Unconventional drawing in the middle group dandelion. "Dandelions" non-traditional painting technique, poke with a dry brush


Natalia Anatolievna

Target: - teach children to convey the image of a flower using the poke method;

To consolidate the ability to properly hold the brush while doing the work (poke);

To consolidate knowledge of colors (yellow, green);

Develop creative imagination children;

Cause an emotional and aesthetic response to the topic of the lesson;

Bring up careful attitude to nature;

Tasks: Continue to teach children to draw using the method of poking dandelion flowers along the contour, to consolidate the ability to paint over the leaves with the tip of the brush; expand children's knowledge about the first spring flowers. Enrich vocabulary children to instill an interest in poetry.

Material: Album sheet with painted contours of dandelions, yellow and green gouache, two brushes (thin (No. 3) and hard (No. 7, jars of water, brush stands, napkins, 12 sheets of paper, samples of painted dandelions, a flower pot with planted dandelions, illustration.

Preliminary work: observation on walks, looking at illustrations and dandelion flowers, transplanting the plant into a flower pot; didactic games: "Fold the picture", "Find by description"; memorization of the poem "Dandelion".

Lesson progress:

The music sounds "How beautiful the world around" T. Gomez

Educator: Guys, let's sit down at the tables. Hands put on knees, back

straightened out.

Educator: Spring has come, all the snow has melted, the sun is shining brighter.

The leaves on the trees blossomed, the first dandelion flowers appeared. We

with you on a walk they were examined. Listen to the poem.


Dropped the sun

golden beam,

Dandelion has grown

First, young.

He has wonderful

Golden color.

He is a big sun

Small portrait.

O. Vysotskaya.

Educator: On a walk, you and I watched a dandelion and planted it in

flower pot. Look, we have our own little

Educator: Let's look at a dandelion flower.

Teacher: What shape is it?

Children: Round.

Teacher: What color is it?

Children: Yellow.

Educator: Guys, what does a dandelion look like?

Children: In the sun.

Educator: Yes, guys, “Dandelions - flowers are yellow like the sun!”

Educator: What does a dandelion have?

Children: Stem, leaves, flower.

Educator: What color are the stem and leaves?

Children: Green.

Educator: What does a dandelion stem look like?

Children: On a stick.

Teacher: What do the leaves look like? Look how beautiful, carved

dandelion leaves.

Educator: Guys, let's draw dandelions for the exhibition "Spring

red with flowers "... to graduation party children of the preparatory group.

Educator: We will draw a flower using the poke method. Look all at me and

I take a special hard brush in my right hand for drawing

above the metal tip with three fingers.

Let's do our warm-up exercise with a brush. Took everything

hard brushes in the right hand with three fingers, above the iron

tip, while the hand should be on the elbow.

Educator: Children perform movements:

Hold the brush like this:

It's difficult?

No, rubbish!

Right left,

Up and down

Our brush ran.

And then, and then the brush runs around.

Twisted like a top.

After the poke comes the poke! Hand on elbow.

The brush is held with three fingers above its metal part.

Movements with the hand over the text.

The brush is held vertically.

Perform poking without paint on a separate piece of paper.

Educator: And now we take a brush, dip it in yellow paint, take a little paint, make a test poke on a separate piece of paper. Did everyone succeed?

Educator: Well done. Now let's take a sheet with a drawn stencil and draw a flower with yellow paint along the line of circles, and then inside them.

Fitness minute.

Educator: Everyone got up and went to the carpet. Guys, imagine that

you are dandelions. Here in the clearing you will grow. Sit down.

Educator Children

Dandelions are starting to grow.

Grow, grow, grow.

Wind started to blow,

Dandelions are swinging.

Evening came,

Dandelions close up.

The sun came out

Dandelions woke up

shake their heads,

Rejoice in the sun. They start to get up slowly.

Hands up, light swaying.

Squat, hands on head.

Again they slowly get up, hands up, swaying in place.

They smile.

They go to their places.

Educator: Look at the pictures carefully: what is missing in them?

Children: Stem and leaflets.

Educator: Stem and leaves, what color will we draw?

Children: Green.

Educator: Right. But we will draw with a different brush. Take an ordinary, thin brush with your right hand with three fingers near the iron tip. Dip the brush into a glass of water excess water remove from the edge of the glass. We collect green paint on the pile of the brush and draw the stem, starting from the flower to the bottom of the leaf. The stem of a dandelion is thin. And then draw the leaves, starting from the bottom of the stem to the sides. Dandelion leaves are thick. We carry out the work carefully, without going beyond the contour.

Educator: Well done! Look how beautiful our meadow turned out to be.

Educator: Guys, what did we draw today?

How should flowers be treated?

Did you like our activity?

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Master - drawing class for children 4-6 years old "Dandelion"

Ostanina Victoria Alexandrovna, teacher of the MDOU DS KV "Rainbow" SP "Silver Hoof"
Target: Drawing in non-traditional technique.
Tasks:- meet to non-traditional technique drawing - the "poke" method;
- develop creative abilities;
- learn to be careful when working with gouache.
Purpose: This master class useful for educators and educators additional education, teachers primary school. They can also use creative people and parents who are self-employed with their children.
Description: Master Class makes it possible to draw a flower on your own - a dandelion. Does not require special artistic skills. Detailed description and step by step photos make the drawing process easy and productive.
Materials: A4 sheet, gouache, water glass, cotton napkin, brush No. 5 bristles, brushes No. 3, No. 5 (goat, squirrel).

Summer! Summer! Around summer!
So many bright colors, fragrant herbs and colorful flowers. The beauty of the Ural nature is simply mesmerizing!
blue cornflowers,

sunny beauty of dandelions,

delicate whiteness of daisies!!!

How many fragrant herbs, crackling grasshoppers and humming dragonflies...

Today we are going to draw... And what we draw, a riddle will tell us!
“In childhood, with a yellow head,
In youth, completely gray-haired,
But the old does not happen,
Fluff white flies away! (E. Telushkina)
Of course it's a dandelion!

Here he is handsome!

Dandelion is familiar to us with a small sun and white fluffy.

And if you blow on it, it shatters.

And its seeds scatter far around.

You and I will draw such a dandelion:

Or maybe not quite like that, add white dandelions!

For work we need White list paper, gouache, three brushes: ordinary squirrel brushes No. 3 and No. 6, and hard bristle No. 5, a glass of water and a cloth napkin.

We will draw the stem and leaves in the usual, familiar way for us. But the flowers are unconventional way - method"poke". This method is used to draw furry animals, flowers, images of snow, fireworks. It is unusual in that you should not dip the brush in water before starting to draw, this is a dry way of drawing. We immediately dip a dry brush into gouache, it is most suitable, but you need to remember that gouache should be thick and not dried out. Dip in gouache only the tip of the brush. We hold the brush strictly vertically, apply the drawing by applying the brush to the sheet, as if “poking” into it. Hence the name - the "poke" method. We make the first “poke” on an additional sheet so that subsequent “poke” is a uniform color. The place intended for the flower should be filled evenly, placing the “pokes” close to each other, trying not to leave gaps and not overlapping each other. And another little secret: the end of the brush needs to be cut a little so that it is flat, not rounded and not sharp, but straight. Then the "poke" will be more fluffy. I propose to try on an additional sheet, make a few pokes, fill out an imaginary form.
Have you tried? Then go ahead! Towards creativity!


1. We will make the background. We need a brush number 5, blue gouache, water. Wet the sheet with water with a brush, apply color evenly. We try to leave the edge of the sheet white on all sides - this will be a frame.

Let the sheet dry. The background is ready.
2. We arrange the sheet vertically. Brush number 3 draw stems.

3. Now the leaves. First, draw a contour.

Now let's fill it with color.

