Musical scripts for kindergarten children. The script for the children's New Year's musical - "Waiting for a miracle"


The script for the musical for preschoolers "That's how absent-minded"

Railway uniform for conductors, station attendant (traffic signals: red and yellow), track inspector (orange vest, tool belt, helmet), ticket, bottle of kvass.
For absent-minded: a bag, a suitcase, an umbrella, gloves, a frying pan, a raincoat, trousers, a hat, glasses.

Pano of the railway station, flat car with a window, cash desk, buffet.

Musical accompaniment:
Phonograms of melodies from songs:
"Island of Bad Luck" from the movie "The Diamond Arm";
"Song about polar bears" from the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus";
"Song of the Three Musketeers" from the film "D, Artagnan and the Three Musketeers"
"If I were a Sultan" from the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus";
The song "Steam Engine" (gr. "Double Game")

Activities at the railway station:

(a scattered man comes out in a raincoat, glasses, gloves on his feet, holds a frying pan over his head, bags and a suitcase in his other hand)

Instead of a hat on the go
He put on the frying pan.
Gloves instead of boots
Pulled on his heels.
Here's how scattered
From Basseinaya Street!

A scattered man sings a song (to the soundtrack "Island of Bad Luck")

1. Thunder will strike in the middle of the day,
Clouds will hide the sun.
They say about me:
"Unlucky man."
What should I do then?
My life is lost...
After all, my name is always -
A scattered person.

2. I forget everything
And I always lose everything
But I don't get discouraged
And I'm always cheerful.
After all, anything happens
And this is nonsense!
After all, the main thing, friends,
Don't lose yourself.

Scattered: And most importantly guys
Gotta catch the train
Ticket must be bought
And something to drink.

(Scattered goes to the scenery of the buffet and cash desk, performs actions under the words of the author)

The voice of the dispatcher is heard:
“Attention, attention, the Leningrad-Moscow train leaves in five minutes”
(fast music sounds, distracted runs from the cash desk to the buffet, from the buffet to the cash desk, finally, he buys a ticket at the box office and kvass at the buffet)

(A distracted man gets into an uncoupled car, falls asleep)

Two conductors walk past the car, sing a song:

Song of the Conductors (to the soundtrack of the song "About Polar Bears")

1.In railway form,
beautiful eyelashes,
Who are we? -
Conductor girls.
You contact us with any problem
Hurry up to come
Any malfunction
We'll fix it on the way.

2.We welcome passengers
We meet on the platform
Checking tickets
We deliver tea in the car.
We follow the order
And wake up all the people
So that everyone leaves on time
At his station.

Scattered: (wakes up and turns to the conductors)
What kind of half-station is this?
He screamed early.
And from the platform they say:

Conductors: This is the city of Leningrad.

(The distracted fell asleep again)

The station attendant walks past, sings a song:

Station attendant's song (to the soundtrack "Song of the Musketeers")

Station attendant -
My profession.
Worries, no trouble
In my work.
I'm proud of my work
Work is just class!
Do you want to know what I'm doing?
I will tell now:

1. When I show the red light -
So stop! There is no travel!
And I allow yellow
Train to go
And then I'll say:
"Bon Voyage!"

Station attendant -
My profession.
Worries, no trouble
In my work.
I know the language of signs
serious travel,
traffic lights -
These are.
(shows red and yellow traffic light attributes)

Scattered: What kind of station is this?
Dibuny or Yamskaya? -

(Scattered fell asleep)

There is a lineman of the path, he sings a song:
Song of the Pathfinder (to the soundtrack of the song "If I were a Sultan")

1. Path Inspector -
My profession.
For the safety of people
I work.
I'm repairing the tracks
I go here and there
To travel without fear
On the rails of the train.

And it's very important
Be careful,
And very important
Be brave.

2. I walk with tools
segments of the path,
Can I kilometers
For the whole day to go.
I am hardy and hardened,
Decisive and firm.
My work is difficult
More important than all work.

And it's very important
Be careful,
And very important
Be brave.

Scattered: What is this stop
Bologoe or Popovka? -
And from the platform they say:
Inspector: This is the city of Leningrad!

Scattered: What kind of joke is this!
I'm on my second day
And I came back
Did you come to Leningrad?

All the characters go on stage, stand in a semicircle and say:
Here's how scattered
From Basseinaya Street!

All the heroes dance to the song "Locomotive"

Theater for children is a fabulous action, colored bright colors artist and voiced by live multifaceted music. A fairy tale comes to life, becomes expressive, if there is a place in it. decoration and musical accompaniment.

Children's performances acquire a special color due to the use of music in them. Songs and dances, and music backgrounds in some performances they play at least important role than a word. Being a background, music decorates the performance, helps to create vivid expressive images.

In performances saturated with sounds and music, the world surrounding the heroes of the performance comes to life. The heroes of such representations turn out to be comprehensively developed personalities. The musical accompaniment naturally and harmoniously fits into the action of the fairy tale.

Performances in which music, if not the basis of the performance, but largely determines the dramaturgy of theatrical action, are called musicals. Staged songs, followed by mass and individual dances, interspersed with poetic and prose texts, and - again solo singing, and singing in a duet, in an ensemble. Each of the children knows exactly where and when he is and what to do.


  • Sun
  • Magpie
  • Sparrow
  • Crocodile
  • Bear
  • Ram
  • Ram
  • hare

Decorations and attributes:

  1. Two chairs camouflaged with reeds painted with trees.
  2. Stumps for sleeping animals and birds: hares, magpies, sparrows, bears.
  3. Balls, a ball for a crocodile.
  4. Christmas trees are artificial.
  5. Drums.

The course of the performance

On the right in the background are two chairs, disguised by bushes (you can use reeds), Crocodile is hiding there. On the left is a stump on which the Bear sits and sleeps.

Sleeping Sparrow, Magpie and Hare are sitting in the foreground on the left. The sun is squatting in the center.

Music is playing (“The Lonely Shepherd”, composer Gheorghe Zamfir, from the repertoire of the orchestra conducted by James Last).

The sun slowly rises, dances, touches the sitting animals in front, which wake up in turn, smile.

The music is changing. The melody of the "Garbage Song" begins to sound (composer Alexander Usachev). The Crocodile runs out and, clasping the Sun in his arms, drags him into his lair.

The animals, frightened, clasping their faces in their hands, shake their heads and sob.

Sparrow(with a handkerchief) gets up, sobbing, goes to the center, sings

(melody of the song “Oh, what a woman”, from the repertoire of the group “Freestyle”):

Darkness has come
Darkness has come
Don't go through the gate!
Who got on the street
Who got on the street -
Lost and lost...
2 times

Forty run up.

Magpie sings (melody of the song “The wind blew from the sea”, composers N. Rudina, Yu. Malyshev, from Natalie’s repertoire):

Woe, woe to me, oh-ee-e-ee!
Woe, woe to all, oh-ee-e-ee!
Greedy Crocodile, scary Crocodile
The sun is gone, the sun is gone!
Darkness has come, darkness has come
Impenetrable -I-I-I-I-I.
How without sun live,
How without the sun to be,
Spread news?
Spread news?

A hare runs up to Sparrow and Magpie, they begin to sing (the melody of the song “Come out, sunshine” by R. Pauls):

Magpie and hare:

Come out, sunshine
Come out red!
Crying Sparrow:

Sparrow: Get out quick!

Magpie, Hare and Sparrow:

Get up soon
In the sky is clear
Light up, warm up
Mother Earth!
2 times

The introduction and the 1st verse of the song “Atas” sound (composer I. Matvienko, from the repertoire of the group “Lube”).

Sparrow, Magpie, Hare step aside. Come out two rams with drums, marching and drumming, they sing to the melody of the chorus:

Hurry! Get up quickly, animal class!
Do not sleep bunnies, do not cry, squirrels.
Forward! Come on, animal class
Let's go for the sun now!

The sheep step aside. Sparrow, Magpie, Hare go to the center. Sparrow and Magpie sing (melody of the song "Lavender", music by V. Matetsky, from the repertoire of S. Rotaru):

Everyone is afraid of the crocodile (2 times)
How can we fight this?
He is both ugly and sharp.
Everyone is afraid of the crocodile (2 times)
How can we fight this?
He won't give us the sun!

