A participant in the battle of psychics has died. Psychics about the mysterious death of Ilona Novoselova - participants in the battle of psychics


New details of the death of a scandalous participant in a reality show have become known, the participants of which demonstrated their supernatural abilities, - Ilona Novoselova.

According to eyewitnesses, shortly before the suicide, the girl bought alcohol in a store, after which she was seen drunk. In addition, the neighbors claim that they heard the clairvoyant swearing with her roommate, and a few minutes later she jumped out of the window.

The outrageous and scandalous witch, who, according to her assurances, came from the other world, was found on the visor of the entrance of an ordinary high-rise building. Here, in the east of Moscow, the sorceress Ilona Novoselova rented an apartment. Together with a young man - supposedly also a magician. She fell out of a 6th floor window. How exactly is a mystery. But even though it happened on the 13th, there is too much everyday reality in the life of a sorceress.

Participant of various shows and television projects, Ilona Novoselova considered herself a black psychic. True, scandals added more darkness to her role. Sharp, talkative, she was happy to spoil everyone. She filmed videos in cemeteries and performed rituals at the graves. Everyone knew: where Ilona is, there is a mystic.

Skeptics exaggerated information about the sex change, found her name in the criminal news bulletins. The superstitious made an appointment for the evil eye, tried to improve their personal lives with the help of Novoselova. She did not leave the TV screens. And there, in the frame, in her own way she knew how to outshine many.

"I am sure that she had a premonition of her death, and I am sure that in the state in which she was, this also had an effect. She had many enemies, and those who wished her death", - says psychic Vlad Kadoni.

A few years ago, the fears of acquaintances were even confirmed. Ilona was kidnapped. The ransom is 7 million rubles. The press again started talking about the witch. The police launched a search and even detained the kidnappers. But then Novoselov was accused of attracting attention on purpose like this. The psychic began to become depressed, she again went into herself. True, not for long.

She talked about death every time she appeared in public. It's like she wasn't really afraid. More than once she threatened to commit suicide in scandals with her mother and a young man. There were also problems with alcohol, which, according to acquaintances, the 29-year-old girl could not solve.

Ilona Novoselova managed to raise a fuss in the press even after her death. The Internet community is divided: some sympathize with the loss, others call her a charlatan and literally wish her to burn in hell.

It is not magicians and psychics who are now investigating the causes, but investigative committee. Before disclosure official version the death of Ilona Novoselova, her colleagues in the magic shop do not undertake to guess.

The stars of the TV show about magicians are being set. The journalists managed to find out that Ilona quarreled with her loved one before the tragedy. This could push Novoselova to lay hands on herself.


According to information from open sources, a spectacular brunette with a husky, low voice was transgender. She was born on November 2, 1987 as a boy, whom his parents named Andrei. Later, he changed gender and became Ilona. At the time of her death, Novoselova was 29 years old.

Ilona fell in love with viewers thanks to her participation in the rating project "Battle of Psychics". The Tenacious Witch was a contestant on the show's sixth and finalist seasons. Novoselova has repeatedly stated that she has the gift of clairvoyance from past life. He will probably go with her to the new one.

The gift of clairvoyance did not save Ilona from misfortune. She became a heroine several times crime chronicle. In 2013, attackers kidnapped a psychic and her transgender fiancé. The criminals demanded a ransom of 7.5 million rubles, keeping them in a house in Sergiev Posad. Later law enforcement arrested the thieves.

To the surprise of the investigators, after their release, it turned out that the abductees, who were identified as men, turned out to be girls. Both Ilona and her companion changed their sex shortly before the incident.

After some time, the unlucky Novoselova was robbed by a gigolo. The intruder she met in social network, stole a cell phone from a clairvoyant with candid shots.

IN real life Ilona positioned herself as a black witch. She dressed appropriately - she has many outfits with magical secret signs and symbols.

Accessories Novoselova loved with frightening deadly paraphernalia. For example, the clairvoyant breathed unevenly towards jewelry with skulls. Friends and fans gave her such amulets for long life and happiness in personal life.

Ilona, ​​like many other women, had a passion for fur coats.

Novoselova loved to demonstrate her slender body, decorated with tattoos, in candid photo shoots.

The finalist of the "Battle of Psychics" was a sociable person and loved to spend her leisure time with friends, which she informed her numerous subscribers on Instagram.

At the age of 27, on her official website, Ilona admitted that she felt like 70. Her gift manifested itself with young years. “From childhood, I described to my mother people whom I had never seen before, as it turned out later they all died before I was born. fell apart). I had a happy childhood," the TV star recalled.

At the age of eight she went to school. “My classmates didn’t accept me, I didn’t understand them and kept myself apart. I couldn’t get along with the teachers either because I didn’t think they were right. In general, from the age of 12 I stopped attending school and began to study at home, more and more and devoting more time to my abilities.At home, I found diaries, or rather excerpts from them, which described the fate of people who turned to my relatives for help and how they helped them (I had a healer in my maternal family, and father is a witch). I realized at the age of 17 that helping people is my calling!!! Maybe someone will laugh at my story, but it doesn’t matter to me. His words are on his shoulders)))))))) Every person has the right to express himself! Novoselova noted in her online confession.

