Belly dance is all about belly dancing. History of belly dance


Kamal Ballan on teaching belly dance

Belly dance -it is a genre that connects the soul with the body, opening the way to the joys of life. He will acquaint you for the first time with his body and with new sensations from the touch of the air around ...

IN Lately many schools have opened that claim to be able to teach belly dancing. However, many students experienced great disappointment with these schools. The ability to dance by yourself is not enough to put yourself in the place of a teacher. Choreography, psychology and many, many other sciences are necessary to communicate with people as a teacher. But not only. After all, teaching belly dancing and dancing in general is not just teaching seductive movements! This is, first of all, learning to develop coordination - the inability to connect hands with legs in motion cannot be called a dance. The skill of coordinated movements is developed special exercises, which is desirable to repeat daily. A competent teacher will offer you suitable movements for this, which will also help develop body plasticity. But the monotonous repetition “up to seven sweats” of the same elements after the instructor is a serious reason to think. The only thing that you are guaranteed to gain from such an activity is “Schwarzenegger” muscles.

The second, without which a full-fledged dance training is impossible, is training in the correct listening to music. Music, especially Arabic, does not involve free dancing - on the contrary. Turns, shaking, figure-eights, even super-technically performed by a "star" dancer, must be performed to the music. That is, only when it is justified to her. Unfortunately, even the most eminent dancer and teacher can sin with a complete misunderstanding of the musical material.

Teaching belly dance on video is also not the best the best option. It can even be harmful if you blindly copy the dancer on the screen. It's not even that a number of training records contain technical errors in the performance of belly dance elements. The dancer in the video has a different nature and figure, a different soul, a different personality. You have your own personality. Love her! Love belly dance, which is designed to reveal the uniqueness of every woman! And come to class. You need live communication with the teacher so that he can solve your specific problems. It would be very wise to start learning dance individually, taking at least a few lessons (at least five). First of all, they will help you develop beautiful (that is, suitable for you personally) positions of the body, arms, legs in the dance, and straighten your posture. Yes, individual lessons will cost a little more than group lessons, but this will tremendously speed up your understanding and knowledge and, in addition, save you, as a beginner dancer, from psychological discomfort when joining a dance group, where one way or another everyone compares himself with others.

Let's sum up summary. When choosing a belly dance school for classes, take this issue seriously. You are doing it for yourself, investing your time, money and effort, and the task of a competent teacher is to provide a full return. A belly dance teacher as a professional should know music, choreography, psychology and, preferably, Arabic And Arab culture. After all, a genuine belly dance is an ancient and noble art, has nothing to do with vulgar dance in the restaurant "a la East". Only a professional and a true fan of this genre will instill in you a love for it. Only with a competent teacher will your first steps in dance one day turn into a confident gait on the way to the inspiring joy of freely owning your body.

Return to yourself, love yourself, do not allow yourself to be deceived, do not spare time to make our fleeting life more beautiful and happier. Everything depends on you. I am waiting for you!..

Arab, composer and choreographer Kamal Ballan

Belly dancing, or bellydance, is very popular right now. Plastic movements, incendiary music and beautiful costumes literally captivate the audience. Belly dancing is not only very beautiful, but also useful.

Facts about belly dance

Over the years, the popularity of belly dancing has been gaining momentum. Here are a few interesting facts about bellydance:

