Autumn landscapes of Russian artists. Autumn landscape painting by Graham Gercken


The corners of the lips and eyes are damaged due to mechanical stress or other factors, and microorganisms enter the resulting crack. Gradually, inflammation develops and the person suffers from itching and pain. Such a violation of the integrity of the skin or mucous membrane is called angulitis. In the people, the wounds in the corner of the mouth are called jams.

Due to the peculiarities of the course and localization, the disease has other names:

  • slit-like impetigo;
  • angular stomatitis.

Cheilitis is an inflammation of the lips, and impetigo is a pathology caused by streptococci. The second name is used if the patient has streptococcal congestion. Angular stomatitis is called the disease because of the characteristic manifestations (redness, itching and pain).

Jams can appear in the corners of the lips due to psychosomatics (the desire to grab more), vitamin deficiency, trauma, the influence of external factors, etc. Whether they are contagious or not depends on the pathogen. If the seizures appeared due to an infection (viral, fungal, bacterial), then they are transmitted by contact with the patient or the objects that he uses.

The resulting jams on the lips look like cracking wounds. They arise from the internal (mucous membrane) or external (skin) side. Gradually, fluid bubbles or papules begin to form over the crack.

Frequent damage due to eating or scratching leads to damage to the skin formations and the development of ulcers.

They bleed and manifest severe pain and itching. Over time, a crust forms over the sores. Often, angulitis enters an advanced stage if the healing process is interfered with or no action is taken to treat the crack.

You can see what it looks like in the photo below:

Reasons for the appearance

There are a lot of reasons for the appearance of seizures in the corners of the mouth, but the chances of their occurrence depend on the presence of the following factors:

  • integrity of the skin;
  • the presence of infection or pathogenic microbes in the body;
  • reduced immune defense, especially after past illnesses.

The presence of 1-2 factors often becomes the reason why there are always seizures around the mouth. Most patients belong to all 3 risk groups.

The formation of jam on the lips due to skin injury is manifested due to the influence of the following factors:

  • influence environment(cold, sunlight);
  • the use of cosmetics and hygiene products that dry out the skin;
  • insufficient level of hygiene;
  • an abundance of spicy, sour, salty foods in the diet;
  • exposure to temperature, for example, if you eat foods that are too cold or hot;
  • abnormal bite or improperly selected dental structures;
  • bad habits (biting or licking lips, biting nails and other objects);
  • the use of sunflower kernels along with the shell;
  • the use of base cosmetics;
  • opening the mouth wide during such actions:
    • yawn;
    • singing;
    • emotional entry into the role;
    • examination of the oral cavity at the dentist.
  • kissing in windy weather;
  • the use of retinoic peeling for skin rejuvenation, due to which it dries and tightens.

To understand why seizures appear in the corners of the mouth in children, the most common factors will help, due to which the integrity of the skin is violated and an infection gets inside:

  • grab dirty objects and start chewing or sucking them;
  • put unwashed hands to the mouth;
  • long time breastfeed and constantly use pacifiers (mainly applies to babies up to 12 months).

Seizures indicate the presence of an infection if they do not go away for a long time and are accompanied by pronounced symptoms. It is viral, bacterial and fungal.

The causes of infection are usually the following:

  • Streptococcus congestion. An infection from the nasopharynx or oral cavity enters the crack. A streptococcal infection is manifested by severe inflammation and itching.
  • Virus meal. Herpes mainly affects the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose. The crack begins to hurt and itch a lot. Bubbles with liquid appear on its surface.
  • Candidiasis zaeda. Fungal infections are caused by germs from the genus Candida. Normally, they are present on the skin and in the human intestine. Due to irritating external (drug use, stress, overwork) and internal factors (diseases, endocrine disruptions), the fungal colony begins to multiply and candida jam occurs.

You can pick up microorganisms that can cause seizures in the corners of the mouth in adults and children in the following places:

  • skin and mucous membrane;
  • food and beverages;
  • dirty hands, hygiene and household items, cosmetics;
  • rash on other areas of the skin (mycosis, streptoderma);
  • pathology of the oral cavity (inflammation of the gums or tonsils, stomatitis, carious formations).

