Music leisure senior group. Musical leisure in the senior group of kindergarten "journey on a musical train"


Equipment: Painting reproductions:

1. I.I. Levitan " big water».

2. A.I. Kuindzhi "Dnepr in the morning".

3. I.I. Levitan " Golden autumn».

4. I.E. Grabar " february blue».

Musical accompaniment:

1. Grieg E. "In the spring".

2. Strauss I. "Waltz".

3. Tchaikovsky P.I. "Seasons. April".

4. Vivaldi A. "The Seasons".

5. Russian folk song "Red Dress".

6. Russian folk song "With a weed".

7. Romance on the verses of S. Yesenin “Golden foliage whirled”.

8. Haydn I. "The Seasons".

9. Glazunov "The Seasons".

presenter: Guys, our meeting today is dedicated to the seasons. Remember how in the story by Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky the boy Mitya rejoices in each of the seasons: in each of them he finds his charm. Many poets, composers, painters depicted the seasons in their works. How do we start our evening today? Let's call on Queen Harmony for help! Do you guys agree? Quiet then, I can already hear her footsteps.

(The Waltz by I. Strauss sounds. The queen appears, dances.)


Since childhood, everyone has known me,

I am Queen Harmony.

Quietly, not audibly, I enter your house,

Worthy of praise and attention.

Hello, friends! Why did you need me?

Presenter: Hello dear queen! The guys and I decided to take a trip through the seasons, but don't know where to start?

Queen: What is there to think? Of course - from the spring! No wonder Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin called spring "the morning of the year."

presenter: You're right. Spring is the beginning of life, the awakening of nature. Look at the spring in the picture of I.I. Levitan "Big Water". The gaze is lost in the flood-covered space.

Queen: I propose to listen now to an excerpt from E. Grieg's play "Spring".

(An excerpt from E. Grieg's play "Spring" sounds.)

presenter: Gaining strength, spring comes into its own. Snowdrops appear on the first thawed patches.


The Snow Maiden cried, seeing off the winter,

Sadness followed her, a stranger to everyone in the forest.


Where she walked and cried, touching the birches,

Snowdrops have grown

Snow Maiden's tears.

Queen: How poetic is A. Maykov's poem. Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky in The Seasons has a wonderful play April. Snowdrop". Let's listen to her.

(The recording of "Dance of the Snowdrops" by P.I. Tchaikovsky sounds.)

presenter: Nature is renewed in spring, dressed in a luxurious outfit. Often, when describing the same phenomenon in music and poetry, one can find something similar. S. Yesenin, for example, late spring, intoxicates, attracts.

Queen: Something consonant is heard in the music of the 2nd part of "The Seasons" by A. Vivaldi. Let's listen.

(An excerpt from “The Seasons” by A. Vivaldi sounds, children read S. Yesenin to the music.)


Bird cherry sprinkles with snow,

Greenery in bloom and dew.

In the field, leaning towards shoots,

Rooks are walking in the band.


The silk grasses will vanish,

Smells like resinous pine.

Oh, you, meadows and oak forests,

I'm besotted with spring.

Presenter: Here we come to the summer, when warm sun warms the earth with its rays, and a light breeze rustles quietly, braiding the braids of slender birch trees.


Green hair, girlish breasts

Oh, thin birch, what did you look into the pond?

What does the wind whisper to you, what does the sand ring about?

Or do you want a lunar scallop in braid-branches?

(The Dance of the Birches is performed to the tune of "Red Sundress".)

Presenter: TO summer theme many painters applied. Pay attention to the landscape of A.I. Kuindzhi "Dnepr in the morning". Nature seemed to freeze in anticipation. But soon the sun will rise, the fog will melt and the meadows will be full of colors of herbs and flowers. As in a poem by E. Trutneva.


A meadow, just like a chintz, a scarf of all colors, -

You won’t understand where the butterfly is, where the living flower is.


Forest and field in greenery, blue river.

White fluffy clouds in the sky.

Queen: There are many Russians folk songs on the topic of summer. They are very popular with children and adults. Let's watch a dance performed by a group of our girls and try to guess its name.

(The dance-round dance "With a loach" is performed.)