  1. The name of the dance appeared at the end of the 19th century. Although the dance itself has centuries of history, it was danced in antiquity, the term "bellydance" itself appeared relatively recently, namely at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.
  2. Belly dancing is good for health. It develops plasticity, improves posture, positively affects blood circulation, as well as joint mobility.
  3. Anyone can start bellydance. In order to start belly dancing, you do not need to look for a dance partner (as, for example, in Latin American or ballroom dancing), you don’t need to have special choreographic training (as ballet requires, for example), your age and figure parameters are also not important - a dancer can be 20 or 40 years old, and your clothing size does not matter. All you need is the desire to dance and learn dance moves.
  4. Belly dancing is uplifting. Being engaged in dance group to incendiary rhythmic music, you not only improve your physical form but also get a big charge of positive energy and good mood.
  5. Various directions. Bellydance has many styles, among which you can always choose the most suitable one. These are folklore dances of Saidi, Khaliji, modern show belly dance, fitness belly dance (a combination of dance and aerobics elements). Gained great popularity tribal style, which is characterized by smoother and slow movements, compared to classic bellydance.
  6. The emergence of new hobbies and hobbies. If you are a belly dancer, then you will certainly need to buy or sew a costume yourself, think over the hairstyle and makeup for the performance, and choose the right jewelry. All this develops aesthetic taste. Perhaps, when making your next costume, you will discover a talent for needlework in yourself - many famous dancers have opened their own tailoring atelier, or perhaps you decide to study at professional courses make-up artists.
  7. Dance helps to realize the dream of the stage. If you have always dreamed of performing on stage, but still did not know how to do it, belly dancing gives you the opportunity! It is not necessary to have an acting education or classical choreographic training in order to learn a dance for a performance, because bellydance training available to almost anyone who wants to learn how to dance beautifully.
  8. Helps to reveal new facets of your character. If you are tired of the usual routine, office work if you want to add bright colors in your life, it is worth trying to learn how to dance belly dance. You will be able to express yourself in creativity, which means making your life more interesting!

We all, regardless of age, want to be liked. opposite sex. Oriental dances are a kind of art of light seduction. Looking at how belly dance is performed, you involuntarily remember oriental harems where female beauty was highly valued. Graceful bodies of beauties, beautiful alluring movements of the hips, long black eyelashes, a mysterious look - the bewitching dances of oriental beauties can charm anyone!

But in order to make an impression, it is not necessary to be a super beauty, it is enough to feel like one. After all, everyone has different tastes feminine beauty, but the ability to control your body, to be plastic gives odds to their owners.

A woman performing an oriental belly dance becomes a real sorceress. She will captivate those around her with her magic, dipping them in fairy tale. Belly dancing is hypnosis with the body. It is impossible to remain indifferent!


In addition to moral satisfaction from their attractiveness, oriental dance lessons will bring considerable benefits to your health.

Oriental dance classes will strengthen the muscles of the abdominal pelvis, which is very useful for those who are going to give birth or have already given birth.

The general well-being of those attending belly dancing classes also improves, since all muscle groups are trained, especially the muscles that contribute to better digestion. The whole body is kept in good shape.

For those who would like to learn more about the benefits of belly dancing, we have written a separate article "Belly dancing and its health benefits for women".


Oriental dance can be learned at any age.

In our dance school you will find belly dancing lessons for beginners, where we will teach you the most basic movements, we will help you create a certain “alphabet”, with the help of which you can easily dance in the future. After all, dance is improvisation, though well prepared. Our oriental dance school will help you create your own improvisation! You will discover your own style, highlight your strengths create your own fairy tale.

By attending oriental dance lessons for beginners, you will gain good mood, a better figure and better health.

For those who have already practiced and have basic training, our studio oriental dance will offer groups different levels training, from which you can choose the one that suits your level.

Belly dancing in Moscow is a way to relieve the stress of a business day, relax your soul and work your body. If you are looking for oriental dances in Moscow, come to us, we will give you the magic of an oriental fairy tale!

To sign up for oriental dance classes (belly dances), fill out the registration form or leave a request by phone: 8-926-497-03-21.






600 rub.
200 rub.

1 200 rub.
300 rub.

1 800 rub.
400 rub.


