A plump singer with a perfect voice. Nikolai Baskov's diet, or why opera singers are fat


The great Italian tenor Luciano Pavarotti was remembered by the public not only for his radiant voice, but also for his “immense” waist. Montserrat Caballe is not inferior to him in this indicator (she pretty much amused the audience in the role of Salome in opera of the same name R. Strauss, modestly hiding behind the scenes for the duration of the Dance of the Seven Veils and giving way to a thin ballerina). By no means “fluffy” Lyubov Kazarnovskaya, the incomparable Irina Arkhipova lost her grace of young Carmen over the years ... so why is excess weight becoming a real scourge of opera singers?

There is no shortage of explanations. They say exactly what body fat around the larynx they give the voice a beautiful timbre - but it does not happen that they are on one part of the body, but not on others. They say that singing is a serious physical activity (and this is true), so the singers constantly want to eat. The fullness of singers is also associated with the width of the chest, which provides good breathing initially or develops in the process ...

Maybe one could believe all this, but ... let's look at Anna Netrebko. This opera diva, who is vying for the right to invite the best theaters world, and concert tickets worth several hundred dollars are sold out in a matter of hours, the fragility of the figure, perhaps, will argue with ballerinas. Olga Borodina was very slender in her youth, Galina Vishnevskaya did not change the size of costumes for many years, Sergey Lemeshev was not fat, Placido Domingo does not suffer from overweight ... examples can be continued, but it is already clear that the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe “natural” fullness of opera singers can be classified as a myth. But where did this stereotype come from?

Perhaps one of its sources is an enduring desire to touch the secret of genius. In an attempt to unravel the secret, any facts from the biographies of the greats are used - habits, quirks, illnesses, vices, any circumstances - you can only hear: Mussorgsky an alcoholic, van Gogh a psychopath, Chopin a tuberculosis patient, Paganini's father beat him in childhood ... well, and “Luciano Pavarotti fat" - from the same "opera".

Talk about the fullness of opera singers can be compared with the same talk about the fullness of priests. In fact, being overweight is a problem. modern society in developed countries in general, singers and priests are no exception. fat people are found among both of them no more often and no less often than among other people, but under the jacket of an average citizen, the “tummy” is not as noticeable as under the cassock of a priest on the pulpit - or under the tight suit of the Duke of Mantua or the kimono Cio-Cio-san on stage opera house.

In addition, the artists are always in sight: in principle, we don’t care what the waist circumference of the saleswoman in the store or how much the nurse who gives us injections weighs - but when the puffy-thighed shepherd Lel or the romantic young man Lensky with a belly and a double chin comes on stage - this is funny at best. Of course, the characters in operas are different - for the old sedate Tsar Beredney or the drunkard Varlaam, who has not known grief since he "leaked from the monastery", some fullness, perhaps, will even be to face - but there are roles in which she is really intolerant ( Thus, a significant role in the failure of the premiere of "La Traviata" was played by the "mighty" complexion of the singer, who played the role of Violetta burning with consumption).

Thus, it would be reckless to say that most opera singers are overweight. Overweight opera singers are simply more visible - and you really need to have the talent of the level of Luciano Pavarotti for the public to forgive this.

Italy at all times produced great artists, including musicians. However, few of them were able to win international fame. However, I have no doubt that you all know them well 🙂 Here is a list of the most famous Italian performers:

1. Albano

The most famous song on the Italian, which can only be - Felicità, performed by Albano in a duet in Romina Power.

2. Adriano Celentano

Insanely popular at one time in the USSR, Celentano in his homeland was not as popular as I thought!

3. Luciano Pavarotti

The great Luciano Pavarotti, the genius of not only Italian but also world music.

4. Eros Ramazzotti (Eros Ramazzotti)

With this artist, the era of Italian pop music began, he was one of the first to go on foreign tours, which brought him even greater fame.

5. Andrea Bocelli

The most famous blind tenor, known for performing both operatic and more commercial compositions.

6. Zucchero

Adelmo Fornaciari, known under the pseudonym Zucchero (it. Sugar), also called the "Italian Joe Cocker."

7. Nek

The song "Laura non c'è", which spread all over the world, brought him fame. However, Neck is still working fruitfully! By the way, the real name of the singer is Filippo Nevyani.

