Decorative drawing in the middle group summary of the lesson. Methods for teaching children decorative drawing


Municipal Autonomous General Educational Institution
Vagai secondary school

Conducted by: Kovalishina Yu.A.
Short Stay Group Educator
Abstract of a lesson in decorative drawing in middle group"Dymkovo toy".
Purpose: To introduce children to decorative objects - applied arts" Dymkovo toy".
Tasks: Learn to use the knowledge gained in your work, decorating paper-cut shapes with elements Dymkovo painting;
To develop in children an aesthetic perception, a sense of color, an interest in folk art.
Cultivate interest in folk art. to acquaint children with Dymkovo painting;
Learn to make patterns on paper-cut shapes, using stripes, dots, rings to decorate
Develop an eye, a sense of color, shape, rhythm, proportions. Learn to confidently (without separation) to conduct direct and wavy lines, loops, spirals.
Equipment: package, Dymkovo toys, brushes, cotton buds, paints, silhouettes of young ladies for painting, a tape recorder.
Lesson progress:
- Guys, this morning they brought us a parcel. Do you want to know who it is from and what is in this package?
-So! So! It says "For children of the middle group from Russian masters"
- And now sit down more comfortably, now let's see what the masters sent us. (The teacher takes out folk toys from the parcel and puts them on the table) I call and show, a chicken, a horse, a turkey, a lady. All these are Dymkovo toys. Do you like them? These toys were made of clay by folk craftsmen. The masters were different: each had his own business, some sculpted toys, others painted them. And there is a letter in the package, let's read it. Masters write that there is a city in Russia called Kirov, and once upon a time it was called Vyatka. Not far from this very Vyatka is a village called Dymkovo. The village received this name from the fact that smoke almost constantly curls over the roofs of all its huts. The fact is that the main craft of the inhabitants of Dymkovo is the manufacture of clay toys - dolls, musical instruments, different fun. Every day the craftsmen created their handicrafts and dried them in the oven - so that the clay dries faster. This is where the village got its name from. The most famous Dymkovo toy was a female figure - "Lady water-carrier" and "Girl in a kokoshnik". They wore bright painted skirts, aprons decorated with frills, yellow jackets and crimson kokoshniks, and there were beads around their necks. Their outfits were unique, and the masters tried to convey this with their painting. Dymkovo painting is very famous because it is fabulously beautiful, and the patterns are simple, the colors are bright and juicy.
Guys, let's look at the toys and say what elements they are decorated with, name them (circle, dot, straight line, ring, wavy line, mesh, stroke). "Toys ditties" P. Sinyavsky
Our pretzel hands
Cheeks like apples.
Have known us for a long time
All the people at the fair.
We are painted toys
Vyatka laughers,
Slobodskie dandies,
Posad gossips.
Dymkovo ladies
more beautiful than everyone in the world,
and the hussars are minions
our gentlemen!
With ribbons and bows
We walk with dandies.
We walk in pairs
We swim with peahens.
We are noble toys
Complicated and fine.
We are famous everywhere.
We will love you too!
I have a friend of a young lady (showing the Dymkovo Young Lady), she is very beautiful, but unfortunately now she is very sad. Do you know why? (Children express their guesses). Because she doesn't have any friends. Do you want to help her?
The teacher offers to draw the young ladies - friends to the children, to color the prepared silhouettes. (Children take seats at the tables)
Let's remember the proverbs about work:
Children: Hurry up - you will make people laugh.
Good work lives for two centuries.
The work of the master is afraid.
You can't even take a fish out of the pond without effort.
Educator: Well done.
We know all the elements of Dymkovo painting. Get creative and come up with your own pattern. Try to make it bright and elegant. I want to remind you that if you want to decorate a toy with rings, then we draw them with the tip of a brush, if with lines - with the whole bristle of a brush, dots - peas we will apply with a cotton swab using the priming method (on the board - routing depicting elements of the Dymkovo painting)

