Buranovskiye babushki has the composition changed? “Similar names are “Buranovskiye grandmothers” and “Grandmothers from Buranovo”


"Eurovision participants from Udmurtia "Buranovskiye Babushki" changed their name." Under such high-profile headlines, news was published this week on Russian Internet portals. But, rather, the team did not change the name, but the composition - the world-famous singers grew old and "emotionally exhausted" (this is how the producer of the group Ksenia Rubtsova and the press secretary of "Grandmothers" Svetlana Syrygina explained the innovations. - Approx. ed.) and on they were replaced by new artists. However, this did not happen today, but two whole years ago. And the "old" grandmothers did not retire. They successfully perform under the name "Grandmothers from Buranovo". True, they no longer sing for the Russian public, but tour the Udmurt outback.

“A young artist will get tired of such a rhythm, and even more so an elderly one”

At the end of August 2014, the producer of the Buranovskiye Babushki collective, Ksenia Rubtsova, decided to renew the line-up. It also included grandmothers, but already different - one might say, the stars of the Udmurt stage. Including former soloists state academic ensemble song and dance of Udmurtia "Italmas" and the republican theater of folk song "Aikai" Anna Prokopyeva and Valentina Serebrennikova. As well as the ex-head of the harmonica ensemble of the Malopurginsky district of Udmurtia "Arganchi" Ekaterina Antonova.

For 5 years of performances, the team emotionally fizzled out. Especially over the past two years, when the schedule of performances was especially tight, - then the press secretary of Buranovskiye Babushki said on the air of the radio " TVNZ» - Izhevsk » Svetlana Syrygina. - During this time, grandmothers traveled all over Russia, visited many countries of the world. A young artist will also get tired of such a rhythm, and even more so an elderly one. The team is in demand. Therefore, the producer decided to rejuvenate. But I would like to emphasize that we are always glad to see the former line-up in the new ranks.

Grandmothers from Buranovo were replaced by singers from Ludorvay

IN new composition in addition to professional artists, original grannies also entered. True, they are not from Buranovo, but from Ludorvay (a village near Izhevsk. - Approx. ed.). Picked them up by the current artistic director collective Anna Prokopieva.

Ksenia Rubtsova offered me to gather people, - Anna Nikolaevna said in 2014. - It was possible, of course, to collect grandmothers from all over Udmurtia. But technically it would be difficult to find one time for rehearsals with them. Therefore, we settled on the Ludorwei ones. They have good voices, they know how to work with the audience and move well.

So since September 2014 new team began touring Russia under the Buranovskiye Babushki brand. There were 8 people at the time. Now there are 5 artists.

Since then, the new "Buranovskiye Babushki" have already performed at the Kremlin Palace, wrote a song for the 2018 FIFA World Cup and went to " new wave" in Sochi . And it's not yet full list tour.

“Let the new team protect this name just like we do”

Despite the explicable decision of the producer, then old composition flatly refused to perform with the new one on the same stage. Grandmothers, of course, were upset - they say, steel was not needed.

- “Buranovskiye Babushki” is our name and how can we take it away from us? This is us. Let the second team succeed. We do not wish them anything bad. Let them record new songs, do worthwhile things that deserve respect. They are going to hold a festival in the Kremlin - very good idea- said then the first artistic director of the team Olga Tuktareva. - At first, the grandmothers were offended that the new line-up sings under our name. We understand that under copyright law we do not have the right to be called Buranovskiye Babushki. Let the new team protect this name just like we do.

"We will continue to perform"

Now the old composition no longer harbors resentment towards its followers. The singers have taken a new name - "Grandmothers from Buranovo" - and they say that now they feel freedom, and life is becoming calmer.

The path I have traveled has taught me a lot: awareness of both my self and creativity. Thank you very much Xenia for everything she has done. It was good school. And she did everything very well, only she stumbled on the last steps. But she is still young, - Olga Tuktareva noted in 2014. - We will continue to perform.

And they really continue ... Only already within the limits of Udmurtia - they travel through cities and villages. Occasionally they go to neighboring regions. By the way, the old composition remained complete. The only thing, the sweetest and oldest "Grandma" Natalya Pugacheva does not appear at all concerts - her health is not the same.

And the Church of the Holy Trinity, for the construction of which the former "Grandmothers" collected money, is already working with might and main. They still look after him: they help the clergy in any way they can.