4. Now we will draw a yellow dandelion. We need a bristle brush and yellow gouache. Do not forget the features of the "poke" method and begin to draw a flower. Remember, the brush in relation to the sheet is located strictly vertically! And poke, poke, poke!

Here is our living sun!

5. Draw a fluffy dandelion with white gouache.

And another fluff.

Let's decorate the leaves with a thin brush along the contour.
Work is ready!

You can draw other variants of the dandelion.

This is how they look together.

Here is a field of dandelions.

My kids immediately noticed these works on the wall in the group and wanted to draw too!
I want to introduce you best job! It was performed by Ekaterina Ermakova. She is only five years old, but she did her job completely on her own!
Here is her dandelion!!!

We designed a mini-exhibition in the group!

From the experience of working in the 1st junior group in the summer.

An unconventional drawing technique to help the teacher (in this case, we stayed in the group because of the rain) An ordinary dishwashing sponge can help us create original and amazing pictures. Drawing with paints with a sponge is an excellent way out for those children who are not yet able to skillfully hold a brush in their hands, and not all kids like to get their hands dirty with paint. Learning how to draw with a sponge is easy: put the required amount of paints of different colors on the palette and try to paint over a large one with a sponge. contour drawing. Show your child how to sponge paint on paper.: jerky touch or sweeping smear.

Non-traditional drawing technique"Dandelions"


Teaching children to draw with a sponge on the Dandelion template

Teach children to distinguish colors, correctly name them

To form the correct posture in children when drawing

Enrich artistic experience children

Develop fine motor skills fingers

Raise children's interest in drawing, a positive emotional response, accuracy in doing


Q: - Guys, look out the window - it's raining (draws the children's attention to the flowerbed on the playground).

Guys, look what yellow flowers grow in a flower bed. What do they look like? - (Children's statements). The teacher sums up - these flowers are yellow, like the sun.

Reading the poem by E. Serova "Dandelion"

wears a dandelion

Yellow sundress

Grow up, dress up

In a white dress

Fizkultminutka. The teacher shows the movements in the text and invites the children to repeat them.

Wears a dandelion (crouch)

Yellow sarafan (hands above the head in the form of a circle-sun)

Grow up, dress up (slowly rise, arms to the sides)

In a white dress (spring)

V: Guys, the sun gives us warmth, it warms with its rays. Warms trees, bushes, birds, animals and us. But now he is gone. And where is it? Where did you hide? - Answers of children. The teacher sums up - the sun hid behind a cloud.

V: And so that we do not feel sad without the sun, I want to teach you how to draw dandelion flowers. Will you draw with me? - Answers of children. The teacher invites the children to sit down at the drawing tables, corrects their posture.

Main part

On the easel - a subject picture with the image of a dandelion (the teacher draws the attention of the children). Each child has a sponge, a template and a palette with paint on the tables (the teacher draws the attention of the children to the sponge and explains what exactly the children will draw with).

Q: - Guys, look, your dandelions are completely white (the teacher pays attention to the patterns).

Look at the picture. What color are the stems and leaves of a dandelion? - Answers of children. The teacher explains how to sponge-paint the stem and leaves on the template.

Look at the picture. What color is a dandelion hat? - Children's answers.

The teacher changes the paint and sponges, explains how to color the cap on the template.

The teacher helps the children as needed.

Final part

Q: - So we got dandelions. Guys, what did we do? - Answers of children.

Did you enjoy painting with a sponge? - Children's answers.

The teacher praises the children and, together with the children, hangs the drawings at the exhibition.

Q: Guys, we got our hands a little dirty. What to do? - Answers of children. The teacher sums up - you need to wash your hands.

Target: Learn to draw with cotton swabs.

Tasks: Learn to convey the image of a flower, its structure and shape, using cotton buds. To consolidate knowledge of colors (green, yellow, red, blue) and geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle). Cultivate respect for nature.

Material: Album sheets, yellow and green gouache, dandelion drawing, napkins, cotton buds, coloring pages, magic box, bee toy, colored paper flowers, multi-colored geometric figures.

Preliminary work: looking at grass and flowers for a walk.

Lesson progress

1. Org. moment.

All the children gathered in a circle
I am your friend and you are my friend.
Hold hands tightly
And smile at each other.

Let's all smile and share good mood with each other and with our guests.

2. The game "Collect flowers by color."

Guys, what time of year is it?

And colorful flowers bloomed in our glade. I have geometric shapes on my desk. What figure is this?

- red circle, blue triangle, yellow square.

- That's right, well done!

- Take one flower at a time and put the blue flowers on the table where the blue triangle lies, the red flowers where the red circle lies, the yellow flowers on the table where the yellow square lies. We check.

- Guys, how many flowers did we collect?

3. In spring, all nature wakes up from a long sleep.

Which flowers bloom first?

- Snowdrops, coltsfoot, dandelions. Dandelion is a medicinal plant, healing and very useful. Its leaves, which are rich in vitamins, can be used in salads, and jam can be made from dandelion flowers. Dandelion blooms with early spring and before late autumn, in almost all conditions. Before rain and in the evening it closes, in dry weather it opens. Dandelion is not always yellow, as time passes, its flowers turn white, like fluffy balls. You can blow on them and they will fly like little parachutes.

Look what a beautiful dandelion. How is this flower similar to the sun?

D: The same round and yellow.

Q: What does a dandelion have?

- stem, leaves, flower.

4. Hear someone buzzing. Who is it?

winged fashionista,
striped dress,
Even a tiny stature
bite - it will be bad!

D: bee.

B: Hello bee! What is your name?

The bee found out that a dandelion appeared in our group. She woke up early, and the flowers had not yet blossomed anywhere. The bee wants to taste the nectar so badly. So she came to us.

Q: The bee needs to collect a lot of flower nectar. Where can we get it?

D: Draw.

5. Physical education.

Before starting work, we will play with you.

UMK. Disc No. 1, slide No. 13 “Kaida beznen kullarybyz?”.

6. Sit down at the table.

Today we will draw with cotton swabs. Keep a cotton swab in right hand, three fingers. See how you draw. Let's dial on cotton swab green paint and draw a straight line. This is our flower stem, and to draw a leaf, we will also draw a short line. The stem and leaves are drawn, now let's draw a flower. To do this, we collect on another cotton swab yellow paint, put a bright yellow dot on the sheet, and then there are many dots around it in a circle (accompanies the explanation with an exemplary display).

So the flower turned out to be yellow, fluffy.

Look, another dandelion has grown in our group. And now you draw dandelions yourself. Grab your sticks and start drawing.


Q: What wonderful flowers turned out. We have a golden meadow in our group. The bees will sit on it and drink the sweet nectar!

8. Reflection.

Well done boys. Do you want to turn into flowers?

Exercise "Flower".

He says to the flower, flower: pick up your leaf.
Get out on the path and stamp your foot.
Yes, shake your head, meet the sun in the morning.
Tilt the stem slightly, here is the charge for the flower.
And now wash yourself with dew, rest and calm down.
Finally, everyone is ready to meet the day in all its glory.

9. Guys, what did we draw today?

- dandelions.

Maya the bee has prepared bee coloring gifts for you.

All the guys did their best, Maya the bee is very happy.

Unconventional technique: poke with a dry brush. Middle group.

Theme: "Yellow dandelions".


1. Educational.

Learn to convey the image of a flower, its structure and shape using the method of poking with a hard brush. Expand knowledge about the first spring flowers. Improve the ability to properly hold the brush when drawing

2. Fine.

3. Developing.

4. Educational.

5. Vocabulary work.

Preparing for the lesson.

Course progress.

Hear someone buzzing.

Who is it?

Children: "Bee".

Children: Draw.

Above her metal parts.

Right - left, up and down

Our brush ran.

After the poke comes the poke!

Final part.

Why do we need flowers?

