Message on the topic Pavel Petrovich Bazhov. Bazhov - "Malachite box"


Bazhov Pavel Petrovich was born on January 27, 1879. This Russian writer, the famous storyteller, prose writer, processor of legends, legends, Ural tales, died in 1950, on December 3.


Pavel Petrovich Bazhov, whose biography is presented in our article, was born in the Urals, near Yekaterinburg, in the family of Augusta Stefanovna and Pyotr Vasilyevich Bazhev (this name was then written that way). His father was a hereditary master at the Sysert plant.

The writer's surname comes from the word "bazhit", which means "foretell", "tell". Even Bazhov's street boyish nickname was Koldunkov. Later, when he began to publish, he also signed with this pseudonym.

The formation of the talent of the future writer

Bazhev Petr Vasilievich worked as a foreman at the Sysert plant, in the puddling and welding workshop. The mother of the future writer was a good lacemaker. This was a help for the family, especially when the husband was temporarily out of work.

lived future writer among the miners of the Urals. Childhood impressions were the most vivid and important for him.

Bazhov liked to listen to the stories of experienced people. Sysert old men - Korob Ivan Petrovich and Klyukva Alexei Efimovich were good storytellers. But the future writer, Khmelinin Vasily Alekseevich, a field miner, surpassed everyone who knew.

Childhood and youth

The future writer spent this period of his life at the Polevsk plant and in the town of Sysert. His family moved frequently, as Pavel's father worked either at one factory or at another. This allowed the young Bazhov to get to know the life of the mountain district well, which he subsequently reflected in his work.

The future writer got the opportunity to learn thanks to his abilities and chance. At first, he attended a three-year male zemstvo school, where a talented teacher of literature worked, who knew how to captivate children with literature. Pavel Petrovich Bazhov also loved to listen to him. The biography of the writer has developed largely under the influence of this talented person.

Everyone assured the Bazhev family that it was necessary to continue the education of their gifted son, but poverty did not allow them to dream of a real school or gymnasium. As a result, the choice fell on the Yekaterinburg Theological School, since it had the lowest tuition fee, and it was not required to buy a uniform. This institution was intended mainly for the children of nobles, and only the assistance of a family friend made it possible to arrange Pavel Petrovich in it.

At the age of 14, after graduating from college, Pavel Petrovich Bazhov entered the Perm Theological Seminary, where he studied various fields of knowledge for 6 years. Here he became acquainted with modern and classical literature.

Work as a teacher

In 1899, the training was completed. After that Bazhov Pavel Petrovich worked as a teacher in primary school in an area inhabited by Old Believers. He began his career in a remote village near Nevyansk, after which he continued his activities in Kamyshlov and Yekaterinburg. The future writer taught Russian. He traveled a lot in the Urals, was interested in local history, folklore, ethnography, and journalism.

Pavel Bazhov for 15 years during school holidays every year he traveled on foot around his native land, talked with workers, looked closely at the life around him, wrote down stories, conversations, collected folklore, learned about the work of stone cutters, cutters, casters, steelworkers, gunsmiths and other masters of the Urals. Later this helped him in his career as a journalist, and then in writer's work, which was started later by Pavel Bazhov (his photo is presented below).

When, after some time, a vacancy opened up at the Yekaterinburg Theological School, Bazhov returned to the native walls of this institution as a teacher.

Family of Pavel Petrovich Bazhov

In 1907, the future writer began working at the diocesan school, where he taught Russian language lessons until 1914. Here he met his future wife, Valentina Ivanitskaya. She was a student at the time educational institution. In 1911, Valentina Ivanitskaya and Pavel Bazhov got married. They often went to the theater and read a lot. Seven children were born in the writer's family.

During the outbreak of the First World War, two daughters were already growing up - the children of Pavel Petrovich Bazhov. Due to financial difficulties, the family was forced to move to Kamyshlov, where Valentina's relatives lived. Pavel Bazhov began to work at the Kamyshlov Theological School.

Creation of tales

In 1918-1921, Bazhov took part in the Civil War in Siberia, the Urals, and Altai. In 1923-1929 he lived in Sverdlovsk, where he worked for the Peasant Newspaper. At this time, the writer created more than forty tales dedicated to the factory Ural folklore. Since 1930, work began in the book publishing house of Sverdlovsk. The writer was expelled from the party in 1937 (reinstated a year later). Having lost his job in the publishing house because of this incident, he decided to dedicate free time tales that, like Ural gems, "shimmered" in his "Malachite Box". In 1939, this most famous work author, which is a collection of fairy tales. For the "Malachite Box" the writer was awarded State Prize THE USSR. Bazhov later supplemented this book with new tales.