Finger gymnastics
Before drawing
I suggest stretching your fingers.
Now let's rub our hands
We are a little bit about each other.
Fists unclenched - squeezed,
The fists were unclenched - squeezed.
Here are the fingers stretched.
And now, friends,
It's time for you to get to work.
(The teacher turns on an audio recording with Russian folk tunes. The children start work, the teacher accompanies their actions with a speech, helps with leading questions and clarifications) Independent activity of children
Educator: Nice work! You have made wonderful apprentices. We'll leave our work on the tables, let it dry, and rest a little.
(Music sounds, children dance ... ..)
Summing up, reflection of children's activities
Guys, well done! You dance as well as you work.
Please take your seats. Our works have dried up, admire them, how beautiful, interesting, wonderful they are, and our young lady is no longer bored now she has many friends. Well done!
Let's remember what we talked about today? What they were doing? What did you like the most? If you liked it, everything worked out, I suggest sticking your toy on a yellow clearing (on the “clearing” board from two sheets of cardboard A 3 yellow and green flowers), if you experienced difficulties - on the green

Attached files

Priority educational area: " Artistic and aesthetic development»

Integration educational areas "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Social and communicative development".

Purpose: improving the aesthetic abilities of children.

Know how to apply decorative painting: dots, strokes, circles, rings, straight lines and wavy, thick and thin lines, leaves, petals. To consolidate the ability to draw with the whole brush and its end, freely move the brush in different directions.

Develop aesthetic taste, accuracy, creativity.

Create in children joyful mood, the ability to rejoice in the results of their work and comrades.

Object-spatial developing environment: tinted paper of different shades of rectangular shape, gouache, squirrel brushes No. 1, No. 3, jars of water, palettes, napkins, posters with elements of decorative patterns, sound recordings of folk melodies.

Preliminary work:

  • teacher's story and display of objects, toys;
  • examining objects, illustrative material with elements of decorative paintings;
  • excursion to the autumn forest;
  • multimedia presentation "Folk decorative art".

Progress of organized activities:

Psychological mood "Give a smile"

I invite the children to join hands, feel the warmth of the hands of their friends, smile at each other and shake hands to give the warmth of their hearts.


Neumekha came to visit us and asked for help, he needs to decorate the paths for Autumn as a gift, but he does not know how to draw at all.

Do you want to help Unmecha?

Children express their consent to help Numekha.

We examine posters with elements of decorative patterns, children name familiar elements, recall the technique of drawing patterns, and propose to start decorating the paths. Children choose tinted paper to their liking.

During the practical part, folk melodies sound, I follow the technique of working with a brush.


Do you want to teach Unmecha a physical education minute?

Yes, we really want to!

Physical education:

Raise your shoulders up.

Don't swing, don't blink.

Let's make turns

We will do everything willingly.

And without any haste,

Let's do it all five times.

I place all the drawings on the board, I propose to consider. From the work performed, I suggest that the children make an exhibition "Autumn Fantasy". When analyzing, note the location of patterns, color, accuracy of work. and choose the best autumn paths.


I propose to show works similar to real autumn paths

1. Which autumn track did you like the most? Why do you think so?

Which autumn path is most similar to the real one for you? Why do you think so?

2. What did you like most about the lesson?

3. Were we able to help Clumsy?

Drawing is one of my favorite activities visual activity in children preschool age. At first, the child enjoys drawing colored lines, curls, spots. By the age of 4-5, he has a desire to depict on a piece of paper what he was especially impressed with. AT artistic activity the child, there is a transition to associative drawing: in spots and scribbles, he finds the outlines of familiar objects. Development begins subject drawing: the child draws according to his plan. It is important for the teacher to teach children to see simple shapes in the basis of objects, to select and mix colors, to make sure that the pencil and brush are held correctly. In the middle group, learning begins a new type of drawing - decorative, when preschoolers use the acquired skills in creating patterns to decorate an object, for example, a sweater.

Preparation for a lesson in decorative drawing in the middle group.

AT junior groups kindergarten children completed tasks for drawing on paper blanks in the form of clothing items (dress, handkerchief). Drawing had a decorative character, but was aimed at honing the skill of working with a brush and paints: drawing straight horizontal and vertical lines along the edge of the workpiece, drawing dots within the marked contours. Teaching directly decorative drawing begins in the middle group. The teacher introduces the children to folk crafts, highlights the features of Dymkovo, Filimonov, Gorodets murals. Through the study of objects created and painted by craftsmen from the people, children learn to respect manual labor, to see beauty in interior items, clay and wooden toys. There is a desire for independent creation patterns.