Abstract open class by drawing.

Middle group.

Theme: "Yellow dandelions".


1. Educational.

2. Fine.

Develop fine arts and crafts skills. Be able to arrange flowers all over the sheet. To consolidate the ability to use a thin brush when drawing leaves, stems. Depict flower heads with a hard brush without leaving a gap between the poke. To consolidate the ability to independently draw flowers using the poke method (large and small ovals and circles).

3. Developing.

Develop imagination and perception of the world around, cognitive abilities. Orientation in space, sense of color, rhythm. Development of eye-hand coordination, hand control. Master the techniques of depicting flowers using round, oval shapes in various combinations.

4. Educational.

Instill accuracy in drawing. Build emotional positive attitude to the process of drawing.

5. Vocabulary work.

Poke drawing, spring flowers, stem, leaves, color texture.

Preparing for the lesson.

Preliminary work: Conversation about the first spring colors with children. Acquaintance of children with the technique of drawing by the poke method, reading the poem by O. Vysotskaya “Dandelion”, examining a reproduction of a painting by Levitan I.I. "Dandelions", looking at pictures and photographs depicting dandelions.

Equipment: green and yellow gouache, white color; two brushes - a brush with hard bristles, a soft brush with a thin tip; palette; light green sheet of paper A-4; white sheet of paper; cloth rag; paper napkin; a jar of water; brush stand.

Course progress.

Talk about the first spring colors with children. Educator: "Guys, it's come beautiful time year Spring. All nature wakes up from long sleep. Which flowers bloom first? (children's answers)

Educator: "I will tell you a beautiful verse." Reading the poem by O. Vysotskaya "Dandelion".

The sun dropped a golden ray. Dandelion has grown - the first young one! He has a wonderful Golden color, He is a big sun, A small portrait!

Look what a beautiful dandelion. How is this flower similar to the sun?

Children: "The same round and yellow."

Educator: - What does a dandelion have? (stem, leaves, flower).

Hear someone buzzing.

Who is it?

The teacher makes a riddle:


Children: "Bee".

The teacher brings a bee toy to the group.

Educator: "Hello, bee! What is your name?" - MAYA.

The bee found out that a dandelion appeared in our group. She woke up early, and the flowers had not yet blossomed anywhere. The bee wants so much to collect a lot of nectar. So she came to us.

Educator: “Guys, a bee needs a lot of flowers to collect flower nectar. Where can we get a lot of flowers?

Children: Draw.

Invite the children to draw dandelions using the poke method. Remind and show the children how to hold the brush correctly: just like a pencil, with three fingers, but above the metal part of the brush. Perform the exercise - warm-up with a brush, while the hand should be on the elbow. (Children perform movements in accordance with the text on small sheet paper).

Hold the brush like this - Hand on the elbow. The brush is held with three fingers

Above her metal parts.

It's difficult? No, rubbish! - Movements with the hand over the text.

Right - left, up and down

Our brush ran.

And then, and then - The brush is held vertically.

The brush runs around. Perform poke without paint

Twisted like a top. on the sheet.

After the poke comes the poke!

Consider dandelions, clarify the color and shape of flowers and leaves.

Children independently draw the contour of a dandelion with a pencil (the flower is oval or round, at the request of the children).

Remind the children and show that with a brush you can paint flat with the whole pile, sticking, end, and if you hold the brush vertically to the paper and flatten the pile on it, you get an imitation of a large "fluffy" or "prickly" point (children

shown on a piece of paper). Remind the technique of drawing with a poke. The teacher shows and explains. Children first trace the outline of the flower with their finger, then poke with a brush with stiff bristles without paint along the outline of the flower. The hand rests on the elbow, hold the brush with three fingers, above the metal part, the brush is placed vertically on a sheet of paper and falls down from the top, the movements are rhythmically repeated. Children repeat after the teacher.

Offer to draw a dandelion in the color they want to see it. (independent choice of children).

The teacher invites the children to type gouache on the brush. Gouache should be thick, the brush should be dry. To remove excess paint, you need to make a few random poke on a small sheet of paper and see what color you get. Draw the attention of the children that the point turned out to be “airy”, “fluffy”, like a real dandelion bud. Recall that a light yellow tint can be obtained by mixing yellow and white gouache on the palette.

He will invite the children to start drawing on their own with pokes right along the line of the bud, making pokes next to each other, leaving no gap between the pokes. Then, with arbitrary pokes, paint over the surface inside the contour of the flower. Draw flowers with yellow, white paint of the choice of children. When changing paint, rinse the brush in water, wipe dry with a cloth, and continue to paint. The remaining details of the flower (stem, leaves) draw with the end of a soft brush. The tip of the brush is dipped into a jar of water, excess water is removed by dipping on a cloth. Then gouache is picked up at the tip of the brush and painted.

The teacher helps children who have difficulty in drawing. Shows on your sample.

Final part.

Physical culture minute "Dandelions".

At this time, the work dries up.

After a pause, the children put their work on the table. They stand in a semicircle around their work.

The teacher puts the Maya bee toy on the children's drawings.

Maya the bee: "Thank you guys, now I will collect a lot of nectar."

Educator to children: “You and I found ourselves in a large clearing where dandelions grow. Let's look at them." The teacher asks leading questions to the children.

How did you draw dandelions? (children's answers)

What color are dandelions? (children's answers)

What does a meadow of dandelions look like? (children's answers)

Show me the dandelion you liked the most? (children's answers)

Why do we need flowers?

Need to pick flowers just like that? (children's answers)

Educator to children: “You all tried to draw beautiful flowers are real artists. Let's make an exhibition of your paintings so that all the guests coming to our group admire your flowers.

Abstract of an open lesson in drawing.

Unconventional technique: poke with a dry brush.

Middle group.

Theme: "Yellow dandelions".


1. Educational.

Learn to convey the image of a flower, its structure and shape using the method of poking with a hard brush. Expand knowledge about the first spring flowers. Improve the ability to properly hold the brush when drawing.

2. Fine.

Develop fine arts and crafts skills. Be able to arrange flowers all over the sheet. To consolidate the ability to use a thin brush when drawing leaves, stems. Depict flower heads with a hard brush without leaving a gap between the poke. To consolidate the ability to independently draw flowers using the poke method (large and small ovals and circles).

3. Developing.

Develop imagination and perception of the surrounding world, cognitive abilities. Orientation in space, sense of color, rhythm. Development of eye-hand coordination, hand control. Master the techniques of depicting flowers using round, oval shapes in various combinations.

4. Educational.

Instill accuracy in drawing. To form an emotionally positive attitude towards the drawing process itself.

5. Vocabulary work.

Poke drawing, spring flowers, stem, leaves, color texture.

Preparing for the lesson.

Preliminary work: Conversation about the first spring colors with children. Acquaintance of children with the technique of drawing by the poke method, reading the poem by O. Vysotskaya “Dandelion”, examining a reproduction of a painting by Levitan I.I. "Dandelions", looking at pictures and photographs depicting dandelions.

Equipment: gouache green and yellow, white; two brushes - a brush with hard bristles, a soft brush with a thin tip; palette; light green sheet of paper A-4; white sheet of paper; cloth rag; paper napkin; a jar of water; brush stand.

Course progress.

Talk about the first spring colors with children. Educator: “Guys, the wonderful time of the year Spring has come. All nature wakes up from a long sleep. Which flowers bloom first? (children's answers)

Educator: "I will tell you a beautiful verse." Reading the poem by O. Vysotskaya "Dandelion".

The sun dropped a golden ray. Dandelion has grown - the first young one! He has a wonderful Golden color, He is a big sun, A small portrait!

Look what a beautiful dandelion. How is this flower similar to the sun?

Children: "The same round and yellow."

Educator: - What does a dandelion have? (stem, leaves, flower).