Bunny sings to the melody of the song "Robin" (composer E. Hanok, from the repertoire of the group "Verasy"):

Oh, shame on us, shame on us!
And where is our most important Bear? ( approaches the Bear and wakes him up)
Hey, stop it, go to sleep!
And paw sucking!
After all, the sun must be rescued.
The crocodile stuffed his stomach.
Swallowed our sun.

Bear wakes up, gets up, shakes his head.

Animals (in chorus):

Tear it apart
Get the sun out of your mouth!

The theme of the Bear sounds (the play "The Bear", music by V. Rebikov).

The bear, waddling, approaches the Crocodile and says menacingly against the background of the music:

Look, robber breed!
Snatched the Sun from the sky.
And with a full belly
Crashed under a bush!
The whole world disappears
And you have no grief!

The melody of the song "The boy wants to Tambov" sounds (music B. Lima, from the repertoire of Murat Nasyrov).

The Crocodile comes out, dances a formidable dance: stomps, steps menacingly on the Bunny, then on the rams, then on the Sparrow, then on the Magpie! Animals retreat, get scared.

Crocodile sings to the melody of the chorus:

If I want, chiki-chiki-chiki-chiki-ta
And I'll swallow the moon, chiki-chiki-chiki-chiki-ta! (continues to dance triumphantly).

hare, without letting the Crocodile finish, says:

Misha, come to us
And defeat the villain!

All animals:

Tear it apart
Get the sun out of your mouth!

The theme is Bear. The animals surround the Crocodile. He curses, throws himself in one direction or the other, raises his hands up, quickly bends down, takes out the floor with his brushes and runs away, running on his hands and feet.

The theme is the sun. Animals bring the Sun out, embrace, stand in one line.

The introduction to the song “I’m standing at the half-station” sounds (music by I. Kataev, repertoire of V. Tolkunova).

Beasts ( sing):

So that the world is always sunny,
So that the world is always sunny,
It became clear to us all today.
We need to stick together
We need to stick together.
Then there will be no problem!

The animals are dancing general dance to the melody of 2.3 verses, to the 4th - they sing, repeat the words of the 1st verse and perform bow.


Father Frost

Snow Maiden

Baba Yaga

Christmas trees - 6 people.



Funny boys

(Music sounds, funny guys run out)

Song "White Snow"

1st: Friends, soon New Year, and you remember how fun and unusual we are

met last year.

2nd: Yes, this cannot be forgotten.

3rd: Especially a meeting with Baba Yaga and Santa Claus.

4th: And most importantly, after meeting with Santa Claus, the harmful Baba Yaga became

kind and learned to make friends.

6th: Well, New Year magical holiday and our new fairy tale starts.

(Music sounds funny guys leave)

Baba Yaga appears

sings a song "Ice Ceiling"

B.Ya: Green Christmas trees The New Year is on the doorstep, but my Christmas tree has not yet been dressed up.

It would be necessary to decorate it with toys, garlands, and invite guests.

What is the New Year without guests? Necessary

invite. And don't forget about the funny guys too.

That's where I'll start.

(comes to the screen)

B.Ya: Magic screen, help me

WITH funny guys contact me quickly

B.Ya: Hello guys, Yagusya is in touch

Glad to hear from you grandma

I'm calling to invite you

New Year's fairy tale to visit again

I invite everyone to my edge

I'll be waiting for you near the hut

We will celebrate a wonderful holiday together

Hope it gets even more interesting.

(screen guys)

- Hello, dear grandmother Yaga,

We recently thought about you

We are very glad that you have not forgotten about us.

And thank you for inviting us all.

- We will celebrate the New Year with friends

We'll see you soon at your Christmas tree.

(screen dims)

B.Ya: So, I invited guests, now I need to tidy up the hut, and then I’ll rest a bit. (Leaves to the hut)

(exit of Leshy and Kikimora)

L: And I say the New Year is coming soon!

K: No, there will be no New Year.

L: How can it not be?

K: Yes, just like that, it just won’t?!

L: How can it just not be?

K: We'll ruin it!

L: How can we just spoil it?

K: Well, you're stupid. Simple means simple.

L: You've got me completely confused. With his Kikimor words.

Say what you mean, and don't confuse me anymore.

K: So this is my plan.

We will steal all the Christmas trees in the forest. And without Christmas trees, there will be no holiday.

L: This is the plan, you are just the head of Kikimora.

Wait, and the Christmas tree at the hut of Baba Yaga, we are also the same. Let's steal.

K: And her first. Let's show granny how to forget old friends.

Song "We don't care"

(Christmas tree exit)

The song "The little Christmas tree is not cold"

(the exit of Kikimora and Leshy is stolen by Christmas trees,

the song "Hey, are you there")

(the main tree remains)

B.Ya: Why are you making noise here?

K: We don’t make any noise, but just walk, admire the Christmas trees

B.Ya: Yes, there are many beautiful Christmas trees, and my most, most beautiful, Santa Claus gave it to me, soon my friends will come to visit, we will celebrate the New Year together.

L: (whispers) New year, new year?! Let's see what your new one will be!

K: (pushing Leshy on the shoulder) Do you hear Leshy, shut up. And then our plan will be ruined.

K: Yes, indeed, your Christmas tree Baba Yaga is the most beautiful. We look at her and we cannot see

B.Ya: All right, I have no time to talk to you. You walk, and I'll go, I have things to do

still a lot. (leaves)

K .: Look, her Christmas tree is the most, the most.

L .: And soon the guests will come.

K: Well, let's see how she will surprise guests.

(music steal the remaining Christmas trees - leave)

(guys exit)

Song ___________________________

(Baba Yaga exits)

B.Ya: Oh, guys, I'm glad to see you irises. whole year passed after our

last meeting. They grew up the way they grew up.

1st: Hello, grandmother, we are also very glad to see you.

2nd: Well, tell me, grandmother, what's new with you.

3rd: How is your granddaughter Dusya-Yagusya?

B.Ya: Yes, we have fairy forest Everything is fine. Everyone lives together.

And Dusya-Yagusya became completely independent. I went to the city to study.

4th: Grandmother, where is your Christmas tree that Santa Claus gave you.

B.Ya: But here she is?! (no tree)

It's like, who is it, where is my Christmas tree? (crying)

5th: Granny, don't be upset, we'll find your Christmas tree.

6th: Let's call Santa Claus, he will help us.

(guys call Santa Claus - screen)

1st: Hello, good afternoon. We would like to hear from Santa Claus.

Snowman: Unfortunately, this is not possible. Santa Claus is busy cooking


2nd: Well, then invite the Snow Maiden, we need to tell her something very important.

Snowman: And that's impossible. Snow Maiden decorates Christmas trees In the woods.

3rd: So how can we be.

Snowman: Don't worry, she will come to you soon.

4th: Well then. We will wait for her.

Snowman: Friends, what happened to you, maybe I can help you?

1st: Yes, that's the trouble, the Christmas tree that Santa Claus gave to Grandmother Yaga was stolen by someone.

Who we don't know. And we don't know how to help Yagusa.

2nd: But the New Year is coming soon. And you can't do without a tree.

Snowman: Don't worry, I'll tell Santa Claus about your trouble. He is a must for you

will help. (screen dims)

(Snow Maiden exits)

Song "Snow Maiden"

Snow Maiden: Hello, friends, hello, Grandmother Yaga.

I have come to you with news. Can you imagine I went to the Christmas tree forest

dress up, and the forest is empty, all the Christmas trees have disappeared somewhere.

And so I came to you to find out about your New Year's beauty.

B.Ya: Yes, I don’t have a Christmas tree anymore.

Snow Maiden: Where is she?

1st: The thing is that someone stole it. Who we don't know.

Snow Maiden: No need to despair, we are in a good New Year's fairy tale.

Santa Claus will definitely help us, we just need him


B.Ya: Well, while we are waiting for Santa Claus, let's go to the hut, I'll have tea for you

(Snow Maiden guys and B.Ya. go to the hut)

(music sounds, Kikimora and Leshy come out)

L: No, we didn’t do the right thing, we shouldn’t have listened to you.

