Sinyushkin well. P


Pavel Petrovich Bazhov is a famous Russian writer. His work occupies a special place in Russian literature, since his works are based on folklore. Already as an adult, Bazhov became interested in collecting Ural legends. Later, based on them, he created many beautiful works. One of them is the fairy tale "Sinyushkin well".

Briefly about the author

The future writer was born in 1879 into a working-class family. After graduating from a religious school and a seminary, he served as a teacher for about ten years. One of the students later became his wife. They had four children. After Bazhov actively supported the new government. AT different years he took part in the opening of newspapers, worked as a journalist and editor, monitored the activities of the public education department, and opened schools for the illiterate. It was at this time that he became interested in the history of the Urals and folklore. The material accumulated by the writer formed the basis of many unique works. The writer died in 1950. Sinyushkin Well is one of Bazhov's first works created on the basis of Ural legends. It was first published in 1924.

Collection "Urals were"

The book was published in the city of Sverdlovsk. It was with her, according to Bazhov, that his literary activity. The collection includes nineteen tales, including "The Blue Snake", " silver hoof», « Stone Flower», « Malachite Box”,“ Mistress of the Copper Mountain ”,“ Sinyushkin well ”. The heroes of these works are the owners of factories and mines, clerks, and ordinary workers. All works are created on the basis of the Ural legends, which the writer collected and carefully kept for a long time.

There lived a guy named Ilya in a Ural village. He was an orphan. The deceased relatives - mother, father, grandfather, grandmother - did not leave Ilya any inheritance. the only valuable thing, inherited by the young man from deceased relatives - a sieve of feathers from grandmother Lukerya. During the funeral, they were stolen, only three feathers remained: white, black and red. Another dying grandmother told her grandson to avoid bad thoughts about wealth, because people suffer from them.

After burying Lukerya, Ilya went to work. He worked in a gold mine. At that time, the weather was hot, so the young man decided to go through the Zyuzelsko swamp. Usually they went along this road in the fall, but Ilya considered that the swamp had dried up due to the heat. At first he went to right direction but then got lost. In search of a road, a young man went out into a clearing, in the center of which was a key with clean water. Ilya wanted to get drunk, but suddenly he was very tired. He barely crawled to the side to rest a little. Suddenly, the guy noticed an old woman coming out of the water. She was dressed in a blue dress, with a scarf of the same color on her head. She was old, but her blue eyes shone with youth and enthusiasm.

The old woman held out her arms to Ilya, and the guy noticed that they began to lengthen. The young man was frightened, turned away and buried his nose in the feathers that Lukerya had left. He attached them to his hat so that he would always remember the order of his grandmother. From this he began to sneeze and immediately came to his senses. The guy got to his feet and began to taunt the old woman and her weakness: she could not raise her hands from the ground and reach him. Ilya guessed that the old woman was the one about whom the grandmother told. She guards the magic well. According to rumors, there are many riches in it, but few can get them. They argued for a long time, until Ilya promised to come to the well again. On that they parted.

Arriving at the mine, Ilya explained to the caretaker that he was late because of the funeral. He was asked about the feathers that were attached to the cap. The young man replied that they were charmed and valuable as a memory. One of the workers - Kuzka Dvoerylko - envied Ilya's mind, strength and hard work, therefore, at the first opportunity, he stole these feathers. Ilya searched for them for a long time, but did not find them. Kuzka began to follow Ilya to make sure that without feathers he would lose his luck. He saw how Ilya attached a long stick to the ladle, how on Sunday he went to the magic well and tried to outwit grandmother Sinyushka, to drink water from the well. The old woman appreciated Ilya's courage and dexterity and said that if he returns when the full moon is in the sky, he will receive a reward. Kuzka Dvoerylko heard their conversation and decided to get ahead of Ilya. Soon at the mine they noticed that he had disappeared. They searched for Kuzka for a long time, but they never found him.

When Ilya returned to the well, the old woman offered him gold twice and gems, which she held in her hands on a huge tray. Both times Ilya refused, motivating his decision by the fact that a person could not carry away so much wealth. For the third time, the old woman appeared in the form of a young girl. She gave Ilya a sieve left after the grandmother and stolen by someone, full wild berries. In the very center lay the treasured three feathers.

