Transformers: The Last Knight - Optimus Prime went bad.


Transformers: Age of Extinction ends with Optimus going to outer space to find the Creators and give them a message from the Autobots. There, in the abyss of stars, he could face Unicron - one of the main villains of this universe. This transformer has the ability to subjugate other robots to its will.

Probably, he was able to exert some influence on Optimus Prime, but Unicron failed to completely suppress his essence. In the first video of the movie "Transformers: The last knight"We clearly hear that Optimus Prime, attacking Bumblebee, asks for his forgiveness.

It seems that Unicron was not completely able to subjugate the leader of the Autobots to his will, so the color of his eyes turned purple. As you know, the Autobots have blue eyes, and the Decepticons have red eyes (if you mix red and blue, you get just purple). In the new TV trailer, we are given another clue - a mysterious female voice asks Optimus if he is seeking redemption, to which Prime replies, "Yes, my maker."

Optimus Prime died during his journey - this is confirmed by the footage, which depicts the lifeless body of the transformer. In space, he met Unicron, whose blood (dark energon) returned the robot to the world of the living, and then Autobot brought his, as he himself believes, creator to Earth.

The main roles in the film "Transformers: The Last Knight" were performed by: Isabella Moner, Mark Wahlberg, Josh Duhamel, Tyrese Gibson, Anthony Hopkins, Stanley Tucci, Laura Haddock and others.

The budget is 260,000,000 dollars.

In the meantime, rumors that Michael Bay would say goodbye to the Transformers franchise after the completion of work on the fifth film appeared several months ago - and the other day the director warmed them up by publishing open letter, in which he said goodbye to the film crew and screenwriters of Transformers 5.

Bay did not say directly that "Transformers: The Last Knight" is his last film franchise, but the letter seems to say goodbye to the series:

“I have been living this franchise for over ten years now. After each film, I said that it would be my last. But I see 120 million fans around the world going to see him at the movies, I see queues at theme parks, I see kids coming to us for film set- and all this makes me come back again and again. I love making these films. But this time it really could be the end,” the director says in his letter.

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Each sequel should have a feature that would distinguish it from previous films in the franchise. The Transformers: The Last Knight feature is: "What if Optimus Prime turns evil?"

On the posters for the film, you can read: "Reassess your heroes." In we see the purple eye of Optimus, who is trying to kill his former associates: Bumblebee and Mark Wahlberg. “For my world to live, your world must die,” Prime whispers in the voice of actor Peter Cullen.

If Optimus' betrayal is supposed to be a shocking twist, it won't work. Perhaps Optimus Prime was conceived as a noble character, but in last years Michael Bay dragged him to the dark side. In any case, whether Optimus was good or bad, he has always been a "dark horse" in the films.

In the cartoons, Optimus Prime was different. In the old 1980s Generation One animated series, Prime was a warrior for good. Speaking about the filming of Transformers: Age of Extinction, Cullen mentioned that he came up with the voice of Prime based on the voice of his brother, which sounded honor, dignity, strength, reliability, responsibility and nobility. This is how Optimus Prime was usually portrayed in the 1980s.

By the way, don't forget. There are not so many resources on the Web that conduct intelligent analytics on films and TV shows. Among them is the telegram channel @SciFiNews, whose authors write the most suitable analytical materials - analyzes and theories of fans, interpretations of post-title scenes, as well as the secrets of bomb franchises, like films MARVEL And " Game of Thrones". Subscribe so you don't have to search later - @SciFiNews . But back to our topic...

In the cartoons, Optimus seemed to young viewers like his father, even grandfather, thanks to low voice Cullen. Cinematic Prime came closest to this image in the first Michael Bay films, where the character was still idealistic enough to say things like "freedom is a right of all living beings."

There was a lot more gore in Bay's Transformers than in the cartoons. But at first, Prime seemed to still regret the bloodshed: "You left me no choice," he says over the lifeless corpse of Megatron. It also commemorates one of the fallen Autobots and praises newfound allies. In the first movie, Prime seems like good old Prime.


Change began in the first sequel, Revenge of the Fallen. Although the Transformers still cooperate with the Earth military, this alliance is gradually weakening. Optimus confesses to hiding new opportunities from the US government as he has witnessed humanity's predisposition towards war.