8. Mina

Our parents knew this performer since the 60s. Creatively prolific lady with interesting voice, a kind of Italian Alla Borisovna 🙂

9. Tiziano Ferro

A modern singer, despite his youth, who has gained fame both in Italy and abroad. The scandal was his last year's statement about his own non-traditional orientation.

10 Laura Pausini

Contemporary singer, multiple winner international competition Grammy. Laura sings in Italian, Spanish, French, English and Portuguese.

For all lovers of Italian music:
Don't miss our hit parade. We turn up the volume and listen, we are charged by Italy!

In the section on the question Why are opera singers fat? or full, you can call it whatever you like, but there are definitely no thin ones among them. given by the author get bored the best answer is This is because of the specifics of breathing. They breathe in the lower part of the lungs, i.e., the lower part of the chest, or more correctly, the stomach. Well, this part should be sufficiently developed. If you breathe in this way, then "resonance" appears in your voice (not always). You must understand that opera singers do not sing to a phonogram and even without a microphone (ie, no "processing" of sound).

Answer from Yodor Deev[guru]
they have a lot of sound

Answer from East[guru]
extract voice need mass

Answer from conscience[guru]
Probably, in thin voices it does not fit.

Answer from Eurovision[newbie]
Their life is such that they need to eat well ...

Answer from Josef Schweik[guru]
They will be skinny - there will be no voice. Look, Maria Callas somehow decided to lose weight - that's all, since then she no longer had outstanding voice data, and her career went down. Luciano Pavarotti also complained that he could not lose weight, because his voice would disappear, and at the same time, because of his figure, he had difficulty flying: he was required to purchase two air tickets.
Opera singers and singers - they do not sing to the phonogram, but themselves.

Until recently, we associated the opera prima donna with a big sounding barrel, which was an eternal reason for irony. There have always been exceptions to this rule, but now the exceptions are rapidly becoming the rule. Opera singers are losing weight before our eyes, becoming a rarity. Izvestia is investigating this mystery of nature.

Alignment with Callas

Gioconda - 92 kg, Aida - 87 kg, Norma - 80 kg, Medea - 78 kg, Lucia - 75 kg, Alcesta - 65 kg, Elizabeth - 64 kg. This list of female operatic bodies refers to the 1953/54 season, which marked a turning point in the legend of Maria Callas. From Ponchielli's "Gioconda" to Verdi's Elizabeth, she lost 28 kg, turning into a completely new, incorporeal creature, the most noticeable part of which was huge, heavily lined eyes ...

To this day, this weight loss remains the most famous in the history of art, although without the trademark tragic facial expressions, the plasticity of the hands and other magnetism, which was extremely exposed after the diet, the lost kilograms would be worthless. Nevertheless, even those who have never gone to the opera, heard or seen Callas know about them. It was after them, as is commonly believed, that it became clear that a woman with a voice does not have to be a woman in the body.

It's no secret that Callas' ideal was Audrey Hepburn. They even had a common makeup artist, Alberto de Rossi, who did similar makeup for them. In the 1950s, the idea of female beauty shaped the cinema world and the high fashion that was gaining momentum. And in order to fit into Dior's corset, one had to think about the numbers that the scales show.

Turned down the volume

Nowadays, opera singers have more reasons to be thin. More precisely, there are almost no excuses left for extra pounds. The main justification has always been the power of the voice.

Of course, the asthenic beauty is clearly not a receptacle for huge lungs; accordingly, she will not be heard in the gallery of the two-thousand-seat hall. But if there is any truth in this traditional statement, then it is broken by the fact that now not everyone needs "loudly". In addition to operas by Verdi, Puccini and Wagner, the rules good manners every self-respecting Western theater includes a performance early music. And there it is not at all necessary to shout over the quadruple composition of the orchestra. It is much more important to be on "you" with style, virtuoso technique and other subtleties, as well as to feel the baroque drive.

It is on these skills that the fame of Cecilia Bartolli, who has a very small voice, is built. However, by modern operatic standards, this woman of normal physique is also considered almost fat.

Directors love to be slimmer

The main enemies of body fat are directors. Step by step, they are becoming more and more important and defining figures in the modern opera process, crowding out conductors in this business and turning singers into construction material for their concepts.

The type of prima donna who "knows what Tosca should be like" and who "saw this modern stage direction of yours in a coffin" is gradually becoming a thing of the past. Now all directing is becoming more or less modern, and representatives younger generation It no longer occurs to singers to be indignant when they have to sing upside down or standing in the shower. And stripping naked is far from the most risky thing that today offers. Opera theatre.

