Why Optimus became evil. Why in the new blockbuster "Transformers: The Last Knight" Optimus Prime became a villain


This week in Russian rental a new, fifth series of the blockbuster epic "Transformers" is released. She promises new war between humans and giant robots, as well as an unexpected plot twist. Optimus Prime, who was once a noble leader of the Autobots and a loyal ally of humanity, will turn to the side of evil and fight with his former associates. Why did the screenwriters of "Transformers" at the same time as the creators of "Fast and the Furious 8" decide that their main characters should become villains? This is worth looking into.

When we humans invent heroes for ourselves, we endow them with our best qualities among which fidelity is one of the most important. Loyalty to ideals, loyalty to the family, loyalty to the motherland, loyalty to friends and associates. On the contrary, villains often turn out to be traitors, because it is difficult to think of a worse moral quality than propensity to change. A secret enemy that shoots in the back is much nastier than an open enemy that aims at the chest.

Therefore, at first glance, it seems completely unbelievable that two of the most popular movie cycles this year made their main characters villains. First, "Fast and the Furious 8" opposed Dominic Toretto to his associates, with whom the House went through fire and water, and now "Transformers: The last knight sent the mighty robot Optimus Prime to the side of evil. What's happening? Why do producers, screenwriters and directors assume that the public will endure and accept this? Isn't the beauty of such films that the characters overcome any trials and remain true friends, no matter how the villains try to separate them?

Undoubtedly, "team" blockbuster cycles like "Fast and the Furious" and "Transformers" are, first of all, stories about faithful comrades. They may have friction and contradictions, but friendship must win every time. That's right - but it's boring. When the epic reaches the fifth or even the eighth series, both the audience and the creators get tired of the all-conquering correctness. They begin to want plot "hooliganism", the spectacular destruction of petrified stamps. And what could be more dramatic than the betrayal of what seems to be the cornerstone of the epic?

It is clear that this plot move was not invented now. It can be found even in the New Testament, where, after the crucifixion of Christ, not someone betrays, but the most faithful apostle Peter, whose nickname in Greek means “stone” (in the sense of “ Foundation stone”, “foundation stone”). True, Peter immediately repents of his betrayal, and he, unlike Judas, does not have time to harm anyone. But the moral lesson is obvious - no one is immune from sin.

Unlike the New Testament, "Fast and the Furious", "Transformers" and others are created not so much for the sake of moral lessons, but for the sake of grandiose action. Therefore, there betrayal cannot be a momentary weakness. Betrayed? Fight! Fight your former teammates! Show the audience fights they have not seen before and did not expect to see! So, in the trailers for The Last Knight, we see Optimus and Bumblebee fighting, and this is a gift for those fans who like to speculate about comparative strength. popular characters. Let's remember what excitement accompanied the release of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Many wanted to see this fight and find out who, in the opinion of the creators of the blockbuster, would be stronger.

However, action is action, and the moral and spiritual dimension of blockbusters also matters. As we wrote when evaluating "Batman v Superman" and "The First Avenger: Confrontation", the Marvel blockbuster turned out to be more dramatic, since not just two mighty super-warriors fought in its climax, but former friends and associates. Moreover, "Confrontation" was arranged in such a way that it was possible to empathize with both Iron Man and Captain America. Therefore, the outcome of their fight was not predetermined by rigid plot logic. How often does this happen in Hollywood movies? Usually the outcome of any on-screen fight can be predicted even before it starts - just by who is fighting and what minute of the movie it is.

Shot from the movie "Transformers: The Last Knight"

"Fast and Furious 8" and "The Last Knight" are simpler in this regard. There, the characters go over to the side of evil, and not just disagree on an ambiguous issue. But it is still more dramatic and entertaining than the usual and already boring confrontation between heroes and inveterate villains. After all, the transition of the hero to the side of evil gives rise to many questions: “How far will he go? Can he return? How morally justified and explainable is his crime? How will his relations with his former comrades develop further, if these relations continue? Spectator cinema is an emotional art, and it wins if it provides the audience with many different experiences, and is not reduced to “I wonder how exactly ours will win?”.