The tasks of teaching decorative drawing in the middle group:

  • Sharpening technical skills. Children 4-5 years old create patterns from dots, lines, simple geometric shapes with a brush and paint or pencil.
  • Development of compositional skills. The children master the concepts of "symmetry" and "rhythm", learn to place patterns on the surfaces of objects of different shapes.
  • Development of a sense of color. The teacher teaches the children to mix colors, use contrasting color combinations in the pattern.
  • Learning to Discriminate different kinds folk painting and perform individual elements in their own works.

Decorative drawing lesson in the middle group

Materials for the lesson

For decorative drawing in the middle group, it is recommended to use figured blanks made of thick paper (for watercolor or gouache) or cardboard. Blanks in the form of dishes (cups, spoons, plates), clothes (apron, dress, sweater, mittens) or toys can be pre-cut and stored in a cabinet with materials for visual activities. Another option for the basis for decorative drawing is the use of a template. The children are given cardboard templates sweaters, they should trace it with a pencil on a piece of paper. In the middle group, you can not give the task to cut along the contour to save time, but those of the guys who quickly cope with drawing a pattern should be offered to cut out a decorated object.

Also used as a base colored paper or cardboard. Bright material attracts children's attention and develops the ability to match the colors of the pattern and background.

Curly blanks for thematic classes on decorative drawing, you can instruct pupils to do it at home with their parents and bring it to the next lesson to decorate with a pattern. For example, on the weekend, the task is to prepare a blank cut out of thick paper for the lesson. "Sweater Decoration". creative process for the guys it will start already from the moment of choosing the style of the sweater (wide or narrow, sleeves with or without elastic bands, a collar with a collar or under the throat, or it is missing and then you need to decide on the shape of the neck) and the color of the paper from which the blank will be cut. As an idea, the teacher may suggest that parents find embossed paper. It is sold in specialized stores for creativity, has a relief surface and will serve as material for various crafts, including making a sweater.

Base material option

This theme can be used to conduct a short-term project - "Decorate a sweater for your favorite toy". The child chooses for which toy he wants to decorate the sweater as a gift, and the parents help to draw the contours of the appropriate size sweater. At home, children can try to cut the workpiece on their own.

Template options for the "Sweater" blank.

In the classroom for decorative drawing in the middle group, the guys draw with colored pencils, wax crayons, watercolor and gouache. Pupils are given freedom of choice (paints or pencils) during classes aimed at consolidating decorative drawing techniques.

Techniques and techniques of drawing in the middle group.

Children 4-5 years old learn how to hold a pencil correctly. They trace patterns along the contour, draw patterns from straight lines and curved lines, simple geometric shapes. In the middle group, learning to pencil hatching begins: painting circles and ovals with lines in one direction, without going beyond the contours.

Much attention is paid to the development of painting skills. Children reinforce the skills of working with a brush: wetting, picking up paint, mixing paints, drawing with the whole pile or the tip of the brush. Middle-aged preschoolers create a pattern using the following drawing techniques:

  • smears. Simple decorative element, which does not require the utmost precision of execution. The guys create a pattern by lightly applying the bristles of the brush to the paper. The tasks for consolidating this technique include mastering the technique of alternation: in a certain order, strokes are applied with paints of different colors.
  • points. A more complex element, children must learn to paint with the brush tip in a vertical position. The dots are placed in a certain rhythm within the contours of the workpiece to be decorated. In contrast to the tasks in the younger group (“With the help of dots, depict snow, raindrops, berries, grains for birds”), children are invited to draw a pattern with dots in accordance with the plan: parallel rows, a checkerboard pattern or a dotted contour of a figure, for example, a circle. The skill of alternation is first fixed in the task of drawing dots of different colors, then it develops when drawing dots and strokes in a given order.
  • Rings and circles. Children learned to draw these elements in younger groups. In the classroom for decorative drawing, their implementation becomes more complicated: the children must draw circles and rings of the same size.

Initially, children learn the simplest compositional technique in creating an ornament - repetition, after - alternation. The skill of creating a linear pattern on strips of paper or along the edge of blanks (the hem of a dress, the rim of a cup) is fixed. On blanks that have the shape of a square or circle, the guys learn to determine the center of the figure, draw a pattern in a circle or with a turn of 90 degrees.