It is clear that both the directors, and the audience, and the singers themselves would prefer that in such a production, extra pounds would not catch the eye.

No one hides anymore that external data and artistry are no less important for casting. important points than the ability to correctly take the upper E-flat. Even the Moscow Conservatory does not undertake to teach girls larger than size 48 to sing. Why waste time? All the same, they will then be the eternal loser. Let them immediately switch to some other profession.

We lose weight correctly

Actually, if you think about it, in an effort to take care of yourself and not stick out too much from the running sizes of clothes in modern world success, glamor and fitness is not difficult to catch not only opera soloists. Jogging in the morning and giving up a hearty dinner is a requirement of the time, which equalizes the singers with all other people. But unlike the rest, singers are forced to monitor the correctness of their diet. Because otherwise you can lose the main instrument of production - the voice.

Carbohydrates are needed for ligaments - this is probably the basis of all the old myths that the prima donna should constantly eat cakes. Continuous is not necessary. But some kind of "Kremlin diet", which is precisely the rejection of carbohydrates, will not work here. Unless, of course, the soloist is not going to sing after her exclusively into the microphone.

A new type of prima donna

It is most convenient in our time to be of the right physique from birth. The lineup opera divas new type in recent times ever wider. Romanian Angela Georgiou is considered the undisputed beauty queen.

There is also Frenchwoman Natalie Dessay, Italian Stefania Bonfadelli, Czech Magdalena Kozhena, Latvian Elina Garancha...

It is not clear where they were before. Most likely, it simply didn’t occur to them to sing in the opera before. The most obvious example is our Anna Netrebko, who started with the title of "Vice-Miss Kuban", then worked as a cleaner at the Mariinsky Theater for two years, until Gergiev heard her sing. In her enchanting career, glamor and honed vocal professionalism went hand in hand. Her real takeoff began with the part of Donna Anna in the Salzburg "Don Juan", where Netrebko ran a barefoot girl in a short dress, and continued with the recording of video clips for classical arias, which were sold out like hot cakes. And the culmination was a stadium-style super project with the temperamental Mexican tenor Rolando Vilazon, together with whom Netrebko demonstrates to the whole world that in our time opera is beautiful, young and sexy.

Five high-profile stories about opera weight

1. It is believed that the last straw for Maria Callas became a review written in 1952 on "Aida" by Verdi in "Arena di Verona", in which a sarcastic critic wrote that the singer's legs can be confused with the legs of elephants. Callas all her life could not forget the tears shed on this occasion: it was then that she decided to lose weight.

2. In the 60s, Herbert von Karajan proposed Montserrat Caballe, already quite famous, to sing Donna Elvira in Mozart's "Don Giovanni" in Salzburg, but with the condition of losing 20 kg. She tore up the letter and mailed it back in this form. This incident was the beginning of a long quarrel between two world legends.

3. A few years ago, the famous scandal broke out between the London "Covent Garden" and an American Deborah Voight. The singer was supposed to sing the title role in Richard Strauss' opera Ariadne auf Naxos. But this did not happen due to the fact that the prima donna did not fit into the dress prepared for the performance.

The singer, who struggled with excess weight for a long time and unsuccessfully, received compensation for early termination contract and tried to get off with ironic comments. But soon she nevertheless decided to go to the extreme measure - to lie under the surgeon's knife and make herself a resection of the stomach, after which the long-awaited weight loss came.

4. There is a legend that the American black diva Jesse Norman filed a lawsuit against a certain publication that described the following picture from her life: the singer could not climb through the door leading to the stage, and at the suggestion of sympathizers who were nearby "try sideways" she answered that "she has no barrels."

5. When asked about the harmony of the figure, Anna Netrebko talked about her miraculous "diet with a hamburger." One hamburger a day without fries and nothing else. But only the case should take place in America - there, according to the star, the hamburgers are of the highest quality, with real meat.

What opera divas themselves say about food in their interviews

Anna Netrebko:"The main thing is fresh breath"

"A singer should have good breathing. When you're bigger, it's easier to hold your breath. Singing is a huge physical load. But I've seen singers thinner and smaller than me. They sing - great!

And more: in opera music there is erotica. And to unravel, to see it is not so difficult. Classical music can be very erotic."