Why did we steal all the Christmas trees, we can return it before it's too late.

So I want the New Year, gifts, fun.

K: Well, you're stupid. That's how I knew I couldn't mess with you.

That you keep whining and whining. Look, you wanted New Year, gifts.

(sounds of hooves)

K: Goblin, do you hear this clatter. It's probably Santa Claus. Let's hide.

L: Where are we going to hide?

K: We will pretend to be snowdrifts, and no one will recognize us. Did you understand everything?

L: Yup! But as?

K: And so. (covered)

(the soundtrack “Hello, Grandfather Frost” sounds, the Snow Maiden comes out, guys, Yaga)

Snow Maiden: Friends, you hear, this is Santa Claus hurrying to us.

Song "Hello Santa Claus"

(Santa Claus, Snowman and Christmas trees come out)

Santa Claus: Hello my family

Small and big

I was with you a year ago

I am very glad to meet again

They grew up big

And me then you got to know

Who am I children ... (Santa Claus)

Oh, moved to tears.

Snow Maiden: Hello, Grandfather Frost

We were waiting for you

B.Ya: Santa Claus, do you know what trouble happened to me?

Someone stole my Christmas tree. How can I celebrate the New Year now?

Santa Claus: I know about your trouble granny. The snowman told me. Well, we're all

fix it.


You spin snowflakes and blizzards in a carousel

And enchant the thieves, turn them into icicles.

(Leshy and Kikimora crawl out of the snowdrifts)

K: What are you, what are you, Santa Claus do not need to turn us into icicles

L: Forgive us, we won't do it again. We don't want to be icicles.

K: We promise to live together,

Get along with everyone and be friends.

We will return Christmas trees

Even Grandmother Yaga.

Santa Claus: Well, let's believe you for the last time.

Return Christmas trees now.

(Christmas trees come out)

B.Ya: So the fairy tale is just a miracle

New Year calls friends

Well, I, on a good holiday

Calling all guests

(referring to L. and K.)

And don't be bored

We forgive you friends

Have fun with us

It's time to celebrate the New Year.

Santa Claus: Happy New Year!

We wish you happiness and good!

To live all this year

Without sorrows and worries.

Snow Maiden: So that you study with success,

Well, have fun on holiday

To increase skills

And luck multiplied!

Baba Yaga: Let the New Year not be stingy:

Happiness, joy will bring!

All good things will happen!

Everything, friends, will happen!

SONG "New Year's"

(Christmas songs sound)

MBDOU d / s No. 22

Musical"Behind sunshine»

For children 6-7 years old.



Author. Spring has come, woke up nature: streams ring, birds sing - beauty! One trouble - no sun and no, clouds covered the sky, rains charged: a day go, another go, a week! Kitten sat sadly at the window, looked at the rain and sang such a diaper.

1. Why do cats hate puddles!

Why do you need rain?

to wet the cat

From ears to tail!

All day I sit by the window,

At least one cat would run!

No, I won't be bored

I'm going to look for the sun!

2. For sunshine. Behind I'm walking in the sunshine, I'm coming!

I Sun. I I will find the sun I will find, I will find!

Where are you, Sun, wake up!

Where are you, Sun, smile!

Wake up from sleep

I swim slowly, raking the waves.

How good is the native river!

This is where I grew up, this is my home.

Every bush is familiar to me.

How good is my country!

Kitty. Duckling, Duckling, take me to that bank!

Duckling. And why do you need it?

Kitty. I I'm going to look for the sun!

Duckling. I'll go with you too! Sit on my back.

Kitten and Duckling sing together

Behind sunshine, behind sunshine

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

We Sun, We Sun

The hedgehog has such small legs,

From the rain such slippery paths!

Will I get home?

Will I fall into a puddle?

Where are you the sun is golden?

I've been waiting for you for so long!

Hedgehog. What are you kids crying for?

Kitten and Duckling (in chorus). We are lost!

Kitty. Let's go Sun search and lost the way!

Hedgehog. I will help you: go to - he is on that mountain, Cloud lives there, it will take you straight to the house the sun will bring!

Kitten and Duckling (in chorus). Thank you, hedgehog!

Hedgehog. Bon Voyage! (leaves).

(The cloud sings.)

Cloud house on the mountain

Dress by the cloud in silver.

TO I will fly to the sun,

I'll ride you through the sky.

You pass

Sit nearby.

I'm flying, I'm flying, I'm flying!

Kitten and Duckling (in chorus). Thank you. Cloud! (The cloud waves its hand, flies away.)

Kitty. Where are you, Sun, wake up?

Duckling. Where are you. Sun, smile!

Duckling. How do we sun wake up?

Kitty. I can't decide -

Maybe scream out loud

Meow meow?

Duckling. Feather tickle?

Kitty. Maybe give him a drink?

Duckling. Necessary wash the sun!

Necessary wash the sun!

(Run for a bucket and a brush)

Together. sun dormouse, wake up!

("Watering" from a bucket)

Wash up quickly!

("Tret" sun brushed)

Look out the window

Shine a little:

At least sideways, at least with an eye

Or a thin beam!

(Exit and song sunshine)

1. How long did I sleep

In a cloud - a cradle!

So cozy, so warm

In a cloudy bed

2. It's a mess without me:

All rain, rain, rain!

Gotta get to work -

Dry the forest and the field!

(Dance sunbeams)

Introduction. Children run in with yellow ribbons in their hands, in all directions. (Singing)

1. Ray sun golden,

golden, golden

Smiled over the ground.

And all at once came to life

And sang, bloomed,

Swirled, shone:

This the sun has risen!

2. Ray sun golden,

golden, golden

How much fun we have with you

Have fun with you!

Drive away the evil cloud

Return the sun to the sky.

All flowers, all leaves

Give joy!

Heroes musicals stand in loose, read:

The sun woke up!

The sun smiled!

And each blade of grass

TO the sun reached out!

Flowers stretched up

I stretched and you!

The yard dog was awakened

Toli cat, or spring.

Look - ka: in each puddle

I see a ray of gold!

Scenario of the musical "Lady Luck. In the corners of time"

Grushevsky Igor Vladimirovich - director, actor. "Theatre Show "Anthill"", the city of Riga.
Target: introducing children to some historical events, in a fun way.
Tasks: to cultivate a sense of responsibility, duty, devotion, as well as a sense of friendship.
Material Description: The poems are copyrighted. The script was written by me in 2012 according to my original plot. The first time was staged in the same year. Children from 5th, 7th and 8th grades played. The second performance was in 2013. Children of the 5th and 6th grades played. The performance was watched by children from the 1st - 9th grades. The script also contains verses from famous songs. The authors are indicated.

The team comes out to the front of the stage (one at a time) to the beat of "Freedom (Feel The Spirit Mix)" (consisting of 16 1/8th samples) from the second sample. Everyone takes a certain place and freezes (they stand in a checkerboard pattern). From the 9th sample, each (one at a time) starts to come to life and goes to the middle of the stage, where some of the artists line up in a row, the rest behind them, in a checkerboard pattern, and make an acrobatic pyramid. On the mixing of "Freedom (Feel The Spirit Mix)" and the minus "Freedom (Radio Version Instrumental)" the pyramid "crumbles" and the artists disperse around the stage under the loss, start dancing and singing.
Song: "Start to believe, light the candles" ((On minus "DJ Bobo - Freedom"):
(mixing MIX of two tracks: "Feel The Spirit Mix" and "Radio Version Instrumental"))

We invite you to the stage, to our world,
And we lift the secrets of the veil.
We want to show you the department
Where the world can talk about good.

Theater enlightens our mind.
Fills souls with light.
Theater is the art of reflecting life
And feel the feeling of catharsis in the soul.

Start believing, light the candles
And chase away the spirit of trouble.
And time heals wounds -
Did not erect when you walls.

Go boldly and without looking back,
Carry the faith in your hearts.
Don't be afraid to solve riddles
And know that your enemy is fear.