Presenter: The warm summer is replaced by autumn, golden, regal, as in the picture of I.I. Levitan "Golden Autumn". What other lines would describe it better?


Autumn time, eyes charm,

Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me.

I love the magnificent nature of wilting,

In crimson and gold, clad scaffolding.

(Sounds of violin are heard.)

Presenter: What wonderful sounds! Do you recognize this voice guys? Whose is he? (Children's answer.) That's right, the voice of the violin.

Queen: This is my gift. What could be better than live, quivering sounds? Let's listen to a romance accompanied by a violin.

(The duet of educators sings the song “Golden foliage whirled.”)

Presenter: It's great!

Queen: But do not forget: everything goes on as usual, and autumn is followed by winter, snowy, crystal.


Under blue skies

splendid carpets,

Shining in the sun, the snow lies;

The transparent forest alone turns black,

And the spruce turns green through the frost,

And the river under the ice glitters.

Presenter: A.S. Pushkin turns green through the hoarfrost spruce. In the picture I.E. Grabar "February Blue" as in lace is a white birch. S. Yesenin's poem is very consonant with this image. Let this be a gift for you, queen. Children will now present you with an image of a winter birch in a very unusual way.

(The poem "White Birch" staged to the music of I. Haydn from the oratorio "The Seasons".)

Queen: Thank you very nice! Our meeting came to an end, it turned out beautiful. Once again we were convinced that any time of the year is beautiful in its own way. It attracts the artist, poet, composer with its special beauty, giving rise to its own, special feeling in the soul of the creator.

Galina Prokopieva
musical entertainment for the senior group "Fun Journey"

Entertainment for the older group.

« fun trip»

Leading: Guys, today we will go to a very distant and interesting place. journey. Now the drivers of our magic buses are ready. We will travel to the country « cheerful» , to the country of songs, games and riddles. (Slide #1) Attention, the traffic light is green, our train is leaving.

Slide number 2 (children under music"go" round)

Leading: (Slide #3) Attention. Guys, red light. We arrived at the station « merry dance»

Slide #4, 5 (Dance « colorful game» , "Dance of little ducks")

Leading: Well done boys. (Slide number 6) The green light is on, let's move on. (slide number 7). Red traffic light. We arrived at the Mystery Station.

I ask you guys

Solve my riddles.

1. Red, blue, bright, round,

He is handsome and resilient

Jumping, galloping

Guess this is... (ball) Slide #8

2. He is a gray robber,

He has no faith

All fangs click,

Who is this? (wolf) Slide #9

3. Who is the bully?

Most of the time he gets into fights.

Gets up early in the morning

Don't let the kids sleep. (rooster) Slide #10

4. Grandfather is sitting

Wearing 100 fur coats.

Who undresses him

He sheds tears. (onion) Slide #11

5. Two brothers live side by side,

And they don't see each other. (eyes) Slide #12

6. Over the mountains, over the valleys,

There is a fur coat and a caftan. (ram) Slide #13

7. Instead of a ponytail - a hook,

Instead of a nose - a patch. (piggy) slide number 14

We arrived at the station, which is called "Magic word". What is the magic word you say when you ask for something?


Leading: Let's play a game. I tell you what movements to do, but you only do them when I say the magic word - please.

Raise your hands


sit down


Get up on your toes


Spin around.

(Slide number 16) Attention, green signal, let's move on. (Slide number 15)

So we arrived at the last station, which is called the game station. What do you think we are going to do here?

Ball game. (pass over head)

The next game is called "Not really" Everyone please answer my questions.

Can carp get into the ocean? No

Can a thrush freeze its tail? No

Can a wasp fly to heaven? Yes

Can a badger climb a bough for cones? No

Can a sandpiper bite its own tongue? No

Can a seal lie on its side all day? Yes

Can a titmouse live on a roof? Yes

magic pouch:

One two Three,

Who is hiding inside.

Don't yawn, don't yawn

Please answer quickly.

Skok, skok boot

Go out to the meadow

Now jumping, then sideways,

Stomp, stomp your heels.

Leading: So ours ended with you fun trip it's time to go to group. (Children under music ride a train) (Slide number 15)

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1. Musical instruments: tambourines, drums, bells.