Often internal problems become the reason why jams appear in the corners of the mouth. The most common pathologies are:

  • gastrointestinal tract:
    • ulcer;
    • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus;
    • disruptions in the balance of intestinal microflora;
    • stool disorder.
  • pathology of internal organs;
  • excessive salivation;
  • dermatitis;
  • weakened immune defense;
  • hormonal imbalance:
    • in women during pregnancy;
    • during puberty;
    • due to the use of hormonal drugs;
    • with diabetes.
  • failures in the circulatory system;
  • addiction to alcohol and drugs;
  • in the presence of HIV infection and other immunodeficiency diseases;
  • chronic pathologies;
  • a consequence of infections of a viral nature (herpes, chickenpox, influenza, etc.);
  • lack of nutrients in the body;
  • poorly composed diet;
  • prolonged rise in temperature;
  • blood diseases;
  • oncological pathologies;
  • long course of antibiotics.

If jams appear on the lips, then psychosomatics can play the main role here, that is, the development of the disease due to the subconscious. While eating, a greedy person always tries to bite off a larger piece. Ignorance of the measure often causes the appearance of "permanent" cracks. To eliminate psychosomatic causes, you will have to undergo a course of psychotherapy and use self-hypnosis methods.

What vitamin is missing

Seizures in the corners of the mouth have many causes, but the main factor in getting an infection into the body is often a deficiency of nutrients. Most often, the problem occurs in people who lack B vitamins, especially B2 (riboflovin) and B6 (pyridoxine). They are responsible for maintaining metabolic processes in tissues.

The appearance of jam in the corners of the lips due to anemia (low hemoglobin concentration) indicates a lack of iron in the body. In addition to skin manifestations, a person also loses hair and nails become brittle.

Zinc deficiency is at least an important factor development of angulitis. Microelement deficiency is characteristic of diabetes and liver pathologies.

Treatment of angulitis

Angulitis caused by domestic trauma, wide opening of the mouth, etc., often resolves on its own. The patient is advised to protect himself from irritating factors and treat the crack with an antiseptic. To speed up healing, you can use paraffin ointment. Complete elimination of the jam occurs in 7 days.

If the cause is more serious, then the disease can become chronic, therefore, before letting the problem take its course, it is advisable to consult a doctor. He will tell you what to do when a jam appears and advise effective ways getting rid of her.

Depending on the cause, the following treatments are used:

  • treatment of cracks with drugs with an antiseptic effect ("Stomatidin", "Furacilin", "Chlorhexidine", "Miramistin");
  • the use of local means of influence:
    • antiseptic ("Leniment balsamic", "Salicylic ointment");
    • antibacterial ("Fuziderm cream", "Tetracycline ointment");
    • antifungal ("Candide solution", "Fucis gel");
    • antiviral ("Oxolin", "Acyclovir").
  • the use of vitamin complexes;
  • the use of traditional medicine;
  • dietary modification.

For more effective elimination of angulitis, doctors advise patients to follow the general list of rules:

  • refrain from bad habits(nibbling objects, smoking, drinking alcohol);
  • apply hygienic lipstick before going out or when lips dry out;
  • adjust the diet. It should be removed from irritating foods (spicy, sour, sweet, salty);
  • until recovery, if possible, eat soft food;
  • eat food and drinks at room temperature;
  • eat more foods rich in nutrients;
  • do not open your mouth wide;
  • treat all dental diseases and fight other pathologies in the body.

Seizures in HIV infection

Angulitis with HIV infection occurs in every 5 patients. It can proceed as an independent pathological process or as a manifestation of complications of the underlying disease. Seizures in HIV-infected people often quickly develop into a chronic form. The reasons for the development of pathology do not differ from those in ordinary patients, but a greater bias goes towards weak immunity, due to which yeast fungi multiply rapidly.


