Congratulations to our colleagues. Congratulations from the Artistic Director and Chief Conductor of the Saratov Provincial Theater of Choral Music, Honored Art Worker of Russia, Professor L.A.


Dear friends,
Please accept our congratulations on the 70th anniversary of the Samara State Philharmonic. Throughout its glorious history, the Samara Philharmonic has been one of the largest cultural centers Volga region. The largest domestic musicians collaborated with her: S. Richter, I. Arkhipova, M. Rostropovich and many others. T. Khrennikov, D. Kabalevsky, A. Khachaturian, G. Sviridov, A. Eshpay trusted the premieres of their compositions to the Samara Orchestra. It is gratifying that the Philharmonic is celebrating its anniversary in a beautiful creative form. Serious festivals of symphonic, organ, vocal music and jazz are held here, the subscription system is widely practiced, cooperation with outstanding conductors and soloists.
I wish the entire Philharmonic staff inspiration, creative strength and success in your responsible mission of developing the best traditions of academic art.
Minister of Culture Russian Federation
A.A. Avdeev

Dear friends!

Please accept our warmest congratulations on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Samara State Philharmonic!

I express my sincere gratitude to you for the fact that you carefully protect and develop the glorious traditions musical art. Thanks to your activities, Samara retains its status as one of the cultural centers of Russia.

The whole of October reigns in the Philharmonic festive mood. The most eminent musicians demonstrated their skills on its stage these days.

The golden pages of the anniversary season are already inscribed in history cultural life Provinces and Russia, and we leave them without sadness and sadness. Ahead of us is a symphony of a new life, in which new thoughts, desires, and hopes will surely come true.

And here comes the climax of the anniversary musical marathon. Today, the entire large philharmonic family has gathered in the hall: listeners, musicians, friends and partners of the institution.

I wish you good health, good spirits, prosperity, optimism and new creative achievements.

Minister of Culture Samara region

O.V. Rybakova

Dear Natalya Stepanovna!

On behalf of Provincial Duma I heartily congratulate you and the entire creative team on the 70th anniversary of the Samara State Philharmonic!

The Philharmonic has been playing for a long time essential role in the cultural life of the region. From the first years of its existence, musical events are rapidly replacing each other, one brighter than the other. Samarans have happy opportunity to join the best examples of opera and symphonic music, creativity outstanding composers and performers. On the stage concert hall shining "stars" of performing arts from world capitals.

For decades, the Samara Philharmonic not only provides its stage to soloists and artistic groups, but also carefully forms, carefully nurtures its own staff of highly professional performers, including a symphony orchestra, a piano quartet, and an ensemble of Russian folk instruments. The Philharmonic regularly hosts concerts for children from orphanages, boarding schools, war and labor veterans.

A huge merit in these achievements belongs to you, dear Natalya Stepanovna, the bright leader of the creative team. Your experience in organizational and financial administration deserves high praise. Thanks to him, the solution of cultural problems can be combined with financial success.

With all my heart I wish inspiration, optimism, new successes and achievements to all the employees of the Philharmonic. Fulfillment of all plans and desires, good health, prosperity and happiness.

And the Philharmonic - prosperity, new joyful dates and events!


Chairman of the Samara Provincial Duma

V.F. Sazonov

Dear Natalya Stepanovna! Dear friends!

Please accept our warmest and most heartfelt congratulations on the 70th anniversary of the Samara Philharmonic! This anniversary is a holiday for the entire musical community, for everyone who loves, appreciates and understands music. We are sure that it was love and loyalty to music, as well as the desire to preserve the high performing traditions of the Russian musical culture that helped you deservedly become one of the leading concert organizations Russia. Despite the different, sometimes difficult periods life of the country, you have always strived to maintain the highest level of philharmonic concerts, creating in the city a special space called "high culture".

We are glad that warm business and friendly relations have developed between us and we hope that our love and sympathy are mutual. Let me wish you and the entire staff of the Philharmonic health, success in your work and new creative achievements!

Collective of the Moscow Philharmonic,

General Director of the MGAF Zubareva E.S.,

artistic director of the MGAF Tchaikovsky A.V.

Dear Natalya Stepanovna!

On this solemn day of celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Samara State Philharmonic, please accept the most cordial and sincere congratulations from your friends and colleagues from Nizhny Novgorod.

For many decades, you and your team have selflessly served Art, Goodness, and Beauty. It is thanks to the activities of your artists and groups that musical life is developing and flourishing in Samara, and the Philharmonic Society, which you lead, is rightfully one of the best concert organizations in the country.

We wish you new wonderful concert programs and successful projects, new generations of dedicated music lovers, great achievements and creative victories!


artistic director-director

Nizhny Novgorod State Academic

philharmonic them. M. Rostropovich

Olga Tomina

and the entire staff of the Nizhny Novgorod Philharmonic

Dear fellow Samaritans!
Saratov regional philharmonic society them. A. Schnittke cordially, wholeheartedly congratulates his neighbor in the Middle Volga, his younger sister - the Samara State Philharmonic Society - on the glorious 70th anniversary!

During this short period, by historical standards, you have grown into a wonderful Palace of Arts, which worthily does a difficult, but extremely important job for the region, for the country, for humanity, to promote the best that is in world music, literature, folklore.

We sincerely wish you the same active continuation of your turbulent activity! All health, success - creative and personal, love and long life!

Also, a few compliments:

To the director - from the director,

Khudruk - from the artistic director,

Academic Symphony - from the Academic Symphony,

Chamber orchestra - from the ensemble "Trio-sonata",

Ensemble of folk instruments - from the ensemble "Paraphrase",

"Olympus" - from the "Concert Philharmonics",

Fairy tale theater - from the theater "Puppets of Papa Carlo"

and accompanied by the concert orchestra "Volga-Band" -


Happy anniversary, dear friends!

