Happy birthday to the leader. Chairman of the Samara Provincial Duma


Vladimir Minin, artistic director And chief conductor Moscow chamber choir, National artist USSR: Dear Vladimir Ivanovich, your anniversary has come! Please accept from the Moscow Chamber Choir and from me personally our heartfelt congratulations and sincere wishes for the very best health and well-being! As a matter of fact, this could be the end of the official part of my congratulations, but I cannot resist the temptation not to say a few more words about you and your work.

Eighty - what significant figure, If we are talking about the age of a person! Your mind is probably noticing how much has been done during this time - a lot! And your heart whispers: “Look around, it just started recently…”. Nature, creating you, like a strong mushroom-boletus, conceived you for a long fruitful life, and thanks to this focus, you go into your business entirely - without a trace! Your whole life consists of work and rare communication with friends.

When, after deceived hopes and expectations, something has formed in Russia that does not meet these expectations, you do the best you can, seeing your main purpose in glorifying the discreet beauty of the land called Rus. You have preferred strict service to truth to false optimism. Many spiritual forces to you on this path, dear Vladimir Ivanovich!

Valery Gergiev, Artistic Director and Principal Conductor Mariinsky Theater and the London Symphony Orchestra, People's Artist of Russia: I have repeatedly collaborated with the Tchaikovsky Symphony Orchestra. And I want to wish Vladimir Ivanovich success and the joy of communicating with the team, as well as all the successes - creative and human - that are usually associated with a long and successful work

Krasimira Stoyanova, soloist of the Vienna State Opera: Our wonderful dear Maestro Fedoseev, we are very happy that we can work with you and enjoy your art.” We love you very much as a person, as a musician and as a creator! Thank you very much!

Vladimir Vasiliev, ballet dancer, theater director, People's Artist of the USSR: Vladimir Ivanovich is one of those people who simply do not need to wish that they were always creative. He can't live any other way! All life is an indicator of him creative growth. I like this man, I like his burning, I like that he is all constantly in creativity! I see a man constantly climbing up to an inaccessible point that he sees, but to which he has to go and go. This ideal is so high that it simply remains to be envied with what persistence he always wants to approach it. May God grant that he never reaches this peak, that it is always in front of him, and may God grant him an easy overcoming of this route.

Saulius Sondeckis, conductor, People's Artist of the USSR: Vladimir Ivanovich Fedoseev - an outstanding conductor, largest representative Russian musical culture. He is the glory of his homeland and his country. It seems to me that we will hardly find a performer and conductor of such a scale as Vladimir Ivanovich in our country. I am very proud of the opportunity given to me through radio "Orpheus" to congratulate Vladimir Ivanovich on this wonderful anniversary and wish him many more years to be and remain the way he has been all his life - a creatively active, very bright conductor, hard worker. And most importantly, what is especially captivating in him is his intelligence, attitude towards people and what he brings to people with his great art! ..

Vladimir Yurovsky, artistic director and chief conductor of the London Philharmonic Orchestra and the Svetlanov State Academic Symphony Orchestra of Russia: I know Vladimir Ivanovich Fedoseev very well as a musician, but we never met him personally, fate did not bring us together. Nevertheless, let me congratulate him on the upcoming anniversary and wish him many years of health and creative prosperity!

Ilze Liepa, ballerina, People's Artist Russia: It is a great honor for me that I can say congratulations to our outstanding conductor Vladimir Ivanovich Fedoseev. With great gratitude on behalf of the audience, I turn to our wonderful and beloved conductor, I am always happy when I manage to attend concerts where he is at the podium, or hear a recording under his direction. Often we coincided with him on tour in Japan, when concerts under the direction of Vladimir Ivanovich were held with great success, and it was always very joyful to hear from admirers of his art that they had recently been at a concert and how impressed they were; this impression is always the same, just as it is with me when I myself am a spectator. I congratulate Vladimir Ivanovich from the bottom of my heart and wish him creative longevity for many, many years, so that we would also be pleased with each appearance on the stage of this an outstanding conductor, and every time we would look forward to meeting with great art! Happy Anniversary and all the best! Yours Ilze Liepa.

Lyubov Kazarnovskaya, opera singer: First of all, I want to congratulate Vladimir Ivanovich on a really very serious anniversary and wish him creative strength and creative energy that distinguishes him, and, of course, great health! He is one of the few conductors who has a genuine taste for vocal music and there are ideas on how to combine the amazing poetry of Shakespeare, Pushkin, Lermontov with music - it's so great! With all my heart I wish you many, many years, creative temperament, ideas and fantasies for many years!..

Sergei Slonimsky, composer, People's Artist of Russia: Vladimir Ivanovich Fedoseev is a wonderful Russian conductor! His orchestra is one of the best orchestras in the world! This is an amazing team with excellent creative discipline, with a very warm melodically expressive tone of play, with a bright contrasting sound of all groups of the orchestra, with virtuoso technique! The maestro constantly expands his repertoire, plays a lot foreign music- a continuously growing and younger conductor (that was Mravinsky)! Of course, I wish many years and new creative triumphs to our dear Russian maestro!