Painting 11/16/2015

Dear readers, today I invite everyone to take a break from the hustle and bustle of life, to be filled with autumn aromas. And these will be the aromas of autumn in the paintings of artists. I invite you to enjoy the colors autumn painting, start a little from our dullness outside the window and just have a good time.

I like to compare some time of the year with musical instrument. And for me, autumn is a violin. If you are familiar with our magazine "Fragrances of Happiness", you probably remember my words. There is something elusive, subtle, piercingly poignant, deep and very sensual both in autumn and in the violin. Let's not be sad, I suggest you look at the paintings of artists to the accompaniment of music, read a few poems and my thoughts. Perhaps many of them will be in tune with you.

For the background of viewing the paintings, I chose music from the Irish-Norwegian duo Secret Garden. The theme of the violin will be complemented by keyboards. This is such a classic combination. In the hands of these talented performers real magic is born. Let the composition "Poem" accompanies such a journey through the autumn. Put only the music not so loud that it does not distract you. I lingered a little with the theme of autumn, so carefully selected each picture, only now, closer to winter (I smile ...) we will remember autumn colors real golden autumn.

Autumn. Pictures of artists. autumn painting

Probably, all of you have noticed how painters love autumn. For the same colors, for its shades and surprisingly different moods. For someone it is very warm, for someone it is a little more twilight and restraint, someone's work is permeated with light.
To begin with, I want to introduce you to the amazing work of the Moscow artist Oleg Timoshin. We took some of the artist's works for the design of our magazine Aromas of Happiness. I always look for so long what touches me, and here a lot of things coincided in mood.

Oleg Timoshin. attraction of light

Oleg Timoshin. Marvelous autumn

Oleg Timoshin. Autograph

Oleg Timoshin. Autumn colors

And here are the lines of Eugenie Renard, consonant with this mood ...

Autumn is a time to dream and watch colorful dreams,
Wash down the cold with the best jasmine tea,
Do not feel spleen or false guilt
From the fact that the rains do not upset at all!
Autumn is the time of umbrellas that have long stagnated in the corner.
Time for new raincoats, boots in a multi-colored cage -
To personally know the depth and number of puddles,
And not sad to sigh and miss the past summer.
Autumn is the time of poetry with the inevitable presence of phrases
About a dull time, leaf fall, vagaries of the weather ...
Autumn is an occasion to think, to feel "here" and "now",
And, of course, to love contrary to all the laws of nature!

How I love wise quotes. And here is my favorite Elchin Safarli With autumn themes. Each time you are amazed at how capaciously and subtly you can convey the mood and all the shades of autumn.

“In autumn, memories rise to the surface of the mind. There is a good thing in this: looking at the past, you look into the future differently. Vain illusions are dispelled, mental immunity is strengthened. A kind of reassessment of values ​​... Autumn is the only season that teaches you to heal from the past, not fold your hands sadly, look for love and wait. Autumn is endowed with the gift of healing ... "

Artist Sasha Yuzhin

Autumn is always a holiday. Look at least how bright and colorful it is! Can another season afford such liberties in colors? And miracles do happen, right? They want us to believe in them... And they are waiting for us in the most unexpected places: in a fabulous morning forest, or on a bench in the park, or in a tiny boat, still tied to the shore. They are waiting and we are waiting for them. In autumn it is especially easy to see beauty in everything. You just have to open your eyes and look around. Here it is, see?

Efim Efimovich Volkov, Autumn

Love is born from a drop of rain.
She looks like a shard of the sun.
They don't take her away
They don't leave her anywhere.
She walks, gliding along the rainbow,
Dressed in clothes from the dawn...
It cannot be touched or taken, -
Thank God you understand this.
Big and small love cannot be.
She is Love! Without - strong or weak!
You can't hold it, don't hide it, Don't bypass it either to the left or to the right.
One day, softly knocking on the heart,
She will enter it to stay.
Morning will come. Dissolving sadness,
Love will fill time and space.

Sima Valiko. From the cycle of poems: Poems about love

Artist Leonid Afremov.