The use of other types of visual activity and non-traditional techniques.

In the classroom for decorative drawing, the techniques of others can be used. pictorial views activities - applications and modeling. The image with an ornament is complemented according to the plan with elements made of paper or plasticine. For example, paper strips can be glued to blanks in the form of mittens - these will be knitted elastic bands; the blank of a sundress can be decorated with an applique in the upper part - to decorate the bodice of a sundress; plasticine balls can be added to gloves, a hat or a sweater to imitate woolen pompoms; decoration of the finished work with small plasticine balls - beads, beads or buttons on garments and hats.

In the lessons on creating patterns, the following can be applied unconventional techniques drawing:

  • Finger painting. Children 4–5 years old still have an interest in drawing with their fingertips and palms.
  • Printing - creating a pattern by dipping in paint and applying pieces of foam rubber, leaves, buttons, etc. to paper.
  • Pointillism - drawing with dots, usually with cotton swabs.
  • Monotype is the technique of a single print. The ripples draw on one half of the symmetrical workpiece, without letting the pattern dry, fold the sheet of paper in half and get a mirror print.
  • Drawing with wax crayons with watercolor filling. The guys draw a pattern with a wax candle or chalk, then completely paint over the blank with watercolors (on top of the wax pattern). When the paint dries, the wax contours show through beautifully.
  • Grattage - scratching a drawing on dried gouache, under which there is a colored wax background.

Examples of works performed in non-traditional techniques.

Finger painting Finger painting Button printing Cotton bud drawing Monotype Cotton bud painting Finger painting Scratching Scratching Cotton bud drawing Printing

Individual tasks in the classroom for decorative drawing.

Educational activities in kindergarten are implemented within the framework of a personality-oriented approach. This means that when conducting classes (including visual activities), the educator must take into account the developmental characteristics of each child, the level of possession of certain skills, emotional condition at a particular moment. Since the practical activity of decorative drawing is aimed at fulfilling the goal of creating a pattern on a given surface, the main task should be available for all pupils to complete. If the child experiences difficulties, the teacher uses the technique of individual demonstration of actions. In the middle group, it is permissible for the child to repeat the actions of the teacher.

For those children who successfully cope with the practical task, the teacher must provide individual tasks.

Consider options individual assignments on the topic "Decorate a sweater":

  1. Use appliqué or sculpting elements to decorate the workpiece.
  2. toned watercolor paint paper blank.
  3. Trace the penciled shapes with a felt-tip pen.
  4. Draw on a separate sheet of clothing similar in style to your sweater (hat, scarf, mittens).

Lesson "Decorate a sweater" in the card index of drawing topics.

When drawing up the educational and thematic plan for visual activities for the year, it should be taken into account that drawing classes in the middle group are held once a week. At the same time, out of 35 lessons per year, 5–6 should be devoted to teaching decorative drawing:

  • "Apron Decoration"
  • "Decorating a Sweater"
  • "Decorate a handkerchief."
  • "Decorate the strip with flags."
  • "Gloves for kittens."
  • "Dress for a Doll".

The lesson "Decorate a Sweater" is recommended to consolidate the skills of drawing points and lines, simple geometric shapes. The task of this lesson should be to decorate the workpiece according to the presentation. The children themselves choose which pattern they will draw on the sweater: geometric (alternating lines and shapes in various color combinations) or thematic (they will try to create a floral or natural pattern - flowers, leaves, snowflakes).

A motivating start to the lesson on the topic “Decorating a Sweater”.

Ornamental drawing by itself may not be interesting for middle-aged preschoolers. To increase attention and encourage creative activity, first of all, it is recommended to involve the children's personal perception of visual images and use the elements of the game in the lesson.

Motivating material at the initial stage of the lesson.

Material option Application in a motivating beginning of a lesson
visual material The guys are studying pictures with sweaters. The teacher conducts conversation:
What elements are patterns made of?
What techniques can be used to make similar patterns on paper (rhythmic repetition, alternation).
What color combinations are presented in these models of sweaters?