The girl was so beautiful that upon returning home, Ilya did not know peace. The stones into which the donated berries turned into did not console him. The guy used this money wisely, paid off the master, built a new hut, bought a horse, but never married. Ilya felt so bad that he decided to return to the well. But on the way I met a girl from neighboring village, which was very similar to the mistress of a magic well. They played a wedding, but their happiness was short-lived. Both died because they were in poor health.

main characters

In the tale "Sinyushkin Well" there are four main characters: Lukerya, Ilya, Kuzka Dvoerylko and grandmother Sinyushka. Lukerya is the embodiment folk wisdom. It is she who owns the words in which the main idea works: happiness is not in wealth, but in human soul. Grandma Sinyushka is magical character who sends the two young men a test. One passes it with honor, the other dies. Ilya and Kuzka are two heroes who are opposed to each other. The author treats Ilya with sympathy and respect. Kuzka, on the other hand, is only honored with careless words for his tendency to steal and greed. Bazhov even gives him a speaking nickname. Kuzka Dvoerylko means two-faced.

Genre originality

"Sinyushkin well" is a tale. This genre should not be confused with the folk tale. Despite the consonance of names and the presence common features, this is different concepts. There are several differences, one of them is compositional. One of the features of fairy tales is the presence of a beginning. In the work of Pavel Bazhov, it is not. Despite the presence and folk tales, and an element of magic, in the latter there is also an element of reality.

Readers' opinion

The fairy tale "Sinyushkin well" has many fans. Feedback from most readers is positive. All people who read the tale note its instructive meaning. What attracts readers is that Pavel Bazhov skillfully combines two worlds in his works: real and fictional. The heroes of his tales go through many trials on their own. life path. So Ilya will have to go through many difficulties in order to prove that he is worthy of the valuable gift of Grandma Sinyushka. Bazhov's fairy tale "Sinyushkin Well" tells the story of a young man who knew well that gold and gems are not the riches that one should wish for. Meeting with Grandma Sinyushka is a difficult test. Only one who is not greedy, does not envy and remembers the precepts of the elders can pass it.

Screen adaptation

Most of the works of Pavel Bazhov were filmed. This is not surprising: artists, composers, directors have always attracted fairy world Bazhov, in which reality and fantasy merged in a bizarre way. Among them - "Sinyushkin well". In 1973, the eponymous cartoon. The director was V. Fomin. A few years later, the artist V. Markin drew illustrations that formed the basis of the filmstrip.

Summing up

"Sinyushkin Well" by Pavel Bazhov is a tale of ingenuity and honesty, courage and disinterestedness. Main character- a young man named Ilya - survived the ordeal of wealth and greed. For their spiritual qualities he received an award from the hands of the grandmother Sinyushka, who appears in the form of a young girl and personally bestows only those who deserve it.

