How to open a dance school start. What target audience will the dance studio be designed for?


Each niche in business has its own specifics, not only in organizational and financial terms, but also in terms of drawing up a business plan. However, the dance studio also requires a creative approach.

An entrepreneur may not have a choreographic education, but he must analyze the market, look for teaching staff and coordinate training programs - the further prosperity of his idea depends on this.

Choosing a school format

Before opening a dance studio, it is necessary to think over the directions of activity.

Dance Format

This may be a specific direction - for example, Argentine tango or Eastern dance. Training will be conducted according to difficulty levels. The minus of the “restrictions” is that the circle of potential clients is narrowing, and the search for a teacher will be complicated by the lack of knowledge of the direction. But there are also advantages: it is not necessary to rent a large space - one class is enough for activity.

Versatility is preferred by most dance schools. Diversity increases the flow of customers and allows you to update programs depending on fashion trends and the emergence of new trends.

Presence/absence of a franchise

A novice entrepreneur always has the opportunity to start his own business from scratch: come up with a new brand, establish himself and start developing.

The second option (quick start) is to buy a franchise: under an already well-known brand, a citizen opens a dance studio in his region and receives a stream of customers.

The cons of a franchise are financial expenses when buying it.


On early stages It is difficult to make a profit when starting a business, but if you prioritize correctly, then the payback will be obvious.

First you need to decide on the price category of services.

If this is a premium class, then the place should be in the center of a large area, have a good repair. When reaching a middle-class audience, it is enough to take into account the transport accessibility for the building and the availability of the necessary elements in the room (shower, dressing room, wardrobe).

In the first case, due to the increased cost of lessons, there will be more profit, but a lot of investments will also be required. The second type is good because, if there is demand, you can increase the level of service and work for both the middle class and premium, investing the profits in the development of the studio gradually.

Creating a business plan

The business plan of a dance school is calculated based on specific parameters.

Cost of trainingfrom 200 to 600 rubles.Depends on the quantity and quality of equipment
Individual coaching servicesfrom 700 to 1500 rubles.
Rentfrom 500 rubles/sq.m.
The total amount is 75,000 rubles.
It will take approximately 150 sq.m.
Equipment100 000 rub.Reception desk, mirrors, furniture
Staff salary100 000 rub.
Advertising expenses60 000 rub.
Total: 335,000 rubles.

Payback per week at the rate of: 400 rubles. training, 12 people in a group, 3 groups per day - 14,400, per month - 57 600.

Individual consultations are not included in the calculation, as this is a specific category that will be in demand with a high professionalism of the trainer.

The above are approximate calculations for new school dances that vary depending on the price level in the region. For megacities, the costs are higher, but the cost of classes is higher.

How can you open your own dance school from scratch without capital:

  • take a loan from a bank;
  • take out a loan from a small business support fund;
  • crowdfunding.

Company registration and documents

The choice of registration form depends on whether a diploma or other document will be issued after graduation. If yes, then you will need a license to carry out educational activities. You need to register in the form of an LLC (this alternative is acceptable when there are several founders).

In other cases, it is better to register an IP.

The procedure for registering an LLC is as follows.

  1. You need to start by holding a meeting of participants and drawing up minutes.
  2. We sign an agreement on the establishment.
  3. We draw up the Charter.
  4. We determine the legal address (we rent the building or buy it out).
  5. We pay the state duty in the amount 4000 rub.
  6. We choose the taxation system 9 (even if the balance is zero for the first time).
  7. We go to the Federal Tax Service and provide:
  • application in the form P 11001;
  • minutes of the meeting;
  • charter;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • documents confirming the legal address.

Registration takes place within 3 business days.

Upon completion, the applicant will receive:

  • charter in 1 copy;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • registration certificate.

The procedure for registering an individual entrepreneur is as follows. You need to contact the Federal Tax Service at the place of registration or residence and provide:

  • passport;
  • receipt of payment of state duty ( 800 rub.);
  • application in the form P21001 (a sample can be taken from the tax office).

Through 3 business days the applicant receives an EGRIP record sheet.

What target audience will the dance studio be designed for?

Define target audience possible in 2 ways:

  • independently after opening and subsequently adjust it;
  • by analyzing the demand for dance directions.