Hear someone buzzing.

Who is it?

The teacher makes a riddle:


Children: "Bee".

The teacher brings a bee toy to the group.

Educator: "Hello, bee! What is your name?" - MAYA.

The bee found out that a dandelion appeared in our group. She woke up early, and the flowers had not yet blossomed anywhere. The bee wants so much to collect a lot of nectar. So she came to us.

Educator: “Guys, a bee needs a lot of flowers to collect flower nectar. Where can we get a lot of flowers?

Children: Draw.

Invite the children to draw dandelions using the poke method. Remind and show the children how to hold the brush correctly: just like a pencil, with three fingers, but above the metal part of the brush. Perform the exercise - warm-up with a brush, while the hand should be on the elbow. (Children perform movements in accordance with the text on a small sheet of paper).

Hold the brush like this - Hand on the elbow. The brush is held with three fingers

Above her metal parts.

It's difficult? No, rubbish! - Movements with the hand over the text.

Right - left, up and down

Our brush ran.

And then, and then - The brush is held vertically.

The brush runs around. Perform poke without paint

Twisted like a top. on the sheet.

After the poke comes the poke!

Consider dandelions, clarify the color and shape of flowers and leaves.

Children independently draw the contour of a dandelion with a pencil (the flower is oval or round, at the request of the children).

Remind the children and show that with a brush you can paint flat with the whole pile, sticking, end, and if you hold the brush vertically to the paper and flatten the pile on it, you get an imitation of a large "fluffy" or "prickly" point (children

shown on a piece of paper). Remind the technique of drawing with a poke. The teacher shows and explains. Children first trace the outline of the flower with their finger, then poke with a brush with stiff bristles without paint along the outline of the flower. The hand rests on the elbow, hold the brush with three fingers, above the metal part, the brush is placed vertically on a sheet of paper and falls down from the top, the movements are rhythmically repeated. Children repeat after the teacher.

Offer to draw a dandelion in the color they want to see it. (independent choice of children).

The teacher invites the children to type gouache on the brush. Gouache should be thick, the brush should be dry. To remove excess paint, you need to make a few random poke on a small sheet of paper and see what color you get. Draw the attention of the children that the point turned out to be “airy”, “fluffy”, like a real dandelion bud. Recall that a light yellow tint can be obtained by mixing yellow and white gouache on the palette.

He will invite the children to start drawing on their own with pokes right along the line of the bud, making pokes next to each other, leaving no gap between the pokes. Then, with arbitrary pokes, paint over the surface inside the contour of the flower. Draw flowers with yellow, white paint of the choice of children. When changing paint, rinse the brush in water, wipe dry with a cloth, and continue to paint. The remaining details of the flower (stem, leaves) draw with the end of a soft brush. The tip of the brush is dipped into a jar of water, excess water is removed by dipping on a cloth. Then gouache is picked up at the tip of the brush and painted.

The teacher helps children who have difficulty in drawing. Shows on your sample.

Final part.

Physical culture minute "Dandelions".

At this time, the work dries up.

After a pause, the children put their work on the table. They stand in a semicircle around their work.

The teacher puts the Maya bee toy on the children's drawings.

Maya the bee: "Thank you guys, now I will collect a lot of nectar."

Educator to children: “You and I found ourselves in a large clearing where dandelions grow. Let's look at them." The teacher asks leading questions to the children.

How did you draw dandelions? (children's answers)

What color are dandelions? (children's answers)

What does a meadow of dandelions look like? (children's answers)

Show me the dandelion you liked the most? (children's answers)

Why do we need flowers?

Need to pick flowers just like that? (children's answers)

Educator for children: “You all tried to draw beautiful flowers, real artists. Let's make an exhibition of your paintings so that all the guests coming to our group admire your flowers.

Abstract of an open lesson in drawing.

Unconventional technique: poke with a dry brush.

Middle group.

Theme: "Yellow dandelions".


1. Educational.

Learn to convey the image of a flower, its structure and shape using the method of poking with a hard brush. Expand knowledge about the first spring flowers. Improve the ability to properly hold the brush when drawing.

2. Fine.

Develop fine arts and crafts skills. Be able to arrange flowers all over the sheet. To consolidate the ability to use a thin brush when drawing leaves, stems. Depict flower heads with a hard brush without leaving a gap between the poke. To consolidate the ability to independently draw flowers using the poke method (large and small ovals and circles).

3. Developing.

Develop imagination and perception of the surrounding world, cognitive abilities. Orientation in space, sense of color, rhythm. Development of eye-hand coordination, hand control. Master the techniques of depicting flowers using round, oval shapes in various combinations.

4. Educational.

Instill accuracy in drawing. To form an emotionally positive attitude towards the drawing process itself.

5. Vocabulary work.

Poke drawing, spring flowers, stem, leaves, color texture.

Preparing for the lesson.

Preliminary work: Conversation about the first spring colors with children. Acquaintance of children with the technique of drawing by the poke method, reading the poem by O. Vysotskaya “Dandelion”, examining a reproduction of a painting by Levitan I.I. "Dandelions", looking at pictures and photographs depicting dandelions.

Equipment: gouache green and yellow, white; two brushes - a brush with hard bristles, a soft brush with a thin tip; palette; light green sheet of paper A-4; white sheet of paper; cloth rag; paper napkin; a jar of water; brush stand.

Course progress.

Talk about the first spring colors with children. Educator: “Guys, the wonderful time of the year Spring has come. All nature wakes up from a long sleep. Which flowers bloom first? (children's answers)

Educator: "I will tell you a beautiful verse." Reading the poem by O. Vysotskaya "Dandelion".

The sun dropped a golden ray. Dandelion has grown - the first young one! He has a wonderful Golden color, He is a big sun, A small portrait!

Look what a beautiful dandelion. How is this flower similar to the sun?

Children: "The same round and yellow."

Educator: - What does a dandelion have? (stem, leaves, flower).

Hear someone buzzing.

Who is it?

The teacher makes a riddle:


Children: "Bee".

The teacher brings a bee toy to the group.

Educator: "Hello, bee! What is your name?" - MAYA.

The bee found out that a dandelion appeared in our group. She woke up early, and the flowers had not yet blossomed anywhere. The bee wants so much to collect a lot of nectar. So she came to us.

Educator: “Guys, a bee needs a lot of flowers to collect flower nectar. Where can we get a lot of flowers?

Children: Draw.

Invite the children to draw dandelions using the poke method. Remind and show the children how to hold the brush correctly: just like a pencil, with three fingers, but above the metal part of the brush. Perform the exercise - warm-up with a brush, while the hand should be on the elbow. (Children perform movements in accordance with the text on a small sheet of paper).

Hold the brush like this - Hand on the elbow. The brush is held with three fingers

Above her metal parts.

It's difficult? No, rubbish! - Movements with the hand over the text.

Right - left, up and down

Our brush ran.

And then, and then - The brush is held vertically.

The brush runs around. Perform poke without paint

Twisted like a top. on the sheet.

After the poke comes the poke!

Consider dandelions, clarify the color and shape of flowers and leaves.

Children independently draw the contour of a dandelion with a pencil (the flower is oval or round, at the request of the children).

Remind the children and show that with a brush you can paint flat with the whole pile, sticking, end, and if you hold the brush vertically to the paper and flatten the pile on it, you get an imitation of a large "fluffy" or "prickly" point (children

shown on a piece of paper). Remind the technique of drawing with a poke. The teacher shows and explains. Children first trace the outline of the flower with their finger, then poke with a brush with stiff bristles without paint along the outline of the flower. The hand rests on the elbow, hold the brush with three fingers, above the metal part, the brush is placed vertically on a sheet of paper and falls down from the top, the movements are rhythmically repeated. Children repeat after the teacher.

Offer to draw a dandelion in the color they want to see it. (independent choice of children).

