Hide from the world: how to organize a place for solitude. A place for solitude


Seclusion place:
history of the Hermitage

If you have not been to the Hermitage, you have not been to St. Petersburg - perhaps any resident of the Russian cultural capital. Located in the heart of St. Petersburg, on Palace Square, State Hermitage invariably attracts tourists from Russia and the world.

About three million exhibits, about three million visitors a year. Diletant.ru decided to recall the story of one of famous museums Russia.

a place of solitude

It is believed that the Hermitage was founded in 1764 as a personal collection of Catherine II. That year she received about 300 paintings from Berlin. famous artists such as Rembrandt, Rubens, Jordaens, van Dyck, van Balen and others. These were mainly works of the Dutch-Flemish school from the personal collections of Johan Ernst Gotzkovsky, who thus paid his debt to Prince Vladimir Sergeevich Dolgorukov.

It is believed that the Hermitage was founded in 1764
as a personal collection of Catherine II

Today, of these three hundred paintings, about a hundred are kept in the Hermitage. Translated from French, "hermitage" means "place of solitude." Now, of course, it has ceased to be such - try to retire among the flow of enthusiastic tourists! But at first the name corresponded to the content - the collection of paintings was kept in the Small Hermitage and only a select circle of Catherine's close associates could look at it.

From the initial three hundred paintings
transferred Catherine II,
The Hermitage today houses about a hundred

The building of the small Hermitage today

The legacy of Catherine II - about 4000 paintings

Gradually, Catherine acquired more and more canvases for her collection. Some of them (about 600 paintings) were bought in Dresden, which made up the collection of Count Brühl. Then, in 1772, in Paris, the Hermitage collection was replenished with the collection of Baron Crozat, which was dominated by paintings by French, Italian, Dutch and Flemish masters.

So the works of Raphael, Titian, Rembrandt, Rubens, Van Dyck and Poussin got into the "place of solitude". Several paintings by Van Dyck and Poussin were purchased from British Prime Minister Walpole.

In 1796 Catherine left
inherited about 4000 paintings

Several thousand drawings from the Konzebl collection were bought in Brussels. Some antique sculptures and the busts were given to the Hermitage by the English banker Lyde-Brown, thanks to whom the museum receives Michelangelo's famous sculpture The Crouching Boy. At the same time, Catherine acquired not only paintings, but also books. For example, a well-known admirer of Voltaire and Diderot, she bought their libraries.

In 1796, Catherine left about 4,000 paintings as a legacy. Her collection was so large that in 1771 the construction of the Great Hermitage began, which could accommodate a huge collection of works of art.

Sculpture by Michelangelo "Crouching Boy"

The famous grandchildren of the famous grandmother

The son of Catherine II, Paul I, was not an art lover, but her grandchildren, Alexander I and Nicholas I, continued the work of their famous grandmother. They somewhat changed the strategy of replenishing the collection - instead of buying entire collections, they began to buy individual paintings by those artists that the Hermitage could not yet boast of.

It was Alexander I and Nicholas I
began to fill the Hermitage
individual paintings by artists

This is how the famous Caravaggio's Lute Player and Botticelli's Adoration of the Magi were acquired. In 1852, Nicholas I opened the museum to the general public, and he also bought Raphael's painting Madonna Alba, which, unfortunately, was sold by the Soviet authorities in 1931 to Washington, where it is now stored.

Alba Madonna by Raphael

Works of Russian painters
began to be bought by the Hermitage
only in large quantities
in the second half of the 19th century.

This happened thanks to Andrei Ivanovich Somov, who was the senior curator of the Hermitage. True, then part of the works of Russian artists was transferred to the Russian Museum. At the same time, some paintings that emperors bought as works by Raphael or Leonardo da Vinci were identified by art historians as the work of their students.

Life after the Revolution

The post-revolutionary period is an ambiguous period in the history of the Hermitage. On the one hand, the museum received the nationalized collections of the Academy of Arts, thanks to which the Hermitage was enriched with paintings by Botticelli, Correggio, Rembrandt, Delacroix. The museum received some interior items from Winter Palace, as well as the treasures of the Great Mongols. In 1948, the Museum of the New Western art, and the works of the Impressionists - Cezanne, Van Gogh, Matisse, Picasso - end up in the Hermitage.