The audience depends on the format of the studio: if one type of training is chosen, then it will be in demand only among those who understand it or want to try something new.

The second option is to cover the entire audience: young mothers with a child (for them a children's room), students, adults, pensioners (they can be offered a preferential subscription).

In this case, it is necessary to expand the list of services offered and take into account the needs of clients regarding the time of their implementation.

School location selection

When choosing an area for a dance studio, 2 points must be taken into account - transport accessibility and cross-country ability.

How about downtown?


  • high permeability;
  • transport accessibility from all districts of the city;
  • higher cost of classes;
  • less advertising costs due to good location;
  • advantage for working visitors;
  • prestige.


  • high cost of rent per square meter;
  • not everyone works in the center and therefore will prefer dancing closer to home, in residential area;
  • traffic jams in the center lead to a delay in training due to late clients.

Dormitory areas and the outskirts also have their advantages.


  • low cost of rent per square meter;
  • categories such as housewives, young mothers will appear among customers, who will fill the morning and afternoon hours, which are considered downtime;
  • no competition and more opportunity to succeed.


  • lower cost of lessons;
  • increase in advertising costs;
  • inconvenience of accommodation for teachers;
  • less traffic, less demand.

Premises: buy or rent?

When choosing how to use the building, it is necessary to decide whether it will be rented or purchased.



  • in case of unprofitability of the business, you can abandon the area;
  • the entrepreneur does not bear the costs associated with the maintenance of housing (with the exception of paying some utilities);
  • when expanding the business, the space can be changed.


  • the repairs carried out will “remain” in the building;
  • a citizen will not be able to remake the premises the way he wants (re-planning, demolition of walls, etc.), since many owners will not want to spoil the appearance;
  • if the landlord demands to vacate the area, the tenant will be forced to move out.



  • in the acquired building, you can make any repairs at your discretion;
  • if the business with dancing does not go well, if there are other business ideas, a citizen can open another business;
  • if necessary, it can be handed over to another person.


  • building maintenance costs (taxes, utility bills);
  • responsibility for it;
  • great purchase price.

With regard to the purchase of premises, it is necessary to allocate 2 aspects:

  • you can buy a turnkey business: repair costs will be minimal, but the cost of real estate will increase, the buyer will have to come to terms with the interior;
  • the purchase of a general-purpose premises will cost less, but will require investments in repairs.

A ready-made business can be rented, but there are few such offers, and besides, they rarely pay off due to the high cost. In practice, it is better to make a calculation and weigh all the pros and cons.

What should be inside the studio:

  • dance hall (preferably 2 - small and large);
  • hall (with wardrobe);
  • locker room (women's, men's);
  • shower (at least 2 cabins) and toilet;
  • staff rest room;
  • administrative zone.

The dimensions of the zones depend on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bspace and design solutions. Let's dwell on the most important points.

  1. Hall for classes. It must contain mirrors and good light. Availability required musical accompaniment and places for rest and storage of equipment, a pylon.
  2. In the locker rooms it is necessary to install lockers (preferably lockable), mirrors and seating, hair dryer.
  3. The shower must be equipped with hot and cold water, sink.
  4. The staff lounge includes a seating area, TV, kettle.
  5. In the administrative area or in the hall, not far from the entrance, a desk is installed, at which the administrator sits.

Need to organize indoors good system ventilation and air conditioning, as well as heating in the cold season. All work must be carried out before the opening of the studio.

In addition to the costs of rent, advertising and repairs, additional expenses must be included in the business plan. They are current in nature and are due to the need to equip the area.

These include buying:

  • furniture;
  • office equipment;
  • stationery;
  • audio and video systems;
  • household goods;
  • equipment for training.

These expenses are one-time. In case of limitation financial resources you can choose from them those without which classes cannot be held, and postpone the purchase of the rest until a profit is made.

Selection of personnel for work at the dance school

Dance studio staff:

  • teachers;
  • administrator;
  • housekeeping workers (janitor, cleaner);
  • other employees (accountant) who are hired as needed or provide services under an outsourcing agreement.

Let us consider in detail the main link - the teaching staff.