Alexei Rybnikov, composer, People's Artist of Russia: When you want to say something about Vladimir Ivanovich Fedoseev, first of all, the word “discovery” comes to mind. For me, he made a discovery of Tchaikovsky, Beethoven, Mahler, Britten... When I heard Tchaikovsky's 1812 symphony performed by him, it was a real discovery for me, because I completely forgot about everything. It was a musical element that completely captured, and nothing remained of the mind - there was only the purest perception of music. I have the deepest feeling of gratitude to Vladimir Fedoseev for the discovery of this music, which, it would seem, was familiar to me and became completely new to me. I think that it is precisely for this - an unusual emotionally penetrating performance of romantic music - that Fedoseev is loved all over the world. Not to mention the fact that his orchestra - the Tchaikovsky Symphony Orchestra - is an incomparable team. All groups of the orchestra amazingly obey their artistic director and chief conductor. Humanly, Vladimir Ivanovich is benevolent, gentle, but at the same time tough when it comes to creativity and art. Low bow to Vladimir Fedoseev, thanks a lot, creative success and long years fruitful creativity!

Krzysztof Penderecki, composer and conductor: I have known maestro Fedoseyev for over forty years and I appreciate him very much both as a musician and as a person! I am always fascinated by his openness not only to the classics, but also to new music. He superbly performs Shostakovich and other contemporary Russian composers. Last year in Moscow, the maestro played my Concerto grosso for three cellos and orchestra - it was truly an outstanding performance! Maestro Fedoseev is recognized and revered all over the world, he conducts the best orchestras. I sincerely wish him all the best and the best - and, above all, a long and happy life filled with creativity and service to music!

Alexey Petrenko, theater and film actor, People's Artist of Russia: Dear and beloved maestro Vladimir Ivanovich, I congratulate you on your anniversary! First of all, I wish you health, because you have everything else, including God's gift! You give people a journey to heaven. When an orchestra plays under your direction, you want to listen to it endlessly, fly and rejoice that there are such talented people like you and your beloved wife Olga Ivanovna.

You have created a unique duet - the Lord God has rewarded you with the gift of leading such a complex organism as a symphony orchestra. I am very grateful to you for everything that you have done for me - I learned a lot in musical art, I was rewarded for working with you! Thank you! Long, long years life, so that the fish bite well, so that the fedoseevka is set up, and so that this contributes to your health! And also - the wonderful sound of all the orchestras that you lead! Special thanks to you for the excursion to the sky! God bless you!

Vladislav Piavko, Opera singer, People's Artist of the USSR: August month, summer. And that summer the outstanding Russian conductor Vladimir Fedoseev was born. This - most talented person, who for many years led the Orchestra of Radio and Television, which glorified Soviet country. With his arrival, the face of the Tchaikovsky Grand Symphony Orchestra changed significantly, because he came real artist- very unusual and interesting. And I am very glad that our family was connected with the beginning of it. creative way as a symphony and opera conductor. And, of course, I would like to congratulate Vladimir Ivanovich on his 80th birthday, wish him happiness, health, creative strength, energy to achieve everything that he has planned! Health, health and once again health! Congratulations!

Yuri Solomin, artistic director of the State Academic Maly Theatre, People's Artist of the USSR: It is with great pleasure, love and respect that I would like to congratulate Vladimir Ivanovich Fedoseev on his anniversary from the entire staff of the Maly Theatre! There are not many musicians like him in the world. May God give you strength! I congratulate you and wish you all the very best!

Sergei Leiferkus, opera singer, People's Artist of Russia: I sincerely want to congratulate Vladimir Ivanovich on his anniversary! We met with him only a few times, our lines did not converge closely, but, nevertheless, I always treated the work of this great musician with great attention and pleasure!

Neeme Järvi, Artistic Director of the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra and Orchestra of Romanesque Switzerland: I have known Vladimir Fedoseev for a very long time. He has a big world career, a lot of interesting records that I listen to to this day. My big greetings and congratulations to Vladimir Ivanovich Fedoseev on his birthday!

Paavo Järvi, artistic director Symphony Orchestra Frankfurt Radio and Orchester de Paris: I want to greet the maestro with all my heart and wish him a long and successful creative life!

Congratulations to the musician in verse

May the muse inspire you, O musician,
And the talent will only become more beautiful!
You manage the notes easily
You play in such a way that your heart is warmer and lighter!
Let the music inspire, call,
You in a huge, fabulous flight!
Be happy and successful, musician,
And be filled with joy!

Congratulations to the musician on his birthday in verse

For you the whole world is a sound
It's not the same for you, it's different.
Everyone wants happiness, my friend,
Everyone just wants good luck.
I congratulate you now
happy birthday musician
I wish that every hour
Your talent has been in demand.

Musician poetic congratulations birthday

Happy birthday, musician!
Rejoice, dare!
You are so rich in friends
Heart became warmer.
May the joy of all friends
Shines in music
And harmony in the soul
Chaos wins!