Painting by Matisse "Dance", exhibited in the Hermitage

On the other hand, the museum suffered huge losses. The Diamond Room of the Winter Palace was moved to Moscow, where it served as the basis for the Diamond Fund. Part of the paintings of old masters was transferred to the Moscow Museum fine arts. In 1929-1934, 48 masterpieces of painting left Russia forever due to sales organized by the Soviet authorities. Among them were works by Rubens, Botticelli, Hals, as well as the only Hermitage painting by Van Eyck.

In 1929-1934
48 masterpieces of painting left Russia forever
because of the sales arranged by the Soviet government

trophy art

As you know, during the war, about two million exhibits of the Hermitage were evacuated to the Urals, and the basements of the building itself were turned into bomb shelters. Fortunately, with the end of the war, all the exhibits returned to the museum, and only some of them required restoration.

At the same time, the Hermitage collection was replenished with the so-called trophy art - the cultural values ​​​​of Germany and its former military allies, which acted as restitution, that is, compensation for cultural values destroyed and looted during the war.

Then the Pergamon altar was transferred to the Hermitage, some exhibits Egyptian Museum, as well as the famous Sistine Madonna» Raphael. In 1958 Soviet authorities brought it back to Berlin.

Pergamon Altar, now located in Berlin, in the Pergamon Museum

After the fall " iron curtain"It turned out that the Hermitage's vaults contain "trophy" works of the Impressionists and Neo-Impressionists, including paintings by Daumier, Manet, Seurat and Toulouse-Lautrec. In 2006, a scandal erupted in the museum - it turned out that one of the museum employees, together with her relatives, took out about 200 small exhibits from the museum, but not all of them were returned.

Hermitage complex

The State Hermitage is not one building, but a whole museum complex from five buildings. The most famous of them, of course, is the Winter Palace, located on Palace Square. Built under the guidance of the Italian architect Rastrelli between 1754 and 1762, the palace is a masterpiece of Elizabethan Baroque architecture.

The State Hermitage is
a whole museum complex of five buildings,
the most famous of which
Winter Palace

Adjacent to it are the Small Hermitage, the Large Hermitage and New Hermitage, as well as the Hermitage Theatre, built on the site of the former Winter Palace of Peter the Great, designed by the architect Quarenghi. In addition, the Hermitage owns the Menshikov Palace, the Eastern Wing of the General Staff Building, the Museum of the Imperial Porcelain Factory and the Old Village Restoration and Storage Center.

Each of us needs time alone with ourselves - some more, some less. In this article, we will look at different variants: from a separate house in the mountains to a secluded corner in an ordinary apartment.

dream house

If fatigue comes not just from communication, but in general from the turmoil of life, crowds around and life obligations, you want to leave as far as possible and for a long time. A small house with everything you need, but no frills, away from busy places - the best option for a restorative vacation in this case. The perfect place for such a house, everyone has his own: on the ocean (or even right on the water), in the middle of the forest, in the mountains. Fresh air, beautiful nature and silence - this is what you are inexorably drawn to when fatigue has piled on.


Go to the sea (or at least to the lake) - it is guaranteed to close yourself from unwanted contacts. Plus, the water surface, the distant horizon and swaying on the waves contribute to mental relaxation. Unfortunately, the option is summer or for evergreen countries.

Country house

For many city dwellers, a dacha becomes a kind of lair. The farther from the city, the usually quieter and fresher, but close proximity has its own charm - the ability to break loose and go to rest at any moment. If there is not enough money for your own dacha yet, then even a plot with a very small house, the design of which we often share, or even a tent can be good option for summer.

Trailer or big car

If for rest you need not only loneliness, but also a constant change of environment - a long trip by car will be most welcome. Best of all, if you can sleep right in it, to be free to stop where you want - a trailer or a car that can comfortably accommodate is suitable for this.


If a hot shower and a soft bed are not mandatory conditions for you, then hiking alone with a tent will be a great reboot. The tent can also be placed on suburban area to isolate themselves from society.

