Schiller's works. Living under a false name


Poet, playwright, one of the founders of the German classical literature Johann Christoph Friedrich Schiller was born on November 10, 1759 in Marbach (Württemberg, Germany). A native of the lower classes of the German burghers: his mother is from the family of a provincial baker-tavernkeeper, his father is a regimental paramedic.

After graduating from the Latin school in Ludwigsburg in 1772, by order of Duke Karl Eugene in 1773, Schiller was enrolled in a military school, then renamed the academy, where he studied at the legal, then at the medical department.

After graduating from the academy in 1780, he received a position as a regimental doctor in Stuttgart.

Schiller began his poetic activity in the era of Storm and Onslaught (a literary movement in Germany in the 1770s, named after the drama of the same name by Friedrich Maximilian Klinger).

Schiller's first dramatic works belong to this period: "Robbers" (1781), the republican drama "The Fiesco Conspiracy in Genoa" (1783) and the petty-bourgeois drama "Cunning and Love" (1784). The historical drama "Don Carlos" (1783-1787) completes the first period of Schiller's dramatic work.

With his first dramatic and lyrical works Schiller took the Sturm und Drang movement to new heights, making it more purposeful and socially effective.

At the beginning of 1782 the drama The Robbers was staged in Mannheim.

On September 22, 1782, Schiller fled the Duchy of Württemberg. The following summer, the intendant of the Mannheim theater Dahlberg appoints Schiller "theatrical poet", concluding a contract with him to write plays for staging on the Mannheim stage. In particular, The Fiesco Conspiracy in Genoa and Cunning and Love were staged at the Mannheim Theater, the latter being a great success.

After Dahlberg did not renew his contract with him, Schiller found himself in Mannheim in very tight financial circumstances. He accepted the invitation of one of his enthusiastic admirers, Privatdozent Gottfried Kerner, and from April 1785 to July 1787 he visited him in Leipzig and Dresden.

In July 1787, Schiller left Dresden and lived in and around Weimar until 1789. Reviewing past experiences and artistic principles"Sturm und Drang", Schiller began to study history, philosophy, aesthetics. In 1788, he began editing a series of books called "History of Remarkable Revolts and Conspiracies", wrote "History of the Fall of the Netherlands from Spanish Rule" (only the first volume was published).

In 1789, with the assistance of Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Schiller took up the post of extraordinary professor of history at the University of Jena, where he delivered an introductory lecture on "What is world history and for what purpose is it studied."

Together with Goethe, Schiller created a cycle of epigrams "Xenia" (Greek - "gifts to guests"), directed against flat rationalism, philistinism in literature and theater, against the early German romantics.

In 1793, Schiller published "History of the Thirty Years' War" and a number of articles on world history. By this time, he had become an adherent of the philosophy of Immanuel Kant, the influence of which is felt in his aesthetic works "On tragic art"(1792), "On Grace and Dignity" (1793), "Letters on aesthetic education Man" (1795), "On Naive and Sentimental Poetry" (1795-1796), etc.

The meager salary of the poet was not enough even to meet modest needs; help came from the crown prince von Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg and Count von Schimmelmann, who paid him a scholarship for three years (1791-1794), then Schiller was supported by the publisher Johann Friedrich Kotta, who invited him in 1794 to publish the monthly magazine "Ory ". The magazine "Thalia" - an earlier enterprise for publishing a literary magazine - was published in 1785-1791 very irregularly and under various names. In 1796, Schiller founded another periodical, the yearly Almanac of the Muses, where many of his works were published.

The beginning of the second period of Schiller's work, marked by the writing of the play "Wallenstein", also belongs to the same year. At the same time, Schiller adjoins the romantic trend, which replaced the rebellious spirit of "storm and stress" in German literature, with his lyrics and, mainly, with his ballads. In some of them, like "Glove" (1797), "Cup" (1797), "Count of Habsburg", "Knight of Toggenburg", he refers to the Middle Ages, beloved by romantics. Others - "Ivikov Cranes" (1797), "Polycrates' Ring" (1797), "Eleusinian Feast" (1798), "Complaint of Ceres" - were an expression of a deep interest in the ancient world, which characterizes the last period of Schiller's work. These ballads, as well as The Maid of Orleans (1801), the most romantic of dramas last period, were translated by Vasily Zhukovsky, one of the founders of Russian romanticism.

In addition to his own plays, Schiller created stage versions of Shakespeare's Macbeth and Turandot. Carlo Gozzi, and also translated "Phaedra" by Jean Racine.

In 1799, the duke doubled Schiller's allowance, which, in fact, became a pension, since teaching activities the poet was no longer engaged and moved from Jena to Weimar. In 1802, Holy Roman Emperor Francis II granted Schiller the nobility.

Schiller was never in good health, often ill, he developed tuberculosis. IN recent months life Schiller worked on the tragedy "Demetrius" from Russian history, but sudden death May 9, 1805 interrupted his work.

After studying in elementary school and studying with a Protestant pastor, in 1773, at the insistence of the duke, Schiller entered the newly established military academy and began to study law, although from childhood he dreamed of becoming a priest; in 1775 the academy was transferred to Stuttgart, the course of study was extended, and Schiller, leaving law, took up medicine. After completing the course in 1780, he received a position as a regimental doctor in Stuttgart.