A variant of visual material can be sweaters on the pupils themselves.
A special revival brings the task to bring your favorite sweater on the appointed day. Immediately at the beginning of the lesson, the teacher offers to arrange a fashion show: the teacher turns on cheerful music, the guys put on the sweaters they brought and defile in turn, showing the pattern on the product. Next, a conversation is held on the features of the sweaters seen.

game situation The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that winter is approaching, the frosty season is beginning, and the toys / dolls in their group do not have warm clothes. The children are invited to choose a toy and prepare beautiful sweaters for them as a gift.

In front of each pupil on the table lies a drawing of a girl or a boy and a paper blank of a sweater. Children are invited to draw a pattern on the workpiece and “put on” the sweater on the child from the picture so that he does not freeze on a walk.

If there are paper dolls with a paper “wardrobe” in the group, then for the lesson you can make blanks with “ears” so that the guys can use the decorated sweaters in the next game.

surprise moments Chanterelle enters the group ( junior educator or another employee in a fox costume), greets the guys and complains about the cold. Chanterelle asks the guys to tell her what to do so that the cubs do not freeze on a walk. When the children say that you can put warm clothes on the foxes, Chanterelle cries that she can neither sew nor knit. The teacher leads the children by leading questions or hints that they can draw and decorate sweaters for fox cubs.

There is a box on the teacher's desk. The teacher reports that the postman delivered her to the group in the morning, reads the address aloud (the real address of the kindergarten: city, street, house, group number). When asked what to do with the box, the guys, of course, offer to open it, which the teacher does. The box contains paper blanks of sweaters of the same color and a letter from the Gnome. The teacher reads the letter: The gnome says that in the fall, his grandmother knitted sweaters for him and his many brothers, but they are all the same size and color - the gnomes confuse which sweater belongs to which of them, and ask the guys for help. The teacher offers to disassemble the blanks and decorate according to own will so that each gnome has his own unique sweater.

Didactic games With children 4–5 years old, collective didactic games: tasks are not given on cards, but are presented on large pictures / posters or projected onto a screen.
Game options:
"Find differences". On two identical pictures of sweaters, you need to find differences, the teacher immediately calls their number.
"Find a sweater by silhouette." The picture shows sweaters and one shadow silhouette.
"Find pairs of the same." Among the sweaters shown in the picture you need to find the same ones.
"Which sweater suits who." On the left side of the picture are sweaters with various patterns, on the right - characters. For example, a sweater with bows is suitable for a girl, a sweater with cars for a boy, and a bunny will be happy with a sweater with carrots.

Drawing up a summary on the topic "Decorate a sweater."

The purpose of the lesson: decorating a paper blank with a decorative pattern.

Tasks: strengthening the ability to draw with a brush and / or pencil lines, strokes / hatching, dots, circles and rings, checkmarks; development of the ability to decorate the finished work with elements of other types of visual activity (paper strips or figures, plasticine parts); development of a sense of color; development of the ability to see beauty in objects surrounding reality; activation of fantasy; education of independence and manifestation of initiative.

In accordance with hygiene standards, the duration of a drawing lesson in the middle group is no more than 20 minutes and consists of the following steps:

  • Organizational moment 1 minute.
  • Motivating start of the session 4-5 minutes.
  • Practical work 10 minutes.
  • Demonstration and discussion finished works 2–3 minutes.
  • Summing up the lesson 1 minute.

The teacher needs to make detailed plan each lesson followed by obligatory analysis: whether the set goals and objectives were achieved, whether the methods and methods of teaching were effective, how the children behaved at various stages of the lesson, difficulties and delays at any stages of the lesson and their causes, analysis of the work of pupils, approximate ways to improve the conduct of the lesson .