Tree house

This shelter is usually built for children, but many adults will also like it. If you live outside the city or a whole company went with you to the dacha, but you want to retire - these are very pleasant conditions. If you stock up on knowledge, tools and patience, you can build a treehouse yourself. Materials to help: and. It can be replaced by a gazebo overgrown with ivy, remote from the house.


And in the very country house you can organize a lounge area for yourself, the attic is suitable for this the best way. Look at examples of cozy lofts or decorate the space to your liking, providing everything you need for a relaxing holiday.

Nooks and crannies in the apartment

If you do not take into account the bathroom, which is not always possible to occupy for a long time, you can organize a pleasant place for privacy in the apartment. It could be Personal Area, an insulated balcony, a soft window sill, a loft bed or even a closet in which you can put a small workplace or a reading couch. All sorts of niches are especially cozy, so that there are three walls around.

Various screens and curtains also help to feel fenced off from the rest of the world. You can even make a tent out of fabric and climb into it, and cover the bed with a canopy. Most importantly, warn your family that you need some time for yourself - this is a normal need.

“The smaller the house, the details are more important”, - it was this expression that guided the girl who decided to build a small but cozy holiday house for herself. She called two friends to help her, and after six months she received a wonderful dwelling with an area of ​​​​only 15.6 square meters. meters.

Rebecca Grim is a yoga instructor by profession. More recently, she wished to have a place in which she could find peace of mind. That is why the girl thought about a small house in the forest. She designed a home called Keva Tiny House, located on Salt Spring Island. Rebecca turned to her carpenter friend Rudy Hexler and his apprentice Lenny for help. Six months later, the house was ready.

Keva Tiny House. Living room.

The area of ​​​​living space is only 15.6 square meters. Natural wood finishes create a very warm atmosphere in Keva Tiny House. The house has a place for cooking, and a living room with a stove, and the bed is a higher level.

Keva Tiny House. A place to sleep.

The wooden decking on the porch is slightly curved. It is partially covered with a Plexiglas canopy. So it will be possible to hide from the rain, and at the same time the sun's rays will be able to freely penetrate through the transparent surface, allowing the hostess to meditate carelessly.

The cost of such a house was 38,500 US dollars. Rebecca claims that the social program for those with small homes allows her to save a lot on land taxes, parking, and utilities.

From remote plateaus to South America to the isolated arctic tundra - in front of you are 25 places where you can retire away from people and problems:

25. Halstatt, Austria

This small mining village of only a thousand people is located in an isolated area, on the shores of a high-lying alpine lake.

24. Cape York Peninsula, Australia

The peninsula is one of the largest areas of undeveloped land in the world, and only one dirt road leads here.

23. Pitcairn Island

This ultra-remote island is located thousands of kilometers from virtually any significant piece of land. Only 50 people live on the island, and ships sail here every few months.

22. Supai, Arizona

This town is located at the bottom of the Grand Canyon (Grand Canyon) and it is so difficult to get to it that the mail is still brought by mule.

21. Koryak autonomous region, Siberia

The area is so sparsely populated that when an earthquake of magnitude 7.7 on the Richter scale hit in 2006, there were no casualties among the population.

20. Chang Tang, Tibet

When the Swedish explorer crossed this plateau, he said that he had not met a single person for two months.

19. Socotra Island

Despite the fact that on this moment this island is not as isolated as other places on this list, its historical isolation has led to the emergence of unusual plants and animal species.

18. Oymyakon, Siberia

This small Siberian village holds the record for the coldest permanently inhabited place on Earth, at -69.2°C.

17. Fjords on Baffin Island

Canada's largest island has more glaciers than inhabitants.

16. Tristan da Cunha, South Atlantic Ocean

This place is considered the most physically remote place in the world, and you will only have a few hundred neighbors on the South Atlantic island.

15. Kerguelen Islands, South Indian Ocean

The islands are also known as the "islands of loneliness" because of their remoteness. The only thing that can be found here are scientists and wild cats, which were abandoned here long ago by seafarers.

14. Ittoqqortoormiit, Greenland

Although this small town is located on the coast, the sea around it is covered with ice for most of the year, so people are given only a very short period to visit it.