Dear Natalya Stepanovna! Dear Colleagues!

We sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary. We wish you health, happiness, prosperity, let the fire of creativity illuminate your hearts

Administration of the Ulyanovsk Regional Philharmonic

Dear Colleagues!

The Orenburg Regional Philharmonic Society cordially congratulates you on your significant anniversary.

For 70 years, your Philharmonic has been an example and center of educational and musical activity not only in the Samara region, but also far beyond its borders.

High professionalism creative teams and artists of the Samara Philharmonic allows for recent years maintain a leading position among the philharmonics and musical organizations Volga region, being a preacher of new ideas and forms concert activity.

We wish you further prosperity and success in the development of the philharmonic art and the strengthening of our creative ties.

Many summers to you!
Team of the Orenburg Regional Philharmonic

Dear friends and colleagues!

Accept congratulations on significant date from the same age - the Komi Republican Philharmonic.

All these 70 years, the Samara State Philharmonic Society has been making an invaluable contribution to the development of culture, spiritual education and education of the audience in the best traditions of domestic and foreign musical art.

Festivals, performances on the stage of foreign bands, own programs- all this movement forward, to that high bar performance level that you have today.

On this significant day, we wish the Philharmonic staff good health, further creative success, fulfillment of all plans and hopes! Let the stormy applause of grateful spectators serve as an assessment of your work.


Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation,

V.S. myserick

Dear Colleagues!

The team of the Omsk Philharmonic congratulates you on a wonderful date - your 70th anniversary. The Samara State Philharmonic is one of the best in Russia. A harmonious combination of excellent own teams, a magnificent hall, star guest performers and modern technologies management is the secret to your success. Delight your devoted listeners with new concert programs, fantastically interesting projects. May inspiration never leave you.

Director of BUK Omsk Philharmonic

S.V. Bannikov

Dear Colleagues! Dear Natalya Stepanovna!

On the day of the 70th anniversary of the beloved Samara State Philharmonic, please accept my most heartfelt congratulations. Let dreams come true and creative ideas come true. New interesting projects for you, inexhaustible energy in the service of art, sensitive and grateful spectators and full house, full house, full house!


collective of the State Philharmonic of Kuzbass

them. B.T. Shtokolova

and personally the CEO,

Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation

L.V. Pilipchuk

Congratulations on the 70th anniversary of the Samara State Philharmonic.

Your Philharmonic Society is a recognized center of the musical culture of the original Samara land. The creative, selfless team every season offers viewers and listeners the most striking events, pleases with a variety of repertoire, constant updating artistic entourage and scenography, carefully preserving the traditions of the national school of performing arts.

By the 70th anniversary, the Philharmonic has developed strong professional traditions, accumulated the richest creative baggage and concert experience. Taking into account the truly inexhaustible potential of the collective, we are sure that for many years the artists of the Philharmonic will gather full halls of an appreciative audience!

We sincerely congratulate the team and wish you good health, happiness and prosperity, new creative achievements and loyal fans!


Galina Alexandrovna Ivanova

and the staff of the Pskov Regional Philharmonic

Vladislav Igorevich Bulakhov is a true patriot!
It is not easy to keep a chamber ensemble “afloat” for 15 years in our time.
Play both classical and contemporary composers- a risky business, but worthy of the high title of a modern Master.

O. B. Galakhov
Chairman of the Union of Moscow Composers

15 years is the time to sum up the first results and dream, dream about the future, believe that everything will work out, that, despite the difficulties, everything will be fine.

With joy and pleasure I congratulate the Vremena Goda orchestra on its anniversary! You are one of the few bands that take the risk of regularly playing contemporary music.

I am sure that the orchestra can grow and develop only by playing music. different styles and epochs and necessarily voicing what contemporaries create.

I wish you success on your difficult path!

I look forward to new creative meetings!

Mikhail Bronner

When fate makes gifts, it is always wonderful. And if fate makes musical gifts - this can already be considered a priceless gift from heaven! In 1996, I received such a gift - our creative friendship began with wonderful musicians - conductor Vladislav Bulakhov and his associates - the chamber orchestra "Seasons".

Unlike the vast majority of chamber orchestras, which play mainly baroque music, the Vremena Goda orchestra is capable of any direction - they perform works from different countries and eras, up to opuses that have just come out from the composer's pen. In terms of mobility, repertoire, sound capabilities, it is more like a small symphony orchestra.

Just listing the programs of traditional annual festivals (and this season has already passed the nineteenth!) is amazing and inspires deep respect. After all, behind each concert there is a truly selfless service to Music.

There are practically no repetitions of programs - each concert brings something new to the public. This spirit captured me too: I was also lucky to play many premieres with them.

Every meeting with great musician maestro Bulakhov and the wonderful team "The Seasons" leaves a deep impression, regardless of whether I am a listener or a participant in the concert.

Tamilla Mahmudova

A happy (at least for me) chance brought me together 10 years ago with the excellent musicians of the Moscow Chamber Orchestra "Seasons of the Year" and its artistic director, conductor Vladislav Bulakhov, a man of extraordinary, rare devotion to art, completely immersed in the most meticulous, inspired work on the quality of performance and achieve excellent results.

Over the years, we have performed a lot together, both with the so-called "repertory" works, and sometimes stepping into little-known territory, but intriguing with its novelty and mystery, which has no points of support in the tradition of performance. Such work was very attractive to us and always met with an adequate, interested response from the public. The orchestra boldly, "with an open visor" responded to the dizzying technical and musical difficulties that can confuse any team! And I can say with joy and pleasure that under the highly professional, clear gesture of the conductor Vladislav Bulakhov, the musicians of the orchestra played brilliantly in any acoustic situation, in any hall.