(The theater is such a department from which you can say a lot of good to the world. N.V. Gogol
Theater should enlighten the mind. It should fill our brains with light... Romain Rolland
If the meaning of the theater was only an entertaining spectacle, perhaps it would not be worth putting so much effort into it. But theater is the art of reflecting life. K.S. Stanislavsky)


The scenery of the ship is lined up for the loss (chairs, stepladder and table) and a miniature is shown - life on the ship (someone climbs the stepladder, from there looks, like, into a spyglass, someone washes the deck with a mop).

Song: "Behind the scenes" (Back "DJ Bobo - The Last Vampire")

World of play and adventure
Into the distance, alluring calls.
Like he's from a dream
It carries us over the abyss.

Here live the heroes of fairy tales,
Adventures and epics.
Heroes have so many masks
And changing pictures.

Behind the scenes the world is different
Not like ours, almost unearthly.
The hero lives there according to his own laws.
Helps us to find the key to the heart.

(Everyone leaves)

Linda (role of the Countess in the 2012 version)

Varvara Godunova (the role of the Countess and the Guy, the representative of the female pirate team in the 2013 version)

I in the role of the Count with Varvara Godunova (the role of the Countess) 2013

Danik (role of Steward, Boy and Pirate 21 in the 2012 version)

Misha (the role of Steward, Boy and Half past seven in the 2013 version)

The Count appears on the stage with his daughter (the Countess) and begins to sing:

Song: "This Count is a bore" (On minus "DJ Bobo - I Need Your Love")


Why is your daughter wrong in your life?
Why are you silent for so many days?
A clear lack of my attention?
To see everything from that, everything from the fact that I ...

Listen father, you leave me!
I have the right to decide for myself
What is possible, what is not. And so I decided
Run away to the pirates.
Yes Yes Yes!!!

Ahah. This count is a bore,
Ahah. Did he fall from an oak tree?
Looks like a dusty closet
Ahah. Stubbornness in it with trip pud!
And the sand is falling.

After the chorus, the Countess leaves, and the Count sits down at a table on the "deck". The steward approaches him.
Steward: What do you want, sir?
Graph: Tea. Oh yes, my dear, do not forget about the pies that my grandmother baked for me.
The steward retires, the Count opens the newspaper and begins to read. A steward passes by, the Count calls out:
Graph: Man, come here. So how are my tea and pies of my beloved grandmother?
Steward: Your Grace, you just ordered tea to be put on the gas. Wait a couple of minutes.
Graph: No, well, it’s always like that, as soon as I ask for something, like “Hello! I am your grandmother."
The Countess appears. Shows the Count his tongue.
Graph: Baby, it's not pretty!
Countess: How beautiful too! And you, papa, are not behaving nicely.
Graph: Well, if you please, my dear, say, why didn’t I do something beautiful?
Countess: Yes, how what? You didn’t have time to ask for tea, how do you demand that he stand in front of your nose? How to understand you?
Graph: No, look, look! Yes, it’s just right for you to become an artist. The heroine of cheap vaudeville! - crumples the newspaper and leaves.
The countess clenches her fists and shakes them, after which she also leaves. The steward appears. He is holding what looks like a skull in his hands.Steward: To be or not to be, that is the question?
Suddenly, the Count appears and shouts:
Graph: Be in the galley!
"Yorik" falls out of the hands.
Steward: Poor Yorick!!!
Graph: Yorick, bul bul
Kat "Murzilki Int. - Mu Mu":

("Drowned Gerasim Mumu,
Standing on a high stern
Into the blue wave
And the end of Mume! - Murzilki Int)

(Count and servants leave)

The Countess appears and begins to sing:

Song: "I want to be successful as a pirate lady" (On minus "DJ Bobo - We Gotta Hold On")

I have a sadness in my heart,
In the distance alluring calls me.
And a tear runs down my cheek again,
About shoes, breaking, ringing.

Oh how I wish I had wings
Fly somewhere for adventure.
I want to become a successful pirate lady.
Play in the tragicomedy battle.

We will become a thunderstorm of the seas,
We'll take a lot of ships.
Let's take the gold
We'll take you to the islands
And let's bury the treasure.
Tremble with fear!
We are already going...

(Countess exits)


Dasha Mazepa (the role of Jessica and Muli (Bubble)). year 2012

Adeline (the role of Jessica) and Daria (the role of Elvira). year 2013

Elvira and Jessica appear on stage and begin to sing:

Song: "We are Pirates" (On minus "DJ Bobo - Pirates of Dance")

Pirates, we are Pirates.
We hate rules
And school notebooks will tear.
And with the teachers we will play hide and seek.

We didn't go to school
Lessons were not taught
And tickled the heels,
Some little kid.
teachers tremble
And don't study anymore.
Let's run away.
Forgive me in advance.
Your heels are sparkling
We play hide and seek with you.

Elvira: Eh! How tired I am of all this!
Jessica: What?
Elvira: And all!
Jessica: Well, my friend, it doesn't.
Elvira: And here's how it happens!
Jessica: So I'm tired too?
Elvira: No, you are not tired.
Jessica: Well, you're tired of everything-everything-everything-everything-everything.
Elvira: Nah, I'm tired of everything-everything-everything-everything, and not everything-everything-everything-everything-everything.
Jessica: Hooray!!! So you don't get tired of me?
Elvira: No! And how can you get bored best friend?
Jessica: Hooray!!
Elvira: And who else will be, if not the best friend, to clean, wash, cook? - Pause. - Yes, go and bring me something tasty, please.
Jessica: Well, it's always like this... frowning, walks away. And best friend, best friend... talking on the go.
Elvira: By the way, don't get angry with your friends. Friends are not chosen, they live and die with them. - Pause. - Well, something like this, - thinks where I heard... To the side. - I hate reading!
Pause. Jessica returns.
Jessica: Do you want some tea?
Elvira: Tea? - Thinking, looks somewhere to the side. – No, probably.
Jessica: What?
Elvira: No, probably...
Jessica: So will you or not?
Elvira: What, are you deaf? Balda!
Jessica: What? - at a loss. - Now you will answer for the bullshit!
Elvira:(clapping his hands): "Right now", daydreaming! Ha ha ha.
The girls are going to fight. Jessica grabs Elvira by the hair and... off we go.
The boy is walking on the water. Suitable for the ship. Sees a fight, stops and says:
Boy: What are you doing here? A?
Together: Boy, - girls speak in chorus. - Do not interfere, go where you stomped ... What?!!
Jessica: He walks on water...
Elvira: And it doesn't sink...
Jessica: Aki dry...
Elvira: Az, esm, esi ... pah!
Jessica: No, it seems to me.
Elvira: Oh, mother, mother, what to do?
Jessica: When it seems you need to be baptized.
Elvira: Chur, me, chur, me!
The boy enters the conversation:
Boy: Hello girls!
Together: H-h-hello!
Boy: What are you doing anyway?
Together: D-d-fight.
Boy: With what?
Together: R-r-hands.
Boy: Why not with your feet?
Together: Oh thank you! Good idea. - AND girls from excitement want to start fighting with their feet.
Boy:(speaks to the side): Well, they are stupid. - Then the tone changes. - Swords, axes, knives, forks. Swords, axes, knives, forks. Also stools. Tablecloths and napkins. Special offer: a book with the phrases "When I eat, I am deaf and dumb"! Buy. Cheap and angry. And whoever doesn’t buy it, I’ll make them eat a jar of mustard. Come, take a look, buy more. Commodity money, money commodity.
Elvira: Oh, and we don't have any money.
Jessica:(with a smile): Boy, give it to us for free, eh?
Boy: Ha! - indignant boy. “Now I’ll just pull up my pants!” - Pause- Dreaming! They won't give you a head kick for free. And you wanted forks FOR so.
Elvira: Forks, comrade boy, keep with you. We need stools. Don't you see, or something, we - find out which of us is "shameless red" - Elvira shows her tongue to Jessica.
Jessica: Not true, I'm blonde too. And this is not natural color. Painted me.
Boy: Ha ha ha! - laughing boy.
Jessica: And nothing funny says offendedly.
Elvira: Listen, comrade boy...
Boy: I'm not your friend!
Elvira: Oh come on.
Boy: Are you a stone?
Elvira: Well, why the same stone. With a sword, for example, and in this girl, - pointing to jessica.
Boy: Hey, you're a smart girl.
Elvira: Such as there is. Listen, how are you there, but let's barter?
Jessica: Wow!!! What words do you know? - girlfriend amazed.
Elvira: And I'm an erudite girl.
Jessica, perplexed, walks away.
Boy: What is a barter?
Elvira: What a fool you are, boy. I learned to walk on water, but you don’t know what barter is.
Boy: What am I, this is Dolce Gabana, - showing boots. - And what dad told me, if I wet my feet in this puddle, then he will make me listen to Verka Serduchka for a whole week.