"Why are you so embarrassed? Do you think we won't drink a bottle? And pancakes with caviar. In a normal amount.

So that there was no spitting, but enough to eat ... So. Do you have pies? Not? How is it that there are no pies ... "

Lyubov Kazarnovskaya: "Fat singers are just gluttons"

“Talking about the fact that weight helps opera singers sing is complete nonsense! .. After you have finished singing a concert, a feeling of hunger appears: the diaphragm works very actively and puts pressure on the stomach. To fill this feeling of emptiness, singers begin to eat a lot. Moreover, they usually prefer food that is very high in calories.

This is why they put on weight. In fact, the quality of singing does not depend on body weight. Good vocals are correct technique and the energy that comes from you. Everything else is an excuse for your gluttony.

I don't eat anything on the day of the concert! The maximum that I can afford is one banana ... Through full body energy does not pass, it goes to the digestion of food. And if a singer has eaten a chicken or meat, it is boring to listen to such a singer: one feels that he is digesting the chicken. And the public needs a singer who has a burning eye and who saturates the hall with energy. It is mine firm conviction. Or do you recall the example of Maria Callas?"

Elena Obraztsova "I lost 28 kilograms!"

“The actors were all so slender, young. And I thought - what about me? I wanted to lose weight, and I lost 28 kilograms. I felt sorry for Dima Bozin - he is so fragile, and in the role he had to carry me in his arms, although I then weighed 96 kilograms ... I have so much lust for life that I want to stay in shape longer. I mock myself - I deny myself luxurious feasts, do braces, operations by my favorite plastic surgeon. does not see. In my heart I am still very young - why should I follow the lead of time?

Stomach and intestines

Why are opera singers and female singers fat?

(Kelly Reed from Indianapolis, Indiana, USA)

There are several theories explaining why many opera singers and singers are distinguished by such a pretty fullness. According to one of them, a large amount of adipose tissue surrounding the larynx enhances its resonance, and therefore the person produces more pleasant sounds. The amount of this adipose tissue different singers different. It is almost impossible to have it only in the throat and not have it in other parts of the body. According to the second theory, opera singers need a stronger diaphragm than usual to make their voice stand out against the background of a large orchestra in a spacious opera house. A large ribcage and good lung control create enough mass to stretch the diaphragm more, which is further facilitated by large body mass and large forms. So it's an extremely big advantage to be big. In the XVIII and XIX centuries, during the rapid development of opera, directors and directors strove for better entertainment and more spectacular techniques. Opera houses became more and more, and the audience in them - more numerous. But, unlike the theater, it is impossible to remake a person, so new methods of extracting sound had to be invented. Gradually, large breasts, broad chests, large throats, large mouths, etc., came to be regarded as advantages for opera singers. By the way, the signs of such innovations were not only larger forms of singers, but also the improvement of wind instruments and the reconstruction of old baroque stringed instruments.

A third theory was proposed by Dr. Peter Osin. He states that opera singers "may be predisposed to gaining weight because lung tension whets their appetite." He goes on to add that "the voice-extraction mechanism of singing causes the cells in the lungs to release substances such as leptin, a protein produced by the body's fat cells that regulates appetite." According to the fourth theory, singing itself expands the body, especially chest. After years of singing, the body of a singer or songwriter looks fuller than it really is. This is the conclusion reached by Australian researchers led by Dr. K W. Thorp. But none of the theories on this moment not proven. Other theories may emerge in the future. As the commentators say, "the case is not over until the fat lady sang."

There are also exceptions to the rule that opera singers must be overweight. José Carreras, the most famous tenor of the last 50 years, is only 170 cm tall and looks like a man with an average body weight.

In 2004, the Royal Opera House terminated the contract with opera singer Deborah Voight on the grounds that she is too fat.

Many opera fans affectionately call one of the most famous operas"Madame

Butterfly" and her main character"Madame Butterball" ("Madame Fat Woman"),

The phrase "It's not over until the fat lady sang" is attributed to various sports commentators, including American Dan Cook, American basketball coach Dick Mota, American baseball player Yogi Bere, American writer Damon Runyon and the most prolific of writers, Anonymous .

What is better to cool in hot weather: something cold or something hot?