Congratulations on the musician's birthday

You know how difficult the notes compose melodies,
And sometimes sweet flours of creativity bring pain.
But you are devoted to art, only music is your idol.
With Orpheus, you soar in the clouds, surprising the world with beauty.
And let your talent bloom with every moment!
Happiness and success! Happy birthday, musician!

Happy birthday musician. Your enchanting music sometimes takes us to beautiful distances and unspeakable fabulous places. Accept, my friend, the mountains of happiness, and accept the sea of ​​\u200b\u200bjoy, may your creative potential will never run out, and you will always delight with your beautiful music.

Poetic congratulations to the musician

Your life is music, friend
Your life is an ephemeral world
How to be, because it's full around
Rude women, drinks and games?
My dear, even though you are a musician,
And dream of living in harmony
But then you are a great talent,
To find it in everything!
I want to congratulate you
With this holiday, loving.
I'd rather keep quiet
The music will say better than me!

Congratulations to the musician on his birthday

Happy Birthday, musician, we understand your talent so much, we are so pleased on this day, to you, to say our congratulations. We wish you to always be not only heard, but also in sight, so that your talent becomes brighter and more necessary.

Poem congratulations to the musician

The music flows slowly
My soul sings and cries!
You touched me for the living, musician,
You are far from an amateur in this matter!
Let your music be only light,
And longing will go away forever!
Bring happiness clouds
And soon the dream will come true!

Congratulations to the musician on his birthday

Happy birthday musician
We understand your talent.
We are so pleased on this bright day,
Do not see a shadow on your face of sadness.
Let your talent develop
Fill our hearts with warmth.
And enjoy your element
Embracing everything with your being.

Worthy, boss, you respect,
Joy sings,
Honor from us to you on your birthday,
Health, new victories to you!

The team sincerely wishes you a happy birthday!
We wish you all earthly blessings!
You were born today, many years ago.
May you live happily, as people say!

Mighty energy and life to you seething!
Throw the calendar aside, and the service will wait.
Take care of your nerves
In our business, this is hard work!

Let us ask the question:
"Who is the best boss in the world?"
We will answer without embellishment:
“The best boss in the world is with us!”

We don't want a reward
salary increase,
If wages rise
We won't cry at all!

Let's just praise the boss
No question!

Let him smile broadly
And luck gives laurels
Business brings prosperity
Rewarding the heart!

May the intoxication with happiness
prevails in life
Holidays and weekends
Rest is wonderful!

Congratulations from us - this time!
We send you good words- that's two!
Being ahead all the time is three!
To live with everyone in friendship, in peace, -

It seems to be four.
Never lose heart - it's a five!
Multiply all that is - that's six!
Being attentive to everyone is seven!

Always be in normal weight -
It's eight, nine, ten!
Well, in addition to this -
Happiness, joy, good luck!

Our song is simple:
We wish you to live up to a hundred,
And don't forget about us
Yes, invite more.

We congratulate you on your birthday
You are the boss and our dear friend,
We pledge allegiance to you
And let there be only peace in my heart.

We wish you to collect more
Our glorious team in the country,
And give bonuses more often

Our boss is red from the sun,
He is fair, broad-minded,
We together wish you happiness,
Rule you firm and destiny!

Happy birthday congratulations!
And with all our hearts we wish:
To get the job done,
Gone are the worries,

So that health is a whole cart,
And more stars from the sky!

It's your birthday today
Here your friends have gathered,
And, fulfilling the order,
Congratulations on their behalf.

Lead a team
You are well not the first year,
Your decisions are right
We bring the company income.

You are always in a creative flight,
For us, you are like a father.
We are ready to give work
Both evenings and weekends.

I will say directly and without flattery:
We are behind you, like behind a wall.
Together for a birthday
Let's drink one!

OUR BOSS is a great man,
And we encouraged you to do so!
Admit it, you would for a whole century
This would not have been possible without us!

Okay, we're joking
And if you're being serious,
We wish a century later
The same way to do the star!

Great blessings to you, victories, good luck,
Career bright as a camet
And exciting tasks
Goodness and sunshine!

No wonder nature gave you
Such creative power
Life seems to be always small for you,
And you grow effortlessly

To great achievements and dreams,
Happy meetings, achievements!
You are the best, boss, let us
To tell you in unison: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Chief, Happy Anniversary,
You are our dear mentor,
Though sometimes we grieve
But we love with heart and soul!

It's not easy for a man to be a boss
And sometimes it seems not important
Hairstyle, weight, height features,
Having a caring wife.

You can argue with this, to be honest,
What matters to whom when ...
But only thanks to your care
Stable production progress!

There is no idea without a leader - definitely!
It is impossible to be an orchestra without a conductor.
Yes, maybe the comparisons are unsuccessful,
But, of course, in our business you are the maestro!

Soul and deed - elegant and beautiful,
Warmed by our common love,
Accept congratulations from the team
On your birthday! God bless you!

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