Cut "Verka Serduchka - Do-re-mi":

("Do... Re... Mi... Do... Re... Mi... Fa... Sol... La... Si"... - Verka Serdiuchka)

Elvira: OK OK. Well, how about hands?
Boy: Let's go on the legs, I just have an extra one left.
Elvira: Ugh, what a mess!
Boy: Muck is a jellied fish.
Elvira: Stop doing that!
Boy: Oh, fried rat!!!
Elvira: Enough!!!
Boy: Ha ha ha!!!
Elvira: Listen here, boy, have you seen this? - shows fist. - Now, as ladies, baby, you can’t collect your bones. Understood!
Boy: Got it, got it, the boy says offendedly. “So what do you want to offer me for barter?”
Elvira: Slugs.
Boy: Oh slugs. I love them. - And then he faints.
Elvira: Well, it fell like a ruble in 1991. Weak, - in the tone of "Yulka Gribkova" from the film. "Guests from the Future"
Jessica returns to the stage.
Jessica: What's going on?
Elvira: Nothing. Boring things…
Jessica: Well, let's have some fun, shall we?
Elvira: Let's!

Elvira and Jessica begin to sing.

(boy runs off stage)

Song: "If you're not in the mood / You listened to the advice" ((On the minus "DJ Bobo - There is a Party"): (Mix mixing from two tracks: "Radio Version Instrumental" and "A And R Rhythm Nation Remix Instrumental"))

If there is no mood,
Don't be sad, don't be sad.
We'll tell you a secret -
Do not tell anybody.

Only we will tell you -
You can appreciate it.
We'll show you all the colors
All you have to do is forgive.

Hey girlfriend, don't be sad
Better to the sky, hurry, look.
In it blue swallows flutter
And the messengers of the world, around the district, fly.

Clouds are white, slowly floating -
Bright news is carried on the Earth.
You don't have to be discouraged at all.
Light must respond with joy.

You took advice
Turned to face the light.
You pushed away the sadness
And sent her away.

Sunday evenings
There was a mood.
Charged with positive
And don't deal with negativity.

The Guy appears, the representative of the female pirate team.

Adeline (the role of Jessica), Daria (the role of Elvira), Varya Godunova (the role of the Guy). year 2013

Boy: Girls, why didn't you call me when there was a fight?
Elvira: And you slept well. The hand under the cheek and sniffed so sweetly that it was a sin to wake up.
Boy: Girls!!!
The girls giggled.
Boy: Girls!!! - guy repeats. - Well, that's not possible either.
Elvira: Wow, we are touchy.
Jessica:(suddenly unexpectedly): Oh, go get some water.
Boy: For what?
Jessica: And they carry water on the offended! - laugh again.
Boy: Here, I'll go and get away from you!!
Elvira: Board on the road.
Boy: What?
Jessica: Board on the road.
Boy: And what about the board?
Elvira: No, give him a tablecloth. What are you, Vasilisa the Wise?
Boy: No!!
Jessica: got flustered - laughter.
Elvira: Well, you are on a ship, but here, once you are going to leave, you have to go along the plank and, plop, and immediately with an ax to the bottom of the sea. - Laughter.
Jessica: Just don’t forget to take the harp with you, otherwise the Tsar of the Sea is a big music lover, - and laugh again.
Boy: Yah you! You are not interested! I'd better go to sleep. At least in dreams beautiful cartoons you can see.
Together: GOOG night kids, - laughter. - Khryusha and Stepashka. - Laughter again.
Elvira: Kar-kar-kar.
Jessica: Woof woof woof.
Elvira and Jessica are laughing. The guy is about to leave..
Jessica: Hey, where did you go? Whose turn is it to steer the ship?
The guy throws up his hands.
Elvira: Your turn. And no "buts"! Understood?
Jessica: Everything, and we went to sleep! You are on duty at the helm. - Again laughter.
The girls left.
Boy: Well, it's always like this, until you look back, life will pass by. Ah, life is a tin. Yes, be damned - yawned. - It's not nice to do that. How to fight, so please, without me. Or maybe I also wanted to pull the “red” hair by the hair, and tear off the “white-haired” tuft. And they are without me. It's not very nice - the last word speaks in syllables and scratches his head.
Suddenly, something appears behind him.

Masha (the role of Pirate 21, Something and the Keeper of the Map). Year 2013

Something: How beautiful too! - a sudden voice.
Boy: Who is there? - screaming and jumping in fright.
Something: I!
Boy: Who am I?
Something: I!
Boy: I realized that it wasn't me.
Something: I am not you, and you are not me.
Boy: But still?
Something: Your conscience!
Boy: Oh, do I have a conscience?
Something: There is still.
Boy: Hooray!
Something: What are you happy about?
Boy: There is someone to talk to.
Something: So speak.
Boy: So I say.
Something:(unhappy): So you repeat everything after me.
Boy:(a little offended): I'm not repeating anything.
Something: So repeat!
Boy: And what should be done.
Something: Sleep.
Boy:(surprised): How to sleep?
Something: Silently.
Boy: Why be silent?
Something: Well, dumb! If you talk, then how you fall asleep.
Boy: Ahh- trying to sleep.
Something: Finally fell asleep - lousy laugh.
Boy:(suddenly wakes up): Oh, but what about the girls?
Something screams in surprise:
Something: And what about the girls?
Boy: Yes, I'll let them down.
Something: In a way, yes. - And aside. - To hell ( accent on the second "e"). – And again a mean laugh.
Boy: So…
Something: So go to sleep and don't think about anything. They didn't think of you either when you were sleeping.
Boy: Well, yes…
Something: Sleep!
Boy: OK, - and falls asleep.

(on the backing track Guy and Thing leave, and the third scene begins)


Elvira, Jessica and the Guy with chairs (“lifeboats” (the ship ran aground)) appear on the stage, sit on them (sideways to the viewer) and begin to move one step away from each other, imitating rowing. They turn to the hall and begin to sing:

Song: "You Don't Appreciate Life" (On minus "DJ Bobo - Respect Yourself (B And B Remix Instrumental)")

That's how it always is when you appreciate life.
That's how it always is when you respect your friends.
And you constantly spin for them -
And you still forgive their offenses.

And this time he made us a surprise,
Grounded the ship.
What a gift he gave to his enemies.
What a plan he gave us.


Sorry, I fell asleep.
We won't forgive you!
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!
Talk more!

Don't value life...
Don't appreciate it at all...
And you're in a hurry...
And you won't change...


Here is the result
It is visible on the face.
You are guilty
It's very difficult for us.


Since I am very guilty before you,
Now nothing comes back.
I am ready to fix the most difficult situation -
More action and less words.

We will capture a new ship at once,
And we'll pay everyone's bills right away.
Take a look into the far distance.
Look at the new ship.

(On the penultimate line, one of the pirates “shoots” at the Guy. The guy finishes the last line and runs away from the stage)


Elvira and Jessica take out their swords and begin to sing:

Song: "We are Lady Luck" (On minus "DJ Bobo - Vampires Are Alive")

Getting ready for battle again
Forever, stored, by fate.
Dreams do not torment us
And there is no shadow of a doubt.

We boldly go to the boarding,
And immediately take the ship.
sharpened swords,
And the heart is full of courage.

We are Lady Luck.
We solve complex problems.
And difficulties are on our shoulder -
We believe in sword and sword.

