Heroes of good and evil master margarita. List of used literature


The eternal confrontation between good and evil is covered in almost every book of Russian literature. The Master and Margarita is no exception. Good in this work illuminates the path of truth, and evil - on the contrary, it is able to lead a person into invisible distances.

Bulgakov was sure that it is religion, the faith of God, that helps a lost person find his true path. His characters help to understand Bulgakov's position.

As part of the "novel within a novel" that the Master wrote, his hero Yeshua appears before a ruthless judge. In this episode, there is not quite a theme of good and evil, but rather a theme of betrayal of good itself. But why? The procurator was well aware that the accused, who stood before him, did not commit criminal acts, but nevertheless ordered his execution. He is a slave state system, and Bulgakov displayed the same slaves in Moscow (for example, Barefoot).

Yeshua is the embodiment of kindness and sympathy, he was insightful, generous, selfless. Even the fear of death did not make him renounce his views. He believed that in a person his good beginning still prevails.

His opposition - Woland - believed, on the contrary, that evil and self-interest predominate in a person. He found in people their vices, sinful weaknesses, ridiculing them different ways. He, along with his retinue, got rid of those who deviated from goodness, who were corrupted, ridiculing such people.

But why does Satan cause only a smile and positive emotions? The answer to the question is the epigraph to the novel, which just says that evil does eternal good. In this novel, Woland is the arbiter of fate, he stands for the balance between evil and good, trying to restore it. However, his actions still cannot be called good, because only with the help of evil does he show people his own vices.

Goodness in the novel is also the feeling between the Master and Margarita. Their love shows what a person is ready to do, how he and the world around him are changing with the help of such a force. There was an evil spirit in Moscow, a Sabbat appeared, dark magic was going on. And everything seems to have gone wrong, because this love was helped by evil spirits. However, love itself is a divine gift, which proves that love is a manifestation of kindness and self-giving.

The novel is full of not only mysteries, but also values. Bulgakov vividly described evil spirit, putting it in the foreground, but pure and bright love, all-consuming and all-forgiving, still prevails here. Goodness is presented in the novel as a force of creation, which nothing can pervert or destroy.

One more main idea the author becomes a scene with a ball of Satan. That is, a person must go through all the horrors, the circles of hell, in order to realize one simple truth: love is the only road that will make him not only happy, but also a master own life. He will not become a slave, which was the procurator, he will be free in his own way.

The talented writer Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov brings light to his readers, while not embellishing the darkness. The time in which the author wrote tried to hide everything bad, in particular lawlessness. And Bulgakov himself, with his priceless works, it also wanted to plunge into oblivion. Many years passed before we could get acquainted with his creations.

The novel "The Master and Margarita" - complex work where the real and the fantastic intertwine. On its pages, the author raises many problems, including the theme, eternal for centuries - good and evil.

The writer shows the struggle of these categories in a peculiar way, rethinking it in his own way. Moscow is a city where all sorts of vices exist: envy, lies and hypocrisy. And it sweeps through devil's retinue. Led by their leader, Satan Woland.

This is, of course, fantastic evil. But through him, the author also reveals the real evil, which simply sticks out in some characters. The libertine Styopa Likhodeev drinks and does nothing, Nikanor Ivanovich Bosoy lives, constantly trying to cheat everyone around his finger, the variety show bartender steals, and the poet A. Ryukhin hides behind a mask of eternal hypocrisy. Woland easily tears off the mask from everyone, showing the true essence of these little people. He undresses the citizens who, at a session of black magic, pounced on other people's money. Satan believes that these are ordinary people. They have always been like that. What else to expect from them?

The author takes us to the time of the procurator of Judea, Pontius Pilate, who had a clear opinion: the world is dominated by those who have power, the rest obey them. And suddenly Yeshua appears, his thoughts are fundamentally at odds with the postulates of Pontius. He thinks it doesn't evil people, so they become due to the fact that they are not happy. This person sympathizes with the procurator, but he cannot accept the fact that someone can contradict him. As a result, Yeshua was executed, a man who brought goodness and light to people was executed. The independence of this character delights, even after death he remains true to himself, to the truth of goodness and love, of which he was the preacher.

But he does not find peace, rather, on the contrary, he is a miserable coward who is punished for his act with immortality and eternal torment of conscience. Although Yeshua forgives him. This character in the novel is a reflection of the moral strength to which one must strive. And people believe in Christ, strive for good, because he passed away, but left the sprouts of his faith. They are immortal. Don't rip them out.