2. Hats of gnomes, mice, cat, soldiers.

Music material:

1. Shulgina L. "March".

2. Gladkov G. Fragment from the cartoon "The Bremen Town Musicians".

3. Schumann. R. "March".

4. Tchaikovsky P.I. From children's album"March wooden soldiers».

5. Sviridov G. "Military March".

6. Tchaikovsky P.I. March from the ballet "The Nutcracker".

7. Grieg E. "Procession of the Dwarves".

8. Glinka M.I. "March of Chernomor" from the opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila".

9. Saint-Saens K. Fragment of the "Royal March of the Lions".

10. Zhilinsky A. The play "Mice".

First conversation

Musical director: Today we will talk about the march. What is this music?

(Children's answers.)

That's right, it's music for walking. The sounds in it are even, clear, they seem to help us go: one-two, one-two - you are walking along the march on the charge. These are sporty, vigorous marches, such as, for example, the well-known march by composer L. Shulgin. It is festive and solemn. But there are other marches as well.

Each of you has heard the music of the march more than once. Remember when and where it was.

(Children's answers.)

Yes, absolutely right. Marches sound not only in music classes or physical education. Troops are marching in the parade, and march music is playing again. On radio and television, the clear sounds of a march can often be heard. What about cartoon characters? Remember, for example, how cheerfully the army marches with the song in the cartoon "The Bremen Town Musicians".

(A fragment of G. Gladkov's march from the cartoon sounds.)

Today, listening to the music, we will think about how the marches differ from each other. What musical instruments can be used to march?

(Children's answers.)

I propose to listen to the march of the composer R. Schumann and name the author.

(Children's answers.)

Right. This is March German composer Robert Schumann. The music is upbeat and loud. This is how the soldiers march. Do you think these are real, adult soldiers or toy ones marching?

(Children's answers.)

Yes, toy soldiers can walk like that too. What march for toy soldiers do you know?

(Children's answers.)

Right. "March of wooden soldiers" P.I. Tchaikovsky. What is the difference between the music of one march and the music of another?

(A fragment of a piece of music is performed. Children's answers.)

The music of Tchaikovsky's march sounds more light, jerky, high, ringing sounds. Here you imagine how small soldiers walk in even rows with their wooden legs. Listen to the music in R. Schumann's "March"? The same light high sounds?

(Children's answers.)

Of course, in this march the music is louder. As if they were soldiers not made of wood, but made of metal.

Imagine that our fingers are the legs of toy soldiers. They cheerfully and clearly will march on your knees to the music.

(R. Schumann's "March" sounds, children imitate the walking of soldiers.)

This march was written for one musical instrument - the piano. Now you have shown how the legs of small toy soldiers walk.

You and I have already listened to marches that are performed not by one instrument, but by whole orchestra, where there are many musical instruments and each of them has its own role. Remember what marches you heard performed by orchestras?

(Children's answers.)

Today we will listen to the music of the composer G. Sviridov "Military March". If you listen carefully, you can imagine how soldiers are walking past the stands in even rows, the cavalry is passing, clapping their hooves, moving heavily military equipment. Imagine now that we are at a military parade. Listen carefully to all the changes in the music and try to show what you heard with your movements.

(The “Military March” by G. Sviridov sounds.)

Now a new march will sound for you - a march from the ballet "The Nutcracker" by composer P.I. Tchaikovsky. Let's listen to him.

(An audio recording of the march sounds.)

What march does this music remind you of?

(Children's answers.)

Right. The music of this march is festive, cheerful, and childish. It reminds us of P.I. Tchaikovsky. She is just as joyful and resonant. Imagine New Year's celebration. In the hall, sparkling with lights, stands a brightly dressed Christmas tree. To the sounds of this march, children in carnival costumes enter the hall in a merry crowd. Is all the music of this march the same?

(Children's answers.)

That's right, in the middle of the march the music changes. Listen.

(A fragment of the march sounds.)

What do you think the composer wanted to tell us with his music?

(Children's answers.)