True, betrayal remains betrayal - the most terrible crime. But still, betrayal is different. When, at the beginning of The Sword of King Arthur, Prince Vortigern betrays his brother the king in order to usurp the throne, it is an unprovoked and unforgivable treachery that unequivocally stigmatizes Vortigern as a villain who deserves to die. In contrast, when Dominic goes over to Cypher's side in Fast & Furious 8, he is revealed to be doing what many would have done if he were in his place. And the audience, when they find out the whole truth, readily forgive him. It is quite possible that something similar will happen in The Last Knight - Optimus' betrayal will not put an end to him. So in the end, the fans will have nothing to complain about and be offended. The reputation of their pet will not be seriously affected.

However, other arrangements are possible. Let's not forget that, for all the importance of Optimus Prime, the main Autobot character in Michael Bay's Transformers has always been Bumblebee. He started the adventure in the very first picture, and he remains on the side of the people in The Last Knight. Optimus isn't as important to the storytelling of Transformers as Dominic is to the storytelling of Fast and Furious, and that gives the writers a lot of freedom to use him. And although it is unlikely that he will go over to the side of evil as completely and absolutely as Vortigern, the intrigue remains. That the air is necessary for the series, which has already reached the fifth series and which, as its authors hope, will delight the audience and treasurers of the Paramount studio for a long time to come.

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Each sequel should have a feature that would distinguish it from previous films in the franchise. The Transformers: The Last Knight feature is: "What if Optimus Prime turns evil?"

On the posters for the film, you can read: "Reassess your heroes." In we see purple eye Optimus, who is trying to kill his former associates: Bumblebee and Mark Wahlberg. “For my world to live, your world must die,” Prime whispers in the voice of actor Peter Cullen.

If Optimus' betrayal is supposed to be a shocking twist, it won't work. Perhaps Optimus Prime was conceived as a noble character, but in last years Michael Bay dragged him to the dark side. In any case, whether Optimus was good or bad, he has always been a "dark horse" in the films.

In the cartoons, Optimus Prime was different. In the old 1980s Generation One animated series, Prime was a warrior for good. Speaking about the filming of Transformers: Age of Extinction, Cullen mentioned that he came up with the voice of Prime based on the voice of his brother, which sounded honor, dignity, strength, reliability, responsibility and nobility. This is how Optimus Prime was usually portrayed in the 1980s.

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In the cartoons, Optimus seemed to young viewers like his father, even grandfather, thanks to low voice Cullen. Cinematic Prime came closest to this image in the first Michael Bay films, where the character was still idealistic enough to say things like "freedom is a right of all living beings."

There was a lot more gore in Bay's Transformers than in the cartoons. But at first, Prime seemed to still regret the bloodshed: "You left me no choice," he says over the lifeless corpse of Megatron. It also commemorates one of the fallen Autobots and praises newfound allies. In the first movie, Prime seems like good old Prime.


Change began in the first sequel, Revenge of the Fallen. Although the Transformers still cooperate with the Earth military, this alliance is gradually weakening. Optimus confesses to hiding new opportunities from the US government as he has witnessed humanity's predisposition towards war.

As Prime's disillusionment with humanity grows, he increasingly resorts to violence. Instead of "you left me no choice", he yells "give me your face" when he rips the head of the main antagonist in Revenge of the Fallen. This time he has a choice and he chooses a face.

“I rise, you fall!” is a phrase that shows that the hero has completely turned into a killer. Two years later, in dark side Moon" Optimus regularly kills people and proudly says phrases like "We'll kill them all!".

When Prime goes into battle with Megatron and Sentinel Prime, the former leader of the Autobots who betrays his comrades in an attempt to resurrect the Cybertron home planet, Megatron is brutally beheaded by Optimus. Of course it is main enemy and this is the height of the battle, so his actions are justified. But then Optimus executes Sentinel Prime by shooting him in the back and then in the head.

At this moment, Optimus Prime, the hero of millions of children in the 1980s, executes defenseless enemies. Is this Transformers or a Dirty Harry reboot?