He understood his purpose - he must write a novel about Christ, a thinking person who, even through suffering, brings light and good to people. He will pay dearly for this truth, having lost all hope, the Master leaves the people in a house for the mentally ill. And there he finds peace. We are left with his work, it is imperishable. The struggle between good and evil does not end there. From generation to generation people will seek moral ideal, to strive to achieve it, to become purer and better, overcoming evil and overcoming all obstacles.

- So who are you, finally?

I am a part that strength,

that always wants evil

and always do good.


Good and evil... The concepts are eternal and inseparable. And as long as the spirit and consciousness of a person are alive, these forces will fight with each other, good will be “opened” to a person, illuminating the path to truth.

The novel by M. A. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita” is dedicated to the struggle between good and evil. The author depicted this struggle with great skill, he managed to look into the soul of a person, convey inner world their heroes. Bulgakov opened to readers the richest gamut of feelings and experiences of his characters, so this novel has firmly become one of the most beloved works of Russian literature. Bulgakov's work is a textbook for each new generation of youth, because the problems raised in it, with surprising constancy, arise at all times.

Two layers of time are revealed to the reader at the same time. One is connected with the life of Moscow in the twenties of our century, the other - with a legend or truth (depending on the faith and beliefs of a person) about a certain Yeshua Ha-Nots-ri, in whom we immediately recognize Jesus Christ. Bulgakov gives us a "novel within a novel", and both of them are united by one idea - the search for moral truth and the struggle for it. First, we are transported many centuries ago to the distant Yersha Laim, to the palace of the emperor of Judea, Pontius Pilate. Together with him in the palace is a young man, about twenty-seven, whose hands are tied, there is a bruise under his eye, and an abrasion with dried blood in the corner of his mouth. This man's name is Yeshua, he is accused of inciting the destruction of the Yershalaim temple.

Pontius Pilate lives according to his own laws: he knows that the world is divided into those who rule and those who obey them. And suddenly a person appears who violates this rule and is ready to argue with the procurator himself. He is not afraid to object to him, defending his point of view, and he does it so skillfully, so calmly, that he even confuses the procurator. Yeshua believes that there are no evil people in the world, there are unhappy people. He thinks that these people can be changed into better side, you just need to make them believe in themselves, interest them, instill confidence in them, and then it will turn out complete person who has a purpose in life, capable of bringing good to others by his actions.

The procurator found the prisoner interesting; he liked a lot about him. Pontius Pilate was immediately convinced of his innocence and innocence. He even had a dream that the two of them were walking along moonlit path and talk peacefully. But he could no longer help Yeshua. Yeshua challenged not only the procurator himself, but also the entire regime that reigned in this city for several generations, so he is doomed to death. Because of the fear of denunciation, fear of destroying own career Pontius Pilate goes against his convictions, the voice of humanity and conscience. And so Pontius Pilate shouts so that everyone can hear: “Criminal! Criminal!" Yeshua is executed. In fact, the power of the procurator turned out to be imaginary. Pontius Pilate is a coward: a faithful dog of order, he cannot go against the majority, and therefore he is pathetic and unworthy of respect. Yeshua, on the contrary, challenges the existing order, for him the idea is the most important thing, and we, freezing from the horror that his fate causes, at the same time feel admiration.

But how are the "Yershalaim" chapters related to the main content of the novel? We are transported to the 20s of our century. Envy, anger, distrust of dissident people also reign in the world that surrounds the main characters. Goodness is represented in the faces of the Master and Margarita - two lovers fighting for their love and justice. They are opposed by Woland, the image of Satan rethought by the author. Woland does evil, his goal is to expose, strengthen, put on public display human failings and vices. What does he do to achieve his goal! All his tricks and tricks are aimed at one thing: to prove that people are inherently unfair, greedy and envious, and sometimes just angry. Woland leads the reader to the conclusion that all people are petty and corrupt, that everyone loves money.

Although many centuries have passed, kindness and love remain on earth. Master, main character novel by M. Bulgakov, creates his own novel about Christ and Pilate. In the image of Christ, the Master shows everything that is good and bright. There is a clear parallel between the Master and Yeshua. The Master, like Yeshua, tried to convey to people the whole truth that surrounds him. He wants to penetrate into the depths of centuries in order to understand the eternal. Masters occupy eternal problems, and he stops at nothing, seeking the truth, therefore his name is spelled with capital letter. The master, undoubtedly, is kind, honest, decent, therefore he achieves respect in society and is worthy of Margarita's love.