Bazhov's writing path

The writer's path of this author began relatively late. His first book "The Urals were" appeared in 1924. The most significant stories of Pavel Bazhov were published only in 1939. This is the aforementioned collection of tales, as well as "The Green Filly" - autobiographical story about childhood.

The Malachite Box later included new works: Tales of the Germans (year of writing - 1943), Key Stone, created in 1942, Tales of Gunsmiths, as well as other creations of Bazhov. Later works The author can be called the term "tales" not only because of the formal features of the genre (the presence in the narrative of a fictional narrator who has individual characteristic speech), but also because they go back to the secret tales of the Urals - oral traditions prospectors and miners, who are distinguished by a combination of fabulous and real-life elements.

Features of Bazhov's tales

The writer considered the creation of tales the main business of his life. In addition, he was engaged in editing almanacs and books, including those devoted to the Ural local history.

Initially folklore are the tales processed by Bazhov. "Secret tales" he heard as a boy from Khmelinin. This man became the prototype of Slyshko's grandfather - the narrator from the work " Malachite Box". Bazhov later had to declare officially that this was just a trick, and he did not just record other people's stories, but created his own based on them.

The term "skaz" later entered the folklore of the Soviet era to define the prose of workers. However, after some time it was established that this concept does not mean a new phenomenon in folklore: tales actually turned out to be memories, legends, traditions, fairy tales, that is, those that already existed for a long time genres.

Naming his works with this term, Bazhov Pavel Petrovich, whose tales were associated with folklore tradition, took into account not only the tradition of this genre, which implies the obligatory presence of a narrator, but also the existence of oral ancient legends of the miners of the Urals. From data folklore works he adopted the main feature of his creations - a mixture of fairy-tale images in the narration.

Fantastic heroes of fairy tales

The main theme of Bazhov's tales is a simple man, his skill, talent and work. Communication with the secret foundations of our life, with nature is carried out with the help of powerful representatives of the mountain magical world. Perhaps the most striking among the characters of this kind is the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, whom Stepan, the hero of the Malachite Box, met. She helps Danila - the character of the tale called " Stone Flower"- to reveal talent. And after he refuses to make the Stone Flower on his own, he is disappointed in him.

In addition to this character, the Great Poloz is interesting, who is responsible for the gold. His image was created by the writer on the basis of the ancient superstitions of the Khanty and Mansi, as well as Ural legends, will accept miners and miners.

Grandmother Sinyushka, another heroine of Bazhov's tales, is a character related to the famous Baba Yaga.

The connection between gold and fire is represented by the Jumping Fireball that dances over the gold mine.

So, we met such an original writer as Pavel Bazhov. The article presented only the main milestones of his biography and the most famous works. If you are interested in the personality and work of this author, you can continue to get to know him by reading the memoirs of Pavel Petrovich's daughter, Ariadna Pavlovna.

Conversation for children 5-7 years old with a presentation: "The secret power of Pavel Bazhov"

Description: The event is intended for children of the senior preschool and younger school age, caregivers preschool institutions, teachers lower grades and parents. The script contains author's poems and a game.
Purpose of work: The conversation will introduce children to the writer Pavel Petrovich Bazhov, his work.

Target: introducing children of senior preschool and primary school age to the world of book culture.
1. to acquaint children with the biography and work of the writer Pavel Petrovich Bazhov;
2. to introduce children of senior preschool and primary school age to the perception of fairy tales;
3. to form emotional responsiveness to a literary work;
4. educate children's interest in the book and its characters;
Attributes for the game: stones painted with gouache, 4 trays, a table with the image of precious stones (Jasper, Malachite, Amber, Lapis Lazuli)

Preliminary work:
- Read the tales of P.P. Bazhov
- Introduce children to minerals (precious and semi-precious stones)
- Organize a mini-museum in the group: "Gemstones".
- Organize an exhibition of children's drawings based on read works

Presenter: Pavel Petrovich Bazhov was born on January 27, 1879, in the city of Sysertsky Zavod, Yekaterinburg district, Perm province, in a family of workers.

