Abstract of the frontal lesson in speech therapy "wild animals"


Outline of a subgroup lesson in speech therapy Grade 1

Theme: "Wild Animals"


1. Learn to name and distinguish between wild animals.

2. Stimulate visually - search activity.

3. Develop articulatory motor skills.

4. increase in vocabulary on the topic "Wild Animals".

Equipment: pictures of wild animals, plot picture"Blizzard", lotto, pictures for articulation gymnastics, mirrors.

Plan and course of the lesson

1. Organizing time.

2. Articulation gymnastics: "The Tale of a Merry Tongue"

Once upon a time there was a tongue in the world, and he wanted to go to the zoo. And together with the tongue we will go to the zoo: we will depict all the animals that the tongue will meet.


Open mouth wider

We play hippos:

Open mouth wide

Like a hungry hippo.

You can't close it

I count to five.

And then we'll shut our mouths

Resting hippopotamus


We imitate frogs:

We pull the lips straight to the ears.

You are now pulling your lips -

I see your teeth

We will pull - we will stop

And we won't get tired


I will imitate the elephant!

I pull my lips with a "trunk".

And now I'm letting them go

And I return to the place.

We imitate the snake

With her, we will be on a par:

Stick out your tongue and hide

Only this way, and not otherwise


I am a happy horse

Dark as chocolate

Click your tongue loudly

The sound of hooves you will hear sonorous


I'm friends with hair

I put them in order.

Thank you hair.

And my name is a comb.


Tick ​​tock, tick tock

The tongue swung so

Like a clock pendulum.

Are you ready to play the clock?

I inflated the elastic ball.

A mosquito bit him.

The balloon popped, no problem!

I will inflate a new ball.

Exercise "Blizzard".

Before the children plot picture "Blizzard".

At the signal “The blizzard has begun”, the children hum softly: U-U-U ... .. .

At the signal "Strong blizzard" the children hum loudly: Oooo ... .. .

At the signal “The blizzard calms down”, the children gradually reduce the strength of their voice.

At the signal “The blizzard is over”, the children fall silent.

4. The game "Name the cubs."

Before starting the game, repeat all the animals.

Guys, now I will name adult animals for you, and you will tell me how to name their children.

Bear - cubs

Wolf - cubs

Fox - cubs

Hedgehog - hedgehog

Squirrel - squirrels

Hare - hares

5. Physical minutes.


Bunny gray sits

And wiggles his ears.

Like this, like this

He moves his ears.

It's cold for a bunny to sit

You need to warm up your paws.

Like this, like this

You need to warm up your paws.

It's cold for a bunny to stand

Bunny needs to jump.

Like this, like this

Bunny needs to jump.

6. Exercise for the development of visual attention.

"Who's gone"

There are pictures of animals on the board. Children must memorize them. Then they close their eyes, one picture is removed. The guys have to say who left.

7. Finger gymnastics.

"Castle", "Ball", "We prepare cabbage."

8. Playing the loto "Wild Animals".

I will name the animals, and you will find them on your cards and cover them with circles.

9. "Guess the intended animal"

Prickly, round, loves milk and mice.

Red, fluffy, cunning, loves chickens and hares.

Gray, angry, toothy.

Brown, clumsy, clumsy.

Cowardly, long-eared, white, sometimes gray in summer.

Red-haired, busy, nimble, lives in a hollow.

10. Summary of the lesson. What animals are we talking about?

Let's call them again. How can we name all those of whom we spoke?

Short description

Synopsis of individual speech therapy session for children with general underdevelopment speech 1-2 levels.
The lesson was conducted with a child aged 4 years 10 months. Speech therapy conclusion of the speech therapist of the clinic "Motor Alalia". ONR the first level, plus ZPR.
When entering kindergarten, speech consisted of vowels, the syllable "GA", gestures and facial expressions (show).
The purpose of the lesson is the development of the expressive side of speech. Surprise moments were used to motivate verbal communication and maintain interest.
Several tasks were solved during the lesson. The first part of the lesson - the development of general speech skills, was aimed at the child's mood, work and inclusion in the process of the lesson. Here the child performed familiar actions with unfamiliar material.
The main part of the lesson was aimed at developing vocabulary and forming a phrase with a simple addition.
This was followed by a physical minute and the task used already familiar material (the fairy tale "Turnip"), which consolidated the ability to finish the sentence and answer questions in one word. In addition to surprise moments in class great attention was given to physical activity, which helped to keep the active attention of the child throughout the lesson.
The lesson ends with a reward that creates motivation and a positive attitude for the next lesson.
Abstract file is attached.