600 rub.


hour per week
4-5 hours per month
2 000 rub.
1 900 rub.
438 rubles/hour

hours a week
8-10 hours per month
4 000 rub.
3 200 rub.
369 rubles/hour

hours a week
12-15 hours per month
6 000 rub.
4 400 rub.
338 rubles/hour

Combine business with pleasure!
Every woman strives to ensure that her beauty, body flexibility, skin charm and graceful movements are preserved as long as possible. To do this, the beautiful half of humanity resorts to aerobics, shaping, and debilitating diets. All this, of course, is not bad and can bring temporary results. But many hundreds of years ago in the East they already came up with the right way to preserve youth and beauty. At the same time, not only without exhausting your body with unbearable loads, but also giving pleasure to yourself and others. Do you remember when Pushkin's Tsar Dodon even forgot about the death of his sons? He was fascinated by the dance of the Shamakhan queen. I can bet that the queen performed the famous oriental belly dance.

As old as the world, history ...
The story goes that belly dance first appeared in Egypt. Initially, it was just a folklore dance, not associated with any rituals, and was performed mainly for entertainment. Village girls made several plastic movements with their hips, combining them with graceful swings of their hands. The strong half of humanity was wildly delighted. Almost every woman, regardless of class limits, tried herself in this exciting field, wanting to please men. But with the advent of Islam in Egypt, the popularity of belly dancing dropped sharply, and then completely disappeared. Girls from wealthy families no longer performed it, as it was considered unworthy and indecent. Centers cultural life moved to Europe, in particular, to Spain. The interpenetration of dance forms and customs led to the emergence Spanish dance flamenco based on a large number of belly dance techniques. And traditional oriental dances, in turn, absorbed elements of gypsy and Spanish dances.

It seemed that belly dancing, having “mixed” with the dance traditions of other cultures, would slowly disappear as an original phenomenon. But in the 19th century, after the conquest of Africa by the French, the former fascinating art shone with new colors. French classical choreographers were simply shocked by this ancient dance. They added several new elements to it, complicated some of the tricks, making the belly dance more professional. Since that time, oriental dances began their solemn procession on the dance stage all over the world.

Complexes… Complexes… Complexes…
Interestingly, in the process of practicing this dance, you can learn a lot about yourself. For example, about ... their psychological complexes. Few people know that the enslaved lower body speaks of repressed sexuality, and the upper one indicates a lack of sincere and open communication with others. In general, belly dancing is not just fun. Rather, it is a phenomenon. It is no coincidence that it is called the dance of joy. Complicated and beautiful, he absolutely does not tolerate when something is done in him through force. Each movement should give a person primarily physical pleasure. Such debilitating overcoming of oneself, which can be found in sports dancing or in aerobics, for belly dancing is completely unacceptable - it destroys his whole inner philosophy.

It should be noted that belly dancing makes the entire human body work to the limit of its capabilities. After a few months of classes, you will feel tangible results. Do not think that these results will be associated only with the correction of the shape of your abdomen by strengthening the muscles. There are many other positive aspects associated with the comprehension of the mysterious oriental dance. Firstly, there will be an improvement in general well-being, and secondly, you will no longer be tormented by pain in the spine, so characteristic of the current "sitting" time. Thirdly, you will forever forget what salt deposition is. Plus, if you had problems in terms of gynecology, then they will be solved. Not too bad for a start, right? I'm not talking about the fact that dancing will give your figure the seductive forms of Arab dancers and you will always be in good shape and enjoy life.

Seven troubles - one answer
Belly dancing has a beneficial effect not only on physical health women, it improves her psychological well-being. This is due to the fact that during the dance "work" all energy centers. A woman begins to feel more confident, believes in her attractiveness, regardless of age and external data. Ultimately in personal and intimate life the long-awaited harmony comes, and unnecessary nervousness and tension disappear from relationships with others.

If you decide to learn belly dancing, you first need to think about your costume. Its main details are long skirt, crop top and loincloth. Put on your hands all the bracelets and monist you have and start to comprehend the secrets of dance Oriental women.

Today, belly dancing usually consists of three parts. This is "taksim", actually dance and shaking. "Taksim" is performed to slow music. During it, the dancer usually stands still and improvises, slightly playing with her body. Unlike "taksim", the dance itself is always accompanied by very energetic music and is replete with various elements. Shaking is called such a movement of the knees, which creates vibration in the whole body. Every part of the body literally shakes, although only the knees actually move. All these elements can be combined in a dance in absolutely different sequence. It is curious that shaking to some extent replaces massage, and also has a beneficial effect on the shape of the breast.