This release again amazed us all. It can be called without the slightest doubt one of the best, most interesting and most unexpected releases of the 18th season of the Battle of Psychics.

So, in the announcement, as we all remember, there was only one test. In the end, there were two of them. In principle, there is nothing unusual in this, because we are close to the final - we need to find out who is stronger. This can only be done through more testing. The second surprise is a guest from the first test. This person turned out to be a participant in the 13th season of the Battle of Psychics Elena Golunova. The third surprise was waiting for us at the end - at the voting.

First test

special guest, Siberian witch, was invited specifically to test the strength of our psychics. This has never happened before on this show. Elena Valerievna Golunova, as a recognized expert in the field of communication with the dead, tried to complicate the test for psychics. She summoned two dead - her grandmother and ex-husband. Before the show, she visited them at the cemetery, about 4 days before the recording. Psychics were closed their eyes and asked to find out who or what was in front of them.

Sonya Egorova was the first. She immediately noted the necrotic energy, as if she were in a graveyard. Death with a scythe - a talisman of the blue one, hung from her neck. Sonya said. That sees death with a scythe. The girl also said that there was definitely a living person in front of her, but she did not understand why there was so much death around her. The medium felt that Elena had recently been to the cemetery, that she was incredibly strong, letting men go, blessing, her spirit was impenetrable. She does not show pain and wounds, although there was a loss in life. She had in mind that same husband, the father of Vlad Kadoni, Elena's son. They shot him.

Jean and Dana Alibekov immediately felt female energy. Immediately after that, Jean said that she was surrounded by the dead. On the right is a man, on the left is a woman. After that, psychics shed light on something very personal from the life of Golunova. Zhani Dana was told that she was abandoned by her parents, picked up like a kitten by her grandmother. The guest was shocked to the core.

Konstantin Getzati was next. Without preparation, he realized that in front of him was a woman, because only a woman can love jewelry like that. “There are two souls here,” said the psychic. Konstantin saw a man, about the same age as himself, and a tiny grandmother who had the same blood as the person in front of him. He said that this person blames himself for the death of her husband, because such was the prophecy. Elena Golunova confirmed this. Elena at one point decided to complicate the test for Konstantin by rearranging the bowls of blood needed to summon the spirits. The spirits changed places, which Konstantin saw.

The real sensation was made by Alexander Kinzhinov. He didn't say enough about Elena, who insisted on changing the terms of Alexander's trial. She said that when a person guesses, he should see the cards himself, so he should be allowed to conduct the test, standing with his back to the source. Alexander unmistakably told all about Elena's immediate past and about her special purchase - about new apartment in Moscow. The most important thing that he felt, or rather, what the cards told him, was that there was a strong witch behind him. He shocked everyone when he guessed her name. It was really, really strong. Elena herself advised Alexander to stop using cards, because they slow him down, interfere with him.

Second test

The investigation into the disappearance of Alina Huseynova, who lived with her mother in her native Dagestan, not far from Makhachkala, reached a dead end, or, more precisely, did not even begin. The girl went out for a walk in the spring of 2017 on Sunday. She did not return home. Naida, her mother, later found out that the girl had gone to Makhachkala. The cameras of one of the shops captured her on video. There was another video. The girl walked near the railway tracks, and then ran, hiding behind the scenes. After 13 days, she was found dead near the tracks, at the factory. She seemed to be sleeping, there were no traces of physical impact on her. The psychics were not told that she had died. They were shown the video and asked to tell the rest to the guests.

Jean and Dana did not make much impression on the guests of the show. They just said. That the girl was afraid to be late somewhere. We saw the plant, that she was climbing somewhere, climbing. The fear of the person was in her head, she was manipulated. It was some man.

Sonya Yegorova immediately said that the girl was dead. She also saw a stone building. She described the abandoned factory, saw sand and pebbles. Three guys were waiting for her, they wanted to scare her. The fact is that the girl was rather unusual in appearance and wore boyish clothes, which attracted the attention of others. When Alina's friend and brother came out to meet Sonya, Sonya immediately drew attention to her friend. She managed to get her to tell the truth - the girl was in love with another girl, which is absolutely not acceptable in Muslim society. Perhaps the three decided to hurt Alina because of her looks.

Alexander Kinzhinov did not answer questions, saying only the most basic, but Konstantin Getzati helped shed light on absolutely everything. Everyone else was right that Alina was killed. It happened in the wrong place, because she was dragged there later to hide. Alina walked straight ahead then turned left towards the sea. It was on another video. Alina's spirit appeared to Constantine. She said that three people approached her on the beach: one was bald and hunched, the second was tall, the third was in a hood. She ran from them. In the end, she was killed. Although they didn't want to. The offenders will be punished, and Konstantin advised the mother to let go of her daughter's soul, because she is in pain, cannot leave because of tears and worries.

Konstantin was recognized as the best at the Voting, which was obvious and predictable, since he really had no equal on this Saturday. But with the question of the losers, difficulties arose. The jury decided to leave everyone in the ranks again. The next issue will definitely be the last one before the big finale.