As Prime's disillusionment with humanity grows, he increasingly resorts to violence. Instead of "you left me no choice", he yells "give me your face" when he rips the head of the main antagonist in Revenge of the Fallen. This time he has a choice and he chooses a face.

“I rise, you fall!” is a phrase that shows that the hero has completely turned into a killer. Two years later, in dark side Moon" Optimus regularly kills people and proudly says phrases like "We'll kill them all!".

When Prime goes into battle with Megatron and Sentinel Prime, the former leader of the Autobots who betrays his comrades in an attempt to resurrect the Cybertron home planet, Megatron is brutally beheaded by Optimus. Of course it is main enemy and this is the height of the battle, so his actions are justified. But then Optimus executes Sentinel Prime by shooting him in the back and then in the head.

At this moment, Optimus Prime, the hero of millions of children in the 1980s, executes defenseless enemies. Is this Transformers or a Dirty Harry reboot?

In "The Dark Side of the Moon", Prime promises that "The day will come when we will leave this planet and its people." In 2014's Era of Extinction, Optimus laments helping humanity ("How many more treasures will I have to sacrifice to atone for my mistakes?"), fantasizes about sadistic revenge ("They killed Ratchet... I'll tear them apart!"), and then recruits the Dinobots under the threat of death. "We give you freedom!" he says to Grimlock, punching him in the face. After defeating the Tyrannosaurus in combat, Optimus raises his sword over Dinobot's head and says, "You protect us or die!". Yes, this is real freedom!

By the time Optimus proclaimed the inspirational slogan "Autobots! We'll prove who we are and why we're here!” his blond image was pretty much flushed down the toilet. Optimus regrets his cooperation with humanity and threatens to quit everything. He kills enemies in cold blood and he likes it. When bad Optimus appears in The Last Knight, will we feel the difference?

Already the fifth part "Transformers" from the master of chaos, explosions and endless action Michael Bay have already appeared online. I took out my scissors, still warm after, to tell you what was shown in the trailer. "Transformers: The Last Knight".

To begin with, I would like to note that with the release of this part, the series will cross a ten-year milestone, the first film about these metal men was released back in 2007. (give me back my 2007). And the series, for 4 films, went through a lot of changes, but the fifth part, judging by the setting and history, can surprise us quite well. And this trailer has already given us quite a few hints of that.

The trailer opens up unusual for "Transformers" frame: we see blood dripping from the cross. However, it's not just a cross, it's a sword hilt, which we can see on the film's logo. Most likely, this is the legendary sword of King Arthur, but what are the two of them ?! In the legend of King Arthur, there are two swords, Excalibur - magic sword, obtained by Arthur with the help of the wizard Merlin and Clarent, the sword in the stone, which Arthur proved his right to the throne. However, in modern versions In this story, these two swords are often identified, so it may be Excalibur in stone.

And there is a huge possibility that Excalibur in the film will be the movie version of the Prime family sword - the Star Sword. In the animated series "Transformers Prime" Megatron found this sword buried under a rock and was unable to pull it out of the stone, which is very reminiscent of the story of King Arthur. Star Sword is unbelievable powerful weapon, capable of causing damage to an entire planet, and given that in this trailer we were given a hint at the planetary-scale villain Unicron, the Star Sword will come in handy.

Then we see some kind of army marching through the forest. Horses, banners, and the whole general spirit of the scene clearly tells us that this is a medieval past.

Even after the photos from the shooting leaked to the network, and even after the announcement of the subtitle of the film, it became clear that the creators were not enough dinosaurs, and this time we will be shown a story related to knights round table King Arthur. It is already known that Liam Garrigan will play the role of King Arthur in the film, it is noteworthy that he plays the same role in Once Upon a Time, I hope this is not a sign of one MCU. Feel how the trend is spreading to all corners of pop culture, "Game of Thrones" set the fashion for the Middle Ages and now even the battles in "Transformers" look like frames from the HBO channel.

Then we see what the Serpent Gorynych looks like from Michael Bay. We see the same three-headed dragon that Optimus Prime fought on the movie poster. In general, it looks like these will join the prehistoric composition in the form of dinobots, who also promise to return. mythical creatures. Now I would like to joke about the mother of metal dragons. I wouldn't be surprised if the movie tells us that dragon legends are real stories about Transformers.

So far it is difficult to say what kind of Transformer it is. But judging by the appearance - it could be a Decepticon named Skurge, or Whip - from the third and final series of the Unicron trilogy, called Cybetron, who also transformed into a three-headed dragon.

