Created a monument to the Duke of Richelieu crossword puzzle. Resignation for unauthorized fire extinguishing


On the calendar June 11, 1970. At the pier of the Odessa Marine Station
moored white Cruise liner - motor ship "Adriana".

The command "Rise" sounds on the ship's radio, and a cheerful
marching music. Exercise, morning toilet, and everyone leaves their cabins.
Without agreeing, the whole group rises to the upper open decks and
bow of the ship. The motor ship nestled with its left side against the pier of the Marine

Ahead opens the panorama of the Seaport, the Potemkin stairs,
Primorsky Boulevard, and Duc de Richelieu standing on it facing the sea, or
just Duke.

The air temperature is +25 degrees, the same is overboard in the water in the area
Marine station. A weak breeze is blowing. The mood of all tourists is great!
Nobody stayed in the cabins. Everyone shares yesterday's viewing experience
news on local television about filming on the Potemkin Stairs. All
filming participants - tourists from the Urals, saw themselves in this unique story,
guaranteeing entry into the Guinness Book of Records.

Tourists are looking forward to the announcement. Finally, the first shift was invited
for breakfast. The guys run noisily into the dining room, and immediately get in line
to the Swedish table. Here you can choose any salad with any seasoning,
meat and sausage cuts, fruits, pastries and dessert for tea.

Later, the guys had enough of what was at the table, but in the early days of the Cruise
- Everyone attended the "Swedish" table.

Gradually, everyone took their seats. At this time in the dining room
Frida Markovna (Frida) entered. And again in a different outfit. Simply - do not know!
Yesterday she looked like an intelligent foreigner or an elegant journalist,
speaking in different languages. Today - this is a tanned, fit athlete,
in tight slim figure T-shirt and tight black trousers. Eyes covered
large beautiful dark chameleon glasses. On the head - branded cap
white with a black band, with a "crab" and gold embossing "Odessa".

I greeted everyone with a smile, and the group proceeded to breakfast. After
breakfast, Frida came up to me, briefly outlined today's plan, and quickly
left the hall.

I informed everyone about the meeting with Frida in half an hour on the pier at the gangway
ship. There was no more fuss, haste ... Everyone calmly went to their own
cabins, and at exactly 10:00 a group in in full force stood on the pier of the Marine
station. Frida was the last to go down the ladder from the ship. Walked slowly like
along the podium.

Later, her girls will bombard her with questions: how can you transform like that and
look so cool. The newlyweds gave her the first compliment, which caused
the corresponding reaction of his young wife.

So, what do we have, - our Frida began the tour, - our first stop is
at the bronze Duke on Primorsky Boulevard. You can see it from the pier. See how he
waving us a scroll in his hand? Calling... Let's go!

You still need to go back to these 192 steps, Schaub to say hello to him. A,
I'm asking you right now: how was TV yesterday? Did you find yourself? Then -

If someone cannot go so high up the stairs, then go to the funicular. He
raises in one minute, but then you won’t hear me at all and you won’t see me
souvenir ruins on the landings of the stairs. Are there any weak? Do not be shy.
I, personally, if it weren’t for you, went up in a trailer, Schaub I lived like that!

Wishing - was not. No one wanted to appear weak and infirm.
“The weather is such, it’s just a gorgeous view,” Frida said dreamily.

The group moved along the bridge to Primorskaya Street, where the
The Potemkin Stairs. Here we were yesterday on the set of TV. joke, with
small stops, everyone safely climbed Primorsky Boulevard and
gathered at the bronze Duke.

While climbing the Potemkin stairs, Frida talked about Odessa,
acquainted with its districts and outskirts: Moldavanka, fountain, Slobodka, Zastava and
Lenposelok, Admiralsky Prospekt, the villages of Bolshevik, Shevchenko, Kotovsky.
Khadzhibey area, Peresyp, Sakhalinchik microdistrict, Arcadia and Luzanovka beaches,
Nerubai catacombs, distant mills...

Here, we have come, - continued Frida, - Sea port, Marine Station and
Potemkin Stairs - you have already seen, like Primorsky Boulevard, on
which we are now standing near our native Duke.

Everyone listen here. In 1803, Armand Emmanuel du Plessis (Duke De
Richelieu) became the governor-general of Odessa. Under him, the city became a bistro
develop into a major trading port. The inhabitants called it "Our Duke" and
considered him the founder of Odessa, although Odessa was already eight years old. Taki sho
It happened? Schaub, he beat everyone healthy, but Duke died.