Born November 10, 1759 in Marbach (Württemberg); comes from the lower classes of the German burghers: his mother is from the family of a provincial baker-innkeeper, his father is a regimental paramedic. After studying in elementary school and studying with a Protestant pastor, in 1773, at the insistence of the duke, Schiller entered the newly established military academy and began to study law, although from childhood he dreamed of becoming a priest; in 1775 the academy was transferred to Stuttgart, the course of study was extended, and Schiller, leaving law, took up medicine. After completing the course in 1780, he received a position as a regimental doctor in Stuttgart.

Even at the academy, Schiller moved away from the religious and sentimental exaltation of his early literary experiments, turned to dramaturgy and in 1781 completed and published Robbers (Die Ruber). At the beginning of the next year, the Robbers were staged in Mannheim; Schiller attended the premiere without asking the sovereign for permission to leave the duchy. Having heard about the second visit to the Mannheim theater, the duke put Schiller in a guardhouse, and later ordered him to practice medicine alone. September 22, 1782 Schiller fled from the Duchy of Württemberg. The following summer, apparently no longer fearing the duke's revenge, the quartermaster of the Mannheim theater, Dahlberg, appoints Schiller a "theater poet", concluding a contract with him to write plays for production on the Mannheim stage. Two dramas that Schiller had been working on even before his flight from Stuttgart - The Fiesco Conspiracy in Genoa (Die Verschw rung des Fiesco zu Genua) and Cunning and Love (Kabale und Liebe) - were staged at the Mannheim Theater, and the latter was a great success. Dahlberg did not renew the contract, and Schiller found himself in Mannheim in very tight financial circumstances, moreover, tormented by the pangs of unrequited love. He readily accepted the invitation of one of his enthusiastic admirers, Privatdozent G. Körner, and for more than two years (April 1785 - July 1787) stayed with him in Leipzig and Dresden.

The second edition of The Robbers (1782) had on the title page an image of a roaring lion with the motto "In tyrannos!" "(lat. "Against tyrants!"). The plot of the play is based on the enmity of two brothers, Karl and Franz Moor; Karl is impetuous, courageous and, in essence, generous; Franz is an insidious scoundrel, seeking to take away from his older brother not only the title and estates, but also the love of his cousin Amalia. Despite the illogicality of the gloomy plot, the irregularities of the rough language and youthful immaturity, the tragedy captures the reader and viewer with its energy and social pathos. First of all, the Robbers prompted the French in 1792 to make Schiller an honorary citizen of the new French Republic.

Fiesco (1783) is significant primarily because it anticipates Schiller's later triumphs in historical drama, but, writing a play based on the material of the biography of the Genoese conspirator of the 16th century, to capture the dramatic essence of historical events, to clearly identify moral issues the young poet did not yet know how. In Insidiousness and Love (1784), Schiller refers to the reality of the small German principalities, well known to him. In Don Carlos (Don Carlos, 1787) the concept of personal and civil freedom was clarified and refined. Don Carlos ended the first period of Schiller's dramatic work.

In July 1787, Schiller left Dresden and until 1789 lived in Weimar and its environs. In 1789 he received a professorship of world history at the University of Jena, and thanks to his marriage (1790) to Charlotte von Lengefeld, he found family happiness. The meager salary of the poet was not enough even to meet modest needs; help came from Crown Prince Fr.Kr.von Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg and Count E.von Schimmelmann, who paid him a scholarship for three years (1791–1794), then Schiller was supported by the publisher I.Fr.Kotta, who invited him in 1794 to publish the monthly magazine Ory. The magazine "Thalia" - an earlier enterprise for the publication of a literary magazine - was published in 1785-1791 very irregularly and under various names; in 1796, Schiller founded another periodical, the yearly Almanac of the Muses, where many of his works were published. In search of materials, Schiller turned to J.W. Goethe. They met shortly after Goethe returned from Italy (1788), but then things did not go beyond a superficial acquaintance; now the poets have become close friends. In 1799, the duke doubled Schiller's maintenance, which in fact became a pension, because. the poet was no longer engaged in teaching activities and moved from Jena to Weimar. In 1802, Francis II, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation, granted Schiller the nobility. Schiller was never in good health, often ill, he developed tuberculosis. Schiller died in Weimar on May 9, 1805.

Communication with Koerner aroused Schiller's interest in philosophy, especially in aesthetics; as a result, Philosophical Letters (Philosophische Briefe, 1786) and a whole series of essays (1792-1796) appeared - On the tragic in art (ber die tragische Kunst), On grace and dignity (ber Anmut und W rde), On the sublime (ber das Erhabene ) and On Naive and Sentimental Poetry (ber naive und sentimentalische Dichtung). Philosophical views Schiller were strongly influenced by I. Kant. Unlike philosophical poetry, purely lyrical poems - short, songlike, expressing personal experiences - are less typical for Schiller, although there are remarkable exceptions here. The so-called "ballad year" (1797) was marked by Schiller and Goethe with excellent ballads, incl. Schiller has the Cup (Der Taucher), the Glove (Der Handschuh), Polycrates' ring (Der Ring des Polykrates) and Ivikov's Cranes (Die Kraniche des Ibykus), which came to the Russian reader in the magnificent translations of V.A. Zhukovsky. Xenien, short satirical poems, were the fruit of the joint work of Goethe and Schiller.