Yes you are right. If we listen carefully, we will hear and ringing laughter children, and cheerful conversation, and games around the Christmas tree. The melody of the march tells us this beautifully. Tchaikovsky, like a skilled artist, paints us a picture of a sparkling Christmas tree sparkling with multi-colored lights. But now the sounds of the 1st part of the march are heard again. The Christmas tree festival continues. Now we will also take part in this celebration. Let's take tambourines and drums in our hands and quietly play along when we hear the music of the first part. What do you think musical instruments we need to take to play along with the orchestra in the 2nd part of the march - was the picture of a sparkling tree brighter?

(Children's answers.)

That's right, bells. When you play them, imagine sparkling lights, stars, snowflakes and children's cheerful laughter. Then again, as in the first part, tambourines and drums will play.

(An audio recording of the march sounds.)

Musical director(sums up the conversation): Today we talked about the march. Listening to music and comparing it, we learned that marches are different: military, sports, festive, and even “toy”.

Next time we will continue our conversation about the march and go to fairyland. We will learn many more interesting things about the march.

Conversation two

Musical director: Let's continue our conversation about the march. Today we will talk about a fairy tale. Many composers have written music in fairy tales. This is P.I. Tchaikovsky, and M.P. Mussorgsky, and N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, and many, many others. We will remember and talk about the fabulous, fabulously musical work of the Norwegian composer Edvard Grieg. Tell me what fairy creatures march to the music of E. Grieg?

(Children's answers.)

Of course, gnomes. This procession of theirs was depicted by the Norwegian composer Edvard Grieg with his music. His play is called “The Procession of the Dwarves”. Norwegian fairy tales often tell about little people living in the forest. They are fast, a little clumsy, skipping. They can be kind, affectionate, but sometimes a little angry. Let's listen to this song again.

(A recording of E. Grieg's play "The Procession of the Dwarves" sounds.)

This is a march. But what does it sound like? Do the dwarves go in even, clear rows?

(Children's answers.)

Yes, the dwarfs are marching in front of us. The music starts and then gets louder and louder. As if the gnomes are approaching from afar, and now they are already very close. They jump, tumble, run from place to place. The music sounds either faster, then slower, then completely freezes, as if the gnomes are somersaulting on the grass, chasing each other. The music gets louder and louder and then gradually fades away. It was as if the dwarfs suddenly stopped when they saw the extraordinary beauty of nature. The green meadow is illuminated by the rays of the sun beating through the foliage. The summer breeze sometimes sways the leaves, the brook quietly, thoughtfully murmurs, as if telling an interesting fairy tale. But in this silence bursts into rapid music. It gets louder and louder. As if the gnomes, having admired the beauty of nature, again continue their funny, unusual procession. The music gets louder and louder and ends with a very high chord.

Now I propose to play in the theater. Which one of you wants to be an artist? Okay, and the rest are spectators. Artists will now portray dwarfs to the music of E. Grieg "Procession of the Dwarves".

(An audio recording of the march sounds. Children improvise to the music, imitating the movements of the gnomes.)

Now another march will sound. You listen to him carefully and try to determine which characters go under this march.

(Sounds "March of Chernomor" from the opera by M.I. Glinka "Ruslan and Lyudmila". Children's answers.)

That's right, you immediately guessed that the music of this march is unusual, fabulous, magical. It is important to walk under it evil wizard, dwarf with long beard- Chernomor.

The music of the march, as it were, paints a picture of this procession for us. Please note: loud, abrupt sounds with sharp accents at the beginning of the march paint a portrait of an evil, terrible wizard. Bells play the melody in the middle part. They sound high, transparent, ringing and create the impression of magical, fabulous music. Then the first part is repeated again with a sharp, loud sound of the entire orchestra.

We can imagine ourselves as musicians. To do this, pick up the bells and listen to the march again. As soon as you hear the sound of bells in the march, quietly play along on your instruments. Imagine that we are with you in a fairy tale.

(The "March of Chernomor" sounds. Children play the bells.)

Let's continue our conversation about the music for the fairy tale and fairy tale marches. Now two excerpts from musical works will be heard, two musical riddles. Please, while listening to the music, try to convey the character of the animals depicted here with movements. Try to guess who the composer wanted to show us.

(A fragment of the “Royal March of the Lions” by Xen-Saens sounds. Children's answers.)