Methodical development on drawing (middle group) on the topic "Decorative drawing "Decoration of a sweater"".
Strengthening the ability to decorate a piece of clothing using familiar elements: lines, strokes, dots, rings and circles.
Making paper strips.
Development of aesthetic perception and independence. materials Sweater blanks made of thick paper in different colors, paper strips for decorating the neck, cuffs and elastic bands. Connection with other aspects of educational work The study of decorative patterns on garments. Lesson progress Creation of a problem situation. The teacher brings a plush hare to the group and reads A. Barto's poem "The hostess threw the hare." The children are told that the hare himself got wet in the rain, and, of course, his sweater got wet - it became colorless and the pattern was washed off. How can you help a bunny? The guys offer to re-draw the pattern on the bunny sweater.
The message of the purpose of the lesson, the designation of the task for practical work.
Conducting a physical education session “Be careful” under the lines of a poem about flowers.
Before the guys begin to complete the task, the teacher draws attention to the fact that there is not enough orange paint on their tables, the guys remember which colors need to be mixed to get orange.
Pedagogical display. The teacher invites the children to remember the elements for decorative drawing and demonstrates their implementation on the board / easel.
During the practical work, the teacher monitors the process of mixing paints by the guys on the palette, the correctness of drawing with a brush, filling the entire area of ​​​​the workpiece, and the posture of the pupils.
The guys attach the decorated sweaters to the magnetic board.
Discussion of works.
Summing up the lesson. Zaika says that the guys made bright and beautiful sweaters with interesting patterns, thanks them for their diligence and imagination.

The order of execution of work on the topic "Decorate a sweater."

During the performance of the pedagogical demonstration, the teacher is recommended to show on the board or easel the drawing of the techniques named by the children, and then show an example step by step drawing sweater pattern. You can consider examples of finished works on a given topic and invite the children to determine what methods these drawings were created with and in what sequence.

Decoration with paper stripes and pencil drawing.

To decorate the sweater, paper strips are selected according to the size of the neck, cuffs, elastic bands
Sticking paper strips
Draw vertical lines with a pencil
alternating pencil lines on a sweater
We draw rings in the shoulder area, placing a semicircle
Hatching elements
We draw rings along the lower edge of the sweater and cuffs, fill in with shading
We draw similar elements along the central transverse line of the product

Drawing patterns with a pencil and decorating with plasticine elements.

Neckline, cuffs and elastic bands with pencil lines
Drawing zigzag lines pink pencil
Drawing zigzag lines green pencil
Rolling plasticine elements
Attaching plasticine balls by flattening
Sweater decorating process
Finished work

Creating a pattern with a stroke.

Drawing smears of the same color diagonally
Applying strokes of a different color diagonally mirroring previously applied strokes
Decoration with strokes of the neck, cuffs, elastic bands

Drawing a pattern with lines and dots.

Line designation of the neckline and cuffs
Cuff and neck trim
Line drawing: alternating lines of different colors
Dot Drawing: Rhythmic Repeat

Watercolor painting: toning, lines and rings.

Separation horizontal line blanks
Toning the top of the sweater
Toning the bottom of the sweater and sleeves with a different color
Drawing zigzag lines (interlacing)
Sweater neck shaping
Drawing rings (alternating in a checkerboard pattern)

Gouache drawing: circles and dots.

Line designation of the neckline, cuffs, elastic bands
Dot drawing: alternating dots of two colors
Drawing circles in a checkerboard pattern
Drawing circles of a different color
Drawing dots along the bottom edge of the lighter and sleeves
Drawing dots of the second color
Drawing dots in the center of circles
Finished work

"Winter patterns": gouache drawing of lines and dots on a color basis.

Starting to draw Christmas trees at the bottom of the sweater: repeating diagonal lines
Repetition of diagonal lines in a mirror position
In the middle we denote the trunks of Christmas trees vertical lines
Draw dots in a checkerboard pattern
We make out the cuffs, neck and elastic band
Finished work

Synopsis of GCD in the middle group on decorative drawing "Mittens for a bunny"