His father, Peter Vasilievich, worked at a metallurgical plant. Was a good master. Pyotr Vasilyevich's hands were golden. The character was strong-willed and strong, for which he was popularly nicknamed "Drill".
His mother Augusta Stepanovna was orphaned early, she had to earn a living by needlework, she knitted amazingly beautiful lace.
Little Pavel with early age I saw the hard work of adults. In the evenings, resting from hard work, adults told tales that children eagerly listened to. The plots of these tales contained folk tales about the hard work of people in old mines, legends about countless treasures. Ural mountains, which are guarded by the "secret power" - Malachite.

Paul was only child in the family, so his parents were able to give him an education. Pasha was sent to study at a religious school in the city of Yekaterinburg.

The boy studied very well, he was a gifted child, for which he was transferred to the theological seminary of the city of Perm.

But the death of his father turned the fate of Pavel Bazhov. He had to go to work to continue his studies and help his mother, who began to have health problems, she began to go blind.
When the young man was 20 years old, he got a job as a teacher of Russian language and literature in the remote village of Shaydurikha near the factories.

Story native land always attracted Pavel Bazhov. Every year, during school holidays, he wandered around the Urals, talking with people of working professions: miners and foundry workers, stone cutters and prospectors. All these stories he diligently wrote down. In my notebook he brought in little words and human speech, which conveyed character traits life and way of life mining workers. The writer admired the beauty of the Ural stones.

Game in progress: "The Secret of the Stones"

Stones are scattered in the center of the hall (pre-painted with gouache paints in different colors)

Presenter: Guys, miners of precious stones, miners asked us for help. You need to study the table and add gems by color.
4 children are chosen, the children agree on what kind of stone each of them will sort.
1. Jasper - red color
2. Malachite - green color
3. Amber - yellow color
4. Lapis lazuli - blue color
There are 4 chairs with trays in the corners.

To the music, children sort stones by color. When all the stones are laid out in their places, the teacher walks around and makes sure that the assignment is completed accurately and consolidates the children's knowledge of color scheme stone. Example: This red stone is called Jasper.
Well done boys. You helped the miners and learned the secret of the stones. It turns out that each stone has its own color and name.
Sit on your chairs, we continue.
Pavel Petrovich Bazhov worked as a school teacher for 18 years. Then he was invited to the theological school of the city of Yekaterinburg, the very one he once graduated from.
The writer built a small house in Yekaterinburg, where he settled with his mother and wife. Pavel Bazhov became the head big family with seven children.

Pavel Petrovich Bazhov collected material for his first book for a long time and carefully. In 1939, the book “Malachite Box” was published. Its main character, the mistress of the Copper Mountain, allows Mother Earth to enter the bowels of the Earth and gives her wealth only to honest, courageous and hardworking people who do not covet wealth, but admire the beauty of the stone.

Mistress of Copper Mountain.

In the Copper Mountain, the Mistress is harsh
Didn't say too much.
A small lizard was born
She kept a secret in Malachite's box!

Pavel Petrovich wrote fairy tales for children: “Fire Girl - Leap”, “Silver Hoof”, “Tayutka Mirror”, “Blue Snake” and many others.
For the 60th anniversary of Pavel Petrovich Bazhov, friends presented a large book, which included 14 tales.
For the book "Malachite Box" Bazhov received an order and a state prize.
The tales of Pavel Petrovich Bazhov are smart and beautiful. Composers composed music, artists drew illustrations based on fairy tales. According to the plots of favorite tales, performances were staged, films and cartoons were shot.
Writer P.P. Bazhov great master words, he put a lot of work, knowledge, inspiration to give the world the secrets of the Ural Mountains.
Pavel Petrovich Bazhov is remembered and honored in our country, streets, a square and a library are named after him.

"Central city ​​Library named after P.P.Bazhov. Sverdlovsk region, Lesnoy, Lenin street, 69.
In the city of Moscow there is a district of Rostokino, in which Bazhov street and Malahitovaya street are located. There is a beautiful residential complex, which is called the Stone Flower. The main attraction of the Rostokino district is Bazhov Square. Undoubtedly, the sculptures of the heroes of fairy tales can be considered an ornament of the square.

Square Bazhov.