After his death, the Count of Longeron appealed to the people to begin
still raising funds for the construction of the monument to Richelieu.

In May 1823, he took over the post of Novorossiysk Governor-General,
Count M.S. Vorontsov ordered a monument famous sculptor M.P. Mortau (author
monument to Minin and Pozharsky sho in Moscow).

The statue is cast in bronze. Duke stands with a scroll in his hand, around the monument
three brass bas-reliefs, symbolizing: agriculture, trade and justice.
April 22, 1828 monument to (Duc) Armand Emmanuel Sophia-Sentimani de Plessis
Richelieu - beat open. This is the very first monument in the history of Odessa.

Duke de Richelieu participated in the assault on Ishmael. When the Bourbons took back
throne, Duke left for France (his homeland), where he became prime minister
government of Louis XVIII. He died on May 16, 1822 in Paris, not yet old.
You are interested in knowing how old it was - 65.

On the monument to our Duke Richelieu is written: To the Manager from 1803 to 1814
Novorossiysk Territory and the founder of Odessa. The monument is symbolically facing
to sea. Ahead is the Potemkin Stairs leading to the Marine Station and the sea,
behind - Ekaterininskaya Square.

At this time, the instructor of the RK CPSU ("district committee") bought flowers and silently laid
them to the foot of the monument to Duke. - Well, what a fine fellow, how I don’t know, -
Frida broke into a grateful smile and shook hands with the "district committee" - vis sho, his
did you know? You mean read? He, like the rest of Odessa, thank you!

I walked away from the group and sat down on the parapet, my legs were buzzing from the stairs.
- Well, you’re sitting there, as if rooted to the spot, Yuri, - Frida does not calm down, - the people
misses the Vorontsov Palace.
- Fira, my legs have recovered, - the leader joked in tone with the guide.

We finished with Duke in an hour and a half, - continued Frida, - I have a sho to you
say - I plan today before lunch - Dumskaya Square with the Mayor's Office and Pushkin
and the Vorontsov Palace. Why not? Well, how are you? Can we do it? After lunch, the beach!

Everyone applauded ... We will master, Frida, we will master! The group went up
Primorsky Boulevard towards Dumskaya Square and the monument to A.S. Pushkin.

(Coming soon. Continue reading Part 10).

Located on Primorskaya Street, right above the Potemkin Stairs. The Duke extends his hand in greeting.

Historical reference

Duc de Richelieu was a descendant of the famous Cardinal De Richelieu. Because of the Great french revolution immigrated to Russia, where he distinguished himself in the capture of Ishmael. After some time, he received the post of Governor-General of Odessa.

He later succeeded Talleyrand as Prime Minister of France. At the end of his term in office, the duke decided to return to Odessa, but did not have time. He died in 1822 at the age of 56 in Paris from a cerebral hemorrhage.

Upon learning of the death of Richelieu, Count Lanzheron appealed to the population to start raising funds for the construction of the monument. In 1823, the new Governor-General, Count M. S. Vorontsov ordered a monument to the famous sculptor I. P. Martos. The monument was laid on June 30, 1827. The sculpture and high reliefs were cast in bronze by the foundry master V.P. Ekimov in St. Petersburg. The pedestal of the outstanding St. Petersburg architect A. I. Melnikov and architect F. K. Boffo.


At the base of the monument there are three bas-reliefs depicting ancient greek goddesses symbolizing agriculture, judicial system(justice) and trade. Interestingly, the goddess of justice is depicted with open eyes which is different from the traditional image.

The installation of the monument was supervised by the architect F.K. Boffo. The opening of the monument took place on April 22, 1828.

Richelieu is still remembered in Odessa as a talented mayor. He is one of the most respected historical figures in Odessa.

Interesting Facts

During the Crimean War, the Anglo-French squadron bombed Odessa. One of the cannonballs damaged the pedestal of the monument, and after the war, a cast-iron patch with a stylized cannonball was installed at the site of the damage. It is believed that the reason for installing a cannonball on the monument is to emphasize: "the French are shelling the monument to their former prime minister."

Brass bas-reliefs are especially popular with residents of Odessa and guests of this city. So, it is believed that the one who kisses the bag of the god of trade will be rich. Whoever kisses the breasts of the goddess of justice will be healthy in sexual life, and the one who takes the hand of the goddess of agriculture will be happy. These parts of the bas-reliefs are always polished by human hands.

Odessans say: “Look at Duke from the second hatch” or “Look at Duke from the hatch” - if you look at the monument from the water hatch to the left of it, then the scroll and folds of Duke’s clothes are extremely similar to male genitalia.