Where can you find them:

  • ads on job search sites;
  • announcements in thematic places (for example, in educational institutions);
  • by acquaintance and recommendations;
  • "poaching" from a competitor.

Employment documents:

  • passport;
  • employment history;
  • education document;
  • SNILS.

The teacher's skills will be tested in practice. In addition to the ability to dance, he must have organizational talents associated with the ability to captivate the audience so that they visit the hall again.

Learning process

As for the format of classes, you can choose from several types:

  • small groups - 8-10 people;
  • group - with a large audience;
  • interactive - without a teacher, through video playback of the material.

The schedule of groups varies depending on the category.

  1. Morning classes are preferred for mothers on maternity leave. In this case, it is better to consider the possibility of their being with children at school (for example, a children's room). This approach will increase the demand for services.
  2. Daily. They are chosen by the students. For them, you can enter separate subscriptions at a discount, limiting the validity period.
  3. Evening hours are relevant for a working audience. In order to keep customers satisfied, it is better to extend the opening hours of the school until 21:00.
  4. Weekend workouts. This type is in demand among all categories of citizens. To get started, you can put a few trial ones to check attendance.
  5. Individual consultations. Often visitors want to learn the lesson alone with the teacher. The school should provide them with this opportunity by freeing the hall. These classes are held in the morning or in the afternoon.

Advertising and marketing of the school-studio dance

Spending money on advertising or not is the choice of the entrepreneur. In order for the school to be known not only by those who are professionally involved in dancing or who live in a neighboring house, but also by other audiences, they need to be informed about it. To gain a foothold in the market, you need to promote your services.

What tools can be used?

  1. Contextual advertising.
  2. Partnership projects on barter with the media market - for example, placement on TV, radio, in the media.
  3. Conducting open (free) lessons.
  4. Placement of discount coupons on special sites (Biglion, Couponator).
  5. The use of social networks (VKontakte, Instagram).
  6. Banners.

The reopening of the school will require a presentation to visitors in order to educate them about the services offered, the work schedule, the group schedule.

promotional tools a large number of, but the main thing is that they affect the target audience. It is better to contact an advertising agency and purchase a package of services: it is cheaper, the sequence of actions is determined in advance, with such planning it can be adjusted.

The question “how to open a dance school” suggests one answer - to draw up a detailed business plan and decide on the format of the institution. Advertising and marketing tools will allow not only to attract potential customers, but also to occupy a niche in the business, proving to be a serious competitor.

With the growing popularity of various dance shows, as well as the desire of people to be active and healthy lifestyle life, the demand for dance lessons is on the rise.

Dance school lessons will be needed for a couple of newlyweds to perfect their first dance at a wedding, for children to develop plasticity, as well as for all people who want to support themselves in a good physical form. Attending a dance school is a great way to spend time with friends and make new acquaintances.

Dance training is experiencing a modern renaissance - and this creates excellent opportunities for entrepreneurs.

It goes without saying that if you are thinking of opening a dance school, then some experience in this will not be superfluous. However, this does not necessarily mean that you have to be a master of sports or have professional awards.

Love for dance is a must, but love for people is also necessary - you need to have a lot of patience to teach.

Of course, as a dance school owner, you don't have to teach yourself. However, in the early stages it is not only cost effective, but it good way Get to know your customers and hone your communication skills. It can also come in handy if you need to replace one of your teachers.

Although the organization of a dance school is mainly about communication, it will also require organizational skills. Social aspect is just one part of your business. You can teach 15 hours of dance a week but spend another 50-70 doing administrative work.

Organization and planning

The first question to be answered is what dances will you teach? However, you don't have to limit yourself to only those styles that you know personally. You can always hire a teacher who is knowledgeable about a particular style of dance and thereby expand the choice for your clients.

Analyze what trends in dance are now in fashion? What are your clients interested in? The modern dance trend is social dance, or simply put, “dances for everyone”. The idea is simple - adults who consider themselves clumsy, but want to dance, come to class, and after three weeks they themselves are shocked by the results. If dance school teachers have the talent to teach dance to people who have problems with coordination, self-esteem, rhythm or hearing, then the success of this school is guaranteed.

Think also about who you would like to teach - children or adults. All of this will help you define your target market.