With all my heart I wish these wonderful, sympathetic, benevolent people, sincere enthusiasts, new achievements, discoveries, exciting prospects and the preservation of their musical artistic image, burning in art always at any “season of the year”!

Boris Petrushansky

The Vremena Goda chamber orchestra, directed by Vladislav Bulakhov, a talented and thoughtful musician, undoubtedly occupies an important place in the musical life of Moscow. Over the past fifteen years, the orchestra has been the most active and successful performer of a huge number of new works by contemporary composers, both Russian and foreign.

I am also connected with Vladislav Bulakhov and his orchestra by a long-standing creative friendship. The orchestra has played almost all of my works for chamber orchestra, including world premieres: the Mandolin Concerto, the Guitar Concerto, the Violin Concerto, the Marimba Concerto, The Pendulum of Time for orchestra, the cantata The Poetry of the Earth for children's choir and orchestra. .. For which they bow low.

I sincerely congratulate the orchestra on its anniversary and wish for long years prosperity and success in all creative endeavors.

Ephraim Podgaits

Congratulations to the wonderful team "Vremena Goda" and its founder and leader on the beginning of the second youth! Each meeting with you is a true happiness and at least a discovery, whether it is Vivaldi's music or the premiere of a newly born work. As a violinist and conductor myself, having many years of experience with a chamber orchestra, I would like to note with special admiration the highest level of professional work of the orchestra and the deepest understanding of the spirit and style of Music of the outstanding musician Vladislav Bulakhov.

Levon Hambardzumyan

It wasn't love at first sight. Just a business creative contact, which gradually grew into friendship and constant cooperation.

But one thing bribed me right away: a sincere, ardent desire to PLAY MUSIC. Miscellaneous.

It doesn't matter where or how much. During these 13 (!) years, a lot has been replayed, from the traditionally inevitable Vivaldi to the exotic Desen. Over time, I respect Vladislav Igorevich more and more, Vladik, tireless, selflessly devoted to music, a true professional and a true friend.

Happy Birthday, Maestro! Happy birthday orchestra!

Alexander Trostyansky

Happy birthday!

I have a long-term creative friendship with the Vremena Goda orchestra, rich in events - successful concerts, meetings with musicians and music, excitement, applause ...

More than ten years have passed since the conductor Vladislav Bulakhov invited me to perform Mozart's Concerto No. 12 in the Great Hall of the St. Petersburg Philharmonic with his band. At that moment, it was the embodiment of a cherished desire. My repertoire consisted mainly of romantic music, but I really wanted to play Mozart with an orchestra. The concert was preceded by detailed rehearsals.

Music was created together, a dialogue with the piano was built, subtle nuances and intonations in each part were verified separately, then a whole was born in harmony and mutual understanding. Now, having played with this orchestra for many years, I know that this is how every program is born in the team. For me, it was not only concerts by Mozart and Haydn, but also an evening of Concerts for two pianos by J.S. Bach in a duet with Irina Chukovskaya, Concert by D. Shostakovich, Music for piano and chamber orchestra by G. Sviridov, Andante and Allegro by P.I. .Tchaikovsky, "salon" version of the Concerto by F. Chopin, Sextet on a Theme of Bellini by M.I. Glinka.

I really wanted to play such a serious work as S.I. Taneyev's Quintet, but at the same time so that it would sound significant and voluminous. This cherished desire also came true. Together with the Vremena Goda orchestra, we found an extraordinary color and scale of sound. The performance brought great joy to me and the orchestra. In this collective, each performer is in sight, each voice is heard, each musician is significant.

The enthusiasm of Vladislav Bulakhov gives birth to new ideas, new programs. Thanks to the annual festivals "Seasons" occur unforgettable meetings. For me it was a performance German singer Susanna Cornelius.

She literally charmed me with the songs of Schumann and Mendelssohn. The Music of Poland and Russia Festival introduced Juliusz Zarembsky to the music... And these are just moments from the life of the band.

Mastery grows, traditions develop, years go by, but the orchestra retains the youth of its composition.

Happy birthday! And new achievements!

Polina Fedotova

Vladislav Bulakhov!

Bright, talented, highly gifted - an artist-creator.

Our first meeting took place more than 25 years ago in the army. In the rare free hours of everyday life in the army, Vlad played the violin, and I drew him. I still treasure these drawings to this day.

Today, seeing the brilliant maestro on the stage together with the Four Seasons orchestra, creating a divine fairy tale, I remember the darkened room in the army club, peeling walls, tables with all sorts of junk and magic voice that distant violin. We were young, naive, unknown to anyone, and the world opened up before us. It seemed to us that by going beyond these walls, we would conquer everyone. Over the years, an understanding has come of how heavy and high the steps are. life path. I am glad and proud that after the army everyday life did not scatter us over the waves of being. We are in each other's field of vision.

I recall with great warmth our joint projects dedicated to Spain, concerts and exhibitions at the Moscow Conservatory. I'm glad I ended up painting your portrait.

Dear friend, with all my heart I wish you good health, Caucasian longevity, preservation in your work of that young romance that soared and spiritualized the old army kapterka.

With sincere love,
Konstantin Petrov
President's advisor Russian Academy arts

From the bottom of our hearts, we congratulate the staff of the chamber orchestra "The Seasons" and its permanent artistic director and conductor, Honored Artist of Russia Vladislav Bulakhov, on a significant date - their fifteenth birthday!

We endlessly appreciate our many years of fruitful cooperation, which binds us with warm friendship and deep mutual understanding. Your sincere service to music and high professionalism, selfless activity in propaganda contemporary music, of course, are a guarantee that you will always be in demand musicians.