Monument to Duke de Richelieu Monument to Duke de Richelieu goddess of justice
Monument to Duke de Richelieu in Odessa(also known as a monument to the duke, Richelieu, duke, bronze duke) - a bronze monument in full height, dedicated to Armand Emmanuel du Plessis, Duke de Richelieu, opened in 1828. The first monument erected in Odessa.


History of creation

Having received the sad news from Paris about the death of Richelieu, Count Lanzheron appealed to the population to start raising funds for the construction of the monument. Count M. S. Vorontsov, who took up the post of Novorossiysk Governor-General in May 1823, ordered a monument to the famous sculptor I. P. Martos. He became one of the last creations of this outstanding Russian master.
The monument is a bronze statue of Richelieu in a Roman toga with a scroll in his hand and three brass high reliefs, symbolizing agriculture, trade and justice. It was founded on June 30. The sculpture and high reliefs were cast in bronze by the foundry master V.P. Ekimov in St. Petersburg. The pedestal of the outstanding St. Petersburg architect A. I. Melnikov and the architect F. K. Boffo. The monument in the style of classicism is a bronze statue of A.-E. Richelieu. The size of the figure is slightly larger than natural. A square pedestal with a cornice made of pink polished granite from the bank of the Southern Bug River (near Voznesensk), donated by the Kherson landowner Skaroninsky, finished by master P. Dzherari. The base of the pedestal is a stylobate in the form of a truncated pyramid made of local limestone with four granite steps.

Slabs and high reliefs are installed on the sides of the pedestal in rectangular niches. On the front there is a gilded brass plate with the inscription:


On three sides there are bronze high-relief images symbolizing trade, justice and agriculture.

The installation of the monument was supervised by the architect F. K. Boffo.

The opening of the bronze monument to Duke took place on April 22, 1828.

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Damage during the Crimean War

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An excerpt characterizing the Monument de Richelieu

“And here she is, the Queen of Petersburg, Countess Bezukhaya,” she said, pointing to Helen entering.
- How good! Will not yield to Marya Antonovna; see how both young and old follow her. And good, and smart ... They say the prince ... crazy about her. But these two, although not good, are even more surrounded.
She pointed to a lady passing through the hall with a very ugly daughter.
“This is a millionaire bride,” said Peronskaya. And here are the grooms.
“This is Bezukhova’s brother, Anatole Kuragin,” she said, pointing to the handsome cavalry guard, who walked past them, looking somewhere from the height of his raised head over the ladies. - How good! is not it? They say they will marry him to this rich woman. .And your sousin, Drubetskoy, is also very entangled. They say millions. “Well, it’s the French envoy himself,” she answered about Caulaincourt when asked by the countess who it was. “Look like some kind of king. And yet the French are very, very nice. There is no mile for society. And here she is! No, everything is better than all our Marya Antonovna! And how simply dressed. Charm! “And this one, fat, with glasses, is a worldwide freemason,” said Peronskaya, pointing to Bezukhov. - With his wife, then put him next to him: then that jester of peas!
Pierre walked, waddling his fat body, pushing the crowd apart, nodding right and left as casually and good-naturedly as if he were walking through the crowd of a bazaar. He moved through the crowd, apparently looking for someone.
Natasha looked with joy at the familiar face of Pierre, that pea jester, as Peronskaya called him, and knew that Pierre was looking for them, and especially for her, in the crowd. Pierre promised her to be at the ball and introduce her to the gentlemen.
But, before reaching them, Bezukhoy stopped beside a short, very handsome brunette in a white uniform, who, standing at the window, was talking to some tall man in stars and ribbon. Natasha immediately recognized the short young man in a white uniform: it was Bolkonsky, who seemed to her very rejuvenated, cheerful and prettier.
- Here's another friend, Bolkonsky, see, mom? - said Natasha, pointing to Prince Andrei. - Remember, he spent the night with us in Otradnoye.
– Oh, you know him? Peronskaya said. - Hate. Il fait a present la pluie et le beau temps. [It now determines rainy or fine weather. (French proverb, meaning that he is successful.)] And such pride that there are no borders! I followed papa. And he contacted Speransky, some projects are being written. See how the ladies are treated! She's talking to him, and he's turned away,” she said, pointing at him. “I would beat him up if he did the same to me as he did to these ladies.