In "The Dark Side of the Moon", Prime promises that "The day will come when we will leave this planet and its people." In 2014's Era of Extinction, Optimus laments helping humanity ("How many more treasures will I have to sacrifice to atone for my mistakes?"), fantasizes about sadistic revenge ("They killed Ratchet... I'll tear them apart!"), and then recruits the Dinobots under the threat of death. "We give you freedom!" he says to Grimlock, punching him in the face. After defeating the Tyrannosaurus in combat, Optimus raises his sword over Dinobot's head and says, "You protect us or die!". Yes, this is real freedom!

By the time Optimus proclaimed the inspirational slogan "Autobots! We'll prove who we are and why we're here!” his blond image was pretty much flushed down the toilet. Optimus regrets his cooperation with humanity and threatens to quit everything. He kills enemies in cold blood and he likes it. When bad optimus will appear in The Last Knight, will we feel the difference?

Absolutely logical if you think about it.

Three days later, Russia will host the premiere of a new part of transforming robots - "Transformers: The Last Knight". You want to go there, but you pull yourself up - they say that, just a child?

Come on, put your doubts aside. We men are from simple pleasures we don't grow up. And as we were children, so we remain them. This is fine.

There are millions of us, and we will definitely go to see "Transformers: The Last Knight" with a bottomless bucket of popcorn. Because there is nothing to be ashamed of: this is a refined pleasure in the best traditions of everything that you adored as a child.

A bit of history. Where did they even come from?

Just so you know, the Transformers story started with toys. In 1983 representatives American company Hasbro I saw MicroChange robots at the toy exhibition. Their trick is to transform into audio cassettes, toy cars and weapons.

The theme was liked by the head of Hasbro, in short time similar toys were re-released for the US. And to improve sales, a year later they launched comics and a pilot cartoon of three episodes.

Here is the original Japanese transformers intro, remember:

Their arrival in Russia took place in the early nineties, when the first animated series began to be broadcast on the sixth channel. Then Optimus Prime became famous:

And also Megatron, Armored car, Ratchet, Strongman, Racer, (we always had so-so translators) Arrester, Twig (cartoon sex symbol!) And Scorponog.

What if these robot names don't evoke emotion in you? It's okay. To enjoy The Last Knight, in the Transformers universe you don't need to figure it out at all.

Doctor, I saw "Transformers" and I liked it, why?

No panic! So it should be, everything is logical. This is the favorite topic of all the boys: cars and robots. In childhood, they discussed who is stronger - Optimus Prime or Megatron, Spiderman or Batman. And now we are arguing about iPhone or Android, BMW and Mercedes. No difference.

But it's one thing to love transforming robots as a kid, and another to openly watch them in movies at 30. What makes men go to the cinema in droves and not be ashamed of it at all?

The wildest special effects, it's Michael! Can look and recline

The first part of the cinematic "Transformers" was released in 2007 year. Together with a clear plot and well-developed characters, we got an excellent action movie about the struggle of tons of metal with each other and, of course, Megan Fox.

They went to look at Megan, but remembered the robots. Still would:

Transformers movies have become a cultural bridge between generations. In the US, the problem of the difference between the interests of young people and "old people" is partially solved by remakes and sequels. Films form a kinship of tastes and a link between generations. The scene of buying a car by Sam Witwicky in the first part is a clear confirmation of this. An old yellow beetle, and a young and perky yellow Chevrolet Camaro (pictured).

The first film and the next two really honed the skills of the director of the franchise, Michael Bay: a lot of explosions, slow-mo, an epic camera fly around the main characters. I even wonder what the fifth part will come to, "Transformers: The Last Knight".

Rumor has it there might be an Unicron robot. transforming into a planet:

You won’t believe it, but all the transformations of the robots on the screen are calculated mathematically: if you look in slow motion, you can trace where each detail goes and goes. And the details can be several thousand.

A killer picture in general is Michael Bay's signature stamp. Until recently, the only thing missing was a normal plot.