If there is, then you will understand that there is a demand for these services. Then you have to evaluate if there is room for some healthy competition.

Carefully study your competitors and ask yourself: can I do better?

You can also test the feasibility of opening a dance school in the area by offering short courses of lessons - for example, at a local gym.

In order to open a dance school, you do not need any licenses and permits, if you do not plan to issue diplomas. Need to issue entity or individual entrepreneur and choose the system of taxation.


When opening a dance school, you need to pay special attention to the selection of staff. Often clients choose one or another dance studio solely because of a particular teacher. When choosing teachers, be guided not only by his dancing skills, but also by his personal qualities.

The ability to get along with people and patience are equally important. Comfortable psychological atmosphere during classes and individual approach to each student will make your school successful.

Advertising and marketing

Your main marketing campaign will be the name you have chosen for the school. The name should be sonorous and memorable, and also not be similar to the names of your competitors.

Think about where your business might be in five or ten years and try to pick a name that allows you to expand. It is better to choose a more universal name, which would not be limited to some kind of dance style, etc.

When planning to open a dance school, you should make a website for it, which would have information about the school and photos.

A good marketing strategy that will help you get the first customers to your dance school is by offering discounts and posting these offers through sites such as Groupon.

Another way to increase awareness of your business is to organize days open doors where potential customers can see what your students have learned. You can talk a lot about your dance school, but as they say, actions speak louder than words.

To attract more interested students, make the first lesson free. It will be easier for people to decide to go to your school if the introductory lesson is free.

How to open a dance school: organizational issues

Dance classes are popular with the general public: the acquisition of smoothness and grace of movements, the formation muscle mass, weight loss, maintaining the tone of the body, good spirits, active pastime attract many. For these reasons, professionals this art and even beginners who have an entrepreneurial streak tend to open a dance school.

How to open a dance studio: project launch

The choice of business registration form depends on end result conducted lessons. If, upon completion of the courses, the participants will be issued the appropriate certificates or diplomas, then the activities of the school or studio are subject to licensing. In this case, it is advisable to register the project as an LLC.

In cases where a startup opens its own dance school with the aim of teaching students to dance and does not provide for the issuance of any documents to confirm training, an individual entrepreneur can be chosen. More complex shape project registration is non-profit organization, whose activities are carried out at the expense of sponsorship money.

How to open a dance school: important points

To understand how to open your own dance school most productively, you should understand the specifics of providing this service. Studio clients primarily value professionalism and human qualities teachers, as well as the functionality of the premises. The training room is a room with an area of ​​150 sq. meters, which has a ventilation system, all fire safety requirements are met.

Equally important is the flooring: preference is given to laminate or parquet flooring, not varnished, sufficiently springy and not hard. The walls of the hall should be equipped with large mirrors - at least 2 meters high - with a minimum number of joints. Lighting should be bright, sharp, but not overbearing. In addition, the room must have excellent acoustics.

The presence of showers and a rest room is very welcome by the students. Therefore, preference should be given to a room with the possibility of organizing additional zones.

The best option is to organize evening group classes three times a week with the number of students 15 - 30 people. In the morning or lunchtime, you can conduct individual lessons or sublease the hall (if this possibility is agreed with the landlord). Realizing this option, having calculated the costs of maintaining the premises, paying utility bills, wages an administrator, a cleaner and two or three teachers, an entrepreneur can reach a net profit of at least $5,000.

Answering the question: “How to open your own dance studio?”, a startup must assess the potential at his disposal for the implementation of this project: knowledge in the field of marketing and promotion of services, the ability to communicate with customers and employees, plan business processes and manage risks. The Business Youth project invites all beginners in the field of entrepreneurship who have a desire to organize a profitable long-term business.

Despite a sufficient number of dance studios in the cities of Russia, the entrance for new players is still open. This business can be very profitable, due to the growing interest of young people (and not only) in dancing. Office workers, lawyers, managers, state officials actively move their bodies vigorously. employees, students and so on.

There is no doubt that more and more people want to learn dancing today. According to Yandex search query statistics, the phrase: “dance school in Moscow” is searched for by about 6800 people every month, in St. Petersburg- 5,900 people:

People have an interest, and this can be seen from the requests and in other major cities RF. Presence dance studio on the Internet (website) is important point which should be taken into account by the entrepreneur. With the help of a well-designed website, you can attract a significant audience of customers to your dance studio.