We wish you new creative success, interesting ideas, as well as health and well-being to your entire team.

The team of the House of Scientists of the Russian Federal Nuclear Center - VNIIEF, Sarov,
A.A. Ronzina,
Director of the House of Scientists

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate the wonderful team of the Vremena Goda orchestra, headed by artistic director Vladislav Bulakhov, on their anniversary! I would like to express my great gratitude for the happiness of creative cooperation, the beginning of which was the presentation of my project “Wind music for the public with an orchestra”. The fifth season with great success are the concerts of this new direction. Thanks to the inexhaustible enthusiasm of Vladislav Bulakhov, the opera @ fairy tale for children and adults "Masters of Time" was staged on the stages of the Taganka Theater and Educational theater"GITIS", where the orchestra is one of the main characters.

I wish the bright, talented conductor Vladislav Bulakhov and the Vremena Goda Orchestra further great success!

Elena Agababova

(instead of congratulations, with love...)

In my creative life there were many brilliant performers - soloists and ensembles, conductors and orchestras. This is great luck and great happiness!

With the Moscow orchestra "Four Seasons" I have developed a "long-playing" relationship, my " love affair at work". For ten years now, this orchestra has been my inspiration, my laboratory, one of the stimuli for creativity, the search for new ideas.

What makes this team different?

The first view is creative politics, programs. They are always extraordinary. They always have new ideas and new meanings. And, lo and behold, they allocate a considerable place to new compositions, thanks to which composers of different generations and trends have the opportunity to carry out their projects.

The second view is the forms of activity. In addition to concerts, the organization of annual festivals that have become calling card orchestra. Every year, each of the four seasons is “reflected in the mirror” of a cycle of concerts dedicated to a certain country, its musical culture with a wide representation of various genres, forms and performers.

Along with venerable Russian and foreign soloists, the concerts are also attended by young talents from different regions of the country. All this contributes to the integration of cultures, the search for new talents, on the one hand, and increasing public interest, on the other.

The geography of the performances of The Seasons stretches from the capitals to the "very, to the outskirts" of Russia and Western Europe.

The third view is that the Four Seasons orchestra works a lot and constantly, on holidays and on weekdays. He plays scales every day (don't smile). (Can the head of the orchestra be reproached for conservatism? Perhaps not: musicians of all genres and stripes maintain their form of this “alma mater” of all times and peoples).

Here we come to the fourth paragraph - the fourth look directed at the leader - the conductor Vladislav Bulakhov.

You need to be a subtle psychologist, a tactician, in order to rally and hold, nurture and educate this “bouquet” of individuals, whose name is the orchestra, in our pragmatic time!

To rally and retain talent, creative spirit, ideas that are not always supported by a solid economic base ... Bulakhov succeeds in this. With his culture, openness and directness, certainty of gestures and actions, this man demanded the respect and love of his comrades-in-arms. An excellent organizer, he gathered talented and dedicated people around him - musicians and administrators.

I would like to wish the orchestra in the year of its fifteenth anniversary more than one golden autumn, fabulous winters, full-flowing springs, fruitful years!

Julius Galperin

Attention, attention, whistle everyone upstairs!

Urgent message to all ports!

The friendly team of the sailing ship called the School of Musical Theater congratulates the brave, incredibly talented team of the chamber orchestra The Seasons and its captain, maestro Vladislav Bulakhov, on their anniversary! Please accept our congratulations and gifts soon: a flurry of applause, a storm of emotions, a sea of ​​smiles and an ocean of love!

We wish your brigantine a fair wind, seven creative feet under the keel and a whole island of treasures!!!

Ivan Orlov & Co
Artistic skipper
Schools of Musical Theater

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate the team of the chamber orchestra “Vremena Goda”, the founder of which you are, on the 15th anniversary. I am sure that your talent, put into hard work, as well as your love for art, will make a worthy contribution to the development of the national musical culture. I hope that joint collaboration with the Vremena Goda chamber orchestra will allow us to discover new names of bright young talents and serve as a good incentive for their further development. creative growth and glorification of our city.

I wish you and your wonderful team inspiration and new achievements! I wish you success in comprehending the secrets of creativity, perseverance in overcoming difficulties on the way to the heights of musical art.

N.A. Dilenyan,
Director of the Children's School of Arts
Municipal Entity
Goryachiy Klyuch

Dear Vladislav Igorevich!

House-building plant No. 1 congratulates you and the Moscow Chamber Orchestra "Four Seasons" on your anniversary! From the first day of the organization of the orchestra, well-known performers participated in many solemn events of our plant. We are grateful to your orchestra for holding charity concerts in the sponsored Orphanage No. 39. We look forward to further fruitful cooperation with one of the brightest Russian chamber orchestras, Vremena Goda.

I wish you creative success in the implementation of the planned projects for the benefit of deepening knowledge about music, which spiritually enriches our lives.

V.M. Mishin,
Chairman of the trade union committee of the plant

The performing face of this group is bright and open, it fits into the exact canons classic looks. Although, what canons are there when it is a self-sufficient organism, living with its special deep and hot breathing, seeing not only sophisticated musical signs, but also able to pass these dry symbols through its insides, as if through a microscope, in order to isolate from there such energy that can only be especially talented and inquisitive individuals. This energy is transmitted to the audience to the audience, those who absorb all the colors of the seasons, like a rainbow of rays of light, through the gentle voice of the violin, the velvety baritone sound of the cello, the slightly shy viola or marking notes, like the weighted movements of the bears' paws in Shishkin's painting, the double bass .