(Andrew Wiseman from Cambridge, UK)

The following arguments can be put forward in favor of cold drinks: 1) a cold drink cools the tissues of the mouth, tongue and throat, thus producing an immediate effect; 2) a cold drink lowers body temperature because the body has to warm it up to its own temperature.

On the other hand, it is argued that the body spends more energy on lowering the temperature of a hot drink than on warming up a cold one. But this is contradicted by those who claim that any process in the body only raises its temperature. This, like many other disputes, can only be resolved by knowing what the majority of people prefer. It turns out that in hot weather people consume much more cold drinks than hot ones; at the same time, pleasant sensations come to the fore, rather than some abstract thoughts about the temperature balance of the body. The same can be said about hot drinks in cold weather. In general, the temperature of the drink does not really matter, unless it is consumed in very large quantities or the drink is not very hot or not very cold. If you drink a lot of a cold drink, you may experience a cramp or a feeling of nausea. If the drink is too hot, you can burn your mouth and throat. In all other cases, the body weight is too large in relation to the mass of the drink to produce any noticeable effect. Whether it is cold or hot, the body will bring it up to body temperature without much expenditure of energy and without lowering its temperature. The body temperature regulation system (homeostasis) is not so easy to carry out. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends drinking more fluids during hot weather, but does not explain what temperature it should be. The only warning concerns "very cold drinks" that can cause stomach cramps. The CDC also states that the body needs salts and minerals in addition to water to prevent heat stroke, so it recommends avoiding coffee, alcohol, and sugary drinks because these drinks "cause the body to lose more fluid," .

Is it possible to seize a cold and treat a fever by fasting?

(Electra Fili Po from Apia, Samoa)

This question is asked by many. As Dr. Andrew Lloyd writes, "There is no specific medical evidence that 'colds should be eaten and fevers treated with hunger.' For acute infections such as the flu, it is best for patients to eat only when they are hungry.” Dr. Holly Mugglestone writes: “There is no need to seize the heat. In this case, you need to get enough fluid so as not to dehydrate the body. And sometimes you need to get enough kilojoules not to lose weight. It all depends on the specific temperature and its duration. Personally, from the point of view of a simple layman, I think that you need to eat as the body itself suggests.

Is it true that spinach can make you strong?

(Thomas Glass of Hartford, Connecticut, USA)

The belief that spinach helps build big muscles is called the "Popeye effect." Unfortunately, this is a myth. Even if you eat a lot of spinach, you are unlikely to become as strong as the hero of popular cartoons, the sailor Popeye; if it were really possible, then bodybuilders and athletes would buy tons of spinach. In fact, many nutritional supplements build muscle mass and strength much better than spinach. It is also true that weak people often lack vitamins and minerals. The name "spinach" comes from the Latin word spina, which means "back". On its own, spinach is a low-calorie food, great for a vegetarian diet, and a good source of iron and magnesium needed for muscle development. Spinach also contains vitamin C, vitamin B 9 (folic acid), and additional antioxidants that are widely believed to prevent cancer. So there will be no harm to the body from it in any case. As for the benefits of spinach as a source of iron, then, according to Dr. Sean Somerset, the product is rather poorly absorbed by the body if consumed without calcium. Iron in spinach, unlike meat, is not present in the form in which it is present in the blood (not in the form of heme). The myth of spinach and popeye owes its origin scientific mistake. In 1870, the scientist Evon Wolff mistakenly omitted the decimal point, which resulted in spinach having ten times more iron than other greens. The error was discovered in 1937, but it was too late. The first cartoon about Popeye was published in 1929, giving rise to the legend of the miraculous power of spinach.

The idea that spinach is good for muscle development is due to the fact that it contains iron. Iron is needed to carry oxygen from the lungs to the muscles and to create oxygen stores in the muscles. In addition, spinach is useful in that:

Prevents heart disease;

Prevents colon and prostate cancer;

Maintains visual acuity;

Reduces the likelihood of brain damage after a stroke;

Supports Bone Health .

Why don't we get E. coli all the time?

(Neil Goinwood from Cardiff, Wales, UK)

All bacteria that live in the intestines enter there with food during meals. Even despite the fact that mother's milk must be sterile, they enter the body of a newborn already in the first days of his life. They first form colonies in the mouth and then are swallowed with milk. E. coli (Escherichia colt) is one member of a large group of microorganisms called E. coli. E. coli are classified primarily on the basis of separation tests rather than any other physical characteristics. They are found in the lower intestines of humans and animals. In water, they breed poorly, but well - in nutrient media especially at room and slightly warmer temperatures.