Authors: Kabachenko N.A.; Kabachenko E.I
teachers-speech therapists for innovative work, higher qualification category, GBOU d / s No. 2444, GBOU TsO No. 1446, GBOU TsPMSS "Open World".
abstract file is attached.

individual speech therapy classes for children
with general underdevelopment of speech of 1-2 levels

Subject:"Development of Expressive Speech"
Class:"Bug Jobs"
Target: Development of Expressive Speech
Correctional and educational tasks:
Expansion, refinement and activation of the dictionary. Formation of the ability to make a simple common sentence. Strengthening the ability to negotiate a proposal. Answer questions in one word. Fixing the correct pronunciation of the vowel sounds "E", "U", "Y" and sound sequences with the sound "P".

Correction-developing tasks:
Activation speech activity. The development of thinking, visual and auditory memory, speech hearing, phonemic hearing, visual attention. Development of general, fine and articulatory motor skills. Cultivate a smooth long exhalation.

Correctional and educational tasks:
Formation of a positive attitude to the lesson. Education of speech skills.

Blower: "Blow off the clouds."
Subject dynamic pictures: “The bear is walking”, “The locomotive is moving”, “The plane is flying”.
Syllabic tracks (track with traces).
magic pouch and a set of pictures.
Wooden figurines; fairy tale "Turnip".
Soft toy"Dog - Bug"
Encouragement: coloring pictures depicting the heroes of the fairy tale "Turnip"

1. Development of general speech skills.
2. Acquaintance with the plot and characters of the fairy tale "Turnip"

Abstract of an individual speech therapy lesson for children with general underdevelopment of speech of the 1st level

Subject: " Domestic birds";

Target: Onomatopoeia training;


    Enrich lexicon children with nouns, verbs, names of bird body parts ;

    Develop higher mental functions;

    Develop fine motor skills.

Equipment: toys - poultry, recording of the voices of domestic and wild birds.

Lesson progress:

Children's answers

Organizing time

Hello! Look, a chicken came to visit us today. Show me how the chicken cackles

"Find out who's screaming"

The chicken has prepared a game for you. She offers to listen to her friends scream. Close your eyes with your palms and try to guess who is screaming.

Show how:

Rooster - crowing

Chickens - chirping

Goose - cackle

Duck - quacks

The child must show the picture of the bird he hears.




There is a cockerel

side comb,

red beard,

Bone head.

Index and middle fingers“walk” on the table like legs.

Forefinger touches the big one - it turns out a "beak". The rest of the fingers are slightly rounded and fanned up - this is a "comb".

Rub the fingers of both hands together.

Rub the fingers of both hands against each other.

"Call the bird"

Look! Together with the chicken, more guests came to us (the speech therapist takes out toys). Call the ducks, call the chickens, call the geese.

Ooty-ooty-ooty, chick-chick-chick, geese-geese-geese.

Game "Parts of the body"

Show where the bird has a beak, eyes, wings, paws, tail, back, tummy.

Hen tell me, why do birds need all this?

We look with our eyes, we wave our wings, we peck with our beak.

child shows

"Big small"

Look, our guests brought us something! Yes, these are photographs of all domestic birds and their cubs!

Show where the chicken, chicken,

duck, duckling,

goose, goose,

turkey, turkey.

child shows

"Collect a picture"

The hen brought you a present. Try to collect the picture and find out what is drawn on it!

The child collects a split picture "Chicken"


It's time for our guests to leave, they really enjoyed playing with you, well done!

Recently, children often show underdevelopment of speech. It can take place in different ways and in different stages. In any case, corrective work with children is necessary, which consists in individual and group work with children. One of the most dangerous stages is OHP level 2. How to recognize this disease in a child?


OHP grades 1 and 2 are considered the most severe. In general, speech disorders are manifested in the inconsistency of words, sometimes the absence of sounds and meanings of speech. Subsequently, the shortcomings of oral speech will manifest themselves in dysgraphia and dyslexia at school.

Underdevelopment of speech of the 2nd degree is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • gestures, babble;
  • sometimes simple sentences appear;
  • the poverty of the dictionary, and the words that the child knows are very similar in meaning;
  • difficulties with the consistency of speech, often there are no plurals, cases;
  • the sound pronunciation is distorted, the child replaces sounds, pronounces them indistinctly.

What can a child who is diagnosed with underdevelopment of speech of the 2nd degree?

  • pronounces simple words, similar in meaning (beetle fly, insects; tuff shoes, sneakers, boots, etc.), i.e. one word combines several concepts;
  • hardly names parts of the body, objects, dishes, words with a diminutive meaning (most often such words are absent or present in a limited amount);
  • with difficulty determines the signs of the object (what it is made of, color, taste, smell);
  • composes a story or retells only after leading questions from an adult;
  • statements are poorly understood, sounds are distorted.