"Transformers" catchy, you can even worry, 2 hours fly by unnoticed

In 2014, the director made a soft reboot of Transformers: more drama, more interesting plot. Still, explosions and love for robots alone won't take you far.

And you know, it worked: the picture collected more than 1 billion dollars, becoming one of the most box office films of that year.

Since then, Transformers has a normal plot, you can even voice it out loud and not seem crazy. And for the new part, the script was written by Arthur Markham, the author of the first part " iron man”and Ken Nolan, author of the cool action movie Black Hawk Down. Should be generally on "five".

In short: if you like action - blow on the new Transformers

What are we waiting for? A ton of explosions, a mega-beautiful picture and a peppy plot. The film is already expected to break the records of previous installments.

The first Transformers movie was $150 million.
The fifth film, Transformers: The Last Knight, is $260 million.

Here's the trailer, recharge:

The film is not to be taken too seriously. crazy adventure playing on everything that you loved so much as a child. Refined fan, which you can safely go big company. And the kids will be interested too.

All's Well That Ends Well

Journal Entry #15: 12/25/2010 early morning
I am packing gifts. For once, I will be celebrating Christmas among friends, not just with work colleagues. Over the gifts to the Autobots, I puzzled for a long time. I’m not sure if they need it, but I’m a human, and it’s quite natural for a human to give gifts to friends on holidays. And here is such a reason.

Our children even decorated the Christmas tree in the hangar. Ratchet at first cursed that the bridge was being used for some kind of nonsense, but then he relented and even put a star on top himself. Bulk and Bee were generally enthusiastic about the holiday preparations. And only Arcee and Optimus constantly disappeared on patrol.

Oddly enough, the Decepticons also fell silent. I already imagine Megatron decorating the Christmas tree and knitting bows on gift boxes. No, it's all my fantasy. I doubt the leader of the Decepticons is susceptible to human sentimentality.

Children will be brought in about three hours, - the dock informed me, not looking up from the monitors.

And what are you looking for? Do you think Megatron will show up?

They are too quiet. They are planning something.

Come on, maybe they took the weekend too. Well, Starscream for sure, - I laughed, remembering what screams were heard on the ship after we left.

Ratchet chuckled and continued to work. I really don't understand why he's doing this. He has an entire automatic signal search system, he will find something - he will squeak.

By the way, did you send a message to Willjack?

That's Bulkhead's business! I have more than enough noise from children, do you offer to listen to them too?

Doc, why are you so mean? Jackie is quite normal, well, they will make some noise, well, they will break something, but you will fix it anyway! You are our chief master! - I said it as a matter of course, even a little indignantly. It worked.

Okay, so be it, I'll send it, - Ratchet melted.

The doc likes to be praised. But, after all, deservedly, why not sweeten the pill, especially since Optimus himself often praises him.

In the time remaining before the children arrived, I paired with Bulk to prepare the energon allocated by Ratchet for the party. Only on this day, Optimus lifted the bans and we decided to arrange racing competitions within our company. I would invite vehicons for extras, but I'm afraid Megatron won't appreciate it.

“We decided” is, of course, a strong word. The initiators were Miko, Bee and Jack, the rest just supported. The only ones who resisted were Ratchet and Optimus, but we convinced them. Even Arcee didn't mind. So two votes against seven ... a clear victory!

Scraplet sat in gift box suspiciously quiet, three children's packages and my bottle of courage. Oh yes, today I will communicate with Prime at ease, the main thing is not to blurt out too much.

The children were brought in by noon, Optimus and Arcee returned almost immediately after their arrival. Again, no news from the Decepticons, as if they never happened at all. Willjack arrived an hour later. And off we go...

It was decided to arrange the races at night, as the final fun, but for now we gave each other gifts, talked, laughed and played. From me the children received their own Dark Impulse. Most of all, Miko squealed with delight. She tried to put her hands on my sample before, but I successfully drove her away.

The third glass is empty, you can start congratulating the Autobots. I hope I won't be left crippled after this.