Autumn is not fooled. She knows who we really are and she shows us that. In bright leaves, on the water surface, on narrow paths and large highways - everywhere we see our reflections. Who is it me? Beauty!

Creative Association Artemis, Summer garden. Sculpture "Night"

IN autumn forest impossible to get lost. After all, the soul lives here. And she always knows the way home. And it will definitely lead to the goal. All that remains is to simply trust the flow, and follow your heart, going along the path into the distance, from your past to your present, alive and sincere.

Vladislav Viktorovich Osiptsov, Autumn Square.

If you haven't read yet last number magazine "Fragrances of Happiness", it's time to give yourself a moment of inspiration! For the design of the magazine were used amazing pictures Belarusian artist Alexander Dmitrievich Khodyukov.

A.Khodyukov. Autumn bouquets.

A.Khodyukov. Old city

In the rustle of leaves, the melody of light sadness.
IN slow dance lose the amber shawl
Maple and birch, but the wind will hardly hear
How they whisper: sorry ... very sorry ... oh, what a pity ...
Quietly the air sways, the bell rings,
Soon, very soon, the cold will come.
Willow stretches, touching a piece of the sun,
What is reflected in the cloudy surface of the pond.
Sky mica muffled parting colors,
Thin threads of rays light fires.
Only love, not passionate, but still bright,
The last warm days breathe tenderness.

Valentina Riga

Artist Yuri Obukhovsky

The artist wanted to draw the wind
And painted the leaves
That flew in dismay from autumn branches,
Like the sparks of a raging fire.
He wanted to draw the wind
And he painted how, gleaming,
The grass flows in the meadow.
The artist wanted to draw the wind -
And I always saw that he was drawing something else...

Vladimir Nabokov

Autumn. Watercolor Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna.

see also




    12 Sep 2018 at 14:40


    25 Feb 2018 at 14:12









The most inspiring time of the year is autumn. It is multifaceted, awakens very conflicting feelings, has become the culprit of the emergence of many beautiful works in literature, music and fine arts.

Introducing a child to this time of year is not always comfortable directly on the street, in a park, in a forest, the view from the window is not great, but you can only be helped by getting an album with reproductions. In addition, this way you will hit two targets with one shot, introduce your child to autumn and art.

What pictures of autumn for children will be the most interesting and informative?

"Golden Autumn" - I. Levitan

Most famous landscape this time of year. The picture is perfect for the first acquaintance of the child with autumn, because it depicts its beginning. Despite the fact that the main gamut of the picture is yellow, autumn, the fields in the distance are still green, in some places there is unfaded grass, and a grove on the right bank affably waves its green foliage. The sky is clear, the weather is calm and pleasant.

This wonderful canvas will help the child to recognize the first and highlight her positive traits. You can have a fascinating conversation about Russian fields and birches.

"Golden Autumn" - V. Polenov

This is no less wonderful representative. Looking at the picture, you can consolidate knowledge with your child about the early, first signs of autumn, and form pleasant associations.

You can try to introduce the baby to the concept of "Indian summer". If he is not yet ready for this, do not insist.

autumn" - I. Brodsky

Looking at the selected pictures of autumn for children, we find ourselves in a garden where golden autumn already reigns. What does it mean? Look for the answer with your child in the thinned crowns of trees, in fallen leaves on the paths of the garden. Note that the day can be pleasant, clear and sunny even in the middle of autumn.

And how did we guess that the sun shines brightly? The artist makes this clear to us by depicting bright shadows from trees on the ground. ABOUT wonderful day the figures of numerous passers-by in the garden also speak. And who will walk in bad weather?

"Autumn. Veranda" - S. Zhukovsky

A slightly unusual view for us (young researchers) is no longer a forest or a park, but still - autumn. Many autumn landscapes, paintings show us houses, roads and villages in a golden natural frame, and here is a veranda. Table, vase, flowers... Speaking of flowers. Which of them bloom in autumn?

It is noteworthy that there is also a lot of light, heat and sun. And the Christmas trees are clearly visible, which for some reason remained green. Why?