A team called "Buranovskiye Babushki", who performed at the 57th song contest Eurovision has become a real phenomenon. After all, where has it been seen that seventy-year-old artists were representatives of the musical sphere from the country. However, they not only successfully performed the prepared composition, but also conquered half the world, winning an honorable second place.

Strange as it may seem, the folk song ensemble called "Buranovskiye Babushki" is not a project specially created to surprise the audience and the jury of the Eurovision Song Contest. He is already over forty years old, and all this time the group active singers, who today are already about eighty years old, perform songs from ancient folklore on Udmurt language.

Popular fame came to grandmothers at the end of the 2000s, when they began to appear with performances at various concert venues and perform in Udmurt covers popular in different times songs. So, within the framework of the concert, dedicated to the Day mother tongue, on the stage of the State Philharmonic of Udmurtia, they sang hits by V. Tsoi and B. Grebenshchikov, and thus attracted the attention of television channels and journalists.

As the singers themselves admit, their work is not associated with a thirst for fame and wealth. All the money that they planned to earn from performances and other projects, they directed to the erection of a temple in Buranovo. The same motive moved them when two members of the team - Olga Nikolaevna and Galina Nikolaevna - played on the show "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?". The winnings in the amount of 800,000 rubles also went to charity.

The fruitful work of cheerful grandmothers, which has become a great contribution to the development national art, brought them the title People's Artists Udmurt Republic, which was awarded to eight members of the team by the President of Udmurtia.

Despite old age, artists perform with pleasure at various concert venues in the country (guests of the Ybitsa festival in 2013 and Laula kanssain in 2016), record musical compositions with other musicians (song "But I won't get married" with the singer Varvara). Featured in commercials ads for Sprite in 2012), as well as social activities. So, in the same 2012, they received a certificate of official, albeit freelance, employees of the traffic police department in hometown responsible for the promotion of safe road traffic.

As part of the opening Olympic Games, held in 2014 in the Russian city of Sochi, Buranovskaya grandmother Galina Koneva, who at that time was 75 years old, acted as one of the torchbearers in the general relay race.

Members of the group "Buranovskiye Babushki"

the main objective musical project called "Buranovskiye Babushki" is the preservation national traditions behind which there is a huge layer of values ​​passed down from generation to generation. Each of the members of the collective refers to creativity with the simplicity that was characteristic of their ancestors, who also performed familiar melodies with soul and disinterestedly.

The director and artistic director of the grandmothers, who voluntarily united talented women under one roof, is Olga Nikolaevna Tuktareva. She also holds the post of director of the House of Culture in the village of Buranovo. Olga is a graduate of the Institute of Culture in Perm, a translator of famous compositions into the Udmurt language, as well as a talented hostess.

During the existence of the team, it included several people. We will talk about some of them in a little more detail, since each of them has its own characteristics. special features character.

Ekaterina Semyonovna Shklyaeva

Ekaterina Semyonovna Shklyaeva

In the team, Ekaterina Semyonovna is called a tuning fork, because thanks to her perfect hearing you can check the tone of the melody. Those who know her even better praise her for her excellent sauerkraut.

Ekaterina Semyonovna always has a piece of bread in her pocket to feed the birds. On tour, you can always recognize her precisely by the fact that she feeds winged birds everywhere.

She has only four grades of education, since she lost her mother early and took over the family and household. This was followed by work at a mechanical plant, at a construction site as a painter and on the Buranov collective farm.

Valentina Semyonovna Pyatchenko

Valentina Semyonovna Pyatchenko

For her meek character, the grandmother received the nickname "Shirpi", which means a mouse in Russian. Valentina Semenovna has two educations: the first is a seamstress, the second is a teacher. It was she who worked as a teacher when she lived with her husband in Turkmenistan, however family life the woman did not work out, and at the age of forty-seven she returned to Buranovo, where she taught at school until her retirement.

The singer does not have a right hand - she lost it when she worked on a circular saw. At the performances of the Buranovsky grandmothers, she puts on a prosthesis. By the way, this shortcoming does not in the least prevent her from running a household: she sews beautifully, bakes fragrant pies and cooks delicious jam.