Optimus, guys, you also have a present here, - I smiled enigmatically, anticipating the upcoming performance. Miko told how violently they reacted to these little rodents. - Optimus, as a leader, I trust you to open this box.

Well, I guess I'm not doing well with him ... Prime carefully untied the tape and flipped the lid. The Autobots leaned in a crowd, trying to see what lies inside, what is hidden in the darkness of the cardboard ...
Then everything happened so fast, I wouldn’t remember anything if I didn’t keep a record, but I had fun from the bottom of my heart. It turns out that the scraplet fell asleep, but when living metal appeared nearby, he woke up. The first victim was Ratchet... (and I so hoped that it would be Optimus).

What the! Take away! - the dock jumped and dodged, trying to get a nimble animal.

Nooo! Ahh! - our giant fired from a cannon, looked around with a frightened look. He thought there would still be scraplets.

I didn't expect such agility from clumsy Bulkhead, let alone such cries... even more so. New holes appeared in the walls from shots and blows. Jackie could hardly restrain his friend, trying to explain to him that we would all die under the ruins if he did not calm down. Bee and Arcee heroically tried to catch and shake the scraplet off the dock. Even Prime's face flickered with fear for a second, but nothing more. No wonder he is the leader, Optimus immediately realized that there was nothing to be afraid of. Ratchet, however, also quickly guessed.

Stop panic! - calm order, sustained tone. Damn, Optimus, can anything get through to you at all?

All the rigmarole instantly stopped, that's power! Even the regular destroyer froze in the pose “a heron in a swamp catches a frog under a leaf of a water lily”. I didn't feel embarrassed, I wasn't ashamed, I wasn't sober enough for that. It is strictly forbidden to do such things on a sober head.

Optimus shook his head reproachfully, while Ratchet stood as dark as a cloud.

Well, why are you all so blown up? Doc glanced around at those present. - Not a scratch on me!

How come? - Bulk carefully examined the body of the dock, and the scraplet continued to rush about chaotically.

He is not dangerous, - Optimus deftly caught the goat by the head and carefully examined it. - See for yourself.

Bulkhead very carefully, almost on tiptoe, approached the object of his nightmare and narrowed his eyes.

And what's in his mouth?

Polished brushes.

Bulk turned his head in bewilderment, examining either the scraplet or the dock's hull.

Your sides are shining,” he stated.

Rita, is this your doing? Finally, they noticed me.

Yes, yes, the decision to make him not just a pet, but a useful pet came to my mind in last moment. In place of the removed grinding plates, I screwed hard brushes and pre-lubricated them with polish. But the very moment of acquaintance with the new tenant of the base was important to me.

Why didn't you warn us? - oh, naive Optimus Prime, does not know at all the insidious nature of a woman suffering from unrequited love.

Then there would be no surprise, - I giggled and started playing the recording from the cameras. “Don't be so serious all the time, Optimus. This is bad for the nerves and psyche, relax, replenish your Energon supply and rest.

Yeah, after this you just need to air out, - Arcee sighed with relief and laughed.

The tension dissipated, everyone's spirits rose. One by one, the Autobots tried out the pet's powers. Even the battle-scarred Optimus now shone like a brand new samovar. Only Bulkhead kept a respectful distance from the scraplet, phobias are a terrible thing. I didn’t even think that robots could have fears in such a severe form.

While our friendly team was having fun, I called Bruno and asked where he was.

I am at work as always. At Christmas we have a lot of tourists, - the receiver answered me.

Okay, don't go anywhere, I'll be right there!

Ratchet looked at me suspiciously, but the bridge opened. I couldn't help but congratulate my childhood friend. And then, I wanted to talk to someone. Children are not suitable for this purpose, the Autobots are even more so, but I generally keep quiet about Fowler. The authorities do not need to know about my inner experiences. And Bruno could always listen, pat on the head and say that everything will be fine. Silly and banal phrase, but it always reassured me.

I did not know that you were already here when you called, - a smiling man rose from the table to meet me. - I am so glad to see you! Will you drink?

Perhaps. I'm glad I was able to visit you too.

You have changed, - Bruno gave the conclusion, after careful study me.