Margarita in the novel is the bearer of a huge and inspired love, which the author called "eternal". Margarita has strong character, with great will, she is not embarrassed by any difficulties. Margarita fights for the Master. She even goes to a meeting with Satan himself in order to return the Master, while she is not afraid to sacrifice herself and passes into eternity.

As a result, the Master and Margarita are rewarded. These are people who bring goodness and love to others, so they will be remembered and respected. After leaving us, the Master left us his novel as a reminder that our moral issues decide for ourselves.

The novel by M. A. Bulgakov teaches the future generation that it is always necessary to fight for the truth and go forward to the victorious end, as the Master and Yeshua did. The novel remains in the history of Russian and world literature not only as a hymn to man, not only as the story of Margarita's unearthly love, but also as a grandiose monument to Moscow and to a man who will stand up for good and justice forever and ever.

Bulgakov's novel is tragic, it is full of bitterness and skepticism, hope is woven in it with despair, and faith - with disbelief in its triumph. The era determined the tragedy of the novel, and Bulgakov did not lie: he ultimately wrote a novel about his time, but he wrote in such a way that The Master and Margarita and the novel about eternal struggle good and evil.

The novel by M. A. Bulgakov is a unique masterpiece of Russian and world literature, which will never lose its relevance.

I really liked the novel "Master and Margarita", exciting and mystical. There's a lot of humor there. As for good and evil... For sure, everything there is not so simple - not like in fairy tales.

For example, Woland is evil itself, in theory, but it turns out that he punishes the evil himself and has humor. His retinue are not villains - they certainly do not look like monsters. Although vampires appear in the novel (they scare in a variety show), and witches (they fly on broomsticks), and zombies (at a ball), and werewolves (turned into a pig) ... But they are only “naughty”, they obey higher “authorities”, just in case.

Behemoth (which is a cat) and Bassoon (checkered) just laugh at human greed, for example.

The scene in the circus with the distribution of money, which then turn into candy wrappers, alone is worth a lot.

Good is Yeshua. But he is shown as if weak, he does not give the Master happiness, only peace. Woland is ready to argue with Yeshua, with his messenger.

In general, good and evil in this novel is not black and white. Everything is complicated, here evil can act as good. It's just that the "evil" ones have tougher methods of influence here.

Evil, rather, is the Moscow inhabitants. For the Master, for example, the critics who hounded him. For the poet Bezdomny, they are doctors who, in crazy house they don't want to believe him. But everyone can understand! People are weak, even Woland himself pities them.

Gets angry once main character. Margarita takes revenge on criticism for the unfortunate fate of the Master. She angrily destroys his rich apartment. She releases her anger by becoming a witch. But maybe she did, in fact, for him good thing… Suddenly, the only way she was able to break his attachment to things. What if he calls repairmen and falls in love with a girl who works in a delivery service? That is, after reading the novel, I came to the conclusion that any good can lead to evil, and any evil can lead to good.

If everything in life were painted either white or black! It would be so easy ... But we studied fairy tales in primary school. Everything is more difficult. I want to believe that everything leads to good things.

But now the Master is granted peace. It seems to be good. But if the Master actually goes mad, then it turns out that this was a bad gift. Or the owner of a bad apartment suddenly turned out to be on the sea, so suddenly, if he had stayed, then he would have been hit by unexpected guests? It is probably very important what a person does with what he gets in life. You can try to turn everything around for the good.

It is people who strive to simplify everything: plus or minus. And so you look at some event or person: is it good or bad. And it's hard to answer...

Short essay Master and Margarita - Good and Evil

In Bulgakov's novel, there is a whole hierarchy of concepts of good and evil, which differs from the usual everyday concept. The author develops his hierarchy in the system of main characters, which is clearly divided into the world of people and the world of higher power. In each of the worlds there are representatives of both good and evil.

So, on the side of good unexpectedly come forward dark forces who do their dirty deeds in Moscow and even cause some harm to the inhabitants of this city. What is good here? But if you think about it, the harm done to people is just a way to curb the crazy people who are only interested in money. It's like a way to pull them out of the narrow horizon of monetary needs, in which they are imprisoned, to awaken in them the real evil that temporarily sleeps in every person.

