The numbers mean 14 88. Tire marking


If somewhere on the Internet in the comments you came across the number 1488 (what it is, we will find out now), and even written through a slash - 14/88, then this sign cannot be confused with anything. Here is a symbol that has a certain popularity on the network. Now it is used by all and sundry, and very often - in an ironic way. However, initially it appeared in the correspondence of modern ultra-radicals: neo-Nazis, neo-fascists and other right-wingers. Why exactly this number, and why it is suddenly popular among the correspondence of young people - you will learn from this article.

About white neo-Nazis and the Internet

Who are these people using 1488 in all seriousness? you know, of course. Despite the events of the Second World War, which showed the impossibility of asserting the superiority of one race over another, in modern world views of the Nazi format continue to flourish. White neo-Nazis believe that racial mixing should be stopped, because the number of representatives of the "colored" races has long overtaken the light-skinned population of the planet. As an argument, they cite the fact that the growth of mankind has long been carried out at the expense of third world countries, while the birth rate in developed countries where he mostly lives caucasian race, is rapidly decreasing.

Like all modern communities, neo-Nazis actively use social media and the Internet to communicate and spread their views. And, of course, like any social formation with its own history and principles, neo-Nazis have certain concepts and terms, as well as special designations for them that are incomprehensible to others. The existence of such symbolic designations is especially relevant in the era of the Internet, where brevity and capacity of presenting information is often important, for example, in comments or in a status on a social network. Therefore, it is not surprising that 1488 began to come across so often in Internet correspondence. What does this number mean? In fact, these are two numbers - 14 and 88, the symbolism of which we explain below.

Republic Act No. 1488

The number fourteen represents the number of words in the slogans coined by David Lane, a famous American neo-Nazi. The following two phrases are usually quoted, which in the original spelling - on English language- consist of 14 words:

  • "We must protect the existence of our people and the future of white children"
  • "Because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must never disappear from the earth"

The second version that pops up in the Russian-speaking community is the initials of Adolf Hitler, implying the first and fourth letters of the Russian alphabet - A and G.

The second part of the slogan 1488. What is eighty-eight

88 is a numerical display of the well-known greeting "Heil Hitler", because the letter H in the Latin alphabet is the eighth in a row. David Lane is also the author of the 88 Commandments manifesto. But it is believed that precisely for this reason there are eighty-eight commandments - so that it turns out to correlate them with already known value character 88 above.

Swastika on a school desk

What to do if you find something similar in your child's correspondence? Is it worth taking action? Remember school years: on the desks written by schoolchildren one could see anything, even a swastika. Did one of your classmates become an ardent Nazi? Unlikely.

So, the Internet for modern schoolchildren is the same school desk on which you can write all sorts of nonsense, due to the peculiarities of age and the desire to oppose generally accepted norms. Of course, you can try to explain that it is unpleasant for you to know that a teenager uses the sign 1488 in correspondence, that such behavior will become ridiculous for him in a few years. But it is better to be patient and wait until teenage maximalism subsides.

Today we will talk about political forces, or rather about the views on the structure and way of life from the point of view of the nationalist movement. We will also learn about what 1488 means. So:

14/88 what are these mysterious numbers?

According to the materials studied by the author of this article, we came to the conclusion that 1488 is the code of white nationalists. The code slogan is very often used as a signature or greeting. Exists various interpretations designations. For example, the number 14 can mean that people close to the white nationalist movement are obliged to protect the existence of their people and the future of their children. According to other sources, 14 encodes the slogan that the beauty of an Aryan woman should never be wiped off the face of the Earth.

The exact wording of these slogans was put forward by David Lane, who was a member of the separatist organization The Order.

Well, the number 88 is the greeting "Heil Hitler", which is used by all nationalists. That's what 1488 means.

Let's talk a little about the creator of slogans, David Lane. This man is from America. He was an adherent of the ideas of white nationalism. Lane died in Indiana State Penitentiary in 2007. He earned his fame thanks to the creation of the code 14/88 and also thanks to the creation of the 88 commandments of the white nationalist. In this work, he talks about the basic methods and principles for the protection, development and establishment of the dominance of the white society.

Our society gives birth to a variety of individuals who adhere to certain views. At the moment, in the world there are a huge number of directions of thought about how society should be. Some of these trends seek to prove to others that only some people deserve a good life. individual peoples and nations. Such an approach cannot be considered the only true one, since during modern upheavals, only the unification of people with each other will allow humanity to survive. Nationalist ideas are becoming more popular in the 21st century. This cannot but excite and disturb the governments of all countries. That is why they are waging such a struggle, including with those who know what 1488 means.