Come on? And how exactly? Scared, right? I laughed.

No, on the contrary! You seem to glow from within. Admit it, are you in love? Who is he? When is the wedding?

The last question stumped me. I immediately pictured Optimus very clearly in a classic three piece with me in my wedding dress on the shoulder, and laughed even more.

And all you know! Yes, friend, I fell in love, only in my case a wedding is impossible, and my love is most likely unrequited - I became sad again, well, again my mood is naughty.

I give a tooth, you did not even try to confess! And hide your feelings with all your might! Silly ... - he sighed and looked reproachfully into my eyes.

Oh, Bruno, if you knew him, you wouldn't say that, - I immediately had the idea of ​​introducing them and seeing the reaction of a friend when he finds out that a healthy tin can with superhero manners has become the owner of my heart.

I shook my head, driving away bad ideas and put another candy in my mouth. In general, not everything is so bad, four glasses of whiskey is a normal flight. I even felt amused again that Bruno didn't know anything about Optimus. My friend is now in full swing painted charms for me family life: Sunday trips to church, children, school, joint weekend, barbecue and a nice swimming pool in the yard. Well, yes, nice, but Optimus somehow doesn’t fit into all this ... he didn’t come out tall. Rather, it went beyond the norm, very much.

Come on, you're not even listening to me! Bruno was offended.

Listening, listening, just trying to imagine our with him life together, - I smiled.

Everything will be fine, you can be sure, - he smiled and began to stroke my head, as in childhood.

All is well that ends well. I returned to the base pretty much cheered up, refreshed and satisfied with life. The guys were getting ready to race. Bulkhead and the dock were distributing energon for filling.

Optimus went first. It seemed to me that his portion of Energon was slightly unclear, although I did not attach any importance to this, my drunken eyes could let me down. Behind him is Ratchet, whose portion also aroused my doubts, then Bulk, Bea, Arcee and Jackie.

Children joyfully rushed around the Autobots, looking forward to entertainment. And I calmly sat on the couch and looked at all this fuss.

Or maybe we’ll call the Decepticons, congratulate them, invite them to ride? - I don’t know what kind of demon pushed me, but I voiced the thought that came into my head without even thinking.

four couples blue eyes the Autobots and three pairs of children stared at me as if I were a mindless person. I have already managed to be disappointed, upset and resigned to the fact that my idea did not even pass, like a bad joke.

Why not? I rolled my eyes when I heard Ratchet backing up my ridiculous idea.

This is madness! Are you out of your mind? Optimus, say something! - Arcee was indignant, and everyone stared at the leader.

Great offer!

Optimus Prime - self-possessed, balanced, calm, impassive and wise leader, now smiled in "thirty-two teeth" and looked at us with a cloudy look. I had a bad idea:

Bulkhead, what kind of Energon did you put in Doku and Prime's injection tank?

Uh ... well, there are empty tanks ...

Slowly, swaying slightly, I approached the empty container. Without a doubt, these are the same tanks that I sent to the trash yesterday so that they do not take up space.

Where did you get them? I glared at our destroyer.

They were lying around, I thought the dock hid ...

Uuu ... - I howled, what to do.

What's wrong with this energy? - Arcee sank down next to me and also began to examine them.

It's ruined, I threw it away... Pour me someone else... - I hope it's not fatal.

What we are going to do? Willjack moved away from Optimus, who was talking to Ratchet and waving his arms wildly.

Nothing, - I got up and returned to the sofa. - I like this Prime better.

Maybe we can give them an Energon transfusion? B suggested.

The idea is good, it can help, but it will have to be postponed, because ...

Megatroon! Braat! How do you feel? - joyful cries were heard from our crazy Autobots, they got through to the Decepticons.

Personally, it would be more appropriate for me to grab my head and do everything possible to stop what is happening. Although no, I won’t, I’m also interested, I’m also not quite normal today. And, as they say, drunk and the sea is knee-deep. Let there be Megatron.

Prime! What do you want?!