Woland's retinue is thus both good and evil, which is very contradictory. The main good that they do is the return of the Master to Margarita, and the eternal peace given to both of them. These two characters seem to represent the crown of the creation of mankind, these are people who experienced pain and suffering, but at the same time they remained human only thanks to love.

The side of evil is represented by the inhabitants of Moscow. This is Berlioz, who does not believe in anything, who paid for his disbelief and disrespect for higher powers good and evil, and members of Massolit, who were not destroyed by Woland's retinue, but were terribly frightened of them for their greed and greed. They were not destroyed just because they still had a slight fear of the higher, so they still have a chance to save their souls.

Thanks to all these characters, the author reveals his main idea. The whole trouble of mankind is in their vices, which pass from generation to generation, from century to century. A person does not change, this is the conclusion of the author. All people are greedy for money, for wealth and security, but you should not blame and reproach people for this, because this is their nature.

This work proves the paradoxical nature of faith in the divine and satanic. Faith in God offers hope and prayer, while faith in Satan offers justice, which is so lacking in the world.

Essay No. 3

The novel by Mikhail Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" - like the author himself, is very controversial and unusual work. It reflects the deep personality of the writer, his complex spiritual essence.

The heroes of this book illustrate the manifestations of certain human feelings and emotions. But at the same time, none of them can be unequivocally attributed to positive or negative side. Each character in this novel embodies the features of both the dark and the light side, in fact, just like any person in real life.

The protagonists of the work are so complex and ambiguous that even those characters who at first glance seem to be strictly negative (be it Woland and all his retinue) or strictly positive (be it the Master himself or Yeshua Ha-Notsri), in fact, are constantly on border between good and evil. All of them are not perfect, and even in the brightest hero, the author seeks to show his vices and shortcomings inherent in ordinary people. And yet in the novel there is a vivid opposition of opposing forces. For example, in the historical part dedicated to biblical story about Jesus Christ and presented here in the form of the author's work of the Master, the "confrontation" of the Roman procurator Pilate and the impoverished preacher Yeshua is vividly shown.

As for Woland, this character, oddly enough and not surprisingly, is not the personification of evil, as we are used to understanding him. Woland acts in the novel as a kind of measure, a judge of those moral processes that happened in the novel. He tests the heroes of the novel, and then brings them punishment or, on the contrary, retribution. Satan appears as a model of justice and nobility, no matter how strange it may sound.

Composition on the theme of Good and Evil in Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita

"The Master and Margarita" is a subtle, extraordinary and leaving behind a lot of questions, the creation of the great and unique genius of the pen Mikhail Bulgakov M.A. He put a lot of effort and patience into its writing, worked on its creation for more than one year. The result was a masterpiece, which is now sold around the world in more than one edition. And it has been screened multiple times.

Until now, literary critics and critics disagree in their assessments and opinions about this literary work. But one thing is known for sure - it has forever gone down in the history of literature as one of the most impressive and at the same time completely incomprehensible and unsolved.

This novel is amazing in its content. He brings good and ridicules evil. In it, one of the main roles belongs to the hero, personifying debauchery and immorality - the devil Woland. But the most interesting thing is that through this character, the author ridicules the flaws and vices of mankind. This can be seen in many scenes. For example, in a variety show, when Satan reveals greed in the public and the ability to do anything for money. But Woland's actions testify not to the malice and bitterness of his nature, but rather to an attempt to eradicate human barbarism, debauchery and ignorance in this way.

Also, it is captivating that the thread of the story written by the Master about the good Yeshua Ga Nozri, who lived many centuries before the events described, runs through the entire narrative. He appeared before the procurator, famous for his cowardice and cruelty. Withstood the forthcoming death with honor. But did the procurator survive? After all, he sympathized with the guy, knew that he was not guilty and did not want to execute him. But he did it anyway. Probably, the author tried to convey to the reader that there are no limits for good and evil, they exist anywhere, regardless of time, be it past, present or future.

And in his work, Bulgakov, as it were, contrasts Woland and Yeshua, or, more correctly, draws a parallel between them. He describes the same features of the body and character. For example, a description of the right eye (Yeshua had a broken eye, Woland had a wormhole) or knowledge of languages ​​(both of them had more than one foreign language). This also applies to other details. But why does he touch the same details. Perhaps he wanted to show that good and evil can have the same features, but differ in their very essence.