The teacher invites the children to type gouache on the brush. Gouache should be thick, the brush should be dry. To remove excess paint, you need to make a few random poke on a small sheet of paper and see what color you get. Draw the attention of the children that the point turned out to be “airy”, “fluffy”, like a real dandelion bud. Recall that a light yellow tint can be obtained by mixing yellow and white gouache on the palette.

He will invite the children to start drawing on their own with pokes right along the line of the bud, making pokes next to each other, leaving no gap between the pokes. Then, with arbitrary pokes, paint over the surface inside the contour of the flower. Draw flowers with yellow, white paint of the choice of children. When changing paint, rinse the brush in water, wipe dry with a cloth, and continue to paint. The remaining details of the flower (stem, leaves) draw with the end of a soft brush. The tip of the brush is dipped into a jar of water, excess water is removed by dipping on a cloth. Then gouache is picked up at the tip of the brush and painted.

The teacher helps children who have difficulty in drawing. Shows on your sample.

Final part.

Physical culture minute "Dandelions".

At this time, the work dries up.

After a pause, the children put their work on the table. They stand in a semicircle around their work.

The teacher puts the Maya bee toy on the children's drawings.

Maya the bee: "Thank you guys, now I will collect a lot of nectar."

Educator to children: “You and I found ourselves in a large clearing where dandelions grow. Let's look at them." The teacher asks leading questions to the children.

How did you draw dandelions? (children's answers)

What color are dandelions? (children's answers)

What does a meadow of dandelions look like? (children's answers)

Show me the dandelion you liked the most? (children's answers)

Why do we need flowers?

Need to pick flowers just like that? (children's answers)

Educator for children: “You all tried to draw beautiful flowers, real artists. Let's make an exhibition of your paintings so that all the guests coming to our group admire your flowers.

Abstract of an open lesson in drawing.

Unconventional technique: poke with a dry brush.

Middle group.

Theme: "Yellow dandelions".


1. Educational.

Learn to convey the image of a flower, its structure and shape using the method of poking with a hard brush. Expand knowledge about the first spring flowers. Improve the ability to properly hold the brush when drawing.

2. Fine.

Develop fine arts and crafts skills. Be able to arrange flowers all over the sheet. To consolidate the ability to use a thin brush when drawing leaves, stems. Depict flower heads with a hard brush without leaving a gap between the poke. To consolidate the ability to independently draw flowers using the poke method (large and small ovals and circles).

3. Developing.

Develop imagination and perception of the surrounding world, cognitive abilities. Orientation in space, sense of color, rhythm. Development of eye-hand coordination, hand control. Master the techniques of depicting flowers using round, oval shapes in various combinations.

4. Educational.

Instill accuracy in drawing. To form an emotionally positive attitude towards the drawing process itself.

5. Vocabulary work.

Poke drawing, spring flowers, stem, leaves, color texture.

Preparing for the lesson.

Preliminary work: Conversation about the first spring colors with children. Acquaintance of children with the technique of drawing by the poke method, reading the poem by O. Vysotskaya “Dandelion”, examining a reproduction of a painting by Levitan I.I. "Dandelions", looking at pictures and photographs depicting dandelions.

Equipment: gouache green and yellow, white; two brushes - a brush with hard bristles, a soft brush with a thin tip; palette; light green sheet of paper A-4; white sheet of paper; cloth rag; paper napkin; a jar of water; brush stand.

Course progress.

Talk about the first spring colors with children. Educator: “Guys, the wonderful time of the year Spring has come. All nature wakes up from a long sleep. Which flowers bloom first? (children's answers)

Educator: "I will tell you a beautiful verse." Reading the poem by O. Vysotskaya "Dandelion".

The sun dropped a golden ray. Dandelion has grown - the first young one! He has a wonderful Golden color, He is a big sun, A small portrait!

Look what a beautiful dandelion. How is this flower similar to the sun?

Children: "The same round and yellow."

Educator: - What does a dandelion have? (stem, leaves, flower).

Hear someone buzzing.

Who is it?

The teacher makes a riddle:


Children: "Bee".

The teacher brings a bee toy to the group.

Educator: "Hello, bee! What is your name?" - MAYA.

The bee found out that a dandelion appeared in our group. She woke up early, and the flowers had not yet blossomed anywhere. The bee wants so much to collect a lot of nectar. So she came to us.

Educator: “Guys, a bee needs a lot of flowers to collect flower nectar. Where can we get a lot of flowers?

Children: Draw.

Invite the children to draw dandelions using the poke method. Remind and show the children how to hold the brush correctly: just like a pencil, with three fingers, but above the metal part of the brush. Perform the exercise - warm-up with a brush, while the hand should be on the elbow. (Children perform movements in accordance with the text on a small sheet of paper).

Hold the brush like this - Hand on the elbow. The brush is held with three fingers

Above her metal parts.

It's difficult? No, rubbish! - Movements with the hand over the text.

Right - left, up and down

Our brush ran.

And then, and then - The brush is held vertically.

The brush runs around. Perform poke without paint

Twisted like a top. on the sheet.

After the poke comes the poke!

Consider dandelions, clarify the color and shape of flowers and leaves.

Children independently draw the contour of a dandelion with a pencil (the flower is oval or round, at the request of the children).

Remind the children and show that with a brush you can paint flat with the whole pile, sticking, end, and if you hold the brush vertically to the paper and flatten the pile on it, you get an imitation of a large "fluffy" or "prickly" point (children

shown on a piece of paper). Remind the technique of drawing with a poke. The teacher shows and explains. Children first trace the outline of the flower with their finger, then poke with a brush with stiff bristles without paint along the outline of the flower. The hand rests on the elbow, hold the brush with three fingers, above the metal part, the brush is placed vertically on a sheet of paper and falls down from the top, the movements are rhythmically repeated. Children repeat after the teacher.

Offer to draw a dandelion in the color they want to see it. (independent choice of children).

The teacher invites the children to type gouache on the brush. Gouache should be thick, the brush should be dry. To remove excess paint, you need to make a few random poke on a small sheet of paper and see what color you get. Draw the attention of the children that the point turned out to be “airy”, “fluffy”, like a real dandelion bud. Recall that a light yellow tint can be obtained by mixing yellow and white gouache on the palette.

He will invite the children to start drawing on their own with pokes right along the line of the bud, making pokes next to each other, leaving no gap between the pokes. Then, with arbitrary pokes, paint over the surface inside the contour of the flower. Draw flowers with yellow, white paint of the choice of children. When changing paint, rinse the brush in water, wipe dry with a cloth, and continue to paint. The remaining details of the flower (stem, leaves) draw with the end of a soft brush. The tip of the brush is dipped into a jar of water, excess water is removed by dipping on a cloth. Then gouache is picked up at the tip of the brush and painted.

The teacher helps children who have difficulty in drawing. Shows on your sample.

Final part.

Physical culture minute "Dandelions".

At this time, the work dries up.

After a pause, the children put their work on the table. They stand in a semicircle around their work.

The teacher puts the Maya bee toy on the children's drawings.

Maya the bee: "Thank you guys, now I will collect a lot of nectar."

Educator to children: “You and I found ourselves in a large clearing where dandelions grow. Let's look at them." The teacher asks leading questions to the children.

How did you draw dandelions? (children's answers)

What color are dandelions? (children's answers)

What does a meadow of dandelions look like? (children's answers)

Show me the dandelion you liked the most? (children's answers)

Why do we need flowers?

Need to pick flowers just like that? (children's answers)

Educator for children: “You all tried to draw beautiful flowers, real artists. Let's make an exhibition of your paintings so that all the guests coming to our group admire your flowers.

Abstract of an open lesson in drawing.

Unconventional technique: poke with a dry brush.

Middle group.

Theme: "Yellow dandelions".