Business registration

Licensing this activity is not subject to. The organizational and legal form of a dance studio can be either individual entrepreneurship (individual), and society with limited liability(entity). If the case is opened by one person, then the IP will be the most suitable options (minimum documents). When organizing a dance studio by several persons (partners), it would be preferable to register a legal entity. When filling out an application for registration, you can specify OKVED 93.04 - "Physical and recreational activities."

As a system of taxation suitable option there will be USN - a simplified taxation system: 6% of revenue or 15% of profit.


The premises for opening a dance studio must be at least 100 sq. m. The cost of renting such areas in the regions starts from 500 rubles. per sq. m. For a room in a hundred square meters you will have to pay at least 50 thousand rubles a month. Most often, rent costs far over 100 thousand rubles.

Where will the studio be located: in a residential area or in the city center? special significance does not have. In a residential area it may be even better. The rental price here is much lower, and there may be more free space. IN good school dancing people will come from the other end of the city. The main thing is the availability of convenient access roads and parking.

Particular attention should be paid interior design studios. Mirrors are the main accessory of the dance studio. They should be installed on the entire wall, so that the dancers observe themselves in full height. The floors in the dance studio should not be slippery so as not to harm the health of visitors. The best coating for the dance floor is linoleum or natural wood.

Professional teachers are the key to success

The popularity and fame of the dance studio, to a greater extent, depends on the professionalism of the teachers. It is not easy to find a good teacher, a true professional in his field.

Formation good team- main difficulty this business. It can take 3 months or more to find employees.

Feedback on the work of teachers of one of the dance clubs in Ufa - this is what you need to strive for:

Portrait of an ideal dance club teacher: a cheerful and energetic person who can not only dance, but also does it beautifully. At the same time, it is desirable that the teacher knows several directions of dance at once, so that it is always possible to replace unprofitable directions with profitable ones.

Teachers' salaries can be either as a percentage of the cost of teaching a group (from 20 to 50%) or fixed for each lesson ($30 - $40).

"Assortment of Dances"

A dance club should offer as many modern, fashion dances. Here, as in a gift shop, the assortment is important.

The most popular dance styles taught in dance studios are: break dance", "go-go", "light fitness", "street dance" (" hip hop”, “House”, “Tecktonik”), oriental dances, strip plastic, wedding dances. In addition, you can earn individual lessons, body shaping, etc.

Additional interest among clients may be caused by classes in special groups:

  • dancing for adults (from 16 years old),
  • dances for children and teenagers (from 5 to 16 years old),
  • classes for expectant mothers (yoga for pregnant women),
  • staging wedding dances,
  • choreographic studio,
  • dance classes for parents and kids (from 3 months to 1.5 years).

How much do dance studios earn?

The average price of a subscription for 4 classes in the regions is 800 rubles. A monthly subscription to all areas of dance can be taken for an average of 1,500 rubles. In Moscow, prices are slightly higher. In fact, the profitability of a dance studio begins with the purchase of 80-100 monthly subscriptions. The average load of promoted clubs implies a monthly lesson of at least 15 groups of 20 people, which in monetary terms means a monthly revenue of 450,000 rubles.

How to develop a dance studio?

The most effective advertising channel for promoting a dance studio is women's magazines. Here it is important not to miscalculate with the age of the target audience and the theme of the magazine. Best Category- girls aged 17 to 25 years, namely, at this age, they are more interested in dancing.

You can't discount your own website either. It will take at least 2 thousand dollars to create and promote a good website, but the costs are justified. Through search engine today find many goods and services.

A good effect for the growth of the customer base can be given by promotions and discounts. For example, you can give a free lesson to anyone who brings their friend to the dance studio. Brought 8 friends - here's a month for you free classes. In addition, those who have doubts (those who are not ready to immediately buy a subscription) can be offered the first 30-minute lesson for free.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 8 minutes


IN Lately, the popularity of dancing classes began to actively revive. Going to dance school classes is an uptrend, especially among young people. Opening a dance studio is now a promising business direction. This material shows the most optimal course of action when opening such a school from scratch. Recommendations are given for solving the main organizational issues. The formula for calculating your potential profit is given.

