Oriental dance lessons for children 8 years old. Children's oriental dances


In oriental dances children are accepted, usually, from 5 years old. It is during this period that the child is especially plastic, which will easily help him to practice oriental dances. Of course, this type of activity is more suitable for girls, because it great opportunity learn graceful movements and moreover, be in the role real princess- costumes for oriental dances are truly magical.

However, it is worth noting that boys sometimes attend this circle, because oriental dances are very good for health.

Belly dancing perfectly develops coordination of movements, helps liberate shy children and contributes to the development acting skills. Moreover, all kinds of circles also teach the child to manage his time and discipline him.

Very useful classes children with overweight , since oriental dances are able to correct the figure and train the child's muscular apparatus.

Also, classes allow children to make new friends, because in the circle they are united by one thing, which perfectly allows you to find a common language.

For girls, oriental dancing is especially important.- they help to avoid gynecological problems in the future.

Features of classes

Oriental dance classes usually take place 2-3 times a week. Toddlers are taught simple movements, work out various dance combinations with them, which later allows you to do a dance and do flexibility exercises. Workouts usually begin with light warm-ups and end with stretching to relieve tension.

Please note that up to 8 years old, the child must perform only plastic exercises in the classroom and light waves - all kinds of hip shaking at this age can adversely affect health.

By the age of 9, coaches add more elements to classes, including "eights", "wave" and hip strikes. In this period exercises should be performed carefully and not at full strength, since the developing organism should not be subjected to sudden and unusual movements. By adolescence, children are mastering the full complex of movements of oriental dances with might and main.

Before captivating your child with oriental dances, try to introduce him to the culture and customs of the East. It will be good to read fairy tales and watch cartoons on this topic - for example, about Aladdin.

About the form for classes

For normal training, the child needs comfortable shoes, swimsuit and hip scarf with all sorts of decorations.

Beautiful full-fledged costumes are needed only for reporting concerts and performances at the end of the year, so you should not throw out a lot of money on them as soon as the child starts studying.

Clothing for performances is sold both ready-made and sewn to order. There are combinations with harem pants, a belt, sleeves and a bodice, or large bright skirts are put on the bottom instead of harem pants.

The costume can be made of satin, large mesh, velvet trimmed with sequins, fringe or rhinestones. A monist is purchased separately - an indispensable part of any oriental costume.

Before buying or tailoring an outfit, you should consider its style - you need to choose from those that will not hamper the movement of the child.

Modern oriental dances for children are a great opportunity for girls to get to know the culture of the East, learn to control their bodies, develop plasticity and femininity in themselves. Classes help you feel like real princesses, costumes for performances allow you to develop your own skills in the future. own style clothes.

Parents are happy to send their children to specialized dance schools and studios, because they know that there their children will be taught flexibility and plasticity, a complex special exercises form the correct posture, help to tighten the abdominal muscles. Young ladies will have a chiseled figure, and as you know, this is very important for every woman! Classes in groups are held in a creative atmosphere under incendiary musical compositions. For each group, an individual training program is drawn up, which takes into account the age of each child, physical capabilities and level of stress.

Dancing for beginners

Learning begins with understanding the simplest basic movements and aimed at developing their coordination. Oriental dance lessons for beginners give a chance to learn how to fully control your body. At first, children are offered the simplest bundles of movements with arms, hips and abdomen, which over time are combined into compositions.

Group lessons are open to all comers from the age of 5 years. In the beginning, they teach the correct setting of the body and hands. Game form of classes, helps to quickly assimilate new material. A beautiful walk allows every young lady to show her femininity. In addition, this is a great incentive to start dancing and develop plasticity in yourself.

Oriental dance is good for the health of every girl. Everyone knows that on female body A rush of blood flow to the pelvic area has a positive effect, this is an excellent prevention of various gynecological diseases.

Music for oriental dances

Before starting the learning process, each coach selects special music that will help reveal talent. For oriental dances, the music must be energetic, rhythmic and fast. Often, for these purposes, preference is given to modern instrumental melody motifs, to the rhythms of which it is convenient to perform hip shaking.

Children's suits

As a rule, beautiful oriental costumes for girls have a simple cut and consist of a bodice, belt and long skirt- This classic version. Dresses are sewn from bright fabrics and are distinguished by rich decorations. Costumes do not have to be bought in specialized dance stores. You can necessary elements sew in the atelier to order. To make the image look complete, the specialists of the studio will help you choose additional accessories. Look at the photo:

The most important thing to remember is that children's costumes for oriental dances should not restrict movement! Speaking in it at the competition, every girl should feel comfortable.