1. Educational.

Learn to convey the image of a flower, its structure and shape using the method of poking with a hard brush. Expand knowledge about the first spring flowers. Improve the ability to properly hold the brush when drawing.

2. Fine.

Develop fine arts and crafts skills. Be able to arrange flowers all over the sheet. To consolidate the ability to use a thin brush when drawing leaves, stems. Depict flower heads with a hard brush without leaving a gap between the poke. To consolidate the ability to independently draw flowers using the poke method (large and small ovals and circles).

3. Developing.

Develop imagination and perception of the surrounding world, cognitive abilities. Orientation in space, sense of color, rhythm. Development of eye-hand coordination, hand control. Master the techniques of depicting flowers using round, oval shapes in various combinations.

4. Educational.

Instill accuracy in drawing. To form an emotionally positive attitude towards the drawing process itself.

5. Vocabulary work.

Poke drawing, spring flowers, stem, leaves, color texture.

Preparing for the lesson.

Preliminary work: Conversation about the first spring colors with children. Acquaintance of children with the technique of drawing by the poke method, reading the poem by O. Vysotskaya “Dandelion”, examining a reproduction of a painting by Levitan I.I. "Dandelions", looking at pictures and photographs depicting dandelions.

Equipment: gouache green and yellow, white; two brushes - a brush with hard bristles, a soft brush with a thin tip; palette; light green sheet of paper A-4; white sheet of paper; cloth rag; paper napkin; a jar of water; brush stand.

Course progress.

Talk about the first spring colors with children. Educator: “Guys, the wonderful time of the year Spring has come. All nature wakes up from a long sleep. Which flowers bloom first? (children's answers)

Educator: "I will tell you a beautiful verse." Reading the poem by O. Vysotskaya "Dandelion".

The sun dropped a golden ray. Dandelion has grown - the first young one! He has a wonderful Golden color, He is a big sun, A small portrait!

Look what a beautiful dandelion. How is this flower similar to the sun?

Children: "The same round and yellow."

Educator: - What does a dandelion have? (stem, leaves, flower).

Hear someone buzzing.

Who is it?

The teacher makes a riddle:


Children: "Bee".

The teacher brings a bee toy to the group.

Educator: "Hello, bee! What is your name?" - MAYA.

The bee found out that a dandelion appeared in our group. She woke up early, and the flowers had not yet blossomed anywhere. The bee wants so much to collect a lot of nectar. So she came to us.

Educator: “Guys, a bee needs a lot of flowers to collect flower nectar. Where can we get a lot of flowers?

Children: Draw.

Invite the children to draw dandelions using the poke method. Remind and show the children how to hold the brush correctly: just like a pencil, with three fingers, but above the metal part of the brush. Perform the exercise - warm-up with a brush, while the hand should be on the elbow. (Children perform movements in accordance with the text on a small sheet of paper).

Hold the brush like this - Hand on the elbow. The brush is held with three fingers

Above her metal parts.

It's difficult? No, rubbish! - Movements with the hand over the text.

Right - left, up and down

Our brush ran.

And then, and then - The brush is held vertically.

The brush runs around. Perform poke without paint

Twisted like a top. on the sheet.

After the poke comes the poke!

Consider dandelions, clarify the color and shape of flowers and leaves.

Children independently draw the contour of a dandelion with a pencil (the flower is oval or round, at the request of the children).

Remind the children and show that with a brush you can paint flat with the whole pile, sticking, end, and if you hold the brush vertically to the paper and flatten the pile on it, you get an imitation of a large "fluffy" or "prickly" point (children

shown on a piece of paper). Remind the technique of drawing with a poke. The teacher shows and explains. Children first trace the outline of the flower with their finger, then poke with a brush with stiff bristles without paint along the outline of the flower. The hand rests on the elbow, hold the brush with three fingers, above the metal part, the brush is placed vertically on a sheet of paper and falls down from the top, the movements are rhythmically repeated. Children repeat after the teacher.

Offer to draw a dandelion in the color they want to see it. (independent choice of children).

The teacher invites the children to type gouache on the brush. Gouache should be thick, the brush should be dry. To remove excess paint, you need to make a few random poke on a small sheet of paper and see what color you get. Draw the attention of the children that the point turned out to be “airy”, “fluffy”, like a real dandelion bud. Recall that a light yellow tint can be obtained by mixing yellow and white gouache on the palette.

He will invite the children to start drawing on their own with pokes right along the line of the bud, making pokes next to each other, leaving no gap between the pokes. Then, with arbitrary pokes, paint over the surface inside the contour of the flower. Draw flowers with yellow, white paint of the choice of children. When changing paint, rinse the brush in water, wipe dry with a cloth, and continue to paint. The remaining details of the flower (stem, leaves) draw with the end of a soft brush. The tip of the brush is dipped into a jar of water, excess water is removed by dipping on a cloth. Then gouache is picked up at the tip of the brush and painted.

The teacher helps children who have difficulty in drawing. Shows on your sample.

Final part.

Physical culture minute "Dandelions".

At this time, the work dries up.

After a pause, the children put their work on the table. They stand in a semicircle around their work.

The teacher puts the Maya bee toy on the children's drawings.

Maya the bee: "Thank you guys, now I will collect a lot of nectar."

Educator to children: “You and I found ourselves in a large clearing where dandelions grow. Let's look at them." The teacher asks leading questions to the children.

How did you draw dandelions? (children's answers)

What color are dandelions? (children's answers)

What does a meadow of dandelions look like? (children's answers)

Show me the dandelion you liked the most? (children's answers)

Why do we need flowers?

Need to pick flowers just like that? (children's answers)

Educator for children: “You all tried to draw beautiful flowers, real artists. Let's make an exhibition of your paintings so that all the guests coming to our group admire your flowers.

Abstract of an open lesson in drawing.

Unconventional technique: poke with a dry brush.

Middle group.

Theme: "Yellow dandelions".


1. Educational.

Learn to convey the image of a flower, its structure and shape using the method of poking with a hard brush. Expand knowledge about the first spring flowers. Improve the ability to properly hold the brush when drawing.

2. Fine.

Develop fine arts and crafts skills. Be able to arrange flowers all over the sheet. To consolidate the ability to use a thin brush when drawing leaves, stems. Depict flower heads with a hard brush without leaving a gap between the poke. To consolidate the ability to independently draw flowers using the poke method (large and small ovals and circles).

3. Developing.

Develop imagination and perception of the surrounding world, cognitive abilities. Orientation in space, sense of color, rhythm. Development of eye-hand coordination, hand control. Master the techniques of depicting flowers using round, oval shapes in various combinations.

4. Educational.

Instill accuracy in drawing. To form an emotionally positive attitude towards the drawing process itself.

5. Vocabulary work.

Poke drawing, spring flowers, stem, leaves, color texture.

Preparing for the lesson.

Preliminary work: Conversation about the first spring colors with children. Acquaintance of children with the technique of drawing by the poke method, reading the poem by O. Vysotskaya “Dandelion”, examining a reproduction of a painting by Levitan I.I. "Dandelions", looking at pictures and photographs depicting dandelions.

Equipment: gouache green and yellow, white; two brushes - a brush with hard bristles, a soft brush with a thin tip; palette; light green sheet of paper A-4; white sheet of paper; cloth rag; paper napkin; a jar of water; brush stand.

Course progress.

Talk about the first spring colors with children. Educator: “Guys, the wonderful time of the year Spring has come. All nature wakes up from a long sleep. Which flowers bloom first? (children's answers)

Educator: "I will tell you a beautiful verse." Reading the poem by O. Vysotskaya "Dandelion".

The sun dropped a golden ray. Dandelion has grown - the first young one! He has a wonderful Golden color, He is a big sun, A small portrait!

Look what a beautiful dandelion. How is this flower similar to the sun?