Yes you are right. First play written French composer C. Saint-Saens. It's called the Royal March of the Lions. With your movements, you correctly conveyed the character of this formidable beast. The music, written for an orchestra and two pianos, with low, measured sounds conveys to us the proud, important step of this animal. Sometimes the music is accompanied by frightening sounds of growling. But now the music changes, suddenly there are high sounds performed by the piano. And the lion no longer seems so formidable and important to us.

Now listen to other music.

(The play “Mice” by A. Zhilinsky sounds.)

You correctly felt that this music conveys to us the movements of small cute animals. They carefully walk on their thin legs, then suddenly quickly run across and freeze, frightened by an accidental rustle. Of course they are mice. Musical composition It's called "Mice". It was written by the composer A. Zhilinsky. Why did you decide that these are not big animals, but small, timid mice?

(Children's answers.)

That's right, the melody of this march sounds high, jerky, then fading, then quickly rushing forward.

In these marches, the character and mood of the heroes are wonderfully conveyed. In one - important, proud, majestic, and in the other - fussy, timid, shy. There are no words in these plays, and they are not needed. Music without words sounds very bright and expressive.

Now we will play theater again. Who wants to be an artist this time? Fine. The rest are spectators. The artists will now come up to me and quietly, in secret, tell me which march they want to hear. The artists will then move to that music. The audience will try to guess who the artists are portraying, what is the name of the march and who wrote it.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 17"

Musical leisure V senior group

"Musical Train Journey"



Antropova N.A.

Arzamas 2017

Age of children 5-6 years

Type classes - music leisure

Materials and equipment: interactive whiteboard, tape recorder, audio recordings of playing musical instruments, chairs

Used didactic games: "Top", "Cockerel, hen, chicken", "Make a pattern (rhythmic pattern)", "Loud-quiet", "Guess what I'm playing"

Target:development musical ability and deepening children's understanding of the means musical expressiveness



    Bring joy to children

    Develop children's fantasy, imagination

    Cultivate a love of music, develop an aesthetic sense

    To give children an idea of ​​timbre diversity and its significance in music.

    Development in children musical and auditory abilities, a comprehensive understanding of different height musical sounds and their interaction.

    The development in children of the ability to reproduce a rhythmic pattern in claps, spanks, stomps, on a musical instrument and with the help of movements.

    Expansion of musical and sound representations in children and enrichment of their musical experience.


On interactive whiteboard an image of a steam locomotive appears, the sound of a steam locomotive sounds in the background.

Educator: Guys, look who came to visit us. Who is this? What is he doing? (locomotive)

Educator: This train is not simple, it is musical and on it we can go to musical journey with various interesting stops. Do you want to ride this train?

Educator: Then take your seats, it's time for us to go.

(Children sit on chairs)

Main part

Educator: In order for our musical train to become fast, let's sing a song about it:

Rides, rides a locomotive,

Heard, heard the sound of wheels

And they sit in the trailer

Lots of little kids


I'll ride everyone today

Soon there will be a turn

Where the sun rises..


Educator: So we got to the first station. Stop.

Our first station "Song". What do you think we will do with it?(To sing songs)

Educator: That's right, we will sing songs on it. And in order to choose a song, I have a magic top. We will twist it and the arrow will show us who we will sing a song about.

Conducted didactic game "Top"

Game progress: The driver, or the children, take turns spinning the top with an arrow. On the circle of which are pictures for familiar songs. On which picture the top stops, the children sing a song about that.

Educator: How much good songs we know, and it's time for us to continue our journey.

Rides, rides a locomotive,

Heard, heard the sound of wheels

And they sit in the trailer

Lots of little kids


I'll ride everyone today

Soon there will be a turn

Where the sun rises..


Educator: So we got to the second station. Stop.

Our second station is "Game". What do you think we will do with it?(Play)

Educator: That's right, you and I will play the Loud-Quiet game, which is very similar to the Hot-Cold game.

Game progress: First, we need to choose an object that we will hide and the driver. We blindfold the driver and send him out the door so that he does not see what we are doing. At this time, the children in the group hide the chosen object so that it would not be visible at first sight. Then the driver is called. Instead of the words "Hot and cold," the children will tell the driver the place where the object is hiding with a song. If the driver is far from him- children they sing softly, if they come close, they sing very loudly.