Dvoretskaya T.N.
Our square deserves a good word.
They named it after Pavel Bazhov.
Here, in fairy world frozen figures.
Sculptures arose from white stone.
The Ural writer loved gems.
He revealed their secrets in his fairy tales.
Secrets of stones on our planet.
Now even small children know.
IN school museum collected guys
Personal items and exhibits.
The tour guide prepared stories
Pavel Bazhov fairy tales!

December 3, 1950 Pavel Petrovich Bazhov died. He was 71 years old. The writer was buried in a cemetery in the city of Yekaterinburg.
In Sysert and Yekaterinburg, the houses where the writer lived have been preserved. Now they are museums.

Every summer, since 1993, the Bazhov Festival has been held in the Chebarkulsky District, which brings together fans of talent, those who value culture and folk traditions Ural.

The secret power of the tales of Pavel Petrovich Bazhov is stored in the described historical events the lives of ordinary stone-mining workers. Bazhov's tales are distinguished by poetic images of the main characters, echoing Russian folklore, melodiousness and cheerful emotional coloring. folk speech. Pavel Bazhov gave the reader a unique mysterious world.

Pavel was born on January 15 (27), 1879 near Yekaterinburg in a working class family. Childhood years in the biography of Bazhov passed in small town– Polevskoy Sverdlovsk region. He studied at the factory school, where he was one of the best students in the class. After graduating from a theological school in Yekaterinburg, he entered the Perm Theological Seminary. After completing his studies in 1899, he began working as a teacher of the Russian language.

It is worth noting briefly that Pavel Bazhov's wife was his student Valentina Ivanitskaya. In marriage, they had four children.

The beginning of the creative path

First writing activity Pavel Petrovich Bazhov fell on the years of the Civil War. It was then that he began working as a journalist, later became interested in the history of the Urals. However more biography Pavel Bazhova is known as a folklorist.

The first book with Ural essays called "Ural were" was published in 1924. And the first tale of Pavel Petrovich Bazhov was published in 1936 (“The Girl of Azovka”). Basically, all the tales retold and recorded by the writer were folklore.

The main work of the writer

The release of Bazhov's book "The Malachite Box" (1939) largely determined the fate of the writer. This book brought the writer world fame. Bazhov's talent was perfectly manifested in the tales of this book, which he constantly replenished. "Malachite Box" is a collection of folklore stories for children and adults about life and life in the Urals, about the beauty of the nature of the Ural land.

The Malachite Box contains many mythological characters, for example: Mistress of the Copper Mountain, Veliky Poloz, Danila the Master, Grandmother Sinyushka, Fire Jumper and others.

In 1943, thanks to this book, he received Stalin Prize. And in 1944 there was awarded the order Lenin for fruitful work.

Pavel Bazhov created many works, on the basis of which ballets, operas, performances were staged, films and cartoons were made.

Death and legacy

The life of the writer ended on December 3, 1950. The writer was buried in Sverdlovsk at the Ivanovo cemetery.

IN hometown writer, in the house where he lived, a museum was opened. The name of the writer is folk festival in the Chelyabinsk region, an annual award presented in Yekaterinburg. Memorial monuments were erected to Pavel Bazhov in Sverdlovsk, Polevskoy and other cities. Streets in many cities of the former USSR are also named after the writer.

Bazhov Pavel Petrovich (1879-1950), writer, journalist.

Born on January 27, 1879 in the city of Sysertsky Zavod near Yekaterinburg in a family of hereditary workers. He entered the Yekaterinburg Theological School, and then the Perm Seminary, from which he graduated in 1899.

For a decade and a half (until 1917) he taught Russian in Yekaterinburg and Kamyshlov. During these years, the subject of close interest of the future writer was folk life and culture, oral folk art of the Urals. The events of the revolution and the Civil War did not leave Bazhov aside: in 1918 he volunteered for the Red Army.

After the end of hostilities, Bazhov turned to journalism. In the 20s. his essays, feuilletons, stories were published in the Ekaterinburg "Peasant newspaper", other Ural periodicals. In 1924, the first book of the writer was published - "The Urals were", which included essays-memoirs about the pre-revolutionary past of the region.

The main work of Bazhov, which made him a classic of Russian literature, - "The Malachite Box" - was released only in the year of the author's 60th birthday. The first collection under this title (1939) combined 14 tales; in the future, the "Malachite Box" was replenished with new works (the last lifetime editions contained about 40 tales).