We organize a dance school from scratch: a list of required documents

When opening any commercial business, it is necessary to draw up some juristic documents. The opening of a dance school is no exception.

In order to understand what documents you will need to open and fully operate such a school, you need answers to the following questions:

  • How many people will appear in the documents as the founders of the school?
  • Will graduation certificates be awarded to graduates?
  • Where will the necessary premises be rented?

If you sole founder you don’t plan to issue any schools and graduation documents, then the easiest way will be with taxation under the UTII system.

Registering an LLC is somewhat more difficult, but this will have to be done if:

  1. The founders of the dance school are two or more people.
  2. It is planned to issue attestation certificates to graduates. This involves obtaining a license for the right to issue such documents.

In both cases, organizational legal form in the form of an LLC is required.
Permits may also be required from the Ministry of Emergency Situations and SES for the right to use the leased premises for the intended purposes. To avoid this, it is recommended to rent premises from organizations that already have such permits. And these are: fitness centers, cultural centers, youth centers, etc.

Dance school for adults or children: choose the target audience

Next important question- Define your target audience. You need to understand exactly who your potential customers are. To do this, you need to study the market for similar offers that already exists in your city.

You must find out the following:

  • How many similar schools are already operating in your locality. This shows the approximate level of competition.
  • Is there enough demand for their services? Including among the adult population.
  • What dance styles are the most popular.
  • Approximate price level for subscriptions.

Having received the necessary information, compare it with your goals and capabilities. If your resources allow and there is demand, organize classes for both adults and children. Children need to be divided into certain age groups(junior, middle, senior) for 15-20 people. Schedule classes based on the wishes and capabilities of your future cadets. As a rule, it is more convenient for adults to study during the day or late in the evening, and for children, depending on their employment in educational institutions.

What kind of space is needed for a dance school?

Meet, as you know, on clothes. And the room in which you will offer your potential cadets to study is just that very “clothes”. After visiting the school, the future dancer should have only positive impressions.

Therefore, when choosing a room, pay attention to the following:

  1. The basis - the dance hall, should be spacious enough, preferably at least 90 square meters. m.
  2. The hall should be bright and equipped with a good hood.
  3. There must be two dressing rooms: men's and women's.
  4. Showers are highly welcome.
  5. The teaching staff should have their own office space.

If all of the above conditions are met, it will be possible to organize a full-fledged dance school.

Where is it better to open a dance school: we decide on the location

Often the place where the school will be located will be the determining factor in the decision of your potential student. The location of the school should be easily accessible, it should be easy to get to it, including by public transport. Near it should be a place for parking cars.

It is desirable that there are no dance studios of your competitors nearby. . When choosing the location of the school, you need to take into account the size and population density of your locality. It doesn't have to be in the city center. Here, as a rule, the cost of renting premises is higher, and their choice is less.

How to arrange a dance school: an approximate design project

When developing a design project for a dance school, it is necessary to take into account the dance styles that will be taught in it. Decor dance hall contributes to the creation of a certain psychological mood among those involved. This mood should correspond to the type of dance. The easiest way to create harmony between the dance and the mood of the students is to decorate the walls in a certain color palette.

It has long been noted that yellow and orange colors give a sense of fun and ease. Green and beige colors are more neutral, give a feeling of confidence, and normalize blood pressure. Red strokes will help add passion and sharpness. Pink color sets you on a romantic wave.

Therefore, for certain styles of dancing, it is advisable to take into account the following recommendations for the color design of the walls:

  • Yellow and orange with elements of red – latin, hip-hop, breakdancing and similar rhythmic styles
  • Green, beige - classic and folk dances, belly dance, ballroom dancing etc.

Oriental dances require special treatment . Various color combinations and decorative elements associated with the oriental landscape and their beautiful fairy-tale works are acceptable here.