WE keep guessing who will be chosen as the weakest psychic before the finals, but things can be very unpredictable. Who will leave the project? Brother and sister Alibekovs or Alexander Kinzhinov. Or maybe it will be Sophia at all? Let's hope that the decision of the judges will be honest and fair next week. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

"Battle of Psychics" is one of the most popular programs on domestic television. "White" and "black" magicians of all stripes have been talking with the dead, looking for the missing, learning about the past and the future for several seasons.


Thanks to the project, many seers have become so famous that those who want to come to them remove damage or generational curse no break. But there were also many who paid with their lives for their connection with otherworldly forces. Their deaths are full of secrets and mysticism. Terrible deaths. As if some kind of curse hangs over those who have unique abilities. They seem to be pursued by evil fate.

Here's an example: Season 3 finalist Alexei Fad died of a heart attack on his fiftieth birthday. The tragedy happened in a Turkish resort, where the whole family of the Zaporizhzhya sorcerer was resting. Doctors fought for his life for a long time, but could not save him.

Many viewers saw in the death of Aleksey Fad an ominous sign - he left this world on his fifth anniversary. Perhaps he became a victim of other sorcerers, with whom he was a tangible competition. His son Roman Fad (he also took part in the project) said that, flying away on vacation, his father seemed to say goodbye. However, the magician, apparently, could not change his fate.

Alexander (Albert) Agapit from Chuvashia, who shone in the 4th season, tragically died in a car accident. His car went off the road and crashed into a pole. Most likely, the psychic just fell asleep at the wheel - everything happened late at night. At one time he predicted the death of Boris Nemtsov, but he failed to predict his own death. “One day it will seem to you that I have left, but it will only seem to you,” Agapit, who was called the “king of psychics,” once said.

Tenth generation clairvoyant hereditary sorcerer Yuri Isparyants - a participant in the 9th season - was distinguished by his enormous growth and good health. But he died suddenly at the age of 35 - from a cerebral hemorrhage. He possessed the rarest gift of exorcism - he cast out demons and other supernatural beings from the possessed with the help of prayers. Perhaps the demons took revenge on him ...

Well, yesterday, at the thirtieth year of her life, the finalist of the "Battle of Psychics" Ilona Novoselova died - she fell from the sixth floor in a house on the Enthusiasts Highway. Presumably, this happened after a quarrel with her boyfriend Artem, who wears speaking surname Demons. Although there is an opinion that envious sorcerers, with whom Ilona competed on a television project, could remove her.

Finalist of the seventh season of the Battle of Psychics: 30-year-old Ilona Novoselova fell from the balcony of the sixth floor. The girl's mother and boyfriend were also in the apartment.


September 16 on TNT channel special issue transmission “Psychics are investigating. Battle of the strongest”, dedicated to Ilona. On the air of the show, relatives and colleagues told what a witch was on the set of "Battle" and in ordinary life.



Many are sure that Novoselova had a presentiment that she would die soon. “I want to live more. I have very little to live, ”Ilona said casually on the set of one of the latest releases of“ Battle of the Strongest ”. “There was a moment when we talked with Ilona. She said she had a bad feeling that she didn't have much time left. This was two months before the tragedy. I then told her not to think about it and not to attract bad things. She replied that she no longer had a choice, ”said Alexander Sheps, the winner of the 14th season of the Battle of Psychics, who, according to rumors, once had an affair with Novoselova.


“She was obsessed, not afraid of death. She lost her sense of fear. She had a short age, because she gave a lot of energy to the black forces. She became a slave to these forces. These forces, it seems to me, destroyed it,” Kazhetta Akhmetzhanova, a participant in the Battle, expressed her opinion.

Beloved Ilona Artem said that they were going on vacation to Spain together. Novoselova's nervous breakdowns became more frequent, and she simply needed a vacation. “Twisted a lot. I created problems for myself and in this state I was aggressive, ”Artem shared. Close couples said that passions were in full swing in the relationship of lovers: they either quarreled and dispersed, then reconciled again. Novoselova was afraid that Artem would leave her.

IN Lately Ilona increasingly began to play games with death for show. “She got up on the windowsill and opened the window. We filmed it and asked not to do that, ”said Novoselova’s mother.

On that fateful day, Ilona felt from the very morning that something was about to happen. “In the morning I woke up and said that her soul hurts. Ilona called her mother, said that she felt bad. She walked around the apartment, yelling at me. I approached, tried to calm, hug. She pushes, then presses. Then it pushes back again. This was some kind of agony, ”said Artem.


After a quarrel, the young man packed his bags. Ilona was furious and climbed onto the windowsill again. “She always knew that I would come up and take her off,” Artem said. The witch's boyfriend took her off the balcony, but she didn't let up. Novoselova's mother was also in the apartment, who asked her to calm down. “I saw that she was going to the balcony again. I say: “Ilonochka, well, that’s enough already, that’s enough!” I looked around, Artem was standing next to me, ”shared Ilona’s mother. The next second, Novoselova's family heard a scream outside the window.

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