Studying materials for Don Carlos, Schiller prepared his first historical study - The History of the Fall of the Netherlands from Spanish rule (Geschichte des Abfalls der vereinigten Niederlande von der spanischen Regierung, 1788); in Jena, he wrote the History of the Thirty Years' War (Die Geschichte des Drei igj hrigen Krieges, 1791-1793).

The second period of Schiller's dramatic work began in 1796 with Wallenstein and ended with a fragment from Russian history Demetrius, work on which was interrupted by death. Studying the History of the Thirty Years' War, Schiller saw in the generalissimo of the imperial troops Wallenstein a grateful dramaturgy figure. The drama took shape in 1799 and took the form of a trilogy: Wallenstein's Lager acting as a prologue and two five-act dramas - Piccolomini (Die Piccolomini) and Wallenstein's Death (Wallensteins Tod).

The next play, Marie Stuart (1800), illustrates Schiller's aesthetic thesis that it is perfectly permissible to change and reshape for the sake of dramaturgy. historical events. Schiller did not bring political and religious problems to the fore in Mary Stuart and determined the denouement of the drama by the development of a conflict between rival queens. Leaving aside the question of historical accuracy, it must be admitted that Mary Stuart is an extremely scenic play, and for the main role was invariably loved by all the great European actresses.

At the heart of the Maiden of Orleans (Die Jungfrau von Orleans, 1801) is the story of Jeanne d "Arc. Schiller gave free rein to fantasy using material medieval legend, and acknowledged his involvement in the new romantic movement, calling the play a "romantic tragedy". The poet was well-read in Greek drama, translated from Euripides and studied the Aristotelian theory of drama, and in the Bride of Messina (Die Braut von Messina, 1803) he experimentally tried to introduce the chorus of ancient tragedy and the Greek concept of rock into medieval drama. Wilhelm Tell (1804), the last of his completed plays, is a grandiose picture of the struggle of four Swiss forest cantons against the tyranny of Imperial Austria.

Starting with Don Carlos, Schiller wrote his dramas in blank verse, sometimes interspersing it with metrical verse. The language of his works is sublime, melodic and expressive, although sometimes too rhetorical and pompous, but on stage he makes an extremely winning impression. Schiller enriched the literature of his country with outstanding dramatic works. In addition to his own plays, he created stage versions of Shakespeare's Macbeth and C. Gozzi's Turandot, and also translated Racine's Phaedra. Schiller has been known in Russia since the end of the 18th century.

Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller (German: Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller; November 10, 1759, Marbach am Neckar - May 9, 1805, Weimar) - German poet, philosopher, art theorist and playwright, professor of history and military doctor, representative of the Storm and the onslaught of romanticism in literature, the author of "Ode to Joy", a modified version of which became the text of the anthem of the European Union. He entered the history of world literature as a fiery defender of the human personality. During the last seventeen years of his life (1788-1805) he was friends with Johann Goethe, whom he inspired to complete his works, which remained in draft form. This period of friendship between the two poets and their literary controversy entered German literature under the name "Weimar classicism".

Johann Christoph Friedrich was born in Marbach an der Neckar on November 10, 1759 in the family of an officer, regimental paramedic. The family did not live well; the boy was brought up in an atmosphere of religiosity. Elementary education he received thanks to the pastor of the town of Lorch, where their family moved in 1764, and later studied at the Latin school of Ludwigsburg. In 1772, Schiller was among the students of the military academy: he was assigned there by order of the Duke of Württemberg. And if from childhood he dreamed of serving as a priest, then here he began to study jurisprudence, and from 1776, after transferring to the appropriate faculty, medicine. Even in the first years of his stay at this educational institution, Schiller was seriously carried away by the poets of Storm and Onslaught and began to compose a little himself, deciding to devote himself to poetry. His first work - the ode "The Conqueror" - appeared in the journal "German Chronicles" in the spring of 1777.

The grief that comes is easier than expected: there is an end to the coming grief, but the fear of the coming grief knows no bounds.

Schiller Friedrich

After receiving a diploma in 1780, he was appointed a military doctor and sent to Stuttgart. Here his first book was published - a collection of poems "Anthology for 1782". In 1781, he published the drama The Robbers for his own money. In order to get to the performance staged according to it, Schiller left for Mannheim in 1783, for which he was subsequently arrested and banned from writing literary works. First staged in January 1782, the drama The Robbers enjoyed great success and marked the arrival of a new talented author in dramaturgy. Subsequently, for this work in revolutionary years Schiller will be given the title of honorary citizen of the French Republic.

Severe punishment forced Schiller to leave Württemberg and settle in the small village of Oggerseim. From December 1782 to July 1783, Schiller lived in Bauerbach under a false name on the estate of an old acquaintance. In the summer of 1783, Friedrich returned to Mannheim to prepare the staging of his plays, and already on April 15, 1784, his "Deceit and Love" brought him fame as the first German playwright. Soon his stay in Mannheim was legalized, but in subsequent years Schiller lived in Leipzig, and then from the beginning of the autumn of 1785 to the summer of 1787 - in the village of Loschwitz, located near Dresden.