E. coli reproduces well in a dairy environment, breaking down lactose. In this case, the so-called fermentation, or fermentation, occurs - anaerobic (without the participation of oxygen) decomposition of complex organic matter with emphasis a large number energy. Examples of fermentation: the conversion of carbohydrates into carbon dioxide and alcohol into organic acids. E. coli colonies form almost instantly. Many forms of E. coli do not cause disease (not pathogenic). They are present in large quantities in the intestines and benefit the human body by fighting against dangerous bacteria and produce vitamins that the body absorbs through the colon. But some strains cause disease (pathogenic) - for example, E. coli 0157 and E. coli 0111 are responsible for severe poisoning that occurs in all parts of the world.

Why do people sometimes lose bladder and bowel control during times of fear?

(Peter Nyaum of Albury, New South Wales)

Sometimes, due to intense fear, in response to a nervous shock, people experience involuntary urination or defecation. This response is sometimes called the "fight or flight" response, as Walter Cannon aptly coined it in 1929. When we experience terrible fear, sympathetic nervous system enters a state of critical tension in which we are better prepared to deal with the source of fear, or at least to run away. The period of extreme stress is characterized by a number of temporary physiological phenomena. For example, the body produces more adrenaline, which stimulates the work of the heart and lungs, thus helping to prepare for physical exertion. Other temporary physiological phenomena include the expansion of the blood vessels of the muscles; contraction of blood vessels in those parts of the body that are not needed for fight or flight; release of nutrients necessary for muscle work; inhibition of the work of the lacrimal and salivary glands, as well as relaxation of the excretory organs. So from severe stress, for example, when we experience great fear, the bladder and intestines “let us down” -.

An article published in the journal Military Medicine (August, 1983) states that among US military personnel, constipation is observed in 7.2% of cases when employees are at home, in 10.4% of cases when they are taken to the training ground. , and in 30.2% of cases when they are at the landfill.

An article published in the Scottish Medical Journal (December 1993) described three cases of porcelain toilet bowls that shattered under the weight of the body and caused wounds requiring hospitalization. The reason given was the old age of the toilet bowls. As toilets age, such occurrences become more and more likely.

The author of an article published in the Journal of the Norwegian Medical Association (March 20, 1999) concludes, among other things, that patients differ in their preference for urine sample containers. (Maybe, fashion designers Should you also consider a urinalysis accessory?)

According to some estimates, if you constantly “let out gases” for 8 years and 9 months, then with the explosion of such an amount of gas, energy is released that is comparable to the energy of the explosion of one of the first atomic bombs.

Cat urine glows in the dark when exposed to ultraviolet light. Human urine does not glow under any light .

What are gallstones?

Gallstones are crystalline formations in the gallbladder. The gallbladder is a small organ, about 7.5 cm long and 2.5 cm wide, shaped like a pear. It is located under the liver right side abdominal cavity. It stores the bile produced by the liver; when the bladder contracts, bile enters the digestive tract. Bile is very active in helping digestion by breaking down the fats in food. Approximately 80% of gallstones are cholesterol stones because they are predominantly made up of cholesterol; the other 20% are pigment stones, consisting predominantly of reddish-yellow bilirubin and calcium salts. Gallstones come in all sizes, from the size of a grain of sand to a golf ball. They appear in the gallbladder one at a time or there are several of them at once - even up to several thousand! According to the American Society for Liver Diseases, one in 12 Americans have gallstones. With this proportion, there should be about 25 million people in the US suffering from gallstone disease; in the UK 5 million, Canada 2.7 million and Australia 1.6 million.

Gallstones are formed from one of three ways: when bile contains more cholesterol than it can dissolve; when bile contains an excessive amount of certain proteins or other substances that contribute to the formation of bile stones; when the gallbladder does not contract and does not excrete bile properly. In most cases, pain is not observed, and the disease is initially asymptomatic. When symptoms appear, the disease becomes symptomatic. Every year, symptomatic gallstone disease leads to serious health problems - in the US alone, 800,000 people require hospitalization and more than 500,000 require surgery.

Is it true that obese women over 40 are especially prone to gallstone disease?