"Late autumn" - K. Korovin

So we got to last picture autumn. It is important for children to see that late autumn is not the dull end of a beautiful, warm, rich bright colors season, but the beginning of a new one. After all, despite the fact that all the leaves have fallen, the grass has withered, the air is already filled with a milky mist, and snow lies on the remaining rare leaves and blades of grass. We are on the threshold of winter.

When choosing autumn pictures for children, try to make them bright, bright and bring positive emotions. So, as in the examples given in this article. Even though the theme of autumn is not very pleasant for you, an adult, you should not pass on your negative thoughts and stereotypes to a child. Even if the pictures of autumn, the photos you found are unknown to the whole world, and the authors are provincial landscape painters, the main thing is the quality of the work and the feelings that it will evoke in a tender child's soul.

Do you like Russian autumn? Russian artists, poets and musicians have invested in their works their love for this fertile, but fleeting season. Along with the first fogs and the cries of cranes, a dazzling riot of colors suddenly breaks into the monotonous flat landscape. richest color palette hard to put into words. And how to reflect on the canvas this play of highlights on the gold of birches and aspens, the coolness of the morning, the crunch of the first frost or the aching cry of birds flying south? And yet they succeeded.

almost summer

They knew what an early Russian autumn is like, Russian artists. They were able to accurately convey the atmosphere of Indian summer in Central Russia. During the day it is still very warm, but the evenings and mornings are refreshing. The air is as if crystal, and in it floats against the backdrop of flaming cobwebs. Especially indicative is “Autumn. Veranda” brush The canvas was painted in 1911. The artist managed to convey that elusive moment when summer leaves and fills the frosty air of the approaching evening. But this time is also generous, which is clear from the painting by A. M. Gerasimov “Gifts of Autumn”. The still life is simple and uncomplicated: apples on a plate, two sunflowers and a vase with clusters of mountain ash. The berries shine like rubies and throw a reddish glow on everything around.

"Ocher reflection of withering..."

Golden Russian autumn... Russian artists, like no one else, were able to depict this most beautiful time of the year. The forest turns into a painted box, but at the same time, something aching, decadent is felt in this fading beauty. Only Russian people, following Pushkin, can see the charm of the eyes in this “dreary time”. The motif of golden autumn is present in many artists. These are so fleeting wonderful moments that you just want to keep them - at least on the canvas.

Levitan and golden Russian autumn

Russian artists, even if they did not belong to the glorious cohort of the Impressionists, were able to convey the mood from the quivering, touching and at the same time amazing nature of October. I. I. Levitan devoted especially many canvases to this fleeting season. His most famous painting is called - " Golden autumn". Looking at her, the viewer seems to plunge into the warmth and freshness of a fine September day. The road leads into the forest and seems to beckon. “Autumn Day in Sokolniki” is another painting by the artist that perfectly conveys the mood of this season.

Late autumn in the paintings of Russian artists

This really dull time is also masterfully conveyed by many painters. Firstly, the singer of golden autumn Levitan did not shy away from this topic. His canvas “Road in the Village” depicts impenetrable mud, in which steps and cart wheels get stuck. Bare aspen trees joylessly and forlornly tremble in the wind, and the sky is overcast in his painting “Summer Garden in Autumn” trying to find a kind of comfort in the deserted alleys and thin, as if melting in the air, the outlines of the arbor. The mood of lostness and orphanhood in the face of impending cold weather also shines through in A. Savrasov's painting "Evening". As you can see, autumn is firmly rooted in the painting of Russian artists. Because such anguish and hopelessness is somewhat consonant with the soul of our people.

Incredible, exciting, charming and delightful - all these are epithets about autumn. More beautiful time year is unimaginable. So many colors can be on one tree that it is sometimes breathtaking. It is clear why everyone talented people draw inspiration from nature. Autumn is no exception in the painting of artists. Autumn landscapes have long been considered one of the most popular subjects for painting.