In 1943, the book received the Stalin Prize, and after the war, Bazhov became a deputy Supreme Council THE USSR. In The Malachite Box, the author turned to a peculiar literary form - a tale associated with the traditions of oral folk art. Replete with colloquial turns and dialect words, using elements of folklore style, the narrator's speech creates the illusion of a confidential oral narration.

The book is based on the theme of creative work. Bazhov's heroes are miners ("Mistress of the Copper Mountain"), coal burners ("Zhivinka in business"), stone cutters ("Stone Flower", "Mining Master"), casters ("Iron Babushka"), chasers ("Ivanko-Krylatko") - appear as people who are sincerely dedicated to their work. They are helped to live not only by their golden hands, but also by a cheerful little thing in business, which "runs ahead of mastery and pulls a person along with it." Juicy and bright color palette, poetic images echoing Russian folklore, melodiousness and cheerful emotional coloring of folk speech create a unique world of Bazhov tales.

Addressed to readers of various social strata and age categories, the "Malachite Box" became extremely popular - for example, during the years of the Great Patriotic War The book was among the most read. As the Pravda newspaper wrote, Bazhov entered the history of Russian literature as a collector of pearls mother tongue, the discoverer of precious layers of working folklore - not textbook smoothed, but created by life.

Pavel Petrovich Bazhov, Russian Charles Pierrot, who, like a miner, collected gems of Ural folklore in order to later write a collection of tales of amazing magic, was born in the Urals on January 27, 1879. His father, Pyotr Vasilyevich Bazhev (as their last name was written then) - in the town of Sysert, near Yekaterinburg, worked as a master in the puddling and welding workshop at a mining (metallurgical) plant, and his mother was a famous needlewoman - she wove amazing lace, and, it is necessary to say that her craft was a great help for the whole family.

The family often moved from place to place, from one factory to another, and it was these childhood impressions of the future writer, being the most vivid, that became, in a way, the basis of his work. Unfortunately, heavy financial situation The family did not allow Pavel to study at the gymnasium, therefore it was decided that after three years of study at the zemstvo school, young Bazhov would go to continue his education at the theological school of the city of Yekaterinburg, since the tuition fee there was minimal. In addition, the students of the religious school did not need to buy a uniform and pay for an apartment, since the school itself rented and paid for students' housing.

When Pavel was fourteen, he graduated from college and immediately became a student at the Perm Theological Seminary, where he studied for the next six years. In 1899, after graduating from the seminary, he decided not to continue his education, especially since his choice was small: he could either become a student at the Kiev Theological Academy, or enter one of the three universities open to seminarians (Tomsk, Derpt and Warsaw - all other universities did not accept students who graduated from theological seminaries).

Instead of studying, the young man preferred to be a teacher, teaching Russian in the remote Ural village of Shaydurikha, mostly populated by Old Believers. At the same time, Bazhov traveled a lot in the Urals, collecting folklore, writing down stories of workers. Then he worked at the Yekaterinburg Theological School, after that he taught at the diocesan women's school, where he met his future wife, who at that time was his student - Valentina Alexandrovna Ivannitskaya, with whom he married in 1911.

They had two daughters by the beginning, at the same time the Bazhovs moved to the city of Kamyshev, closer to his wife's relatives, where Pavel Petrovich continued teaching activities. In total, seven children were born in their family.

Pavel Petrovich, deeply worried social inequality reigning in society, accepted the October Revolution and participated in civil war. In 1923, he moved to Yekaterinburg (then already Sverdlovsk), and began to cooperate with the proletarian editorial office of the Peasant Newspaper. He published his first book in 1924, then a collection was published, which includes more than forty stories dedicated to the theme of factory (Ural) folklore. After the release in 1936 of the Ural tale "The Girl of Azovka", Bazhov suddenly gained popularity as a writer.

In the terrible year of 1937, the writer was suddenly expelled from the party, but he managed to avoid the fate of many intelligent people that time - he was never repressed. A year later he was reinstated in the Communist Party, and Pavel Petrovich devoted himself entirely to writing. Mine famous compilation The Malachite Box was published by the Ural writer in 1939, which he supplemented with new tales in 1942. A year later for Ural tales was awarded the State Prize.

Since light hand Bazhov, folkloristics included tales that the writer processed so skillfully that they reflected to some extent not only old Ural legends, but also echoed the ideas of modernity, in other words, they suddenly found themselves out of time. Pavel Petrovich Bazhov died in 1950, on the third of December. Buried in Yekaterinburg.

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