Educator: Who wants to be a driver? (If the children are shy, then you can choose the driver with the help of a counter.

A musical and didactic game "Loud-quiet" is being held

Educator: You are very good at telling the song where the object is hidden and looking for it. And it's time for us to continue our journey.

Rides, rides a locomotive,

Heard, heard the sound of wheels

And they sit in the trailer

Lots of little kids


I'll ride everyone today

Soon there will be a turn

Where the sun rises..


Educator: So we got to the third station. Stop.

Our third station is "Notnaya". Look, our friends meet us on it - Cockerel, Hen and Chicken. Do you want to play with them?

Didactic game "Cockerel, hen, chick"

Educator: Well done. And it's time for us to continue our journey

Rides, rides a locomotive,

Heard, heard the sound of wheels

And they sit in the trailer

Lots of little kids


I'll ride everyone today

Soon there will be a turn

Where the sun rises..


Educator: So we got to the fourth station. Stop.

Our fourth station is "Instrumentalnaya". What do you think we will do with it?(To sing songs)

Educator: At this station we will guess musical instruments.

The game "Guess the tool"

Game progress: The teacher turns on audio recordings of musical instruments in turn, and the children guess and imitate playing this instrument. One of the children shows a picture of an instrument from didactic game"Musical instruments".

Educator: Guys, what is the name of the game of several musical instruments?(Ensemble) Do you want to play in an ensemble?

An imitation game "Ensemble" is being held

Game progress: Children choose a musical instrument and memorize it. The teacher includes an audio recording with the game of several musical instruments. When the child hears his instrument, he begins to imitate playing the instrument. As soon as his game ends, he stops "playing".

Educator: We have a wonderful ensemble, and it's time for us to continue our journey

Rides, rides a locomotive,

Heard, heard the sound of wheels

And they sit in the trailer

Lots of little kids


I'll ride everyone today

Soon there will be a turn

Where the sun rises..


Educator: So we got to the last station. Stop.

Our fifth station is "Dance". What do you think we will do with it?(Dance).

Educator: Boys, invite girls to a fun dance.

The dance song "Become a circle soon, dance with me, my friend ..." The children are dancing.

Final part

Educator: So our journey on the musical train has come to an end. Did you like it? What do you remember the most? What other stations would you like to visit?

Educator: Next time we will definitely go on a new journey on a musical train and visit new stations and meet new friends, but for now it's time for us to say goodbye to him. Goodbye steam locomotive!!!

Characters: princess - music director; king; detective; courtiers - 2-4 people; donkey; rooster; cat; dog; children; fencers - 4 people; foreign guests.

Props: box with the inscription "Surprise"; an inscription with the name and number of the preschool educational institution; shiny cutting; 2 cubes or chairs; 2 draperies; camera; magnifier; branches with flowers according to the number of children; musical instruments: guitar, drum, trumpet, microphone; mobile phone; swords; Balloons- 8 pcs; dolls: dog, cat, donkey, rooster; a scroll with a decree; inscriptions with numbers; fans; handkerchief.

Entertainment progress

The music of N. Mangini "Pink Panther" sounds. The detective comes to the fore with a cautious step. He places a large box labeled "Surprise" in the center of the stage, taps it gently, and looks at his watch. Something is ticking in the box. The detective, looking around, giggles, rubs his hands and runs backstage. Now the clock has stopped. Explosion simulation. The box opens, a shiny cut flies out of it and a child appears. He is holding a sign with the inscription "DOE No. ___".

In the recording, the song “We stopped by for an hour” sounds, music. G. Gladkova, sl. Y. Entina.

The Bremen town musicians run out of the hall, and courtiers (support team) run out of the wings. All together sing the verse and chorus of this song and dance.

We came to you for an hour

The whole world is in our hands

We are the stars of the continents!

Smashed to smithereens

We are our competitors!


We've been here for an hour!

Hello! Bonjour! Hello!

Come on, love us

You are very lucky!

Well, all together...