Remember that the main thing in belly dancing is not strict adherence to the canons, but temperament and emancipation. The basis of belly dancing is improvisation. But still, there are some rules and exercises for faster mastering the art of dance.

Dance is a matter of technique
One of the main exercises to learn is volume eights back and forth. It is necessary to achieve the most smooth movements with a motionless upper body. Having mentally drawn a figure eight on the floor, stand in its intended center. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart, and put your left thigh slightly forward. Then, without lifting your heels off the floor, draw half of an imaginary eight with your left thigh. Back the thigh to the maximum "twisted" position. After a pause, do the same with your right thigh. In the future, alternate these movements until you get tired. A similar exercise with a figure eight can also be done “on a vertical plane”. The hips alternately rise either straight or sideways. It is very important at the same time to stand on the whole foot, and the knees should be in a slightly bent position. to the extremely important and useful exercises can be attributed to large and smooth circles of the hips. With a straight back, mentally imagine a circle in a horizontal plane and try to outline it from behind with your buttocks. Pull your stomach in as much as possible. A very productive exercise is the “rocking chair”, it must be performed while standing on toes. Feet should be brought together and knees slightly bent. Raise your hips alternately up, while the navel should remain motionless. And finally, the exercise beautiful name"wave". To perform it, stand on your toes half a turn towards the intended viewer and describe a circle with your hips from bottom to front - up and back. This exercise is most often performed with the body moving forward or to the side.

One of the components of the preliminary training is a cycle of shock exercises. It has three groups. The first group of exercises is “belly punches”. Sitting on the floor, relax your stomach and try to lift it up with the movement of your hips. The second group - "blows buttocks." In the same sitting position, imagine a certain point a little further than the buttocks. Then sharply pull your buttocks back to this imaginary point. Take a short break after each movement. And finally, the third group of exercises is “hip strikes”. Lie on your side, bring your hip forward and up as much as possible, and then sharply lower it down. All these exercise cycles should be performed in such a way that the non-participating parts of the body do not experience any load. Remember that belly dancing is the path to your physical freedom, not to fatigue and overload.

Philosophy of oriental dances
Don't be put off by the fact that things may not work out at first. It promises to be too tangible final result. After all, the technique of belly dancing allows you to give loads precisely to those muscle groups that are very rarely involved, not only in Everyday life but when playing sports. For example, these are the internal muscles of the pelvis. And they are known to play last role in a woman's life. If these muscles are sufficiently developed, then childbirth will be much easier and calmer. I note that for those women who are just about to become mothers, the dance will be a good preparation for the process of bearing and giving birth to a child, and for those who have already completed their childbearing function, the dance will help to recover after childbirth. Yes, during pregnancy individual approach some elements of belly dancing won't hurt at all.

Many of those who have been practicing oriental dances for a long time are sure that this is not only physical and psychological self-improvement, but also spiritual path. Experienced dancers say that while dancing, they feel some non-material vibrations pass through their bodies. These vibrations seem to lift a person above the mortal world, calling to spiritual heights and further self-improvement. Perhaps this is due to the fact that in feminine nature always a priority creativity. And through dance, this beginning is fully realized. Dance classes enable any woman to realize one simple thing: outer beauty depends directly on internal state, and from a woman's awareness of her uniqueness. And this very originality is revealed by belly dance.

Through dance, a certain “content” is laid into a woman. Young dancer with early years improves his aesthetic taste, learns to win and keep love. Dance is able to give rise to feelings in people much more sublime than those that they encounter in everyday life. Therefore, one of essential conditions comprehending the art of belly dancing is considered the ability to maintain a certain state. If the dancer focuses not on a series of whimsical movements, but on the mesmerizing state in which she is during the dance, then she is on the right track.

Belly dancing is becoming more and more fashionable among women these days. different ages And social groups. One can only welcome this, because the benefits of it are so obvious.

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