The theme of good and evil has been repeatedly raised by more than one writer. Therefore, Mikhail Afanasyevich touched on a topic that is always relevant and not exhaustive. Perhaps this is one of the answers to the question: why is this novel so popular?

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Mankind throughout its history has tried to explain the nature of things and events. In these attempts, people have always singled out two opposing forces: good and evil. The ratio of these forces in the human soul or in the surrounding world determined the development of events. And the people themselves embodied the forces in images close to them. This is how the world religions appeared, containing a great confrontation. In opposition light forces goodness appeared different images: Satan, the devil, other dark forces.

The question of good and evil has always occupied the minds of souls, seeking the truth, always prompted the inquisitive human consciousness to strive to resolve this intractable issue in one sense or another. Many were interested, as they are now, in the questions: how did evil appear in the world, who was the first to initiate the appearance of evil? Is evil a necessary and integral part human existence, and if so, how could the Good Creative Force, creating the world and man, create evil?

The problem of good and evil is eternal theme human cognition, and, like any eternal topic, it does not have unambiguous answers. One of the primary sources of this problem can rightfully be called the Bible, in which "good" and "evil" are identified with the images of God and the devil, acting as the absolute bearers of these moral categories of human consciousness. Good and evil, God and the devil, are in constant opposition. In essence, this struggle is waged between the lower and the highest beginning in man, between the mortal personality and the immortal individuality of man, between his egoistic needs and striving for the common good.

Rooted in the distant past, the struggle between good and evil has attracted the attention of many philosophers, poets, and prose writers over the course of several centuries.

Understanding the problem of the struggle between good and evil is also reflected in the work of Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov, who, referring to eternal questions being, rethinks them under the influence historical events taking place in Russia in the first half of the twentieth century.

The novel "The Master and Margarita" entered the golden fund of Russian and world culture. It is read, analyzed, admired. Bulgakov depicts good and evil - the devil and Christ - in their entirety, with the aim of exposing the real evil generated by the new system, and showing the possibility of the existence of good. For this, the writer uses the complex structure of the construction of the work.

The theme of good and evil in M. Bulgakov is the problem of people choosing the principle of life, and the purpose of mystical evil in the novel is to reward everyone in accordance with this choice. The writer's pen endowed these concepts with the duality of nature: one side is the real, "earthly" struggle of the devil and god inside any person, and the other, fantastic, helps the reader to understand the author's project, to discern the objects and phenomena of his accusatory satire, philosophical and humanistic ideas.

Creativity M.A. Bulgakov is the subject close attention literary scholars who study art world in different aspects:

B. V. Sokolov A. V. Vulis"M. Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita", B. S. Myagkov Bulgakovskaya Moscow, V. I. Nemtsev"Mikhail Bulgakov: the formation of a novelist", V. V. Novikov"Mikhail Bulgakov - artist", B. M. Gasparov“From observations on the motive structure of the novel by M. A. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”, V. V. Khimich"The strange realism of M. Bulgakov", V. Ya. Lakshin"M. Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita", M. O. Chudakova"Biography of M. Bulgakov".

The Master and Margarita, as the critic G. A. Lesskis rightly noted, is a double novel. It consists of the Master's novel about Pontius Pilate and the novel about the Master's fate. chief actor of the first novel is Yeshua, whose type is biblical christ- the embodiment of good, and the second - Woland, whose prototype is Satan - the embodiment of evil. The informal structural division of the work does not cover the fact that each of these novels could not exist separately, since they are connected by a common philosophical idea, understandable only in the analysis of the entire novel reality. Set in the initial three chapters in a difficult philosophical dispute between the characters, whom the author presents first on the pages of the novel, this idea is then embodied in the most interesting collisions, interweaving of real and fantastic, biblical and modern events, which turn out to be quite balanced and causally conditioned.

The originality of the novel lies in the fact that we are presented with two layers of time. One is connected with the life of Moscow in the 20s of the twentieth century, the other with life Jesus Christ. Bulgakov created, as it were, a "novel within a novel", and both of these novels are united by one idea - the search for truth.

Relevance of our research is confirmed by the fact that the problems raised in the work are modern. Good and evil... The concepts are eternal and inseparable. What is good and what is evil on earth? This question runs like a leitmotif through the entire novel by M. A. Bulgakov. And as long as a person is alive, they will fight with each other. Such a struggle is presented to us by Bulgakov in the novel.