Hang your ears

Better in a good way

Clap your hands!

Princess. Nothing makes me happy! I do not want anything!

King. Daughter, a ball of Arts is being announced in your honor. I hope this helps you.

All the characters, discussing what they heard, leave the stage. The solemn music "Minuet" sounds. Young dancers appear on the stage. They sing the minuet. At the end of the performance, they line up in a "living corridor" and lift up the branches entwined with flowers, forming an arch. Along this "corridor" the King and the Princess enter the stage. The courtiers transform the stage into a throne room (cubes and chairs, drapery, flowers). The Princess and the King perform the duet of the Princess and the King (music by G. Gladkov, lyrics by Y. Entin).


Oh, my poor Troubadour,

Look how skinny the figure is.

I will take care of you!

Princess. I do not want anything!

King(after the song he complains to the courtiers). What to do? How can we be? How to cheer up a princess? (Sighs. The courtiers sympathize: fanning with fans, tying a scarf)


I'm tired of living!

I want a big deal!

Rejoice and surprise!

Explore the creative life!

Courtiers (advise).

You will invite the detective.

He will help you, understand!

King(makes a call from a mobile phone).

Detective, hurry to the palace

And help the princess!

The song "Brilliant detective" sounds. Dance of the detective (music by G. Gladkov, lyrics by Y. Entin).


I'm a genius detective

I don't need help.

I will even find a pimple

On the body of an elephant.

Like a lion I fight in a fight.

I swim like a flounder

A scent like a dog

And an eye like an eagle!

After the song, the Detective quickly studies footprints in the forest, takes pictures and performs other detective activities.


I understand the essence of the problem -

Living without a goal is unpleasant.

We will try to help

To overcome the longing of the Princess.

I will invite guests

To make it more fun.

Guest performances can go non-stop, or they can be announced by the Detective: an oriental magician, sword fencing, flamenco dance, etc.

The princess doesn't like what she sees.

Princess. It's not, it's not, it's not...

Everyone throws up their hands in amazement.


I want to sing and dance!

More skills to give.

Bring joy to children

Save the children from boredom! (Screaming backstage)

Musicians, help!

Create a miracle of childhood!

Bremen musicians appear on the stage to the song of friends (music by G. Gladkov, lyrics by Y. Entin).

Donkey. We understand the desire.

Rooster. And it's nice for everyone.

All. We will help you now.

Cat. Let the King issue a decree...

Dog(unfolding the scroll, reads loudly, like a herald).

There is no place for sadness in DOW!

Our musical secret

Every child knows...

All. Both toddler and preschooler.

King. Accept this decree now!

Princess(claps hands).

Daddy, you are simply awesome! (kisses on the cheek)

Musicians, don't pull

Call the little ones!


Well, Princess, this moment -

A very important argument! (Leave)

The recording contains a song about a kindergarten from the fairy tale “About Vera and Anfisa” (music by G. Gladkov, lyrics by E. Uspensky). The King and Princess are dancing. Children appear on the stage. At the end of the dance, they surround the Princess and, to the music, begin to discuss something emotionally. Suddenly the discussion ends.


We agreed with you

You made friends with art.

We start to tell

Fantasize, create.

Children. Introducing the panorama children's creativity kingdoms preschool № ____ .

All. 1, 2, 3! Started!

Show potpourri numbers of pupils of preschool educational institution No. ___ under the guidance music director. The potpourri inserts are musical theme Bremen town musicians"On a halt." The names of the rooms can be obtained from the Surprise box.

Children(after potpourri).

Life is so clear to us.

It is good for the soul.

The holiday will continue

Fix boring adults.

Our sweet princess

Help us guys

Cute preschoolers.

The theme of the song of the Bremen Town Musicians (music by G. Gladkov) sounds in the recording. All heroes sing the final song.

There is nothing better in the world -

Music to teach the subject.

Those who are busy are not afraid of anxiety.

We need creative roads!

We will never forget our calling.

We bring laughter and joy to people!

We never have gray worries

Will not replace creativity freedom!

At the end of the final song, the musicians leave the stage through auditorium, handing out balloons stylized as funny faces on the go. Everyone else leaves the stage, led by the music director.

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