August 21, 1787 marked a new milestone in Schiller's biography related to his move to the center national literature- Weimar. He arrived there at the invitation of K. M. Vilond in order to collaborate with the literary magazine German Mercury. In parallel, in 1787-1788. Schiller was the publisher of the Thalia magazine.

Acquaintance with big figures from the world of literature and science made the playwright overestimate his abilities and achievements, look at them more critically, and feel a lack of knowledge. This led to the fact that for almost a decade he abandoned his own literary work in favor of in-depth study philosophy, history, aesthetics. In the summer of 1788, the first volume of The History of the Fall of the Netherlands was published, thanks to which Schiller earned a reputation as a brilliant researcher.

Through the troubles of friends, he received the title of extraordinary professor of philosophy and history at the University of Jena, in connection with which, on May 11, 1789, he moved to Jena. In 1799, in February, Schiller married and in parallel worked on the "History of the Thirty Years' War", published in 1793.

Tuberculosis, discovered in 1791, prevented Schiller from working at full strength. Due to illness, he had to give up lectures for some time - this greatly shook him financial situation, and, if not for the timely efforts of friends, he would have been in poverty. During this difficult period for himself, he was imbued with the philosophy of And Kant and, under the influence of his ideas, wrote a number of works devoted to aesthetics.


Johann Christoph Friedrich Schiller (11/10/1759, Marbach am Neckar - 05/09/1805, Weimar) was a German poet, philosopher, historian and playwright, a representative of the romantic trend in literature.

Born November 10, 1759 in Marbach (Württemberg); comes from the lower classes of the German burghers: his mother is from the family of a provincial baker-innkeeper, his father is a regimental paramedic.

1768 - begins to attend a Latin school.

1773 - being a subject of the Duke of Württemberg, Karl Eugene, the father is forced to send his son to the newly established military academy, where he begins to study law, although from childhood he dreams of becoming a priest.

1775 - the academy is transferred to Stuttgart, the course of study is extended, and Schiller, leaving law, begins to practice medicine.

1780 - after completing the course, he receives a position as a regimental doctor in Stuttgart.

1781 - publishes the drama "The Robbers" (Die Rauber), begun at the academy. The plot of the play is based on the enmity of two brothers, Karl and Franz Moor; Karl is impetuous, courageous and, in essence, generous; Franz is an insidious scoundrel, seeking to take away from his older brother not only the title and estates, but also the love of his cousin Amalia. Despite the illogicality of the gloomy plot, the irregularities of the rough language and youthful immaturity, the tragedy captures the reader and viewer with its energy and social pathos. The second edition of The Robbers (1782) has on the title page an image of a roaring lion with the motto "In tyrannos!" (lat. "Against tyrants!"). "Robbers" prompted the French in 1792. make Schiller an honorary citizen of the new French Republic.

1782 - "Robbers" staged in Mannheim; Schiller attends the premiere without asking the sovereign for permission to leave the duchy. Having heard about the second visit to the Mannheim theater, the duke puts Schiller in a guardhouse, and later orders him to engage in medicine alone. September 22, 1782 Schiller flees from the Duchy of Württemberg.

1783 - apparently no longer fearing the revenge of the duke, the quartermaster of the Mannheim theater Dahlberg appoints Schiller as a "theater poet", concluding a contract with him to write plays for production on the Mannheim stage. Two dramas that Schiller worked on before fleeing Stuttgart are Die Verschworung des Fiesco zu Genua, a play based on the biography of a 16th-century Genoese conspirator, and Kabale und Liebe, Fiesco's Conspiracy in Genoa. the first "petty-bourgeois tragedy" in world dramaturgy was staged at the Mannheim Theater, and the latter is a great success. However, Dahlberg does not renew the contract, and Schiller finds himself in Mannheim in very tight financial circumstances, moreover, tormented by the pangs of unrequited love.

1785 - Schiller writes one of his most famous creations - "Ode to Joy" (An die Freude). With a grand chorus to the text of this poem, Beethoven completed his 9th symphony.

1785-1787 - accepts the invitation of one of his enthusiastic admirers, Privatdozent G. Körner, and visits him in Leipzig and Dresden.

1785-1791 - Schiller publishes a literary magazine, published irregularly and under various names (for example, "Thalia").

1786 Philosophical Letters (Philosophische Briefe) are published.

1787 - the play "Don Carlos" (Don Carlos), which takes place at the court of the Spanish King Philip II. This drama ends the first period of Schiller's dramatic work.

1787-1789 - Schiller leaves Dresden and lives in and around Weimar.

1788 - writes the poem "Gods of Greece" (Gottern Griechenlands), in which ancient world shown as the focus of joy, love and beauty. Also created a historical study "History of the fall of the Netherlands from Spanish rule" (Geschichte des Abfalls der vereinigten Niederlande von der spanischen Regierung).

Schiller meets with Goethe, who has returned from Italy, but Goethe shows no desire to maintain an acquaintance.