It is noteworthy that in lore "Transformers" there are several Decepticons named Skurge and the first one— this is the former Thundercracker, who was transformed by Unicron into Whiplash in Generation One, the largest Transformers canon. Perhaps in the film, this three-headed mechanical monster is also the creation of Unicron. But there is another possibilityit could be Megatron, leader of the Predacon faction, descendants of the Decepticons from the animated series "Transformers: Beast Battles" he also turned into a dragon.

And then they show us Nazi Germany obviously this time "Transformers" inspired not only "Game of Thrones", but also old-school Kung Fury. In general, it seems that there will be several flashbacks here. In general, Michael Bay and his team seem to have decided to rewrite not only mythology, but also history.

An auto-tuned melody starts playing in the background. Soundtrack, as you already know, plays big role in trailers and sometimes music determines the sympathy of the audience. We've already heard the famous covers famous songs in trailers before, even in the recent Logan and Michael Bay decided to follow this trend.

We hear cover songs Do You Realize? groups Flaming Lips performed Ursine Vulpine. Ursine Vulpine is the pseudonym of composer and director Frederick Lloyd, who writes soundtracks for films and trailers. It was his modified imperial march that we heard in the final trailer."Star Wars: The Force Awakens» . ​ However, the composer of the film's soundtrack will still be the same Steven Jablonsky, who wrote the music for each part of the franchise. I wonder if Steven's style will change under the influence of such melancholic notes of Frederick, I think it could shake up the series well.

We see the director's signature touches: explosions, sparks and silhouettes taking off like on jetpacks. Then we see the stadium strewn with rubble, judging by the rocket engine.— a plane crashed here, and quite recently. However, the giant hole says for sure that there was something more here, and knowing Michael Bay and his name Bayham or Bayezdets camera, we can confidently say that a complete Bayezdets passed here. Scenes with stadiums elegantly convey the scale of the battles, we have already seen this in« X-Men » and in« Return of the Dark Knight» .

Then we are shown new heroine movie by name Isabel, played by Isabela Moner. Well, just like Benedict Wong in Wong's swarms. And I used to think that only Jackie Chan in films plays characters named Jackie. She watches as what appears to be the Autobot she knows dies.

Further, just like in the trailer« Far side of the moon» , we are shown how people explore some kind of massive metal structure. Only instead of the Moon, it is located in the ocean depths. It is not yet known what this thing is, but for sure it is another proof of the visit of the Transformers in the distant past of our planet.

And then we see a lifeless body floating in weightlessness, covered with hoarfrost. Optimus Prime. The words of the character Anthony Hopkins confirm the loss of the main leader of the series. Hopkins is standing in some kind of temple, in the midst of a huge amount of knightly paraphernalia, he is probably a member of some order, whose motto is engraved on the shield that he strokes. Inscription victoria sin apparently part of an inscription in Latin non victoria sine sacrificio, which translates exactly like the phrase he says: "no victory without sacrifice".

Notice the letter A, this is most likely the logo of their order, which exists to this day. We can see the painted A on the car in this frame, and also on this robot. It is obvious that this order is somehow connected with King Arthur. By the way, pay attention to the fact that the letter A is stylized and does not have a line in the middle, reminiscent of more letter L. And just in the updated movie logo, this A has similar style. It reminded me of Assassin's Creed and the Abstergo Corporation.

And then we see Isabela and the headlight of her moped. This is Squix, her transformer friend, who transforms into a Vespa moped that looks like a Disney cartoon character.

Then we see Mark Wahlberg in a Max Payne leather jacket. View from space on the Death Star of a smoker, well, or Unicron approaching the Moon, a view of him from the ground and an awesome fight between Bumblebee and some kind of walker. How could it be without this handsome man, he is one of the most popular Transformers in the world and there will even be a spin-off about him with age rated R (18+) in 2018. Of course, these are still rumors, but they are already worthy of attention.

We see Bumblebee smashing this bipedal robot to pieces. Apparently, someone has invested a lot of money in a mechanical army for the war against the Transformers and, most likely, according to the laws of the genre, this army will join the Autobots in the war against a common enemy.

Then a tough guy's gun barrel, a baby seat against the backdrop of a fiery bacchanalia, and Megatron. Yes, it is he, well, or Galvatron after« Ages of extermination» like anyone.