How do oriental dances

Unlike secondary school, where many do not want to study, children attend oriental dance training with pleasure. They run to training as if it were a holiday, knowing that here they will get a boost of energy and energy. Have a good mood! You can start exercising at home by turning on pleasant music and videos for beginners. Moreover, it is quite interesting to watch how children dance oriental dances. They make it quite touching.

Video lessons for girls 5-7 years old

Starting from the age of 7, you can comprehend the main types of steps - camel, cross. Of the new movements added - rocking the hips, "dumps", sliding. In the lessons they offer to improvise, and also give tasks based on the proposed set of movements that you need to use to compose your individual number. Watch free tutorial videos:

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Video training for children 9-10 years old

At the age of 9-10 years, the dance skill level is noticeably higher than that of 5-year-old kids. It is already much easier to comprehend new movements - "eights", small "blows", "shaking" and others. Contemporary choreography gives complete freedom for improvisation. Performances are held in one breath, and beautiful performances open up the limitless possibilities of the human body! How to dance oriental dances for children:

Dance is an integral part human life. An opportunity to show your talents, show your individuality, and in addition to strengthen your health, make movements more plastic, flexible. From the young age the person begins to react to the music. The child claps his hands or stomps in place when he hears an incendiary melody. This suggests that every person has a predisposition to dancing. But how this talent will develop and how it will manifest itself in the end is another matter.

They do not depend on fashion trends

There is a huge variety dance styles. As the fashion for clothes changes, so does the fashion for dances, but there are those that have existed for several centuries and do not become less popular because of this. These can be called ballroom, folk and For children, they are much more important than just performing a certain set of movements, which are pleasant to watch from the side.

Undoubted advantages

Modern parents claim that oriental dances for children are an opportunity to form a figure, correct form spine, develop strength, agility, endurance, and strengthen character. Specific movements are especially useful for girls: they will not only learn how to feel musical rhythm but also reveal their natural femininity. A thin waist for fans of this dance direction is provided.

Choice of parents and children

More recently, this direction was new for the inhabitants of our country, but today, answering the question of which direction of dance you would choose for yourself or your child, an increasing number of votes are given for oriental dances. For children, this is an opportunity to have fun, make new friends, put on incredible Nice dress for a performance, for parents - confidence in the good health of their child, the opportunity to strengthen the strength of his character, make him more confident, and, of course, an additional reason for pride.

Culture of the whole country

in the countries of the Middle East and North Africa women's dances- this is a whole direction of the culture of the people. The science of how to dance oriental dances for children began from the very early age. Except cultural heritage This had another equally important significance. In these countries, the main and sometimes the only purpose of a woman is the birth and upbringing of children. For motherhood plays big role how the muscles of the small pelvis and the press are developed. Oriental dances are primarily aimed at training these areas. For the children of our country, the question of motherhood is not raised from such an early age, but the strengthening of the general state of health, which can be achieved as a result of regular classes, will not interfere with any child.

Great option for psychotherapy

We all know about the existence of the so-called transition periods in personality development. Associated with awareness of oneself as an individual, with a change in the environment ( kindergarten- school), understanding of many things that come with age, in the psyche of the child there are very important processes. And it is on how they pass that it depends on what place a person will take in the future in society, what results he will achieve in life, how he will be - brave and self-confident or constrained, squeezed by the quiet. Eastern dance for children, this is, first of all, an opportunity to make the periods of growing up smoother, to avoid conflicts in adolescence, understand the girl the advantages of her body, learn not to be shy about it. Having given their child to such classes, parents will be able to see how, right before their eyes, from a small fledgling and sometimes fluffy chick grows lovely swan, with a proud posture and knowing his own worth.

Dream for a little princess

Costumes for oriental dances attract special attention. For children, wearing such a dress is just a dream. Expensive silks, flowing lines, stones, rhinestones, sparkles - isn't this the dream of a little princess of the East?

Oriental dance lessons for children include basic elements, but even simple performances are performed young talents lead to delight. It is known that what younger child, the more plastic his body is, therefore, it is advised to send children to classes as early as possible. But oriental dances for children are unique in this matter. At whatever age the training begins, the result will still be amazing. Perhaps this explains the popularity of the chosen dance direction.

If only parents dream of enrolling a child in a circle, and the child is categorically against it, try a little trick. Read the tales of the East together, watch cartoons that correspond to the theme. It is likely that the girl will be interested in how to dance oriental dances. For children, and for adults too, it is very important to believe in a fairy tale, and such dances allow not only to believe in it, but also to completely immerse yourself.

It is unlikely that there would be a person who does not like the art of oriental dance. Beautiful and smooth movements are able to charm with their magnetism. Today there are about fifty types of oriental dances. Undoubtedly, the most popular is the classical belly dance, which is performed by women in all countries of the world.