Suddenly everything stirred, the crowd began to talk, moved, parted again, and between the two parted rows, at the sound of music playing, the sovereign entered. Behind him were the owner and mistress. The emperor walked quickly, bowing to the right and left, as if trying to get rid of this first minute of the meeting as soon as possible. The musicians played Polish, known then for the words composed on it. These words began: “Alexander, Elizabeth, you delight us ...” The sovereign went into the living room, the crowd rushed to the doors; several faces with changed expressions hurried back and forth. The crowd again retreated from the doors of the drawing room, in which the sovereign appeared, talking with the hostess. Some young man with a confused look was advancing on the ladies, asking them to step aside. Some ladies with faces expressing complete forgetfulness of all the conditions of the world, spoiling their toilets, crowded forward. Men began to approach the ladies and line up in Polish pairs.
Everything parted, and the emperor, smiling and out of time leading the mistress of the house by the hand, went out of the doors of the drawing room. He was followed by the owner with M.A. Naryshkina, then envoys, ministers, various generals, whom Peronskaya called incessantly. More than half of the ladies had cavaliers and were walking or preparing to go to Polskaya. Natasha felt that she remained with her mother and Sonya among the smaller part of the ladies pushed back to the wall and not taken in Polskaya. She stood with her slender arms lowered, and with a measuredly rising, slightly defined chest, holding her breath, with shining, frightened eyes, looked in front of her, with an expression of readiness for the greatest joy and at greatest grief. She was not interested in either the sovereign or all the important persons that Peronskaya pointed out - she had one thought: “is it really that no one will come up to me, is it really that I will not dance between the first, is it possible that all these men who now, it seems that they don’t see me, but if they look at me, they look with such an expression, as if they say: Ah! it's not her, so there's nothing to see. No, it can't be!" she thought. “They must know how I want to dance, how well I dance, and how fun it will be for them to dance with me.”
The sounds of Polish, which had gone on for quite some time, were already beginning to sound sad, a memory in Natasha's ears. She wanted to cry. Peronskaya moved away from them. The count was at the other end of the hall, the countess, Sonya and she stood alone as if in a forest in this alien crowd, uninteresting and unnecessary to anyone. Prince Andrei walked past them with some lady, apparently not recognizing them. The handsome Anatole, smiling, said something to the lady he was leading, and looked at Natasha's face with the look with which they look at the walls. Boris walked past them twice and each time turned away. Berg and his wife, who were not dancing, approached them.
This family rapprochement here, at the ball, seemed insulting to Natasha, as if there was no other place for family conversations except at the ball. She did not listen and did not look at Vera, who was saying something to her about her green dress.
Finally, the sovereign stopped beside his last lady (he was dancing with three), the music stopped; the preoccupied adjutant ran up to the Rostovs, asking them to move somewhere else, although they were standing against the wall, and the distinct, cautious and fascinatingly measured sounds of a waltz rang out from the choir. The emperor looked at the hall with a smile. A minute passed and no one started yet. The adjutant manager approached Countess Bezukhova and invited her. She raised her hand, smiling, and laid it, without looking at him, on the adjutant's shoulder. The adjutant steward, a master of his craft, confidently, slowly and measuredly, hugging his lady tightly, set off with her first on the glide path, along the edge of the circle, at the corner of the hall picked her up left hand, turned it, and because of the ever-accelerating sounds of music, only the measured clicks of the spurs of the adjutant's quick and dexterous legs were heard, and every three beats at the turn, the velvet dress of his lady flashed, as it were, fluttering. Natasha looked at them and was ready to cry that it was not she who was dancing this first round of the waltz.

Monument to Duke de Richelieu (Odessa, Ukraine) - description, history, location, reviews, photo and video.

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This monument is business card cities. Every inhabitant of Odessa is proud of the Frenchman, who has done much more for Odessa than any Ukrainian ruler or official. The list of his merits goes on for volumes.

After the death of Richelieu, twice Prime Minister of France, money for his monument was collected by the whole city. The sculpture was cast in bronze and installed in Odessa in April 1828.

By the way, the French also participated in the creation of the monument, albeit indirectly. During the shelling of the city by the Anglo-French squadron in the period Crimean War the ball damaged the bas-relief on the plinth. Subsequently, this core was built into the pedestal.

"Ask "Duke"" - this is how the inhabitants of Odessa answer a very difficult question. On April Fool's Day, a peakless cap and a clown wig are put on the monument, and during the Jazz Festival, the Duke of Richelieu is made up as Duke Ellington.

Odessans also often say "Look at Duke from the second hatch" or "Look at Duke from the hatch." If you do as the locals advise, that is, look at the monument from the plumbing manhole to the left of it, then the scroll and folds of Duke's clothes will become extremely similar to male genitalia. Igor Gankevich in the song “Walk in Odessa” even has a couple of stanzas: “Smiling at Duke, I walk along the boulevard; I don’t look at him from the second hatch ... "

Address: Odessa, Primorsky Boulevard.