To paint the walls, you need to use a dense breathable paint that is not washed off with water. You can use vinyl wallpaper. One of the walls should be mirrored. The mirror should start at a height of no more than 70 centimeters from the floor. Width - at least 180 cm. But if more, then better. Gaps and installation angles between component mirrors should be invisible. This will ensure a correct, undistorted reflection. Another wall can be evenly hung with a plain curtain, not very different in color from other walls. She will create an imitation of a stage in a dance hall.

Particular attention should be paid to the flooring . Non-slip matte parquet is considered an ideal floor for dancing. You can use high-density laminate or special stage linoleum. In any case, the floor covering must be dense, wear-resistant and even.

To create a hall lighting system, conventional halogen lamps are suitable. Spot light elements around the perimeter of the mirror will give a special mood and give a useful light stream to the side of the dancers. Directional light elements can be useful. Depending on the wishes, their direction and color can usually be changed. An interesting solution would be to place several elements of a mirror film on the ceiling in addition to them.

All the efforts and expenses associated with the right interesting design of the dance hall will certainly justify themselves more than once.

Equipment needed for a dance school

The dance studio, for the possibility of full-fledged classes, must be equipped with necessary equipment and related elements.

In addition to the mirror wall already mentioned above, and lighting equipment, you must have:

  1. Quality ballet barre.
  2. Music system with high quality sound.
  3. Equipment for heating and cooling the hall.

At least one wall must be equipped with a ballet barre. This is a special handrail with a diameter of 50 mm, attached at a certain height to the wall. It is usually performed from a tree or duralumin pipe covered with veneer. It is usually used for stretching, as well as for choreography and ballet classes.

The music system must be multifunctional. This means that it can play sound from media files of different formats and various music discs.
Cooling the dance hall is usually done by properly installed split systems. Heating must be centralized system heating.

Depending on the specifics of certain dance directions, the hall is equipped with other elements in the form of ribbons, poles, etc.

Recruitment for a dance school

Qualitatively selected teaching staff is the basis and main core of your dance studio. It is from these people that the level of preparation of your students will depend, and, consequently, the further image of your school. And these are ratings, and won prizes at various festivals, and good memory grateful graduates.

Well, if you revolve in this area. Then it will be easier for you to find real professionals in the field of education. dance art. These should be people not only with a high class of dance skills, but also with the ability to transfer this skill to their students. He must be able to capture the attention of students, captivate them with the art of dance. . Therefore, in your team of teachers, you should select candidates who combine the skill of a dancer and the ability to teach.

How to attract customers to a dance school: advertising and business marketing

No matter how eminent the teachers in the new dance school are, it will not be possible to attract a sufficient number of customers without advertising and a set of marketing actions. Although in themselves such names in the composition are already an advertisement for the school.

As the main areas for advertising, we can recommend the following:

  • Internet advertising . This is the most effective action in our time. You should advertise your school on Yandex, Google, in a special 2GIS resource, in various in social networks(VKontakte, Instagram, etc.)
  • Banner on the building where the school is located. It should attract the eyes of people passing by and passing by.
  • Advertising on local music radio channels .

The range of marketing activities for this business can be quite wide. Here it is important to take into account the specifics and direction of the studio, it is necessary to determine the immediate plans and the desired perspective in its activities.

The most effective marketing actions to attract customers can be:

  1. Carrying out various promotions to purchase your subscriptions at a reduced price. For example - the first two months of classes for 50% of the total cost.
  2. Encourage your students in case they bring other clients to you. For example, bring a friend with you and get a free month of classes.
  3. demonstration performances at local city holidays. This is advertising and marketing at the same time.

As a rule, after starting work, an understanding of what else can attract your target audience gradually appears. Your students themselves will tell you this.

How much does it cost to open a dance school from scratch: a ready-made business plan to help

Your business plan should take into account all possible costs and potential income from the operation of the school. Due to the fact that the financial situation is currently unstable, we will replace some numerical values ​​with Latin letters in the calculations. The cost of opening a school is the sum of all initial investments.

They need to include:

  • Costs for the purchase and installation of the necessary equipment.
  • Expenses for designer renovation of the studio.
  • The cost of an advertising and information sign on the building in which the school is located.

Let's denote this sum as Y.

The monthly expenses include:

  1. Monthly rent (denoted as w).
  2. Salaries for teaching staff (denoted by g).
  3. Advertising expenses (r).

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