1789 - becomes professor of world history at the University of Jena.

1790 - marries Charlotte von Lengefeld.

1791-1793 - Schiller works on the "History of the Thirty Years' War" (Die Geschichte des Drei?igjahrigen Krieges).

1791-1794 - Crown Prince Fr.Kr.von Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg and Count E.von Schimmelman pay Schiller a scholarship that allows him not to worry about his daily bread.

1792-1796 - a series of philosophical essays by Schiller are published: Letters on Aesthetic Education (Uber die asthetische Erziehung der des Menschen, in einer Reihe von Briefen), On the Tragic in Art (Uber die tragische Kunst), On Grace and Dignity "(Uber Anmut und Wurde), "On the Sublime" (Uber das Erhabene) and "On Naive and Sentimental Poetry" (Uber naive und sentimentalische Dichtung). The philosophical views of Schiller are strongly influenced by I. Kant.

1794 - The publisher I.Fr. Kotta invites Schiller to publish the monthly magazine Ory.

1796 - the second period of Schiller's dramatic work begins, when artistic analysis it exposes turning points in history European nations. The first of these plays is the drama Wallenstein. Studying the "History of the Thirty Years' War", Schiller finds in the generalissimo of the imperial troops Wallenstein a grateful figure in a dramatic sense. The drama takes shape in 1799. and takes the form of a trilogy: Wallenstein's Camp, which plays the role of a prologue, and two five-act dramas, Die Piccolomini and Wallenstein's Tod.

In the same year, Schiller founded a periodical - the yearly "Almanac of the Muses", where many of his works are published. In search of materials, Schiller turns to Goethe, and now the poets become close friends.

1797 is the so-called “balad year”, when Schiller and Goethe create ballads in a friendly competition, incl. Schiller - "The Cup" (Der Taucher), "Glove" (Der Handschuh), "Polycrates' Ring" (Der Ring des Polykrates) and "Ivikov Cranes" (Die Kraniche des Ibykus), which came to the Russian reader in the translations of V.A. Zhukovsky. In the same year, "Xenien" (Xenien), short satirical poems, is the fruit of the joint work of Goethe and Schiller.

1800 - the play "Mary Stuart" (Marie Stuart), illustrating Schiller's aesthetic thesis that it is quite permissible to change and reshape historical events for the sake of dramaturgy. Schiller did not bring political and religious problems to the fore in "Mary Stuart" and determined the denouement of the drama by the development of a conflict between rival queens.

1801 - play " Maid of Orleans"(Die Jungfrau von Orleans), which is based on the story of Joan of Arc. Schiller gives free rein to fantasy, using the material of a medieval legend, and acknowledges his involvement in the new romantic movement, calling the play a "romantic tragedy."

1802 - Holy Roman Emperor Francis II grants Schiller the nobility.

1803 - The Bride of Messina (Die Braut von Messina) was written, in which Schiller, well-read in Greek drama, translated Euripides and studied the Aristotelian theory of drama, as an experiment tries to revive the forms characteristic of ancient tragedy, in particular, choirs, and in his individual interpretation embodies the ancient Greek understanding of fatal punishment.

1804 - the last completed play "William Tell", conceived by Schiller as a "folk" drama.

1805 - work on the unfinished drama "Demetrius" (Demetrius), dedicated to Russian history.


Schiller was born on November 10, 1759 in Marbach am Neckar. His father - Johann Kaspar Schiller (1723-1796) - was a regimental paramedic, an officer in the service of the Duke of Württemberg, his mother was from the family of a provincial baker-tavern owner. The young Schiller was brought up in a religious-pietistic atmosphere, echoed in his early poems. His childhood and youth were spent in relative poverty, although he was able to study in rural school and pastor Moser. Attracting the attention of the Duke of Württemberg, Karl Eugen (German Karl Eugen), in 1773 Schiller entered the elite military academy " graduate School Karl (German: Hohe Karlsschule), where he began to study law, although from childhood he dreamed of becoming a priest. In 1775, the academy was transferred to Stuttgart, the course of study was extended, and Schiller, leaving law, took up medicine. Under the influence of one of his mentors, Schiller became a member secret society Illuminati, predecessors of the German Jacobins. In 1779, Schiller's dissertation was rejected by the leadership of the academy, and he was forced to stay for a second year. Finally, in 1780, he completed the course of the academy and received a position as a regimental doctor in Stuttgart. Also in school years Schiller writes his first works. Influenced by the drama "Julius of Tarentum" (1776) by Johann Anton Leisewitz (German: Johann Anton Leisewitz), Friedrich wrote Cosmus von Medici, a drama in which he tried to develop a favorite theme of the Sturm und Drang literary movement: hatred between brothers and love father. But the author destroyed this play [source not specified 250 days]. At the same time, his great interest in the work and writing style of Friedrich Klopstock prompted Schiller to write the ode "The Conqueror", published in March 1777 in the journal "German Chronicles" and which was an imitation of the idol. Better known to readers is his drama The Robbers, completed in 1781.

The Robbers were staged for the first time in Mannheim on January 13, 1782. For an unauthorized absence from the regiment to Mannheim for the performance of The Robbers, Schiller was arrested and forbidden to write anything other than medical writings, which forced him to flee the duke's possessions on September 22, 1782.