Children: "The same round and yellow."

Educator: - What does a dandelion have? (stem, leaves, flower).

Hear someone buzzing.

Who is it?

The teacher makes a riddle:


Children: "Bee".

The teacher brings a bee toy to the group.

Educator: "Hello, bee! What is your name?" - MAYA.

The bee found out that a dandelion appeared in our group. She woke up early, and the flowers had not yet blossomed anywhere. The bee wants so much to collect a lot of nectar. So she came to us.

Educator: “Guys, a bee needs a lot of flowers to collect flower nectar. Where can we get a lot of flowers?

Children: Draw.

Invite the children to draw dandelions using the poke method. Remind and show the children how to hold the brush correctly: just like a pencil, with three fingers, but above the metal part of the brush. Perform the exercise - warm-up with a brush, while the hand should be on the elbow. (Children perform movements in accordance with the text on a small sheet of paper).

Hold the brush like this - Hand on the elbow. The brush is held with three fingers

Above her metal parts.

It's difficult? No, rubbish! - Movements with the hand over the text.

Right - left, up and down

Our brush ran.

And then, and then - The brush is held vertically.

The brush runs around. Perform poke without paint

Twisted like a top. on the sheet.

After the poke comes the poke!

Consider dandelions, clarify the color and shape of flowers and leaves.

Children independently draw the contour of a dandelion with a pencil (the flower is oval or round, at the request of the children).

Remind the children and show that with a brush you can paint flat with the whole pile, sticking, end, and if you hold the brush vertically to the paper and flatten the pile on it, you get an imitation of a large "fluffy" or "prickly" point (children

shown on a piece of paper). Remind the technique of drawing with a poke. The teacher shows and explains. Children first trace the outline of the flower with their finger, then poke with a brush with stiff bristles without paint along the outline of the flower. The hand rests on the elbow, hold the brush with three fingers, above the metal part, the brush is placed vertically on a sheet of paper and falls down from the top, the movements are rhythmically repeated. Children repeat after the teacher.

Offer to draw a dandelion in the color they want to see it. (independent choice of children).

The teacher invites the children to type gouache on the brush. Gouache should be thick, the brush should be dry. To remove excess paint, you need to make a few random poke on a small sheet of paper and see what color you get. Draw the attention of the children that the point turned out to be “airy”, “fluffy”, like a real dandelion bud. Recall that a light yellow tint can be obtained by mixing yellow and white gouache on the palette.

He will invite the children to start drawing on their own with pokes right along the line of the bud, making pokes next to each other, leaving no gap between the pokes. Then, with arbitrary pokes, paint over the surface inside the contour of the flower. Draw flowers with yellow, white paint of the choice of children. When changing paint, rinse the brush in water, wipe dry with a cloth, and continue to paint. The remaining details of the flower (stem, leaves) draw with the end of a soft brush. The tip of the brush is dipped into a jar of water, excess water is removed by dipping on a cloth. Then gouache is picked up at the tip of the brush and painted.

The teacher helps children who have difficulty in drawing. Shows on your sample.

Final part.

Physical culture minute "Dandelions".

At this time, the work dries up.

After a pause, the children put their work on the table. They stand in a semicircle around their work.

The teacher puts the Maya bee toy on the children's drawings.

Maya the bee: "Thank you guys, now I will collect a lot of nectar."

Educator to children: “You and I found ourselves in a large clearing where dandelions grow. Let's look at them." The teacher asks leading questions to the children.

How did you draw dandelions? (children's answers)

What color are dandelions? (children's answers)

What does a meadow of dandelions look like? (children's answers)

Show me the dandelion you liked the most? (children's answers)

Why do we need flowers?

Need to pick flowers just like that? (children's answers)

Educator for children: “You all tried to draw beautiful flowers, real artists. Let's make an exhibition of your paintings so that all the guests coming to our group admire your flowers.

Abstract of an open lesson in drawing.

Unconventional technique: poke with a dry brush.

Middle group.

Theme: "Yellow dandelions".


1. Educational.

Learn to convey the image of a flower, its structure and shape using the method of poking with a hard brush. Expand knowledge about the first spring flowers. Improve the ability to properly hold the brush when drawing.

2. Fine.

Develop fine arts and crafts skills. Be able to arrange flowers all over the sheet. To consolidate the ability to use a thin brush when drawing leaves, stems. Depict flower heads with a hard brush without leaving a gap between the poke. To consolidate the ability to independently draw flowers using the poke method (large and small ovals and circles).

3. Developing.

Develop imagination and perception of the surrounding world, cognitive abilities. Orientation in space, sense of color, rhythm. Development of eye-hand coordination, hand control. Master the techniques of depicting flowers using round, oval shapes in various combinations.

4. Educational.

Instill accuracy in drawing. To form an emotionally positive attitude towards the drawing process itself.

5. Vocabulary work.

Poke drawing, spring flowers, stem, leaves, color texture.

Preparing for the lesson.

Preliminary work: Conversation about the first spring colors with children. Acquaintance of children with the technique of drawing by the poke method, reading the poem by O. Vysotskaya “Dandelion”, examining a reproduction of a painting by Levitan I.I. "Dandelions", looking at pictures and photographs depicting dandelions.

Equipment: gouache green and yellow, white; two brushes - a brush with hard bristles, a soft brush with a thin tip; palette; light green sheet of paper A-4; white sheet of paper; cloth rag; paper napkin; a jar of water; brush stand.

Course progress.

Talk about the first spring colors with children. Educator: “Guys, the wonderful time of the year Spring has come. All nature wakes up from a long sleep. Which flowers bloom first? (children's answers)

Educator: "I will tell you a beautiful verse." Reading the poem by O. Vysotskaya "Dandelion".

The sun dropped a golden ray. Dandelion has grown - the first young one! He has a wonderful Golden color, He is a big sun, A small portrait!

Look what a beautiful dandelion. How is this flower similar to the sun?

Children: "The same round and yellow."

Educator: - What does a dandelion have? (stem, leaves, flower).

Hear someone buzzing.

Who is it?

The teacher makes a riddle:


Children: "Bee".

The teacher brings a bee toy to the group.

Educator: "Hello, bee! What is your name?" - MAYA.

The bee found out that a dandelion appeared in our group. She woke up early, and the flowers had not yet blossomed anywhere. The bee wants so much to collect a lot of nectar. So she came to us.

Educator: “Guys, a bee needs a lot of flowers to collect flower nectar. Where can we get a lot of flowers?

Children: Draw.

Invite the children to draw dandelions using the poke method. Remind and show the children how to hold the brush correctly: just like a pencil, with three fingers, but above the metal part of the brush. Perform the exercise - warm-up with a brush, while the hand should be on the elbow. (Children perform movements in accordance with the text on a small sheet of paper).

Hold the brush like this - Hand on the elbow. The brush is held with three fingers

Above her metal parts.

It's difficult? No, rubbish! - Movements with the hand over the text.

Right - left, up and down

Our brush ran.

And then, and then - The brush is held vertically.

The brush runs around. Perform poke without paint

Twisted like a top. on the sheet.

After the poke comes the poke!

Consider dandelions, clarify the color and shape of flowers and leaves.

Children independently draw the contour of a dandelion with a pencil (the flower is oval or round, at the request of the children).

Remind the children and show that with a brush you can paint flat with the whole pile, sticking, end, and if you hold the brush vertically to the paper and flatten the pile on it, you get an imitation of a large "fluffy" or "prickly" point (children

shown on a piece of paper). Remind the technique of drawing with a poke. The teacher shows and explains. Children first trace the outline of the flower with their finger, then poke with a brush with stiff bristles without paint along the outline of the flower. The hand rests on the elbow, hold the brush with three fingers, above the metal part, the brush is placed vertically on a sheet of paper and falls down from the top, the movements are rhythmically repeated. Children repeat after the teacher.