Hush hush! What, can't I contact you and tell you how dear you are to all of us? - sincere laughter of Optimus sounded somehow wild and unusual, but pleasant.

Don't pull! Megatron, come out, you vile coward! - the doc tapped the panel with his fist, from which it creaked strainedly.

For some time there was complete silence on the air. Either the connection is bad, or the leader of the Decepticons has switched off, or he is simply in shock. The last option turned out to be the most correct:

Prime, what kind of poison did you take with your medic? And what do you want from me? - even Megatron's voice changed: from imperious, he became cautious and a little confused.

Yes, everything is great! Don't slow down, step on the gas, or whatever you have, and drag your metal ass to the meeting point!

Optimus, - poisonous notes cut through the intonation of the Decepticon, - are you out of your mind? Or is that how people act on you? I ask you in last time: what do you want from me? - clearly, syllable by syllable, highlighting each word, said Megatron.

Prime and Doc looked at each other in bewilderment and ... neighed out loud, I'm in shock, Megatron, apparently, too.

Nothing special, everything as always! I will beat you! It's time to pour you well, so that it hurts to sit!

Megatron, stop breaking like a muslin lady and crawl out of your lair! You can even invite your friends, we are all happy!

The Decepticon Lord growled in annoyance, but accepted the coordinates and hurried to cut off the connection before he learned anything else about himself.

And what, I even like it! Jackie defiantly drew his blades. - Once again, give battle to the Decepticons! I'm with you!

And I happily watched as Bulk joined Willjack, B pulled up behind him, and Arcee had no choice but to share common interests. Miko jumped with delight, because no one forbade her to watch the battle, only Raph and Jack looked at each other and did not understand very well what was happening.

Even in such an insane state, Prime possessed unimaginable charisma, such that absolutely adequate Autobots were ready to follow him even to hell. I involuntarily fell in love with them. Then she jumped off the couch and called out to him:

Optimus, - he immediately turned to me, - me, please, to my observation deck, I will also go with you.

He moved me very carefully from the platform to his shoulder. God, how much tenderness I felt for him at that moment, it even seemed to me that this tenderness was mutual.

With such a team, today we will re-educate the entire Decepticon brethren! - Miko triumphantly raised her hand up, showing full readiness for the campaign.

Races are canceled... Hello fight!

Everything looked like in old westerns: old road through the gorge of the canyon, the dry wind raises clouds of red sand and dust, dark sky overcast, and, at the end of the image, the opponents in groups stand opposite each other, waiting for the unknown. The only thing missing is the appropriate music and a rolling stone in the background. I already knew some opponents. Megatron, in person, led his group, Soundwave to his right, Starscream to his left (hey, alive and unharmed, that's lucky), about five vehicons, and I saw the rest for the first time.

That red one, this is Knockout, their doctor, - Arcee advised me, - Second, behind him is Breakdown, he is at Knockout, like heavy artillery.

Clearly, but the vehicons are here for quantity, or what?

Yeah, they'll distract us. In vain, this will not help them! - and Arcee grinned evilly, changing her hands to guns.

The wait got longer and more boring. With nothing else to do, I tapped my fist on Optimus' helmet. He turned to me and smiled knowingly, saying that I was not high either. And I couldn't even look at him! Ah, those eyes of his...

Prime, I'm here!

The fight was intense but short. Arcee and Bee smashed the vehicons in the usual duet, Bulkhead and Jackie successfully pressed Knockout and Breakdown. Oddly enough, Starscream dealt with Ratchet quite successfully, although Doc also did not exchange small things, answering competently and creatively: Scream lost the spire on his helmet, damaged his right wing and was very angry, from which his blows received additional strength.

Everyone was rooting for their own. I supported both Ratchet and Optimus, well, with the difference that our leader got more attention.

Let's! Hit him! I yelled, encouraging Prime to take action. - This snob called me a pet! Knock out all the nuts and bolts!

We must pay tribute, Megatron immediately cleared that something was not right. In his head, too, the image of such a daring and crazy Prime, which Optimus was now, did not fit.