In July 1787, Schiller left Dresden, where he stayed with Privatdozent G. Koerner, one of his admirers, and lived in Weimar until 1789. In 1789, with the assistance of J. W. Goethe, whom Schiller had met in 1788, he took up the position of extraordinary professor of history and philosophy at the University of Jena, where he delivered an introductory lecture on "What is world history and for what purpose is it studied." In 1790 Schiller married Charlotte von Lengefeld, with whom he had two sons and two daughters. But the poet's salary was not enough to support his family. Help came from Crown Prince Fr. Cr. von Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg and Count E. von Schimmelmann, who during three years(1791–1794) paid him a scholarship, then Schiller was supported by the publisher I. Fr. Cotta, who invited him in 1794 to publish the monthly magazine Ory.

In 1799 he returned to Weimar, where he began to publish several literary magazines with the money of patrons. Becoming a close friend of Goethe, Schiller founded the Weimar Theater with him, which became the leading theater in Germany. The poet remained in Weimar until his death. In 1802, Holy Roman Emperor Franz II granted Schiller the nobility.

Schiller's most famous ballads (1797) - The Cup (Der Taucher), The Glove (Der Handschuh), Polycrates' Ring (Der Ring des Polykrates) and Ivikov's Cranes (Die Kraniche des Ibykus), became familiar to Russian readers after translations by V. A. Zhukovsky .

World-famous was his "Ode to Joy" (1785), the music for which was written by Ludwig van Beethoven.

The last years of Schiller's life were overshadowed by severe protracted illnesses. After a severe cold, all the old ailments became aggravated. The poet suffered from chronic pneumonia. He died on May 9, 1805 at the age of 45 from tuberculosis.

Schiller's remains

Friedrich Schiller was buried on the night of May 11-12, 1805 at the Weimar cemetery Jacobsfriedhof in the Kassengewölbe crypt, specially reserved for nobles and revered residents of Weimar who did not have their own family crypts. In 1826, they decided to rebury Schiller's remains, but they could no longer accurately identify them. Randomly chosen as the most suitable remains, they were transferred to the library of Duchess Anna Amalia. Looking at the skull of Schiller, Goethe wrote a poem of the same name. On December 16, 1827, these remains were buried in the princely tomb in the new cemetery, where Goethe himself was subsequently buried next to his friend in accordance with his will.

In 1911, another skull was discovered, which was attributed to Schiller. For a long time there was a debate about which one was the real one. As part of the "Friedrich Schiller Code" campaign, jointly conducted by the Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk radio station and the Weimar Classicism Foundation, a DNA examination conducted in two independent laboratories in the spring of 2008 showed that none of the skulls belonged to Friedrich Schiller. The remains in Schiller's coffin belong to at least three different people, their DNA also does not match with any of the studied skulls. The Weimar Classicism Foundation decided to leave Schiller's coffin empty.

Reception of the work of Friedrich Schiller

Schiller's writings were enthusiastically received not only in Germany, but also in other European countries. Some considered Schiller a poet of freedom, others - a stronghold of bourgeois morality. Available language tools and well-aimed dialogues turned many of Schiller's lines into idioms. In 1859, the centenary of Schiller's birth was celebrated not only in Europe, but also in the United States. The works of Friedrich Schiller were learned by heart, since the 19th century they have been included in school textbooks.

After coming to power, the National Socialists tried to present Schiller " German writer for their propaganda purposes. However, in 1941, the productions of "William Tell", as well as "Don Carlos" were banned by order of Hitler.


The most famous works


* 1781 - "Robbers"
* 1783 - "Deceit and love"
* 1784 - "Conspiracy of Fiesco in Genoa"
* 1787 - "Don Carlos, Infante of Spain"
* 1799 - dramatic trilogy "Wallenstein"
* 1800 - "Mary Stuart"
* 1801 - "Maid of Orleans"
* 1803 - "Messinian bride"
* 1804 - "William Tell"
* "Dimitri" (was not completed due to the death of the playwright)


* Article "Criminal because of lost honor" (1786)
* Spirit Seer (unfinished novel)
* Eine gromutige Handlung

Philosophical works

* Philosophie der Physiologie (1779)
* On the relationship of the animal nature of man with his spiritual nature / Uber den Zusammenhang der tierischen Natur des Menschen mit seiner geistigen (1780)
* Die Schaubuhne als eine moralische Anstalt betrachtet (1784)
* Uber den Grund des Vergnugens an tragischen Gegenstanden (1792)
*Augustenburger Briefe (1793)
* On Grace and Dignity / Uber Anmut und Wurde (1793)
* Kallias-Briefe (1793)
* Letters on the aesthetic education of man / Uber die asthetische Erziehung des Menschen (1795)
* On Naive and Sentimental Poetry / Uber naive und sentimentalische Dichtung (1795)
* On dilettantism / Uber den Dilettantismus (1799; co-authored with Goethe)
* About the sublime / Uber das Erhabene (1801)

Schiller's works in other art forms

Musical Theatre

* 1829 - "William Tell" (opera), composer G. Rossini
* 1834 - "Mary Stuart" (opera), composer G. Donizetti
* 1845 - Giovanna d'Arco (opera), composer G. Verdi
* 1847 - The Robbers (opera), composer G. Verdi
* 1849 - "Louise Miller" (opera), composer G. Verdi
* 1867 - "Don Carlos" (opera), composer G. Verdi
* 1879 - The Maid of Orleans (opera), composer P. Tchaikovsky
* 1883 - The Bride of Messina (opera), composer Z. Fibich
* 1957 - "Joan of Arc" (ballet), composer N. I. Peiko
* 2001 - "Mary Stuart" (opera), composer S. Slonimsky

Big Theatre of Drama opened in Petrograd on February 15, 1919 with the tragedy Don Carlos by F. Schiller.