There are so many famous paintings dedicated autumn theme which is difficult to calculate. And everywhere autumn is different: from warm and sunny to late, with the first frosts that pinch your hands. But there are several artists who felt autumn especially subtly and conveyed it in their paintings.

Autumn in the cities in the paintings of Richard McNeil

One of talented artists dedicating their paintings to autumn is Richard McNeil (“In Central Park”, “Walking in the Rain”). This artist is a very private person, and little is known about him. But, oddly enough, it is his paintings that hang in the White House in the office of American presidents.

"In Central Park" by Richard McNeil

One look at the autumn paintings of Richard MacNeil takes you to the autumn atmospheric New York or. His work is incredibly beautiful and serene. One can only guess why autumn inspired the artist.

Autumn landscapes by Thomas Kinkade

One of the most sought after artists recent years This is Thomas Kinkade. His paintings are so popular that it is incredibly difficult to buy them. All of them are in private collections, and people very rarely and reluctantly part with them.

And all thanks to the message. The author believed in love, the triumph of goodness and the bright side of humanity so much that he tried to portray it in every possible way in pictures. His autumn landscapes convey all this in the best possible way.

This is interesting! Read more about the biography and work in our separate article with many pictures of the artist's work for inspiration.

"Palette knife autumn" Afremov

- an impressionist artist who creates his paintings not with an ordinary brush, but with a spatula knife. From this, the strokes on the canvas itself have a characteristic appearance.

Most famous paintings"Sunny Autumn", "Meeting in the Rain". Afremov's autumn is one of the most structural and clear. It is as if woven from small rays that fill the entire canvas.

On a note! Be sure to read a more detailed article about on the pages of the Wings of Inspiration project.

Realistic autumn Lushipina

Another well-known artist of our time is Evgeny Lushipin, who paints paintings in the genre of realism. Apparently, therefore, they are often mistaken for photographs.

Take a look at the paintings "Quiet Evening" or "A Streetcar Named Desire". They are filled with autumn inspiration. Incredibly lively autumn seems to be looking at you from the window and smiling, sad with you for the passing summer, but still pleases with warmth.

Golden Autumn by Charles White

Another world famous artist who depicted autumn in painting is Charles White. His paintings "Golden Autumn" breathe peace, tranquility and quiet happiness.

It is impossible not to admire them, it is impossible not to love them. That is why they are now worth their weight in gold and almost all are in private collections. The artist himself received well-deserved recognition during his lifetime.

Autumn in Chinese painting

But this is only a small list of artists around the world who created their masterpieces, inspired by the golden age. There are also great work about autumn Japanese painting, and in Chinese.

For example, the Chinese artist Tian Haibo. His works convey the incredible play of the light of the autumn sun. Very realistic and incredibly alive. They inspire and do not leave anyone indifferent.

Liu Maoshan is an artist from China, in whose paintings you can also see interesting autumn landscapes. This is the real autumn in modern painting.

Liu Maoshan's paintings combine industrialism and oriental flair. This is most noticeable in the works "Autumn Waters" and "Excursion to Washington".

Autumn in the paintings of famous artists

There are also canvases about autumn, which are incredibly popular, written by the most famous artists. For example, "Autumn at Argenteuil" by Monet. This is a very sensual canvas that breathes autumn inspiration. It exudes happiness and peace.

Studio Boat (1876), Claude Monet

Autumn at Argenteuil, Claude Monet

Van Gogh also looked to autumn for inspiration. His brush belongs to the canvas "Poplar Alley in Autumn". It conveys the mood of the artist himself, a little sad and chaotic.

Poplar Alley in Autumn, Van Gogh

The famous painting "Autumn" by Shishkin is rightfully considered a masterpiece about autumn in Russian painting. The author conveyed very realistically autumn mood in Rus'.

"Autumn" Shishkin

You can endlessly talk about autumn in painting, because this theme is inexhaustible as a source of inspiration.

Any canvases of the most different artists dedicated to this time of the year will always delight and inspire humanity. Nature, in turn, will inexhaustible source to inspire all artists around the world for a very long time to come.

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