Natalya Yakovlevna Pugacheva

Natalya Yakovlevna Pugacheva

In the entire history of the Eurovision Song Contest, this singer of the Buranovsky Babushki team became the oldest participant. In her life there was only one class of school, then - the war and work on the Buranovsky collective farm.

This woman is almost ninety, but she is such a person about whom they say "small, but daring."

The team also included:

  • Granya Ivanovna Baysarova is a painter-plasterer, a milkmaid with twenty years of experience, an excellent knitter.
  • Zoya Sergeevna Dorodova is a baker and cook, which she still is. Among other grandmothers, she is considered the most silent.
  • Galina Nikolaevna Koneva is the person who is responsible for new ideas for the team. She even came up with an unusual nickname - "Mush Mumy", which means " queen bee". By the way, Galina Nikolaevna is a real athlete, she has the first adult category in ski racing.
  • Alevtina Gennadievna Begisheva is a former accountant who has retrained as the head of the museum. It is she who is responsible for the bright folk costumes.
  • Elizaveta Filippovna Zarbatova - left not only the ensemble, but also our world in 2014, and today everyone remembers her as the author of a triumphal song with which women performed at the national Eurovision selection in Russia, and just a good person.

There is also a man in the team - Nikolai Grigorievich Zarbatov. He is the one responsible for musical part ensemble creativity. All his talents cannot be counted: he is both a guitarist and an accordion player. In a word, he is a man-orchestra.

Participation in Eurovision

Buranovsky grandmothers auditioned for participation in the competition back in 2010, and in the selection of the national level they sang a song called “Long-long birch bark”. However, this time they were not yet ready to become representatives of the country.

Having again participated in the national selection two years later, in 2012 they passed the qualifying round and represented Russia at Eurovision 2012 with the groovy song Party for Everybody, performed in broken English language in colorful folk style.

The very appearance of grandmothers on the stage caused an unprecedented delight and tenderness among the numerous audience of the competition. But that wasn't enough to take home the crystal microphone, so Russia had to settle for second place.

The performance in Baku made the Buranovsky grandmothers very popular not only in our country, but also in Europe. Their simplicity and charming folk vocal, which they perform as famous compositions in arrangement and folk songs, leave no one indifferent. Now they also travel around the cities with a concert program, giving people smiles and warmth.

20.10.2017, 16:53

New to Chelny, the Pelmeni Festival may turn into an unexpected scandal due to the fact that the victors of Eurovision 2012, grandmothers from the Udmurt village of Buranovo, will take part in it. The same performers, but not the same Buranovskiye Babushki, as it turns out. Chelnam may come back to haunt the story of copyright for a well-known brand, painful for older performers. The organizer of the Finno-Ugric festival in Chelny - DDN "Rodnik" - has already received a warning from Moscow from the owner of the name - "Houses of Lyudmila Zykina". Moreover, the producers of "Babushki Babushki" are going to send a lawyer to the holiday, in order to decide later whether to sue the organizers of the performance of "Grandmothers from Buranovo". Why there was a misunderstanding, and how much the Chelny House of Friendship of Peoples risks getting into a lawsuit, is in the material of the site.


Tomorrow, October 21, on the square in front of the Organ Hall will be held festivities. Republican festival folk art of the Finno-Ugric peoples should bring together lovers of the Udmurt, Mari and Mordovian folklore. As part of it, the Pelmeni Festival will also take place. On this occasion, the organizers - the House of Friendship of Peoples "Rodnik" - invited artists from the Udmurt village of Buranovo to Chelny, who successfully performed at the Eurovision Song Contest in 2012. The invitation received a positive response, and the chairman of the Udmurt community of the city, Valentina Bilyk, shared this news with journalists at a press conference on Monday.

- The same grandmothers who were at Eurovision will come to us. But "Buranovskiye Babushki" is now a brand, they perform under it professional artists. And the former performers now act as “Grandmothers from Buranovo,” she emphasized.

Local media quickly spread information about the arrival of famous grandmothers. And then, like a bolt from the blue, DDN received a letter from Dom Lyudmila Zykina LLC, the producer of the Buranovskiye Babushki collective.

“Please note that only one person has the right to organize concerts of the specified group, use the name of the group, the Buranovskiye Babushki trademark, the image of the group members, use songs from the group’s repertoire or phonograms with the performance of the group - Dom Lyudmila Zykina LLC. All third parties are required to enter into contracts for the use of the respective facilities”,- said in the letter.