Elvira and Jessica, after the chorus, with the words: "boarding" turn towards the wings, the Count appears and the battle begins. Pirates drive the Count backstage.


The Count, Countess, Elvira and Jessica appear on the scene.

Graph:(with excitement): Here, I told you, I said that your hobbies will not lead to good. Satisfied, right? Satisfied? Admire. No, you love...
Jessica: Yes, calm down, finally, this old fool.
Elvira is about to hit the Count, but then his daughter intervenes:
Countess: Stop! Its my father. Don't touch him, he's out of his mind.
Jessica and Elvira laugh.
Countess: I am one of you, so to speak.
Elvira: What?
Jessica: No, I'm bursting with laughter right now. The Countess is a pirate! Ha ha ha!!!
Elvira: Listen, baby, don't play with matches, it's not a toy...
Jessica: And it can be hot...
Elvira: Listen, Count, where did you get such a miracle? - and points to the Countess.
Graph:(mockingly): Born, - with an emphasis on "O".
Jessica: Opanki, we have a Nobel laureate in front of us.
Elvira: What is a Nobel laureate?
Jessica: Oh you! You don’t read books, and you also hand out cuffs to me in front of people.
Elvira: Where are the people?
Jessica: Okay, okay, let's go. Haven't you heard that if such a Count gives birth - ( with an accent on "O") - a child, then he will receive a million from the Nobel Committee?
Elvira: Count, drive a million, - grabs the Count by the chest, - not that bang-bang your daughter!
Graph: Let me go! Stop immediately! I don't have a million. Do what you want, but I didn’t have a million and don’t, - pirates. - Look what you want - to the side, - take a pencil and roll your lip back.
Countess: Ah, there you are, daddy, - to the side. – Dear pirates, I have an official statement for you!
Jessica: Wow!
Elvira: Yah? Does the Countess know how to make statements? - laughter.
Countess: Teach dad a lesson, it's still of little use to him. In addition, he bothered me, grumbles all the time and grumbles. And in the light recent events he turned out to be a bloodsucker and a murderer in general ...
Elvira:(surprised): Can't be.
Jessica:(mockingly): Oh, what a bloodthirsty count.
Graph: Daughter, dove, what are you? When is it me?
Countess: Yes, daddy, yes. But just now, when the conversation turned to the “Privalovo millions”, and these most noble young ladies wanted to shoot me, if you, daddy, don’t give them these notorious millions. And you? And you took and gave me to them to be torn to pieces. And since they did not tear me to pieces, they are noble. Not what you are.
Elvira: Listen, Jessica, it is clear that she is flattered by the words of the Countess, - it looks like the regiment has arrived. Let's take it. She is cool. Look how she talks to her daddy.
Jessica: Ha ha ha!!! Let's finish it, and that's it.
Elvira: Well, beat the liar! Liars and deceivers have no place on the ship. Beat him! Beat him!!!
Graph: Ahh, have mercy... Don't kill me.
Countess:(frightened): Or maybe it's overboard?
Elvira: Great idea!
Jessica: Great! On his board with a hatchet. And do not forget to give the harp!
The Count resists, but Elvira and Jessica manage to push him. The count falls down and starts screaming:
Graph: Ahh! Help! Tonu! Tonu! Save! - jumping and waving his arms.
Pirates laugh, the joke was a success:
Elvira: Listen, Count, and the Baltic Sea is hot, - laugh again. - And I immediately understood - refers to the Countess- that you are not bloodthirsty, but decided to teach your daddy a lesson.
Countess: Oh thanks girls.
Elvira: Come on, - so modestly.
The Count is helped to board the ship.
Graph: Daughter, forgive me, a simpleton, a sinner, - gets on his knees and starts beating his forehead on the floor.
Jessica: (to the side): Well, yes, make a fool pray to God, he will hurt his forehead.
Graph: Well, I didn't hear the question, I didn't hear it.
Countess: Daddy, what are you, what are you. Get up off your knees, it's ugly, here people are looking at us. Let me not be angry with you.
Graph: Is it true?
Countess: True true. I just, with the girls, decided to teach you a lesson, for your nasty character.
Graph: Well, I won't, I won't. And what do you think - appeals to everyone- that I have always been like this. Nah- cunningly so. - At your age, I was a romantic, I also dreamed of adventures, of uninhabited islands, pirates ... - pause. – A dream came true… Yes… So I was frightened, I remembered my childhood and was frightened of my childish indecision. Well, I didn’t have the courage to run away from home and set sail for adventure.
Jessica: Ay-ya-yay!
Graph: But, - sly smile- I have something...
Girls: Yes? What? This is getting interesting.
Graph: Here! - and proudly holds out a card.
All: What? Map? And you were silent for so long?
Graph: This card is not easy, but magical. The spirit of the time lives in it. He is the keeper of many secrets. And especially the secrets of the "Ghost Island" ...
All:"Ghost Islands"? Oh, mommy, I'm afraid. How scary. Wow. How interesting.
Graph: This is another reason why I couldn't travel. I didn't have the key to the map.
All: What is the key?
Graph: Three brave girls who are not afraid of anything and they have a sense of nobility.
Elvira: Still would, - with a smirk.

(The magic ritual begins. The Card Keeper appears)

Song: Ghost Island (DJ Bobo – Garunga minus)

Monologue of the Card Keeper:
Hello Count. I've been waiting for you,
And it took so long to guess
Where has your courage gone?
Dexterity and skill.

You managed to forget everything
And keep my daughter away from it.
Forgot what you promised me?
And quickly disappeared after that.

For this, your daughter is now responsible.
May her path always be bright.
I don't hold a grudge against you at all.
Out of old friendship, I'll tell you everything.

Go to Ghost Island
Beware of obstacles at every step.
The map will show you exactly the way,
And an honest heart will tell you in a difficult moment.

Get on the road right now
And come back soon.
My time is up...
Goodbye... the sun is rising...

(Keeper of the Card leaves)

Girls: Wow! Wow! Scary, but wildly interesting! Whoa!
Countess: Daddy, why have you been silent for so long?
Graph: Well, I would say, so what?
Countess: Like what?
Graph: And who did I tell you just now that it takes three brave girls to get the key to the map? And you are my only one.
Countess: Oh, papa, how naive you are. I would have found the other girls.
Graph: Is it true?
Jessica: It looks like the Count fell from the oak, - laughter.
Elvira: Count stop pulling the water...
Graph: What?
Elvira: Finish the market. What will we do?
Graph: Like what? Swim.
Elvira: And with fear, uh, you won't die?
Graph: What? What would the count be afraid of difficulties? Yes, what would thunder hit me.
Suddenly Jessica sneezes loudly.
Graph: Ahh- falls to the floor and covers his head with his hands.
Everyone laughs.
Graph: Uh-I'm training.
General laughter.
Countess: Girls, daddy really can handle it.
Graph: I can handle it.
Countess: Plus he has a map.
Elvira:(in thought): Okay, let's take it. After all valuable person.
Countess: Hooray! - pause. “Girls, do I have another suggestion?”
Elvira: Which?
Jessica: Which? - repeats.
Elvira shows her fist.
Jessica: I am silent, I am silent, - And forefinger applies to lips.
Elvira: (Jessica): Like this! - ( Countess): So what's the offer?
Countess: Girls, what do you call yourself?
Elvira: How? - I thought it puzzled her. Jessica, what are we called?
Jessica: Pirates, of course!
Elvira: Jessica is right.
Countess: Girls, well, it doesn’t sound romantic - a pirate.
Elvira: And how then?
Countess: Lady Luck.
Jessica: How?
Countess: Well, since pirates don't call themselves pirates, but they call themselves Gentlemen of Fortune, why are we girls worse than them?
Jessica: Exactly, why are we worse?
Countess: We are not some kind of sea robbers, but adventurers. So, I propose that we call each other Lady Luck.
Jessica: Oh cool! Hooray! Lady Luck!
Elvira: I like. Lady Luck! I decided! All! Let's go treasure hunting...
Jessica: Elvira, did the Ghost promise us treasures?
Countess: By the way, what did he promise us there?
Elvira: What's the difference. We just went for adventure. And since there is an island...
Jessica: Uninhabited.
Elvira: Yes, uninhabited. What is a desert island without treasure?
Jessica: Hooray!
Elvira: The main thing is that we good company. Isn't that right, Count?
Graph: Good-good.
Countess: It's great to be with friends and it's great when dreams come true.
Elvira: Prepare the ship to sail!
All: Eat!