Prime moved smoothly around the enemy, not disdaining sneaky blows on the sly. At the same time, he played cat and mouse with Megatron. While he was trying to see him from one side, Prime was already hitting from the other. In my head, looking at all this, thoughts were moving lazily. Yes, Optimus would never have allowed himself to mock the enemy like that, and even tease, and sometimes openly point out shortcomings...

Megatron, what happened to you? Do you practice punches on Starscream? The Decepticon clenched his jaw. - All you can do is put meat into battle, - the enemy flew into a pile of dead vehicons.

Prime! Prime! Prime! I chanted. - You are my idol!

Megatron growled, got angry, waved, parried, fell and got up. With enviable frequency, he always looked sideways in my direction. The rest of the Autobots turned their opponents to flight, however, I still did not understand where Soundwave was all this time ... I was too carried away by the fight, but I still did not find out where he had gone, when he left and who defeated him.

Seizing the moment when Optimus was at his most exposed, Megatron struck, throwing him far back, slamming him into the rocks. I bit my lip, hoping that he would have time to get up before the enemy reached him. But the Decepticon Lord had other plans. He moved quickly, almost imperceptibly. Then I realized that I was very tightly and securely squeezing his fist.

Pet, did you turn Prime into a laughing stock? - his scarlet eyes approached and almost burned right through me.

And he is never a laughing stock, it's you who constantly doesn't play by the rules! What, did not like it when they treat you the same way as you treat everyone else? - I grinned.

Next time I won't drink at all, not a drop, ever! Should I have at least some kind of protection mechanism to work? But no, silence ... The brain is turned off, and the tongue is actively running into trouble in the name of one soft spot.

Wow, this is a direct threat. From the lips of someone like Megatron, it really sounded sobering. My brain opened its "eyes", realized the size, strength and dimensions of the enemy, and began to work hard.

I'll crush you like a bug, - the grip became stronger.

Megatron, you don't talk to girls like that! came Prime's voice just above his ear. The replica was followed by a loud bang, the Decepticon's hand unclenched, and I flew down.

To be honest, I was poorly aware of what was happening next, Megatron managed to crush me, so, from the oxygen that suddenly poured into my lungs, in large numbers I just passed out.

Head hurts...

I got up on my elbows and tried to look around. Bright light hurt his eyes, distant sounds slowly approached.

Rita, Rita, how are you? Prime's worried face appeared above me.

Passable. And where am I?

At the base, Ratchet tried to examine you.

Oh, yes, I'm slowly starting to remember my shameful swoon.

You got off with a few scratches, - stated the doc.

And how are you? - judging by the way they behaved, everyone returned to their normal state.

Bumblebee and Arcee helped us get rid of that Energon.” Optimus smiled.

Tell me next time if you mess up the energon and dispose of it.” Ratchet frowned, making me feel small and stupid and guilty.

Some time later, Optimus carried me out into the fresh air. The whole body ached, the head was cast iron.

It is very difficult to concentrate all the time and keep all the emotions in your hands so as not to interfere, - Prime began, looking somewhere into the distance. - You were right when you said that you need to give yourself a rest. But I cannot allow a repetition of my today's madness.


This is not your fault. Now I feel much better, thank you. Can I ask you for a favor? - he looked at me carefully.

Of course, anything, - I breathed a sigh of relief, he is not angry with me, that's good.

If I need to unload systems like this again, will you keep me company? - He spoke quite seriously, but at the same time the smile was very warm.

We stayed a little longer fresh air and went back to base. I was already getting out of the freight elevator myself, turning in the direction of my apartment.

Rita, - Prime called me, - so, then I'm your idol?

I closed my eyes, he remembers everything, damn it!

Exactly, and even more - I had to hurriedly retreat so that the conversation would not go on the topic: “what is more?”

Journal Entry #15: 12/25/2010 night
I'm glad it all turned out the way it did. I should probably thank Bulkhead for bringing back the tainted energon. Thanks to this mistake, I became a little closer to Optimus. At least he now knows more about my feelings.

I secretly hope that he will guess everything himself if he starts to reason logically, but not now, not this minute ...

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