(Sonia Akstens from Sacramento, California, USA)

The widespread opinion that obese women over 40 are especially prone to gallstone disease is not without foundation. As Dr. Terry Bolin writes, women in this category are indeed at risk. But gallstones are often found in younger and older women as well. In this case, more important factor is the weight. Obesity, rapid weight loss, birth control, and hormone replacement therapy contribute to the formation of gallstones. According to the data American Society liver diseases, a diet with rapid weight loss (more than 1.36 kg per week) significantly increases the risk of gallstones compared with more sparing diets. However, according to Dr. Bolin, light color hair and bright skin do not increase the risk of gallstones.

In folk medicine in some countries, bovine gallstones are considered an aphrodisiac. Currently, bovine gallstones are considered very valuable resource, the price of which reaches 1000 dollars per ounce. The meat industry workers in these countries are strictly checked at the exit of the factory so that they do not carry gallstones with them.

"Porcelain gallbladder" is a condition in which calcium is deposited on the walls of the gallbladder, causing the organ to become petrified, brittle, and brittle. It can be broken like a small porcelain vase, hence the name. This syndrome was described in 1951 by Dr. P. X. Kazmierski . Fortunately, as Dr. Tsung-Chun Lee and colleagues write , porcelain gallbladder syndrome is quite rare - about one case per 1000 patients requiring hospitalization .

What harm does a tapeworm cause to the human body?

(George Gomez of Concord, California, USA)

Why do many people feel sick when they see or smell other people's vomit?

(Andreas Pergantis from Thessaloniki, Greece)

The characteristic smell of vomit is due to short-chain aliphatic acids, such as butyric (butanoic) acid. Butyric acid is a fatty acid also found in rancid butter and in parmesan cheese. At room temperature, it remains a liquid. She has a rather peculiar taste, and especially bad smell, which is why many children who try Parmesan for the first time complain that it smells like vomit. Vomiting is caused by a variety of factors, including food poisoning, gastritis, a brain tumor, and emotional distress. Vomiting is also observed after taking alcohol. But regardless of the reasons, it is better to avoid contact with vomit, as it can be full of viruses, bacteria and toxins. The sight and smell of vomit triggers a physiological and psychological rejection response that is beneficial to our survival. This behavior is typical not only for humans, but also for many primates. In addition, vomiting can be a group phenomenon. If one person in the group feels sick, then all members of the group begin to experience unpleasant feelings. It is a reaction that we inherited from our ancestors, which was necessary for the survival of our species and therefore rooted in us quite deeply.

Why from excessive physical activity are we tired?

(John Wright from London, UK)

There is at least one theory that explains nausea after excessive exercise. When the body experiences heavy loads, it cannot always digest large volume food, because he is too busy with other processes, such as cooling or pumping blood to the muscles working at the limit (for example, during a marathon). In this case, the body is much easier to expel food. That's why jogging right after a hearty breakfast or lunch can be not only inconvenient, but also dangerous to health. For the same reason, some people feel sick in the heat after a heavy meal. So our grandmothers and mothers were right in forbidding us to swim. whole hour after we ate.

What causes morning sickness during pregnancy?

Morning sickness during pregnancy reduces the chances of miscarriage and premature birth, underweight babies and stillbirths. According to one theory, nausea prevents pregnant women from eating certain foods that contain substances that can interfere with the development of the central nervous system of the embryo and fetus. From an evolutionary standpoint, losing extra kilojoules during nausea and vomiting is more beneficial than harming the fetus.

Morning sickness usually stops by the end first three months of pregnancy, because by that time the central nervous system of the fetus is already quite developed and less susceptible to the effects of outsiders chemical substances. Statistical evidence supports this theory - among women who experienced morning sickness from the 6th to the 18th week of pregnancy, there were fewer miscarriages than those women who did not have morning sickness. And among the women who also vomited, there were fewer miscarriages than those who simply vomited. So if you are a pregnant woman and you feel sick in the morning, then you will be pleased to know that you are not suffering in vain - all this is for the benefit of your unborn child.

The science of vomiting is called emetology.

Drs. G. Koren and K. Maltip studied 26 women and concluded that "taking antiemetics before the onset of morning sickness symptoms appears to prevent the onset of severe morning sickness symptoms during subsequent pregnancies." .

Dr. K. Luik with colleagues using 22,478 women as an example, they concluded that the more pregnancies women had, the more likely they were to develop symptoms of morning sickness .