The change in the composition of the "Buranovskiye Babushki" was quite painful, at home folk group it was a real scandal. In 2014, a five-year contract concluded by the "House of Lyudmila Zykina" with the soloists of the group expired, which they did not renew, not accepting the offer to recruit new younger soloists to the team. As a result, the producers assembled a completely new line-up. As MK reported, the former soloists learned about this from the Internet.

- Ksenia Rubtsova (director of the House of Lyudmila Zykina - ed.) told me that we should update the line-up a little, because the load on our soloists was very large. Constant concerts and tours, of course, took a lot of energy. At first, she wanted to take at least a few new grandmothers from the village of Buranovo, so that at any moment they could replace the "old" participants in case of illness or other unforeseen situations. But after a while, I realized that our ensemble “Buranovskiye Babushki” is a unique team, you can’t just take someone out of it, ”said Olga Tuktareva, former artistic director of the team. That's why I was against updating it. If only they called and said that they were taking others instead of us. Perhaps then we would not be so offended. After all, we live in the same republic and we know these new "grandmothers".

The former soloists of the ensemble are now forbidden to perform the songs of the ensemble to phonograms - all copyrights, including the name "Buranovskiye Babushki", belong to the House of Lyudmila Zykina. Artists familiar throughout the country cannot use the image, appearance, biographical data and do not have the right to perform the hit “Party for everybody dance”, which brought Russia second place at Eurovision 2012. Nevertheless, grandmothers continue to perform, with other songs and in a different image.


"Greetings" from Moscow caused a commotion in Chelny. It is not yet clear what this might mean for cultural institution. The producers did not send specific claims to the organizers of the festival. However, as it turned out, the consequences in the form of a lawsuit are not excluded.

the site contacted representatives of the House of Lyudmila Zykina. Indeed, they sent the letter to the DDN "Rodnik", but on this moment Not there is talk about some sanctions against the organizers. However, the producers do not exclude that it is possible litigation with the organizers of the performance of grandmothers from the village of Buranovo.

- This is a warning, this is not a notification of a violation. We send such a warning to all sites where, as we see, there may be a violation of copyright or related rights, patent rights. This is a normal practice of any production center and any producer in the world, - said the representative of the House of Lyudmila Zykina.

The new composition of "Buranovskiye Babushki"

The production center notes that the Buranovskiye Babushki team in currently arrived in Sochi for the closing of the Festival of Youth and Students.

– We are very worried about the image of our team and for our professional activity. It hurts the brand in the first place. You understand that "Buranovskiye Babushki" and "Grandmothers from Buranovo" are two intersecting similar names. And it confuses people. The spectators still think it's the one coming professional team who now travels all over the world. And it’s not clear who comes, - they commented on the situation in the production center. We don't know who is coming to you. Do you remember how many "Tender Mays" there were? A bunch of! We disclaim any responsibility for the quality of this performance. And most importantly - for the health of artists who are no longer 16 years old. If something happens, they will blame us. We don't need it. People invited some old people completely irresponsibly. And who will be responsible for the quality of the performance or if something happens to the artist? Do they have an agreement, a contract, an insurance policy, permission from relatives? ..

The producers of Buranovskiye Babushki send their lawyer to the Chelny festival. A control video filming will be carried out, according to which the performance will be analyzed for copyright infringement in the future.

- If anything, we will sue the organizers, - said the representative of the company and made it clear that this kind of proceedings are not new to them. - We have a big country, who just does not travel! Such problems arise in any team. Our production center works with many other artists. Problems like this happen all the time.


In the meantime, Rodnik continues to prepare for the Finno-Ugric festival and repeats that the grandmothers will come from Eurovision, but not Buranovskiye, and that they did not mislead anyone.

– Native speakers come to our festival: Udmurt, Mari and Mordovian groups. Within the framework of this program, grandmothers from Buranovo will be guests of our festival. Yes, those same grandmothers who performed at Eurovision 2012. Under the brand "Buranovskiye Babushki" another team is now performing. “Grandmothers from Buranovo” come to our festival, in Udmurt they sound like “Brangurtys pesyanayyos”, we announce them like that,” said the chairman of the Udmurt community of the city, Valentina Bilyk. - There will be 17 of them together with the youth team. This is a completely different team, and at the moment they have nothing to do with the Buranovskiye Babushki brand. They perform on their own. And everywhere I strictly warned that not "Buranovskiye Babushki", but "Grandmothers from Buranovo" were coming to us.