The monument to Duke in Odessa is one of the most popular symbols cities. This amazing monument is dedicated to the most famous local mayor and is surrounded by many legends and interesting beliefs.

Duke de Richelieu - the legendary founder of Odessa

Duc de Richlier ( full name- Armand Emanuel du Plessis Richelieu), in whose honor the monument was erected, is a descendant of the eminent Cardinal Richelieu, who played important role in Russian politics and history. He was a philanthropist, talented, purposeful and an educated person, had excellent organizational skills and was distinguished by tireless perseverance. In 1803, Duc de Richelieu became the first manager of the city of Odessa. Since then, the inhabitants of Odessa call him the founder of their native city.

Under the clear leadership of Duke De Richelieu, Odessa acquired the authority of the most picturesque European city and emerged as the largest commercial port. Under his leadership, as a mayor, Odessa really flourished, like Cultural Center. Prestigious educational institutions and many other structures were built in it. Duke was respected and loved by all Odessans. Under him, the population of the city increased by 4 times.

In Odessa, Duc de Richelieu successfully ruled for eleven years, after which he left for permanent place residence in France, where he was entrusted with the post of prime minister. He noted more than once that it was in sunny Odessa that his brightest and most happy years. Duke even wanted to return to his beloved city again, but at the age of 56 he died suddenly from a cerebral hemorrhage.

The history of the creation of the monument

After the death of Duke de Richelieu, his close friend Lanzheron decided to erect a memorial monument to his friend, organizing a fundraiser for its creation. Almost every citizen made his contribution to the future creation. After all, Duke was loved by both wealthy people and simple hard workers. The project of the monument was commissioned from the sculptor I.P. Martos, who was famous for the monument dedicated to Pozharsky and Minin. The monument to Duke in Odessa was the last masterpiece of this outstanding master.

The monument is a bronze statue depicting the figure of the Duke, dressed in a Roman toga. According to the explanations of the author of the sculpture, the duke is shown at the moment when he is walking in order to convey the dynamism of Richelieu's temper. The monument is decorated with three brass bas-reliefs, which symbolize Duke's grandiose contributions to the formation and development of Odessa - "trade", "justice" and "agriculture".

The grand opening of this majestic monument took place with a huge crowd of people in 1828. The monument was surrounded by flags different nationalities to remind you of international significance port of Odessa, which was founded by Richelieu. In addition, a festive liturgy was held in the picturesque Cathedral of the Transfiguration.

Interesting fact

Surprising rumors circulate among the inhabitants of Odessa, as if looking at the monument to Duke from the water manhole, located on the left side of it, you can see the male organs. This is how the folds of the duke's clothes and the scroll look from this angle. Don't believe? You can see for yourself!

Monument to Duke today

The vicinity of the monument to Duke has been informally considered for many years as the main venue for the magnificent Odessa festival "Humorina". During the holiday, a huge number of city residents and tourists gather at the foot of the monument. The most cheerful Odessans paint the monument in different colors, giving it a special charm and a comic look.

The monument to Duke is surrounded by many legends and interesting beliefs. For example, in the last century school graduates asked him for support on the eve of exams. There is also a legend that one who touches the bas-relief symbolizing trade (a bag of money) will surely gain success and financial well-being.

Many songs and poems are dedicated to this delightful symbol of Odessa. It is deservedly considered a valuable talisman of the city and its colorful calling card.

How to get there

The monument to Duke in Odessa is located on the famous territory where in the old days there was a fortress called Khadzhibey. In front of the monument, there is a wonderful view of another local attraction - the Potemkin Stairs, which leads to. Bronze Duke invariably welcomes guests of Odessa, blessing them for a happy holiday and a bright future!

Important information

Address: city ​​of Odessa, Primorsky Boulevard, 7-8.

Where to eat: on Primorsky Boulevard, where the monument to Duke is located, there are many cafes and restaurants. For example, a restaurant "London" or restaurant "Boulevard" .

Where to stay: It would be most convenient to stay at one located nearby. Among them, a hotel with rooms from 360 hryvnia and a hostel with a cost of 79 hryvnia.

If you are going to Odessa, you will definitely see the monument to Duke. It is impossible to stroll through the sights of Odessa and not stop at this amazing creation. Let sunny Odessa and its hospitable and positive people give you the most pleasant impressions and bright emotions!

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