Song: "Let the wind be fair" (On minus "DJ Bobo - We Are What We Are")

Chorus (intro):
We are luck together
And under the power of any task,
We will go all the way to the end.
Fate brought us together.

Let the fair wind blow us in the sail,
And fun we run on the waves.
Let everyone whisper: "I will part with the past",
We are on our way to other shores.

Happiness is great to be with friends:
Fight together, walk together.
Shoulder to shoulder with him in the battle with enemies -
There is no greater happiness than saving a friend.

Chorus (main):
There was no happiness in that past life
As if it was superfluous in that life,
Though I danced and sang songs,
when I was a countess.

(Everyone leaves. The decoration is taken apart)


The Countess, Elvira and Jessica appear on the stage and begin to sing:
Song (mixing MIX from two tracks): “There is darkness everywhere” and “Night. Shadows are coming out ”(for two minuses“ DJ Bobo - Moscow ”and“ DJ Bobo - Shadows of The Night ”):
Song: "There is darkness everywhere" (on minus "DJ Bobo - Moscow")

Dreams come true -
We have arrived at the island.
But somehow it became scary here,
And the island is creepy, some kind of whole.

Let's join hands now.
Oh, and the torch suddenly went out.
Girls, what should we do?
Look around?

Everywhere is darkness. How scary!
And it got so humid in here.
And who is here? How scary!
It's important not to get lost.

Ghosts appear on the mix and run across the stage several times. They take the pirates and the Countess backstage. Ghost dance. The girls come back and sing the chorus.

Song: Night. Shadows come out ”(to minus“ DJ Bobo - Shadows of The Night ”)

Night. Shadows come out.
There is a full moon in the sky.
From terrible dreams
There was an ominous silence.

Evil is hungry
Need hot blood
And human souls
With dried tears.


Time on the tower strikes midnight,
And our time is already coming.
Tombstones with claws push apart -
We will take away the lives of sinful people:

Who took an oath and swore to us,
Who went to deception and brazenly lied to us.
And also in the answer, who owns the card,
And his daughter will feel sorry for him now.

We will capture the Countess in full,
And by this act, so to the Count, we will repay.
The cold gates over the abyss are open,
And with the Count, forever, we will remain quits.

But what is all this? Did everything go smoothly?
Why are we so drawn back?
Warm heart? Oh no, how is that?
How we miscalculated, got into a mess!

(everyone runs away)


Appear Pirate 21

Song: "Pirate of the XXI century" (On minus "DJ Bobo - Don't Stop The Music")

I'm a twenty-first century pirate
This is the dream of an ancient man.
Now you don't have to go hiking
And you don't have to surf the sea.
Now you're just sitting at home
Look closely at the monitor screen.
You tap your fingers on the keyboard
And you drive with a plastic mouse, in kind.
You select the code, you will transfer the information,
And you will leave this place in a hurry.
One, two-two, two-three, four
And this money is already in Taimyr.

We do it quickly and carefully.
It's not hard to be attentive.
Easily turned a risky business -
All the time now you walk boldly.


He is a pirate, he is a pirate of this century.
He is a pirate, he is a pirate of this century.
He is a pirate, he is a pirate of this century.

(Pirate appears Half past seven)

Pirate 21: Hello! My name is Pirate 21. Yes, yes, you understood correctly, this is not a nickname - this is my essence. I am a pirate! And this is my assistant - Half past seven.
Half past seven bows and curtsies.
Pirate 21: Here we met. What do I want to tell you? It became very, very scary to live, - in a whisper.
A half past seven: Yes Yes. You understand, in the world of new technologies, there is nowhere to store information safely. Cyber ​​crime is rampant. Yeah ... How can we not know about it, - with pathos.
Pirate 21: So, my value is the iPhone. And what is valuable is information. Oh, I'm afraid, I'm afraid that someone would not use it. Woe to me, woe, again with pathos. - What if they break it?
A half past seven: But, there was no sadness ... ( index finger pointing up)

Cat "Philip Kirkorov - Summer just left":

("There was no sadness, the summer was just leaving,
There was no separation - a month according to the calendar "- Philip Kirkorov)

A half past seven: Yes, and then he would not be Pirate 21 and would not live in the World of new technologies.
The pirate nods and goes back to a loud whisper:
Pirate 21: I created the Time Machine.

Cut "Time Machine - Turn":

("Here new turn and the engine roars
That he brings us an abyss or takeoff" - Time Machine)

Pirate 21: No, not Makarevich, but the real Machine, in which you can travel through time.

Instrumental theme from the movie "Purple Ball"

A half past seven: She takes us back to the past. Why in the past? And what have we forgotten in the future? There we will be completely stripped to the skin. With the world on a string. Ha! Do not agree!
Pirate 21 nods in the affirmative.
A half past seven: Here, in the past, there were all sorts of corsairs, they sailed on primitive boats, and did not know how to steal information from computers.
Pirate 21: Why?
A half past seven: And they didn't have internet.
Pirate 21: Yes. So, in those days, the most valuable was kept in the bank. Yes, yes, it was the most reliable place - a three-liter jar.
A half past seven: Imagine! No one could have imagined such a thing, and therefore the crooks robbed financial institutions - banks.
Pirate 21: And ordinary people did not keep anything of value there, because they did not trust. And he did the right thing. Because, I repeat, the most reliable was a three-liter jar. Here.
Together: So, it's time to go. Long live the world of new technologies! Long live the most accurate technology in the world that does not know what a failure is! Made in China Made in China).

Song: "Welcome to the world of new technologies" (On minus "DJ Bobo - Superstar")

Our dreamed
Moms, dads,
And a lot of porridge
Ate for aunt
Ate for uncle
For a cat, a dog,
To grow big
In the 2000s they were in a hurry.

And, they broke.
"Wow, you" - they said! -
"They did not expect.
No wonder they ate porridge,
And they didn't want to."

Eat porridge...

Into the world of new technologies...
Into the world of new technologies...

The pirates are preparing the Time Machine for launch. And with the words "Let's go" they run backstage.


“Real girls” from the dashing nineties appear: Belka, Mulya and just a girl and start to sing:

Song: "At the dawn of the twentieth century (Dashing nineties)" (On minus "DJ Bobo - I Know What I Want")

Loved going to school
They sell Coca-Cola there,
And before it was not enough.
I could only dream.

Appeared "Snickers" - "Mars".
How much joy for us.
It is a pity that the volume is not the same
But how sweet is this fruit.

The prefix "Sag" was presented.
Learned to play games.
I can't always play.
Father and mother play there.

Gave us the internet
Grandpa is not happy now.
And when we sit there
They cannot call us.

At the dawn of the twentieth century
The era of techno discos.
dashing nineties
We are like you, relatives.

At school, the holiday is coming -
DJ Bobo when he sings.
Sounds of Eurodance sound
Hearts beat in unison.

Pirate 21 appears, who runs onto the stage with some part from the "Time Machine" that has broken, and Half past seven.

Girl: Dude, who is this?
Pirate 21:(proudly): Pirate 21!
A half past seven: And get your hands off me, lady.
Pirate 21:(turns to Belka): You heard what Half past seven said! - The girl with Mulya laughs. - Oh, it hurts! ( "receives" from Belka in the eye).
Squirrel: Serves you right!
Pirate 21: I will have a flashlight.
Squirrel: You will shine under your feet.
A half past seven: What are you - uneducated!
Girl: Well, who will it be? - refers to Pirate 21.
Pirate 21: I already introduced myself.
Girl: Oh, the second time the tongue will not fall off.
Pirate 21: Pirate 21. And this is half past seven. We are from the 21st century...
Girl: Come on, goodbye, you know how many like you? A half past eight. I would also introduce myself as half past ten, - friendly laughter.
Pirate 21: What?
Mule: Go away! - and stomped on him.
Pirate 21: Nothing-nothing!
A half past seven: See you…
All: Don't forget about myelophone, - laughter. – Made in China!!! - laughter.