The repertoire of the group, which will perform tomorrow, includes Udmurt songs that do not repeat the repertoire of Buranovskiye Babushki. Moreover, the grandmothers themselves recorded a video message, showing, so to speak, in the faces of those who will come to Chelny.

– I myself am an Udmurt, I often visit my homeland. These grandmothers are loved by all Udmurtia and not only. And, of course, it was very interesting for us to invite them to Chelny, to listen to their work, - says Valentina Bilyk. - We sent an invitation - they responded. Our festival is non-commercial. Grandmothers come by invitation, we do not pay them any money, they agree to this. They come under the same conditions as other guests. We accept them, provide a stage platform, they perform. They have two releases planned.

The festival in Chelny will take place on Saturday from 11:00 to 15:00. Grand opening scheduled for 11:30.

Photo: buranovskiebabushki.ru, buranovskie-babushki.ru, susanin.news

Anna Perebaskina

Even on the way to Buranovo, I felt that the conversation would not be easy. It's hard to ask. It hurts to speak. It is sad at the mere thought that we will never again hear songs performed by our beloved grandmothers. And all because.

I met grandmothers, the very ones who, with their work, perseverance and charm, conquered the whole world at Eurovision, in the Palace of Culture in the village of Buranovo. Grandmothers call it their second home. Unfortunately, it was not possible to communicate with everyone - many were busy with housework.

“I almost had a heart attack…”

Upon learning that the renewed Buranovskiye Babushki collective was touring the cities and singing to the soundtrack of the previous composition, Galina Nikolaevna Koneva almost had a heart attack.

When asked if Galina Nikolaevna was offended by the producer, the grandmother answered "I won't tell." Only tears treacherously rolled down her cheeks ...

If only she called and said: since you can’t go on tour, you refuse, then we’ll recruit a group again and go around the cities. And we would be ready for it, - says Olga Nikolaevna Tuktareva. - But everything was done on the sly. And that's the most annoying thing. In any case, I am very grateful to Xenia. Indeed, without her help, we would not have seen the world, and the House of Culture would not have been repaired for us, and we would only continue to dream about the temple. I don't blame her. I just don't understand why she did it the way she did.

The wound is still fresh and has not healed. Resentment is like a trophic ulcer on my leg, which does not heal for a long time. And I have to live with her, - Galina Koneva sighs. - Now the new team has to carry a heavy cross, just as we have carried it for five years.

Producer Ksenia Rubtsova admits that the decision to renew the team was also not easy for her.

Ksenia Rubtsova,

First of all, this decision was caused by the emotional fatigue of the grandmothers. During the five years of our cooperation, they took part in dozens of concerts and television broadcasts. They traveled almost all of Russia, visited many countries. Not every young person can withstand such loads, and no one made any allowances for age for grandmothers. They, like all artists, flew night and morning flights, lacked sleep, got tired. And I have no moral right to continue to wear down grandmothers for the sake of popularity. Although I am always ready to continue to cooperate with them, if they have the desire, strength and opportunity for this.

I respect that great job, which was held by grandmothers, but we must not forget about those people who are behind the scenes. I understand the feelings of these people. But I want to emphasize that initially I did not set myself the goal of promoting specific grandmothers from the Udmurt village of Buranovo. My mission was bigger. I wanted to unite people who are called by the warm word “grandmother,” Ksenia explains. - And, of course, tell the whole of Russia, the world about the small Udmurt people, their culture and traditions. I am happy that now Udmurtia, where I come from, is known far beyond the borders of our country. And today, Buranovskiye Babushki is not a single team, but a whole movement that all those who are young at heart can join.

"No time to be bored"

Despite the current situation, grandmothers do not lose heart. They remember the tour with smiles. They say that bells were brought home from all the temples, and also, as a memory of the cities, glasses, magnets and even pebbles.

Grandmothers' touring life is over, but they no longer have free time. They still perform in Buranovo.