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Photo gallery: Modesty and sexuality in one bottle - oriental dances

Beautiful oriental dances (video)

Belly dance is also called bellydance and it has its own subspecies. Today, three forms are distinguished: classical bellydance, folk (folklore) and modern. Let's take a closer look at each of them to understand the differences.

classical dance belly is considered standard, many choreographic schools teach it. In the performance, separate movements of the legs and arms are distinguished, which can be combined with each other. Basic Lessons in classical oriental dance - this is learning the five basic movements of the legs. The main movement is steady standing still without strong emphasis on the thumbs. In addition, there are three main types of hand movements, the basic one is called a semicircle (sometimes “eye”), when the dancers create a semicircle with the help of their hands.

If we consider folk oriental dances, they also have their own clear classification of subspecies. We will focus only on the most common of them.

The first is the sword dance. He demonstrates both femininity and courage.

Another popular and very beautiful oriental show is Khaliji. It is especially appreciated by oriental men, since during the performance of this dance, the appearance of the girl plays a big role, namely, a beautiful suit made of translucent fabric and loose long hair. The Saidi dance differs from the previous ones in that it is not allowed to show bare parts female body. The girl must be dressed in a long tight dress, and a headscarf must cover her head.

Another incredible sight is the Nubian dance, which is performed by a group of dancers with tambourines in their hands. Along with others, folk oriental dances with a snake or with a scarf are also popular. These are the sexiest performances among the folklore group, requiring great skill. Today it is most often a solo performance at some gala event.

Oriental dances differ from classical and folk dances in that they do not have any secret meaning. Their goal is to show the beauty of the movements of the female body. Such performances can be divided into two subspecies - the tribal is performed by a group of girls and combines elements of African and Asian action, and tribal fusion is based on European dance traditions and is performed both solo and in a group.

The costume used for oriental action is called bedla. It consists of a bodice embroidered with multi-colored stones or rhinestones, and a long skirt with a slit and a wide belt. Sometimes more modest girls use a translucent scarf, which covers their bare shoulders and arms, as well as their hair.

Oriental dance lessons for children

Oriental dances for girls can be learned from an early age. childhood. They are good for health and physical form child. First, the basic movements of belly dancing keep the abdominal and back muscles in good shape. Secondly, during classes, a correct and beautiful posture is worked out. Thirdly, by repeating the movements of bellydance, the child trains his respiratory system, saturating the body with oxygen.

Oriental art will be an excellent solution for children who, for health reasons, are contraindicated in active sports. The smooth and flexible movements of this type of dance do not put a load on the body, and at the same time contribute to the formation thin waist, plastic and strong hands through specific movements of the hips, abdomen, arms and shoulders. Moreover, after learning the basic movements, every girl will learn to feel her body, which will certainly manifest itself in her natural self-confidence. Oriental dances for children are also good because the physical load is distributed evenly over all muscle groups.

Psychotherapists recommend that closed and unsociable children choose oriental dances as therapy, as they turn a shy, quiet child into an open and cheerful child. But hyperactive children, on the contrary, will learn to control their energy - bewitching music and slow movements make the child more calm and balanced, accustom to discipline and direct all energy into the mainstream of art.

Watching children perform oriental dances is a pleasure. The combination of childish spontaneity and cheerfulness with bright costumes and skillful technique cannot but please parents.

Oriental dances for beginners

It is quite possible to learn this luxurious act at home, but you can feel the atmosphere of a true belly dance only in a group or in front of an audience, which can be either a crowded hall or a beloved partner. In any case, if you decide to attend oriental dance courses, we recommend that you home environment try to repeat with us a video lesson for beginners.

Start learning oriental art follows from the repetition of the base. By the way, knowing only the basic movements and skillfully combining them to a melody, you can already create your own masterpiece. The main thing is to perform your first dance with soul in order to recharge with positive energies for the future study of technique.

Each workout should begin with a warm-up, since for oriental dance it is very important that the muscles are warmed up and plastic. The warm-up takes 2-5 minutes, but you can increase the warm-up time if you wish. We recommend warming up the body with the help of tilts and rotations of the head, arms, shoulders, hands.

Next, we proceed to the study of the basic movements of the Eastern representation. The first movement is called the hip pull, and it is quite simple to perform: put your feet in one line and rotate your hips from right to left with the maximum amplitude of the swing. The second basic movement is called the chest draw. It is similar to the previous one, but it will move here rib cage. Next, we learn to make a circle with our hips: we put our feet shoulder-width apart, leave our arms and shoulders motionless and begin to rotate our hips, as if drawing a circle with the largest possible radius. These are the three main movements, without which a beautiful oriental action is impossible.

Professional dancers claim that the technique of the East is not so difficult, and beginners should repeat the dance elements as often as possible. Only practice can awaken real dancing talent in you, be it oriental dance or any other.

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