(Pirate 21 and Half past seven leave)

Cat minus "Pinocchio"

Pinocchio runs out (with a normal nose), dances a little and runs backstage.

All: Who is this? Pinocchio. What about the nose? Looks like he stopped lying. But the log remained.

Ivan Ivanovich appears with a girl. They go on stage, do not notice Belka, Mulya and just the Girl, greet the audience and bow. Squirrel with Mulya run up to them and stick a piece of paper on his back with the inscription: "Quiet", and her "exclamation mark".

All: Hello Ivan Ivanovich! - girls scream.
Ivan Ivanovich and the Girl turns their backs to the audience.
Ivan Ivanovich: Hello girls!
Girl: Hello! - laughing and waving.
All: Goodbye, Ivan Ivanovich.
Ivan Ivanovich: Goodbye girls!
Girl: Bye bye!

Ivan Ivanovich and the Girl turn their backs to them. Ivan Ivanovich throws up his hands in front of the audience, the girl laughs.

(Ivan Ivanovich and the Girl leave)

Girl: Well, eccentric, Ivan Ivanovich.
All: Aha!
Mule: Listen Bubble...
Squirrel: I'm Belka!
Mule: Bubble!
Squirrel: Dude, stop annoying me.
Mule: Bubble! Bubble!
Girl: Girls, don't...
The squirrel is offended and leaves.
Mule: Oh, how we puffed out our cheeks, turned up our nose and ... let's go: at-two left, at-two right ...
Girl: Well, you hurt her...
Mule:(mimics): You offended her, you didn’t see my tears.

(Everyone leaves)


The Countess appears.

Song: “The hour is broken and turned upside down hourglass" (On minus "DJ Bobo - Come Take My Hand")

The hour is broken and the hourglass is turned upside down
Already, alas.
Everything now that was - was not, falls on the scales.
End of chapter.

(Ghost appears)

From scratch
Start your journey.
No! I need
Return friends.

Where did you go
Girl friends. Hey answer me.
We stuck together
I'm all sad.
I'm going in search.
And I will find you.


No! I will not leave you in trouble, and I will go and go and find you.
Let them say that the hour has passed, the hour has not passed - a lie. I'm coming to you.

(Elvira and Jessica appear)

Don't believe everything
Show what they say
And believe in your heart
He will tell the whole truth.

(The girls hug and run backstage)

Song: "Boy, as if you are from a mirror" (On minus "DJ Bobo - Man is a Mirror")

The frightened Countess, Jessica and Elvira run out, followed by Pirate 21 and Half past seven.


Hello wanderer,
Looks like it fell here from the moon.
Have you come to us as a subject, a messenger?
Or who sent you the link?

Why did you come to us with a roar?
All the ghosts, why scared?
Or maybe we even dreamed about it?
And anyway, why did you come to us?

Boy, like you're in the mirror
Look, it's cold, at us.
And Alice was crying again...
In the world of her, your gaze went out.

Pirate 21: I'm sorry girls, we didn't mean to offend or scare you.
A half past seven: We just got lost a little bit in time.
Pirate 21: We are from the future.
A half past seven: From the twenty-first century...
All: Wow! Wow! It can not be! This is anti-science! This is a heretic! Ay-ya-yay!
Elvira: I wonder how old we will be in the year 2000?
Jessica: Oh, then, probably, everyone will live in separate apartments.
Countess: Yes, then communism will come ...
Pirate 21: Well, let's start with the fact that none of you will live to see the year 2000, so let's refrain from other questions.
A half past seven: You know, who knows little, he sleeps soundly.
Pirate 21: And you more...

Cut of the song "Winged Swing":

("In the meantime, we are only children,
we grow still grow
Only the sky, only the wind
only joy lies ahead." - Y. Entin)

All: Ooo!!! Great!
Pirate 21: Not quite right. Here:

Cut of the song "Beautiful far away":

All:(sullenly): Well… Not fair! In non-paradise! Netushki!
Pirate 21: Girls, don't worry... By the way, the future will be rich in interesting events.
All: Yes? Great!!!
Pirate 21: Yeah. Take Napoleon Bonaparte for example.
Countess: And who is it?
Pirate 21: And one uncle, so to speak, will be a pioneer in the creation of the European Union.
All: What? What kind of union?
A half past seven: Looking ahead, there will be several unions, only here, - throws up his hands, - not durable, they will turn out.
Elvira: Oh well!
Jessica: They just don't know how to be friends. A strong friendship cannot be broken by anything.

Cut of the song "Strong friendship will not break":

(“A strong friendship will not break, It will not fall apart from rains and blizzards. A friend will not leave you in trouble,
He won't ask too much - That's what real means, True friend!» - author of music and words unknown.)

All: That's right!
Countess: And who else?
Pirate 21: Hitler.
Jessica: This is which, without ads?
Elvira glares at Jessica.
Jessica: Books must be read. Books.
A half past seven: He is.
Countess: And what is famous?
Pirate 21: And he, like Napoleon, will get hit in the neck in Russia.
Countess: Well, you're all about bad and bad. Aren't there good people there?
Pirate 21: Why? Grandfather Lenin is a friend of children. Died in 1924.
Elvira: Oh, sorry, we will not find good grandfather Lenin.
Pirate 21: Why? I stopped.
Jessica: Oh, well preserved boy.
Countess: Or maybe he's a vampire? Forever young and forever alive?
Pirate 21: Well-well-well-well-well!!! Girls? What kind of vampire am I? And you will get him.
Jessica: Lenin the vampire?
Pirate 21: Nope. Grandpa Lenin is not a vampire. He lies in the mausoleum on Red Square.
Elvira: Oh, almost like a red corner.
A half past seven: And in the 20th century there was children's writer: Arkady Gaidar. He wrote a book A military secret» about Malchish Kibalchish and Malchish Plokhish. The bad guy sold himself to his enemies for a barrel of jam and a basket of cookies.
All: Wow, what a bastard!
Pirate 21:(as if to the side): Interestingly, and his granddaughters Yegorushka, a reformer who read this tale?
All: Wow, what…
Pirate 21: About the dead, or good, or nothing.

Cut of the song "We are the children of the 20th century"

(“What is there, what is not there
On this white in the world
We got a happy but difficult ticket
We are children of the twentieth century "... - Yuri Entin).

A half past seven: By the way, can you tell me where we are?
All: As where? On treasure island.
A half past seven: Oh what we need!

Song: "Treasure Island" (On minus "DJ Bobo - Way to Your Heart")

Here we have a map -
Pickaxe and shovels.
Count steps so six
And ask your dad

Treasure island, priceless island -
There adventures, assaults and battle.
Grottoes, caves and an underground city,
Ghosts kingdom of the moon at times.


Graph: Hello my dear!
All: Hello!
Countess: Hello daddy! And how did you get here? You are willing to stay on the ship.
Graph: Service.
All: Well, anyway?
Graph: Service, - smiling. - Well, hello, Pirate of the twenty-first century, or whatever your name is, Pirate 21.
Pirate 21: How do you know me?
All: Yes, how do you know him?
Graph: Service, - smiling. - By the way, show me your treasure?
Pirate 21:(hands a three-liter jar to the Count): Here!
Graph: (takes out the phone): And the iPhone, then, broken!
All: Can't be. Ha ha ha!
Graph: And was it worth it to go to the past with him in order to break it anyway?

Song: "Let fairy tales look into your world" (On the minus "DJ Bobo - Becouse of You")

So always, any story,
The promised ending is coming.
The hero waves his hand to us,
Saying farewell words.

How sad we are to part with him,
And part us with another:
With another hike, adventure,
With friends, again just with him.

Open the doors to your heart,
And let fairy tales look into your world.
Melt the longing and light the stars,
What would we all see the space path.

Believe in dreams and good luck

Do not be afraid, you will return to fairy tales,
Touch those secrets again.

All roads to space lead
And fairy tales call us all into the distance.
Believe in dreams and good luck
Wandering wind will dispel sadness.

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