13. Easter Island

This is possibly one of the most famous isolated islands on this list. The only way to get here is by plane from Chile.

12. Song Kul, Kyrgyzstan

The only way to get to this alpine lake, located at an altitude of 3 thousand meters, is to use the help of local shepherds.

11. Qassiarsuk, Greenland

Greenland made the list again, this time with the help of former home Erik the Red. Less than 100 people live in this remote settlement.

10. Mongolian steppes

In this huge country has only a few million inhabitants. Chances are you won't meet many people here.

9. Svalbard, Norway

Despite the inhospitable climate, this place is home to the World Seed Vault, an underground vault that stores seeds from all over the world in case of a global catastrophe.

8. Motuo, China

It is not only the most remote county in China, but also the only county that cannot be reached by road. In fact, The best way to get here, it's through an unstable suspension bridge.

7. Alert, Canada

This small Canadian settlement is considered the northernmost settlement in the world. Only 5 people live here.

6. La Rinconada, Peru

The highest permanent settlement in the world is located on a glacier and is home to 30,000 people, most of whom are miners. Getting here safe and sound is quite difficult.

5. Bouvet Island

Closer to Antarctica than any other landmass, this uninhabited island has its own top-level domain, .bv. It also served as a filming location for Alien vs. Predator.

4. Antarctic station Amundsen-Scott (Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station)

This research station is located directly above the South Pole. It is, in fact, so isolated that one of the scientists working on the station was forced to self-administer chemotherapy on himself due to the fact that he could not leave the continent for medical observation.

3. Meteora Monastery, Greece

Despite the fact that they are currently filled with tourists, the name of these monasteries reflects the historical isolation. It translates as "floating in the air."

2. Gasadalur Village, Faroe Islands

This community of about 16 people is one of the most remote communities on some of the most isolated islands in the world.

1. Mount Roraima

This mesa, located at the junction of the borders of Venezuela, Brazil and Guyana, was so isolated that most of The vegetation on the top of the mountain is unique and is not found anywhere else on our planet.

Coordinates: ... Wikipedia

BASILY THE GREAT- [Greek. Βασίλειος ὁ Μέγας] (329/30, the city of Caesarea Cappadocia (modern Kayseri, Turkey) or the city of Neocaesarea Pontic (modern Nixar, Turkey) 1.01.379, the city of Caesarea Cappadocia), St. (commemorated January 1, January 30 in the Cathedral of 3 ecumenical teachers and saints; ... Orthodox Encyclopedia

GREGORY THE BOGOSLOV- [Nazianzin; Greek Γρηγόριος ὁ Θεολόγος, ὁ Ναζιανζηνός] (325 330, Arianz estate (now Sivrihisar, Turkey) near Karvali (now Guzelyurt), south of Nazianza, Cappadocia 389 390, ibid.), St. (commemorated January 25, January 30 at the Cathedral of the Three Hierarchs; commemorated ... Orthodox Encyclopedia

IN Saint Petersburg(from the French ermitage a place of solitude), one of the world's largest artistic and cultural historical museums. It arose in 1764 as a private collection of Catherine II, opened to the public in 1852. The richest collections of monuments ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Coordinates: 59°56′26″ s. sh. 30°18′49″ in.  /  ... Wikipedia

Coordinates: 59°56′26″ s. sh. 30°18′49″ in.  /  ... Wikipedia

Palace wing of the Small Hermitage ... Wikipedia

Cell- (gr. - room) - living quarters in the monastery for the residence of monks (one or more people). This is a small room with a bed, a table, an iconostasis, and possibly a bookshelf. The cells are comfortably furnished, but have nothing superfluous. Fundamentals of spiritual culture ( encyclopedic Dictionary teacher)

This term has other meanings, see Michael Paleolog. Michael VIII Palaiologos Μιχαήλ Η΄ Παλαιολόγος ... Wikipedia


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  • Poetry of gardens, Likhachev D.. Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev - an outstanding scientist of the twentieth century. His creative heritage is extremely extensive and diverse, his research, journalistic articles and notes concerned various…

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