Having got acquainted with them once, I wanted to hear my music performed by this wonderful group. We soon developed a wonderful creative friendship. Thanks to THE SEASONS and Vladislav Bulakhov, a rather large concert program was performed in many halls of Moscow, including at Moscow State University. Lomonosov, in the House of Diplomatic Receptions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, on television on the channel "Culture".

From the huge success of the collective, I felt a little too, because even familiar pieces appeared in the performance of this orchestra in a special way fresh and interesting. The only pity is that today there are not the conditions that would make it possible to play concerts more often, by joint efforts to create holidays for the soul, which is in such need of purification and ennoblement.

With all my heart I wish the team inspiration and patience, maintaining the elasticity of the bows and overcoming incomprehensibility through all seasons, epochs and generations.

Eugene Doga

Each creative meeting with the "Seasons" is very memorable to me. This talented team has been working and successfully functioning for fifteen years now in conditions that cannot be called privileged (I mean artists' salaries, rehearsal rooms, etc.). However, the performing enthusiasm, involvement in music, ensemble discipline and diligence have created a good and stable reputation for the orchestra both among professionals and among a wide range of music lovers.

I directly correlate these achievements with the name of the excellent musician Vladislav Bulakhov, who created the team and leads the orchestra with success and dignity through the “reefs and shoals” of the current difficult years.

I wish you perseverance and a little luck, dear friends. Keep it up! You have loyal admirers and connoisseurs.

Good luck to you and inescapable faith in the great destiny of the art of Music, dear Maestro Bulakhov!

Rodion Shchedrin

Congratulations to the wonderful team of the Vremena Goda orchestra conducted by Vladislav Bulakhov on their 15th anniversary! The highest professionalism, refined technique and genuine artistry allow this orchestra to solve the most daring creative tasks.

I am infinitely grateful for the exceptional attention that this orchestra pays to my work, as well as to other contemporary authors whose works are in the repertoire of this group.

I wish further creative achievements to these wonderful musicians!

Andrey Eshpay

Chamber orchestra "Seasons"

Dear friends!

The team of teachers and students of the Children's music school No. 51 cordially congratulates you on your 15th Anniversary!

One of the facets of the work of the Vremena Goda orchestra is active assistance in the education of young musicians.

At international festivals, the orchestra collaborates with both famous masters musical art, and with talented students of music schools. Such an event in life young musician forever remains in his memory. In addition, friendship professional musicians allows children to quickly climb the steps of mastery, penetrating deeper into beautiful world music. Our school and the orchestra have big joint creative plans.

We wish the orchestra new creative achievements and always stay at the top of their skills.

E.P. Ovchinnikova, Headmaster

Dear Vladislav Igorevich!

Children's choir "Spring" and its leaders congratulate you and your wonderful orchestra "Seasons" on the 15th anniversary! In our memory, wonderful memories of repeated joint music-making are stored.

Our acquaintance began in 2005 with a brilliant performance in the Great Hall of the Conservatory of two significant works - A. Vivaldi's cantata "Gloria" and the most difficult "New York Mass" by E. Podgaits. Later, we repeatedly performed the cantata by E. Podgaits “Poetry of the Earth” with you - and this was also unforgettable! — The Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory, the Chamber Hall of the MMDM, the Front Hall Historical Museum, Leningrad Chapel.

Thanks to your orchestra and you personally for the subtle penetration into the world of children's images in the process of working on this composition and recording it on a CD.

We wish you and your orchestra further creative prosperity and look forward to our further cooperation!

A. Ponomarev,
Artistic director
and conductor of the Children's Choir "Spring"

The Vremena Goda chamber orchestra has turned 15 years old, and all these years the collective of the Children's Art School No. 11 has been friends with this wonderful orchestra and its conductor, Honored Artist of Russia Vladislav Bulakhov.

Regularly, 3-4 times a year, our most talented students play with this orchestra in subscription concerts held at our school. Over the years, many of them have grown into excellent musicians.

It is difficult to overestimate the role that the meeting with Vladislav Igorevich played for future artists.

This brilliant conductor has an amazing ability to hear and see a musician in a little person, to help and support him in time - this is so important for the child's further professional development.

With a feeling of great appreciation and gratitude, the administration and teachers of Children's Art School No. 11 congratulate the musicians of the chamber orchestra "The Seasons" and its talented leader, Honored Artist of Russia Vladislav Bulakhov, on a significant date and wish them further creative success.

S.E. Zanina,
Lecturer, Deputy Director

Dear Vladislav Igorevich!

School of choral art "Flight" named after T.E. Selishcheva congratulates you and your team on the 15th anniversary. Your dedication to your work deserves the highest words of gratitude and respect.

We are happy that 7 years ago our creative paths crossed and together we have the opportunity to conquer the musical expanses from classics to works contemporary authors mutually enriching each other. Thanks to the joint work of your orchestra and our choir, modern classical music becomes clearer and closer to the children, and they perform it with great pleasure.

We wish you creative inspiration, the fulfillment of bold artistic ideas, the conquest of new musical peaks.

Dear, our beloved musicians of the Vremena Goda Orchestra! The entire theater "Ad libitum" from young to old congratulates you on your anniversary!

The sunny, sparkling sounds of Mozart in Bastien et Bastienne made us friends.

And after “Fedul” by Martin y Soler, we completely “married”, became one big and friendly family.

We are grateful to you for the high musical lessons of joint performances, for your patience at rehearsals, for your care and warmth. Always stay like that, do not lose the childish sonority of your hearts.

And our hearts and hearts are with you forever.

Anna Velikotnaya, all
Children's Opera Chamber Theater
Ad libitum.
(Saint Petersburg)

Dear Vladislav Igorevich!

All these years I have followed your progress with deep respect and undisguised delight. How many interesting projects you have implemented during this time! How many wonderful ideas have been brought to life, and most importantly, how many children have gone through your "school"! I know by own experience how important it is to create conditions for children that allow them to discover their talents, help them believe in themselves, in their calling.