The purpose of this work- study of the peculiarities of understanding the problem of good and evil in M. Bulgakov's novel "Master Margarita".

This goal determines the solution of the following specific tasks:

trace the ratio eternal values in the novel;

correlate creative work M. Bulgakov on a work with a historical era;

to uncover artistic expression problems of good and evil through the characters of the novel.

The work uses various research methods : scientific and educational, practical advisory and analysis, interpretation to the extent that they seem to us relevant and necessary for solving the tasks set.

Object of study: novel by M. A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita".

Subject of study: the problem of good and evil in the novel by M. A. Bulgakov.

The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that its material can be used in the development of lessons and extra classes in Russian literature at school.

Chapter 1. The history of the creation of the novel "The Master and Margarita"

The novel by Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" was not completed and was not published during the author's lifetime. It was first published only in 1966, 26 years after Bulgakov's death, and then in an abridged form. magazine version. Because it's the greatest literary work reached the reader, we are indebted to the writer's wife, Elena Sergeevna Bulgakova, who managed to save the manuscript of the novel in difficult Stalinist times.

This last work The writer, his "sunset novel", completes the theme that is significant for Bulgakov - the artist and power, this is a novel of difficult and sad thoughts about life, where philosophy and fantasy, mysticism and penetrating lyrics, mild humor and accurate deep satire are combined.

The history of the creation and publications of this very famous novel Mikhail Bulgakov, one of the most outstanding works in modern domestic and world literature, is complex and dramatic. This final work, as it were, summarizes the writer's ideas about the meaning of life, about man, about his mortality and immortality, about the struggle between good and evil principles in history and in the moral world of man. The foregoing helps to understand Bulgakov's own assessment of his offspring. “Dying, he said, his widow, Elena Sergeevna Bulgakova, recalled: “Maybe this is right. What could I write after the Master? ".

The creative history of The Master and Margarita, the idea of ​​the novel and the beginning of work on it, Bulgakov attributed to 1928 However, according to other sources, it is obvious that the idea of ​​writing a book about the adventures of the devil in Moscow came to him several years earlier, in the early to mid-1920s. The first chapters were written in the spring of 1929. On May 8 of this year, Bulgakov handed over to the Nedra publishing house for publication in the almanac of the same name a fragment of the future novel - its separate independent chapter, called "Furibunda Mania", which in Latin means "violent insanity, mania of rage." This chapter, from which only fragments not destroyed by the author have come down to us, roughly corresponded in content to the fifth chapter of the printed text “It was in Griboedov”. In 1929, the main parts of the text of the first edition of the novel were created (and, possibly, a plot-completed draft version of it about the appearance and tricks of the devil in Moscow).

Probably, in the winter of 1928-1929, only separate chapters of the novel were written, which were even more politically poignant than the surviving fragments of the early edition. It is possible that the Mania Furibunda, given to Nedra and not fully extant, was already a softened version of the original text. In the first edition, the author went through several options for the titles of his work: Black Magician", "Engineer's Hoof", "Woland's Tour", "Son of Doom", "Juggler with a Hoof", but didn't stop at one. This first edition of the novel was destroyed by Bulgakov on March 18, 1930, after receiving news of the ban on the play The Cabal of Saints. The writer reported this in a letter to the government on March 28, 1930: “And personally, with my own hands, I threw a draft of a novel about the devil into the stove.” There is no exact information about the degree of plot completeness of this edition, but according to the surviving materials, it is obvious that there is still no final compositional comparison of the two novels in the novel (“ancient” and modern), which is genre feature"Masters and Margaritas". Written by the hero of this book - the master - "the novel about Pontius Pilate", in fact, does not exist; "just" a "strange foreigner" tells in Patriarch's Ponds Vladimir Mironovich Berlioz and Antosha (Ivanushka) about Yeshua Ga-Notsri, and all the "New Testament" material is presented in one chapter ("The Gospel of Woland") in the form of a lively conversation between the "foreigner" and his listeners. There are also no future main characters - the master and Margarita. So far, this is a novel about the devil, and in the interpretation of the image of the devil, Bulgakov is at first more traditional than in the final text: his Woland (or Faland) still plays the classic role of a tempter and provocateur (he, for example, teaches Ivanushka to trample on the image of Christ), but the “super task” of the writer is already clear: both Satan and Christ are necessary for the author of the novel as representatives of the absolute (albeit “opposite”) truth, opposing moral world Russian public in the 1920s.

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