14/88 - a numerical abbreviation that became popular some time ago on the Internet among young people, reflecting general fascist trends and inclinations, along with. Often used by skinheads. Most of those who use it in their speech are unlikely to really know what this set of numbers means, and if you ask the person who used it about it, you will most likely receive something in response to the motive “well, it's Hitler's favorite number" or something like that. And he will be fundamentally wrong.

Let's deal with the sources where this mysterious number came from and what it means. The decoding is rather non-trivial: 14/88 are two numbers, actually 14 and 88, which have little to do with each other. 14 - the number of words in the quote of David Lane, a well-known terrorist and neo-Nazi in America, which in the original reads as follows: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children". In an adapted translation, it means the following: "We must protect the lives of our people and the future of the white generation." Nationalist and racist overtones are immediately felt.

The next two numbers are 88 - means two letters written in a row English alphabet, which is the eighth number in it - HH. This is an abbreviation of the famous Nazi slogan "Heil Hitler", under which German soldiers went into battle during World War II.

The fraction sign that separates these two numbers is a symbol of the division of mankind into superior and inferior races, main principle Nazism and fascism.

In general, all the pictures, posts and messages on the Internet in which these figures are found contain either black racist humor, or neo-fascist manners, or some kind of meaning that is generally inconsistent with official policy.

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Alas, such a number is used in a rather controversial context. Many are interested in what 1488 means. You can find out about this in the article. It is used solely for the purpose of pointing out to migrants and people like them that they do not want to see their presence in their country. Separate values ​​have the numbers 14 and 88. But when combined, they get another additional value. They are also often separated by a slash. About what these numbers mean, why someone draws them, and what options for correcting the situation are on this moment, you can find out by reading the article and reading the information in it.

The meaning of the number 14

The number 14 means "we must preserve the existence of our people and the future for White children." Although the Russian version has only 11 words, the English version has 14. These words were first spoken by the late David Lane, one of the most ardent fighters against people of color in the modern United States.

The meaning of the number 88

We can answer the first part of the question, what does 1488 mean. The second number remains. He has several options:

  • The version according to which this number means "Heil Hitler" is the most popular. The thing is that when writing using the Latin alphabet, both words begin with English letter"H", which has the 8th serial number.
  • Also, David Lane, who was already mentioned above, has a kind of "cultural" heritage, which consists of 88 points.

Additional signs

Also often used is the "/" sign, which is placed between numbers. As a rule, its interpretation is explained by racial differences and the need to separate people according to the color of their skin. So with the use of a slash, the question, what does 1488 mean, can get a completely different answer.


The desire of asocial elements to stand out with the help of various tattoos or signs has been around for a long time. But with the help of such signs, for example, such as the number 1488, belonging to certain views is shown. Basically, these tattoos are typical for criminal elements that are based in the United States. But in last years under the influence of the processes taking place in the state, these views are beginning to gain popularity in places of deprivation of liberty on the territory of the Russian Federation. The citizens of our state see and are interested in what the number 1488 means, which is one of the negative results of globalization.

Alternative interpretation

Each number has alternative interpretations. So for 14 it's:

  • Various life-affirming demands, among which one can find: “We must ensure a good and secure future for all people” or “I love to play this, play this. I love to play this, play this, play this." All the options given here in Russian do not have the 14 words that they contain in English.

    There are more additional interpretations for the number 88:

    • So, as a variation on why it is used, they put forward the theory that this is due to the 88th armor-piercing caliber - one of the best engineering solutions presented by the Germans during the Second World War;
    • Used and musical version: In the United States, these numbers often refer to hip-hop and its fans. Piano lovers also resort to them (36 black keys and 52 white keys);
    • Also, according to a certain theory, 88 denotes the encrypted symbol SS, people who carried out ethnic cleansing had it. It denotes the role that these people want to try on.
    • Among the Chinese, 88 is used as a brief goodbye during chatting, or in some cases a gentle, literally erotic goodbye. Therefore, if you see a Chinese with two eights, do not rush to grab him and beat him: for him, most likely, they mean something completely different than for you.

Reason for popularity and possible solutions

Now that there is information about the popularity of such a sign, you should decide what to do with it, in fact? Why did it happen and how did it happen? It should be noted that everything did not arise unexpectedly, but is, although sad, but quite a natural influence of migration into the country. The fact is that people constantly travel to the Russian Federation whose professional, cultural and general level of development leaves much to be desired. As a result, certain cultural-nationalist conflicts occur. Because of them, you have to find out what the number 1488 means, which constantly appears in various places.

To help solve the problem described above, the tightening of migration legislation, the rules for inspecting equipment and the territory through which illegal migration is carried out, and a tougher punishment for violation state borders. In parallel with this, it is necessary to carry out measures aimed at increasing the demographic growth among the indigenous population of the Russian Federation so that a significant number of migrants are simply forced out due to lack of work. And then we can safely forget what 1488 means.

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