Ensemble "Bigamchik" existed for many years as a pop group. And after the guys got acquainted with the chamber orchestra “Seasons of the Year”, after our joint programs, a lot has changed. That "Bigham" from variety ensemble turned into a real vocal group - this is also partly your merit.

Thank you for your selfless service to art, for your love for children and for your talent.

We wish you prosperity for many Summers, new creative projects, success, health and prosperity!

Irina Baranova, Bighamchik

Congratulations from the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation V.R. Medinsky

I heartily congratulate you on your anniversary and 50th anniversary creative activity!

These two dates are firmly connected with each other by the deed of your whole life, by your ardent and sincere commitment to the best traditions of Russian vocal school. Your contribution to the development of culture is weighty and significant - with your work you managed to write a bright page in the history of the choral art of our country.

Vast experience, talent and professional excellence were in full demand at the conductor's stand of one of the largest domestic choirs - the A.A. Yurlov, which you have headed for more than 10 years. During this time, the Capella came to the forefront of Russian musical life, almost weekly presenting to the public a variety of concert programs.

In addition, I would like to note your extensive educational and pedagogical activity, as well as work on large-scale projects demonstrating the outstanding achievements of Russian choral culture at the international level.

With all my heart I wish you happiness, creative longevity, the realization of all your plans and ideas!

Congratulations from the Chairman of the International Union of Musicians, Chairman of the Council of Rectors of the Conservatories of the CIS Member States, Rector of the Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky, Doctor of Art History, Professor A.S. Sokolova

On behalf of the entire staff of the Moscow State Conservatory, I heartily congratulate you on your 70th anniversary and 50th anniversary of your creative activity.

Your colleagues and friends in the conservatory workshop sincerely appreciate your inspired devotion to the best traditions of Russian choral art, your talent, skill, ardent striving for excellence in musical performance, pedagogical and educational work.

Chapel of Russia named after A.A. Yurlova, under your leadership, has reached remarkable heights and, with her active performing activities, has begun to contribute to raising the status and social significance of Russian choral art.

Together with all admirers of your talent and creativity of the outstanding team you lead, we are happy to follow your achievements, sincerely wish the realization of new large, socially significant projects, bright, inspirational minutes stage life for many years to come.

We wish good health, joy, prosperity to you and your wonderful close-knit team!

Congratulations from the Chairman of the Public Council under the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, Executive Director of the NP "All-Russian Choral Society", President of the Heritage Research Foundation P.A. Stolypina P.A. Pozhigailo

Dear Gennady Alexandrovich!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your anniversary!

Let your life be full of vivid impressions, every day brings pleasant warm meetings, and your work opens up new interesting facets. May success always accompany you in the important work that you are doing. Happiness, good health and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

Congratulation of the General Director of the Moscow State Academic Philharmonic A.A. Shalashova

Dear Gennady Alexandrovich!

Please accept my warm and heartfelt congratulations on your anniversary!

Concerts of the State Choir Capella from year to year gain more and more fans and become a musical event. This is a great merit of your talent, high professionalism and creative energy. You are sincerely devoted to music and treat it honestly and nobly.

Thank you for your cooperation and creative understanding. Be healthy, prosperous and happy. I sincerely wish success to you and your team.

Congratulations from the Artistic Director and Chief Conductor of the State Academic Symphony Choir of Russia, laureate of State Prizes, People's Artist of Russia V.K. Polyansky and the General Director of the GASK of Russia, Honored Worker of Culture of Russia A.A. Shanina

Dear Gennady Alexandrovich!

The State Academic Symphony Capella of Russia sincerely congratulates you on your significant 70th anniversary and 50th anniversary of creative activity!

We know you as a person who is endowed with powerful positive energy and great artistic erudition!

Devotion choral work, significant success in creative activity characterizes you as talented musician and a teacher.
We sincerely wish you good health, dear Gennady Alexandrovich, inspiration and happiness for many years to come! Joy and love to you, your loved ones, friends and associates in noble service Great Music!

Congratulations from the Artistic Director - Chief Conductor of the State Symphony Orchestra of the Republic of Tatarstan, People's Artist of Russia A.V. Sladkovsky

Dear Gennady Alexandrovich!

Take my best good wishes on your anniversary day!

I wish you spiritual harmony and optimism, both in creativity and in life! Let the business to which you give your spiritual strength, immense talent, experience and knowledge, bring joy and desire for new professional achievements. I join everyone important words that sound today addressed to you. I wish happiness and good health to you and your loved ones!

Long life to you in peace and prosperity!

Congratulations from the Artistic Director - Chief Conductor of the "OrchestraXXIcentury", People's Artist of Russia, composer P.B. Ovsyannikova

Dear Gennady Alexandrovich!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your significant date - the 70th anniversary of your birth and the 50th anniversary of your creative activity. You are widely known both in Russia and in the world as a brilliant musician, a talented organizer, an original conductor, infinitely devoted to your favorite work - the promotion of classical and modern choral art.

In your extensive creative activity, you had to manage many musical groups, but the Ensemble of soloists of the Moscow Kremlin chapel created by you deservedly took leading place in the musical life of Russia. Since 2004, you have been the head of the State Academic Choir of Russia named after A.A. Yurlov, where as artistic director and chief conductor you successfully continue the traditions of your great predecessors in this post.

As the artistic director and chief conductor of the Presidential Orchestra and the Orchestra of the 21st Century, I have repeatedly had to collaborate with you and your wonderful ensembles, work in Russia and abroad, participate in the recording of the Anthem of the Russian Federation, in the solemn ceremony of inauguration of the President of the Russian Federation.