Screen adaptations and films based on works

* 1980 - Teleplay "The Fiesco Conspiracy in Genoa". Performance by the Maly Theatre. Directors: Felix Glyamshin, L. E. Kheifets. Cast: V. M. Solomin (Fiesco), M. I. Tsarev (Verina), N. Vilkina (Leonora), N. Kornienko (Julia), Y. P. Baryshev (Gianettino), E. V. Samoilov ( Duke Doria), A. Potapov (Hassan, Moor), V. Bogin (Burgonino), Y. Vasiliev (Calcagno), E. Burenkov (Sacco), B. V. Klyuev (Lomellino), A. Zharova (Berta), M. Fomina (Rose), G. V. Bukanova (Arabella) and others.

Name: Friedrich Schiller

Age: 45 years

Activity: poet, philosopher, historian, playwright

Family status: was married

Friedrich Schiller: biography

The work of the romantic rebel, poet of the 18th century Friedrich Schiller did not leave anyone indifferent. Some considered the playwright the ruler of the thoughts of lyricists and a singer of freedom, while others called the philosopher a stronghold of bourgeois morality. Thanks to the works that evoke ambiguous emotions, the classic managed to write his name in the history of world literature.

Childhood and youth

Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller was born November 10, 1759, Marbach am Neckar (Germany). Future Writer was the second of six children in the family of officer Johann Kaspar, who was in the service of the Duke of Württemberg and housewife Elisabeth Dorothea Codweiss. The head of the family wanted his only son to get an education and grow up as a worthy person.

That is why the father raised Friedrich in severity, punishing the boy for the slightest sins. In addition, Johann taught his heir to hardship from a young age. So during lunch or dinner, the head of the family deliberately did not give his son what he wanted to taste.

Schiller Sr. considered love of order, accuracy and strict obedience to be the highest human virtues. However, there was no need for paternal severity. Slender and sickly Friedrich was strikingly different from his peers, friends, thirsty for adventure and constantly getting into unpleasant situations.

The future playwright liked to study. The boy could pore over textbooks for days, studying certain disciplines. The teachers noted his diligence, craving for science and incredible capacity for work, which he retained until the end of his life.

It is worth noting that Elizabeth was the complete opposite of the stingy emotional manifestations husband. A smart, kind, pious woman, she struggled to soften the puritanical severity of her husband and often read Christian verses to her children.

In 1764 the Schiller family moved to Lorch. In this old town, the father awakened in his son an interest in history. This passion eventually determined further fate poet. The first history lessons for the future playwright were taught by a local priest, who had such a strong influence on the student that Friedrich at one point even seriously thought about devoting his life to worship.

In addition, for a boy from a poor family, this was the only way to get out into the people, so the parents encouraged their son's desire. In 1766, the head of the family received a promotion and became the ducal gardener of the castle, located in the vicinity of Stuttgart.

The castle, and most importantly, the court theater, which was visited by the staff working in the castle free of charge, impressed Friedrich. In the monastery of the goddess Melpomene performed best actors from all over Europe. The play of the actors inspired the future poet, and together with his sisters in the evenings he often began to show home performances to his parents, in which he always got the main role. True, neither the father nor the mother took the new hobby of the offspring seriously. They only saw their son in the pulpit with a bible in his hands.

When Friedrich was 14 years old, his father sent his beloved child to the military school of Duke Karl Eugene, in which the offspring of poor officers learned for free the intricacies of providing everything necessary for the ducal court and the army.

Staying at this educational institution became a nightmare for Schiller, the youngest. Barracks discipline reigned in the school, teaching was forbidden to meet with parents. In addition, there was a system of fines. So for an unplanned purchase of food, 12 blows with a stick were supposed, and for inattention and untidiness - a monetary penalty.

At that time, his new friends became a consolation for the author of the ballad "Glove". Friendship became Friedrich's kind of elixir of life, which gave the writer the strength to move on. It is noteworthy that the years spent in this institution did not make a slave out of Schiller, on the contrary, they turned the writer into a rebel, whose weapon - endurance and fortitude, no one could take away from him.

In October 1776, Schiller transferred to the medical department, his first poem "Evening" was published, and after that the philosophy teacher gave a talented student to read the works of William Shakespeare, there was, as Goethe later said, "the awakening of Schiller's genius."

Then, under the impression of the works of Shakespeare, Friedrich wrote his first tragedy, The Robbers, which became the starting point in his career as a playwright. At the same moment, the poet had a burning desire to write a book that would deserve the fate of being burned.