Offer to draw a dandelion in the color they want to see it. (independent choice of children).

The teacher invites the children to type gouache on the brush. Gouache should be thick, the brush should be dry. To remove excess paint, you need to make a few random poke on a small sheet of paper and see what color you get. Draw the attention of the children that the point turned out to be “airy”, “fluffy”, like a real dandelion bud. Recall that a light yellow tint can be obtained by mixing yellow and white gouache on the palette.

He will invite the children to start drawing on their own with pokes right along the line of the bud, making pokes next to each other, leaving no gap between the pokes. Then, with arbitrary pokes, paint over the surface inside the contour of the flower. Draw flowers with yellow, white paint of the choice of children. When changing paint, rinse the brush in water, wipe dry with a cloth, and continue to paint. The remaining details of the flower (stem, leaves) draw with the end of a soft brush. The tip of the brush is dipped into a jar of water, excess water is removed by dipping on a cloth. Then gouache is picked up at the tip of the brush and painted.

The teacher helps children who have difficulty in drawing. Shows on your sample.

Final part.

Physical culture minute "Dandelions".

At this time, the work dries up.

After a pause, the children put their work on the table. They stand in a semicircle around their work.

The teacher puts the Maya bee toy on the children's drawings.

Maya the bee: "Thank you guys, now I will collect a lot of nectar."

Educator to children: “You and I found ourselves in a large clearing where dandelions grow. Let's look at them." The teacher asks leading questions to the children.

How did you draw dandelions? (children's answers)

What color are dandelions? (children's answers)

What does a meadow of dandelions look like? (children's answers)

Show me the dandelion you liked the most? (children's answers)

Why do we need flowers?

Need to pick flowers just like that? (children's answers)

Educator for children: “You all tried to draw beautiful flowers, real artists. Let's make an exhibition of your paintings so that all the guests coming to our group admire your flowers.

Abstract of an open lesson in drawing.

Unconventional technique: poke with a dry brush.

Middle group.

Theme: "Yellow dandelions".


1. Educational.

Learn to convey the image of a flower, its structure and shape using the method of poking with a hard brush. Expand knowledge about the first spring flowers. Improve the ability to properly hold the brush when drawing.

2. Fine.

Develop fine arts and crafts skills. Be able to arrange flowers all over the sheet. To consolidate the ability to use a thin brush when drawing leaves, stems. Depict flower heads with a hard brush without leaving a gap between the poke. To consolidate the ability to independently draw flowers using the poke method (large and small ovals and circles).

3. Developing.

Develop imagination and perception of the surrounding world, cognitive abilities. Orientation in space, sense of color, rhythm. Development of eye-hand coordination, hand control. Master the techniques of depicting flowers using round, oval shapes in various combinations.

4. Educational.

Instill accuracy in drawing. To form an emotionally positive attitude towards the drawing process itself.

5. Vocabulary work.

Poke drawing, spring flowers, stem, leaves, color texture.

Preparing for the lesson.

Preliminary work: Conversation about the first spring colors with children. Acquaintance of children with the technique of drawing by the poke method, reading the poem by O. Vysotskaya “Dandelion”, examining a reproduction of a painting by Levitan I.I. "Dandelions", looking at pictures and photographs depicting dandelions.

Equipment: gouache green and yellow, white; two brushes - a brush with hard bristles, a soft brush with a thin tip; palette; light green sheet of paper A-4; white sheet of paper; cloth rag; paper napkin; a jar of water; brush stand.

Course progress.

Talk about the first spring colors with children. Educator: “Guys, the wonderful time of the year Spring has come. All nature wakes up from a long sleep. Which flowers bloom first? (children's answers)

Educator: "I will tell you a beautiful verse." Reading the poem by O. Vysotskaya "Dandelion".

The sun dropped a golden ray. Dandelion has grown - the first young one! He has a wonderful Golden color, He is a big sun, A small portrait!

Look what a beautiful dandelion. How is this flower similar to the sun?

Children: "The same round and yellow."

Educator: - What does a dandelion have? (stem, leaves, flower).

Hear someone buzzing.

Who is it?

The teacher makes a riddle:


Children: "Bee".

The teacher brings a bee toy to the group.

Educator: "Hello, bee! What is your name?" - MAYA.

The bee found out that a dandelion appeared in our group. She woke up early, and the flowers had not yet blossomed anywhere. The bee wants so much to collect a lot of nectar. So she came to us.

Educator: “Guys, a bee needs a lot of flowers to collect flower nectar. Where can we get a lot of flowers?

Children: Draw.

Invite the children to draw dandelions using the poke method. Remind and show the children how to hold the brush correctly: just like a pencil, with three fingers, but above the metal part of the brush. Perform the exercise - warm-up with a brush, while the hand should be on the elbow. (Children perform movements in accordance with the text on a small sheet of paper).

Hold the brush like this - Hand on the elbow. The brush is held with three fingers

Above her metal parts.

It's difficult? No, rubbish! - Movements with the hand over the text.

Right - left, up and down

Our brush ran.

And then, and then - The brush is held vertically.

The brush runs around. Perform poke without paint

Twisted like a top. on the sheet.

After the poke comes the poke!

Consider dandelions, clarify the color and shape of flowers and leaves.

Children independently draw the contour of a dandelion with a pencil (the flower is oval or round, at the request of the children).

Remind the children and show that with a brush you can paint flat with the whole pile, sticking, end, and if you hold the brush vertically to the paper and flatten the pile on it, you get an imitation of a large "fluffy" or "prickly" point (children

shown on a piece of paper). Remind the technique of drawing with a poke. The teacher shows and explains. Children first trace the outline of the flower with their finger, then poke with a brush with stiff bristles without paint along the outline of the flower. The hand rests on the elbow, hold the brush with three fingers, above the metal part, the brush is placed vertically on a sheet of paper and falls down from the top, the movements are rhythmically repeated. Children repeat after the teacher.

Offer to draw a dandelion in the color they want to see it. (independent choice of children).

The teacher invites the children to type gouache on the brush. Gouache should be thick, the brush should be dry. To remove excess paint, you need to make a few random poke on a small sheet of paper and see what color you get. Draw the attention of the children that the point turned out to be “airy”, “fluffy”, like a real dandelion bud. Recall that a light yellow tint can be obtained by mixing yellow and white gouache on the palette.

He will invite the children to start drawing on their own with pokes right along the line of the bud, making pokes next to each other, leaving no gap between the pokes. Then, with arbitrary pokes, paint over the surface inside the contour of the flower. Draw flowers with yellow, white paint of the choice of children. When changing paint, rinse the brush in water, wipe dry with a cloth, and continue to paint. The remaining details of the flower (stem, leaves) draw with the end of a soft brush. The tip of the brush is dipped into a jar of water, excess water is removed by dipping on a cloth. Then gouache is picked up at the tip of the brush and painted.

The teacher helps children who have difficulty in drawing. Shows on your sample.

Final part.

Physical culture minute "Dandelions".

At this time, the work dries up.

After a pause, the children put their work on the table. They stand in a semicircle around their work.

The teacher puts the Maya bee toy on the children's drawings.

Maya the bee: "Thank you guys, now I will collect a lot of nectar."

Educator to children: “You and I found ourselves in a large clearing where dandelions grow. Let's look at them." The teacher asks leading questions to the children.

How did you draw dandelions? (children's answers)

What color are dandelions? (children's answers)

What does a meadow of dandelions look like? (children's answers)

Show me the dandelion you liked the most? (children's answers)

Why do we need flowers?

Need to pick flowers just like that? (children's answers)

Educator for children: “You all tried to draw beautiful flowers, real artists. Let's make an exhibition of your paintings so that all the guests coming to our group admire your flowers.

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