration or hyperbole. As a rule, hyperbole is used to create absurd jokes. The beauty of such jokes is that they can have any, even the most unpredictable endings.

3. Ambiguities.

The third trick is to use words that have multiple meanings. In order to successfully apply this method, you must learn words in advance, which can be interpreted in different ways.

It goes without saying that in order to become a truly good joker, you will not have enough stylistic tricks alone. Your success will depend on many factors, including the ability to self-criticize, the ability to laugh at your own mistakes, and the absence of fear of seeming ridiculous. It is important to remember that if you want to learn how to joke, then you should not be afraid of your own jokes and joke wherever possible. After all, you do not know where and when your jokes will be able to "shoot".

Good luck! Read my blog!

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