People from other cities come to us almost every day. They pass by, see Buranovo and stop by, - says Alevtina Begisheva. - Recently, the guests were from Moscow. Therefore, we live richly, do not get bored, especially since such rich life already used to. When free time located, we are, of course, engaged in farming and gardening.

Is it rural or urban? grandmothers ask me.

City, but my grandmother also lives in the village, - I answer.

Then she must know how much work we have! Cattle, a vegetable garden, flowers - you need to take care of all this! And if you go to the store, then you have to leave in advance. Because you will say hello to one, talk to the second. And so two hours can pass.

30 thousand rubles - for the performance?

Eurovision participants have repeatedly said that their the main objective- to revive the church in his native village, which was closed in the late 1930s, and in the late 40s completely destroyed to the ground. That's why most they gave their fees specifically for its construction, which began in May 2012. At the beginning of the year, the debt to the contractor amounted to 2 million 800 thousand rubles. Now, thanks to their own efforts, performances and donations, the grandmothers have 1.4 million left to give. By the way, as it turned out, Ksenia had not transferred the earned money to the Buranovsky Babushkas for a year. And this, meanwhile, is a decent amount - it would be enough to cover the debts.

Of course, we will not take the money that another team is now earning for the temple. This is someone else's money. They, they say, are also building a temple in the village. Let them finish it. And we will cope on our own, - says Alevtina Gennadievna Begisheva. - Ksenia gave us 30 thousand rubles for the performance at all. We did not see the rest of the money. They took a thousand rubles each, and the rest was set aside for the temple. Fans, when they come, also donate, that's how we build brick by brick. Yesterday my aunt sent us 10 thousand rubles. She said that she had prepared this money specially for the temple.

Since the idea of ​​building a temple arose, which the grandmothers voiced in 2009, the "House of Lyudmila Zykina" has collected about 12 million rubles, which is confirmed by the relevant documents. And we continue to work with the general contractor, - says Ksenia. - The builders are already ready to open the temple in October this year and continue work on interior decoration and landscaping. Another 5 million 30 thousand rubles are needed to complete all the work.

On October 12, the opening of the temple is scheduled in Buranovo. Guests and fans will come not only from Udmurtia, but also from other Russian cities. As the grandmothers said, on this day there will be an impromptu concert, where everyone could perform any song. And during the breaks, the grandmothers themselves will perform. In addition, guests are expected new song from the team.

As Ksenia Rubtsova told us, she will not be able to come to the opening of the temple.

Ksenia Rubtsova,

producer of the Buranovskiye Babushki collective, director of the Lyudmila Zykina House:

I received an invitation from Olga Nikolaevna Tuktareva. And I'm glad for the grandmothers that their dream to build a temple in their native village is coming true. But, unfortunately, on October 12 I will not be able to come to Udmurtia for the opening of the temple. Now I'm cooking a big concert program, anniversary Alexandra Pakhmutova. The concert will take place November 3 in the Kremlin, I am its producer. Therefore, every day I have a schedule for minutes. But I will definitely come to Buranovo as soon as I have such an opportunity.

If Xenia comes to the opening of the temple, then I will drag her somewhere into a dark corner and beat her without witnesses! - Galina Koneva says jokingly, but with resentment in her voice.


Who will now perform in "Buranovskie Babushki"

As Ksenia Rubtsova said, the backbone of the renewed line-up is three professional artists: Anna Prokopieva, Valentina Serebrennikova - former soloists of Italmas and Aikai ensembles known in Udmurtia and not only - and Ekaterina Antonova, former leader ensemble of harmonists "Arganchi" Malopurginsky district.

Ekaterina Antonova, Anna Prokopieva and Valentina Serebrennikova

I have known the first two for a long time, and earlier, more than once or twice, I suggested that they strengthen the composition of the Buranovsky Babushki. Therefore, in the recruitment of new artists, I completely relied on Anna Nikolaevna and Valentina Mikhailovna. They are professionals in their field, they have done a lot for the development of Udmurt culture. They offered to attract amateur artists from Ludorvay, and I approved their choice, - says Ksenia. - I was at several concerts of the renewed line-up and I am very pleased with them. And not only me. You have to see how the audience takes them!

Many of them are performed by grandmothers to the harmonica of Ekaterina Antonova. In addition, there were old songs that the audience fell in love with and which are indispensable at concerts.