Lyabusheva Lyudmila Vasilievna, educator MBDOU Kindergarten No. 1 of the city of Spassk, Penza region
Material Description: This abstract of GCD in drawing is aimed at developing children's creativity, to consolidate the previously studied methods of drawing with a brush and paints, as well as to form a culture of speech behavior (to educate children in kindness, responsiveness, sensitivity to the world around them, decisiveness in helping, the ability to use in speech polite words). This summary will be useful to both teachers and parents.
Synopsis of GCD in the middle group on decorative drawing "Mittens for a bunny"
Integration of educational areas:"Reading fiction", "Artistic creativity", "Communication", "Socialization", "Cognition".
Target: to teach children to independently determine the content of the picture and depict what was conceived.
Educational: Continue to teach children to use paints of different colors, to consolidate drawing techniques, to consolidate the skills of accurate work.
Educational: To develop aesthetic feelings, fantasy, a positive emotional response to a self-created image, children's creativity.
Educational: To cultivate initiative, independence, kindness.
preliminary work: Consideration of samples of "mittens" and discussion of techniques for working with paints, making silhouettes-mittens.
Materials and equipment: plot picture"Bunny and the Moon", samples of "mittens" for examining patterns and decorative elements, watercolor paints, brushes, jars of water, napkins, "mittens - blanks" for coloring.
Methodological techniques: game motivation, conversation - dialogue, reading a fairy tale by V.A. Sukhomlinsky "How the Bunny Basked in the Moonlight", a conversation on what was read, finger gymnastics"Friendly family" independent work, analysis of work, encouragement. caregiver: Hello my guys! A new day has begun, which means that a lot of new and interesting things await us ahead. Come on, I will smile at you, you will smile at me and each other, and then the whole world will smile at all of us!
caregiver: Children, do you think the rays of the moon can warm us?
Children: No, only the sun can warm.
caregiver: And I know one hero for whom the rays of the moon were warm, warm. Do you want to know why? Then we sit back and listen to the fairy tale “How the Bunny Basked in the Moonlight” (V. A. Sukhomlinsky “The Book of Conscience”)
How the Bunny basked in the moon
It's cold in winter for Bunny, especially at night. He ran out to the edge. Frost is crackling, the snow is shining under the moon, a cold wind is blowing from the ravine. Bunny sat down under a bush, stretched out his paws to the moon and asks:
- Moon, dear, warm me with your rays, otherwise it will be a long time to wait for the Sun.
It was a pity for the Moon of the Bunny, she says:
- Go through the field, through the field, I'll light the way for you. Go straight to the big stack of straw.
Bunny went to a stack of straw, buried himself in the straw, looks out and smiles at the moon.
- Thank you, dear Moon, now your rays are warm, warm.

Conversation on questions
caregiver: Why, guys, was the bunny cold? What do you think?
Children: It was winter, and in winter there are severe frosts.
caregiver: What did the bunny ask the moon for?
Children: For the moon to warm him.
caregiver: Why does the bunny call the rays of the moon warm?
Children: Because the moon helped him.
caregiver: Are they really warm?
Children: No.
caregiver: From what then did the bunny become warm?
Children: From kindness, care.
caregiver: Thanks to what he was able to get to the haystack?
Children: Thanks to the light that was emitted from the moon?
caregiver: How did the bunny ask the moon for help? What words did he use for this?
Children: Moon, dear, warm me with your rays. Kind, gentle, polite.
caregiver: How can you call a bunny, what is it?
Children: Polite, kind, well-mannered.
caregiver: Let's help the bunny too. Let's make a gift "mittens" for him. But first, let's stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics "Friendly family"
This finger is a grandfather
This finger is a grandmother
This finger is a daddy
This finger is mommy
And the last one is me
Here is such a family!
(We massage each finger alternately on the left hand, then on the right).

Independent work of children.

Job Analysis.
caregiver: All the guys are great, they did it. Children, whose mittens did you like? Why?
Children: I liked the mittens of Marina, Kira, Uliana, because they are decorated neatly and beautifully.

caregiver: Well done everyone! And I, children, liked your gifts to the bunny and you yourself! Do you know why? Because they helped a bunny in trouble. In life, you should always come to the rescue and do only good deeds.

Compiled and conducted by: Rymareva Inna Anatolyevna

Purpose: To introduce students to the painting of folk clay toys; expand the horizons of children about artistic folk crafts;

- Refine the elements of the Dymkovo pattern, convey a bright color.
- To form the ability to create patterns according to one's own design, using a variety of brush techniques.
- Learn to highlight the elements of the geometric pattern of Dymkovo painting (circles, straight and wavy lines, a cage, dots-peas).
- Develop aesthetic sense, fine motor skills, eye gauge.
.- To cultivate love for the folk art of Russia.

Preliminary work: acquaintance with Dymkovo products, their painting.

Equipment and materials: Dymkovo horse coloring model, gouache, brushes, water jar, napkin, poke (cotton buds 1 pc.), Dymkovo toys, Dymkovo toy posters, Dymkovo toy presentations, parcel, letter.