There lived a guy named Ilya in a Ural village. He was an orphan. The deceased relatives - mother, father, grandfather, grandmother - did not leave Ilya any inheritance. The only valuable thing that the young man inherited from his deceased relatives is a sieve of feathers from his grandmother Lukerya. During the funeral, they were stolen, only three feathers remained: white, black and red. Another dying grandmother ordered her grandson to avoid bad thoughts about wealth, because people suffer from them. After burying Lukerya, Ilya went to work. He worked in a gold mine. At that time, the weather was hot, so the young man decided to go through the Zyuzelsko swamp. Usually they went along this road in the fall, but Ilya considered that the swamp had dried up due to the heat. At first he was walking in the right direction, but then he got lost. In search of a road, the young man came out to a clearing, in the center of which was a spring with clean water. Ilya wanted to get drunk, but suddenly he was very tired. He barely crawled to the side to rest a little. Suddenly, the guy noticed an old woman coming out of the water. She was dressed in a blue dress, with a scarf of the same color on her head. She was old, but her blue eyes shone with youth and enthusiasm. The old woman held out her hands to Ilya, and the guy noticed that they began to lengthen. The young man was frightened, turned away and buried his nose in the feathers that Lukerya had left. He attached them to his hat so that he would always remember the order of his grandmother. From this he began to sneeze and immediately came to his senses. The guy got to his feet and began to taunt the old woman and her weakness: she could not raise her hands from the ground and reach him. Ilya guessed that the old woman was the one about whom the grandmother told. She guards the magic well. According to rumors, there are many riches in it, but few can get them. They argued for a long time, until Ilya promised to come to the well again. On that they parted. Arriving at the mine, Ilya explained to the superintendent that he was late because of the funeral. He was asked about the feathers that were attached to the cap. The young man replied that they were charmed and valuable as a memory. One of the workers - Kuzka Dvoerylko - envied Ilya's mind, strength and hard work, therefore, at the first opportunity, he stole these feathers. Ilya searched for them for a long time, but did not find them. Kuzka began to follow Ilya to make sure that without feathers he would lose his luck. He saw how Ilya attached a long stick to the ladle, how on Sunday he went to the magic well and tried to outwit grandmother Sinyushka, to drink water from the well. The old woman appreciated Ilya's courage and dexterity and said that if he returns when the full moon is in the sky, he will receive a reward. Kuzka Dvoerylko heard their conversation and decided to get ahead of Ilya. Soon at the mine they noticed that he had disappeared. They searched for Kuzka for a long time, but they never found him.

The guy lived on the mines. They called him Ilya. He had no one, only grandmother Lukerya. All that Ilya inherited from his parents is strong hands, cheerful disposition and fair character.

Before her death, grandmother Lukerya left Ilya’s order: to live honestly, not to chase after wealth, not to take someone else’s. And she also told about Grandma Sinyushka, who lives in a swamp and guards untold riches. She also left Ilya a full sieve with feathers. She said that they would bring him good luck and protect him from trouble.

Village old women helped to bury grandmother Ilya. He returned home from the cemetery, but there was nothing in the hut. The old women stole all grandmother's things, they did not even shun feathers. There are only three feathers left. The guy grieved that he did not save Babkin's inheritance, and went to the mine. The remaining three feathers, tied with a thread, attached to my hat.

To shorten the road, Ilya went through the swamp. I got to its middle and saw a window, and there was water in it. Suddenly he was drawn to sleep. With difficulty, he crawled to the hillock and lay down there. Then from that window a little old woman appeared, all in blue clothes. She wanted to grab Ilya and drag her away. Her hands are long, barely noticeable, she is drawn to him, but she cannot reach him. It can be seen that grandmother's feathers protect from trouble. Ilya realized that this was Grandma Sinyushka, whom Lukerya had told him about.

Sinyushka could not cope with Ilya by force, she decided to take it with cunning. I started teasing the guy. Ilya took courage and promised that on the first free day he would come and scoop all the water out of the window with a ladle. And then he went to the mine. But something alarmed the guy: either Babkin's eyes, or her young and sonorous voice.

At the mine, Ilya told what kind of inheritance he got. And he jokingly explained that these feathers are not simple, but charmed. Among the workers, a guy stood, his name was Kuzma. Was very greedy. He greatly envied Ilya for his skill at work and cheerful character. He believed in these stories and decided to first steal the feathers, and then follow Ilya. And so he did.

Ilya came to the swamp for the second time, trying to scoop up water with a ladle. He kept threatening to throw that water on Grandma Sinyushka. And she still laughed at him. She realized that with pure thoughts Ilya went to her in the swamp: he wanted to see how the grandmother turns into a girl. She ordered him to come on the full moon and be sure to say that he came without a ladle.

Kuzma was eavesdropping at that time, and decided to get ahead of Ilya, to come earlier. When the moon became full, the conversation at the mine began - Kuzma was gone. For the sake of appearance, they searched, and that was it.