As for Natalya Yakovlevna Pugacheva, who has already appeared on stage several times in a new line-up - for the first time after the operation in March, then, according to the producer, it was only her desire, she missed the stage, the communication.

Nobody forced anyone. It is clear that Natalya Yakovlevna participated in these concerts in a gentle mode - she went on stage in only two or three numbers. I understand that she will not be able to tour as actively as before - on October 28 she will be 79 years old, - says Ksenia. - But she is a great fellow, I love her very much and always wait. However, like all other grandmothers, I am ready to cooperate with everyone within the framework of the law.

Radiant eyes, bright faces, non-plastic joy on their faces - Buranovsky grandmothers are ahead of all Eurovision stars and win the hearts of the audience. They are hard workers and really grandmothers - almost all of them have many children and grandchildren.

Let's get to know them better.

Baysarova Face

By profession a plasterer-painter, tiler. Worked at the Izhevsk Machine-Building Plant. In 1975, she moved with her family to Buranovo, where she worked as a milkmaid for 20 years. She knits every free minute. Beautiful stockings in which grandmothers go on stage are her creation.

She raised 6 children who gave her 8 grandchildren. There is a great granddaughter.

Koneva Galina

She graduated from the Sarapul Preschool Pedagogical College. All her life she worked as an educator in kindergarten. WITH young years performing on stage in amateur performances and for only two years she has not participated in ski competitions - Galina Nikolaevna has 1 adult category in cross-country skiing.

The core of the team, the generator of ideas. No wonder her friends call her "mush mummy" - the queen bee. If she lived in the city, she would certainly become a statesman.

Raised 3 children. There are 8 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren.

Natalya Yakovlevna Pugacheva

She studied at school for only one year, then the war began - it was no longer up to school. All her life she worked on a collective farm in the village of Buranovo.

They say about such people: small, but remote. Indeed, everything works! And he also has a great sense of humor.

Raised 4 children. Now she has 3 grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren.

Tuktareva Olga

Graduated from the Perm Institute of Culture. Director of the Buranovsky House of Culture, artistic director of the Buranovsky Babushki. Author of translations of songs into the Udmurt language. Very sincere subtle nature. At the same time, he does not forget about the economy. Her family already in April eats fresh cucumbers from their own greenhouse.

Two children.

Pyatchenko Valentina

First she learned to be a seamstress, then she graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of the Udmurt Pedagogical Institute. For 21 years she worked as a teacher of Russian language and literature in Turkmenistan, where her husband was sent to serve. But family life did not work out, and in 1984 Valentina Semyonovna returned with her children to her native village, where she worked at a school until her retirement.

In 1998, while working on a circular saw, she lost right hand(puts on a prosthesis to go on stage). Over time, she learned to do everything herself: sew on a typewriter, bake pies, cook delicious jam. Last summer I collected 8 buckets of forest strawberries in a week! And even in the driest summer, she manages to collect the largest harvest from the garden. In the team she is called "shirpi", in Russian - a little mouse. She is so quiet.

She raised 2 sons, one of whom died. Has 2 grandchildren.

Dorodova Zoya

By profession a baker. She worked in the Buranovskaya bakery, as a milkmaid on a collective farm. She got married in Babino. There she worked as a cook and head of the school cafeteria. After the death of her husband, she returned to Buranovo and worked as a cook at Geophysics until her retirement.

The most sedate and laconic member of the team. If you need to cook lunch on trips, then Zoya Sergeevna does it.

She raised a daughter who gave her 2 grandchildren.

Begisheva Alevtina

She has been an accountant all her life, and only for the last 4 years has she been in charge of the museum in the Buranovsky House of Culture. It was no coincidence that she changed her job: the whole family collected antiques. So the family hobby became a profession.

An accountant in life - loves clarity and order in everything. She loves to solve Sudoku.

Three children.

Shklyaeva Ekaterina

When I was in the 4th grade, my mother fell ill. Therefore, I had to quit school and take on all the housework. She worked at the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant, then at a construction site as a plasterer-painter in the Perm Region. She got married there, but after 6 years her husband died. returned to native village and worked until her retirement agriculture Buranovo village.

The tuning fork of the collective - the tonality is checked on it. Kvass the most delicious cabbage. In her pockets there is always bread for birds: wherever grandmothers come, she feeds pigeons, sparrows, ducks everywhere.