We have already been presented with his image as part of a promotional campaign "Transformers" and his appearance has changed a lot. He became like Ultron, to be honest, but in general he was given a knightly look to match the film, obviously this is not only cosmetic changes, this will definitely make a huge difference in the plot. Perhaps it is he who is the very last knight from the name, although there is one interesting theory about the last knight.

If you pay attention to the font of the film, you can see that it is strikingly different from the one that was in the previous parts of the franchise, earlier the film's title was written in the same font as the original toys.

"The Last Knight" in the title may not refer to the famous Transformer of the series, but to someone from a completely different universe. Could this be a hint of a crossover? "Transformers" With famous series Hasbro toys - "ROM Space Knight". Font ROMA looks almost exactly the same as the new transformers font. And even the word "Knight » under the letters O R M as if hinting at a space knight ROMA.

Paramount Pictures recently announced the merger of their franchises with Hasbro into one movie universe. "Transformers" belong to Paramount, so it could happen that "Transformers" will enter one cinematic universe With G.I. Joe,"Micronauts" And ROMOM. And in the movie we'll see Star Knight. It is unlikely, most likely it is SPSGS, let's move on.

Then, after an explosive action near some alien ruins in some kind of volcanic crater, we see our old friend Lennox. Despite the fact that the fourth part was a reboot of the series, its events took place in the same universe and the return of characters is quite acceptable. It would be great to see a Shia LaBeouf cameo, but it's unlikely, since he has more important things to do.

Next we are shown the new Lamborghini Centenario rushing along the track, judging by its taillights. And all the Transformers experts recognized him as a new member of the Autobot team - Hot Roda. His alien form has already been shown to us in one of the promotional materials. He close friend and partner Bumblebee. And then we see the knight Megatron with a giant sword in his hands.He looks intimidating, but this scene is rather strange, it is obvious that this man on the right, similar to Lennox, agrees on something with him, perhaps Megatron had to make some kind of deal at that moment, that he hit the ground with his sword in anger.

Then again an explosive bacchanalia with Mark Waldberg chilling in the open building of Bumblebee. Then blue-eyed Optimus Prime, Megan Fox cosplay and the most hotly discussed moment of the trailer - the fight between two comrades - Bumblebee and Optimus Prime. So far it is difficult to say why Prime became evil and why his eyes turned purple, but there are several versions.

There is a possibility that Optimus became a dark clone Nemesis Prime, who also had purple eyes by canon. But it's most likely something else. And it's time for theories.

At the end of the fourth film, Optimus went in search of the creators to convey his message to them. Apparently, he nevertheless met someone and entered into a fight in which he lost. And his lifeless body flew off to plow the expanses of space. But what is the chance that one of the most important characters - the permanent leader and bearer of the name Prime - will leave the franchise forever, it would seem small, if not for one fact.

In the trailer we were shown Hot Rod. This is the first appearance of this character in the MCU, and it is surprising that he has appeared only now. And the thing is that, according to the canon, it was Hot Rod who became the new leader of the Autobots by transforming into Rodimus Prime after Optimus Prime died. As you already know, in this film we will most likely face the most main villain in the Universe "Transformers"Unicron. And it was Rodaimus who defeated Unicron according to the canon.

Unicron is the largest Transformer ever built. In size, it surpasses many planets, His goal is dominion over the Universe, and the way to achieve it is the absorption of worlds. In the trailer, we just see a structure approaching our satellite, the Moon.

It's not yet clear exactly how Unicron will interact with the characters in the film, as this trailer showed us a lot of scenes with parts similar to him. See how this sand-covered horn is incredibly similar to the horns of Unicron. Unicron is also known for his ability to remake Transformers and bend them to his will. It was he who remade Thundercracker into Scourge so that he would help Galvatron, the altered Megatron, destroy Prime. This may explain Optimus Prime fighting Bumblebee with an unusual purple the color of his eyes.

And as you know, the eyes of the Transformers betray their side - the Autobots have blue eyes, while the Decepticons have red ones. So, purple is a mixture of red and blue, maybe Optimus did not succumb to the complete alteration of Unicron, and did not become a Decepticon, retaining part of the blue Autobot spectrum. He fights with Bumblebee, making an attempt on his life and at the same time asking for his forgiveness - this is an obvious sign of an internal struggle.