Thanks to high professionalism and creative energy, concerts and official events have always been held at a decent level.

We wish you good health and further success in your joint musical activities.

Congratulations from the Honored Art Worker of Russia, composer A.L. Larina

Fate gave me the joy of communicating with a wonderful musician, interesting person. Conductor, teacher, educator… His talent manifested itself in many ways throughout creative way, milestones which were the Chapel named after D. Bortnyansky and the Chapel of the Moscow Kremlin Museum. But, perhaps, his talent was most clearly revealed in the A. Yurlov State Chapel. The collective, bearing the name of one of the Teachers of the hero of the day, today can rightfully be called one of the best choirs in Russia. It is gratifying that Gennady Dmitryak is not only open to research, but also knows how to ignite his colleagues with his passion. And, perhaps, the main thing is that he fully has something without which there is no creativity - restlessness. It is this quality that inspires hope that the current high level- just a step on the everyday thorny path to unattainable perfection. And ahead - new concert programs, tours, recordings, performances, new creative ups - the sprouts of the spiritual revival of our Motherland.

Many years, Gennady Alexandrovich!

Congratulations from the Artistic Director of the State Academic Russian Choir named after A.V. Sveshnikova E.K. Volkov and director of the team A.S. Sargidzhyan

Dear, dear Gennady Alexandrovich!

On behalf of the State Academic Russian Choir named after A.V. Sveshnikov and on my own behalf, let me greet you on the joyful day of the anniversary!

Your path in art is a glorious path artistic victories and multiplying the traditions of national choral skills, overshadowed by the blessing of your unforgettable mentors. An inspirational artist, a brilliant organizer, teacher, educator - you give all your talents to the service of Russia without a trace. For your colleagues, friendship and co-creation with you and the wonderful performing teams headed by you is a great joy and honor.

With all my heart we wish you, dear Gennady Alexandrovich, good health, family well-being and new creative insights for many and good summers!

Congratulations from the Artistic Director of the State Capella of Moscow named after Vadim Sudakov, Honored Artist of Russia A.V. Sudakov

Dear Gennady Alexandrovich!

The staff of the State Chapel of Moscow named after Vadim Sudakov congratulates you on your anniversary! We are glad that we have the good fortune to work closely with you - with one of the brightest conductors of our time, with vast experience in choral and symphonic work, with a wonderful musician and talented teacher. You generously share the secrets of your mastery with your students, many of whom lead well-known choirs. And you have something to share! Your talent, amazing performance and dedication to your work make your work bright and unique.

The State Academic Choir of Russia named after A.A.Yurlov, which you head, always captivates the audience with professionalism and impeccable taste, an amazing interweaving of traditions of folk, secular and spiritual singing. For my creative life You have accomplished many impressive musical projects which have become a notable event in the cultural life of our country and other states.

We thank you for the joint successful creative cooperation, we wish you health, inexhaustible creative energy, love and respect for loved ones, colleagues, students and prosperity to your team!

Congratulations from the Artistic Director of the Chamber Choir of the Moscow Conservatory, Professor A.V. Solovyov

The Chamber Choir of the Moscow Conservatory cordially congratulates Professor, Artistic Director and Chief Conductor of the State Academic Choir of Russia named after A.A. Yurlov Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Department of Contemporary Choral Performing Arts of the P.I. Tchaikovsky Gennady Alexandrovich Dmitryak on a significant date - the 70th anniversary of his birth!

We are happy to have the opportunity of creative cooperation with you, to comprehend the secrets of the choirmaster's skill!

We sincerely wish you good health, many years of brilliant creative longevity, new bright and varied programs!

Thank you for your kind participation and support!

Congratulation of the Director of the Kursk State Philharmonic A.I. Konoreva

Dear Gennady Alexandrovich!

The team of the Kursk State Philharmonic congratulates you on your Anniversary! Your contribution to the development of choral art is invaluable. Headed by you for 13 years, the State Academic Choir named after A.A. Yurlova is a true heritage of Russian culture.

You and your team are doing a great job promoting the best examples of classical and modern choral art, including works by G.V. Sviridov. Participation of the Capella in the festivals bearing the name of our brilliant countryman makes them a triumph of high art.

We wish you creative longevity, endless inspiration, the realization of all ideas and plans, we sincerely hope for further cooperation!

Congratulations from the Rector of the Magnitogorsk State Conservatory named after M.I. Glinka Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation, Professor N.N. Veremeenko

Dear Gennady Alexandrovich!

Administration, staff and students of the Magnitogorsk State Conservatory named after M.I. Glinka wholeheartedly congratulate you on your 70th Anniversary and 50th anniversary of creative activity!

You truly are an example of selfless and selfless work, sincere service to art, and love for your Motherland. Domestic musical culture has found in your person a talented musician, leader and public figure. Your talent has been realized in many notable cultural projects that have influenced musical life the whole country.

You rightfully belong to a galaxy of professionals whose activities have become an integral part of the significant events taking place at the Magnitogorsk Conservatory! The musicians of Magnitogorsk are grateful to you for the creative contacts that are still preserved.

We wish you and your team further creative success, health, longevity and prosperity, new discoveries in art, grateful attention and love of listeners!

Congratulations from the artistic director - director of the Nizhny Novgorod State Academic Philharmonic named after Mstislav Rostropovich, Honored Art Worker of Russia O.N. Tomina and artistic director - chief conductor of the Academic symphony orchestra Nizhny Novgorod State Academic Philharmonic named after Mstislav Rostropovich People's Artist Russia A.M. Skulsky

Dear Gennady Alexandrovich!

The Nizhny Novgorod Philharmonic named after M. Rostropovich and the staff of the Academic Symphony Orchestra are happy to congratulate you on a wonderful anniversary!