How do people digest tripe?

(Amy Goembs from Shreveport, Louisiana, USA)

Tripe is a favorite dish in many countries of the world. It is part of the stomach of animals such as cows. Since the human stomach cannot digest itself, many people ask the question: how does it digest the stomach of animals? It digests for the same reason that it does not digest itself. Our stomach contains acids and enzymes that break down organic material, including tissue from the meat of the animals we eat. But our stomach is lined from the inside with a special layer of mucus that protects its inner shell. In the cooked stomach of an animal, this protective layer is destroyed so that all other tissue is freely digested.

The journey of food from the mouth to the stomach takes 7 seconds.

The stomach contains 35 million glands that secrete gastric juice.

What is salmonella and why is it called that?

(Maurice Wille of Avalon Beach, New South Wales)

The name "salmonella" comes from the name of the American microbiologist Daniel Salmon, who discovered it in 1885. This is the general name for more than three hundred types of bacteria found in food. Most cases of salmonellosis occur at home, and not at all in restaurants and canteens, as some believe. But as more and more business people are now eating out, the number of such poisonings is only likely to increase. Clinical manifestations of salmonellosis are different, depending on the specific type of bacteria. Symptoms can range from abdominal pain to severe and fatal illness.

Are appendix surgeries less common nowadays?

(Peter Fletcher from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia)

Like circumcision and removal of the tonsils, appendix surgery is currently not as common as it used to be. Dr. Dean Edell, a well-known American radio and television host, once said that appendectomy, more than any other operation, paid off the pool loans taken by doctors. Even a generation ago, doctors grabbed the scalpel at the slightest sign of an anomaly. But no one knows for sure how often this operation is performed at the present time. AT different countries and regions the situation may be different. According to a recent study by Dr. I. Ahmed et al., “appendectomy… is still practiced by 75% of general surgeons in the Mid-Trent region [UK]…”. Less than 25% of surgeons resort to other forms of treatment for appendicitis. As doctors write: "Currently there is no consensus about the treatment in such cases ... There is a need to develop a protocol of action for this common problem" -.

Why is our ass shaped like this?

Even a cursory glance at the anatomy of our closest relatives - chimpanzees and gorillas - allows us to come to the conclusion that nature has clearly deprived them in this regard. Compared to them, the "back part" of a person is much more rounded and fleshy. The gluteal muscles in humans are stronger and more massive than similar muscles in other primates. In total, we have three types of gluteal muscles: small gluteal (gluteus minimus), middle gluteal (gluteus medius) and large gluteal (gluteus maximus). They are essential for walking upright and running on two legs. Bipedalism also requires more developed and larger calves to move the legs forward and backward, as well as beginner and support walking. Chimpanzees and gorillas, which do not have such developed muscles, are only able to move in jumps and waddle.

Why do women swing their hips more when walking?

(Heder Norman from Geelong, Victoria, Australia)

Women swing their hips more when walking, because their pelvic girdle is relatively wider than the pelvis of men and is slightly tilted forward. The pelvic girdle is a ring formed by the bones of the pelvis and sacrum, to which the lower limbs are attached. The female pelvic girdle is wider than the male one for the reason that the baby's head must pass through it during childbirth. This is the reason for the characteristic female gait. Fashion for shoes with high heels only enhances this effect.

Why do women have bigger buttocks than men?

(Heder Norman from Geelong, Victoria, Australia)

Various theories have been put forward in this regard. According to one of them, women need more fat to give birth and feed children. According to another theory, which was proposed by Timothy L. Taylor, due to the upright posture, the female reproductive organs were hidden, especially when viewed from behind. As compensation, they developed larger buttocks, which began to serve as a sexual signal. The larger the buttocks, the stronger the signal.

Why do some African women have such big buttocks?

(Heder Norman from Geelong, Victoria, Australia)

Abnormally high fat content in the buttocks is called "steatopygia". If fat accumulates in the upper thighs, then this is called "steatomeria". Steat is Greek for "fat". According to prehistoric rock paintings, stone Age these syndromes were much more common. Today, they are often observed among the inhabitants of the Andaman Islands in the Indian Ocean and among the Koi (Hottentots) in South Africa.

The pelvic girdle is scientifically called cingulum membri inferioris, or CMI for short.

Big gluteal muscle- the most massive muscle in the entire human body.

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