Guys, this morning the postman brought me this parcel for you. I wonder what's there? Let's see.
Here is a letter for you and some toys.
(The teacher reads the verse and shows the presentation.)
“They are sleeping by the highway
In hoarfrost,
The trees are sleeping, the river is sleeping,
Softly falling snow
Blue smoke billows.
Smoke comes out of the chimneys
It's like a haze all around.
Blue gave.
And a big village
They named it Dymkovo.
They loved songs and dances.
Miracle fairy tales were born in the village,
Evenings in winter are long
And sculpted there from clay
All toys are not simple,
And magically painted.
Snow-white as birches
Circles, cells, stripes
Seemingly simple pattern
Can't take your eyes off!
And glory went about Dymka,
Earning this right
They talk about her everywhere.
Amazing miracle
We will bow again and again.
About the ancient Dymkovo toy
Let's tell the story now.
Presentation display.

Guys, did you like Dymkovo toys? I suggest you play a little. Let's turn into Dymkovo toys for a while. Get in a circle. As soon as I name any toy, you need to try to depict it in motion.
Game "Depict a toy"
"Lady!" (Children try to move in the way that, according to their ideas, the Dymkovo lady walks, holding a long imaginary skirt, moving her shoulders).
“Horse!” (children jump like a horse).
"Turkey!" (children walk, raising their legs high, flapping their wings, puffing out their cheeks).
Turn around, turn around
Bow down low!

Guys, let's take a look at the toys that were sent to us by craftsmen from the village of Dymkovo.
We are noble toys
Folding yes okay,
We are famous everywhere
We will love you too!
(P. Sinyavsky)
The Dymkovo lady is very elegant. By white background craftswomen generously “scattered” circles, cages, large and small peas.
Look how good
This girl is beautiful
Scarlet cheeks are burning
Amazing outfit.
(Folk art)
Dymkovo cavaliers with feeling dignity often depicted on horseback or paired with a mistress.
With ribbons and bows
Yes, under the arm with dandies
We walk in pairs
We swim with peahens.
(P. Sinyavsky)
Here is a smart turkey,
He's all so good.
At the big turkey
All painted sides.
Look, fluffy tail
He is not at all simple -
Like a sunny flower
And the high comb
Burning red paint
Like a king's crown.
The Dymkovo cockerel is full of dignity and fighting enthusiasm. A circle always shines on his chest - a symbol of the sun.
These birds are vociferous
And smart as chintz!
(Folk art)
Dymkovo horses with a lush mane and tail.
Clay horses rush
On stands that there are forces.
And do not hold on to the tail
If the mane missed. (Folk art)

Oh, guys, why are they so not bright and not decorated at all.
Let's fix this and paint them with Dymkovo patterns. We will now go to the workshop, where you will turn into real artists in painting the Dymkovo toy.
(Children sit at the tables and look at the board, where the painting scheme of the Dymkovo horse hangs)
Today we will paint the Dymkovo horse. Pay attention to the elements of the painting. What do you see? (Straight, wavy lines, circles, rings.)
And what colors are the toys painted with? (Toys are painted with yellow, red, blue, green, black paints)
What elements are patterns made of? (The patterns are made up of circles, dots, dashes, rings).
Showing techniques for drawing horse painting elements:
Large circles - with the whole brush, turning on the heel; Small ones - with a poke and cotton swabs;
Dash - reverse side brushes.
I think we're all ready to turn into folk craftsmen. It remains only to say the magic words:
Turn left and right
And turn into craftsmen!
Before work, I want to wish you that your toy is not only beautiful, but also kind and cheerful. Decorate so that looking at her, the soul rejoices.
Physical education minute
Now guys get up
Raise your hands slowly
Squeeze your fingers, then unclench,
Hands down and so stand.
Lean right, left
And you get down to business.
We have all become masters
They took brushes and paints.
The colors sparkled brightly
Everything comes alive like in a fairy tale.
Independent work of children. During the work of children, individual assistance to those who find it difficult.
Guys, you guys are real artists. What beautiful horses you have.
We are talking about the Dymkovo toy,
We will remember more than once.
And now, friends of a girlfriend,
We will finish our story.

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