The characteristic of OHP makes one think about why such violations occur. The reasons, as a rule, lie in the physiological sphere and do not always depend on the mother or her child:

  • hypoxia during pregnancy or childbirth;
  • asphyxia;
  • rhesus conflict;
  • head injury.

The correctional work ahead of the speech therapist and the baby's parents is very painstaking. It is necessary to form a speech according to the model practically from scratch. How are remedial sessions carried out?

Working with a speech therapist

If by the age of 3-4 the child’s speech is not formed, it is necessary to visit a speech therapist and a neuropathologist. Diagnosis and characterization of OHP is carried out by several specialists.

A neurologist can help determine the cause. If treatment or additional vitaminization is needed, the doctor will prescribe drugs to stimulate the speech centers and nervous system generally. To determine what drugs your baby may need, you will need to do an MRI of the brain. However, such an analysis is not always required. Sometimes, after talking with the mother, it is quite clear to a neurologist why speech does not develop, and how the child and his family can be helped to cope with the disease.

After a visit to a neurologist, a consultation with a speech therapist is necessary. If possible, classes should be continued individually or in special speech correction groups. What will the teacher do with the child?

The general direction will be to develop the activity of speech and its understanding, the formation of phrases, sound pronunciation, clarification of how words are pronounced, the use of lexical and grammatical forms.

A speech therapist may need family help, as several sessions per week may not be enough to develop speech. A speech therapist can show mom the direction of work in the family circle. For example, to correct sound pronunciation, you will need to constantly ask the child to pronounce the word in a singsong voice, while everyone in the house should speak the same way.

In more detail, corrective work will consist of the following exercises:

  • Pronunciation of hard-to-pronounce words in a singsong voice, drawling, so that the child hears all the sounds and can repeat them. It is desirable that everyone around the baby, and not just in the classroom, speak in this manner. This will allow the child to better capture the sound composition of words.
  • Learning words by thematic groups based on images. For example, a speech therapist shows a child pictures of pets and clearly names them, forcing the baby to repeat the names. So the child gradually begins to systematize the phenomena and objects of the world around him.
  • Comparison of the same grammatical forms different words belonging to the same part of speech. For example, we rode: on a sled, in a car, on a hill, etc.
  • The same is done with verb forms: Kolya wrote - Kolya writes - Kolya will write.
  • Working out changes of nouns by numbers. The teacher shows images of objects in the singular and plural, names them and asks the child to show them.
  • Proposals are dealt with separately. The speech therapist substitutes them into phrases similar in structure, for example: goes to the forest, visits, uphill, etc.
  • Work on distinguishing voiced and deaf sounds, distinguishing them in speech.
  • Determining the sound in a word by ear for the development of phonemic hearing.

It is best if classes with children with speech underdevelopment of the 2nd degree will be held individually with a speech therapist. Oh, do not deny babies communication with other children, which is extremely important for them. In this communication, speech will be formed, the desire to build a phrase and convey information to other children.

It is known that a child communicates completely differently with adults and with his peers. With the latter, he feels freer, his interests coincide with them. If your child with ONR does not attend kindergarten, the reason for poor speech development may lie, among other things, in a lack of communication. Try to enroll your child in a development group, a kids club, where they try to develop children comprehensively. Here will appear a circle of communication, and artistic perception peace, songs, physical exercise will create an optimal environment for improving speech.


It is very difficult to predict how the development of speech in a baby will go. Much depends on the degree of development of the disease and the cause that provoked it.

You need to start work as early as possible. Already at the age of three, if the baby does not speak, or utters inarticulate sounds, it should be clear to parents that they need to go to see a neurologist. Without a specific diagnosis and drug treatment, even intensive sessions with a speech therapist can be powerless.

If all necessary measures are taken and OHP is not started, there is hope that the child will start talking. However, his further education in public school becomes impossible. Parents will either have to teach him at home, or send him to a specialized educational institution for children with speech problems.

Much depends on the temperament and sociability of the baby. In many ways, they determine how much he will take root in the school team, find mutual language with peers, how teachers will treat him.

Corrective work with children with speech underdevelopment of the 2nd degree should be carried out exclusively by a specialist. Parents do not need to intervene in the process or try to solve the problem on their own. All the more scary to let problems take their course. The kid needs qualified help, otherwise he will have problems with contacts in the future.

Goals: Clarify and expand the vocabulary on the topic at an expressive level.