The third time Ilya came to the swamp. I was not even afraid to appear without feathers, they disappeared somewhere. For a long time he argued with Grandma Sinyushka. Finally, she agreed to show herself to him in her girlish form and disappeared through the window. Suddenly, footsteps were heard from the forest. Ilya looked around and saw the girl. All her clothes are on of blue color, and a long braid with a blue ribbon. Never met such a beautiful guy. She handed him a sieve that had disappeared from the hut, full of various berries, and three feathers on top. The girl explained that Kuzma came to her for wealth, but he remained in that swamp. Only the feathers he had stolen floated to the surface. The girl said goodbye to Ilya and disappeared.

Ilya returned to his hut, looked into the heavier sieve, and there were gold bars and precious stones. With the help of these treasures, he bought himself free from the owner, built a house, started a household. Only the girl from the swamp cannot be forgotten. He decided to go there again. The girls came across, they went to the forest for berries. Among them, Ilya saw a girl - a copy of Grandma Sinyushka in the form of a girl. With her, Ilya found his fate. A new mine was opened in the swamp, but the well that Ilya spoke about was never found.

The tale teaches to live honestly, according to conscience, to work in joy. Remember that malice and greed are always punished.

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Bazhov. All works

  • blue snake
  • Sinyushkin well
  • fragile twig

Sinyushkin well. Picture for the story

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What is the tale of Pavel Petrovich Bazhov about?

Lived in the plant Ilya. Soon he buried all his relatives. From Babka Lukerya, he inherited a special inheritance - a sieve with feathers, which she had been collecting throughout the village all her life. Grandmother Lukerya ordered Ilya not to run after wealth. Good will bring only the gold that Sinyushka herself will put in her hands. There were legends in the village that Sinyushka (grandmother with the voice of a girl) guards the wealth of the region.

After the funeral, grandmother Lukerya robbed Ilya. He pinned the remaining three feathers to his hat as a keepsake. It was they who saved him from Sinyushka.

Ilya went to the mine by a short road: through the Zyuzelsky swamp. He saw a place with clean water, like a well, he wanted to get drunk. Ilya's head was spinning, he lay down and could not get up. And from the well Sinyushka pulls her hands to him. Ilya buried himself in his hat, but hit Lukerya's feathers with his nose, began to sneeze, and felt better. He got to his feet and spat on Sinyushka's hand. Sinyushka began to provoke him that he would not be able to drink water from her well. Ilya promised her to return to this place on a windy day.

At the mine, Ilya said that he was late because he was burying his grandmother. And to his comrades, who laughed at the feathers attached to the hat, he said that they were dearer to him than anything in the world. Kuzma Dvoerylko heard these words, he had long envied Ilya's strength and dexterity, and stole them. Kuzma Dvoerylko began to follow Ilya. He secretly followed him to Sinyushka. Sinyushka liked the ingenuity of Ilya, who attached a ladle to a perch in order to scoop water from her well. Sinyushka called Ilya to her on a monthly night, promised to show her wealth. Dvoorko, who heard everything, then went to Sinyushka himself and disappeared. But Ilya came and did not draw wealth in the well, he remembered grandmother Lukerya's order.

One girl appeared before him with a tray, another, but he still refuses, wants Sinyushka herself to give him an award. An 18-year-old beauty brought Ilya a grandmother's sieve with berries and feathers. Ilya guessed that this was Sinyushka.

The berries of the house turned into gems. Time passed, Ilya began to live in abundance, on his own, and the beautiful Sinyushka did not go out of his head. Once he met one among the girls who went for berries, married her, only her health and him were not enough for happiness, they died early.

A mine was opened in the Zyuzelsky swamp, but they did not scoop out all the wealth. Bottomless Sinyushkin well.

The tale of P.P. Bazhov, like all Russian fairy tales, tells us that the main good in a person's life is not gold and silver, gemstones. It is honesty, loyalty, kindness.

Why did the author name his work that way? Sinyushkin well was a test for Ilya. The hero is rewarded for not being envious, not stealing, not being greedy, and remembering his grandmother's advice. It is no coincidence that the author emphasized that the well is bottomless. Life tests people for humanity many times. And rewards for moral deeds are innumerable.

And yet the end of the work seemed sad to me: Ilya did not live long with his beauty. It is the sad ending that makes Bazhov's tale not like a fairy tale, it reminds us that there are sad moments in life that seem unfair to us.

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