But it's also possible that the Autobot's veins are Dark Energon. This purple substance, which can bring Transformers back to life and subdue them, is inextricably linked with Unicron and also has a purple color. Perhaps Unicron brought the lifeless body of Optimus back to life with the help of dark energon and subjugated it to his will.

What do you think is the reason for this strange behavior Optimus? Well, that's all!

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Absolutely logical if you think about it.

Three days later, Russia will host the premiere of a new part of transforming robots - "Transformers: The Last Knight". You want to go there, but you pull yourself up - they say that, just a child?

Come on, put your doubts aside. We men are from simple pleasures we don't grow up. And as we were children, so we remain them. This is fine.

There are millions of us, and we will definitely go to see "Transformers: The Last Knight" with a bottomless bucket of popcorn. Because there is nothing to be ashamed of: this is a refined pleasure in the best traditions of everything that you adored as a child.

A bit of history. Where did they even come from?

Just so you know, the Transformers story started with toys. In 1983 representatives American company Hasbro I saw MicroChange robots at the toy exhibition. Their trick is to transform into audio cassettes, toy cars and weapons.

The theme was liked by the head of Hasbro, in short time similar toys were re-released for the US. And to improve sales, a year later they launched comics and a pilot cartoon of three episodes.

Here is the original Japanese transformers intro, remember:

Their arrival in Russia took place in the early nineties, when the first animated series began to be broadcast on the sixth channel. Then Optimus Prime became famous:

And also Megatron, Armored car, Ratchet, Strongman, Racer, (we always had so-so translators) Arrester, Twig (cartoon sex symbol!) And Scorponog.

What if these robot names don't evoke emotion in you? It's okay. To enjoy The Last Knight, in the Transformers universe you don't need to figure it out at all.

Doctor, I saw "Transformers" and I liked it, why?

No panic! So it should be, everything is logical. This is the favorite topic of all the boys: cars and robots. In childhood, they discussed who is stronger - Optimus Prime or Megatron, Spiderman or Batman. And now we are arguing about iPhone or Android, BMW and Mercedes. No difference.

But it's one thing to love transforming robots as a kid, and another to openly watch them in movies at 30. What makes men go to the cinema in droves and not be ashamed of it at all?

The wildest special effects, it's Michael! Can look and recline

The first part of the cinematic "Transformers" was released in 2007 year. Together with a clear plot and well-developed characters, we got an excellent action movie about the struggle of tons of metal with each other and, of course, Megan Fox.

They went to look at Megan, but remembered the robots. Still would:

Transformers movies have become a cultural bridge between generations. In the US, the problem of the difference between the interests of young people and "old people" is partially solved by remakes and sequels. Films form a kinship of tastes and a link between generations. The scene of buying a car by Sam Witwicky in the first part is a clear confirmation of this. An old yellow beetle, and a young and perky yellow Chevrolet Camaro (pictured).

The first film and the next two really honed the skills of the director of the franchise, Michael Bay: a lot of explosions, slow-mo, an epic camera fly around the main characters. I even wonder what the fifth part will come to, "Transformers: The Last Knight".

Rumor has it there might be an Unicron robot. transforming into a planet:

You won’t believe it, but all the transformations of the robots on the screen are calculated mathematically: if you look in slow motion, you can trace where each detail goes and goes. And the details can be several thousand.

A killer picture in general is Michael Bay's signature stamp. Until recently, the only thing missing was a normal plot.

"Transformers" catchy, you can even worry, 2 hours fly by unnoticed

In 2014, the director made a soft reboot of Transformers: more drama more interesting plot. Still, explosions and love for robots alone won't take you far.

And you know, it worked: the picture collected more than 1 billion dollars, becoming one of the most box office films of that year.

Since then, Transformers has a normal plot, you can even voice it out loud and not seem crazy. And for the new part, the script was written by Arthur Markham, the author of the first part " iron man”and Ken Nolan, author of the cool action movie Black Hawk Down. Should be generally on "five".

In short: if you like action - blow on the new Transformers

What are we waiting for? A ton of explosions, a mega-beautiful picture and a peppy plot. The film is already expected to break the records of previous installments.

The first Transformers movie was $150 million.
The fifth film, Transformers: The Last Knight, is $260 million.

Here's the trailer, recharge:

The film is not to be taken too seriously. crazy adventure playing on everything that you loved so much as a child. Refined fan, which you can safely go big company. And the kids will be interested too.

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