Raised 3 children. There are 5 grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild.

When they took the stage of the Russian stage of the Eurovision-2010 contest, the hall met them standing. Young people, famous musicians and respectable producers looked at the performance of a unique team and were surprised to discover a new name for themselves Russian show business Buranovskiye grandmothers.

The originality and sincerity of the performers conquered the Russian public at first sight. It was a surprise for the audience that the grandmothers, who are already over 70, decided to come to Moscow, and most importantly, they were not afraid to speak in front of a huge television audience. The next morning, the Internet exploded with reports that grandmothers from the little-known Udmurt village of Buranovo took 3rd place in the Russian stage of the Eurovision Song Contest.

The video with the performance of grandmothers instantly became a hit on the Russian Internet, it was posted by many news portals and websites. In just a couple of days, more than 30 thousand people watched it.

Internet users commented admiringly on the performances of grandmothers: “Grandmothers ...” - just super! How did they manage to start the hall! It's just amazing. The audience gave them a standing ovation. “Grandmothers…” could easily win Eurovision with their originality, unformattedness and originality. "Grandmothers ..." - well done. I wish them good health and good luck!”

It was a resounding victory!

The triumphal song "Long-long birch bark and how to make an aishon out of it", with which the grandmothers performed at qualifying round, wrote 10 years ago a member of the team, Elizaveta Filippovna Zarbatova, or simply Baba Liza. At that time, the Buranovskiye Babushki collective was still being created. Baba Liza admitted that she is glad that many people have heard her song. Baba Liza herself would go to Moscow with pleasure, but the years are not the same - she is 84.

The song sings about the difficult female lobe: an Udmurt woman, going out into the field, turns to a birch: “How can I make an ayshon out of birch bark? How to weave a belt from linen? There are seven shops in the house - how to feed them? In the stall - a young mare - how to teach her to plow? I go out into the field - the distance is boundless - how can I, an unlearned one, plow the land and sow seeds?

Many experts from show business are wondering: what is the phenomenon of grandmothers? "Buranovskiye Babushki" is a small team led by Olga Nikolaevna Tuktareva. The smallest "star" of the group - the soloist Baba Natasha proudly bears the name Pugacheva. None of the grandmothers seriously thought about the professional stage, they were just going to sing. They sing the way their great-grandmothers sang many years ago. At the same time, they always surprised the audience, for example, singing the songs of Tsoi, Grebenshchikov and the Beatles in the Udmurt language.

They keep those true values that have been passed down from generation to generation for centuries. They live by subsistence farming the way their ancestors lived. They may refuse to perform just because they need to plant potatoes or it's time to breed pets. And everyone treats it with understanding.

In the rural club of the village of Buranovo, grandmothers on their own a museum was opened, the exhibits of which were scarves that are 200 years old, an old gramophone and other utensils. “Grandmothers taught me a lot, I reviewed my whole life. And when it’s difficult for me or something doesn’t work out, I say to myself: don’t whine, grandmothers are working in the garden at this time. I get up and move on. That's how they had a beneficial effect on me, ”says one of their fans.

There is another topic that is very important for grandmothers. In 1939, in the village of Buranovo, the church was destroyed to the ground. At Soviet power the temple was not restored. Villagers go to the nearest temple as much as 40 kilometers away. The dream of grandmothers is to build a temple in their native village. And, perhaps, this is one of the main incentives that leads grandmothers to the stage.

For several years now, Europe has been experiencing a boom - the fashion for folklore. There are no analogues of "Buranovsky grandmothers" in show business today. None of the experts can give a clear definition in what style or genre grandmothers sing. But one thing is known for sure - the Buranovskiye Babushki ethnic project aroused interest not only in Russia, but also in the world. Japanese journalists filmed a story about grandmothers, Finnish television is preparing big gear, RTR shoots a clip.

Once upon a time, in the foothills of the Urals, a tribe lived, from which many Finno-Ugric peoples, including the Udmurts, were formed. The ancestors of the Finno-Ugric peoples were observant, they knew the laws of the world and nature. Their descendants dispersed throughout Europe, speaking different languages. All of them today make up a large Finno-Ugric world. Who knows, maybe this is why advanced European youth are so interested in a small team from Udmurtia, because in fact they are the genetic grandmothers of many Europeans?

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