In 1780, Schiller graduated from the medical faculty and left the hated military academy. Then, on the orders of Karl Eugene, the poet went as a regimental doctor to Stuttgart. True, the long-awaited freedom did not please Friedrich. As a doctor, he was no good, because the practical side of the profession never interested him.

Bad wine, disgusting tobacco and bad women - that's what distracted the writer who failed to realize himself from bad thoughts.


In 1781 the drama The Robbers was completed. After editing the manuscript, it turned out that not a single Stuttgart publisher wanted to print it, and Schiller had to publish the work at his own expense. Simultaneously with the Robbers, Schiller prepared for publication a collection of poems, which was published in February 1782 under the title "Anthology for 1782"

In the autumn of 1782 of the same year, Friedrich made the first draft of a version of the tragedy "Deceit and Love", which in the draft version was called "Louise Miller". At this time, Schiller also published the drama The Fiesco Conspiracy in Genoa for a meager fee.

In the period from 1793 to 1794, the poet completed the philosophical and aesthetic work "Letters on the Aesthetic Education of Man", and in 1797 he wrote the ballads "Polycrates' Ring", "Ivikov's Cranes" and "The Diver".

In 1799, Schiller completed the Wallenstein trilogy, which consisted of the plays Wallenstein's Camp, Piccolomini and Wallenstein's Death, and a year later published Mary Stuart and The Maid of Orleans. In 1804, the drama William Tell, based on the Swiss legend of a skilled shooter named William Tell, saw the light of day.

Personal life

Like any creatively gifted person, Schiller looked for inspiration in women. The writer needed a muse that would inspire him to write new masterpieces. It is known that during his life the writer intended to marry 4 times, but the chosen ones always rejected the playwright because of his financial insolvency.

The first lady who took possession of the poet's thoughts was a girl named Charlotte. The young lady was the daughter of his patroness Henrietta von Walzogen. Despite admiration for Schiller's talent, the chosen one's mother refused the playwright when he wooed her beloved child.

The second Charlotte in the fate of the writer was the widow von Kalb, who was madly in love with the poet. True, in this case, Schiller himself was not eager to start a family with an extremely annoying person. After her, Friedrich briefly courted the young daughter of a bookseller, Margarita.

While the philosopher was thinking about the wedding and children, his missus was having fun in the company of other men and did not even intend to connect her life with a writer with a hole in her pocket. When Schiller offered Margarita to become his wife, the young lady, barely holding back her laughter, admitted that she was just playing with him.

The third woman for whom the writer was ready to get a star from the sky was Charlotte von Lengefeld. This lady, considered the potential in the poet and responded to his feelings in return. After Schiller got a job as a teacher of philosophy at the University of Jena, the playwright managed to save money, which was enough for the wedding. In this marriage, the writer had a son, Ernest.

It is worth noting that despite the fact that Schiller praised his wife's mind, those around him noted that Charlotte was an economic and faithful lady, but very narrow-minded.


Three years before his death, the writer was unexpectedly granted title of nobility. Schiller himself was skeptical of this favor, but accepted it so that his wife and children would be provided for after his death. Every year, the playwright, suffering from tuberculosis, got worse and he literally died out in front of his family and friends. The writer died at the age of 45 on May 9, 1805, without completing his last play"Dimitri".

For a short but productive life, the author of the work "Ode to Joy" created 10 plays, two historical monographs, as well as a couple of philosophical works and a number of poems. However, Schiller did not succeed in making money by literary work. That is why, after the death of the writer, he was buried in the crypt of Kassengevelbe, organized for the nobles who did not have their own family tomb.

After 20 years, it was decided to rebury the remains of the great writer. True, finding them proved problematic. Then archaeologists, pointing a finger at the sky, chose one of the skeletons they had unearthed, declaring to the public that the remains found belonged to Schiller. After that, they were again interred in the princely tomb in the new cemetery, next to the grave close friend philosopher and poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

Tomb with the empty coffin of Friedrich Schiller

A couple of years later, biographers and literary critics had doubts about the authenticity of the playwright's body, and in 2008 an exhumation was carried out, which revealed interesting fact: the remains of the poet belonged to three different people. Now it is impossible to find the body of Friedrich, so the philosopher's grave is empty.


"Only the one who controls himself is free"
“Parents least of all forgive their children for the vices that they themselves instilled in them”
"Man grows as his goals grow"
"Better a terrible end than endless fear"
"Great souls endure suffering in silence"
"Man is reflected in his actions"


  • 1781 - "Robbers"
  • 1783 - "The Fiesco Conspiracy in Genoa"
  • 1784 - "Deceit and love"
  • 1787 - "Don Carlos, Infante of Spain"
  • 1791 - "History of the Thirty Years' War"
  • 1799 - "Wallenstein"
  • 1793 - "On Grace and Dignity"
  • 1795 - "Letters on the aesthetic education of man"
  • 1800 - "Mary Stuart"
  • 1801 - "On the sublime"
  • 1801 - "Maid of Orleans"
  • 1803 - "Messinian bride"
  • 1804 - "William Tell"

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