1.Introduction to independent speech children of the nominative and predicative vocabulary on the topic within the framework of their speech capabilities.
2. Formation of understanding of grammatical forms of the singular and plural nouns.
3. Formation of a stereotypically conjugated phrase (noun + adjective).
4. Formation of understanding skills "one" - "many", "big" - "small".
5. Formation of coordinated breathing, movements and speech, through speech-motor exercises.
6. Formation of general motor skills, development of visual attention and memory.
7. Cultivate a desire to imitate an adult's speech pattern.

Equipment: natural vegetables, models of vegetables, grandfather - bibabo doll, basket, subject pictures.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment(knock on the door) - The guys came to visit us grandfather and brought a big bag. Want to know what's in the bag?

II.Main part
1. The speech therapist takes out and shows one vegetable at a time and asks about each.
- What is this? (Clarify the names of vegetables.) (This is a tomato. This is a cucumber. This is a carrot. This is a turnip. This is a cabbage). The children answer in chorus.
The speech therapist puts the contents of the bag into a basket and asks:
- What's all this? How to call everything that grandfather brought us? (These are vegetables.) Let's all say together (Vegetables).
L. Where do vegetables grow? (In the garden, in the garden, in the greenhouse, in the greenhouse).
Now I will tell you where vegetables come from in stores (shows a table).

L. Where do vegetables grow? (vegetables grow in the garden in the beds)
L. How are vegetables harvested? (tear off, cut off).
L. Let's tell grandfather what vegetables we know.

2. Exercise "Show and tell"(children one at a time go out, take any vegetable, name it, the speech therapist asks questions, the child answers with the help of a speech therapist).
Speech therapist. Anya come to the table and pick up any vegetable. What vegetable do you have? (the child shows the rest of the guys and calls "carrots").
Speech therapist. What is she? (It is long, red, smooth.)
Speech therapist. Where does it grow? (in the garden, in the garden)
Speech therapist. What is this? (Shows a tomato.)
Speech therapist. What is he? (It is round, red, soft).

Speech therapist. What is this? (Shows a cucumber.)
Speech therapist. What is he? (It is green, long, prickly).
Speech therapist. Where does it grow? (in the garden, in the garden)
Speech therapist. What is this? (shows cabbage)
Speech therapist. What is she? (She is round, big, white)
Speech therapist. What is this? (Shows a turnip.)
Speech therapist. What is she? (She is yellow, round, small)
Speech therapist. You spoke very well about vegetables. Clap yourself!

3. The game "Recognize the vegetable by description."
L. And now, guys, listen carefully, I will describe the vegetables (the child picks up a vegetable that matches the description, brings it and puts it in the basket). L. invites the child to find his vegetable from the proposed pictures and attach it to the board.

4. Game "One-Many"(speech therapist calls a vegetable in singular, then asks the child to name the plural).
L. One tomato. Anya find a picture where a tomato is drawn.
L. Now there are a lot of tomatoes. These are tomatoes. Children show where are the tomatoes? (similarly with all vegetables).
tomato - tomatoes.
turnip - turnips
carrots - carrots
cabbage - cabbage.

5. Physical education.
We walk in the garden Children, holding hands, walk in a circle, in the center of which are tomatoes,
We collect tomatoes.
Tomatoes are good Stroke your belly.
Let's eat heartily.
We walk in the garden Children, holding hands, walk in a circle, in the center of which are cucumbers.
We collect cucumbers. Squeeze and unclench fingers.
Cucumbers are good Stroke your belly.
Let's eat heartily.
We walk in the garden Children, holding hands, walk in a circle, in the center of which lie carrots and turnips.
We collect carrots, turnips. Squeeze and unclench fingers.
Carrots, turnips are good - Stroke your belly.
Let's eat heartily.

Show the children a basket of vegetables, ask a question: - What have we collected in the garden? (We picked vegetables.)

6. L. Let's tell grandfather again about vegetables, what they are (working out a stereotypical phrase associated with an adjective).
Carrot long, red, smooth
Cucumber green, long, prickly
Turnip round, small, yellow
Cabbage round, large, white
The tomato is round, red, soft.

7. D / and "Big-small".
L. Guys, vegetables are big, but they are small. L. starts - the child continues.
Cucumber - cucumber.
Cabbage is cabbage.
Tomato is a tomato.
Carrot - carrot.
Turnip - turnip

III. The result of the lesson.
Well done boys. Everyone worked hard and did their job.
Let's remember once again what grandfather brought us in a bag (speech therapist shows pictures, we all repeat their names in unison).
Homework. "Canned Vegetables" (application)


"Canned Vegetables"

Preliminary work: parents cut vegetables.
Put large vegetables on top of one jar and small ones on the other. Arrange the vegetables so that they all fit in the jar. Now stick the vegetables on the jars.
teacher speech therapist,
MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 248", Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan

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