You are one of those rare people who makes up the golden fund of Russian musical culture. An incomparable master of choral art, a brilliant conductor, a successful teacher - you have achieved great success in all your activities.

A wonderful person, a true patriot, you are an example of service to art.

We are proud of our many years of creative cooperation, which originates in the plans and achievements of Alexander Alexandrovich Yurlov.

Good luck in implementing your plans, our new projects!

Happiness and good luck!!!

Congratulations from the artistic director and chief conductor of the Saratov Provincial Choral Music Theater, Honored Art Worker of Russia, Professor L.A. Litsova and director of the team A.V. Nikolaeva

Dear Gennady Alexandrovich!

We heartily congratulate you on your anniversary and 50 years of creative activity!

Your work for the glory of the choral art of Russia is an example of an ascetic heap, a true addition to Art. You have made a huge contribution to the formation and development of the best choirs in Russia. Your parish as artistic director and chief conductor of the State Academic Choir of Russia named after A.A. Yurlova breathed new strength into the illustrious team.

We wish you health, creative longevity, tireless "burning", discoveries, inspired projects, applause from the admiring public, prosperity to you and your team!

Congratulation of the director of OGAUK "Smolensk Regional Philharmonic" O.A. Sakharov

The Smolensk Regional Philharmonic congratulates you on your 70th anniversary and 50th anniversary of creative activity!

Possessing a multifaceted talent and exceptional diligence, you have become one of the leading choral conductors of our time and won the recognition of millions of listeners in our country and abroad.

A man endowed with a truly inexhaustible creative energy, a brilliant, inimitable Maestro. Your rich professional path, your huge contribution to the development of the best traditions of national and world culture deserve the most sincere recognition. Remaining faithful to your chosen cause, high ideals of service to art, you are always open to new creative ideas and plans. A well-deserved reward for your work, great and generous talent - sincere love and applause from the public.

It is gratifying that your pedagogical talents, openness and natural kindness, the desire to preserve and increase the best traditions of national musical culture allow you to successfully engage in education younger generation performers.

Performances of the State Academic Choir of Russia named after A.A. Yurlov, whose artistic director and chief conductor you are, won the hearts of the Smolensk public.

On this significant day for you, accept the wishes of happiness, good health and new creative success in your ministry!

Congratulation of the director of the Yaroslavl State Philharmonic Society L.V. Gavrilova

Dear Gennady Aleksandrovich!

Let me sincerely congratulate you and the entire staff of the State Choir of Russia named after A.A. Yurlov with a wonderful holiday - your 70th anniversary and the 50th anniversary of your creative activity.

The combination of two anniversaries seems to be deeply symbolic and logical - the history of Russian musical culture over the past half century is unthinkable without your colossal influence on the whole system and harmony of Russian choral art, is inextricably linked with the pinnacle of your creative achievements, your tireless aspirations forward and upward, honest service for the good home country and the people. Your artistic leadership of the State Academic Choir of Russia has become a milestone in the biography of the illustrious ensemble, gave a powerful impetus to its development, opened new lands and new heavens to the Yurlovskaya choir.

The Yaroslavl State Philharmonic Society is proud of cooperation with you and hopes that in the future we will meet with the revelations of your talent and the generosity of your soul!

We wish you good health, fortitude and God's help!

Congratulations to the musician in verse

May the muse inspire you, O musician,
And the talent will only become more beautiful!
You manage the notes easily
You play in such a way that your heart is warmer and lighter!
Let the music inspire, call,
You in a huge, fabulous flight!
Be happy and successful, musician,
And be filled with joy!

Congratulations to the musician on his birthday in verse

For you the whole world is a sound
It's not the same for you, it's different.
Everyone wants happiness, my friend,
Everyone just wants good luck.
I congratulate you now
happy birthday musician
I wish that every hour
Your talent has been in demand.

Musician poetic congratulations birthday

Happy birthday, musician!
Rejoice, dare!
You are so rich in friends
Heart became warmer.
May the joy of all friends
Shines in music
And harmony in the soul
Chaos wins!

Congratulations on the musician's birthday

You know how difficult the notes compose melodies,
And sometimes sweet flours of creativity bring pain.
But you are devoted to art, only music is your idol.
With Orpheus, you soar in the clouds, surprising the world with beauty.
And let your talent bloom with every moment!
Happiness and success! Happy birthday, musician!

Happy birthday musician. Your enchanting music sometimes takes us to beautiful distances and unspeakable fabulous places. Accept, my friend, the mountains of happiness, and accept the sea of ​​\u200b\u200bjoy, may your creative potential will never run out, and you will always delight with your beautiful music.

Poetic congratulations to the musician

Your life is music, friend
Your life is an ephemeral world
How to be, because it's full around
Rude women, drinks and games?
My dear, even though you are a musician,
And dream of living in harmony
But then you are a great talent,
To find it in everything!
I want to congratulate you
With this holiday, loving.
I'd rather keep quiet
The music will say better than me!

Congratulations to the musician on his birthday

Happy Birthday, musician, we understand your talent so much, we are so pleased on this day, to you, to say our congratulations. We wish you to always be not only heard, but also in sight, so that your talent becomes brighter and more necessary.

Poem congratulations to the musician

The music flows slowly
My soul sings and cries!
You touched me for the living, musician,
You are far from an amateur in this matter!
Let your music be only light,
And longing will go away forever!
Bring happiness clouds
And soon the dream will come true!

Congratulations to the musician on his birthday

Happy birthday musician
We understand your talent.
We are so pleased on this bright day,
Do not see a shadow on your face of sadness.
Let your talent develop
Fill our hearts with warmth.
And enjoy your element
Embracing everything with your being.

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